hbvpdf.prg | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
FUNCTION | pdfInit()
function pdfInit() /* ============================================================= */ s_aReport := array( PARAMLEN ) return s_aReport | hbvpdf.prg | 10 |
FUNCTION | pdfWidth( _nWidth )
function pdfWidth( _nWidth ) /* ============================================================= */ s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] := _nWidth return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 18 |
FUNCTION | pdfTextWidth( cStr )
function pdfTextWidth( cStr ) /* ============================================================= */ return pdfLen( cStr ) / 25.4 | hbvpdf.prg | 26 |
FUNCTION | pdfAtSay( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
function pdfAtSay( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) /* ============================================================= */ local _nFont, lReverse, nAt DEFAULT nRow to s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT cUnits to "R" DEFAULT lExact to .f. DEFAULT cId to "" IF s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return pdfHeader( "PDFATSAY", cId, { cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact } ) ENDIF IF ( nAt := at( "#pagenumber#", cString ) ) > 0 cString := left( cString, nAt - 1 ) + ltrim(str( pdfPageNumber())) + substr( cString, nAt + 12 ) ENDIF lReverse := .f. IF cUnits == "M" nRow := pdfM2Y( nRow ) nCol := pdfM2X( nCol ) ELSEIF cUnits == "R" IF !lExact pdfCheckLine( nRow ) nRow := nRow + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] ENDIF nRow := pdfR2D( nRow ) nCol := pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nCol * 100.00 / s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( s_aReport[ PAGEX ] - pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 ENDIF IF !empty( cString ) cString := pdfStringB( cString ) IF right( cString, 1 ) == chr(255) //reverse cString := left( cString, len( cString ) - 1 ) pdfBox( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow - s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] + 2.0 , nCol, s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow + 2.0, nCol + pdfM2X( pdfLen( cString )) + 1,,100, "D") s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += " 1 g " lReverse := .t. ELSEIF right( cString, 1 ) == chr(254) //underline cString := left( cString, len( cString ) - 1 ) pdfBox( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow + 0.5, nCol, s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow + 1, nCol + pdfM2X( pdfLen( cString )) + 1,,100, "D") ENDIF // version 0.01 IF ( nAt := at( chr(253), cString )) > 0 // some color text inside s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cString, nAt + 1, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cString, nAt + 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cString, nAt + 3, 1 )) + " rg " cString := stuff( cString, nAt, 4, "") ENDIF // version 0.01 _nFont := ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], {|arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ FONTNAME ]} ) IF !( s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] == s_aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] ) s_aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] := s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "BT /Fo" + ltrim(str( _nFont )) + " " + ltrim(transform( s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ], "999.99")) + " Tf " + ltrim(transform( nCol, "9999.99" )) + " " + ltrim(transform( nRow, "9999.99" )) + " Td (" + cString + ") Tj ET" ELSEIF s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] != s_aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] s_aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] := s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "BT /Fo" + ltrim(str( _nFont )) + " " + ltrim(transform( s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ], "999.99")) + " Tf " + ltrim(transform( nCol, "9999.99" )) + " " + ltrim(transform( nRow, "9999.99" )) + " Td (" + cString + ") Tj ET" ELSE s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "BT " + ltrim(transform( nCol, "9999.99" )) + " " + ltrim(transform( nRow, "9999.99" )) + " Td (" + cString + ") Tj ET" ENDIF IF lReverse s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += " 0 g " ENDIF ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 32 |
FUNCTION | pdfBold()
function pdfBold() /* ================== */ IF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Times" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 2 ELSEIF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Helvetica" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 6 ELSE s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 10 // Courier // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { s_aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 102 |
FUNCTION | pdfBoldItalic()
function pdfBoldItalic() /* ======================== */ IF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Times" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 4 ELSEIF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Helvetica" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 8 ELSE s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 12 // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { s_aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 118 |
FUNCTION | pdfBookAdd( cTitle, nLevel, nPage, nLine )
function pdfBookAdd( cTitle, nLevel, nPage, nLine ) /* =================================================== */ aadd( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ], { nLevel, alltrim( cTitle ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nPage, IIF( nLevel == 1, s_aReport[ PAGEY ], s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nLine * 72 / s_aReport[ LPI ] ) }) return Nil | hbvpdf.prg | 134 |
FUNCTION | pdfBookClose( )
function pdfBookClose( ) /* ======================== */ s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] := nil return Nil | hbvpdf.prg | 140 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfBookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel )
static function pdfBookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel ) /* ================================================= */ local nTempLevel := 0, nCount := 0, nLen := len( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno while nRecno <= nLen nTempLevel := s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nTempLevel <= nCurLevel exit ELSE IF nCurLevel + 1 == nTempLevel ++nCount ENDIF ENDIF ++nRecno enddo return -1 * nCount | hbvpdf.prg | 146 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfBookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
static function pdfBookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) /* ======================================================= */ local nFirst := 0, nLen := len( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno IF nRecno <= nLen IF nCurLevel + 1 == s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] nFirst := nRecno ENDIF ENDIF return IIF( nFirst == 0, nFirst, nObj + nFirst ) | hbvpdf.prg | 164 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfBookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
static function pdfBookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) /* ====================================================== */ local nLast := 0, nLen := len( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno IF nRecno <= nLen IF nCurLevel + 1 == s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] while nRecno <= nLen .and. nCurLevel + 1 <= s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nCurLevel + 1 == s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] nLast := nRecno ENDIF ++nRecno enddo ENDIF ENDIF return IIF( nLast == 0, nLast, nObj + nLast ) | hbvpdf.prg | 176 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfBookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
static function pdfBookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) /* ====================================================== */ local nTempLevel := 0, nNext := 0, nLen := len( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno while nRecno <= nLen nTempLevel := s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nCurLevel > nTempLevel exit ELSEIF nCurLevel == nTempLevel nNext := nRecno exit ELSE // keep going ENDIF ++nRecno enddo return IIF( nNext == 0, nNext, nObj + nNext ) | hbvpdf.prg | 193 |
FUNCTION | pdfBookOpen( )
function pdfBookOpen( ) /* ======================= */ s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] := {} return Nil | hbvpdf.prg | 212 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfBookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
static function pdfBookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) /* ======================================================== */ local nTempLevel := 0 local nParent := 0 --nRecno while nRecno > 0 nTempLevel := s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nTempLevel < nCurLevel nParent := nRecno exit ENDIF --nRecno enddo return IIF( nParent == 0, nObj - 1, nObj + nParent ) | hbvpdf.prg | 218 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfBookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
static function pdfBookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) /* ====================================================== */ local nTempLevel := 0 local nPrev := 0 --nRecno while nRecno > 0 nTempLevel := s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nCurLevel > nTempLevel exit ELSEIF nCurLevel == nTempLevel nPrev := nRecno exit ELSE // keep going ENDIF --nRecno enddo return IIF( nPrev == 0, nPrev, nObj + nPrev ) | hbvpdf.prg | 234 |
FUNCTION | pdfBox( x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits, cColor, cId )
function pdfBox( x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits, cColor, cId ) /* =============================================================== */ local cBoxColor DEFAULT nBorder to 0 DEFAULT nShade to 0 DEFAULT cUnits to "M" DEFAULT cColor to "" // version 0.02 cBoxColor := "" IF !empty( cColor ) cBoxColor := " " + Chr_RGB( substr( cColor, 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cColor, 3, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cColor, 4, 1 )) + " rg " IF empty( alltrim( cBoxColor ) ) cBoxColor := "" ENDIF ENDIF // version 0.02 IF s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return pdfHeader( "PDFBOX", cId, { x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits } ) ENDIF IF cUnits == "M" y1 += 0.5 y2 += 0.5 IF nShade > 0 // version 0.02 s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + transform( 1.00 - nShade / 100.00, "9.99") + " g " + cBoxColor + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y2 - y1 ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( x2 - x1 ))) + " re f 0 g" ENDIF IF nBorder > 0 s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y2 - y1 ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( nBorder ))) + " re f" s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y2 - nBorder ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( nBorder ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( x2 - x1 ))) + " re f" s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2Y( x2 - nBorder ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y2 - y1 ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( nBorder ))) + " re f" s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( nBorder ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(pdfM2X( x2 - x1 ))) + " re f" ENDIF ELSEIF cUnits == "D"// "Dots" //x1, y1, x2, y2 - nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight IF nShade > 0 // version 0.02 s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + transform( 1.00 - nShade / 100.00, "9.99") + " g " + cBoxColor + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( y2 - y1 )) + " -" + ltrim(str( x2 - x1 )) + " re f 0 g" ENDIF IF nBorder > 0 /* 1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ 4 ³ ³ 2 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3 */ s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( y2 - y1 )) + " -" + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " re f" s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y2 - nBorder )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " -" + ltrim(str( x2 - x1 )) + " re f" s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - x2 + nBorder )) + " " + ltrim(str( y2 - y1 )) + " -" + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " re f" s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " -" + ltrim(str( x2 - x1 )) + " re f" ENDIF ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 254 |
FUNCTION | pdfBox1( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nBorderWidth, cBorderColor, cBoxColor )
function pdfBox1( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nBorderWidth, cBorderColor, cBoxColor ) /* =============================================================== */ DEFAULT nBorderWidth to 0.5 DEFAULT cBorderColor to chr(0) + chr(0) + chr(0) DEFAULT cBoxColor to chr(255) + chr(255) + chr(255) s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBorderColor, 1, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBorderColor, 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBorderColor, 3, 1 )) + ; " RG" + ; CRLF + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBoxColor, 1, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBoxColor, 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBoxColor, 3, 1 )) + ; " rg" + ; CRLF + ltrim(str( nBorderWidth )) + " w" + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( nLeft + nBorderWidth / 2 )) + " " + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nBottom + nBorderWidth / 2)) + " " + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( nRight - nLeft - nBorderWidth )) + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( nBottom - nTop - nBorderWidth )) + " " + ; " re" + ; CRLF + "B" return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 319 |
FUNCTION | pdfCenter( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
function pdfCenter( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) /* ============================================================== */ local nLen, nAt DEFAULT nRow to s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT cUnits to "R" DEFAULT lExact to .f. DEFAULT nCol to IIF( cUnits == "R", s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] / 2, s_aReport[ PAGEX ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 ) IF s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return pdfHeader( "PDFCENTER", cId, { cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact } ) ENDIF IF ( nAt := at( "#pagenumber#", cString ) ) > 0 cString := left( cString, nAt - 1 ) + ltrim(str( pdfPageNumber())) + substr( cString, nAt + 12 ) ENDIF nLen := pdfLen( cString ) / 2 IF cUnits == "R" IF !lExact pdfCheckLine( nRow ) nRow := nRow + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] ENDIF ENDIF pdfAtSay( cString, pdfR2M( nRow ), IIF( cUnits == "R", s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] + ( s_aReport[ PAGEX ] / 72 * 25.4 - 2 * s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * nCol / s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ], nCol ) - nLen, "M", lExact ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 345 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfCheckLine( nRow )
static function pdfCheckLine( nRow ) /* ==================================== */ IF nRow + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] > s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] pdfNewPage() nRow := s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] ENDIF s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := nRow return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 372 |
FUNCTION | pdfClose()
function pdfClose() /* =================== */ local nI, cTemp, nCurLevel, nObj1, nLast, nCount, nFirst, nRecno, nBooklen FIELD FIRST, PREV, NEXT, LAST, COUNT, PARENT, PAGE, COORD, TITLE, LEVEL pdfClosePage() // kids s_aReport[ REFS ][ 2 ] := s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] cTemp := ; "1 0 obj"+CRLF+; "<<"+CRLF+; "/Type /Pages /Count " + ltrim(str(s_aReport[ REPORTPAGE ])) + CRLF +; "/Kids [" for nI := 1 to s_aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] cTemp += " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGES ][ nI ] )) + " 0 R" next cTemp += " ]" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) // info ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Producer ()" + CRLF + ; "/Title ()" + CRLF + ; "/Author ()" + CRLF + ; "/Creator ()" + CRLF + ; "/Subject ()" + CRLF + ; "/Keywords ()" + CRLF + ; "/CreationDate (D:" + str(year(date()), 4) + padl( month(date()), 2, "0") + padl( day(date()), 2, "0") + substr( time(), 1, 2 ) + substr( time(), 4, 2 ) + substr( time(), 7, 2 ) + ")" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) // root ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<< /Type /Catalog /Pages 1 0 R /Outlines " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 )) + " 0 R" + IIF( ( nBookLen := len( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] )) > 0, " /PageMode /UseOutlines", "") + " >>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] nObj1 := s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] IF nBookLen > 0 nRecno := 1 nFirst := s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 nLast := 0 nCount := 0 while nRecno <= nBookLen nCurLevel := s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPARENT ] := pdfBookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPREV ] := pdfBookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKNEXT ] := pdfBookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKFIRST ] := pdfBookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLAST ] := pdfBookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOUNT ] := pdfBookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel ) IF nCurLevel == 1 nLast := nRecno ++nCount ENDIF ++nRecno enddo nLast += s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] cTemp := ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + "<< /Type /Outlines /Count " + ltrim(str( nCount )) + " /First " + ltrim(str( nFirst )) + " 0 R /Last " + ltrim(str( nLast )) + " 0 R >>" + CRLF + "endobj" //+ CRLF aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] nRecno := 1 FOR nI := 1 to nBookLen cTemp := CRLF + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + nI - 1 )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Parent " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPARENT ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF + ; "/Dest [" + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGES ][ s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPAGE ] ] )) + " 0 R /XYZ 0 " + ltrim( str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOORD ])) + " 0]" + CRLF + ; "/Title (" + alltrim( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKTITLE ]) + ")" + CRLF + ; IIF( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPREV ] > 0, "/Prev " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPREV ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKNEXT ] > 0, "/Next " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKNEXT ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKFIRST ] > 0, "/First " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKFIRST ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLAST ] > 0, "/Last " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLAST ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOUNT ] != 0, "/Count " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOUNT ])) + CRLF, "") + ; ">>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] + 2 ) s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ++nRecno NEXT pdfBookClose() s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] += nBookLen - 1 ELSE cTemp := ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + "<< /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ENDIF cTemp := CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] cTemp += "xref" + CRLF + ; "0 " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + CRLF +; padl( s_aReport[ REFS ][ 1 ], 10, "0") + " 65535 f" + CRLF for nI := 2 to len( s_aReport[ REFS ] ) cTemp += padl( s_aReport[ REFS ][ nI ], 10, "0") + " 00000 n" + CRLF next cTemp += "trailer << /Size " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " /Root " + ltrim(str( nObj1 - 1 )) + " 0 R /Info " + ltrim(str( nObj1 - 2 )) + " 0 R >>" + CRLF + ; "startxref" + CRLF + ; ltrim(str( s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] )) + CRLF + ; "%%EOF" + CRLF fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) /* IF s_aReport[ OPTIMIZE ] pdfOptimize( ) coming ! ENDIF */ fclose( s_aReport[ HANDLE ] ) s_aReport := nil return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 382 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfClosePage()
static function pdfClosePage() /* ============================== */ local cTemp, cBuffer, nBuffer, nRead, nI, k, nImage, nFont, nImageHandle aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) aadd( s_aReport[ PAGES ], s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str( ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R" + CRLF + ; "/Resources " + ltrim(str( ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 R" + CRLF + ; "/MediaBox [ 0 0 " + ltrim(transform( s_aReport[ PAGEX ], "9999.99")) + " " + ; ltrim(transform(s_aReport[ PAGEY ], "9999.99")) + " ]" + CRLF + ; "/Contents " + ltrim(str( ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 R" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str(s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] - 1)) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<"+CRLF+; "/ColorSpace << /DeviceRGB /DeviceGray >>" + CRLF + ; //version 0.01 "/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC ]" IF len( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] ) > 0 cTemp += CRLF + ; "/Font" + CRLF + ; "<<" for nI := 1 to len( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] ) nFont := ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ][ nI ] } ) cTemp += CRLF + "/Fo" + ltrim(str( nFont )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ FONTS ][ nFont ][ 2 ])) + " 0 R" next cTemp += CRLF + ">>" ENDIF IF len( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) > 0 cTemp += CRLF + "/XObject" + CRLF + "<<" for nI := 1 to len( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) nImage := ascan( s_aReport[ IMAGES ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] } ) IF nImage == 0 aadd( s_aReport[ IMAGES ], { s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ], ++s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ], pdfImageInfo( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] ) } ) nImage := len( s_aReport[ IMAGES ] ) ENDIF cTemp += CRLF + "/Image" + ltrim(str( nImage )) + " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 2 ])) + " 0 R" next cTemp += CRLF + ">>" ENDIF cTemp += CRLF + ">>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj << /Length " + ; ltrim(str( s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 )) + " 0 R >>" + CRLF +; "stream" s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) IF len( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) > 0 cTemp := "" for nI := 1 to len( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) cTemp += CRLF + "q" nImage := ascan( s_aReport[ IMAGES ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] } ) cTemp += CRLF + ltrim(str( IIF( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 5 ] == 0, pdfM2X( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_WIDTH ] / s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_XRES ] * 25.4 ), s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 5 ]))) + ; " 0 0 " + ; ltrim(str( IIF( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ] == 0, pdfM2X( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] / s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_YRES ] * 25.4 ), s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ]))) + ; " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ] )) + ; " " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 2 ] - ; IIF( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ] == 0, pdfM2X( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] / s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_YRES ] * 25.4 ), s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ]))) + " cm" cTemp += CRLF + "/Image" + ltrim(str( nImage )) + " Do" cTemp += CRLF + "Q" next s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] := cTemp + s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] ENDIF cTemp := s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] cTemp += CRLF + "endstream" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( ++s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; ltrim(str(len( s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] ))) + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) for nI := 1 to len( s_aReport[ FONTS ] ) IF s_aReport[ FONTS ][ nI ][ 2 ] > s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str( s_aReport[ FONTS ][ nI ][ 2 ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Type /Font" + CRLF + ; "/Subtype /Type1" + CRLF + ; "/Name /Fo" + ltrim(str( nI )) + CRLF + ; "/BaseFont /" + s_aReport[ TYPE1 ][ s_aReport[ FONTS ][ nI ][ 1 ] ] + CRLF + ; "/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ENDIF next for nI := 1 to len( s_aReport[ IMAGES ] ) IF s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 2 ] > s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( s_aReport[ REFS ], s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) // "/Filter /CCITTFaxDecode" for B&W only ? cTemp := ; ltrim(str( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 2 ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Type /XObject" + CRLF + ; "/Subtype /Image" + CRLF + ; "/Name /Image" + ltrim(str(nI)) + CRLF + ; "/Filter [" + IIF( at( ".jpg", lower( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ]) ) > 0, " /DCTDecode", "" ) + " ]" + CRLF + ; "/Width " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_WIDTH ] )) + CRLF + ; "/Height " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] )) + CRLF + ; "/BitsPerComponent " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_BITS ] )) + CRLF + ; "/ColorSpace /" + IIF( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_SPACE ] == 1, "DeviceGray", "DeviceRGB") + CRLF + ; "/Length " + ltrim(str( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ])) + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "stream" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) nImageHandle := fopen( s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] ) fseek( nImageHandle, s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_FROM ] ) nBuffer := 8192 cBuffer := space( nBuffer ) k := 0 while k < s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ] IF k + nBuffer <= s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ] nRead := nBuffer ELSE nRead := s_aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ] - k ENDIF fread( nImageHandle, @cBuffer, nRead ) s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += nRead fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cBuffer, nRead ) k += nRead enddo fclose( nImageHandle ) cTemp := CRLF + "endstream" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ENDIF next s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] := s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] := s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 4 s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] := "" return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 525 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfGetFontInfo( cParam )
static function pdfGetFontInfo( cParam ) /* ======================================== */ local cRet IF cParam == "NAME" IF left( s_aReport[ TYPE1 ][ s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ], 5 ) == "Times" cRet := "Times" ELSEIF left( s_aReport[ TYPE1 ][ s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ], 9 ) == "Helvetica" cRet := "Helvetica" ELSE cRet := "Courier" // 0.04 ENDIF ELSE // size cRet := int(( s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] - 1 ) % 4) ENDIF return cRet | hbvpdf.prg | 712 |
FUNCTION | pdfImage( cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth, cId )
function pdfImage( cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth, cId ) /* ==================================================================== */ DEFAULT nRow to s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT nCol to 0 DEFAULT nHeight to 0 DEFAULT nWidth to 0 DEFAULT cUnits to "R" DEFAULT cId to "" IF s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return pdfHeader( "PDFIMAGE", cId, { cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth } ) ENDIF IF cUnits == "M" nRow := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - pdfM2Y( nRow ) nCol := pdfM2X( nCol ) nHeight := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - pdfM2Y( nHeight ) nWidth := pdfM2X( nWidth ) ELSEIF cUnits == "R" nRow := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - pdfR2D( nRow ) nCol := pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nCol * 100.00 / s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( s_aReport[ PAGEX ] - pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 nHeight := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - pdfR2D( nHeight ) nWidth := pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nWidth * 100.00 / s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( s_aReport[ PAGEX ] - pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 ELSEIF cUnits == "D" ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ], { cFile, nRow, nCol, nHeight, nWidth } ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 729 |
FUNCTION | pdfItalic()
function pdfItalic() /* ==================== */ IF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Times" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 3 ELSEIF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Helvetica" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 7 ELSE s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 11 // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { s_aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 765 |
FUNCTION | pdfLen( cString )
function pdfLen( cString ) /* ========================== */ local nWidth := 0.00, nI, nLen, nArr, nAdd := ( s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] - 1 ) % 4 nLen := len( cString ) IF right( cString, 1 ) == chr(255) .or. right( cString, 1 ) == chr(254 )// reverse or underline --nLen ENDIF IF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Times" nArr := 1 ELSEIF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Helvetica" nArr := 2 ELSE nArr := 3 // 0.04 ENDIF if !empty( s_aReport[ FONTWIDTH ] ) For nI:= 1 To nLen nWidth += s_aReport[ FONTWIDTH ][ nArr ][ ( asc( substr( cString, nI, 1 )) - 32 ) * 4 + 1 + nAdd ] * 25.4 * s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] / 720.00 / 100.00 Next endif return nWidth | hbvpdf.prg | 781 |
static function pdfM2R( mm ) /* ============================ */ return int( s_aReport[ LPI ] * mm / 25.4 ) | hbvpdf.prg | 806 |
static function pdfM2X( n ) /* =========================== */ return n * 72 / 25.4 | hbvpdf.prg | 811 |
static function pdfM2Y( n ) /* =========================== */ return s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - n * 72 / 25.4 | hbvpdf.prg | 816 |
FUNCTION | pdfNewLine( n )
function pdfNewLine( n ) /* ======================== */ DEFAULT n to 1 IF s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] + n + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] > s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] pdfNewPage() s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] += 1 ELSE s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] += n ENDIF return s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] | hbvpdf.prg | 821 |
FUNCTION | pdfNewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize )
function pdfNewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize )/* ==========================================================================================*/ local nAdd := 76.2 DEFAULT _cPageSize to s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] DEFAULT _cPageOrient to s_aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] DEFAULT _nLpi to s_aReport[ LPI ] DEFAULT _cFontName to pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") DEFAULT _nFontType to pdfGetFontInfo("TYPE") DEFAULT _nFontSize to s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] IF !empty(s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ]) pdfClosePage() ENDIF s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] := {} s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] := {} ++s_aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] // NEW !!! pdfPageSize( _cPageSize ) pdfPageOrient( _cPageOrient ) pdfSetLPI( _nLpi ) pdfSetFont( _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize ) pdfDrawHeader() s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := 0//5 s_aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] := 0 s_aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] := 0 return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 833 |
FUNCTION | pdfNormal()
function pdfNormal() /* ==================== */ IF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Times" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 1 ELSEIF pdfGetFontInfo("NAME") = "Helvetica" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 5 ELSE s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 9 // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { s_aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 866 |
FUNCTION | pdfOpen( cFile, nLen, lOptimize )
function pdfOpen( cFile, nLen, lOptimize ) /* ========================================== */ local cTemp, nI, nJ, n1, n2 := 896, n12 DEFAULT nLen to 200 DEFAULT lOptimize to .f. s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 1 s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] := 10 s_aReport[ LPI ] := 6 s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] := "LETTER" s_aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] := "P" s_aReport[ PAGEX ] := 8.5 * 72 s_aReport[ PAGEY ] := 11.0 * 72 s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] := nLen // 200 // should be as parameter s_aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] := 0 s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := 0//5 s_aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] := 0 s_aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] := 0 s_aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] := "" s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] := 1//2 s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] := 0 s_aReport[ TYPE1 ] := { "Times-Roman", "Times-Bold", "Times-Italic", "Times-BoldItalic", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Courier", "Courier-Bold", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-BoldOblique" } // 0.04 s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] := .f. s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] := 0 s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := 1 // top s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := 10 // left & right s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * s_aReport[ LPI ] - 1 // bottom, default "LETTER", "P", 6 s_aReport[ HANDLE ] := fcreate( cFile ) s_aReport[ PAGES ] := {} s_aReport[ REFS ] := { 0, 0 } s_aReport[ BOOKMARK ] := {} s_aReport[ HEADER ] := {} s_aReport[ FONTS ] := {} s_aReport[ IMAGES ] := {} s_aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] := {} s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] := {} // TOFIX: This external file dependency should be removed. cTemp := vpdf_FontsDat() // times, times-bold, times-italic, times-bolditalic, helvetica..., courier... // 0.04 n1 := len( cTemp ) / ( 2 * n2 ) s_aReport[ FONTWIDTH ] := array( n1, n2 ) s_aReport[ OPTIMIZE ] := lOptimize s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] := s_aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 4 n12 := 2 * n2 // 0.04 for nI := 1 to n1 for nJ := 1 to n2 s_aReport[ FONTWIDTH ][ nI ][ nJ ] := bin2i(substr( cTemp, ( nI - 1 ) * n12 + ( nJ - 1 ) * 2 + 1, 2 )) next next s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] := 0 cTemp := "%PDF-1.3" + CRLF s_aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( s_aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 882 |
FUNCTION | pdfPageSize( _cPageSize, _nWidth, _nHeight )
function pdfPageSize( _cPageSize, _nWidth, _nHeight ) /* ================================== */ local nSize, aSize, nWidth, nHeight aSize := { { "LETTER", 8.50, 11.00 }, ; { "LEGAL" , 8.50, 14.00 }, ; { "LEDGER", 11.00, 17.00 }, ; { "EXECUTIVE", 7.25, 10.50 }, ; { "A4", 8.27, 11.69 }, ; { "A3", 11.69, 16.54 }, ; { "JIS B4", 10.12, 14.33 }, ; { "JIS B5", 7.16, 10.12 }, ; { "JPOST", 3.94, 5.83 }, ; { "JPOSTD", 5.83, 7.87 }, ; { "COM10", 4.12, 9.50 }, ; { "MONARCH", 3.87, 7.50 }, ; { "C5", 6.38, 9.01 }, ; { "DL", 4.33, 8.66 }, ; { "B5", 6.93, 9.84 }, ; { "USSTDFOLD", 14.87, 11.00 } } DEFAULT _cPageSize to "LETTER" if empty( _nWidth ) .or. empty( _nHeight ) nSize := ascan( aSize, { |arr| arr[ 1 ] == _cPageSize } ) IF nSize = 0 nSize := 1 ENDIF s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 1 ] nWidth := aSize[ nSize ][ 2 ] nHeight := aSize[ nSize ][ 3 ] else _nWidth := val( str( _nWidth ) ) _nHeight := val( str( _nHeight ) ) nSize := ascan( aSize, { |arr| ( arr[ 2 ] == _nWidth ) .and. ( arr[ 3 ] == _nHeight ) } ) if nSize == 0 nSize := ascan( aSize, { |arr| ( arr[ 3 ] == _nWidth ) .and. ( arr[ 2 ] == _nHeight ) } ) endif IF nSize = 0 nSize := 1 ENDIF s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 1 ] nWidth = _nWidth nHeight = _nHeight endif IF s_aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] = "P" s_aReport[ PAGEX ] := nWidth * 72 s_aReport[ PAGEY ] := nHeight * 72 ELSE s_aReport[ PAGEX ] := nHeight * 72 s_aReport[ PAGEY ] := nWidth * 72 ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 945 |
FUNCTION | pdfPageOrient( _cPageOrient )
function pdfPageOrient( _cPageOrient ) /* ====================================== */ DEFAULT _cPageOrient to "P" s_aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] := _cPageOrient pdfPageSize( s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1014 |
static function pdfR2D( nRow ) /* ============================== */ return s_aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow * 72 / s_aReport[ LPI ] | hbvpdf.prg | 1023 |
static function pdfR2M( nRow ) /* ============================== */ return 25.4 * nRow / s_aReport[ LPI ] | hbvpdf.prg | 1029 |
FUNCTION | pdfPageNumber( n )
function pdfPageNumber( n ) /* =========================== */ DEFAULT n to 0 IF n > 0 s_aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] := n // NEW !!! ENDIF return s_aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] | hbvpdf.prg | 1034 |
FUNCTION | pdfReverse( cString )
function pdfReverse( cString ) /* ============================== */ return cString + chr(255) | hbvpdf.prg | 1043 |
FUNCTION | pdfRJust( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
function pdfRJust( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) /* ============================================================= */ local nLen, nAdj := 1.0, nAt DEFAULT nRow to s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT cUnits to "R" DEFAULT lExact to .f. IF s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return pdfHeader( "PDFRJUST", cId, { cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact } ) ENDIF IF ( nAt := at( "#pagenumber#", cString ) ) > 0 cString := left( cString, nAt - 1 ) + ltrim(str( pdfPageNumber())) + substr( cString, nAt + 12 ) ENDIF nLen := pdfLen( cString ) IF cUnits == "R" IF !lExact pdfCheckLine( nRow ) nRow := nRow + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] ENDIF ENDIF pdfAtSay( cString, pdfR2M( nRow ), IIF( cUnits == "R", s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] + ( s_aReport[ PAGEX ] / 72 * 25.4 - 2 * s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * nCol / s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] - nAdj, nCol ) - nLen, "M", lExact ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1048 |
FUNCTION | pdfSetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId )
function pdfSetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId ) /* ================================================== */ DEFAULT _cFont to "Times" DEFAULT _nType to 0 DEFAULT _nSize to 10 IF s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return pdfHeader( "PDFSETFONT", cId, { _cFont, _nType, _nSize } ) ENDIF _cFont := upper( _cFont ) s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] := _nSize IF _cFont == "TIMES" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nType + 1 ELSEIF _cFont == "HELVETICA" s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nType + 5 ELSE s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nType + 9 // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( s_aReport[ FONTS ], { s_aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++s_aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1075 |
FUNCTION | pdfSetLPI(_nLpi)
function pdfSetLPI(_nLpi) /* ========================= */ local cLpi := alltrim(str(_nLpi)) DEFAULT _nLpi to 6 cLpi := iif(cLpi$"1;2;3;4;6;8;12;16;24;48",cLpi,"6") s_aReport[ LPI ] := val( cLpi ) pdfPageSize( s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1105 |
FUNCTION | pdfStringB( cString )
function pdfStringB( cString ) /* ============================== */ cString := strtran( cString, "(", "\(" ) cString := strtran( cString, ")", "\)" ) return cString | hbvpdf.prg | 1117 |
FUNCTION | pdfTextCount( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits )
function pdfTextCount( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits )/* ==============================================================================*/ return pdfText( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, .f. ) | hbvpdf.prg | 1124 |
FUNCTION | pdfText( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, cColor, lPrint )
function pdfText( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, cColor, lPrint )/* =================================================================================*/ local cDelim := chr(0)+chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(26)+chr(32)+chr(138)+chr(141) local nI, cTemp, cToken, k, nL, nRow, nLines, nLineLen, nStart local lParagraph, nSpace, nNew, nTokenLen, nCRLF, nTokens, nLen DEFAULT nTab to -1 DEFAULT cUnits to 'R' DEFAULT nJustify to 4 // justify DEFAULT lPrint to .t. DEFAULT cColor to "" IF cUnits == "M" nTop := pdfM2R( nTop ) ELSEIF cUnits == "R" nLeft := pdfX2M( pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nLeft * 100.00 / s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( s_aReport[ PAGEX ] - pdfM2X( s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 ) ENDIF s_aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := nTop - 1 nSpace := pdfLen( " " ) nLines := 0 nCRLF := 0 nNew := nTab cString := alltrim( cString ) nTokens := numtoken( cString, cDelim ) nTokenLen := 0.00 nStart := 1 IF nJustify == 1 .or. nJustify == 4 nLeft := nLeft ELSEIF nJustify == 2 nLeft := nLeft - nLength / 2 ELSEIF nJustify == 3 nLeft := nLeft - nLength ENDIF nL := nLeft nL += nNew * nSpace // first always paragraph nLineLen := nSpace * nNew - nSpace lParagraph := .t. nI := 1 while nI <= nTokens cToken := token( cString, cDelim, nI ) nTokenLen := pdfLen( cToken ) nLen := len( cToken ) IF nLineLen + nSpace + nTokenLen > nLength IF nStart == nI // single word > nLength k := 1 while k <= nLen cTemp := "" nLineLen := 0.00 nL := nLeft IF lParagraph nLineLen += nSpace * nNew IF nJustify != 2 nL += nSpace * nNew ENDIF lParagraph := .f. ENDIF IF nJustify == 2 nL := nLeft + ( nLength - pdfLen( cTemp ) ) / 2 ELSEIF nJustify == 3 nL := nLeft + nLength - pdfLen( cTemp ) ENDIF while k <= nLen .and. ( ( nLineLen += pdfLen( substr( cToken, k, 1 ))) <= nLength ) nLineLen += pdfLen( substr( cToken, k, 1 )) cTemp += substr( cToken, k, 1 ) ++k enddo IF empty( cTemp ) // single character > nlength cTemp := substr( cToken, k, 1 ) ++k ENDIF ++nLines IF lPrint nRow := pdfNewLine( 1 ) // version 0.02 pdfAtSay( cColor + cTemp, pdfR2M( nRow + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] ), nL, "M" ) ENDIF enddo ++nI nStart := nI ELSE pdfTextPrint( nI - 1, nLeft, @lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, @nLineLen, @nLines, @nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( nI == nTokens ) .or. ( nI < nTokens .and. ( nCRLF := pdfTextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI ) ) > 0 ) IF nI == nTokens nLineLen += nSpace + nTokenLen ENDIF pdfTextPrint( nI, nLeft, @lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, @nLineLen, @nLines, @nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint ) ++nI IF nCRLF > 1 nLines += nCRLF - 1 ENDIF IF lPrint nRow := pdfNewLine( nCRLF - 1 ) ENDIF ELSE nLineLen += nSpace + nTokenLen ++nI ENDIF enddo return nLines | hbvpdf.prg | 1129 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfTextPrint( nI, nLeft, lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, nLineLen, nLines, nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint )
static function pdfTextPrint( nI, nLeft, lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, nLineLen, nLines, nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint )/* =========================================================================================================================================*/ local nFinish, nL, nB, nJ, cToken, nRow nFinish := nI nL := nLeft IF lParagraph IF nJustify != 2 nL += nSpace * nNew ENDIF ENDIF IF nJustify == 3 // right nL += nLength - nLineLen ELSEIF nJustify == 2 // center nL += ( nLength - nLineLen ) / 2 ENDIF ++nLines IF lPrint nRow := pdfNewLine( 1 ) ENDIF nB := nSpace IF nJustify == 4 nB := ( nLength - nLineLen + ( nFinish - nStart ) * nSpace ) / ( nFinish - nStart ) ENDIF for nJ := nStart to nFinish cToken := token( cString, cDelim, nJ ) IF lPrint // version 0.02 pdfAtSay( cColor + cToken, pdfR2M( nRow + s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] ), nL, "M" ) ENDIF nL += pdfLen ( cToken ) + nB next nStart := nFinish + 1 lParagraph := .f. nLineLen := 0.00 nLineLen += nSpace * nNew return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1244 |
STATIC FUNCTION | pdfTextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI )
static function pdfTextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI ) /* ====================================================== */ local nAt, cAt, nCRLF, nNew, nRat, nRet := 0 // check if next spaces paragraph(s) nAt := attoken( cString, cDelim, nI ) + len( token( cString, cDelim, nI ) ) cAt := substr( cString, nAt, attoken( cString, cDelim, nI + 1 ) - nAt ) nCRLF := numat( chr(13) + chr(10), cAt ) nRat := rat( chr(13) + chr(10), cAt ) nNew := len( cAt ) - nRat - IIF( nRat > 0, 1, 0 ) IF nCRLF > 1 .or. ( nCRLF == 1 .and. nNew > 0 ) nRet := nCRLF ENDIF return nRet | hbvpdf.prg | 1290 |
FUNCTION | pdfUnderLine( cString )
function pdfUnderLine( cString ) /* ================================ */ return cString + chr(254) | hbvpdf.prg | 1305 |
static function pdfX2M( n ) /* =========================== */ return n * 25.4 / 72 | hbvpdf.prg | 1310 |
static function TimeAsAMPM( cTime ) /* =================================== */ IF VAL(cTime) < 12 cTime += " am" ELSEIF VAL(cTime) == 12 cTime += " pm" ELSE cTime := STR(VAL(cTime) - 12, 2) + SUBSTR(cTime, 3) + " pm" ENDIF cTime := left( cTime, 5 ) + substr( cTime, 10 ) return cTime | hbvpdf.prg | 1315 |
FUNCTION | pdfOpenHeader( cFile )
function pdfOpenHeader( cFile ) local nErrorCode := 0, nAt DEFAULT cFile to "" IF !empty( cFile ) cFile := alltrim( cFile ) IF len( cFile ) > 12 .or. ; at( ' ', cFile ) > 0 .or. ; ( at( ' ', cFile ) == 0 .and. len( cFile ) > 8 ) .or. ; ( ( nAt := at( '.', cFile )) > 0 .and. len( substr( cFile, nAt + 1 )) > 3 ) copy file (cFile) to temp.tmp cFile := "temp.tmp" ENDIF //s_aReport[ HEADER ] := FT_RestArr( cFile, @nErrorCode ) s_aReport[ HEADER ] := File2Array( cFile ) ELSE s_aReport[ HEADER ] := {} ENDIF s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1327 |
FUNCTION | pdfEditOnHeader()
function pdfEditOnHeader() s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] := .t. s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1347 |
FUNCTION | pdfEditOffHeader()
function pdfEditOffHeader() s_aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] := .f. s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1352 |
FUNCTION | pdfCloseHeader()
function pdfCloseHeader() s_aReport[ HEADER ] := {} s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .f. return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1357 |
FUNCTION | pdfDeleteHeader( cId )
function pdfDeleteHeader( cId ) local nRet := -1, nId cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( s_aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) IF nId > 0 nRet := len( s_aReport[ HEADER ] ) - 1 aDel( s_aReport[ HEADER ], nId ) aSize( s_aReport[ HEADER ], nRet ) s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ENDIF return nRet | hbvpdf.prg | 1362 |
FUNCTION | pdfEnableHeader( cId )
function pdfEnableHeader( cId ) local nId cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( s_aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) IF nId > 0 s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ][ 1 ] := .t. s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1374 |
FUNCTION | pdfDisableHeader( cId )
function pdfDisableHeader( cId ) local nId cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( s_aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) IF nId > 0 s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ][ 1 ] := .f. s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1384 |
FUNCTION | pdfSaveHeader( cFile )
function pdfSaveHeader( cFile ) local nErrorCode := 0 Array2File( 'temp.tmp', s_aReport[ HEADER ] ) copy file temp.tmp to (cFile) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1394 |
FUNCTION | pdfHeader( cFunction, cId, arr )
function pdfHeader( cFunction, cId, arr ) local nId, nI, nLen, nIdLen nId := 0 IF !empty( cId ) cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( s_aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) ENDIF IF nId == 0 nLen := len( s_aReport[ HEADER ] ) IF empty( cId ) cId := cFunction nIdLen := len( cId ) for nI := 1 to nLen IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == cId IF val( substr( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ], nIdLen + 1 ) ) > nId nId := val( substr( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ], nIdLen + 1 ) ) ENDIF ENDIF next ++nId cId += ltrim(str(nId)) ENDIF aadd( s_aReport[ HEADER ], { .t., cFunction, cId } ) ++nLen for nI := 1 to len( arr ) aadd( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nLen ], arr[ nI ] ) next ELSE aSize( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ], 3 ) for nI := 1 to len( arr ) aadd( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ], arr[ nI ] ) next ENDIF return cId | hbvpdf.prg | 1400 |
FUNCTION | pdfDrawHeader()
function pdfDrawHeader() local nI, _nFont, _nSize, nLen := len( s_aReport[ HEADER ] ) IF nLen > 0 // save font _nFont := s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] _nSize := s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] for nI := 1 to nLen IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 1 ] // enabled do case case s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFATSAY" pdfAtSay( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFCENTER" pdfCenter( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFRJUST" pdfRJust( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFBOX" pdfBox( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 9 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 10 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFSETFONT" pdfSetFont( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFIMAGE" pdfImage( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 9 ], s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) endcase ENDIF next s_aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nFont s_aReport[ FONTSIZE ] := _nSize IF s_aReport[ MARGINS ] pdfMargins() ENDIF ELSE IF s_aReport[ MARGINS ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := 1 // top s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := 10 // left & right s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * s_aReport[ LPI ] - 1 // bottom, default "LETTER", "P", 6 s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .f. ENDIF ENDIF return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1435 |
FUNCTION | pdfMargins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom )
function pdfMargins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom ) local nI, nLen := len( s_aReport[ HEADER ] ), nTemp, aTemp, nHeight // version 0.07 begin DEFAULT nTop to 1 // top DEFAULT nLeft to 10 // left & right DEFAULT nBottom to s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * s_aReport[ LPI ] - 1 // bottom, default "LETTER", "P", 6 s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTop s_aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := nLeft s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nBottom // version 0.07 end for nI := 1 to nLen IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 1 ] // enabled IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFSETFONT" ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFIMAGE" IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] == 0 // picture in header, first at all, not at any page yet aTemp := pdfImageInfo( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] ) nHeight := aTemp[ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] / aTemp[ IMAGE_YRES ] * 25.4 IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "D" nHeight := pdfM2X( nHeight ) ENDIF ELSE nHeight := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ENDIF IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "M" nTemp := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] < nTemp nTemp := ( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] + nHeight ) * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "D" nTemp := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 2 IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] < nTemp nTemp := ( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] + nHeight ) * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 72 // top IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 72 // top IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFBOX" IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 10 ] == "M" nTemp := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] < nTemp nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := ( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] + s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF nTemp := ( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] - s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] > nTemp .and. ; s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 10 ] == "D" nTemp := s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 2 IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] < nTemp nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] / s_aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := ( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] + s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) / s_aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF nTemp := ( s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] - s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) / s_aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] > nTemp .and. ; s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] / s_aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "R" nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] // top IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] > s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 2 IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "M" nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] * s_aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] > s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "D" nTemp := s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] / s_aReport[ LPI ] // top IF s_aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] > s_aReport[ PAGEY ] / 2 IF nTemp < s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] s_aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE IF nTemp > s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] s_aReport[ PDFTOP ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF next s_aReport[ MARGINS ] := .f. return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1486 |
FUNCTION | pdfCreateHeader( _file, _size, _orient, _lpi, _width )
function pdfCreateHeader( _file, _size, _orient, _lpi, _width ) local ; s_aReportStyle := { ; { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, ; //"Default" { 2.475, 4.0, 4.9, 6.4, 7.5, 64.0 }, ; //"P6" { 3.3 , 5.4, 6.5, 8.6, 10.0, 85.35 }, ; //"P8" { 2.475, 4.0, 4.9, 6.4, 7.5, 48.9 }, ; //"L6" { 3.3 , 5.4, 6.5, 8.6, 10.0, 65.2 }, ; //"L8" { 2.475, 4.0, 4.9, 6.4, 7.5, 82.0 }, ; //"P6" { 3.3 , 5.4, 6.5, 8.6, 10.0, 109.35 } ; //"P8" } local nStyle := 1, nAdd := 0.00 DEFAULT _size to s_aReport[ PAGESIZE ] DEFAULT _orient to s_aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] DEFAULT _lpi to s_aReport[ LPI ] DEFAULT _width to 200 IF _size == "LETTER" IF _orient == "P" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 2 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 3 ENDIF ELSEIF _orient == "L" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 4 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 5 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF _size == "LEGAL" IF _orient == "P" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 6 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 7 ENDIF ELSEIF _orient == "L" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 4 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 5 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF pdfEditOnHeader() IF _size == "LEGAL" nAdd := 76.2 ENDIF IF _orient == "P" pdfBox( 5.0, 5.0, 274.0 + nAdd, 210.0, 1.0 ) pdfBox( 6.5, 6.5, 272.5 + nAdd, 208.5, 0.5 ) pdfBox( 11.5, 9.5, 22.0 , 205.5, 0.5, 5 ) pdfBox( 23.0, 9.5, 33.5 , 205.5, 0.5, 5 ) pdfBox( 34.5, 9.5, 267.5 + nAdd, 205.5, 0.5 ) ELSE pdfBox( 5.0, 5.0, 210.0, 274.0 + nAdd, 1.0 ) pdfBox( 6.5, 6.5, 208.5, 272.5 + nAdd, 0.5 ) pdfBox( 11.5, 9.5, 22.0, 269.5 + nAdd, 0.5, 5 ) pdfBox( 23.0, 9.5, 33.5, 269.5 + nAdd, 0.5, 5 ) pdfBox( 34.5, 9.5, 203.5, 269.5 + nAdd, 0.5 ) ENDIF pdfSetFont("Helvetica", BOLD, 10) // 0.04 pdfAtSay( "Test Line 1", s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 1 ], 1, "R", .t. ) pdfSetFont("Times", BOLD, 18) pdfCenter( "Test Line 2", s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 2 ],,"R", .t. ) pdfSetFont("Times", BOLD, 12) pdfCenter( "Test Line 3", s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 3 ],,"R", .t. ) pdfSetFont("Helvetica", BOLD, 10) // 0.04 pdfAtSay( "Test Line 4", s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 4 ], 1, "R", .t. ) pdfSetFont("Helvetica", BOLD, 10) // 0.04 pdfAtSay( "Test Line 5", s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 5 ], 1, "R", .t. ) pdfAtSay( dtoc( date()) + " " + TimeAsAMPM( time() ), s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 6 ], 1, "R", .t. ) pdfRJust( "Page: #pagenumber#", s_aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 6 ], s_aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ], "R", .t. ) pdfEditOffHeader() pdfSaveHeader( _file ) return nil | hbvpdf.prg | 1659 |
FUNCTION | pdfImageInfo( cFile )
function pdfImageInfo( cFile ) local cTemp := upper(substr( cFile, rat('.', cFile) + 1 )), aTemp := {} do case case cTemp == "TIF" aTemp := pdfTIFFInfo( cFile ) case cTemp == "JPG" aTemp := pdfJPEGInfo( cFile ) endcase return aTemp | hbvpdf.prg | 1753 |
FUNCTION | pdfTIFFInfo( cFile )
function pdfTIFFInfo( cFile ) local c40 := chr(0)+chr(0)+chr(0)+chr(0) local aType := {"BYTE","ASCII","SHORT","LONG","RATIONAL","SBYTE","UNDEFINED","SSHORT","SLONG","SRATIONAL","FLOAT","DOUBLE"} local aCount := { 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8 } local nTemp, nHandle, cValues, c2, nFieldType, nCount, nPos, nTag, nValues local nOffset, cTemp, cIFDNext, nIFD, nFields, cTag, nPages, nn local nWidth := 0, nHeight := 0, nBits := 0, nFrom := 0, nLength := 0, xRes := 0, yRes := 0, aTemp := {}, nSpace nHandle := fopen( cFile ) c2 := ' ' fread( nHandle, @c2, 2 ) fread( nHandle, @c2, 2 ) cIFDNext := ' ' fread( nHandle, @cIFDNext, 4 ) cTemp := space(12) nPages := 0 while !( cIFDNext == c40 ) //read IFD's nIFD := bin2l( cIFDNext ) fseek( nHandle, nIFD ) //?'*** IFD ' + ltrim(str( ++nPages )) fread( nHandle, @c2, 2 ) nFields := bin2i( c2 ) for nn := 1 to nFields fread( nHandle, @cTemp, 12 ) nTag := bin2w( substr( cTemp, 1, 2 ) ) nFieldType := bin2w(substr( cTemp, 3, 2 )) /* 1 = BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer. 2 = ASCII 8-bit byte that contains a 7-bit ASCII code; the last byte must be NUL (binary zero). 3 = SHORT 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer. 4 = LONG 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer. 5 = RATIONAL Two LONGs: the first represents the numerator of a fraction; the second, the denominator. In TIFF 6.0, some new field types have been defined: 6 = SBYTE An 8-bit signed (twos-complement) integer. 7 = UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that may contain anything, depending on the definition of the field. 8 = SSHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer. 9 = SLONG A 32-bit (4-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer. 10 = SRATIONAL Two SLONG’s: the first represents the numerator of a fraction, the second the denominator. 11 = FLOAT Single precision (4-byte) IEEE format. 12 = DOUBLE Double precision (8-byte) IEEE format. */ nCount := bin2l(substr( cTemp, 5, 4 )) nOffset := bin2l(substr( cTemp, 9, 4 )) IF nCount > 1 .or. nFieldType == RATIONAL .or. nFieldType == SRATIONAL nPos := filepos( nHandle ) fseek( nHandle, nOffset) nValues := nCount * aCount[ nFieldType ] cValues := space( nValues ) fread( nHandle, @cValues, nValues ) fseek( nHandle, nPos ) ELSE cValues := substr( cTemp, 9, 4 ) ENDIF IF nFieldType == ASCII --nCount ENDIF //?'Tag' //??' ' + padr( nTag, 10 ) cTag := '' do case case nTag == 256 /* ImageWidth Tag = 256 (100.H) Type = SHORT or LONG The number of columns in the image, i.e., the number of pixels per scanline. */ //??'ImageWidth' cTag := 'ImageWidth' /* IF nFieldType != SHORT .and. nFieldType != LONG alert('Wrong Type for ImageWidth') ENDIF */ IF nFieldType == SHORT nWidth := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nWidth := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF case nTag == 257 /* ImageLength Tag = 257 (101.H) Type = SHORT or LONG The number of rows (sometimes described as scanlines) in the image. */ //??'ImageLength' cTag := 'ImageLength' /* IF nFieldType != SHORT .and. nFieldType != LONG alert('Wrong Type for ImageLength') ENDIF */ IF nFieldType == SHORT nHeight := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nHeight := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF case nTag == 258 /* BitsPerSample Tag = 258 (102.H) Type = SHORT The number of bits per component. Allowable values for Baseline TIFF grayscale images are 4 and 8, allowing either 16 or 256 distinct shades of gray. */ //??'BitsPerSample' cTag := 'BitsPerSample' nTemp := 0 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ELSE //alert('Wrong Type for BitsPerSample') ENDIF nBits := nTemp //IF nTemp != 4 .and. nTemp != 8 // alert('Wrong Value for BitsPerSample') //ENDIF case nTag == 259 /* Compression Tag = 259 (103.H) Type = SHORT Values: 1 = No compression, but pack data into bytes as tightly as possible, leaving no unused bits (except at the end of a row). The component values are stored as an array of type BYTE. Each scan line (row) is padded to the next BYTE boundary. 2 = CCITT Group 3 1-Dimensional Modified Huffman run length encoding. See Section 10 for a description of Modified Huffman Compression. 32773 = PackBits compression, a simple byte-oriented run length scheme. See the PackBits section for details. Data compression applies only to raster image data. All other TIFF fields are unaffected. Baseline TIFF readers must handle all three compression schemes. */ //??'Compression' cTag := 'Compression' nTemp := 0 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ELSE //alert('Wrong Type for Compression') ENDIF //IF nTemp != 1 .and. nTemp != 2 .and. nTemp != 32773 // alert('Wrong Value for Compression') //ENDIF case nTag == 262 /* PhotometricInterpretation Tag = 262 (106.H) Type = SHORT Values: 0 = WhiteIsZero. For bilevel and grayscale images: 0 is imaged as white. The maxi-mum value is imaged as black. This is the normal value for Compression=2. 1 = BlackIsZero. For bilevel and grayscale images: 0 is imaged as black. The maxi-mum value is imaged as white. If this value is specified for Compression=2, the image should display and print reversed. */ //??'PhotometricInterpretation' cTag := 'PhotometricInterpretation' nTemp := -1 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ELSE //alert('Wrong Type for PhotometricInterpretation') ENDIF IF nTemp != 0 .and. nTemp != 1 .and. nTemp != 2 .and. nTemp != 3 //alert('Wrong Value for PhotometricInterpretation') ENDIF case nTag == 264 /* CellWidth The width of the dithering or halftoning matrix used to create a dithered or halftoned bilevel file.Tag = 264 (108.H) Type = SHORT N = 1 No default. See also Threshholding. */ //??'CellWidth' cTag := 'CellWidth' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for CellWidth') ENDIF case nTag == 265 /* CellLength The length of the dithering or halftoning matrix used to create a dithered or halftoned bilevel file. Tag = 265 (109.H) Type = SHORT N = 1 This field should only be present if Threshholding = 2 No default. See also Threshholding. */ //??'CellLength' cTag := 'CellLength' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for CellLength') ENDIF case nTag == 266 /* FillOrder The logical order of bits within a byte. Tag = 266 (10A.H) Type = SHORT N = 1 */ //??'FillOrder' cTag := 'FillOrder' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for FillOrder') ENDIF case nTag == 273 /* StripOffsets Tag = 273 (111.H) Type = SHORT or LONG For each strip, the byte offset of that strip. */ //??'StripOffsets' cTag := 'StripOffsets' IF nFieldType != SHORT .and. nFieldType != LONG //alert('Wrong Type for StripOffsets') ENDIF IF nFieldType == SHORT nFrom := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nFrom := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF case nTag == 277 /* SamplesPerPixel Tag = 277 (115.H) Type = SHORT The number of components per pixel. This number is 3 for RGB images, unless extra samples are present. See the ExtraSamples field for further information. */ //??'SamplesPerPixel' cTag := 'SamplesPerPixel' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for SamplesPerPixel') ENDIF case nTag == 278 /* RowsPerStrip Tag = 278 (116.H) Type = SHORT or LONG The number of rows in each strip (except possibly the last strip.) For example, if ImageLength is 24, and RowsPerStrip is 10, then there are 3 strips, with 10 rows in the first strip, 10 rows in the second strip, and 4 rows in the third strip. (The data in the last strip is not padded with 6 extra rows of dummy data.) */ //??'RowsPerStrip' cTag := 'RowsPerStrip' IF nFieldType != SHORT .and. nFieldType != LONG //alert('Wrong Type for RowsPerStrip') ENDIF case nTag == 279 /* StripByteCounts Tag = 279 (117.H) Type = SHORT or LONG For each strip, the number of bytes in that strip after any compression. */ //??'StripByteCounts' cTag := 'StripByteCounts' IF nFieldType != SHORT .and. nFieldType != LONG //alert('Wrong Type for StripByteCounts') ENDIF IF nFieldType == SHORT nLength := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nLength := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF nLength *= nCount // Count all strips !!! case nTag == 282 /* XResolution Tag = 282 (11A.H) Type = RATIONAL The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth (typically, horizontal - see Orientation) direction. */ //??'XResolution' cTag := 'XResolution' IF nFieldType != RATIONAL //alert('Wrong Type for XResolution') ENDIF xRes := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) case nTag == 283 /* YResolution Tag = 283 (11B.H) Type = RATIONAL The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength (typically, vertical) direction. */ //??'YResolution' cTag := 'YResolution' IF nFieldType != RATIONAL //alert('Wrong Type for YResolution') ENDIF yRes := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) case nTag == 284 //??'PlanarConfiguration' cTag := 'PlanarConfiguration' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for PlanarConfiguration') ENDIF case nTag == 288 /* FreeOffsets For each string of contiguous unused bytes in a TIFF file, the byte offset of the string. Tag = 288 (120.H) Type = LONG Not recommended for general interchange. See also FreeByteCounts. */ //??'FreeOffsets' cTag := 'FreeOffsets' IF nFieldType != LONG //alert('Wrong Type for FreeOffsets') ENDIF case nTag == 289 /* FreeByteCounts For each string of contiguous unused bytes in a TIFF file, the number of bytes in the string. Tag = 289 (121.H) Type = LONG Not recommended for general interchange. See also FreeOffsets. */ //??'FreeByteCounts' cTag := 'FreeByteCounts' IF nFieldType != LONG //alert('Wrong Type for FreeByteCounts') ENDIF case nTag == 296 /* ResolutionUnit Tag = 296 (128.H) Type = SHORT Values: 1 = No absolute unit of measurement. Used for images that may have a non-square aspect ratio but no meaningful absolute dimensions. 2 = Inch. 3 = Centimeter. Default = 2 (inch). */ //??'ResolutionUnit' cTag := 'ResolutionUnit' nTemp := 0 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ELSE //alert('Wrong Type for ResolutionUnit') ENDIF IF nTemp != 1 .and. nTemp != 2 .and. nTemp != 3 //alert('Wrong Value for ResolutionUnit') ENDIF case nTag == 305 //??'Software' cTag := 'Software' IF nFieldType != ASCII //alert('Wrong Type for Software') ENDIF case nTag == 306 /* DateTime Date and time of image creation. Tag = 306 (132.H) Type = ASCII N = 2 0 The format is: YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS, with hours like those on a 24-hour clock, and one space character between the date and the time. The length of the string, including the terminating NUL, is 20 bytes. */ //??'DateTime' cTag := 'DateTime' IF nFieldType != ASCII //alert('Wrong Type for DateTime') ENDIF case nTag == 315 /* Artist Person who created the image. Tag = 315 (13B.H) Type = ASCII Note: some older TIFF files used this tag for storing Copyright information. */ //??'Artist' cTag := 'Artist' IF nFieldType != ASCII //alert('Wrong Type for Artist') ENDIF case nTag == 320 /* ColorMap Tag = 320 (140.H) Type = SHORT N = 3 * (2**BitsPerSample) This field defines a Red-Green-Blue color map (often called a lookup table) for palette color images. In a palette-color image, a pixel value is used to index into an RGB-lookup table. For example, a palette-color pixel having a value of 0 would be displayed according to the 0th Red, Green, Blue triplet. In a TIFF ColorMap, all the Red values come first, followed by the Green values, then the Blue values. In the ColorMap, black is represented by 0,0,0 and white is represented by 65535, 65535, 65535. */ //??'ColorMap' cTag := 'ColorMap' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for ColorMap') ENDIF case nTag == 338 /* ExtraSamples Description of extra components. Tag = 338 (152.H) Type = SHORT N = m */ //??'ExtraSamples' cTag := 'ExtraSamples' IF nFieldType != SHORT //alert('Wrong Type for ExtraSamples') ENDIF case nTag == 33432 /* Copyright Copyright notice. Tag = 33432 (8298.H) Type = ASCII Copyright notice of the person or organization that claims the copyright to the image. The complete copyright statement should be listed in this field including any dates and statements of claims. For example, “Copyright, John Smith, 19xx. All rights reserved. */ //??'Copyright' cTag := 'Copyright' IF nFieldType != ASCII //alert('Wrong Type for Copyright') ENDIF otherwise //??'Unknown' cTag := 'Unknown' endcase /* ??padr( cTag, 30 ) ??' type ' + padr(aType[ nFieldType ], 10) + ' count ' + ltrim(str(nCount)) + ' <' do case case nFieldType == BYTE for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(asc( substr( cValues, nI, 1 )))) next case nFieldType == ASCII ??' ' for nI := 1 to nCount ??substr( cValues, nI, 1 ) next case nFieldType == SHORT for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(bin2w(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 2 + 1, 2 )))) next case nFieldType == LONG for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(bin2l(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 4 + 1, 4 )))) next case nFieldType == RATIONAL for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(bin2l(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 8 + 1, 4 )))) + '/' + ltrim(str(bin2l(substr( cValues, nI + 4, 4 )))) next case nFieldType == SBYTE for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(asc( substr( cValues, nI, 1 )))) next case nFieldType == UNDEFINED for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + substr( cValues, nI, 1 ) next case nFieldType == SSHORT for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(bin2i(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 2 + 1, 2 )))) next case nFieldType == SLONG for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(bin2l(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 4 + 1, 4 )))) next case nFieldType == SRATIONAL for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(bin2l(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 8 + 1, 4 )))) + '/' + ltrim(str(bin2l(substr( cValues, nI + 4, 4 )))) next case nFieldType == FLOAT case nFieldType == DOUBLE for nI := 1 to nCount ??' ' + ltrim(str(ctof(substr( cValues, ( nI - 1 ) * 8 + 1, 8 )))) next endcase ??' >' */ next fread( nHandle, @cIFDNext, 4 ) enddo fclose( nHandle ) aadd( aTemp, nWidth ) aadd( aTemp, nHeight ) aadd( aTemp, xRes ) aadd( aTemp, yRes ) aadd( aTemp, nBits ) aadd( aTemp, nFrom ) aadd( aTemp, nLength ) nSpace := 0 aadd( aTemp, nSpace ) return aTemp | hbvpdf.prg | 1763 |
FUNCTION | pdfJPEGInfo( cFile )
function pdfJPEGInfo( cFile ) local c255, nAt, nHandle local nWidth := 0, nHeight := 0, nBits := 8, nFrom := 0, nLength := 0, xRes := 0, yRes := 0, aTemp := {} local nBuffer := 20000 local nSpace := 3 // 3 - RGB, 1 - GREY, 4 - CMYK nHandle := fopen( cFile ) c255 := space( nBuffer ) fread( nHandle, @c255, nBuffer ) xRes := asc(substr( c255, 15, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, 16, 1 )) yRes := asc( substr( c255, 17, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, 18, 1 )) nAt := rat( chr(255) + chr(192), c255 ) + 5 nHeight := asc(substr( c255, nAt, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, nAt + 1, 1 )) nWidth := asc( substr( c255, nAt + 2, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, nAt + 3, 1 )) nSpace := asc( substr( c255, nAt + 4, 1 )) nLength := filesize( nHandle ) fclose( nHandle ) aadd( aTemp, nWidth ) aadd( aTemp, nHeight ) aadd( aTemp, xRes ) aadd( aTemp, yRes ) aadd( aTemp, nBits ) aadd( aTemp, nFrom ) aadd( aTemp, nLength ) aadd( aTemp, nSpace ) return aTemp | hbvpdf.prg | 2311 |
STATIC FUNCTION | FilePos( nHandle )
STATIC FUNCTION FilePos( nHandle ) RETURN ( FSEEK( nHandle, 0, FS_RELATIVE ) ) | hbvpdf.prg | 2346 |
STATIC FUNCTION Chr_RGB( cChar ) RETURN str(asc( cChar ) / 255, 4, 2) | hbvpdf.prg | 2349 |
STATIC FUNCTION | NumToken( cString, cDelimiter )
STATIC FUNCTION NumToken( cString, cDelimiter ) RETURN AllToken( cString, cDelimiter ) | hbvpdf.prg | 2352 |
STATIC FUNCTION | Token( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer )
STATIC FUNCTION Token( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer ) RETURN AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, 1 ) | hbvpdf.prg | 2355 |
STATIC FUNCTION | AtToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer )
STATIC FUNCTION AtToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer ) RETURN AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, 2 ) | hbvpdf.prg | 2358 |
STATIC FUNCTION | AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, nAction )
STATIC FUNCTION AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, nAction ) LOCAL nTokens := 0, nPos := 1, nLen := len( cString ), nStart := 0, cToken := "", cRet DEFAULT cDelimiter to chr(0)+chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(26)+chr(32)+chr(138)+chr(141) DEFAULT nAction to 0 // nAction == 0 - numtoken // nAction == 1 - token // nAction == 2 - attoken while nPos <= nLen if !substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter nStart := nPos while nPos <= nLen .and. !substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter ++nPos enddo ++nTokens IF nAction > 0 IF nPointer == nTokens IF nAction == 1 cRet := substr( cString, nStart, nPos - nStart ) ELSE cRet := nStart ENDIF exit ENDIF ENDIF endif if substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter while nPos <= nLen .and. substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter ++nPos enddo endif cRet := nTokens ENDDO RETURN cRet | hbvpdf.prg | 2361 |
STATIC FUNCTION | NumAt( cSearch, cString )
STATIC FUNCTION NumAt( cSearch, cString ) LOCAL n := 0, nAt := 0, nPos := 0 WHILE ( nAt := at( cSearch, substr( cString, nPos + 1 ) )) > 0 nPos += nAt ++n ENDDO RETURN n | hbvpdf.prg | 2397 |
STATIC FUNCTION | FileSize( nHandle )
STATIC FUNCTION FileSize( nHandle ) LOCAL nCurrent LOCAL nLength // Get file position nCurrent := FilePos( nHandle ) // Get file length nLength := FSEEK( nHandle, 0, FS_END ) // nLength := FilePos( nHandle ) // Reset file position FSEEK( nHandle, nCurrent ) RETURN ( nLength ) | hbvpdf.prg | 2405 |
STATIC FUNCTION | Array2File(cFile,aRay,nDepth,hFile)
static function Array2File(cFile,aRay,nDepth,hFile) local nBytes := 0 local i nDepth := iif(ISNUMBER(nDepth),nDepth,0) if hFile == NIL if (hFile := fCreate(cFile,FC_NORMAL)) == -1 return(nBytes) endif endif nDepth++ nBytes += WriteData(hFile,aRay) if ISARRAY(aRay) for i := 1 to len(aRay) nBytes += Array2File(cFile,aRay[i],nDepth,hFile) next endif nDepth-- if nDepth == 0 fClose(hFile) endif return(nBytes) | hbvpdf.prg | 2426 |
STATIC FUNCTION | WriteData(hFile,xData)
static function WriteData(hFile,xData) local cData := valtype(xData) if ISCHARACTER(xData) cData += i2bin(len(xData))+xData elseif ISNUMBER(xData) cData += i2bin(len(alltrim(str(xData))) )+alltrim(str(xData)) elseif ISDATE(xData) cData += i2bin(8)+dtos(xData) elseif ISLOGICAL(xData) cData += i2bin(1)+iif(xData,'T','F') elseif ISARRAY(xData) cData += i2bin(len(xData)) else cData += i2bin(0) // NIL endif return( fWrite(hFile,cData,len(cData)) ) | hbvpdf.prg | 2448 |
STATIC FUNCTION | File2Array(cFile,nLen,hFile)
static function File2Array(cFile,nLen,hFile) LOCAL cData,cType,nDataLen,nBytes local nDepth := 0 local aRay := {} if hFile == NIL if (hFile:=fOpen(cFile,FO_READ)) == -1 return(aRay) endif cData := space(3) fRead(hFile,@cData,3) if left(cData,1) != 'A' return( aRay) endif nLen := bin2i(right(cData,2)) endif do while nDepth < nLen cData := space(3) nBytes := fRead(hFile,@cData,3) if nBytes<3 exit endif cType:= padl(cData,1) nDataLen:= bin2i(right(cData,2)) if cType != 'A' cData := space(nDataLen) nBytes:= fRead(hFile,@cData,nDataLen) if nBytes | ||
hbvpdft.prg | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
METHOD | Init( cFile, nLen, lOptimize ) CONSTRUCTOR
METHOD Init( cFile, nLen, lOptimize ) CONSTRUCTOR | hbvpdft.prg | 55 |
METHOD Init | hbvpdft.prg | 57 |
METHOD AtSay | hbvpdft.prg | 60 |
METHOD | Normal
METHOD Normal | hbvpdft.prg | 61 |
METHOD Bold | hbvpdft.prg | 62 |
METHOD | Italic
METHOD Italic | hbvpdft.prg | 63 |
METHOD | UnderLine
METHOD UnderLine | hbvpdft.prg | 64 |
METHOD | BoldItalic
METHOD BoldItalic | hbvpdft.prg | 65 |
METHOD | BookAdd
METHOD BookAdd | hbvpdft.prg | 66 |
METHOD | BookClose
METHOD BookClose | hbvpdft.prg | 67 |
METHOD | BookOpen
METHOD BookOpen | hbvpdft.prg | 68 |
METHOD Box | hbvpdft.prg | 69 |
METHOD Box1 | hbvpdft.prg | 70 |
METHOD | Center
METHOD Center | hbvpdft.prg | 71 |
METHOD | Close
METHOD Close | hbvpdft.prg | 72 |
METHOD | Image
METHOD Image | hbvpdft.prg | 73 |
METHOD | Length
METHOD Length | hbvpdft.prg | 74 |
METHOD | NewLine
METHOD NewLine | hbvpdft.prg | 75 |
METHOD | NewPage
METHOD NewPage | hbvpdft.prg | 76 |
METHOD | PageSize
METHOD PageSize | hbvpdft.prg | 77 |
METHOD | PageOrient
METHOD PageOrient | hbvpdft.prg | 78 |
METHOD | PageNumber
METHOD PageNumber | hbvpdft.prg | 79 |
METHOD | Reverse
METHOD Reverse | hbvpdft.prg | 80 |
METHOD RJust | hbvpdft.prg | 81 |
METHOD | SetFont
METHOD SetFont | hbvpdft.prg | 82 |
METHOD SetLPI | hbvpdft.prg | 83 |
METHOD | StringB
METHOD StringB | hbvpdft.prg | 84 |
METHOD | TextCount
METHOD TextCount | hbvpdft.prg | 85 |
METHOD Text | hbvpdft.prg | 86 |
METHOD | OpenHeader
METHOD OpenHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 87 |
METHOD | EditOnHeader
METHOD EditOnHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 88 |
METHOD | EditOffHeader
METHOD EditOffHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 89 |
METHOD | CloseHeader
METHOD CloseHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 90 |
METHOD | DeleteHeader
METHOD DeleteHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 91 |
METHOD | EnableHeader
METHOD EnableHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 92 |
METHOD | DisableHeader
METHOD DisableHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 93 |
METHOD | SaveHeader
METHOD SaveHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 94 |
METHOD | Header
METHOD Header | hbvpdft.prg | 95 |
METHOD | DrawHeader
METHOD DrawHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 96 |
METHOD | Margins
METHOD Margins | hbvpdft.prg | 97 |
METHOD | CreateHeader
METHOD CreateHeader | hbvpdft.prg | 98 |
METHOD | ImageInfo
METHOD ImageInfo | hbvpdft.prg | 99 |
METHOD TIFFInfo | hbvpdft.prg | 100 |
METHOD JPEGInfo | hbvpdft.prg | 101 |
METHOD | FilePrint
METHOD FilePrint | hbvpdft.prg | 102 |
METHOD | BookCount
METHOD BookCount | hbvpdft.prg | 103 |
METHOD | BookFirst
METHOD BookFirst | hbvpdft.prg | 104 |
METHOD | BookLast
METHOD BookLast | hbvpdft.prg | 105 |
METHOD | BookNext
METHOD BookNext | hbvpdft.prg | 106 |
METHOD | BookParent
METHOD BookParent | hbvpdft.prg | 107 |
METHOD | BookPrev
METHOD BookPrev | hbvpdft.prg | 108 |
METHOD | CheckLine
METHOD CheckLine | hbvpdft.prg | 109 |
METHOD | ClosePage
METHOD ClosePage | hbvpdft.prg | 110 |
METHOD | GetFontInfo
METHOD GetFontInfo | hbvpdft.prg | 111 |
METHOD M2R | hbvpdft.prg | 112 |
METHOD M2X | hbvpdft.prg | 113 |
METHOD M2Y | hbvpdft.prg | 114 |
METHOD R2D | hbvpdft.prg | 115 |
METHOD R2M | hbvpdft.prg | 116 |
METHOD X2M | hbvpdft.prg | 117 |
METHOD | TextPrint
METHOD TextPrint | hbvpdft.prg | 118 |
METHOD | TextNextPara
METHOD TextNextPara | hbvpdft.prg | 119 |
METHOD | Execute
METHOD Execute ENDCLASS | hbvpdft.prg | 120 |
METHOD TPDF | Init( cFile, nLen, lOptimize )
METHOD tPdf:Init( cFile, nLen, lOptimize ) | hbvpdft.prg | 127 |
METHOD | Init( cFile, nLen, lOptimize )
METHOD Init( cFile, nLen, lOptimize ) #endif local cTemp, nI, nJ, n1, n2 := 896, n12 DEFAULT nLen TO 200 DEFAULT lOptimize TO .f. ::aReport := array( PARAMLEN ) ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 1 ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] := 10 ::aReport[ LPI ] := 6 ::aReport[ PAGESIZE ] := "LETTER" ::aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] := "P" ::aReport[ PAGEX ] := 8.5 * 72 ::aReport[ PAGEY ] := 11.0 * 72 ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] := nLen // 200 // should be as parameter ::aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] := 0 ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := 0 // 5 ::aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] := 0 ::aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] := 0 ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] := "" ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] := 1 //2 ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] := 0 ::aReport[ TYPE1 ] := { "Times-Roman", "Times-Bold", "Times-Italic", "Times-BoldItalic", ; "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", ; "Courier", "Courier-Bold", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-BoldOblique" } ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] := .f. ::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] := 0 ::aReport[ PDFTOP ] := 1 // top ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := 10 // left & right ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * ::aReport[ LPI ] - 1 // bottom, default "LETTER", "P", 6 ::aReport[ HANDLE ] := fcreate( cFile ) ::aReport[ PAGES ] := {} ::aReport[ REFS ] := { 0, 0 } ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] := {} ::aReport[ HEADER ] := {} ::aReport[ FONTS ] := {} ::aReport[ IMAGES ] := {} ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] := {} ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] := {} cTemp := vpdf_FontsDat() n1 := len( cTemp ) / ( 2 * n2 ) ::aReport[ FONTWIDTH ] := array( n1, n2 ) ::aReport[ OPTIMIZE ] := lOptimize ::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] := ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 4 n12 := 2 * n2 for nI := 1 to n1 for nJ := 1 to n2 ::aReport[ FONTWIDTH ][ nI ][ nJ ] := bin2i( substr( cTemp, ( nI - 1 ) * n12 + ( nJ - 1 ) * 2 + 1, 2 ) ) next next ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] := 0 cTemp := "%PDF-1.3" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 129 |
METHOD TPDF | AtSay( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
METHOD tPdf:AtSay( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 198 |
METHOD | AtSay( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
METHOD AtSay( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) #endif local _nFont, lReverse, nAt DEFAULT nRow TO ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT cUnits TO "R" DEFAULT lExact TO .f. DEFAULT cId TO "" IF ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return ::Header( "PDFATSAY", cId, { cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact } ) ENDIF IF ( nAt := at( "#pagenumber#", cString ) ) > 0 cString := left( cString, nAt - 1 ) + ltrim(str( ::PageNumber())) + substr( cString, nAt + 12 ) ENDIF lReverse := .f. IF cUnits == "M" nRow := ::M2Y( nRow ) nCol := ::M2X( nCol ) ELSEIF cUnits == "R" IF .not. lExact ::CheckLine( nRow ) nRow := nRow + ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ENDIF nRow := ::R2D( nRow ) nCol := ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nCol * 100.00 / ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( ::aReport[ PAGEX ] - ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 ENDIF IF !empty( cString ) cString := ::StringB( cString ) IF right( cString, 1 ) == chr(255) //reverse cString := left( cString, len( cString ) - 1 ) ::Box( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow - ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] + 2.0 , nCol, ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow + 2.0, nCol + ::M2X( ::length( cString )) + 1,,100, "D") ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += " 1 g " lReverse := .t. ELSEIF right( cString, 1 ) == chr(254) //underline cString := left( cString, len( cString ) - 1 ) ::Box( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow + 0.5, nCol, ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow + 1, nCol + ::M2X( ::length( cString )) + 1,,100, "D") ENDIF // version 0.01 IF ( nAt := at( chr(253), cString )) > 0 // some color text inside ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cString, nAt + 1, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cString, nAt + 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cString, nAt + 3, 1 )) + " rg " cString := stuff( cString, nAt, 4, "") ENDIF // version 0.01 _nFont := ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], {|arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ FONTNAME ]} ) IF !( ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] == ::aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] ) ::aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] := ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "BT /Fo" + ltrim(str( _nFont )) + " " + ltrim(transform( ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ], "999.99")) + " Tf " + ltrim(transform( nCol, "9999.99" )) + " " + ltrim(transform( nRow, "9999.99" )) + " Td (" + cString + ") Tj ET" ELSEIF ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] != ::aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] ::aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] := ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "BT /Fo" + ltrim(str( _nFont )) + " " + ltrim(transform( ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ], "999.99")) + " Tf " + ltrim(transform( nCol, "9999.99" )) + " " + ltrim(transform( nRow, "9999.99" )) + " Td (" + cString + ") Tj ET" ELSE ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "BT " + ltrim(transform( nCol, "9999.99" )) + " " + ltrim(transform( nRow, "9999.99" )) + " Td (" + cString + ") Tj ET" ENDIF IF lReverse ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += " 0 g " ENDIF ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 200 |
METHOD TPDF | Normal()
METHOD tPdf:Normal() | hbvpdft.prg | 274 |
METHOD | Normal()
METHOD Normal() #endif local cName := ::GetFontInfo( "NAME" ) IF cName = "Times" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 1 ELSEIF cName = "Helvetica" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 5 ELSE ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 9 ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { ::aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 276 |
METHOD TPDF | Italic()
METHOD tPdf:Italic() | hbvpdft.prg | 296 |
METHOD | Italic()
METHOD Italic() #endif local cName := ::GetFontInfo( "NAME" ) IF cName = "Times" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 3 ELSEIF cName = "Helvetica" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 7 ELSE ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 11 ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { ::aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 298 |
METHOD tPdf:Bold() | hbvpdft.prg | 318 |
METHOD | Bold()
METHOD Bold() #endif local cName := ::GetFontInfo( "NAME" ) IF cName == "Times" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 2 ELSEIF cName == "Helvetica" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 6 ELSEIF cName == "Courier" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 10 // Courier // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { ::aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 320 |
METHOD TPDF | BoldItalic()
METHOD tPdf:BoldItalic() | hbvpdft.prg | 342 |
METHOD | BoldItalic()
METHOD BoldItalic() #endif local cName := ::GetFontInfo( "NAME" ) IF cName == "Times" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 4 ELSEIF cName == "Helvetica" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 8 ELSEIF cName == "Courier" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := 12 // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { ::aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 344 |
METHOD TPDF | BookAdd( cTitle, nLevel, nPage, nLine )
METHOD tPdf:BookAdd( cTitle, nLevel, nPage, nLine ) | hbvpdft.prg | 366 |
METHOD | BookAdd( cTitle, nLevel, nPage, nLine )
METHOD BookAdd( cTitle, nLevel, nPage, nLine ) #endif aadd( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ], { nLevel, alltrim( cTitle ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nPage, IIF( nLevel == 1, ::aReport[ PAGEY ], ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nLine * 72 / ::aReport[ LPI ] ) }) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 368 |
METHOD TPDF | BookClose( )
METHOD tPdf:BookClose( ) | hbvpdft.prg | 378 |
METHOD | BookClose( )
METHOD BookClose( ) #endif ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] := nil RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 380 |
METHOD TPDF | BookOpen( )
METHOD tPdf:BookOpen( ) | hbvpdft.prg | 390 |
METHOD | BookOpen( )
METHOD BookOpen( ) #endif ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] := {} RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 392 |
METHOD TPDF | Box( x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits, cColor, cId )
METHOD tPdf:Box( x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits, cColor, cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 402 |
METHOD | Box( x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits, cColor, cId )
METHOD Box( x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits, cColor, cId ) #endif local cBoxColor DEFAULT nBorder TO 0 DEFAULT nShade TO 0 DEFAULT cUnits TO "M" DEFAULT cColor TO "" cBoxColor := "" IF !empty( cColor ) cBoxColor := " " + Chr_RGB( substr( cColor, 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cColor, 3, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cColor, 4, 1 )) + " rg " IF empty( alltrim( cBoxColor ) ) cBoxColor := "" ENDIF ENDIF IF ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return ::Header( "PDFBOX", cId, { x1, y1, x2, y2, nBorder, nShade, cUnits } ) ENDIF IF cUnits == "M" y1 += 0.5 y2 += 0.5 IF nShade > 0 ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + transform( 1.00 - nShade / 100.00, "9.99") + " g " + cBoxColor + ltrim(str(::M2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y2 - y1 ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(::M2X( x2 - x1 ))) + " re f 0 g" ENDIF IF nBorder > 0 ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y2 - y1 ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(::M2X( nBorder ))) + " re f" ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y2 - nBorder ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2X( nBorder ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(::M2X( x2 - x1 ))) + " re f" ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2Y( x2 - nBorder ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y2 - y1 ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(::M2X( nBorder ))) + " re f" ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str(::M2X( y1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2Y( x1 ))) + " " + ltrim(str(::M2X( nBorder ))) + " -" + ltrim(str(::M2X( x2 - x1 ))) + " re f" ENDIF ELSEIF cUnits == "D" // "Dots" IF nShade > 0 ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + transform( 1.00 - nShade / 100.00, "9.99") + " g " + cBoxColor + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( y2 - y1 )) + " -" + ltrim(str( x2 - x1 )) + " re f 0 g" ENDIF IF nBorder > 0 /* 1 Ú-----¿ 4 ³ ³ 2 À-----Ù 3 */ ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( y2 - y1 )) + " -" + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " re f" ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y2 - nBorder )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " -" + ltrim(str( x2 - x1 )) + " re f" ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - x2 + nBorder )) + " " + ltrim(str( y2 - y1 )) + " -" + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " re f" ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + "0 g " + ltrim(str( y1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - x1 )) + " " + ltrim(str( nBorder )) + " -" + ltrim(str( x2 - x1 )) + " re f" ENDIF ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 404 |
METHOD TPDF | Box1( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nBorderWidth, cBorderColor, cBoxColor )
METHOD tPdf:Box1( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nBorderWidth, cBorderColor, cBoxColor ) | hbvpdft.prg | 466 |
METHOD | Box1( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nBorderWidth, cBorderColor, cBoxColor )
METHOD Box1( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nBorderWidth, cBorderColor, cBoxColor ) #endif DEFAULT nBorderWidth to 0.5 DEFAULT cBorderColor to chr(0) + chr(0) + chr(0) DEFAULT cBoxColor to chr(255) + chr(255) + chr(255) ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] += CRLF + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBorderColor, 1, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBorderColor, 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBorderColor, 3, 1 )) + ; " RG" + ; CRLF + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBoxColor, 1, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBoxColor, 2, 1 )) + " " + ; Chr_RGB( substr( cBoxColor, 3, 1 )) + ; " rg" + ; CRLF + ltrim(str( nBorderWidth )) + " w" + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( nLeft + nBorderWidth / 2 )) + " " + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nBottom + nBorderWidth / 2)) + " " + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( nRight - nLeft - nBorderWidth )) + ; CRLF + ltrim( str ( nBottom - nTop - nBorderWidth )) + " " + ; " re" + ; CRLF + "B" return nil | hbvpdft.prg | 468 |
METHOD TPDF | Center( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
METHOD tPdf:Center( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 497 |
METHOD | Center( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
METHOD Center( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) #endif local nLen, nAt DEFAULT nRow TO ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT cUnits TO "R" DEFAULT lExact TO .f. DEFAULT nCol TO IIF( cUnits == "R", ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] / 2, ::aReport[ PAGEX ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 ) IF ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return ::Header( "PDFCENTER", cId, { cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact } ) ENDIF IF ( nAt := at( "#pagenumber#", cString ) ) > 0 cString := left( cString, nAt - 1 ) + ltrim(str( ::PageNumber())) + substr( cString, nAt + 12 ) ENDIF nLen := ::length( cString ) / 2 IF cUnits == "R" IF .not. lExact ::CheckLine( nRow ) nRow := nRow + ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ENDIF ENDIF ::AtSay( cString, ::R2M( nRow ), IIF( cUnits == "R", ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] + ( ::aReport[ PAGEX ] / 72 * 25.4 - 2 * ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * nCol / ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ], nCol ) - nLen, "M", lExact ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 499 |
METHOD tPdf:Close() | hbvpdft.prg | 529 |
METHOD | Close()
METHOD Close() #endif local nI, cTemp, nCurLevel, nObj1, nLast, nCount, nFirst, nRecno, nBooklen // FIELD FIRST, PREV, NEXT, LAST, COUNT, PARENT, PAGE, COORD, TITLE, LEVEL ::ClosePage() // kids ::aReport[ REFS ][ 2 ] := ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] cTemp := ; "1 0 obj"+CRLF+; "<<"+CRLF+; "/Type /Pages /Count " + ltrim(str(::aReport[ REPORTPAGE ])) + CRLF +; "/Kids [" for nI := 1 to ::aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] cTemp += " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGES ][ nI ] )) + " 0 R" next cTemp += " ]" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) // info ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Producer ()" + CRLF + ; "/Title ()" + CRLF + ; "/Author ()" + CRLF + ; "/Creator ()" + CRLF + ; "/Subject ()" + CRLF + ; "/Keywords ()" + CRLF + ; "/CreationDate (D:" + str(year(date()), 4) + padl( month(date()), 2, "0") + padl( day(date()), 2, "0") + substr( time(), 1, 2 ) + substr( time(), 4, 2 ) + substr( time(), 7, 2 ) + ")" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) // root ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<< /Type /Catalog /Pages 1 0 R /Outlines " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 )) + " 0 R" + IIF( ( nBookLen := len( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] )) > 0, " /PageMode /UseOutlines", "") + " >>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] nObj1 := ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] IF nBookLen > 0 nRecno := 1 nFirst := ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 nLast := 0 nCount := 0 while nRecno <= nBookLen nCurLevel := ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPARENT ] := ::BookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPREV ] := ::BookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKNEXT ] := ::BookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKFIRST ] := ::BookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLAST ] := ::BookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] ) ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOUNT ] := ::BookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel ) IF nCurLevel == 1 nLast := nRecno ++nCount ENDIF ++nRecno enddo nLast += ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] cTemp := ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + "<< /Type /Outlines /Count " + ltrim(str( nCount )) + " /First " + ltrim(str( nFirst )) + " 0 R /Last " + ltrim(str( nLast )) + " 0 R >>" + CRLF + "endobj" //+ CRLF aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] nRecno := 1 FOR nI := 1 to nBookLen //cTemp := IIF ( nI > 1, CRLF, "") + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + nI - 1)) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; cTemp := CRLF + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + nI - 1)) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Parent " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPARENT ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF + ; "/Dest [" + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGES ][ ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPAGE ] ] )) + " 0 R /XYZ 0 " + ltrim( str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOORD ])) + " 0]" + CRLF + ; "/Title (" + alltrim( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKTITLE ]) + ")" + CRLF + ; IIF( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPREV ] > 0, "/Prev " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPREV ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKNEXT ] > 0, "/Next " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKNEXT ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKFIRST ] > 0, "/First " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKFIRST ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLAST ] > 0, "/Last " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLAST ])) + " 0 R" + CRLF, "") + ; IIF( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOUNT ] != 0, "/Count " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOUNT ])) + CRLF, "") + ; ">>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF // "/Dest [" + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKPAGE ] * 3 )) + " 0 R /XYZ 0 " + ltrim( str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOORD ])) + " 0]" + CRLF + ; // "/Dest [" + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGES ][ nRecno ] )) + " 0 R /XYZ 0 " + ltrim( str( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKCOORD ])) + " 0]" + CRLF + ; aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] + 2 ) ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ++nRecno NEXT ::BookClose() ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] += nBookLen - 1 ELSE cTemp := ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + "<< /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ENDIF cTemp := CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] cTemp += "xref" + CRLF + ; "0 " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + CRLF +; padl( ::aReport[ REFS ][ 1 ], 10, "0") + " 65535 f" + CRLF for nI := 2 to len( ::aReport[ REFS ] ) cTemp += padl( ::aReport[ REFS ][ nI ], 10, "0") + " 00000 n" + CRLF next cTemp += "trailer << /Size " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " /Root " + ltrim(str( nObj1 - 1 )) + " 0 R /Info " + ltrim(str( nObj1 - 2 )) + " 0 R >>" + CRLF + ; "startxref" + CRLF + ; ltrim(str( ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] )) + CRLF + ; "%%EOF" + CRLF fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) fclose( ::aReport[ HANDLE ] ) ::aReport := nil RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 531 |
METHOD TPDF | Image( cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth, cId )
METHOD tPdf:Image( cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth, cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 675 |
METHOD | Image( cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth, cId )
METHOD Image( cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth, cId ) #endif DEFAULT nRow TO ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT nCol TO 0 DEFAULT nHeight TO 0 DEFAULT nWidth TO 0 DEFAULT cUnits TO "R" DEFAULT cId TO "" IF ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return ::Header( "PDFIMAGE", cId, { cFile, nRow, nCol, cUnits, nHeight, nWidth } ) ENDIF IF cUnits == "M" nRow := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - ::M2Y( nRow ) nCol := ::M2X( nCol ) nHeight := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - ::M2Y( nHeight ) nWidth := ::M2X( nWidth ) ELSEIF cUnits == "R" //IF .not. lExact // ::CheckLine( nRow ) // nRow := nRow + ::aReportStyle[ PDFTOP] //ENDIF nRow := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - ::R2D( nRow ) nCol := ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nCol * 100.00 / ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( ::aReport[ PAGEX ] - ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 nHeight := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - ::R2D( nHeight ) nWidth := ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nWidth * 100.00 / ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( ::aReport[ PAGEX ] - ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 ELSEIF cUnits == "D" ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ], { cFile, nRow, nCol, nHeight, nWidth } ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 677 |
METHOD TPDF | Length( cString )
METHOD tPdf:Length( cString ) | hbvpdft.prg | 719 |
METHOD | Length( cString )
METHOD Length( cString ) #endif local nWidth := 0.00, nI, nLen, nArr, nAdd := ( ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] - 1 ) % 4 nLen := len( cString ) IF right( cString, 1 ) == chr( 255 ) .or. right( cString, 1 ) == chr( 254 ) --nLen ENDIF IF ::GetFontInfo("NAME") = "Times" nArr := 1 ELSEIF ::GetFontInfo("NAME") = "Helvetica" nArr := 2 ELSE nArr := 3 ENDIF For nI:= 1 To nLen nWidth += ::aReport[ FONTWIDTH ][ nArr ][ ( asc( substr( cString, nI, 1 )) - 32 ) * 4 + 1 + nAdd ] * 25.4 * ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] / 720.00 / 100.00 Next RETURN nWidth | hbvpdft.prg | 721 |
METHOD TPDF | NewLine( n )
METHOD tPdf:NewLine( n ) | hbvpdft.prg | 746 |
METHOD | NewLine( n )
METHOD NewLine( n ) #endif DEFAULT n TO 1 IF ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] + n + ::aReport[ PDFTOP] > ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::NewPage() ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] += 1 ELSE ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] += n ENDIF RETURN ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] | hbvpdft.prg | 748 |
METHOD TPDF | NewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize )
METHOD tPdf:NewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize ) | hbvpdft.prg | 764 |
METHOD | NewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize )
METHOD NewPage( _cPageSize, _cPageOrient, _nLpi, _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize ) #endif local nAdd := 76.2 DEFAULT _cPageSize TO ::aReport[ PAGESIZE ] DEFAULT _cPageOrient TO ::aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] DEFAULT _nLpi TO ::aReport[ LPI ] DEFAULT _cFontName TO ::GetFontInfo( "NAME" ) DEFAULT _nFontType TO ::GetFontInfo( "TYPE" ) DEFAULT _nFontSize TO ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] IF !empty( ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] ) ::ClosePage() ENDIF ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] := {} ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] := {} ++::aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] ::PageSize( _cPageSize ) ::PageOrient( _cPageOrient ) ::SetLPI( _nLpi ) ::SetFont( _cFontName, _nFontType, _nFontSize ) ::DrawHeader() ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := 0 ::aReport[ FONTNAMEPREV ] := 0 ::aReport[ FONTSIZEPREV ] := 0 RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 766 |
METHOD TPDF | PageSize( _cPageSize )
METHOD tPdf:PageSize( _cPageSize ) | hbvpdft.prg | 804 |
METHOD | PageSize( _cPageSize )
METHOD PageSize( _cPageSize ) #endif local nSize, aSize := { { "LETTER", 8.50, 11.00 }, ; { "LEGAL" , 8.50, 14.00 }, ; { "LEDGER", 11.00, 17.00 }, ; { "EXECUTIVE", 7.25, 10.50 }, ; { "A4", 8.27, 11.69 }, ; { "A3", 11.69, 16.54 }, ; { "JIS B4", 10.12, 14.33 }, ; { "JIS B5", 7.16, 10.12 }, ; { "JPOST", 3.94, 5.83 }, ; { "JPOSTD", 5.83, 7.87 }, ; { "COM10", 4.12, 9.50 }, ; { "MONARCH", 3.87, 7.50 }, ; { "C5", 6.38, 9.01 }, ; { "DL", 4.33, 8.66 }, ; { "B5", 6.93, 9.84 } } DEFAULT _cPageSize TO "LETTER" nSize := ascan( aSize, { |arr| arr[ 1 ] = _cPageSize } ) IF nSize == 0 .or. nSize > 2 nSize := 1 ENDIF ::aReport[ PAGESIZE ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 1 ] IF ::aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] = "P" ::aReport[ PAGEX ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 2 ] * 72 ::aReport[ PAGEY ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 3 ] * 72 ELSE ::aReport[ PAGEX ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 3 ] * 72 ::aReport[ PAGEY ] := aSize[ nSize ][ 2 ] * 72 ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 806 |
METHOD TPDF | PageOrient( _cPageOrient )
METHOD tPdf:PageOrient( _cPageOrient ) | hbvpdft.prg | 848 |
METHOD | PageOrient( _cPageOrient )
METHOD PageOrient( _cPageOrient ) #endif DEFAULT _cPageOrient TO "P" ::aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] := _cPageOrient ::PageSize( ::aReport[ PAGESIZE ] ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 850 |
METHOD TPDF | PageNumber( n )
METHOD tPdf:PageNumber( n ) | hbvpdft.prg | 862 |
METHOD | PageNumber( n )
METHOD PageNumber( n ) #endif DEFAULT n TO 0 IF n > 0 ::aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] := n // NEW !!! ENDIF RETURN ::aReport[ REPORTPAGE ] | hbvpdft.prg | 864 |
METHOD TPDF | Reverse( cString )
METHOD tPdf:Reverse( cString ) | hbvpdft.prg | 876 |
METHOD | Reverse( cString )
METHOD Reverse( cString ) #endif RETURN cString + chr(255) | hbvpdft.prg | 878 |
METHOD TPDF | RJust( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
METHOD tPdf:RJust( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 886 |
METHOD | RJust( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId )
METHOD RJust( cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact, cId ) #endif local nLen, nAdj := 1.0, nAt DEFAULT nRow TO ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] DEFAULT cUnits TO "R" DEFAULT lExact TO .f. IF ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return ::Header( "PDFRJUST", cId, { cString, nRow, nCol, cUnits, lExact } ) ENDIF IF ( nAt := at( "#pagenumber#", cString ) ) > 0 cString := left( cString, nAt - 1 ) + ltrim(str( ::PageNumber())) + substr( cString, nAt + 12 ) ENDIF nLen := ::length( cString ) IF cUnits == "R" IF .not. lExact ::CheckLine( nRow ) nRow := nRow + ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ENDIF ENDIF ::AtSay( cString, ::R2M( nRow ), IIF( cUnits == "R", ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] + ( ::aReport[ PAGEX ] / 72 * 25.4 - 2 * ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * nCol / ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] - nAdj, nCol ) - nLen, "M", lExact ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 888 |
METHOD TPDF | SetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId )
METHOD tPdf:SetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 919 |
METHOD | SetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId )
METHOD SetFont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId ) #endif DEFAULT _cFont TO "Times" DEFAULT _nType TO 0 DEFAULT _nSize TO 10 IF ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] return ::Header( "PDFSETFONT", cId, { _cFont, _nType, _nSize } ) ENDIF _cFont := upper( _cFont ) ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] := _nSize IF _cFont == "TIMES" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nType + 1 ELSEIF _cFont == "HELVETICA" ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nType + 5 ELSE ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nType + 9 // 0.04 ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ], ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ) IF ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] } ) == 0 aadd( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { ::aReport[ FONTNAME ], ++::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] } ) ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 921 |
METHOD tPdf:SetLPI(_nLpi) | hbvpdft.prg | 953 |
METHOD | SetLPI(_nLpi)
METHOD SetLPI(_nLpi) #endif local cLpi := alltrim(str(_nLpi)) DEFAULT _nLpi TO 6 cLpi := iif(cLpi$"1;2;3;4;6;8;12;16;24;48",cLpi,"6") ::aReport[ LPI ] := val( cLpi ) ::PageSize( ::aReport[ PAGESIZE ] ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 955 |
METHOD TPDF | StringB( cString )
METHOD tPdf:StringB( cString ) | hbvpdft.prg | 970 |
METHOD | StringB( cString )
METHOD StringB( cString ) #endif cString := strtran( cString, "(", "\(" ) cString := strtran( cString, ")", "\)" ) RETURN cString | hbvpdft.prg | 972 |
METHOD TPDF | TextCount( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits )
METHOD tPdf:TextCount( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits ) | hbvpdft.prg | 983 |
METHOD | TextCount( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits )
METHOD TextCount( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits ) #endif RETURN ::Text( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, .f. ) | hbvpdft.prg | 985 |
METHOD TPDF | Text( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, cColor, lPrint )
METHOD tPdf:Text( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, cColor, lPrint ) | hbvpdft.prg | 993 |
METHOD | Text( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, cColor, lPrint )
METHOD Text( cString, nTop, nLeft, nLength, nTab, nJustify, cUnits, cColor, lPrint ) #endif local cDelim := chr(0)+chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(26)+chr(32)+chr(138)+chr(141) local nI, cTemp, cToken, k, nL, nRow, nLines, nLineLen, nStart local lParagraph, nSpace, nNew, nTokenLen, nCRLF, nTokens, nLen DEFAULT nTab TO -1 DEFAULT cUnits TO "R" DEFAULT nJustify TO 4 DEFAULT lPrint TO .t. DEFAULT cColor TO "" IF cUnits == "M" nTop := ::M2R( nTop ) ELSEIF cUnits == "R" nLeft := ::X2M( ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) + ; nLeft * 100.00 / ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ] * ; ( ::aReport[ PAGEX ] - ::M2X( ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] ) * 2 - 9.0 ) / 100.00 ) ENDIF ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := nTop - 1 nSpace := ::length( " " ) nLines := 0 nCRLF := 0 nNew := nTab cString := alltrim( cString ) nTokens := numtoken( cString, cDelim ) nTokenLen := 0.00 nStart := 1 IF nJustify == 1 .or. nJustify == 4 nLeft := nLeft ELSEIF nJustify == 2 nLeft := nLeft - nLength / 2 ELSEIF nJustify == 3 nLeft := nLeft - nLength ENDIF nL := nLeft nL += nNew * nSpace nLineLen := nSpace * nNew - nSpace lParagraph := .t. nI := 1 while nI <= nTokens cToken := token( cString, cDelim, nI ) nTokenLen := ::length( cToken ) nLen := len( cToken ) IF nLineLen + nSpace + nTokenLen > nLength IF nStart == nI // single word > nLength k := 1 while k <= nLen cTemp := "" nLineLen := 0.00 nL := nLeft IF lParagraph nLineLen += nSpace * nNew IF nJustify != 2 nL += nSpace * nNew ENDIF lParagraph := .f. ENDIF IF nJustify == 2 nL := nLeft + ( nLength - ::length( cTemp ) ) / 2 ELSEIF nJustify == 3 nL := nLeft + nLength - ::length( cTemp ) ENDIF while k <= nLen .and. ( ( nLineLen += ::length( substr( cToken, k, 1 ))) <= nLength ) nLineLen += ::length( substr( cToken, k, 1 )) cTemp += substr( cToken, k, 1 ) ++k enddo IF empty( cTemp ) // single character > nlength cTemp := substr( cToken, k, 1 ) ++k ENDIF ++nLines IF lPrint nRow := ::NewLine( 1 ) ::AtSay( cColor + cTemp, ::R2M( nRow + ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ), nL, "M" ) ENDIF enddo ++nI nStart := nI ELSE ::TextPrint( nI - 1, nLeft, @lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, @nLineLen, @nLines, @nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( nI == nTokens ) .or. ( nI < nTokens .and. ( nCRLF := ::TextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI ) ) > 0 ) IF nI == nTokens nLineLen += nSpace + nTokenLen ENDIF ::TextPrint( nI, nLeft, @lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, @nLineLen, @nLines, @nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint ) ++nI IF nCRLF > 1 nLines += nCRLF - 1 ENDIF IF lPrint nRow := ::NewLine( nCRLF - 1 ) ENDIF ELSE nLineLen += nSpace + nTokenLen ++nI ENDIF enddo RETURN nLines | hbvpdft.prg | 995 |
METHOD TPDF | UnderLine( cString )
METHOD tPdf:UnderLine( cString ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1112 |
METHOD | UnderLine( cString )
METHOD UnderLine( cString ) #endif RETURN cString + chr(254) | hbvpdft.prg | 1114 |
METHOD TPDF | OpenHeader( cFile )
METHOD tPdf:OpenHeader( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1122 |
METHOD | OpenHeader( cFile )
METHOD OpenHeader( cFile ) #endif local nErrorCode := 0, nAt, cCmd DEFAULT cFile TO "" IF !empty( cFile ) cFile := alltrim( cFile ) IF len( cFile ) > 12 .or. ; at( " ", cFile ) > 0 .or. ; ( at( " ", cFile ) == 0 .and. len( cFile ) > 8 ) .or. ; ( ( nAt := at( ".", cFile )) > 0 .and. len( substr( cFile, nAt + 1 )) > 3 ) cCmd := "copy " + cFile + " temp.tmp > nul" RunExternal( cCmd ) cFile := "temp.tmp" ENDIF // ::aReport[ HEADER ] := FT_RestArr( cFile, @nErrorCode ) ::aReport[ HEADER ] := File2Array( cFile ) ELSE ::aReport[ HEADER ] := {} ENDIF ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1124 |
METHOD TPDF | EditOnHeader()
METHOD tPdf:EditOnHeader() | hbvpdft.prg | 1155 |
METHOD | EditOnHeader()
METHOD EditOnHeader() #endif ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] := .t. ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1157 |
METHOD TPDF | EditOffHeader()
METHOD tPdf:EditOffHeader() | hbvpdft.prg | 1168 |
METHOD | EditOffHeader()
METHOD EditOffHeader() #endif ::aReport[ HEADEREDIT ] := .f. ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1170 |
METHOD TPDF | CloseHeader()
METHOD tPdf:CloseHeader() | hbvpdft.prg | 1181 |
METHOD | CloseHeader()
METHOD CloseHeader() #endif ::aReport[ HEADER ] := {} ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .f. RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1183 |
METHOD TPDF | DeleteHeader( cId )
METHOD tPdf:DeleteHeader( cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1193 |
METHOD | DeleteHeader( cId )
METHOD DeleteHeader( cId ) #endif local nRet := -1, nId cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( ::aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) IF nId > 0 nRet := len( ::aReport[ HEADER ] ) - 1 aDel( ::aReport[ HEADER ], nId ) aSize( ::aReport[ HEADER ], nRet ) ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ENDIF RETURN nRet | hbvpdft.prg | 1195 |
METHOD TPDF | EnableHeader( cId )
METHOD tPdf:EnableHeader( cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1212 |
METHOD | EnableHeader( cId )
METHOD EnableHeader( cId ) #endif local nId cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( ::aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) IF nId > 0 ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ][ 1 ] := .t. ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1214 |
METHOD TPDF | DisableHeader( cId )
METHOD tPdf:DisableHeader( cId ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1229 |
METHOD | DisableHeader( cId )
METHOD DisableHeader( cId ) #endif local nId cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( ::aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) IF nId > 0 ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ][ 1 ] := .f. ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .t. ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1231 |
METHOD TPDF | SaveHeader( cFile )
METHOD tPdf:SaveHeader( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1246 |
METHOD | SaveHeader( cFile )
METHOD SaveHeader( cFile ) #endif local nErrorCode := 0, cCmd Array2File( "temp.tmp", ::aReport[ HEADER ] ) cCmd := "copy temp.tmp " + cFile + " > nul" RunExternal( cCmd ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1248 |
METHOD TPDF | Header( cFunction, cId, arr )
METHOD tPdf:Header( cFunction, cId, arr ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1263 |
METHOD | Header( cFunction, cId, arr )
METHOD Header( cFunction, cId, arr ) #endif local nId, nI, nLen, nIdLen nId := 0 IF !empty( cId ) cId := upper( cId ) nId := ascan( ::aReport[ HEADER ], {| arr | arr[ 3 ] == cId }) ENDIF IF nId == 0 nLen := len( ::aReport[ HEADER ] ) IF empty( cId ) cId := cFunction nIdLen := len( cId ) for nI := 1 to nLen IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == cId IF val( substr( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ], nIdLen + 1 ) ) > nId nId := val( substr( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ], nIdLen + 1 ) ) ENDIF ENDIF next ++nId cId += ltrim(str(nId)) ENDIF aadd( ::aReport[ HEADER ], { .t., cFunction, cId } ) ++nLen for nI := 1 to len( arr ) aadd( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nLen ], arr[ nI ] ) next ELSE aSize( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ], 3 ) for nI := 1 to len( arr ) aadd( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nId ], arr[ nI ] ) next ENDIF RETURN cId | hbvpdft.prg | 1265 |
METHOD TPDF | DrawHeader()
METHOD tPdf:DrawHeader() | hbvpdft.prg | 1305 |
METHOD | DrawHeader()
METHOD DrawHeader() #endif local nI, _nFont, _nSize, nLen := len( ::aReport[ HEADER ] ) IF nLen > 0 // save font _nFont := ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] _nSize := ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] for nI := 1 to nLen IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 1 ] // enabled do case case ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFATSAY" ::AtSay( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFCENTER" ::Center( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFRJUST" ::RJust( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFBOX" ::Box( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 9 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 10 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFSETFONT" ::SetFont( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) case ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFIMAGE" ::Image( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 9 ], ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 3 ] ) endcase ENDIF next ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] := _nFont ::aReport[ FONTSIZE ] := _nSize IF ::aReport[ MARGINS ] ::Margins() ENDIF ELSE IF ::aReport[ MARGINS ] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := 1 // top ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := 10 // left & right ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * ::aReport[ LPI ] - 1 // bottom, default "LETTER", "P", 6 ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .f. ENDIF ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1307 |
METHOD TPDF | Margins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom )
METHOD tPdf:Margins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1363 |
METHOD | Margins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom )
METHOD Margins( nTop, nLeft, nBottom ) #endif local nI, nLen := len( ::aReport[ HEADER ] ), nTemp, aTemp, nHeight for nI := 1 to nLen IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 1 ] // enabled IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFSETFONT" ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFIMAGE" IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] == 0 // picture in header, first at all, not at any page yet aTemp := ::ImageInfo( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] ) nHeight := aTemp[ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] / aTemp[ IMAGE_YRES ] * 25.4 IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "D" nHeight := ::M2X( nHeight ) ENDIF ELSE nHeight := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ENDIF IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "M" nTemp := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] < nTemp nTemp := ( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] + nHeight ) * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "D" nTemp := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 2 IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] < nTemp nTemp := ( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] + nHeight ) * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 72 // top IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 72 // top IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 2 ] == "PDFBOX" IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 10 ] == "M" nTemp := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] < nTemp nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := ( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] + ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF nTemp := ( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] - ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] > nTemp .and. ; ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 10 ] == "D" nTemp := ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 2 IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] < nTemp nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] / ::aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] < nTemp .and. ; ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := ( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] + ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) / ::aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF nTemp := ( ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] - ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 8 ] ) / ::aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] > nTemp .and. ; ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 6 ] > nTemp nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 4 ] / ::aReport[ LPI ] // top IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "R" nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] // top IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] > ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 2 IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "M" nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] * ::aReport[ LPI ] / 25.4 // top IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] > ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 72 * 25.4 / 2 IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 7 ] == "D" nTemp := ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] / ::aReport[ LPI ] // top IF ::aReport[ HEADER ][ nI ][ 5 ] > ::aReport[ PAGEY ] / 2 IF nTemp < ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nTemp ENDIF ELSE IF nTemp > ::aReport[ PDFTOP] ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTemp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF next IF nTop != NIL ::aReport[ PDFTOP] := nTop ENDIF IF nLeft != NIL ::aReport[ PDFLEFT ] := nLeft ENDIF IF nBottom != NIL ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] := nBottom ENDIF ::aReport[ MARGINS ] := .f. RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1365 |
METHOD TPDF | CreateHeader( _file, _size, _orient, _lpi, _width )
METHOD tPdf:CreateHeader( _file, _size, _orient, _lpi, _width ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1541 |
METHOD | CreateHeader( _file, _size, _orient, _lpi, _width )
METHOD CreateHeader( _file, _size, _orient, _lpi, _width ) #endif local ; aReportStyle := { ; { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, ; //"Default" { 2.475, 4.0, 4.9, 6.4, 7.5, 64.0 }, ; //"P6" { 3.3 , 5.4, 6.5, 8.6, 10.0, 85.35 }, ; //"P8" { 2.475, 4.0, 4.9, 6.4, 7.5, 48.9 }, ; //"L6" { 3.3 , 5.4, 6.5, 8.6, 10.0, 65.2 }, ; //"L8" { 2.475, 4.0, 4.9, 6.4, 7.5, 82.0 }, ; //"P6" { 3.3 , 5.4, 6.5, 8.6, 10.0, 109.35 } ; //"P8" } local nStyle := 1, nAdd := 0.00 DEFAULT _size TO ::aReport[ PAGESIZE ] DEFAULT _orient TO ::aReport[ PAGEORIENT ] DEFAULT _lpi TO ::aReport[ LPI ] DEFAULT _width TO 200 IF _size == "LETTER" IF _orient == "P" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 2 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 3 ENDIF ELSEIF _orient == "L" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 4 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 5 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF _size == "LEGAL" IF _orient == "P" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 6 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 7 ENDIF ELSEIF _orient == "L" IF _lpi == 6 nStyle := 4 ELSEIF _lpi == 8 nStyle := 5 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ::EditOnHeader() IF _size == "LEGAL" nAdd := 76.2 ENDIF IF _orient == "P" ::Box( 5.0, 5.0, 274.0 + nAdd, 210.0, 1.0 ) ::Box( 6.5, 6.5, 272.5 + nAdd, 208.5, 0.5 ) ::Box( 11.5, 9.5, 22.0 , 205.5, 0.5, 5 ) ::Box( 23.0, 9.5, 33.5 , 205.5, 0.5, 5 ) ::Box( 34.5, 9.5, 267.5 + nAdd, 205.5, 0.5 ) ELSE ::Box( 5.0, 5.0, 210.0, 274.0 + nAdd, 1.0 ) ::Box( 6.5, 6.5, 208.5, 272.5 + nAdd, 0.5 ) ::Box( 11.5, 9.5, 22.0, 269.5 + nAdd, 0.5, 5 ) ::Box( 23.0, 9.5, 33.5, 269.5 + nAdd, 0.5, 5 ) ::Box( 34.5, 9.5, 203.5, 269.5 + nAdd, 0.5 ) ENDIF ::SetFont("Arial", BOLD, 10) ::AtSay( "Test Line 1", aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 1 ], 1, "R", .t. ) ::SetFont("Times", BOLD, 18) ::Center( "Test Line 2", aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 2 ],,"R", .t. ) ::SetFont("Times", BOLD, 12) ::Center( "Test Line 3", aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 3 ],,"R", .t. ) ::SetFont("Arial", BOLD, 10) ::AtSay( "Test Line 4", aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 4 ], 1, "R", .t. ) ::SetFont("Arial", BOLD, 10) ::AtSay( "Test Line 5", aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 5 ], 1, "R", .t. ) ::AtSay( dtoc( date()) + " " + TimeAsAMPM( time() ), aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 6 ], 1, "R", .t. ) ::RJust( "Page: #pagenumber#", aReportStyle[ nStyle ][ 6 ], ::aReport[ REPORTWIDTH ], "R", .t. ) ::EditOffHeader() ::SaveHeader( _file ) RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 1543 |
METHOD TPDF | ImageInfo( cFile )
METHOD tPdf:ImageInfo( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1641 |
METHOD | ImageInfo( cFile )
METHOD ImageInfo( cFile ) #endif local cTemp := upper(substr( cFile, rat(".", cFile) + 1 )), aTemp := {} do case case cTemp == "TIF" aTemp := ::TIFFInfo( cFile ) case cTemp == "JPG" aTemp := ::JPEGInfo( cFile ) endcase RETURN aTemp | hbvpdft.prg | 1643 |
METHOD tPdf:TIFFInfo( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1658 |
METHOD | TIFFInfo( cFile )
METHOD TIFFInfo( cFile ) #endif local c40 := chr(0)+chr(0)+chr(0)+chr(0) local aType := {"BYTE","ASCII","SHORT","LONG","RATIONAL","SBYTE","UNDEFINED","SSHORT","SLONG","SRATIONAL","FLOAT","DOUBLE"} local aCount := { 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8 } local nTemp, nHandle, cValues, c2, nFieldType, nCount, nPos, nTag, nValues local nOffset, cTemp, cIFDNext, nIFD, nFields, cTag, nPages, nn local nWidth := 0, nHeight := 0, nBits := 0, nFrom := 0, nLength := 0, xRes := 0, yRes := 0, aTemp := {} nHandle := fopen( cFile ) c2 := " " fread( nHandle, @c2, 2 ) fread( nHandle, @c2, 2 ) cIFDNext := " " fread( nHandle, @cIFDNext, 4 ) cTemp := space(12) nPages := 0 while !( cIFDNext == c40 ) //read IFD's nIFD := bin2l( cIFDNext ) fseek( nHandle, nIFD ) fread( nHandle, @c2, 2 ) nFields := bin2i( c2 ) for nn := 1 to nFields fread( nHandle, @cTemp, 12 ) nTag := bin2w( substr( cTemp, 1, 2 ) ) nFieldType := bin2w( substr( cTemp, 3, 2 ) ) nCount := bin2l( substr( cTemp, 5, 4 ) ) nOffset := bin2l( substr( cTemp, 9, 4 ) ) IF nCount > 1 .or. nFieldType == RATIONAL .or. nFieldType == SRATIONAL nPos := filepos( nHandle ) fseek( nHandle, nOffset) nValues := nCount * aCount[ nFieldType ] cValues := space( nValues ) fread( nHandle, @cValues, nValues ) fseek( nHandle, nPos ) ELSE cValues := substr( cTemp, 9, 4 ) ENDIF IF nFieldType == ASCII --nCount ENDIF cTag := "" do case case nTag == 256 cTag := "ImageWidth" IF nFieldType == SHORT nWidth := bin2w( substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nWidth := bin2l( substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF case nTag == 257 cTag := "ImageLength" IF nFieldType == SHORT nHeight := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nHeight := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF case nTag == 258 cTag := "BitsPerSample" nTemp := 0 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ENDIF nBits := nTemp case nTag == 259 cTag := "Compression" nTemp := 0 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ENDIF case nTag == 262 cTag := "PhotometricInterpretation" nTemp := -1 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ENDIF case nTag == 264 cTag := "CellWidth" case nTag == 265 cTag := "CellLength" case nTag == 266 cTag := "FillOrder" case nTag == 273 cTag := "StripOffsets" IF nFieldType == SHORT nFrom := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nFrom := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF case nTag == 277 cTag := "SamplesPerPixel" case nTag == 278 cTag := "RowsPerStrip" case nTag == 279 cTag := "StripByteCounts" IF nFieldType == SHORT nLength := bin2w(substr( cValues, 1, 2 )) ELSEIF nFieldType == LONG nLength := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) ENDIF nLength *= nCount // Count all strips !!! case nTag == 282 cTag := "XResolution" xRes := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) case nTag == 283 cTag := "YResolution" yRes := bin2l(substr( cValues, 1, 4 )) case nTag == 284 cTag := "PlanarConfiguration" case nTag == 288 cTag := "FreeOffsets" case nTag == 289 cTag := "FreeByteCounts" case nTag == 296 cTag := "ResolutionUnit" nTemp := 0 IF nFieldType == SHORT nTemp := bin2w( cValues ) ENDIF case nTag == 305 cTag := "Software" case nTag == 306 cTag := "DateTime" case nTag == 315 cTag := "Artist" case nTag == 320 cTag := "ColorMap" case nTag == 338 cTag := "ExtraSamples" case nTag == 33432 cTag := "Copyright" otherwise cTag := "Unknown" endcase next fread( nHandle, @cIFDNext, 4 ) enddo fclose( nHandle ) aadd( aTemp, nWidth ) aadd( aTemp, nHeight ) aadd( aTemp, xRes ) aadd( aTemp, yRes ) aadd( aTemp, nBits ) aadd( aTemp, nFrom ) aadd( aTemp, nLength ) return aTemp | hbvpdft.prg | 1660 |
METHOD tPdf:JPEGInfo( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1833 |
METHOD | JPEGInfo( cFile )
METHOD JPEGInfo( cFile ) #endif local c255, nAt, nHandle local nWidth := 0, nHeight := 0, nBits := 8, nFrom := 0 local nLength := 0, xRes := 0, yRes := 0, aTemp := {} nHandle := fopen( cFile ) c255 := space(1024) fread( nHandle, @c255, 1024 ) xRes := asc(substr( c255, 15, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, 16, 1 )) yRes := asc( substr( c255, 17, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, 18, 1 )) nAt := at( chr(255) + chr(192), c255 ) + 5 nHeight := asc(substr( c255, nAt, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, nAt + 1, 1 )) nWidth := asc( substr( c255, nAt + 2, 1 )) * 256 + asc(substr( c255, nAt + 3, 1 )) fclose( nHandle ) nLength := filesize( cFile ) aadd( aTemp, nWidth ) aadd( aTemp, nHeight ) aadd( aTemp, xRes ) aadd( aTemp, yRes ) aadd( aTemp, nBits ) aadd( aTemp, nFrom ) aadd( aTemp, nLength ) return aTemp | hbvpdft.prg | 1835 |
METHOD TPDF | BookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel )
METHOD tPdf:BookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1871 |
METHOD | BookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel )
METHOD BookCount( nRecno, nCurLevel ) #endif local nTempLevel := 0, nCount := 0, nLen := len( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno while nRecno <= nLen nTempLevel := ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nTempLevel <= nCurLevel exit ELSE IF nCurLevel + 1 == nTempLevel ++nCount ENDIF ENDIF ++nRecno enddo return -1 * nCount | hbvpdft.prg | 1873 |
METHOD TPDF | BookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD tPdf:BookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1894 |
METHOD | BookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD BookFirst( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) #endif local nFirst := 0, nLen := len( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno IF nRecno <= nLen IF nCurLevel + 1 == ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] nFirst := nRecno ENDIF ENDIF return IIF( nFirst == 0, nFirst, nObj + nFirst ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1896 |
METHOD TPDF | BookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD tPdf:BookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1911 |
METHOD | BookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD BookLast( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) #endif local nLast := 0, nLen := len( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno IF nRecno <= nLen IF nCurLevel + 1 == ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] while nRecno <= nLen .and. nCurLevel + 1 <= ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nCurLevel + 1 == ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] nLast := nRecno ENDIF ++nRecno enddo ENDIF ENDIF return IIF( nLast == 0, nLast, nObj + nLast ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1913 |
METHOD TPDF | BookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD tPdf:BookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1933 |
METHOD | BookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD BookNext( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) #endif local nTempLevel := 0, nNext := 0, nLen := len( ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ] ) ++nRecno while nRecno <= nLen nTempLevel := ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nCurLevel > nTempLevel exit ELSEIF nCurLevel == nTempLevel nNext := nRecno exit ELSE // keep going ENDIF ++nRecno enddo return IIF( nNext == 0, nNext, nObj + nNext ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1935 |
METHOD TPDF | BookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD tPdf:BookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1957 |
METHOD | BookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD BookParent( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) #endif local nTempLevel := 0 local nParent := 0 --nRecno while nRecno > 0 nTempLevel := ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nTempLevel < nCurLevel nParent := nRecno exit ENDIF --nRecno enddo return IIF( nParent == 0, nObj - 1, nObj + nParent ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1959 |
METHOD TPDF | BookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD tPdf:BookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1978 |
METHOD | BookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj )
METHOD BookPrev( nRecno, nCurLevel, nObj ) #endif local nTempLevel := 0 local nPrev := 0 --nRecno while nRecno > 0 nTempLevel := ::aReport[ BOOKMARK ][ nRecno ][ BOOKLEVEL ] IF nCurLevel > nTempLevel exit ELSEIF nCurLevel == nTempLevel nPrev := nRecno exit ELSE // keep going ENDIF --nRecno enddo return IIF( nPrev == 0, nPrev, nObj + nPrev ) | hbvpdft.prg | 1980 |
METHOD TPDF | CheckLine( nRow )
METHOD tPdf:CheckLine( nRow ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2003 |
METHOD | CheckLine( nRow )
METHOD CheckLine( nRow ) #endif IF nRow + ::aReport[ PDFTOP] > ::aReport[ PDFBOTTOM ] ::NewPage() nRow := ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] ENDIF ::aReport[ REPORTLINE ] := nRow RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 2005 |
METHOD TPDF | GetFontInfo( cParam )
METHOD tPdf:GetFontInfo( cParam ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2018 |
METHOD | GetFontInfo( cParam )
METHOD GetFontInfo( cParam ) #endif local cRet IF cParam == "NAME" IF left( ::aReport[ TYPE1 ][ ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ], 5 ) == "Times" cRet := "Times" ELSEIF left( ::aReport[ TYPE1 ][ ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] ], 9 ) == "Helvetica" cRet := "Helvetica" ELSE cRet := "Courier" // 0.04 ENDIF ELSE // size cRet := int(( ::aReport[ FONTNAME ] - 1 ) % 4) ENDIF return cRet | hbvpdft.prg | 2020 |
METHOD tPdf:M2R( mm ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2041 |
METHOD | M2R( mm )
METHOD M2R( mm ) #endif return int( ::aReport[ LPI ] * mm / 25.4 ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2043 |
METHOD tPdf:M2X( n ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2051 |
METHOD | M2X( n )
METHOD M2X( n ) #endif return n * 72 / 25.4 | hbvpdft.prg | 2053 |
METHOD tPdf:M2Y( n ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2061 |
METHOD | M2Y( n )
METHOD M2Y( n ) #endif return ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - n * 72 / 25.4 | hbvpdft.prg | 2063 |
METHOD tPdf:R2D( nRow ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2071 |
METHOD | R2D( nRow )
METHOD R2D( nRow ) #endif return ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - nRow * 72 / ::aReport[ LPI ] | hbvpdft.prg | 2073 |
METHOD tPdf:R2M( nRow ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2081 |
METHOD | R2M( nRow )
METHOD R2M( nRow ) #endif return 25.4 * nRow / ::aReport[ LPI ] | hbvpdft.prg | 2083 |
METHOD tPdf:X2M( n ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2091 |
METHOD | X2M( n )
METHOD X2M( n ) #endif return n * 25.4 / 72 | hbvpdft.prg | 2093 |
METHOD TPDF | TextPrint( nI, nLeft, lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, nLineLen, nLines, nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint )
METHOD tPdf:TextPrint( nI, nLeft, lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, nLineLen, nLines, nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2101 |
METHOD | TextPrint( nI, nLeft, lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, nLineLen, nLines, nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint )
METHOD TextPrint( nI, nLeft, lParagraph, nJustify, nSpace, nNew, nLength, nLineLen, nLines, nStart, cString, cDelim, cColor, lPrint ) #endif local nFinish, nL, nB, nJ, cToken, nRow nFinish := nI nL := nLeft IF lParagraph IF nJustify != 2 nL += nSpace * nNew ENDIF ENDIF IF nJustify == 3 // right nL += nLength - nLineLen ELSEIF nJustify == 2 // center nL += ( nLength - nLineLen ) / 2 ENDIF ++nLines IF lPrint nRow := ::NewLine( 1 ) ENDIF nB := nSpace IF nJustify == 4 nB := ( nLength - nLineLen + ( nFinish - nStart ) * nSpace ) / ( nFinish - nStart ) ENDIF for nJ := nStart to nFinish cToken := token( cString, cDelim, nJ ) IF lPrint // version 0.02 ::AtSay( cColor + cToken, ::R2M( nRow + ::aReport[ PDFTOP ] ), nL, "M" ) ENDIF nL += ::Length( cToken ) + nB next nStart := nFinish + 1 lParagraph := .f. nLineLen := 0.00 nLineLen += nSpace * nNew RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 2103 |
METHOD TPDF | TextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI )
METHOD tPdf:TextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2152 |
METHOD | TextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI )
METHOD TextNextPara( cString, cDelim, nI ) #endif local nAt, cAt, nCRLF, nNew, nRat, nRet := 0 // check if next spaces paragraph(s) nAt := attoken( cString, cDelim, nI ) + len( token( cString, cDelim, nI ) ) cAt := substr( cString, nAt, attoken( cString, cDelim, nI + 1 ) - nAt ) nCRLF := numat( chr(13) + chr(10), cAt ) nRat := rat( chr(13) + chr(10), cAt ) nNew := len( cAt ) - nRat - IIF( nRat > 0, 1, 0 ) IF nCRLF > 1 .or. ( nCRLF == 1 .and. nNew > 0 ) nRet := nCRLF ENDIF return nRet | hbvpdft.prg | 2154 |
METHOD TPDF | ClosePage()
METHOD tPdf:ClosePage() | hbvpdft.prg | 2172 |
METHOD | ClosePage()
METHOD ClosePage() #endif local cTemp, cBuffer, nBuffer, nRead, nI, k, nImage, nFont, nImageHandle aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) aadd( ::aReport[ PAGES ], ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str( ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R" + CRLF + ; "/Resources " + ltrim(str( ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 R" + CRLF + ; "/MediaBox [ 0 0 " + ltrim(transform( ::aReport[ PAGEX ], "9999.99")) + " " + ; ltrim(transform(::aReport[ PAGEY ], "9999.99")) + " ]" + CRLF + ; "/Contents " + ltrim(str( ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 R" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str(::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] - 1)) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<"+CRLF+; "/ColorSpace << /DeviceRGB /DeviceGray >>" + CRLF + ; //version 0.01 "/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC ]" IF len( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] ) > 0 cTemp += CRLF + ; "/Font" + CRLF + ; "<<" for nI := 1 to len( ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ] ) nFont := ascan( ::aReport[ FONTS ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ PAGEFONTS ][ nI ] } ) cTemp += CRLF + "/Fo" + ltrim(str( nFont )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ FONTS ][ nFont ][ 2 ])) + " 0 R" next cTemp += CRLF + ">>" ENDIF IF len( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) > 0 cTemp += CRLF + "/XObject" + CRLF + "<<" for nI := 1 to len( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) nImage := ascan( ::aReport[ IMAGES ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] } ) IF nImage == 0 aadd( ::aReport[ IMAGES ], { ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ], ++::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ], ::ImageInfo( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] ) } ) nImage := len( ::aReport[ IMAGES ] ) ENDIF cTemp += CRLF + "/Image" + ltrim(str( nImage )) + " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 2 ])) + " 0 R" next cTemp += CRLF + ">>" ENDIF cTemp += CRLF + ">>" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj << /Length " + ; ltrim(str( ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 1 )) + " 0 R >>" + CRLF +; "stream" ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) IF len( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) > 0 cTemp := "" for nI := 1 to len( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ] ) cTemp += CRLF + "q" nImage := ascan( ::aReport[ IMAGES ], { |arr| arr[1] == ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] } ) cTemp += CRLF + ltrim(str( IIF( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 5 ] == 0, ::M2X( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_WIDTH ] / ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_XRES ] * 25.4 ), ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 5 ]))) + ; " 0 0 " + ; ltrim(str( IIF( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ] == 0, ::M2X( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] / ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_YRES ] * 25.4 ), ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ]))) + ; " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ] )) + ; " " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ PAGEY ] - ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 2 ] - ; IIF( ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ] == 0, ::M2X( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] / ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nImage ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_YRES ] * 25.4 ), ::aReport[ PAGEIMAGES ][ nI ][ 4 ]))) + " cm" cTemp += CRLF + "/Image" + ltrim(str( nImage )) + " Do" cTemp += CRLF + "Q" next ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] := cTemp + ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] ENDIF cTemp := ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] cTemp += CRLF + "endstream" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ltrim(str( ++::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; ltrim(str(len( ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] ))) + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) for nI := 1 to len( ::aReport[ FONTS ] ) IF ::aReport[ FONTS ][ nI ][ 2 ] > ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str( ::aReport[ FONTS ][ nI ][ 2 ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Type /Font" + CRLF + ; "/Subtype /Type1" + CRLF + ; "/Name /Fo" + ltrim(str( nI )) + CRLF + ; "/BaseFont /" + ::aReport[ TYPE1 ][ ::aReport[ FONTS ][ nI ][ 1 ] ] + CRLF + ; "/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding" + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) ENDIF next for nI := 1 to len( ::aReport[ IMAGES ] ) IF ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 2 ] > ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] aadd( ::aReport[ REFS ], ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] ) cTemp := ; ltrim(str( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 2 ] )) + " 0 obj" + CRLF + ; "<<" + CRLF + ; "/Type /XObject" + CRLF + ; "/Subtype /Image" + CRLF + ; "/Name /Image" + ltrim(str(nI)) + CRLF + ; "/Filter [" + IIF( at( ".jpg", lower( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ]) ) > 0, " /DCTDecode", "" ) + " ]" + CRLF + ; "/Width " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_WIDTH ] )) + CRLF + ; "/Height " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_HEIGHT ] )) + CRLF + ; "/BitsPerComponent " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_BITS ] )) + CRLF + ; "/ColorSpace /" + IIF( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_BITS ] == 1, "DeviceGray", "DeviceRGB") + CRLF + ; "/Length " + ltrim(str( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ])) + CRLF + ; ">>" + CRLF + ; "stream" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) nImageHandle := fopen( ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 1 ] ) fseek( nImageHandle, ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_FROM ] ) nBuffer := 8192 cBuffer := space( nBuffer ) k := 0 while k < ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ] IF k + nBuffer <= ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ] nRead := nBuffer ELSE nRead := ::aReport[ IMAGES ][ nI ][ 3 ][ IMAGE_LENGTH ] - k ENDIF fread( nImageHandle, @cBuffer, nRead ) ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += nRead fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cBuffer, nRead ) k += nRead enddo cTemp := CRLF + "endstream" + CRLF + "endobj" + CRLF ::aReport[ DOCLEN ] += len( cTemp ) fwrite( ::aReport[ HANDLE ], cTemp ) fClose( nImageHandle ) ENDIF next ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] := ::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] ::aReport[ NEXTOBJ ] := ::aReport[ REPORTOBJ ] + 4 ::aReport[ PAGEBUFFER ] := "" RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 2174 |
METHOD TPDF | FilePrint( cFile )
METHOD tPdf:FilePrint( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2361 |
METHOD | FilePrint( cFile )
METHOD FilePrint( cFile ) #endif local cPathAcro := "C:\progra~1\Adobe\Acroba~1.0\Reader" local cRun := cPathAcro + "\AcroRd32.exe /t " + cFile + " " + ; chr(34) + "HP LaserJet 5/5M PostScript" + chr(34) + " " + ; chr(34) + "LPT1" + chr(34) IF ( ! RunExternal( cRun, "print" ) ) alert( "Error printing to PDF reader." ) break ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 2363 |
METHOD TPDF | Execute( cFile )
METHOD tPdf:Execute( cFile ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2380 |
METHOD | Execute( cFile )
METHOD Execute( cFile ) #endif // Replace cPathAcro with the path at your system local cPathAcro := "C:\progra~1\Adobe\Acroba~1.0\Reader" local cRun := cPathAcro + "\AcroRd32.exe /t " + cFile + " " + chr(34) + "HP LaserJet 5/5M PostScript" + chr(34) + " " + chr(34) + "LPT1" + chr(34) IF (! RunExternal( cRun, "open", cFile ) ) alert("Error printing to PDF reader.") break ENDIF RETURN self | hbvpdft.prg | 2382 |
STATIC FUNCTION | FilePos( nHandle )
static function FilePos( nHandle ) return ( FSEEK( nHandle, 0, FS_RELATIVE ) ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2399 |
static function Chr_RGB( cChar ) return str(asc( cChar ) / 255, 4, 2) | hbvpdft.prg | 2409 |
static function TimeAsAMPM( cTime ) IF VAL(cTime) < 12 cTime += " am" ELSEIF VAL(cTime) == 12 cTime += " pm" ELSE cTime := STR(VAL(cTime) - 12, 2) + SUBSTR(cTime, 3) + " pm" ENDIF cTime := left( cTime, 5 ) + substr( cTime, 10 ) return cTime | hbvpdft.prg | 2414 |
STATIC FUNCTION | FileSize( cFile )
static function FileSize( cFile ) LOCAL nLength LOCAL nHandle nHandle := fOpen( cFile ) nLength := fSeek( nHandle, 0, FS_END ) fClose( nHandle ) return ( nLength ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2427 |
STATIC FUNCTION | NumToken( cString, cDelimiter )
static FUNCTION NumToken( cString, cDelimiter ) RETURN AllToken( cString, cDelimiter ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2440 |
STATIC FUNCTION | Token( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer )
static FUNCTION Token( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer ) RETURN AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, 1 ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2445 |
STATIC FUNCTION | AtToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer )
static function AtToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer ) return AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, 2 ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2450 |
STATIC FUNCTION | AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, nAction )
static function AllToken( cString, cDelimiter, nPointer, nAction ) local nTokens := 0 local nPos := 1 local nLen := len( cString ) local nStart := 0 local cToken := "" local cRet := 0 DEFAULT cDelimiter TO chr(0)+chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(26)+chr(32)+chr(138)+chr(141) DEFAULT nAction to 0 // nAction == 0 - numtoken // nAction == 1 - token // nAction == 2 - attoken while nPos <= nLen if .not. substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter nStart := nPos while nPos <= nLen .and. .not. substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter ++nPos enddo ++nTokens IF nAction > 0 IF nPointer == nTokens IF nAction == 1 cRet := substr( cString, nStart, nPos - nStart ) ELSE cRet := nStart ENDIF exit ENDIF ENDIF endif if substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter while nPos <= nLen .and. substr( cString, nPos, 1 ) $ cDelimiter ++nPos enddo endif cRet := nTokens ENDDO RETURN cRet | hbvpdft.prg | 2455 |
STATIC FUNCTION | Array2File( cFile, aRay, nDepth, hFile )
static function Array2File( cFile, aRay, nDepth, hFile ) local nBytes := 0 local i local lOpen := ( hFile != nil ) nDepth := iif( ISNUMBER( nDepth ), nDepth, 0 ) //if hFile == NIL if !lOpen if ( hFile := fCreate( cFile,FC_NORMAL ) ) == -1 return ( nBytes ) endif endif nDepth++ nBytes += WriteData( hFile,aRay ) if ISARRAY( aRay ) for i := 1 to len( aRay ) nBytes += Array2File( cFile,aRay[i],nDepth,hFile ) next endif nDepth-- // if nDepth == 0 if !lOpen fClose(hFile) endif return( nBytes ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2504 |
STATIC FUNCTION | WriteData(hFile,xData)
static function WriteData(hFile,xData) local cData := valtype(xData) if ISCHARACTER(xData) cData += i2bin( len( xData ) ) + xData elseif ISNUMBER(xData) cData += i2bin( len( alltrim( str( xData ) ) ) ) + alltrim( str( xData ) ) elseif ISDATE( xData ) cData += i2bin( 8 )+dtos(xData) elseif ISLOGICAL(xData) cData += i2bin( 1 )+iif( xData,"T","F" ) elseif ISARRAY( xData ) cData += i2bin( len( xData ) ) else cData += i2bin( 0 ) // NIL endif return( fWrite( hFile, cData, len( cData ) ) ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2533 |
STATIC FUNCTION | File2Array( cFile, nLen, hFile )
static function File2Array( cFile, nLen, hFile ) LOCAL cData,cType,nDataLen,nBytes local nDepth := 0 local aRay := {} local lOpen := ( hFile != nil ) if hFile == NIL // First Timer if ( hFile := fOpen( cFile,FO_READ ) ) == -1 return( aRay ) endif cData := space( 3 ) fRead( hFile, @cData, 3 ) if !( left( cData,1 ) == "A" ) // If format of file != array fClose( hFile ) ////////// return( aRay ) endif nLen := bin2i( right( cData,2 ) ) endif do while nDepth < nLen cData := space( 3 ) nBytes := fRead( hFile, @cData, 3 ) if nBytes < 3 exit endif cType := padl( cData,1 ) nDataLen := bin2i( right( cData,2 ) ) if !( cType == "A" ) cData := space( nDataLen ) nBytes:= fRead( hFile, @cData, nDataLen ) if nBytes < nDataLen exit endif endif nDepth++ aadd( aRay,NIL ) if cType=="C" aRay[ nDepth ] := cData elseif cType=="N" aRay[ nDepth ] := val(cData) elseif cType=="D" aRay[ nDepth ] := ctod( left( cData, 4 ) + "/" + substr( cData, 5, 2 ) + "/" + substr( cData, 7, 2 )) //stod(cData) elseif cType=="L" aRay[ nDepth ] := ( cData=="T" ) elseif cType=="A" aRay[ nDepth ] := File2Array( , nDataLen, hFile ) endif enddo if !lOpen fClose( hFile ) endif return ( aRay ) | hbvpdft.prg | 2554 |
STATIC FUNCTION | NumAt( cSearch, cString )
static FUNCTION NumAt( cSearch, cString ) LOCAL n := 0, nAt := 0, nPos := 0 WHILE ( nAt := at( cSearch, substr( cString, nPos + 1 ) )) > 0 nPos += nAt ++n ENDDO RETURN n | hbvpdft.prg | 2611 |
STATIC FUNCTION | RunExternal( cCmd, cVerb, cFile )
static function RunExternal( cCmd, cVerb, cFile ) local lRet := .t. #ifdef __CLP__ lRet := SwpRunCmd( cCmd, 0, "", "" ) #endif #ifdef __HARBOUR__ if cVerb != nil // TOFIX: This requires hbwhat32, which in turns requires xhb. // This has to solved differently. // ShellExecute( GetDeskTopWindow(), cVerb, cFile, , , 1 ) HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( cFile ) else hb_run( cCmd ) endif #endif #ifdef __XPP__ RunShell( cCmd, , .t., .t. ) #endif return lRet | hbvpdft.prg | 2623 |
hbvpsup.prg | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
FUNCTION | vpdf_FontsDat()
STATIC FUNCTION | StrB64Decode( cString )
STATIC FUNCTION StrB64Decode( cString ) LOCAL cResult LOCAL nLen LOCAL nGroupPos LOCAL nGroup LOCAL nCharPos LOCAL nDataLen LOCAL nData // ; remove white spaces, If any cString := StrTran( cString, Chr( 10 ), "" ) cString := StrTran( cString, Chr( 13 ), "" ) cString := StrTran( cString, Chr( 9 ), "" ) cString := StrTran( cString, " ", "" ) // ; The source must consists from groups with Len of 4 chars IF ( nLen := Len( cString ) ) % 4 != 0 RETURN "" // ; Bad Base64 string. ENDIF /* IF nLen > Int( MAXSTRINGLENGTH / 1.34 ) // ; Base64 is 1/3rd larger than source text. RETURN "" // ; Not enough memory to decode. ENDIF */ cResult := "" // ; Now decode each group: FOR nGroupPos := 1 TO nLen STEP 4 // ; Each data group encodes up To 3 actual bytes. nDataLen := 3 nGroup := 0 FOR nCharPos := 0 TO 3 // ; Convert each character into 6 bits of data, And add it To // ; an integer For temporary storage. If a character is a '=', there // ; is one fewer data byte. (There can only be a maximum of 2 '=' In // ; the whole string.) nData := At( SubStr( cString, nGroupPos + nCharPos, 1 ), "=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" ) - 2 DO CASE CASE nData >= 0 // ; Do nothing (for speed) CASE nData == -1 nData := 0 nDataLen-- CASE nData == -2 RETURN "" // ; Bad character In Base64 string. ENDCASE nGroup := 64 * nGroup + nData NEXT // ; Convert the 24 bits to 3 characters // ; and add nDataLen characters To out string cResult += Left( Chr( nGroup / 65536 ) +; // ; bitwise AND 255, which is done by Chr() automatically Chr( nGroup / 256 ) +; // ; bitwise AND 255, which is done by Chr() automatically Chr( nGroup ), nDataLen ) // ; bitwise AND 255, which is done by Chr() automatically NEXT RETURN cResult | hbvpsup.prg | 107 |
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