bmdbfcdx.c | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxDspTags( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxDspTags( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = NULL; printf( "\r\n*TAGS*" ); while ( pIndex ) { printf( "\r\nBAG: [%s] ->", pIndex->szFileName ); pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { printf( " {%s}", pTag->szName ); pTag = pTag->pNext; } pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } printf( "\r\n*END*\r\n" ); fflush( stdout ); } #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGTIME #include | bmdbfcdx.c | 314 |
static CDXDBGTIME hb_cdxGetTime() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return ( (CDXDBGTIME) tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + (CDXDBGTIME) tv.tv_usec ); } #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT static ULONG cdxWriteNO = 0; static ULONG cdxReadNO = 0; static SHORT cdxStackSize = 0; static SHORT cdxTmpStackSize = 0; | bmdbfcdx.c | 346 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxErrInternal( const char * szMsg )
static void hb_cdxErrInternal( const char * szMsg ) { hb_errInternal( 9201, szMsg ? szMsg : "hb_cdxErrInternal: data integrity error.", NULL, NULL ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 365 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxErrorRT( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT uiGenCode, USHORT uiSubCode, const char * filename, USHORT uiOsCode, USHORT uiFlags )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxErrorRT( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT uiGenCode, USHORT uiSubCode, const char * filename, USHORT uiOsCode, USHORT uiFlags ) { PHB_ITEM pError; ERRCODE iRet = FAILURE; if ( hb_vmRequestQuery() == 0 ) { pError = hb_errNew(); hb_errPutGenCode( pError, uiGenCode ); hb_errPutSubCode( pError, uiSubCode ); hb_errPutOsCode( pError, uiOsCode ); hb_errPutDescription( pError, hb_langDGetErrorDesc( uiGenCode ) ); if ( filename ) hb_errPutFileName( pError, filename ); if ( uiFlags ) hb_errPutFlags( pError, uiFlags ); iRet = SELF_ERROR( ( AREAP ) pArea, pError ); hb_errRelease( pError ); } return iRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 373 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxMakeSortTab( CDXAREAP pArea )
static void hb_cdxMakeSortTab( CDXAREAP pArea ) { #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if ( pArea->cdPage && pArea->cdPage->lSort && !pArea->bCdxSortTab ) { int i, j, l; BYTE * pbSort; BYTE b; pArea->bCdxSortTab = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( 256 ); pbSort = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( 256 ); /* this table should be allready quite good sorted so this simple algorithms will be one of the most efficient one. */ for ( i = 0; i <= 255; i++ ) pbSort[i] = ( BYTE ) i; l = 255; do { j = l; for( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { if ( hb_cdpchrcmp( pbSort[i], pbSort[i+1], pArea->cdPage ) > 0 ) { b = pbSort[i+1]; pbSort[i+1] = pbSort[i]; pbSort[i] = b; l = i; } } } while ( j != l ); for ( i = 0; i <= 255; i++ ) pArea->bCdxSortTab[pbSort[i]] = i; hb_xfree( pbSort ); } #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pArea ); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 398 |
STATIC LPCDXKEY | hb_cdxKeyNew( void )
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxKeyNew( void ) { LPCDXKEY pKey; pKey = ( LPCDXKEY ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXKEY ) ); memset( pKey, 0, sizeof( CDXKEY ) ); return pKey; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 440 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxKeyFree( LPCDXKEY pKey )
static void hb_cdxKeyFree( LPCDXKEY pKey ) { if ( pKey->val ) hb_xfree( pKey->val ); hb_xfree( pKey ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 452 |
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxKeyCopy( LPCDXKEY pKeyDest, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { if ( !pKeyDest ) pKeyDest = hb_cdxKeyNew(); else { pKeyDest->rec = 0; if ( pKeyDest->val && pKeyDest->len != pKey->len ) { hb_xfree( pKeyDest->val ); pKeyDest->val = NULL; pKeyDest->len = 0; } } if ( pKey ) { if ( pKey->len ) { if ( !pKeyDest->val ) pKeyDest->val = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( pKey->len + 1 ); memcpy( pKeyDest->val, pKey->val, pKey->len ); pKeyDest->len = pKey->len; pKeyDest->val[ pKeyDest->len ] = '\0'; } pKeyDest->rec = pKey->rec; } return pKeyDest; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 462 |
STATIC LPCDXKEY | hb_cdxKeyPut( LPCDXKEY pKey, BYTE * pbVal, USHORT uiLen, ULONG ulRec )
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxKeyPut( LPCDXKEY pKey, BYTE * pbVal, USHORT uiLen, ULONG ulRec ) { if ( !pKey ) pKey = hb_cdxKeyNew(); else { if ( pKey->val && pKey->len != uiLen ) { hb_xfree( pKey->val ); pKey->val = NULL; pKey->len = 0; } } if ( pbVal && uiLen ) { pKey->len = (BYTE) uiLen; if ( !pKey->val ) pKey->val = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( uiLen + 1 ); memcpy( pKey->val, pbVal, uiLen ); pKey->val[ uiLen ] = '\0'; } pKey->rec = ulRec; return pKey; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 494 |
STATIC LPCDXKEY | hb_cdxKeyPutC( LPCDXKEY pKey, char * szText, USHORT uiRealLen, ULONG ulRec )
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxKeyPutC( LPCDXKEY pKey, char * szText, USHORT uiRealLen, ULONG ulRec ) { USHORT uiLen; if ( !pKey ) pKey = hb_cdxKeyNew(); else { if ( pKey->val ) { hb_xfree( pKey->val ); pKey->val = NULL; pKey->len = 0; } } uiLen = (USHORT) ( szText ? strlen( szText ) : 0 ); if ( uiLen > uiRealLen ) uiLen = uiRealLen; pKey->len = ( BYTE ) uiRealLen; pKey->val = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( uiRealLen + 1 ); if ( uiLen ) memcpy( pKey->val, szText, uiLen ); if ( uiLen < uiRealLen ) memset( &pKey->val[ uiLen ], ' ', uiRealLen - uiLen ); pKey->val[ uiRealLen ] = '\0'; pKey->rec = ulRec; return pKey; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 522 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxValCompare( LPCDXTAG pTag, BYTE * val1, BYTE len1, BYTE * val2, BYTE len2, BOOL fExact )
static int hb_cdxValCompare( LPCDXTAG pTag, BYTE * val1, BYTE len1, BYTE * val2, BYTE len2, BOOL fExact ) { int iLimit, iResult = 0; iLimit = (len1 > len2) ? len2 : len1; if ( pTag->uiType == 'C' ) { #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if ( pTag->pIndex->pArea->bCdxSortTab ) { BYTE * pSort = pTag->pIndex->pArea->bCdxSortTab; int iPos = 0; while ( iResult == 0 && iPos < iLimit ) { iResult = pSort[ val1[ iPos ] ] - pSort[ val2[ iPos ] ]; iPos++; } } else #endif if ( iLimit > 0 ) iResult = memcmp( val1, val2, iLimit ); if ( iResult == 0 ) { if ( len1 > len2 ) iResult = 1; else if ( len1 < len2 && fExact ) iResult = -1; } } else { if ( iLimit == 0 || (iResult = memcmp( val1, val2, iLimit )) == 0 ) { if ( len1 > len2 ) iResult = 1; else if ( len1 < len2 ) iResult = -1; } } return iResult; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 554 |
STATIC BYTE | hb_cdxItemType( PHB_ITEM pItem )
static BYTE hb_cdxItemType( PHB_ITEM pItem ) { switch( hb_itemType( pItem ) ) { case HB_IT_STRING: case HB_IT_STRING | HB_IT_MEMO: return 'C'; case HB_IT_INTEGER: case HB_IT_LONG: case HB_IT_DOUBLE: return 'N'; case HB_IT_DATE: return 'D'; case HB_IT_LOGICAL: return 'L'; default: return 'U'; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 603 |
STATIC LPCDXKEY | hb_cdxKeyPutItem( LPCDXKEY pKey, PHB_ITEM pItem, ULONG ulRec, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fTrans, BOOL fSize )
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxKeyPutItem( LPCDXKEY pKey, PHB_ITEM pItem, ULONG ulRec, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fTrans, BOOL fSize ) { BYTE buf[CDX_MAXKEY], *ptr; ULONG ulLen = 0; double d; ptr = &buf[0]; switch ( hb_cdxItemType( pItem ) ) { case 'C': ulLen = hb_itemGetCLen( pItem ); if( ulLen > (ULONG) pTag->uiLen ) ulLen = pTag->uiLen; if ( fSize && ulLen < (ULONG) pTag->uiLen ) { memcpy( ptr, hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ), ulLen ); memset( ptr + ulLen, pTag->bTrail, pTag->uiLen - ulLen ); ulLen = pTag->uiLen; } else { ptr = ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ); } break; case 'N': d = hb_itemGetND( pItem ); HB_DBL2ORD( &d, ptr ); ulLen = 8; break; case 'D': d = (double) hb_itemGetDL( pItem ); HB_DBL2ORD( &d, ptr ); ulLen = 8; break; case 'L': *ptr = (BYTE) ( hb_itemGetL( pItem ) ? 'T' : 'F' ); ulLen = 1; break; default: ptr = NULL; break; } pKey = hb_cdxKeyPut( pKey, ptr, ( USHORT ) ulLen, ulRec ); #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if ( fTrans && pTag->uiType == 'C' ) hb_cdpnTranslate( ( char * ) pKey->val, hb_vmCDP(), pTag->pIndex->pArea->cdPage, pKey->len ); #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( fTrans ); #endif return pKey; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 631 |
STATIC PHB_ITEM | hb_cdxKeyGetItem( LPCDXKEY pKey, PHB_ITEM pItem, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fTrans )
static PHB_ITEM hb_cdxKeyGetItem( LPCDXKEY pKey, PHB_ITEM pItem, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fTrans ) { double d; if ( pKey ) { switch( pTag->uiType ) { case 'C': #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if( fTrans && pTag->pIndex->pArea->cdPage != hb_vmCDP() ) { char * pVal = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( pKey->len + 1 ); memcpy( pVal, pKey->val, pKey->len ); pVal[ pKey->len ] = '\0'; hb_cdpnTranslate( pVal, pTag->pIndex->pArea->cdPage, hb_vmCDP(), pKey->len ); pItem = hb_itemPutCLPtr( pItem, pVal, pKey->len ); } else #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( fTrans ); #endif { pItem = hb_itemPutCL( pItem, ( char * ) pKey->val, pKey->len ); } break; case 'N': HB_ORD2DBL( pKey->val, &d ); pItem = hb_itemPutND( pItem, d ); break; case 'D': HB_ORD2DBL( pKey->val, &d ); pItem = hb_itemPutDL( pItem, ( LONG ) d ); break; case 'L': pItem = hb_itemPutL( pItem, pKey->val[0] == 'T' ); break; default: if ( pItem ) hb_itemClear( pItem ); else pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL ); } } else if ( pItem ) hb_itemClear( pItem ); else pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return pItem; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 688 |
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxKeyEval( LPCDXKEY pKey, LPCDXTAG pTag ) { CDXAREAP pArea = pTag->pIndex->pArea; PHB_ITEM pItem; #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF PHB_CODEPAGE cdpTmp = hb_cdpSelect( pArea->cdPage ); #endif if ( pTag->nField ) { pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL ); SELF_GETVALUE( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->nField, pItem ); pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( pKey, pItem, pArea->ulRecNo, pTag, FALSE, TRUE ); hb_itemRelease( pItem ); } else { int iCurrArea = hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaNumber(); if ( iCurrArea != pArea->uiArea ) hb_rddSelectWorkAreaNumber( pArea->uiArea ); else iCurrArea = 0; pItem = hb_vmEvalBlockOrMacro( pTag->pKeyItem ); pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( pKey, pItem, pArea->ulRecNo, pTag, FALSE, TRUE ); if ( iCurrArea ) hb_rddSelectWorkAreaNumber( iCurrArea ); } #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF hb_cdpSelect( cdpTmp ); #endif return pKey; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 744 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxEvalCond( CDXAREAP pArea, PHB_ITEM pCondItem, BOOL fSetWA )
static BOOL hb_cdxEvalCond( CDXAREAP pArea, PHB_ITEM pCondItem, BOOL fSetWA ) { int iCurrArea = 0; BOOL fRet; if ( fSetWA ) { iCurrArea = hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaNumber(); if ( iCurrArea != pArea->uiArea ) hb_rddSelectWorkAreaNumber( pArea->uiArea ); else iCurrArea = 0; } fRet = hb_itemGetL( hb_vmEvalBlockOrMacro( pCondItem ) ); if ( iCurrArea ) hb_rddSelectWorkAreaNumber( iCurrArea ); return fRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 785 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxEvalSeekCond( LPCDXTAG pTag, PHB_ITEM pCondItem )
static BOOL hb_cdxEvalSeekCond( LPCDXTAG pTag, PHB_ITEM pCondItem ) { BOOL fRet; PHB_ITEM pKeyVal, pKeyRec; pKeyVal = hb_cdxKeyGetItem( pTag->CurKey, NULL, pTag, TRUE ); pKeyRec = hb_itemPutNInt( NULL, pTag->CurKey->rec ); fRet = hb_itemGetL( hb_vmEvalBlockV( pCondItem, 2, pKeyVal, pKeyRec ) ); hb_itemRelease( pKeyVal ); hb_itemRelease( pKeyRec ); return fRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 810 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxTopScope( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static BOOL hb_cdxTopScope( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { LPCDXKEY pKey; if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) { pKey = pTag->topScopeKey; return !pKey || !pKey->len || hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, FALSE ) <= 0; } else { pKey = pTag->bottomScopeKey; return !pKey || !pKey->len || hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, FALSE ) >= 0; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 829 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxBottomScope( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static BOOL hb_cdxBottomScope( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { LPCDXKEY pKey; if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) { pKey = pTag->bottomScopeKey; return !pKey || !pKey->len || hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, FALSE ) >= 0; } else { pKey = pTag->topScopeKey; return !pKey || !pKey->len || hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, FALSE ) <= 0; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 852 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagClearScope( LPCDXTAG pTag, USHORT nScope )
static void hb_cdxTagClearScope( LPCDXTAG pTag, USHORT nScope ) { CDXAREAP pArea = pTag->pIndex->pArea; LPCDXKEY *pScopeKey; PHB_ITEM *pScope; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxTagClearScope(%p, %hu)", pTag, nScope)); /* resolve any pending scope relations first */ if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if ( pTag->UsrAscend ? nScope == 0 : nScope != 0 ) { pScope = &pTag->topScope; pScopeKey = &pTag->topScopeKey; } else { pScope = &pTag->bottomScope; pScopeKey = &pTag->bottomScopeKey; } if ( *pScope ) { hb_itemRelease( *pScope ); *pScope = NULL; } if ( *pScopeKey ) { hb_cdxKeyFree( *pScopeKey ); *pScopeKey = NULL; pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT | CDX_CURKEY_LOGCNT ); if ( nScope == 0 ) pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 875 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagSetScope( LPCDXTAG pTag, USHORT nScope, PHB_ITEM pItem )
static void hb_cdxTagSetScope( LPCDXTAG pTag, USHORT nScope, PHB_ITEM pItem ) { CDXAREAP pArea = pTag->pIndex->pArea; PHB_ITEM pScopeVal; /* resolve any pending scope relations first */ if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pScopeVal = ( hb_itemType( pItem ) == HB_IT_BLOCK ) ? hb_vmEvalBlock( pItem ) : pItem; if ( pTag->uiType == hb_cdxItemType( pScopeVal ) ) { PHB_ITEM *pScope; LPCDXKEY *pScopeKey; ULONG ulRec; if ( pTag->UsrAscend ? nScope == 0 : nScope != 0 ) { pScope = &(pTag->topScope); pScopeKey = &(pTag->topScopeKey); ulRec = CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM; } else { pScope = &(pTag->bottomScope); pScopeKey = &(pTag->bottomScopeKey); ulRec = CDX_MAX_REC_NUM; } if ( *pScope == NULL ) *pScope = hb_itemNew( NULL ); hb_itemCopy( *pScope, pItem ); *pScopeKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( *pScopeKey, pScopeVal, ulRec, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT | CDX_CURKEY_LOGCNT ); if ( nScope == 0 ) pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS ); } else { /* TODO: !!! * RT error: BMDBFCDX/1051 Scope Type Mismatch * hb_cdxErrorRT */ } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 915 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagGetScope( LPCDXTAG pTag, USHORT nScope, PHB_ITEM pItem )
static void hb_cdxTagGetScope( LPCDXTAG pTag, USHORT nScope, PHB_ITEM pItem ) { CDXAREAP pArea = pTag->pIndex->pArea; PHB_ITEM *pScope; /* resolve any pending scoped relations first */ if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pScope = ( pTag->UsrAscend ? nScope == 0 : nScope != 0 ) ? &(pTag->topScope) : &(pTag->bottomScope); if ( *pScope ) hb_itemCopy( pItem, *pScope ); else hb_itemClear( pItem ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 966 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { PHB_ITEM pItem; if( pTag->pIndex->pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pTag->pIndex->pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea ); if ( hb_itemType( pTag->topScope ) == HB_IT_BLOCK ) { pItem = hb_vmEvalBlock( pTag->topScope ); pTag->topScopeKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( pTag->topScopeKey, pItem, pTag->topScopeKey->rec, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); } if ( hb_itemType( pTag->bottomScope ) == HB_IT_BLOCK ) { pItem = hb_vmEvalBlock( pTag->bottomScope ); pTag->bottomScopeKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( pTag->bottomScopeKey, pItem, pTag->bottomScopeKey->rec, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 983 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { LPCDXPAGE pPage, pPrevPage; pPage = pTag->pagePool; pPrevPage = NULL; while ( pPage ) { if ( pPage->pPoolPrev != pPrevPage || pPage->TagParent != pTag ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxTagPoolCheck: data integrity error." ); pPrevPage = pPage; pPage = pPage->pPoolNext; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1009 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagCheckBuffers( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagCheckBuffers( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { BOOL fChanged = FALSE; hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); if ( pTag->TagChanged ) fChanged = TRUE; else { LPCDXPAGE pPage = pTag->pagePool; while ( pPage && !fChanged ) { fChanged = pPage->fChanged; pPage = pPage->pPoolNext; } } if ( fChanged ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxTagCheckBuffers: modification without write lock." ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1027 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexCheckBuffers( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexCheckBuffers( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; if ( pIndex->fChanged || ( pIndex->freeLst && pIndex->freeLst->fStat ) ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxIndexCheckBuffers: modification without write lock." ); if ( pIndex->pCompound ) hb_cdxTagCheckBuffers( pIndex->pCompound ); pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { hb_cdxTagCheckBuffers( pTag ); pTag = pTag->pNext; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1050 |
STATIC ULONG | hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, BOOL bHeader )
static ULONG hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, BOOL bHeader ) { PHB_FILE pFile = pIndex->pFile; BYTE byBuf[4]; ULONG ulPos; if ( pIndex->fReadonly ) { hb_errInternal( 9101, "hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage on readonly database.", NULL, NULL ); } if ( pIndex->fShared && !pIndex->lockWrite ) { hb_errInternal( 9102, "hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage on not locked index file.", NULL, NULL ); } if ( pIndex->freePage != 0 && pIndex->freePage != CDX_DUMMYNODE && !bHeader ) { ulPos = pIndex->freePage; if ( pIndex->freeLst != NULL ) { LPCDXLIST pLst = pIndex->freeLst; pIndex->freePage = pLst->ulAddr; pIndex->freeLst = pLst->pNext; hb_xfree( pLst ); } else { if ( hb_fileReadAt( pFile, (BYTE *) byBuf, 4, ulPos ) != 4 ) hb_errInternal( EDBF_READ, "hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage: Read index page failed.", NULL, NULL ); pIndex->freePage = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( byBuf ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxReadNO++; #endif } } else { int iCnt = ( bHeader ? CDX_HEADERPAGES : 1 ); if ( pIndex->nextAvail != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) ulPos = pIndex->nextAvail; else ulPos = ( ULONG ) hb_fileSize( pFile ); pIndex->nextAvail = ulPos + iCnt * CDX_PAGELEN; /* TODO: ### */ if ( bHeader ) { BYTE byBuf[CDX_PAGELEN]; HB_FOFFSET fOffset = ulPos; memset( byBuf, 0, CDX_PAGELEN ); do { if( hb_fileWriteAt( pFile, byBuf, CDX_PAGELEN, fOffset ) != CDX_PAGELEN ) hb_errInternal( EDBF_WRITE, "Write in index page failed.", NULL, NULL ); fOffset += CDX_PAGELEN; } while( --iCnt ); pIndex->fChanged = TRUE; } } return ulPos; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1071 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, ULONG ulPos, BOOL bHeader )
static void hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, ULONG ulPos, BOOL bHeader ) { if ( ulPos != 0 && ulPos != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { int iCnt = ( bHeader ? CDX_HEADERPAGES : 1 ); LPCDXLIST pLst; if ( pIndex->fReadonly ) hb_errInternal( 9101, "hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage on readonly database.", NULL, NULL ); if ( pIndex->fShared && !pIndex->lockWrite ) hb_errInternal( 9102, "hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage on not locked index file.", NULL, NULL ); while ( iCnt-- ) { pLst = (LPCDXLIST) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXLIST ) ); pLst->ulAddr = pIndex->freePage; pIndex->freePage = ulPos; pLst->fStat = TRUE; pLst->pNext = pIndex->freeLst; pIndex->freeLst = pLst; ulPos += CDX_PAGELEN; } } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1138 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexFlushAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexFlushAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXLIST pLst = pIndex->freeLst; BYTE byPageBuf[CDX_PAGELEN]; ULONG ulPos; BOOL fClean = TRUE; if ( pIndex->fReadonly ) hb_errInternal( 9101, "hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage on readonly database.", NULL, NULL ); if ( pIndex->fShared && !pIndex->lockWrite ) hb_errInternal( 9102, "hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage on not locked index file.", NULL, NULL ); ulPos = pIndex->freePage; while ( pLst && pLst->fStat ) { if ( fClean ) { memset( byPageBuf, 0, CDX_PAGELEN ); fClean = FALSE; } HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( byPageBuf, pLst->ulAddr ); if( hb_fileWriteAt( pIndex->pFile, byPageBuf, CDX_PAGELEN, ulPos ) != CDX_PAGELEN ) { hb_errInternal( EDBF_WRITE, "Write in index page failed.", NULL, NULL ); } pIndex->fChanged = TRUE; ulPos = pLst->ulAddr; pLst->fStat = FALSE; pLst = pLst->pNext; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxWriteNO++; #endif } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1166 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexDropAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexDropAvailPage( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXLIST pLst; while ( pIndex->freeLst ) { pLst = pIndex->freeLst->pNext; hb_xfree( pIndex->freeLst ); pIndex->freeLst = pLst; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1204 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexPageWrite( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, ULONG ulPos, BYTE * pBuffer, USHORT uiSize )
static void hb_cdxIndexPageWrite( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, ULONG ulPos, BYTE * pBuffer, USHORT uiSize ) { if( pIndex->fReadonly ) hb_errInternal( 9101, "hb_cdxIndexPageWrite on readonly database.", NULL, NULL ); if( pIndex->fShared && !pIndex->lockWrite ) hb_errInternal( 9102, "hb_cdxIndexPageWrite on not locked index file.", NULL, NULL ); if( hb_fileWriteAt( pIndex->pFile, pBuffer, uiSize, ulPos ) != ( ULONG ) uiSize ) hb_errInternal( EDBF_WRITE, "Write in index page failed.", NULL, NULL ); pIndex->fChanged = TRUE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxWriteNO++; #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1219 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexPageRead( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, ULONG ulPos, BYTE * pBuffer, USHORT uiSize )
static void hb_cdxIndexPageRead( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, ULONG ulPos, BYTE * pBuffer, USHORT uiSize ) { if( pIndex->fShared && !( pIndex->lockRead || pIndex->lockWrite ) ) hb_errInternal( 9103, "hb_cdxIndexPageRead on not locked index file.", NULL, NULL ); if( hb_fileReadAt( pIndex->pFile, pBuffer, uiSize, ulPos ) != ( ULONG ) uiSize ) hb_errInternal( EDBF_READ, "hb_cdxIndexPageRead: Read index page failed.", NULL, NULL ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxReadNO++; #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1238 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexCheckVersion( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexCheckVersion( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { BYTE byBuf[8]; ULONG ulVer, ulFree; if( hb_fileReadAt( pIndex->pFile, byBuf, 8, 0x04 ) != 8 ) { if( pIndex->lockWrite > 0 && hb_fileSize( pIndex->pFile ) == 0 ) memset( byBuf, 0, 8 ); else hb_errInternal( 2155, "hb_cdxIndexCheckVersion: Read error on index heading page.", NULL, NULL ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxReadNO++; #endif ulFree = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &byBuf[0] ); ulVer = HB_GET_BE_UINT32( &byBuf[4] ); if ( !pIndex->fShared ) pIndex->ulVersion = pIndex->freePage; else if ( ulVer != pIndex->ulVersion || ulFree != pIndex->freePage ) { pIndex->nextAvail = CDX_DUMMYNODE; pIndex->ulVersion = ulVer; pIndex->freePage = ulFree; hb_cdxIndexDiscardBuffers( pIndex ); } /* TODO: !!! ## remove it it's for test only */ /* hb_cdxIndexDiscardBuffers( pIndex ); */ } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1254 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxIndexLockRead( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static BOOL hb_cdxIndexLockRead( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { BOOL ret; if ( pIndex->lockRead > 0 || pIndex->lockWrite > 0 || !pIndex->pArea->fShared || !pIndex->fShared || HB_DIRTYREAD( pIndex->pArea ) ) { pIndex->lockRead++; return TRUE; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( pIndex->lockRead != 0 ) hb_errInternal( 9105, "hb_cdxIndexLockRead: bad count of locks.", NULL, NULL ); if ( pIndex->WrLck || pIndex->RdLck ) hb_errInternal( 9107, "hb_cdxIndexLockRead: lock failure (*)", NULL, NULL ); pIndex->RdLck = TRUE; #endif if ( bTurbo ) { pIndex->lockRead++; hb_cdxIndexCheckVersion( pIndex ); return TRUE; } else { ret = hb_dbfLockIdxFile( pIndex->pFile, pIndex->pArea->bLockType, FL_LOCK | FLX_SHARED | FLX_WAIT, &pIndex->ulLockPos ); if ( !ret ) hb_cdxErrorRT( pIndex->pArea, EG_LOCK, EDBF_LOCK, pIndex->szFileName, hb_fsError(), 0 ); if ( ret ) { pIndex->lockRead++; hb_cdxIndexCheckVersion( pIndex ); } return ret; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1287 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static BOOL hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { BOOL ret; if ( pIndex->fReadonly ) hb_errInternal( 9101, "hb_cdxIndexLockWrite: readonly index.", NULL, NULL ); if ( pIndex->lockRead ) hb_errInternal( 9105, "hb_cdxIndexLockWrite: writeLock after readLock.", NULL, NULL ); if ( pIndex->lockWrite > 0 ) { pIndex->lockWrite++; return TRUE; } if ( pIndex->lockWrite != 0 ) hb_errInternal( 9105, "hb_cdxIndexLockWrite: bad count of locks.", NULL, NULL ); if ( !pIndex->pArea->fShared || !pIndex->fShared ) ret = TRUE; else { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( pIndex->WrLck || pIndex->RdLck ) hb_errInternal( 9107, "hb_cdxIndexLockWrite: lock failure (*)", NULL, NULL ); pIndex->WrLck = TRUE; #endif ret = hb_dbfLockIdxFile( pIndex->pFile, pIndex->pArea->bLockType, FL_LOCK | FLX_EXCLUSIVE | FLX_WAIT, &pIndex->ulLockPos ); } if ( !ret ) hb_cdxErrorRT( pIndex->pArea, EG_LOCK, EDBF_LOCK, pIndex->szFileName, hb_fsError(), 0 ); if ( ret ) { pIndex->lockWrite++; if ( pIndex->fShared || pIndex->nextAvail == CDX_DUMMYNODE ) hb_cdxIndexCheckVersion( pIndex ); } return ret; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1333 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static BOOL hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { pIndex->lockRead--; if ( pIndex->lockRead < 0 ) { hb_errInternal( 9106, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead: bad count of locks.", NULL, NULL ); } if ( pIndex->lockRead || pIndex->lockWrite ) { return TRUE; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxIndexCheckBuffers( pIndex ); #endif hb_cdxIndexPoolFree( pIndex, CDX_PAGECACHESIZE ); if ( bTurbo ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( pIndex->pArea->fShared && pIndex->fShared && !HB_DIRTYREAD( pIndex->pArea ) ) pIndex->RdLck = FALSE; #endif } else { if ( pIndex->pArea->fShared && pIndex->fShared && !HB_DIRTYREAD( pIndex->pArea ) ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( pIndex->WrLck || ! pIndex->RdLck ) hb_errInternal( 9108, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead: unlock error (*)", NULL, NULL ); pIndex->RdLck = FALSE; #endif if ( !hb_dbfLockIdxFile( pIndex->pFile, pIndex->pArea->bLockType, FL_UNLOCK, &pIndex->ulLockPos ) ) { hb_errInternal( 9108, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead: unlock error.", NULL, NULL ); } } } return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1376 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static BOOL hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { if ( pIndex->lockWrite > 1 ) { pIndex->lockWrite--; return TRUE; } if ( pIndex->lockWrite < 1 ) { hb_errInternal( 9106, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite: bad count of locks.", NULL, NULL ); } if ( pIndex->lockRead ) { hb_errInternal( 9105, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite: writeUnLock before readUnLock.", NULL, NULL ); } hb_cdxIndexFlushBuffers( pIndex ); hb_cdxIndexPoolFree( pIndex, CDX_PAGECACHESIZE ); pIndex->lockWrite--; if ( pIndex->pArea->fShared && pIndex->fShared ) { if ( pIndex->fChanged ) { BYTE byBuf[8]; (pIndex->ulVersion)++; HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( &byBuf[0], pIndex->freePage ); HB_PUT_BE_UINT32( &byBuf[4], pIndex->ulVersion ); if( hb_fileWriteAt( pIndex->pFile, byBuf, 8, 0x04 ) != 8 ) { hb_errInternal( EDBF_WRITE, "Write in index page failed (ver)", NULL, NULL ); } pIndex->fFlush = TRUE; pIndex->fChanged = FALSE; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ! pIndex->WrLck || pIndex->RdLck ) hb_errInternal( 9108, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite: unlock error (*)", NULL, NULL ); pIndex->WrLck = FALSE; #endif if ( !hb_dbfLockIdxFile( pIndex->pFile, pIndex->pArea->bLockType, FL_UNLOCK, &pIndex->ulLockPos ) ) { hb_errInternal( 9108, "hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite: unlock error.", NULL, NULL ); } } else { if ( pIndex->ulVersion != pIndex->freePage ) { BYTE byBuf[4]; HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( &byBuf[0], pIndex->freePage ); if( hb_fileWriteAt( pIndex->pFile, byBuf, 4, 0x04 ) != 4 ) { hb_errInternal( EDBF_WRITE, "Write in index page failed (ver.ex)", NULL, NULL ); } pIndex->ulVersion = pIndex->freePage; pIndex->fFlush = TRUE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxWriteNO++; #endif } else if ( pIndex->fChanged ) { pIndex->fFlush = TRUE; } pIndex->fChanged = FALSE; } return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1423 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexDiscardBuffers( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexDiscardBuffers( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxIndexCheckBuffers( pIndex ); #endif hb_cdxIndexDropAvailPage( pIndex ); if ( pIndex->pCompound ) { hb_cdxTagClose( pIndex->pCompound ); hb_cdxTagPoolFree( pIndex->pCompound, 0 ); pIndex->pCompound->fRePos = TRUE; pIndex->pCompound->curKeyState = 0; if ( pIndex->pCompound->CurKey ) pIndex->pCompound->CurKey->rec = 0; } pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { hb_cdxTagClose( pTag ); hb_cdxTagPoolFree( pTag, 0 ); pTag->fRePos = TRUE; pTag->curKeyState = 0; if ( pTag->CurKey && !pTag->Custom ) pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; pTag = pTag->pNext; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1497 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexFlushBuffers( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexFlushBuffers( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; if ( pIndex->pCompound ) { hb_cdxTagPoolFlush( pIndex->pCompound ); if ( pIndex->pCompound->TagChanged ) hb_cdxTagHeaderStore( pIndex->pCompound ); } pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { hb_cdxTagPoolFlush( pTag ); if ( pTag->TagChanged ) hb_cdxTagHeaderStore( pTag ); pTag = pTag->pNext; } hb_cdxIndexFlushAvailPage( pIndex ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1531 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexPoolFree( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, int nPagesLeft )
static void hb_cdxIndexPoolFree( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, int nPagesLeft ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; if ( pIndex->pCompound ) { hb_cdxTagPoolFree( pIndex->pCompound, nPagesLeft ); } pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { hb_cdxTagPoolFree( pTag, nPagesLeft ); pTag = pTag->pNext; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1555 |
STATIC BYTE * | hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey )
static BYTE * hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( iKey < 0 || iKey >= pPage->iKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal: wrong iKey index." ); #endif if ( pPage->pKeyBuf ) return &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iKey * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6 ) ]; else if ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) { int iPos, iLen, iTmp, iTrl, iDup; BYTE bTrail; iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; bTrail = pPage->TagParent->bTrail; if ( iKey < pPage->bufKeyNum - 1 ) pPage->bufKeyNum = 0; if ( pPage->bufKeyNum == 0 ) { pPage->bufKeyPos = CDX_EXT_FREESPACE; pPage->bufKeyLen = iLen; } while ( pPage->bufKeyNum <= iKey ) { iPos = pPage->bufKeyNum * pPage->ReqByte; iTmp = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ iPos + pPage->ReqByte - 2 ] ) >> ( 16 - pPage->TCBits - pPage->DCBits ); iDup = ( pPage->bufKeyNum == 0 ) ? 0 : ( iTmp & pPage->DCMask ); iTrl = ( iTmp >> pPage->DCBits ) & pPage->TCMask; if ( ( iTmp = iLen - iDup - iTrl ) > 0 ) { pPage->bufKeyPos -= iTmp; memcpy( &pPage->bufKeyVal[ iDup ], &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ pPage->bufKeyPos ], iTmp ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE else if ( iTmp < 0 ) { printf("\r\npPage->Page=%lx, iLen=%d, iDup=%d, iTrl=%d", pPage->Page, iLen, iDup, iTrl); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal: index corrupted." ); } #endif if ( iTrl > 0 && ( iTmp = pPage->bufKeyLen - iLen + iTrl ) > 0 ) memset( &pPage->bufKeyVal[ iLen - iTrl ], bTrail, iTmp ); pPage->bufKeyLen = iLen - iTrl; pPage->bufKeyNum++; } return pPage->bufKeyVal; } else return &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iKey * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 8 ) ]; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1574 |
STATIC ULONG | hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey )
static ULONG hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( iKey < 0 || iKey >= pPage->iKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec: wrong iKey index." ); #endif if ( pPage->pKeyBuf ) return HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6 ) - 6 ] ); else if ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) return HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ iKey * pPage->ReqByte ] ) & pPage->RNMask; else return HB_GET_BE_UINT32( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ ( iKey + 1 ) * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 8 ) - 8 ] ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1630 |
STATIC ULONG | hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey )
static ULONG hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( iKey < 0 || iKey >= pPage->iKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage: wrong iKey index." ); if ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage: page is a leaf." ); #endif return HB_GET_BE_UINT32( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ ( iKey + 1 ) * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 8 ) - 4 ] ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1648 |
STATIC LPCDXKEY | hb_cdxPageGetKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey, LPCDXKEY pKey )
static LPCDXKEY hb_cdxPageGetKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { return hb_cdxKeyPut( pKey, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, iKey ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen, hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, iKey ) ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1664 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { int i, K, iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; ULONG ulRec, ulRecPrev; BYTE * pbVal, pbValPrev[CDX_MAXKEY]; if ( pPage->iKeys > 1 ) { pPage->bufKeyNum = 0; pbVal = hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, 0 ); ulRec = hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, 0 ); for ( i = 1; i < pPage->iKeys; i++ ) { memcpy( pbValPrev, pbVal, iLen ); ulRecPrev = ulRec; pbVal = hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, i ); ulRec = hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, i ); K = hb_cdxValCompare( pPage->TagParent, pbValPrev, iLen, pbVal, iLen, TRUE ); if ( K > 0 || ( K == 0 && ulRecPrev >= ulRec ) ) { printf( "\r\nikey=%d, pPage->iKeys=%d, K=%d, ulRecPrev=%ld, ulRec=%ld", i, pPage->iKeys, K, ulRecPrev, ulRec );fflush(stdout); printf( "\r\npbValPrev=[%s] pbVal=[%s], [%d], pPage->pKeyBuf=%p, pPage->iCurKey=%d", pbValPrev, pbVal, memcmp( pbValPrev, pbVal, iLen ), pPage->pKeyBuf, pPage->iCurKey );fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageCheckKeys: index corrupted." ); } } } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1677 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf, int iKeys, BOOL fSpc )
static void hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf, int iKeys, BOOL fSpc ) { int iNum = pPage->TagParent->uiLen, iKey, iPos, iFree = CDX_EXT_FREESPACE; int iLen = iNum + 6; BYTE bDup, bTrl; BYTE bTrail = pPage->TagParent->bTrail; BOOL bErr = FALSE; for ( iKey = 0; iKey < iKeys; iKey++ ) { iPos = iKey * iLen; bTrl = bDup = 0; while ( bTrl < iNum && pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum - bTrl - 1 ] == bTrail ) ++bTrl; if ( iKey > 0 ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL int iMax = iNum - bTrl; #else int iMax = iNum - HB_MAX( pKeyBuf[ iPos - 1 ], bTrl ); #endif while ( bDup < iMax && pKeyBuf[ iPos + bDup ] == pKeyBuf[ iPos - iLen + bDup ] ) ++bDup; } if ( bTrl != pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 5 ] ) { printf("\r\nbTrl=%d, keybuf->bTrl=%d, iKey=%d/%d\r\n", bTrl, pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 5 ], iKey, iKeys ); fflush(stdout); bErr = TRUE; } if ( bDup != ( iKey == 0 ? 0 : pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 4 ] ) ) { printf("\r\nbDup=%d, keybuf->bDup=%d (bTrl=%d), iKey=%d/%d\r\n", bDup, pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 4 ], bTrl, iKey, iKeys ); fflush(stdout); bErr = TRUE; } if ( iKey > 0 ) { int K; K = hb_cdxValCompare( pPage->TagParent, &pKeyBuf[ iPos - iLen ], iNum, &pKeyBuf[ iPos ], iNum, TRUE ); if ( K > 0 || ( K == 0 && HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum - iLen ] ) >= HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum ] ) ) ) { printf( "\r\nikey=%d, iKeys=%d, K=%d, ulRecPrev=%ld, ulRec=%ld", iKey, iKeys, K, (ULONG) HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum - iLen ] ), (ULONG) HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum ] ) ); printf( "\r\npbValPrev=[%s] pbVal=[%s], [%d], pKeyBuf=%p", &pKeyBuf[ iPos - iLen ], &pKeyBuf[ iPos ], memcmp( &pKeyBuf[ iPos - iLen ], &pKeyBuf[ iPos ], iNum ), pKeyBuf ); fflush(stdout); bErr = TRUE; } } iFree -= iNum + pPage->ReqByte - bDup - bTrl; } if ( fSpc && ( iFree != pPage->iFree /* || iFree < 0 */ ) ) { printf( "\r\nFreeSpace calculated wrong! iFree=%d, pPage->iFree=%d", iFree, pPage->iFree ); fflush(stdout); bErr = TRUE; } if ( bErr ) { printf("\r\nPage=%lx, Page->iFree=%d, iLen=%d\r\n", pPage->Page, pPage->iFree, iNum ); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl: index corrupted." ); } } static void hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf ); | bmdbfcdx.c | 1713 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrlRaw( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrlRaw( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { BYTE *pKeyBuf = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( pPage->iKeys * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6 ) ); hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( pPage, pKeyBuf ); hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys, TRUE ); hb_xfree( pKeyBuf ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1793 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSetLeafRecord( BYTE *pDst, ULONG ulRec, int iDup, int iTrl, int iReq, int iDCbits, int iTCbits )
static void hb_cdxSetLeafRecord( BYTE *pDst, ULONG ulRec, int iDup, int iTrl, int iReq, int iDCbits, int iTCbits ) { int i; USHORT usBit; usBit = ( ( iTrl << iDCbits ) | iDup ) << ( 16 - iTCbits - iDCbits ); for ( i = 0; i < iReq; i++, ulRec >>= 8 ) { if ( i < iReq - 2 ) pDst[ i ] = ( BYTE ) ( ulRec & 0xff ); else if ( i == iReq - 2 ) pDst[ i ] = ( BYTE ) ( ulRec & 0xff ) | ( usBit & 0xff ); else pDst[ i ] = ( BYTE ) ( ulRec & 0xff ) | ( ( usBit >> 8 ) & 0xff ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1803 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageLeafEncode( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf, int iKeys )
static void hb_cdxPageLeafEncode( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf, int iKeys ) { int iKey, iTrl, iDup, iReq, iTmp, iNum, iLen; BYTE *pKeyPos, *pRecPos, *pSrc; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 ) { printf("\r\npPage->Page=%lx. left=%lx, right=%lx", pPage->Page, pPage->Left, pPage->Right); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafEncode: page is not a leaf." ); } #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT if ( ! pKeyBuf ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafEncode: page has no buffer." ); hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pKeyBuf, iKeys, TRUE ); #endif iNum = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; iLen = iNum + 6; iReq = pPage->ReqByte; pKeyPos = &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ CDX_EXT_FREESPACE ]; pRecPos = &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ 0 ]; pSrc = &pKeyBuf[ 0 ]; for ( iKey = 0; iKey < iKeys; iKey++, pSrc += iLen, pRecPos += iReq ) { iDup = pSrc[ iNum + 4 ]; iTrl = pSrc[ iNum + 5 ]; iTmp = iNum - iTrl - iDup; hb_cdxSetLeafRecord( pRecPos, HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pSrc[ iNum ] ), iDup, iTrl, iReq, pPage->DCBits, pPage->TCBits ); if ( iTmp > 0 ) { pKeyPos -= iTmp; memcpy( pKeyPos, &pSrc[ iDup ], iTmp ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE else if ( iTmp < 0 ) { printf("\r\n[%s][%s]", pSrc - iLen, pSrc); printf("\r\npPage->Page=0x%lx, iKey=%d, iNum=%d, iDup=%d, iTrl=%d", pPage->Page, iKey, iNum, iDup, iTrl); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafEncode: index corrupted." ); } #endif } if ( pRecPos < pKeyPos ) memset( pRecPos, 0, pKeyPos - pRecPos ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( pKeyPos - pRecPos != pPage->iFree ) { printf("\r\nPage=0x%lx, calc=%d, iFree=%d, req=%d, keys=%d, keyLen=%d\r\n", pPage->Page, (int) (pKeyPos - pRecPos), pPage->iFree, pPage->ReqByte, iKeys, iNum ); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafEncode: FreeSpace calculated wrong!." ); } if ( pPage->iFree < 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafEncode: FreeSpace calculated wrong!!." ); #endif pPage->iKeys = iKeys; pPage->fChanged = TRUE; pPage->bufKeyNum = 0; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT_EXT { BYTE * pKeyBf = pPage->pKeyBuf; pPage->pKeyBuf = NULL; hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); pPage->pKeyBuf = pKeyBf; } hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys, TRUE ); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1824 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf )
static void hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf ) { int iKey, iTmp, iBits, iDup, iTrl, iNew, iReq, iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; BYTE *pDst, *pSrc, *pRec, *pTmp, bTrail = pPage->TagParent->bTrail; ULONG ulRec; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 ) { printf("\r\npPage->Page=%lx", pPage->Page); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafDecode: page is not a leaf." ); } #endif iBits = ( 16 - pPage->TCBits - pPage->DCBits ); pDst = pKeyBuf; pSrc = &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ CDX_EXT_FREESPACE ]; pRec = pPage->node.extNode.keyPool; iReq = pPage->ReqByte; for ( iKey = 0; iKey < pPage->iKeys; iKey++, pRec += iReq ) { pTmp = &pRec[ iReq - 2 ]; iTmp = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( pTmp ) >> iBits; iDup = ( iKey == 0 ) ? 0 : ( iTmp & pPage->DCMask ); iTrl = ( iTmp >> pPage->DCBits ) & pPage->TCMask; iNew = iLen - iDup - iTrl; if ( iDup > 0 ) { memcpy( pDst, pDst - iLen - 6, iDup ); pDst += iDup; } if ( iNew > 0 ) { pSrc -= iNew; memcpy( pDst, pSrc, iNew ); pDst += iNew; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE else if ( iNew < 0 ) { printf("\r\npPage->Page=%lx, iLen=%d, iDup=%d, iTrl=%d", pPage->Page, iLen, iDup, iTrl); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafDecode: index corrupted." ); } #endif if ( iTrl > 0 ) { memset( pDst, bTrail, iTrl ); pDst += iTrl; } ulRec = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pRec ) & pPage->RNMask; HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( pDst, ulRec ); pDst += 4; *(pDst++) = ( BYTE ) iDup; *(pDst++) = ( BYTE ) iTrl; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT { BOOL fChg = pPage->fChanged; hb_cdxPageLeafEncode( pPage, pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys ); pPage->fChanged = fChg; } #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1900 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { int iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; BYTE bBits; for ( bBits = 0; iLen; bBits++, iLen >>= 1 ) {} pPage->ReqByte = 3; pPage->RNBits = 24 - ( bBits << 1 ); pPage->DCBits = pPage->TCBits = bBits; pPage->DCMask = pPage->TCMask = (BYTE) HB_CDXBITMASK( bBits ); pPage->RNMask = HB_CDXBITMASK( pPage->RNBits ); pPage->iFree = CDX_EXT_FREESPACE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1966 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageCalcLeafSpace( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf, int iKeys )
static void hb_cdxPageCalcLeafSpace( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BYTE * pKeyBuf, int iKeys ) { int iNum = pPage->TagParent->uiLen, iKey, iSize; int iLen = iNum + 6; BYTE bDup, bTrl, ReqByte, *bPtr; ULONG ulRec, RNMask; hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( pPage ); pPage->iKeys = 0; RNMask = pPage->RNMask; ReqByte = pPage->ReqByte; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pKeyBuf, iKeys, FALSE ); #endif for ( iKey = 0; iKey < iKeys; iKey++ ) { bPtr = &pKeyBuf[ iKey * iLen + iNum ]; bTrl = bPtr[ 5 ]; if ( iKey == 0 ) bDup = bPtr[ 4 ] = 0; else bDup = bPtr[ 4 ]; ulRec = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( bPtr ); iSize = ReqByte + iNum - bTrl - bDup; if ( ulRec > RNMask ) { BYTE RNBits = pPage->RNBits; while ( ulRec > RNMask ) { ReqByte++; RNBits += 8; RNMask = ( RNMask << 8 ) | 0xFF; iSize += ( iKey + 1 ); } if ( iSize > pPage->iFree ) break; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO_X printf("\r\npPage->Page=%lx, ulRec=%lx, RNMask=%lx/%lx, RNBits=%d/%d, DCB=%d, TCB=%d (%lx), iKey=%d/%d", pPage->Page, ulRec, RNMask, pPage->RNMask, RNBits, pPage->RNBits, pPage->DCBits, pPage->TCBits, HB_CDXBITMASK( RNBits ), iKey, iKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif pPage->RNMask = RNMask; pPage->RNBits = RNBits; pPage->ReqByte = ReqByte; } else if ( iSize > pPage->iFree ) break; pPage->iFree -= iSize; pPage->iKeys++; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 1983 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageLeafDelKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static int hb_cdxPageLeafDelKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { int iKey = pPage->iCurKey, iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6, iSpc; int iRet = 0; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafDelKey: page is not a leaf." ); if ( iKey < 0 || iKey >= pPage->iKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafDelKey: wrong iKey index." ); #endif if ( !pPage->pKeyBuf ) { BYTE *pKeyBuf = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( ( pPage->iKeys ) * iLen ); hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( pPage, pKeyBuf ); pPage->pKeyBuf = pKeyBuf; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\ndelkey: Page=%lx, iKey=%d/%d, rec=%ld, iFree=%d", pPage->Page, iKey, pPage->iKeys, (ULONG) HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen - 6 ] ), pPage->iFree ); fflush(stdout); #endif iSpc = pPage->ReqByte + pPage->TagParent->uiLen - pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen - 2 ] - pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen - 1 ]; if ( iKey < pPage->iKeys - 1 ) { int iPos = ( iKey + 2 ) * iLen - 2, iDup = 0; iSpc -= pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos ]; if ( iKey > 0 ) { int iPrev = ( iKey - 1 ) * iLen, iNext = ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen, iNum = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL iNum -= pPage->pKeyBuf[ iNext + iLen - 1 ]; #else iNum -= HB_MAX( pPage->pKeyBuf[ iNext + iLen - 1 ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPrev + iLen - 1 ] ); #endif iDup = HB_MIN( pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ iNext - 2] ); if ( iDup > iNum ) { iDup = iNum; } else { while ( iDup < iNum && pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPrev + iDup ] == pPage->pKeyBuf[ iNext + iDup ] ) ++iDup; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("+%d=%d", iSpc+iDup, pPage->iFree+iSpc+iDup ); if ( iSpc+iDup < 0 ) printf( " iLen=%d, iDup=%d, iNum=%d pd=%d pt=%d cd=%d ct=%d nd=%d nt=%d", iLen-6, iDup, iNum, pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPrev + iLen - 2 ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPrev + iLen - 1 ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen - 2 ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen - 1 ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ iNext + iLen - 2 ], pPage->pKeyBuf[ iNext + iLen - 1 ] ); fflush(stdout); #endif } iSpc += ( pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos ] = ( BYTE ) iDup ); } pPage->iFree += iSpc; if ( --pPage->iKeys > iKey ) { memmove( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iKey * iLen ], &pPage->pKeyBuf[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen ], ( pPage->iKeys - iKey ) * iLen ); } pPage->fBufChanged = pPage->fChanged = TRUE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pPage->pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys, TRUE ); #endif if ( iKey >= pPage->iKeys ) iRet |= NODE_NEWLASTKEY; if ( pPage->iKeys == 0 ) iRet |= NODE_JOIN; else if ( pPage->iFree < 0 ) iRet |= NODE_SPLIT; /* if ( pPage->iFree >= CDX_EXT_FREESPACE / 2 ) */ if ( pPage->iFree >= pPage->ReqByte ) iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; return iRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2040 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageLeafAddKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey )
static int hb_cdxPageLeafAddKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { int iKey, iNum = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; int iLen = iNum + 6, iSpc, iTrl, iDup, iMax, iPos; BYTE bTrail = pPage->TagParent->bTrail; int iRet = 0; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\naddkey: Page=%lx, iKey=%d/%d, rec=%ld", pPage->Page, pPage->iCurKey, pPage->iKeys, pKey->rec); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafAddKey: page is not a leaf." ); if ( pPage->iCurKey < 0 || pPage->iCurKey > pPage->iKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageLeafAddKey: wrong iKey index." ); #endif if ( !pPage->pKeyBuf ) { BYTE *pKeyBuf = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( ( pPage->iKeys + 1 ) * iLen ); hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( pPage, pKeyBuf ); pPage->pKeyBuf = pKeyBuf; } else { pPage->pKeyBuf = (BYTE*) hb_xrealloc( pPage->pKeyBuf, ( pPage->iKeys + 1 ) * iLen ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pPage->pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys, TRUE ); #endif iTrl = iDup = 0; iKey = pPage->iCurKey; iPos = iKey * iLen; if ( iKey < pPage->iKeys ) { iDup = pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 4 ]; memmove( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iLen ], &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos ], iLen * ( pPage->iKeys - iKey ) ); } if ( pKey->len >= iNum ) memcpy( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos ], pKey->val, iNum ); else { memcpy( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos ], pKey->val, pKey->len ); memset( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + pKey->len ], bTrail, iNum - pKey->len ); } HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( &pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum ], pKey->rec ); while ( iTrl < iNum && pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum - iTrl - 1 ] == bTrail ) ++iTrl; if ( iKey > 0 ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL iMax = iNum - iTrl; #else iMax = iNum - HB_MAX( iTrl, pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos - 1 ] ); #endif if ( iDup > iMax ) { iDup = iMax; } else { while ( iDup < iMax && pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iDup ] == pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iDup - iLen ] ) ++iDup; } } pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 4 ] = (BYTE) iDup; pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iNum + 5 ] = (BYTE) iTrl; iSpc = pPage->ReqByte + iNum - iTrl - iDup; if ( iKey < pPage->iKeys ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL iMax = iNum - pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iLen + iLen - 1 ]; #else iMax = iNum - HB_MAX( iTrl, pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iLen + iLen - 1 ] ); #endif iSpc += pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iLen + iLen - 2 ]; iDup = 0; while ( iDup < iMax && pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iDup ] == pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iDup + iLen ] ) ++iDup; iSpc -= ( pPage->pKeyBuf[ iPos + iLen + iLen - 2 ] = ( BYTE ) iDup ); } pPage->iKeys++; while ( pKey->rec > pPage->RNMask ) { pPage->RNMask = ( pPage->RNMask << 8 ) | 0xFF; pPage->ReqByte++; pPage->RNBits += 8; iSpc += pPage->iKeys; } pPage->iFree -= iSpc; pPage->fBufChanged = pPage->fChanged = TRUE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pPage->pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys, TRUE ); #endif if ( iKey >= pPage->iKeys - 1 ) iRet |= NODE_NEWLASTKEY; if ( pPage->iFree < 0 ) iRet |= NODE_SPLIT; if ( pPage->iFree >= pPage->ReqByte && pPage->Left != CDX_DUMMYNODE && pPage->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; return iRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2136 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey, BOOL fIns, BYTE * pbVal, ULONG ulRec, ULONG ulPag )
static void hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey, BOOL fIns, BYTE * pbVal, ULONG ulRec, ULONG ulPag ) { int iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen; int iPos = iKey * ( iLen + 8 ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nintSetKey (%s): Page=%lx, iKey=%d/%d, ulPag=%lx", fIns ? "ins" : "set", pPage->Page, iKey, pPage->iKeys, ulPag); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageIntSetKey: page is a leaf!" ); if ( iKey < 0 || iKey >= pPage->iKeys + ( fIns ? 1 : 0 ) ) { hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageIntSetKey: wrong iKey index." ); } #endif if ( fIns ) { if ( iKey < pPage->iKeys ) { memmove( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos + iLen + 8 ], &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos ], ( iLen + 8 ) * ( pPage->iKeys - iKey ) ); } pPage->iKeys++; } if ( pbVal ) memcpy( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos ], pbVal, iLen ); else if ( fIns ) memset( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos ], pPage->TagParent->bTrail, iLen ); if ( ulRec ) HB_PUT_BE_UINT32( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos + iLen ], ulRec ); HB_PUT_BE_UINT32( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos + iLen + 4 ], ulPag ); pPage->fChanged = TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2251 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageIntDelKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey )
static void hb_cdxPageIntDelKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iKey ) { int iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 8; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nintDelKey: Page=%lx, iKey=%d/%d, ulPag=%lx", pPage->Page, iKey, pPage->iKeys, (ULONG) HB_GET_BE_UINT32( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ (iKey+1) * iLen - 4 ] ) ); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageIntDelKey: page is a leaf!" ); if ( iKey < 0 || iKey >= pPage->iKeys ) { hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageIntDelKey: wrong iKey index." ); } #endif pPage->iKeys--; if ( pPage->iKeys > iKey ) { memmove( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iKey * iLen ], &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ ( iKey + 1 ) * iLen ], ( pPage->iKeys - iKey ) * iLen ); } memset( &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ pPage->iKeys * iLen ], 0, iLen ); pPage->fChanged = TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2293 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageLoad( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxPageLoad( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { if ( pPage->pKeyBuf ) { hb_xfree( pPage->pKeyBuf ); pPage->pKeyBuf = NULL; pPage->fBufChanged = FALSE; } hb_cdxIndexPageRead( pPage->TagParent->pIndex, pPage->Page, (BYTE *) &pPage->node, sizeof( CDXNODE ) ); pPage->PageType = ( BYTE ) HB_GET_LE_UINT16( pPage->node.intNode.attr ); pPage->Left = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pPage->node.intNode.leftPtr ); pPage->Right = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pPage->node.intNode.rightPtr ); pPage->iKeys = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( pPage->node.intNode.nKeys ); pPage->fChanged = FALSE; if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) { pPage->iFree = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( pPage->node.extNode.freeSpc ); pPage->RNMask = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pPage->node.extNode.recMask ); /* TODO: redundant, use it directly */ pPage->DCMask = pPage->node.extNode.dupMask; pPage->TCMask = pPage->node.extNode.trlMask; pPage->RNBits = pPage->node.extNode.recBits; pPage->DCBits = pPage->node.extNode.dupBits; pPage->TCBits = pPage->node.extNode.trlBits; pPage->ReqByte = pPage->node.extNode.keyBytes; pPage->bufKeyNum = 0; #if 0 if ( !pPage->pKeyBuf ) { BYTE *pKeyBuf = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( ( pPage->iKeys + 1 ) * ( pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6 ) ); hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( pPage, pKeyBuf ); pPage->pKeyBuf = pKeyBuf; } #endif } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2324 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageStore( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxPageStore( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( pPage->Page == 0 || pPage->Page == CDX_DUMMYNODE ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageStore: Page number wrong!." ); if ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) { if ( pPage->iFree < 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageStore: FreeSpace calculated wrong!." ); } else if ( pPage->iKeys > pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageStore: number of keys exceed!." ); #endif HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( pPage->node.intNode.attr, ( UINT16 ) pPage->PageType ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( pPage->node.intNode.nKeys, pPage->iKeys ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( pPage->node.intNode.leftPtr, pPage->Left ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( pPage->node.intNode.rightPtr, pPage->Right ); if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) { HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( pPage->node.extNode.freeSpc, pPage->iFree ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( pPage->node.extNode.recMask, pPage->RNMask ); /* TODO: redundant, use it directly */ pPage->node.extNode.dupMask = pPage->DCMask; pPage->node.extNode.trlMask = pPage->TCMask; pPage->node.extNode.recBits = pPage->RNBits; pPage->node.extNode.dupBits = pPage->DCBits; pPage->node.extNode.trlBits = pPage->TCBits; pPage->node.extNode.keyBytes = pPage->ReqByte; if ( pPage->pKeyBuf && pPage->fBufChanged ) { hb_cdxPageLeafEncode( pPage, pPage->pKeyBuf, pPage->iKeys ); pPage->fBufChanged = FALSE; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT if ( pPage->pKeyBuf ) { hb_xfree( pPage->pKeyBuf ); pPage->pKeyBuf = NULL; } #endif } hb_cdxIndexPageWrite( pPage->TagParent->pIndex, pPage->Page, (BYTE *) &pPage->node, sizeof( CDXNODE ) ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif pPage->fChanged = FALSE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2368 |
static LPCDXPAGE hb_cdxPageNew( LPCDXTAG pTag, LPCDXPAGE pOwnerPage, ULONG ulPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pPage = NULL; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif if ( ulPage && ulPage != CDX_DUMMYNODE && pTag->pagePool ) { pPage = pTag->pagePool; while ( pPage && pPage->Page != ulPage ) { pPage = pPage->pPoolNext; } } if ( pPage ) { if ( pPage->pPoolPrev ) { pPage->pPoolPrev->pPoolNext = pPage->pPoolNext; if ( pPage->pPoolNext ) { pPage->pPoolNext->pPoolPrev = pPage->pPoolPrev; } pPage->pPoolPrev = NULL; pPage->pPoolNext = pTag->pagePool; pPage->pPoolNext->pPoolPrev = pPage; pTag->pagePool = pPage; } } else { pPage = ( LPCDXPAGE ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXPAGE ) ); memset( pPage, 0, sizeof( CDXPAGE ) ); pPage->PageType = CDX_NODE_UNUSED; pPage->Left = pPage->Right = CDX_DUMMYNODE; pPage->TagParent = pTag; if ( ulPage && ulPage != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { pPage->Page = ulPage; hb_cdxPageLoad( pPage ); } else if ( ! ulPage ) { pPage->Page = hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage( pTag->pIndex, FALSE ); pPage->fChanged = TRUE; } pPage->pPoolPrev = NULL; pPage->pPoolNext = pTag->pagePool; pTag->pagePool = pPage; if ( pPage->pPoolNext ) pPage->pPoolNext->pPoolPrev = pPage; } pPage->Owner = pOwnerPage; pPage->iCurKey = -1; pPage->bUsed = 1; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif return pPage; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2421 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageFree( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BOOL fReal )
static void hb_cdxPageFree( LPCDXPAGE pPage, BOOL fReal ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT LPCDXTAG pTag = pPage->TagParent; hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif if ( pPage->Child != NULL ) { hb_cdxPageFree( pPage->Child, fReal ); pPage->Child = NULL; } if ( pPage->PageType == CDX_NODE_UNUSED ) { fReal = TRUE; pPage->fChanged = FALSE; } if ( fReal ) { if ( pPage->fChanged ) hb_cdxPageStore( pPage ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif if ( pPage->pPoolPrev ) { pPage->pPoolPrev->pPoolNext = pPage->pPoolNext; if ( pPage->pPoolNext ) { pPage->pPoolNext->pPoolPrev = pPage->pPoolPrev; } } else { pPage->TagParent->pagePool = pPage->pPoolNext; if ( pPage->pPoolNext ) { pPage->pPoolNext->pPoolPrev = NULL; } } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif } if ( pPage->Owner != NULL && pPage->Owner->Child == pPage ) pPage->Owner->Child = NULL; pPage->Owner = NULL; pPage->bUsed = 0; if ( fReal ) { if ( pPage->PageType == CDX_NODE_UNUSED ) hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage( pPage->TagParent->pIndex, pPage->Page, FALSE ); if ( pPage->pKeyBuf ) hb_xfree( pPage->pKeyBuf ); hb_xfree( pPage ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2488 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxPageGetChild( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxPageGetChild( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { ULONG ulPage; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetChild: index corrupted." ); #endif ulPage = hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ); if ( pPage->Child != NULL ) { if ( pPage->Child->Page != ulPage ) { hb_cdxPageFree( pPage->Child, FALSE ); pPage->Child = NULL; } } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("GetChild: Parent=%lx, Child=%lx\r\n", pPage->Page, ulPage); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( pPage->Child == NULL ) pPage->Child = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, ulPage ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2556 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageKeyLeafBalance( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iChildRet )
static int hb_cdxPageKeyLeafBalance( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iChildRet ) { LPCDXPAGE childs[ CDX_BALANCE_LEAFPAGES + 2 ], lpTmpPage; int iChKeys[ CDX_BALANCE_LEAFPAGES + 2 ], iChFree[ CDX_BALANCE_LEAFPAGES + 2 ]; int iFirstKey, iBlncKeys = CDX_BALANCE_LEAFPAGES; int iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6, iKeys = 0, iFree = 0, iSkip = 0, iBufSize = 0; BYTE * pKeyPool = NULL, * pPtr; BOOL fIns; ULONG ulPage; int iRet = 0, i; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif if ( pPage->iCurKey > 0 ) iFirstKey = pPage->iCurKey - 1; else { iFirstKey = 0; --iBlncKeys; if ( pPage->Left != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; } if ( iBlncKeys > pPage->iKeys - iFirstKey ) { iBlncKeys = pPage->iKeys - iFirstKey; if ( pPage->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nleaf balance: Page=%lx (%d/%d)", pPage->Page, iFirstKey, iBlncKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( ( iChildRet & ( NODE_SPLIT | NODE_JOIN ) ) == 0 && ( iBlncKeys < 2 || ( iChildRet & NODE_BALANCE ) == 0 ) ) return iRet; for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) { ulPage = hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage( pPage, iFirstKey + i ); if ( pPage->Child && pPage->Child->Page == ulPage ) { childs[i] = pPage->Child; pPage->Child = NULL; } else { childs[i] = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, ulPage ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( i > 0 && ( childs[i]->Page != childs[i-1]->Right || childs[i]->Left != childs[i-1]->Page ) ) { printf("\r\nchilds[%d]->Page=%lx, childs[%d]->Right=%lx, childs[%d]->Page=%lx, childs[%d]->Left=%lx", i-1, childs[i-1]->Page, i-1, childs[i-1]->Right, i, childs[i]->Page, i, childs[i]->Left); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageKeyLeafBalance: index corrupted." ); } #endif iChKeys[i] = childs[i]->iKeys; iChFree[i] = childs[i]->iFree; if ( childs[i]->iFree >= childs[i]->ReqByte ) /* TODO: increase limit for last page */ iFree += childs[i]->iFree; else if ( childs[i]->iFree >= 0 ) { if ( i == iSkip ) ++iSkip; #if 1 else if ( i + 1 == iBlncKeys && ( iChildRet & NODE_SPLIT ) == 0 ) { iBlncKeys--; hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); } #endif } if ( i >= iSkip && i < iBlncKeys ) iKeys += childs[i]->iKeys; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf(", childs[%d]->Page=%lx(%d/%d)", i, childs[i]->Page, childs[i]->iKeys, childs[i]->iFree); printf("(%d/%d/%d:%d,%lx)", i, iSkip, iBlncKeys, iKeys, childs[i]->Right); fflush(stdout); #endif } if ( ( iChildRet & NODE_SPLIT ) == 0 ) { for ( i = iBlncKeys - 1; i > iSkip && childs[i]->iFree >= 0 && childs[i]->iFree < childs[i]->ReqByte; i-- ) { iKeys -= childs[i]->iKeys; hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); iBlncKeys--; } } if ( ( iChildRet & ( NODE_SPLIT | NODE_JOIN ) ) == 0 && ( iBlncKeys < 2 || iFree < CDX_EXT_FREESPACE ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); return iRet; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nleaf balance: Page=%lx iKeys=%d", pPage->Page, iKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( iKeys > 0 ) { iBufSize = iKeys; pPtr = pKeyPool = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( iBufSize * iLen ); for ( i = iSkip; i < iBlncKeys && iKeys > 0; i++ ) { if ( childs[i]->iKeys > 0 ) { if ( childs[i]->pKeyBuf ) memcpy( pPtr, childs[i]->pKeyBuf, childs[i]->iKeys * iLen ); else hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( childs[i], pPtr ); /* update number of duplicate characters when join pages */ if ( pPtr > pKeyPool ) { BYTE bDup = 0, bMax; #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL bMax = iLen - 6 - pPtr[ iLen - 1 ]; #else bMax = iLen - 6 - HB_MAX( pPtr[ iLen - 1 ], pPtr[ -1 ] ); #endif while ( bDup < bMax && pPtr[ bDup ] == pPtr[ bDup - iLen ] ) ++bDup; pPtr[ iLen - 2 ] = bDup; if ( iSkip == i - 1 && childs[iSkip]->iFree >= 0 && iLen - 6 - bDup - pPtr[ iLen - 1 ] > childs[iSkip]->iFree - childs[iSkip]->ReqByte ) { memmove( pKeyPool, pPtr, childs[i]->iKeys * iLen ); pPtr = pKeyPool; iKeys -= childs[i-1]->iKeys; iSkip++; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\niSkip=%d, iBlncKeys=%d", iSkip, iBlncKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif } } pPtr += childs[i]->iKeys * iLen; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf(", childs[%d]->iKeys=%d", i, childs[i]->iKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif } } } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrl( pPage, pKeyPool, iKeys, FALSE ); #endif pPtr = pKeyPool; fIns = FALSE; i = iSkip; while ( iKeys > 0 ) { if ( i == iBlncKeys ) { if ( childs[i-1]->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, childs[i-1]->Right ); else lpTmpPage = NULL; #if 1 if ( !fIns && lpTmpPage != NULL ) { int j, iSize = 0, iMaxReq; ULONG ulMaxRec = 0, ul; BYTE * pbKey, bMax; for ( j = 0; j < iKeys; j++ ) { if ( ulMaxRec < ( ul = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pPtr[ ( j + 1 ) * iLen - 6 ] ) ) ) ulMaxRec = ul; iSize += iLen - 6 - ( j == 0 ? 0 : pPtr[ ( j + 1 ) * iLen - 2 ] ) - pPtr[ ( j + 1 ) * iLen - 1 ]; } pbKey = hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( lpTmpPage, 0 ); bMax = ( HB_GET_LE_UINT16( &lpTmpPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ lpTmpPage->ReqByte - 2 ] ) >> ( 16 - lpTmpPage->TCBits ) ) & lpTmpPage->TCMask; #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL bMax = iLen - 6 - bMax; #else bMax = iLen - 6 - HB_MAX( pPtr[ iKeys * iLen - 1 ], bMax ); #endif for ( j = 0; j < bMax && pPtr[ ( iKeys - 1 ) * iLen + j ] == pbKey[ j ]; j++ ) {} #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nbDup=%d, bTrl=%d ", j, iLen - 6 - bMax ); fflush(stdout); #endif iSize -= j; iMaxReq = lpTmpPage->ReqByte; ul = lpTmpPage->RNMask; while ( ulMaxRec > ul ) { ++iMaxReq; ul = ( ul << 8 ) | 0xFF; } iSize += iKeys * iMaxReq; iSize = lpTmpPage->iFree - iSize - ( iMaxReq - lpTmpPage->ReqByte ) * lpTmpPage->iKeys; if ( iSize < 0 ) fIns = TRUE; else { #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\ninserting bDup=%d #keys=%d/%d (%d) parent=%lx, child=%lx (%d), rec=%ld", j, iKeys, lpTmpPage->iKeys, i, pPage->Page, lpTmpPage->Page, iSize, (ULONG) HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pPtr + iLen - 6 )); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( iBufSize >= iKeys + lpTmpPage->iKeys ) { memmove( pKeyPool, pPtr, iKeys * iLen ); } else { BYTE * pTmp; iBufSize = iKeys + lpTmpPage->iKeys; pTmp = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( iBufSize * iLen ); memcpy( pTmp, pPtr, iKeys * iLen ); hb_xfree( pKeyPool ); pKeyPool = pTmp; } if ( lpTmpPage->iKeys > 0 ) { BYTE bDup = 0, bMax; pPtr = &pKeyPool[ iKeys * iLen ]; if ( lpTmpPage->pKeyBuf ) memcpy( pPtr, lpTmpPage->pKeyBuf, lpTmpPage->iKeys * iLen ); else hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( lpTmpPage, pPtr ); #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL bMax = iLen - 6 - pPtr[ iLen - 1 ]; #else bMax = iLen - 6 - HB_MAX( pPtr[ iLen - 1 ], pPtr[ -1 ] ); #endif while ( bDup < bMax && pPtr[ bDup ] == pPtr[ bDup - iLen ] ) ++bDup; pPtr[ iLen - 2 ] = bDup; iKeys += lpTmpPage->iKeys; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf(" bDup2=%d, bTrl2=%d ", bDup, pPtr[ iLen - 1 ] ); fflush(stdout); #endif } pPtr = pKeyPool; childs[i] = lpTmpPage; if ( iFirstKey + i >= pPage->iKeys ) iRet |= NODE_NEWLASTKEY; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT childs[i]->iKeys = 0; if ( childs[i]->pKeyBuf ) { hb_xfree( childs[i]->pKeyBuf ); childs[i]->pKeyBuf = NULL; childs[i]->fBufChanged = FALSE; } hb_cdxPageCalcLeafSpace( childs[i], pPtr, iKeys ); hb_cdxPageLeafEncode( childs[i], pPtr, childs[i]->iKeys ); iSize += ( iMaxReq - childs[i]->ReqByte ) * childs[i]->iKeys; if ( iSize != childs[i]->iFree ) { printf("\r\ninserting, iSize=%d, childs[i]->iFree=%d", iSize, childs[i]->iFree); fflush(stdout); printf("\r\niKeys=%d, iMaxReq=%d", iKeys, iMaxReq); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageGetChild: index corrupted." ); } #endif } #endif } else fIns = TRUE; if ( fIns ) { childs[ i ] = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, 0 ); childs[ i ]->PageType = CDX_NODE_LEAF; /* Update siblings links */ childs[ i ]->Left = childs[i-1]->Page; childs[ i ]->Right = childs[i-1]->Right; childs[i-1]->Right = childs[ i ]->Page; childs[i-1]->fChanged = TRUE; if ( lpTmpPage != NULL ) { lpTmpPage->Left = childs[i]->Page; lpTmpPage->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxPageFree( lpTmpPage, FALSE ); } iBlncKeys++; iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nleaf balance: new child[%d]->Page=%lx",i,childs[i]->Page); fflush(stdout); #endif } } childs[i]->iKeys = 0; if ( childs[i]->pKeyBuf ) { hb_xfree( childs[i]->pKeyBuf ); childs[i]->pKeyBuf = NULL; childs[i]->fBufChanged = FALSE; } hb_cdxPageCalcLeafSpace( childs[i], pPtr, iKeys ); if ( i == iSkip && i < iBlncKeys && !childs[i]->fChanged && childs[i]->iKeys == iChKeys[i] && childs[i]->iFree == iChFree[i] ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\niskip++\r\n");fflush(stdout); #endif iSkip++; } else { hb_cdxPageLeafEncode( childs[i], pPtr, childs[i]->iKeys ); } pPtr += childs[i]->iKeys * iLen; iKeys -= childs[i]->iKeys; /* update parent key */ if ( i < iBlncKeys ) hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( pPage, iFirstKey + i, fIns, pPtr - iLen, HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pPtr - 6 ), childs[i]->Page ); else iBlncKeys++; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf(" (%d/%d)", childs[i]->iKeys,childs[i]->iFree); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( childs[i] ); #endif i++; } if ( i < iBlncKeys ) { /* Update siblings links */ #if 1 if ( childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE && ( i > 1 || ( i == 1 && childs[0]->Left == CDX_DUMMYNODE ) ) ) { ULONG Page; Page = childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Page; childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Page = childs[i-1]->Page; childs[i-1]->Page = Page; hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( pPage, iFirstKey + i - 1, FALSE, NULL, 0, Page ); childs[i-1]->Right = childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Right; childs[i-1]->fChanged = TRUE; if ( i > 1 ) { childs[i-2]->Right = Page; childs[i-2]->fChanged = TRUE; } } else #endif { ULONG Left, Right; Right = childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Right; if ( i > 0 ) { Left = childs[i-1]->Page; childs[i-1]->Right = Right; childs[i-1]->fChanged = TRUE; } else { Left = childs[0]->Left; if ( Left != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, Left ); lpTmpPage->Right = Right; lpTmpPage->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxPageFree( lpTmpPage, FALSE ); } } if ( Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, Right ); lpTmpPage->Left = Left; lpTmpPage->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxPageFree( lpTmpPage, FALSE ); } } /* Unlink empty pages from parent */ while ( i < iBlncKeys ) { /* Delete parent key */ iBlncKeys--; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nleaf balance: free child[%d]->Page=%lx", iBlncKeys, childs[iBlncKeys]->Page); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( childs[iBlncKeys]->pKeyBuf ) { hb_xfree( childs[iBlncKeys ]->pKeyBuf ); childs[iBlncKeys]->pKeyBuf = NULL; childs[iBlncKeys]->fBufChanged = FALSE; } hb_cdxPageIntDelKey( pPage, iFirstKey + iBlncKeys ); childs[iBlncKeys]->Owner = NULL; childs[iBlncKeys]->fChanged = FALSE; childs[iBlncKeys]->PageType = CDX_NODE_UNUSED; childs[iBlncKeys]->Left = CDX_DUMMYNODE; childs[iBlncKeys]->Right = CDX_DUMMYNODE; hb_cdxPageFree( childs[iBlncKeys], FALSE ); } iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; } for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); if ( pKeyPool ) hb_xfree( pKeyPool ); pPage->fChanged = TRUE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif if ( pPage->iKeys > pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys ) iRet |= NODE_SPLIT; return iRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 2584 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageKeyIntBalance( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iChildRet )
static int hb_cdxPageKeyIntBalance( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iChildRet ) { LPCDXPAGE childs[ CDX_BALANCE_INTPAGES + 2 ], lpTmpPage; int iFirstKey, iBlncKeys = CDX_BALANCE_INTPAGES; int iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 8, iKeys = 0, iNeedKeys, iNodeKeys, iMin = pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys, iMax = 0, iDiv; ULONG ulPage; BYTE * pKeyPool = NULL, *pPtr; BOOL fForce = ( iChildRet & ( NODE_SPLIT | NODE_JOIN ) ) != 0; int iRet = 0, i; if ( !fForce && ( iChildRet & NODE_BALANCE ) == 0 ) return iRet; if ( pPage->Child && pPage->Child->Child ) hb_cdxPageFree( pPage->Child->Child, FALSE ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif if ( pPage->iKeys <= iBlncKeys || pPage->iCurKey <= iBlncKeys / 2 ) iFirstKey = 0; else if ( pPage->iCurKey + ( iBlncKeys >> 1 ) >= pPage->iKeys ) iFirstKey = pPage->iKeys - iBlncKeys; else iFirstKey = pPage->iCurKey - ( iBlncKeys >> 1 ); if ( iBlncKeys > pPage->iKeys - iFirstKey ) { iBlncKeys = pPage->iKeys - iFirstKey; iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nbalance: Page=%lx(%d) (%d/%d)", pPage->Page, pPage->iKeys, iFirstKey, iBlncKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( !fForce && iBlncKeys < 2 ) return iRet; for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) { ulPage = hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage( pPage, iFirstKey + i ); if ( pPage->Child && pPage->Child->Page == ulPage ) { childs[i] = pPage->Child; pPage->Child = NULL; } else { childs[i] = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, ulPage ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( i > 0 && ( childs[i]->Page != childs[i-1]->Right || childs[i]->Left != childs[i-1]->Page ) ) { printf("\r\nchilds[%d]->Page=%lx, childs[%d]->Right=%lx, childs[%d]->Page=%lx, childs[%d]->Left=%lx", i-1, childs[i-1]->Page, i-1, childs[i-1]->Right, i, childs[i]->Page, i, childs[i]->Left); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageKeyIntBalance: index corrupted." ); } #endif iKeys += childs[i]->iKeys; if ( childs[i]->iKeys > iMax ) iMax = childs[i]->iKeys; if ( childs[i]->iKeys < iMin ) iMin = childs[i]->iKeys; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf(", childs[%d]->Page=%lx(%d)", i, childs[i]->Page, childs[i]->iKeys); fflush(stdout); #endif } iNeedKeys = ( iKeys + pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys - 1 ) / pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys; #if 1 if ( iNeedKeys == 1 && iBlncKeys > 1 && childs[0]->Left != CDX_DUMMYNODE && childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE && iKeys >= ( CDX_BALANCE_INTPAGES << 1 ) && iKeys > ( ( pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys * 3 ) >> 1 ) ) { iNeedKeys = 2; } #endif #if 1 iDiv = HB_MAX( iMax - iMin - ( pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys >> 1 ) + 1, iBlncKeys - iNeedKeys ); #else iDiv = iMax - iMin; #endif if ( iKeys > 0 && ( iDiv >= 2 || fForce ) ) { #if 1 if ( iBlncKeys == 1 && iKeys > pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys && childs[0]->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, childs[0]->Right ); iKeys += lpTmpPage->iKeys; childs[iBlncKeys++] = lpTmpPage; if ( iFirstKey + iBlncKeys > pPage->iKeys ) iRet |= NODE_NEWLASTKEY; iNeedKeys = ( iKeys + pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys - 1 ) / pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys; } else #endif { iMin = HB_MAX( iKeys / iNeedKeys, 2 ); iMax = HB_MAX( ( iKeys + iNeedKeys - 1 ) / iNeedKeys, iMin ); for ( i = iBlncKeys - 1; i > 1 && childs[i]->iKeys >= iMin && childs[i]->iKeys <= iMax; i-- ) { iKeys -= childs[i]->iKeys; hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); iBlncKeys--; iMin = HB_MAX( iKeys / iNeedKeys, 2 ); iMax = HB_MAX( ( iKeys + iNeedKeys - 1 ) / iNeedKeys, iMin ); } while ( iBlncKeys > 2 && childs[0]->iKeys >= iMin && childs[0]->iKeys <= iMax ) { iKeys -= childs[0]->iKeys; hb_cdxPageFree( childs[0], FALSE ); iBlncKeys--; iFirstKey++; for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) { childs[i] = childs[i+1]; } iMin = HB_MAX( iKeys / iNeedKeys, 2 ); iMax = HB_MAX( ( iKeys + iNeedKeys - 1 ) / iNeedKeys, iMin ); } } } if ( !fForce && ( iBlncKeys < 2 || iDiv < 2 ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); return iRet; } if ( iKeys > 0 ) { pPtr = pKeyPool = (BYTE*) hb_xgrab( iKeys * iLen ); for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) { if ( childs[i]->iKeys > 0 ) { memcpy( pPtr, childs[i]->node.intNode.keyPool, childs[i]->iKeys * iLen ); pPtr += childs[i]->iKeys * iLen; } } } if ( iNeedKeys > iBlncKeys ) { if ( iBlncKeys < 2 ) i = iBlncKeys; else { i = iBlncKeys - 1; childs[iBlncKeys] = childs[i]; } childs[ i ] = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, 0 ); childs[ i ]->PageType = CDX_NODE_BRANCH; childs[ i ]->iKeys = 0; childs[ i ]->fChanged = TRUE; /* Add new parent key */ hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( pPage, iFirstKey + i, TRUE, NULL, 0, childs[iBlncKeys]->Page ); /* Update siblings links */ childs[ i ]->Left = childs[i-1]->Page; childs[ i ]->Right = childs[i-1]->Right; childs[i-1]->Right = childs[ i ]->Page; if ( i < iBlncKeys ) childs[i+1]->Left = childs[i]->Page; else if ( childs[i]->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, childs[iBlncKeys]->Right ); lpTmpPage->Left = childs[i]->Page; lpTmpPage->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxPageFree( lpTmpPage, FALSE ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nint balance: new child[%d]->Page=%lx",iBlncKeys,childs[iBlncKeys]->Page); fflush(stdout); #endif iBlncKeys++; iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; } else if ( iNeedKeys < iBlncKeys ) { ULONG Left, Right; /* Update siblings links */ if ( iNeedKeys > 1 ) { childs[iNeedKeys-2]->Right = childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Page; childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Left = childs[iNeedKeys-2]->Page; lpTmpPage = childs[iBlncKeys-1]; childs[iBlncKeys-1] = childs[iNeedKeys-1]; childs[iNeedKeys-1] = lpTmpPage; } else if ( iNeedKeys > 0 && childs[0]->Left == CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = childs[iBlncKeys-1]; childs[iBlncKeys-1] = childs[0]; childs[0] = lpTmpPage; childs[0]->Left = CDX_DUMMYNODE; } else { Right = childs[iBlncKeys-1]->Right; if ( iNeedKeys > 0 ) { Left = childs[iNeedKeys-1]->Page; childs[iNeedKeys-1]->Right = Right; } else { Left = childs[0]->Left; if ( Left != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, Left ); lpTmpPage->Right = Right; lpTmpPage->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxPageFree( lpTmpPage, FALSE ); } } if ( Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { lpTmpPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage, Right ); lpTmpPage->Left = Left; lpTmpPage->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxPageFree( lpTmpPage, FALSE ); } } /* Unlink empty pages from parent */ for ( i = iBlncKeys - 1; i >= iNeedKeys; i-- ) { /* Delete parent key */ #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf("\r\nbalance: free child[%d]->Page=%lx",i,childs[i]->Page); fflush(stdout); #endif hb_cdxPageIntDelKey( pPage, iFirstKey + i ); childs[i]->Owner = NULL; childs[i]->fChanged = FALSE; childs[i]->PageType = CDX_NODE_UNUSED; childs[i]->Left = CDX_DUMMYNODE; childs[i]->Right = CDX_DUMMYNODE; childs[i]->iKeys = 0; hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); } iBlncKeys = iNeedKeys; iRet |= NODE_BALANCE; } /* * Redistribute childs internal node's keys and update parent keys */ if ( iKeys > 0 ) { pPtr = pKeyPool; for ( i = 0; i < iBlncKeys; i++ ) { iNodeKeys = ( iKeys + iBlncKeys - i - 1 ) / ( iBlncKeys - i ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( iNodeKeys > pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxPageKeyIntBalance: iNodeKeys calculated wrong!." ); #endif /* TODO: do nothing if iNodeKeys == childs[i]->iKeys && i == iSkip */ memcpy( childs[i]->node.intNode.keyPool, pPtr, iNodeKeys * iLen ); childs[i]->iKeys = iNodeKeys; childs[i]->fChanged = TRUE; pPtr += iNodeKeys * iLen; iKeys -= iNodeKeys; /* update parent key */ if ( iFirstKey + i < pPage->iKeys ) { hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( pPage, iFirstKey + i, FALSE, pPtr - iLen, HB_GET_BE_UINT32( pPtr - 8 ), childs[i]->Page ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO printf(" (%d)", childs[i]->iKeys); #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( childs[i] ); #endif hb_cdxPageFree( childs[i], FALSE ); } hb_xfree( pKeyPool ); } pPage->fChanged = TRUE; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif if ( pPage->iKeys > pPage->TagParent->MaxKeys ) iRet |= NODE_SPLIT; return iRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3015 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageBalance( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iChildRet )
static int hb_cdxPageBalance( LPCDXPAGE pPage, int iChildRet ) { int iRet = 0; if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) iRet = iChildRet; else { if ( iChildRet & NODE_NEWLASTKEY ) { if ( pPage->Child->iKeys == 0 ) { iChildRet |= NODE_JOIN; iRet |= NODE_NEWLASTKEY; } else { hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( pPage, pPage->iCurKey, FALSE, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage->Child, pPage->Child->iKeys-1 ), hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage->Child, pPage->Child->iKeys-1 ), pPage->Child->Page ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pPage ); #endif pPage->fChanged = TRUE; if ( pPage->iCurKey >= pPage->iKeys - 1 ) iRet |= NODE_NEWLASTKEY; } } if ( ( pPage->Child->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) iRet |= hb_cdxPageKeyLeafBalance( pPage, iChildRet ); else iRet |= hb_cdxPageKeyIntBalance( pPage, iChildRet ); } if ( !pPage->Owner ) { if ( pPage->iKeys == 0 ) { pPage->PageType |= CDX_NODE_LEAF; hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( pPage ); } else if ( iRet & NODE_SPLIT ) iRet = hb_cdxPageRootSplit( pPage ); } return iRet; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3319 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageRootSplit( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static int hb_cdxPageRootSplit( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pNewRoot; ULONG ulPage; pNewRoot = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, NULL, 0 ); /* * do not change root page address if it's unnecessary * so we don't have to update Tag header */ pPage->TagParent->RootPage = pNewRoot; ulPage = pNewRoot->Page; pNewRoot->Page = pPage->Page; pPage->Page = ulPage; pPage->Owner = pNewRoot; pPage->PageType &= ~CDX_NODE_ROOT; pNewRoot->PageType = CDX_NODE_ROOT | CDX_NODE_BRANCH; pNewRoot->fChanged = TRUE; pNewRoot->Child = pPage; pNewRoot->iCurKey = 0; hb_cdxPageIntSetKey( pNewRoot, 0, TRUE, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iKeys-1 ), hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iKeys-1 ), pPage->Page ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckKeys( pNewRoot ); hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pPage->TagParent ); #endif hb_cdxPageBalance( pNewRoot, NODE_SPLIT ); return 0; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3369 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageKeyRemove( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static int hb_cdxPageKeyRemove( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { int iChildRet; if ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) iChildRet = hb_cdxPageLeafDelKey( pPage ); else /* interior node */ iChildRet = hb_cdxPageKeyRemove( pPage->Child ); return hb_cdxPageBalance( pPage, iChildRet ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3405 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageKeyInsert( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey )
static int hb_cdxPageKeyInsert( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { int iChildRet; if ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) iChildRet = hb_cdxPageLeafAddKey( pPage, pKey ); else /* interior node */ iChildRet = hb_cdxPageKeyInsert( pPage->Child, pKey ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT cdxTmpStackSize++; #endif return hb_cdxPageBalance( pPage, iChildRet ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3419 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagHeaderStore( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagHeaderStore( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { USHORT uiKeyLen, uiForLen; CDXTAGHEADER tagHeader; if ( !pTag->TagChanged ) return; /* * TODO: !!! read the following field from the index file, * at least freePtr has to be read for pTag->TagBlock == 0 * tagHeader.freePtr [ 4 ] offset of list of free pages or -1 * tagHeader.reserved1[ 4 ] Version number ??? * tagHeader.reserved2[ 486 ] */ pTag->TagChanged = FALSE; pTag->OptFlags &= ~( CDX_TYPE_UNIQUE | CDX_TYPE_FORFILTER | CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY | CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM ); if ( pTag->UniqueKey ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_UNIQUE; if ( pTag->pForItem != NULL ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_FORFILTER; #if defined( HB_SIXCDX ) if ( pTag->Custom ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY | CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM; else if ( pTag->ChgOnly ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM; else if ( pTag->Partial ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY; #else if ( pTag->Temporary ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY; if ( pTag->Custom ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM; #endif memset( &tagHeader, 0, sizeof( CDXTAGHEADER ) ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( tagHeader.rootPtr, pTag->RootBlock ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keySize, pTag->uiLen ); tagHeader.indexOpt = pTag->OptFlags; tagHeader.indexSig = 1; if ( !pTag->AscendKey ) HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.ascendFlg, 1 ); uiKeyLen = pTag->KeyExpr == NULL ? 0 : strlen( pTag->KeyExpr ); uiForLen = pTag->ForExpr == NULL ? 0 : strlen( pTag->ForExpr ); if( uiKeyLen + uiForLen > CDX_HEADEREXPLEN - 2 ) { hb_cdxErrorRT( pTag->pIndex->pArea, EG_DATAWIDTH, EDBF_KEYLENGTH, NULL, 0, 0 ); } else { HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keyExpPos, 0 ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keyExpLen, uiKeyLen + 1 ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.forExpPos, uiKeyLen + 1 ); HB_PUT_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.forExpLen, uiForLen + 1 ); if( uiKeyLen > 0 ) { memcpy( tagHeader.keyExpPool, pTag->KeyExpr, uiKeyLen ); } if( uiForLen > 0 ) { memcpy( tagHeader.keyExpPool + uiKeyLen + 1, pTag->ForExpr, uiForLen ); } } hb_cdxIndexPageWrite( pTag->pIndex, pTag->TagBlock, (BYTE *) &tagHeader, sizeof( CDXTAGHEADER ) ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3436 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagLoad( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagLoad( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { CDXTAGHEADER tagHeader; USHORT uiForPos, uiForLen, uiKeyPos, uiKeyLen; ULONG ulRecNo; /* read the page from a file */ hb_cdxIndexPageRead( pTag->pIndex, pTag->TagBlock, (BYTE *) &tagHeader, sizeof( CDXTAGHEADER ) ); uiForPos = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.forExpPos ); uiForLen = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.forExpLen ); uiKeyPos = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keyExpPos ); uiKeyLen = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keyExpLen ); pTag->RootBlock = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( tagHeader.rootPtr ); /* Return if: * no root page allocated * invalid root page offset (position inside an index file) * invalid key value length */ if( pTag->RootBlock == 0 || pTag->RootBlock % CDX_PAGELEN != 0 || ( HB_FOFFSET ) pTag->RootBlock >= hb_fileSize( pTag->pIndex->pFile ) || HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keySize ) > CDX_MAXKEY || uiForPos + uiForLen > CDX_HEADEREXPLEN || uiKeyPos + uiKeyLen > CDX_HEADEREXPLEN || ( uiKeyPos < uiForPos ? ( uiKeyPos + uiKeyLen > uiForPos ) : ( uiForPos + uiForLen > uiKeyPos ) ) ) { pTag->RootBlock = 0; /* To force RT error - index corrupted */ return; } /* some wrong RDDs do not set expression length this is workaround for them */ if( !uiKeyLen ) uiKeyLen = ( uiForPos >= uiKeyPos ? uiForPos : CDX_HEADEREXPLEN ) - uiKeyPos; if( !uiForLen ) uiForLen = ( uiForPos <= uiKeyPos ? uiKeyPos : CDX_HEADEREXPLEN ) - uiForPos; pTag->KeyExpr = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( uiKeyLen + 1 ); hb_strncpyTrim( pTag->KeyExpr, ( const char * ) tagHeader.keyExpPool, uiKeyLen ); pTag->uiLen = HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.keySize ); pTag->MaxKeys = CDX_INT_FREESPACE / ( pTag->uiLen + 8 ); pTag->OptFlags = tagHeader.indexOpt; pTag->UniqueKey = ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_UNIQUE ) != 0; #if defined( HB_SIXCDX ) pTag->Temporary = FALSE; pTag->Custom = ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM ) != 0 && ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY ) != 0; pTag->ChgOnly = ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM ) != 0 && ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY ) == 0; pTag->Partial = ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM ) != 0 || ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY ) != 0; #if 0 /* For CDX format SIx3 really makes sth like that */ pTag->Template = hb_strnicmp( pTag->KeyExpr, "sxChar(", 7 ) == 0 || hb_strnicmp( pTag->KeyExpr, "sxDate(", 7 ) == 0 || hb_strnicmp( pTag->KeyExpr, "sxNum(", 6 ) == 0 || hb_strnicmp( pTag->KeyExpr, "sxLog(", 6 ) == 0 ) /* SIx3 does not support repeated key value for the same record */ pTag->MultiKey = FALSE; #endif pTag->Template = pTag->MultiKey = pTag->Custom; #else pTag->Temporary = ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_TEMPORARY ) != 0; pTag->Custom = ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_CUSTOM ) != 0; pTag->ChgOnly = FALSE; pTag->Partial = pTag->Temporary || pTag->Custom; pTag->Template = pTag->MultiKey = pTag->Custom; #endif pTag->AscendKey = pTag->UsrAscend = ( HB_GET_LE_UINT16( tagHeader.ascendFlg ) == 0 ); pTag->UsrUnique = FALSE; if ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE || ! *pTag->KeyExpr ) return; if ( SELF_COMPILE( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea, ( BYTE * ) pTag->KeyExpr ) == FAILURE ) { pTag->RootBlock = 0; /* To force RT error - index corrupted */ return; } pTag->pKeyItem = pTag->pIndex->pArea->valResult; pTag->pIndex->pArea->valResult = NULL; /* go to a blank record before testing expression */ ulRecNo = pTag->pIndex->pArea->ulRecNo; SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea, 0 ); pTag->uiType = hb_cdxItemType( hb_vmEvalBlockOrMacro( pTag->pKeyItem ) ); pTag->bTrail = ( pTag->uiType == 'C' ) ? ' ' : '\0'; if ( pTag->uiType == 'C' ) hb_cdxMakeSortTab( pTag->pIndex->pArea ); pTag->nField = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea, pTag->KeyExpr ); /* Check if there is a FOR expression: pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_FORFILTER */ if ( tagHeader.keyExpPool[ uiForPos ] != 0 ) { pTag->ForExpr = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( uiForLen + 1 ); hb_strncpyTrim( pTag->ForExpr, ( const char * ) tagHeader.keyExpPool + uiForPos, uiForLen ); if ( SELF_COMPILE( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea, ( BYTE * ) pTag->ForExpr ) == FAILURE ) pTag->RootBlock = 0; /* To force RT error - index corrupted */ else { pTag->pForItem = pTag->pIndex->pArea->valResult; pTag->pIndex->pArea->valResult = NULL; if ( hb_cdxItemType( hb_vmEvalBlockOrMacro( pTag->pForItem ) ) != 'L' ) pTag->RootBlock = 0; /* To force RT error - index corrupted */ } } SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea, ulRecNo ); if ( pTag->uiLen > CDX_MAXKEY || pTag->uiType == 'U' || ( pTag->uiType == 'N' && pTag->uiLen != 8 ) || ( pTag->uiType == 'D' && pTag->uiLen != 8 ) || ( pTag->uiType == 'L' && pTag->uiLen != 1 ) ) { pTag->RootBlock = 0; /* To force RT error - index corrupted */ } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3509 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagFree( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagFree( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { if ( pTag->RootPage != NULL ) { hb_cdxPageFree( pTag->RootPage, FALSE ); pTag->RootPage = NULL; } hb_cdxTagPoolFlush( pTag ); hb_cdxTagPoolFree( pTag, 0 ); if ( pTag->TagChanged ) hb_cdxTagHeaderStore( pTag ); if ( pTag->szName != NULL ) hb_xfree( pTag->szName ); if ( pTag->KeyExpr != NULL ) hb_xfree( pTag->KeyExpr ); if ( pTag->pKeyItem != NULL ) hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pTag->pKeyItem ); if ( pTag->ForExpr != NULL ) hb_xfree( pTag->ForExpr ); if ( pTag->pForItem != NULL ) hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pTag->pForItem ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pTag->CurKey ); if ( pTag->HotKey ) hb_cdxKeyFree( pTag->HotKey ); hb_cdxTagClearScope( pTag, 0); hb_cdxTagClearScope( pTag, 1); hb_xfree( pTag ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3637 |
STATIC LPCDXTAG | hb_cdxTagNew( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char *szTagName, ULONG TagHdr )
static LPCDXTAG hb_cdxTagNew( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char *szTagName, ULONG TagHdr ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; char szName[ CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN + 1 ]; pTag = ( LPCDXTAG ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXTAG ) ); memset( pTag, 0, sizeof( CDXTAG ) ); hb_strncpyUpperTrim( szName, szTagName, sizeof( szName ) - 1 ); pTag->szName = hb_strdup( szName ); pTag->pIndex = pIndex; pTag->AscendKey = pTag->UsrAscend = TRUE; pTag->UsrUnique = FALSE; pTag->uiType = 'C'; pTag->bTrail = ' '; pTag->CurKey = hb_cdxKeyNew(); if ( TagHdr == CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { pTag->TagBlock = hb_cdxIndexGetAvailPage( pIndex, TRUE ); pTag->TagChanged = TRUE; pTag->OptFlags = CDX_TYPE_COMPACT | CDX_TYPE_COMPOUND; } else { pTag->TagBlock = TagHdr; hb_cdxTagLoad( pTag ); if ( pTag->RootBlock == 0 ) { /* index file is corrupted */ hb_cdxTagFree( pTag ); pTag = NULL; } } return pTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3669 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagClose( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagClose( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { if ( pTag->RootPage != NULL ) { hb_cdxPageFree( pTag->RootPage, FALSE ); pTag->RootPage = NULL; } if ( pTag->TagChanged ) { hb_cdxTagHeaderStore( pTag ); } pTag->fRePos = TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3709 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagOpen( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagOpen( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { CDXTAGHEADER tagHeader; if ( !pTag->RootPage ) { hb_cdxIndexPageRead( pTag->pIndex, pTag->TagBlock, (BYTE *) &tagHeader, sizeof( CDXTAGHEADER ) ); pTag->RootBlock = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( tagHeader.rootPtr ); if ( pTag->RootBlock && pTag->RootBlock != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) pTag->RootPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pTag, NULL, pTag->RootBlock ); if ( !pTag->RootPage ) hb_cdxErrInternal("hb_cdxTagOpen: index corrupted"); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3726 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagPoolFree( LPCDXTAG pTag, int nPagesLeft )
static void hb_cdxTagPoolFree( LPCDXTAG pTag, int nPagesLeft ) { LPCDXPAGE pPage, pPageNext; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif pPage = pTag->pagePool; while ( nPagesLeft && pPage ) { pPage = pPage->pPoolNext; nPagesLeft--; } while ( pPage ) { pPageNext = pPage->pPoolNext; if ( ! pPage->bUsed ) { hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, TRUE ); } pPage = pPageNext; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3744 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagPoolFlush( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagPoolFlush( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { LPCDXPAGE pPage; pPage = pTag->pagePool; while ( pPage ) { if ( pPage->fChanged ) { hb_cdxPageStore( pPage ); } pPage = pPage->pPoolNext; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxTagPoolCheck( pTag ); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3774 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSetCurKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxSetCurKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { while ( pPage->Child ) pPage = pPage->Child; hb_cdxKeyPut( pPage->TagParent->CurKey, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen, hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ) ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3795 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageSeekKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey, ULONG ulKeyRec, BOOL fExact )
static int hb_cdxPageSeekKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey, ULONG ulKeyRec, BOOL fExact ) { int l, r, n, k; BOOL fLeaf = ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0; if ( fLeaf && !pPage->pKeyBuf && pPage->iKeys > 0 ) { int iLen = pPage->TagParent->uiLen + 6; BYTE *pKeyBuf = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( pPage->iKeys * iLen ); hb_cdxPageLeafDecode( pPage, pKeyBuf ); pPage->pKeyBuf = pKeyBuf; } k = ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) ? -1 : 1; n = -1; l = 0; r = pPage->iKeys - 1; while ( l < r ) { n = (l + r ) >> 1; k = hb_cdxValCompare( pPage->TagParent, pKey->val, pKey->len, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, n ), (BYTE) pPage->TagParent->uiLen, fExact ); if ( k == 0 ) { if ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) k = 1; else if ( ulKeyRec != CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM ) { ULONG ulRec = hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, n ); if ( ulKeyRec > ulRec ) k = 1; else if ( ulKeyRec < ulRec ) k = -1; } } if ( k > 0 ) l = n + 1; else r = n; } pPage->iCurKey = l; if ( r < 0 ) return k; if ( !fLeaf ) { hb_cdxPageGetChild( pPage ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( memcmp( hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage->Child, pPage->Child->iKeys-1 ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen ) != 0 || hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ) != hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage->Child, pPage->Child->iKeys-1 ) ) { printf("\r\nkeyLen=%d", pPage->TagParent->uiLen); printf("\r\nparent=%lx, iKey=%d, rec=%ld", pPage->Page, pPage->iCurKey, hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey )); printf("\r\n child=%lx, iKey=%d, rec=%ld", pPage->Child->Page, pPage->Child->iKeys-1, hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage->Child, pPage->Child->iKeys-1 )); printf("\r\nparent val=[%s]", hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey )); printf("\r\n child val=[%s]", hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage->Child, pPage->Child->iKeys-1 )); fflush(stdout); hb_cdxErrInternal("hb_cdxPageSeekKey: wrong parent key."); } #endif k = hb_cdxPageSeekKey( pPage->Child, pKey, ulKeyRec, fExact ); } else if ( l != n || ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) { k = hb_cdxValCompare( pPage->TagParent, pKey->val, pKey->len, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), (BYTE) pPage->TagParent->uiLen, fExact ); if ( k == 0 && ulKeyRec != CDX_MAX_REC_NUM && ulKeyRec != CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM ) { ULONG ulRec = hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ); if ( ulKeyRec > ulRec ) k = 1; else if ( ulKeyRec < ulRec ) k = -1; } } if ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) { if ( pPage->iCurKey > 0 && k < 0 ) { pPage->iCurKey--; if ( !fLeaf ) { hb_cdxPageGetChild( pPage ); k = hb_cdxPageSeekKey( pPage->Child, pKey, ulKeyRec, fExact ); } else k = hb_cdxValCompare( pPage->TagParent, pKey->val, pKey->len, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), (BYTE) pPage->TagParent->uiLen, fExact ); } } else if ( k > 0 && fLeaf ) pPage->iCurKey++; return k; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3809 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( CDXAREAP pArea, ULONG ulRec )
static BOOL hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( CDXAREAP pArea, ULONG ulRec ) { LONG lRecNo = ( LONG ) ulRec; if ( SELF_COUNTSCOPE( ( AREAP ) pArea, NULL, &lRecNo ) == SUCCESS && lRecNo == 0 ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3914 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( CDXAREAP pArea, ULONG ulRecNo )
static BOOL hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( CDXAREAP pArea, ULONG ulRecNo ) { BOOL lResult = FALSE; BOOL fDeleted = hb_setGetDeleted(); if ( pArea->dbfi.fFilter && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { if ( BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, ulRecNo ) ) { if( pArea->ulRecNo != ulRecNo || pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); if( fDeleted ) SUPER_DELETED( ( AREAP ) pArea, &lResult ); if( !lResult && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ) { PHB_ITEM pResult = hb_vmEvalBlock( pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); lResult = HB_IS_LOGICAL( pResult ) && !hb_itemGetL( pResult ); if ( lResult ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, ulRecNo ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( pTag && CURKEY_LOGCNT(pTag) ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, pTag->logKeyCount - 1 ) } } } else lResult = TRUE; } else if ( pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr || fDeleted ) { if( pArea->ulRecNo != ulRecNo || pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); if( fDeleted ) SUPER_DELETED( ( AREAP ) pArea, &lResult ); if( !lResult && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ) { PHB_ITEM pResult = hb_vmEvalBlock( pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); lResult = HB_IS_LOGICAL( pResult ) && !hb_itemGetL( pResult ); } } return !lResult; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3928 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxPageReadTopKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BOOL hb_cdxPageReadTopKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { while ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 && pPage->iKeys > 0 ) { pPage->iCurKey = 0; hb_cdxPageGetChild( pPage ); pPage = pPage->Child; } if ( pPage->iKeys == 0 ) return FALSE; pPage->iCurKey = 0; hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3980 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxPageReadBottomKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BOOL hb_cdxPageReadBottomKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { while ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 && pPage->iKeys > 0 ) { pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys - 1; hb_cdxPageGetChild( pPage ); pPage = pPage->Child; } if ( pPage->iKeys == 0 ) return FALSE; pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys - 1; hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 3999 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxPageReadPrevKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BOOL hb_cdxPageReadPrevKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pOwnerPage = NULL; while ( pPage->Child ) { pOwnerPage = pPage; pPage = pPage->Child; } do { pPage->iCurKey--; while ( pPage->iCurKey < 0 ) { if ( pPage->Left == CDX_DUMMYNODE || !pOwnerPage ) { pPage->iCurKey = 0; if ( pPage->iKeys > 0 ) hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return FALSE; } pOwnerPage->Child = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage->Owner, pPage->Left ); hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, !pPage->fChanged ); pPage = pOwnerPage->Child; pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys - 1; } if( pPage->iCurKey == 0 ) { hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); if( !hb_cdxTopScope( pPage->TagParent ) || !hb_cdxBottomScope( pPage->TagParent ) ) break; } } while( ( pPage->TagParent->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) == 0 && !hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pPage->TagParent->pIndex->pArea, hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ) ) ); if( pPage->iCurKey != 0 ) hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4018 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxPageReadNextKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BOOL hb_cdxPageReadNextKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pOwnerPage = NULL; while ( pPage->Child ) { pOwnerPage = pPage; pPage = pPage->Child; } do { pPage->iCurKey++; while ( pPage->iCurKey >= pPage->iKeys ) { if ( pPage->Right == CDX_DUMMYNODE || !pOwnerPage ) { pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys; return FALSE; } pOwnerPage->Child = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage->Owner, pPage->Right ); hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, !pPage->fChanged ); pPage = pOwnerPage->Child; pPage->iCurKey = 0; } if( pPage->iCurKey == 0 ) { hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); if( !hb_cdxTopScope( pPage->TagParent ) || !hb_cdxBottomScope( pPage->TagParent ) ) break; } } while( ( pPage->TagParent->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) == 0 && !hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pPage->TagParent->pIndex->pArea, hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ) ) ); if( pPage->iCurKey != 0 ) hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4064 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxPageReadPrevUniqKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BOOL hb_cdxPageReadPrevUniqKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pOwnerPage = NULL; while ( pPage->Child ) { pOwnerPage = pPage; pPage = pPage->Child; } while ( pPage->iCurKey < 0 || memcmp( pPage->TagParent->CurKey->val, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen ) == 0 ) { if ( pPage->iCurKey > 0 ) pPage->iCurKey--; else { if ( pPage->Left == CDX_DUMMYNODE || !pOwnerPage ) { pPage->iCurKey = 0; if ( pPage->iKeys > 0 ) hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return FALSE; } pOwnerPage->Child = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage->Owner, pPage->Left ); hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, !pPage->fChanged ); pPage = pOwnerPage->Child; pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys - 1; } } hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4108 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxPageReadNextUniqKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BOOL hb_cdxPageReadNextUniqKey( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pOwnerPage = NULL; /* BYTE pbVal[CDX_MAXKEY]; */ while ( pPage->Child ) { pOwnerPage = pPage; pPage = pPage->Child; } /* memcpy( pbVal, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen ); pPage->iCurKey++; while ( pPage->iCurKey >= pPage->iKeys || memcmp( pbVal, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen ) == 0 ) */ while ( pPage->iCurKey >= pPage->iKeys || memcmp( pPage->TagParent->CurKey->val, hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ), pPage->TagParent->uiLen ) == 0 ) { if ( pPage->iCurKey < pPage->iKeys - 1 ) pPage->iCurKey++; else { if ( pPage->Right == CDX_DUMMYNODE || !pOwnerPage ) { pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys - 1; if ( pPage->iKeys > 0 ) hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return FALSE; } pOwnerPage->Child = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage->Owner, pPage->Right ); hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, !pPage->fChanged ); pPage = pOwnerPage->Child; pPage->iCurKey = 0; } } hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4144 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagKeyRead( LPCDXTAG pTag, BYTE bTypRead )
static void hb_cdxTagKeyRead( LPCDXTAG pTag, BYTE bTypRead ) { BOOL fAfter = FALSE, fBof, fEof; pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; pTag->fRePos = FALSE; hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); if ( pTag->UsrUnique ) { switch( bTypRead ) { case NEXT_RECORD: bTypRead = NXTU_RECORD; break; case PREV_RECORD: bTypRead = PRVU_RECORD; case BTTM_RECORD: fAfter = TRUE; break; } } if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) { fBof = pTag->TagBOF; fEof = pTag->TagEOF; } else { fBof = pTag->TagEOF; fEof = pTag->TagBOF; switch( bTypRead ) { case TOP_RECORD: bTypRead = BTTM_RECORD; break; case BTTM_RECORD: bTypRead = TOP_RECORD; break; case PREV_RECORD: bTypRead = NEXT_RECORD; break; case NEXT_RECORD: bTypRead = PREV_RECORD; break; case PRVU_RECORD: bTypRead = NXTU_RECORD; break; case NXTU_RECORD: bTypRead = PRVU_RECORD; break; } } switch( bTypRead ) { case TOP_RECORD: fBof = fEof = !hb_cdxPageReadTopKey( pTag->RootPage ); break; case BTTM_RECORD: fBof = fEof = !hb_cdxPageReadBottomKey( pTag->RootPage ); break; case PREV_RECORD: if ( !fBof ) fBof = !hb_cdxPageReadPrevKey( pTag->RootPage ); break; case NEXT_RECORD: if ( !fEof ) fEof = !hb_cdxPageReadNextKey( pTag->RootPage ); break; case PRVU_RECORD: if ( !fBof ) fBof = !hb_cdxPageReadPrevUniqKey( pTag->RootPage ); break; case NXTU_RECORD: if ( !fEof ) fEof = !hb_cdxPageReadNextUniqKey( pTag->RootPage ); break; } if ( fEof ) pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; else if ( fAfter && !fBof ) { if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) { if ( hb_cdxPageReadPrevUniqKey( pTag->RootPage ) ) hb_cdxPageReadNextKey( pTag->RootPage ); } else { if ( hb_cdxPageReadNextUniqKey( pTag->RootPage ) ) hb_cdxPageReadPrevKey( pTag->RootPage ); } } if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) { pTag->TagBOF = fBof; pTag->TagEOF = fEof; } else { pTag->TagBOF = fEof; pTag->TagEOF = fBof; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4185 |
static ULONG hb_cdxTagKeyFind( LPCDXTAG pTag, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { int K; ULONG ulKeyRec = pKey->rec; pTag->fRePos = FALSE; hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); pTag->TagBOF = pTag->TagEOF = FALSE; K = hb_cdxPageSeekKey( pTag->RootPage, pKey, ulKeyRec, FALSE ); if ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) K = - K; if ( K > 0 ) { pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; } else { hb_cdxSetCurKey( pTag->RootPage ); if ( K == 0 ) return pTag->CurKey->rec; } return 0; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4306 |
static BOOL hb_cdxTagKeyAdd( LPCDXTAG pTag, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); if( hb_cdxPageSeekKey( pTag->RootPage, pKey, pTag->UniqueKey ? CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM : pKey->rec, TRUE ) != 0 || ( pTag->Custom && pTag->MultiKey && !pTag->UniqueKey ) ) { hb_cdxPageKeyInsert( pTag->RootPage, pKey ); pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS | CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT | CDX_CURKEY_LOGCNT ); pTag->fRePos = TRUE; /* TODO: !!! remove when page leaf balance can save CurKey */ hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4336 |
static BOOL hb_cdxTagKeyDel( LPCDXTAG pTag, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { if ( hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ) != 0 ) { hb_cdxPageKeyRemove( pTag->RootPage ); pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS | CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT | CDX_CURKEY_LOGCNT ); pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4358 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagGoTop( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagGoTop( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { LPCDXKEY pKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? pTag->topScopeKey : pTag->bottomScopeKey; ULONG ulPos = 1; if ( pKey ) hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); else hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, TOP_RECORD ); do { if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || pTag->TagEOF || ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) { pTag->TagBOF = pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; break; } else if ( ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) != 0 || hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pTag->pIndex->pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) { pTag->rawKeyPos = ulPos; CURKEY_SETRAWPOS( pTag ); break; } hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, NEXT_RECORD ); ulPos++; } while ( TRUE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4374 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagGoBottom( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagGoBottom( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { LPCDXKEY pKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? pTag->bottomScopeKey : pTag->topScopeKey; ULONG ulPos = 0; if ( pKey ) hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); else hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, BTTM_RECORD ); do { if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || pTag->TagBOF || ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) { pTag->TagBOF = pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; break; } else if ( ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) != 0 || hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pTag->pIndex->pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) { if ( CURKEY_RAWCNT( pTag ) ) { pTag->rawKeyPos = pTag->rawKeyCount - ulPos; CURKEY_SETRAWPOS( pTag ); } break; } hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, PREV_RECORD ); ulPos++; } while ( TRUE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4408 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagSkipNext( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagSkipNext( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { BOOL fPos = CURKEY_RAWPOS( pTag ), fEof = FALSE; ULONG ulSkip = 1; if ( pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 ) { if ( !hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) { ulSkip = 0; hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); } else hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, NEXT_RECORD ); } while ( !fEof ) { if ( pTag->TagEOF || pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || !hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) || !hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) fEof = TRUE; else if ( ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) != 0 || hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pTag->pIndex->pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) break; hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, NEXT_RECORD ); ulSkip++; } if ( fEof ) { pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; } else if ( fPos ) { pTag->rawKeyPos += ulSkip; CURKEY_SETRAWPOS( pTag ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4445 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { BOOL fPos = CURKEY_RAWPOS( pTag ), fBof = FALSE; ULONG ulSkip = 1; if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 ) { ulSkip = 0; hb_cdxTagGoBottom( pTag ); } else hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, PREV_RECORD ); while ( !fBof ) { if ( pTag->TagBOF || pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || !hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) || !hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) fBof = TRUE; else if ( ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) != 0 || hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pTag->pIndex->pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) break; hb_cdxTagKeyRead( pTag, PREV_RECORD ); ulSkip++; } if ( fBof ) { hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); pTag->TagBOF = TRUE; } else if ( fPos ) { pTag->rawKeyPos -= ulSkip; CURKEY_SETRAWPOS( pTag ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4488 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxReorderTagList( LPCDXTAG * TagListPtr )
static void hb_cdxReorderTagList( LPCDXTAG * TagListPtr ) { LPCDXTAG *pTagPtr, pTagTmp; BOOL fRepeat = TRUE; while ( fRepeat ) { fRepeat = FALSE; pTagPtr = TagListPtr; while ( *pTagPtr && (*pTagPtr)->pNext ) { if ( (*pTagPtr)->TagBlock > (*pTagPtr)->pNext->TagBlock ) { pTagTmp = (*pTagPtr); (*pTagPtr) = (*pTagPtr)->pNext; pTagTmp->pNext = (*pTagPtr)->pNext; (*pTagPtr)->pNext = pTagTmp; fRepeat = TRUE; } pTagPtr = &(*pTagPtr)->pNext; } } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4529 |
STATIC LPCDXTAG | hb_cdxIndexCreateTag( BOOL fStruct, LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName, char * KeyExp, PHB_ITEM pKeyItem, BYTE bType, USHORT uiLen, char * ForExp, PHB_ITEM pForItem, BOOL fAscnd, BOOL fUniq, BOOL fCustom, BOOL fReindex )
static LPCDXTAG hb_cdxIndexCreateTag( BOOL fStruct, LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName, char * KeyExp, PHB_ITEM pKeyItem, BYTE bType, USHORT uiLen, char * ForExp, PHB_ITEM pForItem, BOOL fAscnd, BOOL fUniq, BOOL fCustom, BOOL fReindex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; pTag = hb_cdxTagNew( pIndex, szTagName, CDX_DUMMYNODE ); if ( fStruct ) pTag->OptFlags |= CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE; if ( bType == 'C' ) hb_cdxMakeSortTab( pTag->pIndex->pArea ); if ( KeyExp != NULL ) { pTag->KeyExpr = hb_strduptrim( KeyExp ); pTag->nField = hb_rddFieldExpIndex( ( AREAP ) pTag->pIndex->pArea, pTag->KeyExpr ); } pTag->pKeyItem = pKeyItem; if ( ForExp != NULL ) pTag->ForExpr = hb_strduptrim( ForExp ); pTag->pForItem = pForItem; pTag->AscendKey = pTag->UsrAscend = fAscnd; pTag->UniqueKey = fUniq; pTag->UsrUnique = FALSE; pTag->Custom = fCustom; pTag->Template = pTag->MultiKey = pTag->Custom; pTag->Partial = pTag->ChgOnly = FALSE; pTag->uiType = bType; pTag->bTrail = ( pTag->uiType == 'C' ) ? ' ' : '\0'; pTag->uiLen = uiLen; pTag->MaxKeys = CDX_INT_FREESPACE / ( uiLen + 8 ); pTag->TagChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxTagDoIndex( pTag, fReindex ); return pTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4557 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexCreateStruct( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName )
static void hb_cdxIndexCreateStruct( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName ) { /* here we can change default tag name */ pIndex->pCompound = hb_cdxIndexCreateTag( TRUE, pIndex, szTagName, NULL, NULL, 'C', CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4605 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexFreePages( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static void hb_cdxIndexFreePages( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { if ( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) == 0 ) { LPCDXPAGE pChildPage; int iKey; for ( iKey = 0; iKey < pPage->iKeys; iKey++ ) { pChildPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, NULL, hb_cdxPageGetKeyPage( pPage, iKey ) ); if ( pChildPage ) hb_cdxIndexFreePages( pChildPage ); } } pPage->PageType = CDX_NODE_UNUSED; hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, FALSE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4616 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexDelTag( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName )
static void hb_cdxIndexDelTag( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName ) { LPCDXTAG *pTagPtr = &pIndex->TagList; while ( *pTagPtr && hb_stricmp( (*pTagPtr)->szName, szTagName ) != 0 ) pTagPtr = &(*pTagPtr)->pNext; if ( *pTagPtr ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = *pTagPtr; LPCDXKEY pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutC( NULL, szTagName, pIndex->pCompound->uiLen, pTag->TagBlock ); if ( hb_cdxTagKeyDel( pIndex->pCompound, pKey ) ) { if ( pTag != pIndex->TagList || pTag->pNext != NULL ) { LPCDXPAGE pPage; hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); pPage = pTag->RootPage; hb_cdxTagClose( pTag ); if ( ! pIndex->fShared ) { if ( pPage ) hb_cdxIndexFreePages( pPage ); hb_cdxIndexPutAvailPage( pIndex, pTag->TagBlock, TRUE ); } pTag->TagChanged = FALSE; } } *pTagPtr = pTag->pNext; hb_cdxTagFree( pTag ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4638 |
STATIC LPCDXTAG | hb_cdxIndexAddTag( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName, char * szKeyExp, PHB_ITEM pKeyItem, BYTE bType, USHORT uiLen, char * szForExp, PHB_ITEM pForItem, BOOL fAscend, BOOL fUnique, BOOL fCustom, BOOL fReindex )
static LPCDXTAG hb_cdxIndexAddTag( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szTagName, char * szKeyExp, PHB_ITEM pKeyItem, BYTE bType, USHORT uiLen, char * szForExp, PHB_ITEM pForItem, BOOL fAscend, BOOL fUnique, BOOL fCustom, BOOL fReindex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag, *pTagPtr; LPCDXKEY pKey; /* Delete previous tag first to free the place for new one * its redundant Tag should be already deleted */ hb_cdxIndexDelTag( pIndex, szTagName ); /* Create new tag an add to tag list */ pTag = hb_cdxIndexCreateTag( FALSE, pIndex, szTagName, szKeyExp, pKeyItem, bType, uiLen, szForExp, pForItem, fAscend, fUnique, fCustom, fReindex ); pTagPtr = &pIndex->TagList; while ( *pTagPtr ) pTagPtr = &(*pTagPtr)->pNext; *pTagPtr = pTag; pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutC( NULL, szTagName, pIndex->pCompound->uiLen, pTag->TagBlock ); hb_cdxTagKeyAdd( pIndex->pCompound, pKey ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); return pTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4677 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexReindex( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexReindex( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXTAG pCompound, pTagList, pTag; hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pIndex ); hb_cdxIndexDiscardBuffers( pIndex ); pCompound = pIndex->pCompound; pTagList = pIndex->TagList; pIndex->pCompound = NULL; pIndex->TagList = NULL; pIndex->ulVersion = 0; pIndex->nextAvail = 0; pIndex->freePage = 0; hb_fileTruncAt( pIndex->pFile, 0 ); pIndex->fChanged = TRUE; /* Rebuild the compound (master) tag */ if ( pCompound ) { hb_cdxIndexCreateStruct( pIndex, pCompound->szName ); hb_cdxTagFree( pCompound ); } /* Rebuild each tag */ while ( pTagList ) { pTag = pTagList; hb_cdxIndexAddTag( pIndex, pTag->szName, pTag->KeyExpr, pTag->pKeyItem, (BYTE) pTag->uiType, pTag->uiLen, pTag->ForExpr, pTag->pForItem, pTag->AscendKey, pTag->UniqueKey, pTag->Custom, TRUE ); pTagList = pTag->pNext; pTag->pKeyItem = pTag->pForItem = NULL; hb_cdxTagFree( pTag ); } hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pIndex ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4709 |
static LPCDXINDEX hb_cdxIndexNew( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex; pIndex = ( LPCDXINDEX ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXINDEX ) ); memset( pIndex, 0, sizeof( CDXINDEX ) ); pIndex->pFile = NULL; pIndex->pArea = pArea; pIndex->nextAvail = CDX_DUMMYNODE; return pIndex; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4751 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexFreeTags( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexFreeTags( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; /* Free Compound tag */ if ( pIndex->pCompound != NULL ) { hb_cdxTagFree( pIndex->pCompound ); pIndex->pCompound = NULL; } while ( pIndex->TagList ) { pTag = pIndex->TagList; pIndex->TagList = pTag->pNext; hb_cdxTagFree( pTag ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4766 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxIndexFree( LPCDXINDEX pIndex )
static void hb_cdxIndexFree( LPCDXINDEX pIndex ) { /* Free List of Free Pages */ hb_cdxIndexDropAvailPage( pIndex ); /* free all tags */ hb_cdxIndexFreeTags( pIndex ); /* Close file */ if( pIndex->pFile ) { hb_fileClose( pIndex->pFile ); if( pIndex->fDelete ) { hb_fsDelete( ( BYTE * ) ( pIndex->szRealName ? pIndex->szRealName : pIndex->szFileName ) ); } } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if( pIndex->fShared && ( pIndex->lockWrite || pIndex->lockRead ) && hb_vmRequestQuery() == 0 ) hb_errInternal( 9104, "hb_cdxIndexFree: index file still locked.", NULL, NULL ); if( ( pIndex->WrLck || pIndex->RdLck ) && hb_vmRequestQuery() == 0 ) hb_errInternal( 9104, "hb_cdxIndexFree: index file still locked (*)", NULL, NULL ); #endif if ( pIndex->szFileName != NULL ) hb_xfree( pIndex->szFileName ); if( pIndex->szRealName ) hb_xfree( pIndex->szRealName ); hb_xfree( pIndex ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4788 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxIndexLoad( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szBaseName )
static BOOL hb_cdxIndexLoad( LPCDXINDEX pIndex, char * szBaseName ) { LPCDXTAG TagList, * pTagPtr; BOOL fResult = FALSE; TagList = NULL; pTagPtr = &TagList; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pIndex ); /* load the tags*/ pIndex->pCompound = hb_cdxTagNew( pIndex, szBaseName, 0L ); /* check if index is not corrupted */ if ( pIndex->pCompound ) { fResult = TRUE; pIndex->pCompound->OptFlags = CDX_TYPE_COMPACT | CDX_TYPE_COMPOUND | CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE; hb_cdxTagGoTop( pIndex->pCompound ); while ( !pIndex->pCompound->TagEOF ) { *pTagPtr = hb_cdxTagNew( pIndex, (char *) pIndex->pCompound->CurKey->val, pIndex->pCompound->CurKey->rec ); /* tag is corrupted - break tags loading */ if ( *pTagPtr == NULL ) { fResult = FALSE; break; } pTagPtr = &(*pTagPtr)->pNext; hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pIndex->pCompound ); } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pIndex ); hb_cdxReorderTagList( &TagList ); pTagPtr = &pIndex->TagList; while ( *pTagPtr != NULL ) pTagPtr = &(*pTagPtr)->pNext; (*pTagPtr) = TagList; #ifdef HB_CDX_DSPDBG_INFO hb_cdxDspTags( pIndex ); #endif return fResult; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4828 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxCreateFName( CDXAREAP pArea, char * szBagName, BOOL * fProd, char * szFileName, char * szBaseName )
static void hb_cdxCreateFName( CDXAREAP pArea, char * szBagName, BOOL * fProd, char * szFileName, char * szBaseName ) { PHB_FNAME pFileName; PHB_ITEM pExt = NULL; BOOL fName = szBagName && *szBagName; pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( fName ? szBagName : pArea->szDataFileName ); if( szBaseName ) { if( pFileName->szName ) hb_strncpyUpperTrim( szBaseName, pFileName->szName, CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN ); else szBaseName[ 0 ] = '\0'; } if( ( hb_setGetDefExtension() && !pFileName->szExtension ) || !fName ) { DBORDERINFO pExtInfo; memset( &pExtInfo, 0, sizeof( pExtInfo ) ); pExt = pExtInfo.itmResult = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL ); if( SELF_ORDINFO( ( AREAP ) pArea, DBOI_BAGEXT, &pExtInfo ) == SUCCESS && hb_itemGetCLen( pExt ) > 0 ) { pFileName->szExtension = hb_itemGetCPtr( pExt ); } } hb_fsFNameMerge( szFileName, pFileName ); if( fProd ) { if( ! pFileName->szName ) *fProd = FALSE; else if( !fName ) *fProd = TRUE; else { PHB_FNAME pTableFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( pArea->szDataFileName ); *fProd = pTableFileName->szName && hb_stricmp( pTableFileName->szName, pFileName->szName ) == 0; if( *fProd && pFileName->szExtension && ! pExt ) { DBORDERINFO pExtInfo; memset( &pExtInfo, 0, sizeof( pExtInfo ) ); pExt = pExtInfo.itmResult = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL ); if( SELF_ORDINFO( ( AREAP ) pArea, DBOI_BAGEXT, &pExtInfo ) == SUCCESS ) { *fProd = hb_stricmp( pFileName->szExtension, hb_itemGetCPtr( pExt ) ) == 0; } } hb_xfree( pTableFileName ); } } hb_xfree( pFileName ); if( pExt ) hb_itemRelease( pExt ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4878 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxOrdListClear( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL fAll, LPCDXINDEX pKeepInd )
static void hb_cdxOrdListClear( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL fAll, LPCDXINDEX pKeepInd ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrdListClear(%p, %d)", pArea, (int) fAll)); if ( pArea->lpIndexes ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex, * pIndexPtr; if ( !fAll ) { /* TODO: we have to control this on open */ PHB_FNAME pFileNameDbf, pFileNameCdx; pFileNameDbf = hb_fsFNameSplit( pArea->szDataFileName ); pFileNameCdx = hb_fsFNameSplit( pArea->lpIndexes->szFileName ); fAll = hb_stricmp( pFileNameDbf->szName ? pFileNameDbf->szName : "", pFileNameCdx->szName ? pFileNameCdx->szName : "" ) != 0; if( !fAll ) { DBORDERINFO pExtInfo; PHB_ITEM pExt; memset( &pExtInfo, 0, sizeof( pExtInfo ) ); pExt = pExtInfo.itmResult = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL ); if( SELF_ORDINFO( ( AREAP ) pArea, DBOI_BAGEXT, &pExtInfo ) == SUCCESS ) { fAll = hb_stricmp( pFileNameCdx->szExtension, hb_itemGetCPtr( pExt ) ) != 0; } hb_itemRelease( pExt ); } hb_xfree( pFileNameDbf ); hb_xfree( pFileNameCdx ); } pIndexPtr = fAll ? &pArea->lpIndexes : &pArea->lpIndexes->pNext; while ( *pIndexPtr ) { pIndex = *pIndexPtr; if ( pKeepInd == pIndex ) pIndexPtr = &pIndex->pNext; else { *pIndexPtr = pIndex->pNext; hb_cdxIndexFree( pIndex ); } } } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4942 |
STATIC LPCDXINDEX | hb_cdxFindBag( CDXAREAP pArea, char * szBagName )
static LPCDXINDEX hb_cdxFindBag( CDXAREAP pArea, char * szBagName ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex; PHB_FNAME pFileName; char * szBaseName, * szBasePath, * szBaseExt; pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( szBagName ); szBaseName = hb_strdup( pFileName->szName ? pFileName->szName : "" ); szBasePath = pFileName->szPath ? hb_strdup( pFileName->szPath ) : NULL; szBaseExt = pFileName->szExtension ? hb_strdup( pFileName->szExtension ) : NULL; hb_strUpper( szBaseName, strlen(szBaseName) ); pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndex ) { hb_xfree( pFileName ); pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( pIndex->szFileName ); if ( !hb_stricmp( pFileName->szName ? pFileName->szName : "", szBaseName ) && ( !szBasePath || ( pFileName->szPath && !hb_stricmp( pFileName->szPath, szBasePath ) ) ) && ( !szBaseExt || ( pFileName->szExtension && !hb_stricmp( pFileName->szExtension, szBaseExt ) ) ) ) break; pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } hb_xfree( pFileName ); hb_xfree( szBaseName ); if ( szBasePath ) hb_xfree( szBasePath ); if ( szBaseExt ) hb_xfree( szBaseExt ); return pIndex; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 4994 |
STATIC LPCDXTAG | hb_cdxGetTagByNumber( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT uiTag )
static LPCDXTAG hb_cdxGetTagByNumber( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT uiTag ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = NULL; LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; while ( uiTag && pIndex ) { pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( uiTag && pTag ) { if ( --uiTag ) pTag = pTag->pNext; } pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } return pTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5031 |
STATIC USHORT | hb_cdxGetTagNumber( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pFindTag )
static USHORT hb_cdxGetTagNumber( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pFindTag ) { USHORT uiTag = 0; LPCDXTAG pTag = NULL; LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; if ( pFindTag ) { while ( pIndex && ( pTag != pFindTag ) ) { pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { uiTag++; if ( pTag == pFindTag ) break; pTag = pTag->pNext; } pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } if ( !pTag ) uiTag = 0; } return uiTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5052 |
STATIC LPCDXTAG | hb_cdxFindTag( CDXAREAP pArea, PHB_ITEM pTagItem, PHB_ITEM pBagItem, USHORT *puiTag )
static LPCDXTAG hb_cdxFindTag( CDXAREAP pArea, PHB_ITEM pTagItem, PHB_ITEM pBagItem, USHORT *puiTag ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = NULL; int iTag = 0, iFind = 0; char szTag[ CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN + 1 ]; LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; BOOL fBag; hb_strncpyUpperTrim( szTag, hb_itemGetCPtr( pTagItem ), sizeof( szTag ) - 1 ); if( ! szTag[0] ) iFind = hb_itemGetNI( pTagItem ); fBag = hb_itemGetCLen( pBagItem ) > 0; if( fBag ) { if( szTag[ 0 ] ) pIndex = hb_cdxFindBag( pArea, hb_itemGetCPtr( pBagItem ) ); } else { int iBag = hb_itemGetNI( pBagItem ); if( iBag > 0 ) { fBag = TRUE; while( pIndex ) { if( --iBag == 0 ) break; pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } } else if( iBag < 0 ) { pIndex = NULL; } } if( pIndex && ( iFind > 0 || szTag[0] ) ) { do { pTag = pIndex->TagList; while( pTag ) { iTag++; if ( ( iFind != 0 ? iTag == iFind : !hb_stricmp( pTag->szName, szTag ) ) ) break; pTag = pTag->pNext; } if ( pTag || fBag ) break; pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } while ( pIndex ); } if( puiTag ) { if( !pTag ) *puiTag = 0; else if( fBag ) *puiTag = hb_cdxGetTagNumber( pArea, pTag ); else *puiTag = iTag; } return pTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5081 |
STATIC LPCDXTAG | hb_cdxGetActiveTag( CDXAREAP pArea )
static LPCDXTAG hb_cdxGetActiveTag( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; if ( !pArea->uiTag ) return NULL; pTag = hb_cdxGetTagByNumber( pArea, pArea->uiTag ); if ( !pTag ) pArea->uiTag = 0; return pTag; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5154 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag )
static BOOL hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag ) { if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if ( !pArea->fPositioned ) { pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; pTag->fRePos = FALSE; pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; return FALSE; } else if ( pTag->fRePos || pTag->CurKey->rec != pArea->ulRecNo ) { BYTE buf[CDX_MAXKEY]; BOOL fBuf = FALSE; LPCDXKEY pKey = NULL; /* Try to find previous if it's key for the same record */ if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == pArea->ulRecNo ) { fBuf = TRUE; memcpy( buf, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len ); pKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( pKey, pTag->CurKey ); hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); } if ( pTag->CurKey->rec != pArea->ulRecNo ) { BOOL fValidBuf = pArea->fValidBuffer; /* not found, create new key from DBF and if differs seek again */ pKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( pKey, pTag ); if ( !fBuf || memcmp( buf, pKey->val, pKey->len ) != 0 ) { hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); } /* not found, if key was generated from DBF buffer then force to * update it, create the new key and if differs seek again */ if ( pTag->CurKey->rec != pArea->ulRecNo && fValidBuf ) { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pArea->ulRecNo ); memcpy( buf, pKey->val, pKey->len ); pKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( pKey, pTag ); if ( memcmp( buf, pKey->val, pKey->len ) != 0 ) hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); } } hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); return ( pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 && pTag->CurKey->rec == pArea->ulRecNo ); } return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5169 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxDBOISkipUnique( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxDBOISkipUnique( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward ) { ERRCODE retval; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxDBOISkipUnique(%p, %p, %i)", pArea, pTag, fForward)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( ! pTag ) return SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, fForward ? 1 : -1 ); if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fTop = pArea->fBottom = FALSE; if ( !pArea->fPositioned ) { if ( fForward ) retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); else retval = SELF_GOBOTTOM( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else { LPCDXKEY pKey = NULL; BOOL fOut = FALSE; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( ! hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) { if ( pTag->TagEOF || ( fForward ? !hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) : !hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) ) fOut = TRUE; else if ( ( fForward ? pTag->UsrAscend && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) : !pTag->UsrAscend && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) && pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 ) { pKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( pKey, pTag ); } } if ( fForward ) { if ( pArea->fPositioned && !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( !pKey ) { pKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ); hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, TRUE ) != 0 ) { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); break; } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } } retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ( !pArea->fPositioned || pTag->TagEOF ) ? 0 : pTag->CurKey->rec ); } else { if ( !fOut && !pTag->TagBOF ) { if ( !pKey ) { pKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ); hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } while ( !pTag->TagBOF ) { if ( hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, TRUE ) != 0 ) { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, -1 ); break; } hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } } if ( fOut || pTag->TagBOF ) { retval = SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fBof = TRUE; } else { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); if ( pKey ) hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); } /* Update Bof and Eof flags */ if( fForward ) pArea->fBof = FALSE; else pArea->fEof = FALSE; return retval; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5224 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxDBOISkipEval( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward, PHB_ITEM pEval )
static BOOL hb_cdxDBOISkipEval( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward, PHB_ITEM pEval ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE, fFirst = TRUE; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxDBOISkipEval(%p, %p, %i, %p)", pArea, pTag, fForward, pEval)); if( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FALSE; if( ! pTag || hb_itemType( pEval ) != HB_IT_BLOCK ) { if( SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, fForward ? 1 : -1 ) == FAILURE ) return FALSE; return fForward ? !pArea->fEof : !pArea->fBof; } if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fTop = pArea->fBottom = FALSE; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( ! hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) { if ( !pTag->TagEOF && pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 && ( fForward ? pTag->UsrAscend : !pTag->UsrAscend ) && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fFirst = FALSE; } if ( fForward ) { if ( fFirst ) hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) == FAILURE ) break; if ( hb_cdxEvalSeekCond( pTag, pEval ) ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); if ( pArea->ulRecNo == ulRecNo || hb_cdxEvalSeekCond( pTag, pEval ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } if ( !fFound ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); } else { if ( fFirst ) hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagBOF ) { if ( SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) == FAILURE ) break; if ( hb_cdxEvalSeekCond( pTag, pEval ) ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, -1 ); if ( pArea->ulRecNo == ulRecNo || hb_cdxEvalSeekCond( pTag, pEval ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } if ( !fFound ) { SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fBof = TRUE; } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); /* Update Bof and Eof flags */ if( fForward ) pArea->fBof = FALSE; else pArea->fEof = FALSE; return fFound; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5339 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxDBOISkipWild( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward, PHB_ITEM pWildItm )
static BOOL hb_cdxDBOISkipWild( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward, PHB_ITEM pWildItm ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE, fFirst = TRUE; char *szPattern, *szFree = NULL; int iFixed = 0, iStop; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxDBOISkipWild(%p, %p, %i, %p)", pArea, pTag, fForward, pWildItm)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FALSE; szPattern = hb_itemGetCPtr( pWildItm ); if ( ! pTag || pTag->uiType != 'C' || !szPattern || !*szPattern ) { if ( SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, fForward ? 1 : -1 ) == FAILURE ) return FALSE; return fForward ? pArea->fPositioned : !pArea->fBof; } #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if( pArea->cdPage != hb_vmCDP() ) { szPattern = szFree = hb_strdup( szPattern ); hb_cdpTranslate( szPattern, hb_vmCDP(), pArea->cdPage ); } #endif while( iFixed < pTag->uiLen && szPattern[ iFixed ] && szPattern[ iFixed ] != '*' && szPattern[ iFixed ] != '?' ) { ++iFixed; } if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fTop = pArea->fBottom = FALSE; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( ! hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) { if ( !pTag->TagEOF && pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 && ( fForward ? pTag->UsrAscend : !pTag->UsrAscend ) && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fFirst = FALSE; } iStop = pTag->UsrAscend ? -1 : 1; if( !fForward ) iStop = -iStop; if( iFixed && !pTag->TagEOF && pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 && hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, ( BYTE * ) szPattern, iFixed, pTag->CurKey->val, iFixed, FALSE ) == -iStop ) { LPCDXKEY pKey; pKey = hb_cdxKeyPut( NULL, ( BYTE * ) szPattern, iFixed, pTag->UsrAscend ? CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM : CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ); if( !hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ) ) { if( fForward ) pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; else pTag->TagBOF = TRUE; } hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); fFirst = FALSE; } if ( fForward ) { if ( fFirst ) hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( hb_strMatchWild( (const char *) pTag->CurKey->val, szPattern ) ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pTag->CurKey->rec; if( SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ) != SUCCESS ) break; SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); if ( pArea->ulRecNo == ulRecNo || hb_strMatchWild( (const char *) pTag->CurKey->val, szPattern ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } if( iFixed && hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, ( BYTE * ) szPattern, iFixed, pTag->CurKey->val, iFixed, FALSE ) == iStop ) { break; } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } if( !fFound ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); } else { if ( fFirst ) hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagBOF ) { if ( hb_strMatchWild( (const char *) pTag->CurKey->val, szPattern ) ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pTag->CurKey->rec; if( SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ) != SUCCESS ) break; SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, -1 ); if ( pArea->ulRecNo == ulRecNo || hb_strMatchWild( (const char *) pTag->CurKey->val, szPattern ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } if( iFixed && hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, ( BYTE * ) szPattern, iFixed, pTag->CurKey->val, iFixed, FALSE ) == iStop ) { break; } hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } if ( !fFound ) { SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fBof = TRUE; } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); /* Update Bof and Eof flags */ if( fForward ) pArea->fBof = FALSE; else pArea->fEof = FALSE; if( szFree ) hb_xfree( szFree ); return fFound; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5433 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxRegexMatch( CDXAREAP pArea, PHB_REGEX pRegEx, LPCDXKEY pKey )
static BOOL hb_cdxRegexMatch( CDXAREAP pArea, PHB_REGEX pRegEx, LPCDXKEY pKey ) { char * szKey = ( char * ) pKey->val; #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF char szBuff[ CDX_MAXKEY + 1 ]; if( pArea->cdPage != hb_vmCDP() ) { memcpy( szBuff, szKey, pKey->len + 1 ); hb_cdpnTranslate( szBuff, pArea->cdPage, hb_vmCDP(), pKey->len ); szKey = szBuff; } #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pArea ); #endif return hb_regexMatch( pRegEx, szKey, pKey->len, FALSE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5583 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxDBOISkipRegEx( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward, PHB_ITEM pRegExItm )
static BOOL hb_cdxDBOISkipRegEx( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fForward, PHB_ITEM pRegExItm ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE, fFirst = TRUE; PHB_REGEX pRegEx; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxDBOISkipRegEx(%p, %p, %i, %p)", pArea, pTag, fForward, pRegExItm)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FALSE; if( !pTag || pTag->uiType != 'C' || ( pRegEx = hb_regexGet( pRegExItm, 0 ) ) == NULL ) { if ( SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, fForward ? 1 : -1 ) == FAILURE ) return FALSE; return fForward ? pArea->fPositioned : !pArea->fBof; } if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fTop = pArea->fBottom = FALSE; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( ! hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) { if ( !pTag->TagEOF && pTag->CurKey->rec != 0 && ( fForward ? pTag->UsrAscend : !pTag->UsrAscend ) && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fFirst = FALSE; } if ( fForward ) { if ( fFirst ) hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if( hb_cdxRegexMatch( pArea, pRegEx, pTag->CurKey ) ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); if ( pArea->ulRecNo == ulRecNo || hb_cdxRegexMatch( pArea, pRegEx, pTag->CurKey ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, fFound ? pTag->CurKey->rec : 0 ); } else { if ( fFirst ) hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagBOF ) { if( hb_cdxRegexMatch( pArea, pRegEx, pTag->CurKey ) ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, -1 ); if ( pArea->ulRecNo == ulRecNo || hb_cdxRegexMatch( pArea, pRegEx, pTag->CurKey ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } if ( fFound ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); else { SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fBof = TRUE; } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); /* Update Bof and Eof flags */ if( fForward ) pArea->fBof = FALSE; else pArea->fEof = FALSE; hb_regexFree( pRegEx ); return fFound; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5601 |
STATIC ULONG | hb_cdxDBOIScopeEval( LPCDXTAG pTag, HB_EVALSCOPE_FUNC pFunc, void *pParam, PHB_ITEM pItemLo, PHB_ITEM pItemHi )
static ULONG hb_cdxDBOIScopeEval( LPCDXTAG pTag, HB_EVALSCOPE_FUNC pFunc, void *pParam, PHB_ITEM pItemLo, PHB_ITEM pItemHi ) { ULONG ulCount = 0, ulLen = ( ULONG ) pTag->uiLen; LPCDXKEY pCurKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ), pTopScopeKey = pTag->topScopeKey, pBtmScopeKey = pTag->bottomScopeKey; /* TODO: RT error when item type differ then Tag type */ if ( !pItemLo || HB_IS_NIL( pItemLo ) ) pTag->topScopeKey = NULL; else pTag->topScopeKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( NULL, pItemLo, CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); if ( !pItemHi || HB_IS_NIL( pItemHi ) ) pTag->bottomScopeKey = NULL; else pTag->bottomScopeKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( NULL, pItemHi, CDX_MAX_REC_NUM, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); while( !pTag->TagEOF ) { pFunc( pTag->CurKey->rec, pTag->CurKey->val, ulLen, pParam ); ulCount++; hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); if ( pTag->topScopeKey ) hb_cdxKeyFree( pTag->topScopeKey ); pTag->topScopeKey = pTopScopeKey; if ( pTag->bottomScopeKey ) hb_cdxKeyFree( pTag->bottomScopeKey ); pTag->bottomScopeKey = pBtmScopeKey; pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS ); pTag->fRePos = TRUE; hb_cdxKeyCopy( pTag->CurKey, pCurKey ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pCurKey ); return ulCount; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5697 |
STATIC LONG | hb_cdxDBOIKeyCount( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fFilters )
static LONG hb_cdxDBOIKeyCount( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fFilters ) { ULONG ulKeyCount = 0; BOOL fLogOpt = pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr || !pArea->dbfi.fFilter; if ( pTag ) { BOOL fCheckFilter = ( fLogOpt && fFilters && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; LPCDXKEY pCurKey; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( pTag && ( fFilters ? fLogOpt && CURKEY_LOGCNT( pTag ) : CURKEY_RAWCNT( pTag ) ) ) { ulKeyCount = fFilters ? pTag->logKeyCount : pTag->rawKeyCount; } else { if ( pTag->topScopeKey || pTag->bottomScopeKey || pTag->UsrUnique || pArea->dbfi.fFilter ) { pCurKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ); hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( !fCheckFilter || hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) ulKeyCount++; hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } pTag->fRePos = TRUE; hb_cdxKeyCopy( pTag->CurKey, pCurKey ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pCurKey ); if ( fCheckFilter ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); } else { LPCDXPAGE pPage; pCurKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ); if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); else hb_cdxTagGoBottom( pTag ); pPage = pTag->RootPage; while ( pPage->Child ) pPage = pPage->Child; ulKeyCount = pPage->iKeys; if ( pPage->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { ULONG ulPage = pPage->Right; pPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pTag, NULL, CDX_DUMMYNODE ); pPage->Page = ulPage; while ( pPage->Page != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { hb_cdxPageLoad( pPage ); ulKeyCount += pPage->iKeys; pPage->Page = pPage->Right; } hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, TRUE ); } pTag->fRePos = TRUE; hb_cdxKeyCopy( pTag->CurKey, pCurKey ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pCurKey ); } if ( !fFilters ) { pTag->rawKeyCount = ulKeyCount; pTag->curKeyState |= CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT; } else if ( fLogOpt ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, ulKeyCount ) } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } else /* no filter, no order */ { if ( fLogOpt && fFilters && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ) { ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; if ( SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == SUCCESS ) { while ( !pArea->fEof ) { ulKeyCount++; if ( SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ) != SUCCESS ) break; } SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); } } else { SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulKeyCount ); } } return ulKeyCount; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5743 |
static LONG hb_cdxDBOIKeyNo( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fFilters ) { ULONG ulKeyNo = 0; BOOL fLogOpt = pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr || !pArea->dbfi.fFilter; if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if ( !pArea->fPositioned ) ulKeyNo = 0; else if ( pTag ) { BOOL fCheckFilter = ( fLogOpt && fFilters && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( fFilters ? ( fLogOpt && CURKEY_LOGPOS( pTag ) ) : ( CURKEY_RAWPOS( pTag ) && pTag->rawKeyRec == pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { ulKeyNo = fFilters ? pTag->logKeyPos : pTag->rawKeyPos; } else { hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); if ( hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) { if ( pTag->topScopeKey || pTag->bottomScopeKey || pTag->UsrUnique || pArea->dbfi.fFilter ) { if ( hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) && ( !fCheckFilter || hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, ulRecNo ) ) ) { LPCDXKEY pCurKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ); if ( !hb_cdxCheckRecordScope( pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); while ( !pTag->TagBOF ) { if ( !fCheckFilter || hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) ulKeyNo++; hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } pTag->fRePos = TRUE; hb_cdxKeyCopy( pTag->CurKey, pCurKey ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pCurKey ); if ( fCheckFilter ) SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); } } else { LPCDXPAGE pPage = pTag->RootPage; while ( pPage->Child ) pPage = pPage->Child; if ( pTag->UsrAscend ) { ulKeyNo = pPage->iCurKey + 1; if ( pPage->Left != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { ULONG ulPage = pPage->Left; pPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pTag, NULL, CDX_DUMMYNODE ); pPage->Page = ulPage; while ( pPage->Page != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { hb_cdxPageLoad( pPage ); ulKeyNo += pPage->iKeys; pPage->Page = pPage->Left; } hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, TRUE ); } } else { ulKeyNo = pPage->iKeys - pPage->iCurKey; if ( pPage->Right != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { ULONG ulPage = pPage->Right; pPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pTag, NULL, CDX_DUMMYNODE ); pPage->Page = ulPage; while ( pPage->Page != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { hb_cdxPageLoad( pPage ); ulKeyNo += pPage->iKeys; pPage->Page = pPage->Right; } hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, TRUE ); } } } if ( ulKeyNo != 0 ) { if ( !fFilters ) { pTag->rawKeyPos = ulKeyNo; CURKEY_SETRAWPOS( pTag ); } else if ( fLogOpt ) { pTag->logKeyPos = ulKeyNo; CURKEY_SETLOGPOS( pTag ); } } } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } else { ULONG ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; if ( fLogOpt && fFilters && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ) { if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, ulRecNo ) ) { do { ulKeyNo++; if ( SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, -1 ) != SUCCESS ) break; } while ( !( ( AREAP ) pArea )->fBof ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); } } else { ulKeyNo = ulRecNo; } } return ulKeyNo; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5846 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxDBOIKeyGoto( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, ULONG ulKeyNo, BOOL fFilters ) { ERRCODE retval; ULONG ulKeyCnt = ulKeyNo; BOOL fLogOpt = pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr || !pArea->dbfi.fFilter; if ( ulKeyNo == 0 ) retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); else if ( pTag ) { BOOL fCheckFilter = ( fLogOpt && fFilters && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( ! pArea->lpdbPendingRel && ( fFilters ? fLogOpt && CURKEY_LOGPOS( pTag ) && pTag->logKeyPos == ulKeyNo : ( CURKEY_RAWPOS( pTag ) && pTag->rawKeyPos == ulKeyNo ) ) ) { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, fFilters ? pTag->logKeyRec : pTag->rawKeyRec ); } else { if ( pTag->topScopeKey || pTag->bottomScopeKey || pTag->UsrUnique || pArea->dbfi.fFilter ) { hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); if ( fCheckFilter ) while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) { if ( ! --ulKeyCnt ) break; } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } else while( !pTag->TagEOF && --ulKeyCnt ) hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } else { LPCDXPAGE pPage, pOwnerPage = NULL; ULONG ulNextPg; hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); pPage = pTag->RootPage; while ( pPage->Child ) { pOwnerPage = pPage; pPage = pPage->Child; } while ( (ULONG) pPage->iKeys < ulKeyCnt && pOwnerPage && ( ulNextPg = pTag->UsrAscend ? pPage->Right : pPage->Left ) != CDX_DUMMYNODE ) { ulKeyCnt -= pPage->iKeys; pOwnerPage->Child = hb_cdxPageNew( pPage->TagParent, pPage->Owner, ulNextPg ); hb_cdxPageFree( pPage, FALSE ); pPage = pOwnerPage->Child; } if ( (ULONG) pPage->iKeys >= ulKeyCnt ) { pPage->iCurKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? ( int ) ulKeyCnt - 1 : pPage->iKeys - ( int ) ulKeyCnt; hb_cdxSetCurKey( pPage ); } else { pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; } } retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); if ( pArea->fPositioned ) { if ( !fFilters ) { pTag->rawKeyPos = ulKeyNo; CURKEY_SETRAWPOS( pTag ); } else if ( fLogOpt ) { pTag->logKeyPos = ulKeyNo; CURKEY_SETLOGPOS( pTag ); } } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } else { if ( fLogOpt && fFilters && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ) { retval = SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( retval == SUCCESS && --ulKeyCnt ) retval = SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulKeyCnt ); } else { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulKeyNo ); } } return retval; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 5981 |
STATIC DOUBLE | hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static double hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { return ( ( pPage->Child ? hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( pPage->Child ) : 0.5 ) + pPage->iCurKey ) / pPage->iKeys; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6086 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxGoToRelKeyPos( LPCDXPAGE pPage, double dPos )
static BOOL hb_cdxGoToRelKeyPos( LPCDXPAGE pPage, double dPos ) { do { if( pPage->iKeys == 0 ) return FALSE; pPage->iCurKey = ( int ) ( dPos * pPage->iKeys ); if( pPage->iCurKey >= pPage->iKeys ) pPage->iCurKey = pPage->iKeys - 1; if( ( pPage->PageType & CDX_NODE_LEAF ) != 0 ) break; dPos = dPos * pPage->iKeys - pPage->iCurKey; if( dPos < 0.0 ) dPos = 0.0; else if( dPos >= 1.0 ) dPos = 1.0; hb_cdxPageGetChild( pPage ); pPage = pPage->Child; } while( pPage ); return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6092 |
static double hb_cdxDBOIGetRelKeyPos( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag ) { ULONG ulRecNo = 0, ulRecCount = 0; double dPos = 0.0; /* resolve any pending relations */ SELF_RECNO( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecNo ); if( !pArea->fPositioned ) { if( ulRecNo > 1 ) dPos = 1.0; } else if( !pTag ) { SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecCount ); if( ulRecCount != 0 ) dPos = ( 0.5 + ulRecNo ) / ulRecCount; } else { LPCDXKEY pKey; double dStart, dStop, dFact = 0.0000000000001; BOOL fOK = TRUE; if( pTag->UsrAscend ) { dStart = 0.0; dStop = 1.0; } else { dStart = 1.0; dStop = 0.0; } hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); pKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? pTag->topScopeKey : pTag->bottomScopeKey; if( pKey ) { hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); if( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || pTag->TagEOF || ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fOK = FALSE; else dStart = hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( pTag->RootPage ); } pKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? pTag->bottomScopeKey : pTag->topScopeKey; if( pKey && fOK ) { hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); if( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || pTag->TagBOF || ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) fOK = FALSE; else dStop = hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( pTag->RootPage ); } if( fOK ) { if( !pTag->UsrAscend ) { double dTmp = dStart; dStart = dStop; dStop = dTmp; } pTag->fRePos = TRUE; if( hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) { if( dStart >= dStop - dFact ) dPos = 0.5; else { dPos = hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( pTag->RootPage ); dPos = ( dPos - dStart ) / ( dStop - dStart ); if( !pTag->UsrAscend ) dPos = 1.0 - dPos; /* fix possible differences in FL representation */ if( dPos <= 0.0 ) dPos = 0.0; else if( dPos >= 1.0 ) dPos = 1.0; } } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } return dPos; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6120 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxDBOISetRelKeyPos( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, double dPos )
static void hb_cdxDBOISetRelKeyPos( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, double dPos ) { if( !pTag ) { if( dPos >= 1.0 ) { SELF_GOBOTTOM( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else if( dPos <= 0.0 ) { SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else { ULONG ulRecCount, ulRecNo; SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecCount ); ulRecNo = ( ULONG ) dPos * ulRecCount + 1; if( ulRecNo >= ulRecCount ) ulRecNo = ulRecCount; SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); if( pArea->fEof ) SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } } else { BOOL fForward = TRUE, fOK = TRUE, fTop = FALSE; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if( dPos >= 1.0 ) { fForward = FALSE; } else if( dPos <= 0.0 ) { fTop = TRUE; } else { LPCDXKEY pKey; double dStart, dStop, dFact = 0.0000000000001; BOOL fOK = TRUE; if( pTag->UsrAscend ) { dStart = 0.0; dStop = 1.0; } else { dStart = 1.0; dStop = 0.0; } pKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? pTag->topScopeKey : pTag->bottomScopeKey; if( pKey ) { hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); if( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || pTag->TagEOF || ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fOK = FALSE; else dStart = hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( pTag->RootPage ); } pKey = pTag->UsrAscend ? pTag->bottomScopeKey : pTag->topScopeKey; if( pKey && fOK ) { hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); if( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 || pTag->TagBOF || ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) fOK = FALSE; else dStop = hb_cdxCountRelKeyPos( pTag->RootPage ); } if( fOK ) { if( !pTag->UsrAscend ) { double dTmp = dStart; dStart = dStop; dStop = dTmp; dPos = 1.0 - dPos; } if( dStart >= dStop - dFact ) { fTop = TRUE; } else { dPos = dPos * ( dStop - dStart ) + dStart; pTag->fRePos = FALSE; hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); pTag->TagBOF = pTag->TagEOF = FALSE; if( !hb_cdxGoToRelKeyPos( pTag->RootPage, dPos ) ) { fTop = TRUE; } else { hb_cdxSetCurKey( pTag->RootPage ); if( !hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) fTop = TRUE; else if( !hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fForward = FALSE; } } } } if( !fOK ) { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); } else { if( fForward ) { if( fTop ) hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); while( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) break; hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } if( pTag->TagEOF && !fTop ) fForward = FALSE; } if( !fForward ) { hb_cdxTagGoBottom( pTag ); while( !pTag->TagBOF ) { if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ) ) break; hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); } if( pTag->TagBOF ) { pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; } } SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6211 |
static BOOL hb_cdxDBOIFindRec( CDXAREAP pArea, LPCDXTAG pTag, ULONG ulRecNo, BOOL fCont ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; if ( pTag && ulRecNo ) { if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( fCont ) { if ( ! hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) ulRecNo = 0; else hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } else { hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); } if ( ulRecNo ) { while ( !pTag->TagBOF && !pTag->TagEOF && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) { if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == ulRecNo ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, fFound ? ulRecNo : 0 ); return fFound; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6358 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxClearLogPosInfo( CDXAREAP pArea )
static void hb_cdxClearLogPosInfo( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; LPCDXTAG pTag; while ( pIndex ) { pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGCNT ); pTag = pTag->pNext; } pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } } /* * -- BMDBFCDX METHODS -- */ /* ( DBENTRYP_BP ) hb_cdxBof : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 6403 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxGoBottom( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxGoBottom( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; ERRCODE retval; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxGoBottom(%p)", pArea)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( ! pTag ) return SUPER_GOBOTTOM( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); hb_cdxTagGoBottom( pTag ); pArea->fTop = FALSE; pArea->fBottom = TRUE; retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); if ( retval != FAILURE && pArea->fPositioned ) { retval = SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, -1 ); if ( pArea->fPositioned && CURKEY_LOGCNT( pTag ) ) { pTag->logKeyPos = pTag->logKeyCount; CURKEY_SETLOGPOS( pTag ); } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); return retval; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6428 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxGoTop( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; ERRCODE retval; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxGoTop(%p)", pArea)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( ! pTag ) return SUPER_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); pArea->fTop = TRUE; pArea->fBottom = FALSE; retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); if ( retval != FAILURE && pArea->fPositioned ) retval = SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); if ( retval != FAILURE && pArea->fPositioned ) { pTag->logKeyPos = 1; CURKEY_SETLOGPOS( pTag ); } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); return retval; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6474 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxSeek( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL fSoftSeek, PHB_ITEM pKeyItm, BOOL fFindLast )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxSeek( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL fSoftSeek, PHB_ITEM pKeyItm, BOOL fFindLast ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxSeek(%p, %d, %p, %d)", pArea, fSoftSeek, pKeyItm, fFindLast)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( ! pTag ) { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_NOORDER, EDBF_NOTINDEXED, NULL, 0, EF_CANDEFAULT ); return FAILURE; } else { LPCDXKEY pKey; ERRCODE retval = SUCCESS; BOOL fEOF = FALSE, fLast; ULONG ulRec; if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fTop = pArea->fBottom = FALSE; pArea->fEof = FALSE; if ( pTag->UsrUnique ) fLast = !pTag->UsrAscend; else fLast = pTag->UsrAscend ? fFindLast : !fFindLast; /* TODO: runtime error if valtype(pKeyItm) != pTag->Type */ pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( NULL, pKeyItm, fLast ? CDX_MAX_REC_NUM : CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); ulRec = hb_cdxTagKeyFind( pTag, pKey ); if ( ( ulRec == 0 && ! fSoftSeek ) || pTag->TagEOF ) fEOF = TRUE; else /* if ( fSoftSeek ) */ { if ( ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fEOF = TRUE; else if ( ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) { hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 ) fEOF = TRUE; } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); if ( !fEOF ) { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); if ( retval != FAILURE && pArea->fPositioned ) { retval = SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, fFindLast ? -1 : 1 ); if ( retval != FAILURE && ulRec && pArea->fPositioned ) { pArea->fFound = ( ulRec == pArea->ulRecNo || hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->CurKey->val, pTag->CurKey->len, FALSE ) == 0 ); if ( ! pArea->fFound && ! fSoftSeek ) fEOF = TRUE; } } } if ( retval != FAILURE && ( fEOF || ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) || ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) ) { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); } pArea->fBof = FALSE; hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); return retval; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6515 |
STATIC BYTE * | hb_cdxPageGetKeyValActual( LPCDXPAGE pPage )
static BYTE * hb_cdxPageGetKeyValActual( LPCDXPAGE pPage ) { while ( pPage->Child ) { pPage = pPage->Child; } return hb_cdxPageGetKeyVal( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6600 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxValCompareWild( BYTE * val1, BYTE * val2, BOOL fExact )
static int hb_cdxValCompareWild( BYTE * val1, BYTE * val2, BOOL fExact ) { return ( ( fExact ) ? hb_strMatchWildExact( (const char *) val2, (const char *) val1 ) : hb_strMatchWild( (const char *) val2, (const char *) val1 ) ) ? 0: 1; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6610 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxPageSeekKeyWild( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey, ULONG ulKeyRec, BOOL fExact, BOOL fNext )
static int hb_cdxPageSeekKeyWild( LPCDXPAGE pPage, LPCDXKEY pKey, ULONG ulKeyRec, BOOL fExact, BOOL fNext ) { int k; k = ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) ? -1 : 1; if ( fNext ? hb_cdxPageReadNextKey( pPage ) : hb_cdxPageReadTopKey( pPage ) ) { do { k = hb_cdxValCompareWild( pKey->val, hb_cdxPageGetKeyValActual( pPage ), fExact ); } while ( k && hb_cdxPageReadNextKey( pPage ) ); if ( k == 0 ) { while ( pPage->Child ) { pPage = pPage->Child; } if ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) k = 1; else if ( ulKeyRec != CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM ) { ULONG ulRec = hb_cdxPageGetKeyRec( pPage, pPage->iCurKey ); if ( ulKeyRec > ulRec ) k = 1; else if ( ulKeyRec < ulRec ) k = -1; } } } return k; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6618 |
STATIC ULONG | hb_cdxTagKeyFindWild( LPCDXTAG pTag, LPCDXKEY pKey, BOOL fNext )
static ULONG hb_cdxTagKeyFindWild( LPCDXTAG pTag, LPCDXKEY pKey, BOOL fNext ) { int K; ULONG ulKeyRec = pKey->rec; pTag->fRePos = FALSE; hb_cdxTagOpen( pTag ); pTag->TagBOF = pTag->TagEOF = FALSE; K = hb_cdxPageSeekKeyWild( pTag->RootPage, pKey, ulKeyRec, FALSE, fNext ); if ( ulKeyRec == CDX_MAX_REC_NUM ) K = - K; if ( K > 0 ) { pTag->CurKey->rec = 0; pTag->TagEOF = TRUE; } else { hb_cdxSetCurKey( pTag->RootPage ); if ( K == 0 ) return pTag->CurKey->rec; } return 0; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6656 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxSeekWild( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL fSoftSeek, PHB_ITEM pKeyItm, BOOL fFindLast, BOOL fNext, BOOL bAll )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxSeekWild( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL fSoftSeek, PHB_ITEM pKeyItm, BOOL fFindLast, BOOL fNext, BOOL bAll ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxSeekWild(%p, %d, %p, %d, %d)", pArea, fSoftSeek, pKeyItm, fFindLast, fNext)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( ! pTag ) { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_NOORDER, 1201, NULL, 0, EF_CANDEFAULT ); return FAILURE; } else { LPCDXKEY pKey; ERRCODE retval = SUCCESS; BOOL fEOF = FALSE, fLast; ULONG ulRec; if( ! bAll && pArea->lpdbPendingRel && pArea->lpdbPendingRel->isScoped ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pArea->fTop = pArea->fBottom = FALSE; pArea->fEof = FALSE; if ( pTag->UsrUnique ) fLast = !pTag->UsrAscend; else fLast = pTag->UsrAscend ? fFindLast : !fFindLast; /* TODO: runtime error if valtype(pKeyItm) != pTag->Type */ pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( NULL, pKeyItm, fLast ? CDX_MAX_REC_NUM : CDX_IGNORE_REC_NUM, pTag, TRUE, FALSE ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); ulRec = hb_cdxTagKeyFindWild( pTag, pKey, fNext ); if ( ( ulRec == 0 && ! fSoftSeek ) || pTag->TagEOF ) fEOF = TRUE; else /* if ( fSoftSeek ) */ { if ( ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fEOF = TRUE; else if ( ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) { hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == 0 ) fEOF = TRUE; } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); if ( !fEOF ) { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); if ( retval != FAILURE && pArea->fPositioned ) { retval = SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, fFindLast ? -1 : 1 ); if ( retval != FAILURE && ulRec && pArea->fPositioned ) { pArea->fFound = ( ulRec == pArea->ulRecNo || hb_cdxValCompareWild( pKey->val, pTag->CurKey->val, FALSE ) == 0 ); if ( ! pArea->fFound && ! fSoftSeek ) fEOF = TRUE; } } } if ( retval != FAILURE && ( fEOF || ! hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) || ! hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) ) { retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); } pArea->fBof = FALSE; hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); return retval; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6687 |
HB_FUNC( BM_TURBO ) { bTurbo = ISLOG( 1 ) ? hb_parl( 1 ) : FALSE; hb_retl( bTurbo ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6769 |
HB_FUNC( BM_DBGETFILTERARRAY ) { CDXAREAP pArea = (CDXAREAP) hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaPointer(); PHB_ITEM pList = hb_itemArrayNew( 0 ); ULONG ulRec,ulRecOld; if ( pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { ULONG ulSize = ( ( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size+1) >> 5 ) + 1; ULONG ulLong, ulByte, ulBytes, ulRecno; PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL ); ulRecOld = pArea->ulRecNo; for ( ulLong = 0; ulLong < ulSize; ulLong++ ) if ( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap[ulLong] ) for ( ulByte = (ulLong<<2), ulBytes = 0; ulBytes < 4; ulByte++, ulBytes++ ) if ( ((char*)( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap)[ulByte] ) for ( ulRec=(ulByte<<3)+1, ulRecno=0; ulRecno < 8; ulRec++, ulRecno++ ) if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, ulRec ) ) hb_arrayAddForward( pList, hb_itemPutNL( pItem, ulRec ) ); SELF_GOTO( (AREAP) pArea, ulRecOld ); hb_itemRelease( pItem ); } hb_itemRelease( hb_itemReturnForward( pList ) ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6775 |
HB_FUNC( BM_DBSETFILTERARRAY ) { AREAP pArea = (AREAP) hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaPointer(); PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_ARRAY ); ULONG ulPos,ulRecCount; if( pArea ) { if( pArray ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; /* Limpiamos el filtro activo */ if( SELF_CLEARFILTER( pArea ) != SUCCESS ) return; pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL ); pArea->dbfi.abFilterText = hb_itemPutC( NULL, NULL ); pArea->dbfi.fOptimized = TRUE; pArea->dbfi.fFilter = TRUE; SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecCount ); pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo = hb_xgrab( sizeof( BM_FILTER ) ); memset( pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo, 0, sizeof( BM_FILTER ) ); ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size = ulRecCount; ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap = (ULONG *) hb_xgrab( sizeof(ULONG) * (((ulRecCount+1) >> 5) + 1) ); for ( ulPos = 1; ulPos <= ulRecCount; ulPos++ ) BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ulRecCount, ulPos ); for ( ulPos = 1; ulPos <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ); ulPos++ ) BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ulRecCount, (ULONG) hb_arrayGetNL( pArray, ulPos ) ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( (CDXAREAP) pArea ); if ( pTag ) /* Con índice activo */ CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, (hb_arrayLen( pArray )) ) } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_ARG, EDBCMD_BADPARAMETER, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_NOTABLE, EDBCMD_NOTABLE, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6803 |
HB_FUNC( BM_DBSETFILTERARRAYADD ) { AREAP pArea = (AREAP) hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaPointer(); PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_ARRAY ); ULONG ulPos,ulAdd = 0; if( pArea && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { if( pArray ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; for ( ulPos = 1; ulPos <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ); ulPos++ ) if ( ! BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, (ULONG) hb_arrayGetNL( pArray, ulPos ) ) ) { BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, (ULONG) hb_arrayGetNL( pArray, ulPos ) ); ulAdd++; } pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( (CDXAREAP) pArea ); if ( pTag ) /* Con índice activo */ CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, (pTag->logKeyCount + ulAdd) ) } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_ARG, EDBCMD_BADPARAMETER, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_NOTABLE, EDBCMD_NOTABLE, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6844 |
HB_FUNC( BM_DBSETFILTERARRAYDEL ) { AREAP pArea = (AREAP) hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaPointer(); PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_ARRAY ); ULONG ulPos,ulDel = 0; if( pArea && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { if( pArray ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; for ( ulPos = 1; ulPos <= hb_arrayLen( pArray ); ulPos++ ) if ( BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, (ULONG) hb_arrayGetNL( pArray, ulPos ) ) ) { BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, (ULONG) hb_arrayGetNL( pArray, ulPos ) ); ulDel++; } pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( (CDXAREAP) pArea ); if ( pTag ) /* Con índice activo */ CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, pTag->logKeyCount - ulDel ) } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_ARG, EDBCMD_BADPARAMETER, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_NOTABLE, EDBCMD_NOTABLE, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6873 |
HB_FUNC( BM_DBSEEKWILD ) { PHB_ITEM pKey; BOOL bAll, bNext, bSoftSeek, bFindLast, fFound; AREAP pArea = (AREAP) hb_rddGetCurrentWorkAreaPointer(); if( pArea ) { if( !ISNIL( 1 ) ) { pKey = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_ANY ); bSoftSeek = ISLOG( 2 ) ? (BOOL) hb_parl( 2 ) : hb_setGetSoftSeek(); bFindLast = ISLOG( 3 ) ? hb_parl( 3 ) : FALSE; bNext = ISLOG( 4 ) ? hb_parl( 4 ) : FALSE; bAll = ISLOG( 5 ) ? hb_parl( 5 ) : FALSE; if ( bAll) { PHB_ITEM pList; pList = hb_itemNew( NULL ); hb_arrayNew( pList, 0 ); SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if ( hb_cdxSeekWild( (CDXAREAP) pArea, bSoftSeek, pKey, bFindLast, FALSE, bAll ) == SUCCESS && pArea->fEof == FALSE && SELF_FOUND( pArea, &fFound ) == SUCCESS ) { hb_arrayAddForward( pList, hb_itemPutNL( NULL, ((CDXAREAP) pArea)->ulRecNo ) ); while ( hb_cdxSeekWild( (CDXAREAP) pArea, bSoftSeek, pKey, bFindLast, TRUE, bAll ) == SUCCESS && pArea->fEof == FALSE && SELF_FOUND( pArea, &fFound ) == SUCCESS ) { hb_arrayAdd( pList, hb_itemPutNL( NULL, ((CDXAREAP) pArea)->ulRecNo ) ); } } hb_itemReturn( pList ); hb_itemRelease( pList ); return; } else if( hb_cdxSeekWild( (CDXAREAP) pArea, bSoftSeek, pKey, bFindLast, bNext, bAll ) == SUCCESS ) { if( SELF_FOUND( pArea, &fFound ) == SUCCESS ) { hb_retl( fFound ); return; } } } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_ARG, EDBCMD_SEEK_BADPARAMETER, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); } else hb_errRT_DBCMD( EG_NOTABLE, EDBCMD_NOTABLE, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME ); hb_retl( FALSE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6903 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxSkip( CDXAREAP pArea, LONG lToSkip )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxSkip( CDXAREAP pArea, LONG lToSkip ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; ULONG ulPos, ulRec; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxSkip(%p, %ld)", pArea, lToSkip)); if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); pTag = lToSkip == 0 ? NULL : hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if( pTag && pArea->fPositioned && CURKEY_LOGPOS( pTag ) ) { ulPos = pTag->logKeyPos; ulRec = pTag->logKeyRec; } else { ulPos = ulRec = 0; } if ( SUPER_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, lToSkip ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( pTag ) { if ( ulPos && ( pTag->logKeyPos != ulPos || pTag->logKeyRec != ulRec || ( pTag->curKeyState & CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS ) == 0 ) ) { ulPos = 0; } if ( lToSkip > 0 ) { if ( pArea->fEof ) { if ( lToSkip == 1 && ulPos && !CURKEY_LOGCNT( pTag ) ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, ulPos ) } else if ( ulPos ) { pTag->logKeyPos += lToSkip; pTag->logKeyRec = pArea->ulRecNo; } } else if ( pArea->fBof ) { if ( pArea->fPositioned ) { pTag->logKeyPos = 1; CURKEY_SETLOGPOS( pTag ); } } else if ( ulPos ) { pTag->logKeyPos += lToSkip; pTag->logKeyRec = pArea->ulRecNo; } } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 6961 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxSkipFilter( CDXAREAP pArea, LONG lUpDown )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxSkipFilter( CDXAREAP pArea, LONG lUpDown ) { BOOL fBottom, fDeleted; ERRCODE uiError; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxSkipFilter(%p, %ld)", pArea, lUpDown)); if( ! hb_setGetDeleted() && pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr == NULL ) return SUCCESS; /* Since lToSkip is passed to SkipRaw, it should never request more than a single skip. The implied purpose of hb_cdxSkipFilter is to get off of a "bad" record after a skip was performed, NOT to skip lToSkip filtered records. */ lUpDown = ( lUpDown < 0 ? -1 : 1 ); /* remember if we are here after SELF_GOTOP() */ fBottom = pArea->fBottom; while( !pArea->fBof && !pArea->fEof ) { /* SET DELETED */ if( hb_setGetDeleted() ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if( SELF_DELETED( (AREAP) pArea, &fDeleted ) != SUCCESS ) return FAILURE; if( fDeleted ) { if( SELF_SKIPRAW( (AREAP) pArea, lUpDown ) != SUCCESS ) return FAILURE; else if ( pTag ) pTag->logKeyPos += lUpDown; continue; } } /* SET FILTER TO */ if( pArea->dbfi.fFilter ) { if( ! hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { if( SELF_SKIPRAW( (AREAP) pArea, lUpDown ) != SUCCESS ) return FAILURE; continue; } } break; } /* * The only one situation when we should repos is backward skipping * if we are at BOTTOM position (it's SKIPFILTER called from GOBOTTOM) * then GOEOF() if not then GOTOP() */ if( pArea->fBof && lUpDown < 0 ) { if( fBottom ) { /* GOTO EOF (phantom) record - this is the only one place where GOTO is used by xHarbour directly and RDD which does not operate on numbers should serve this method only as SELF_GOEOF() synonym. If it's a problem then we can remove this if and always use SELF_GOTOP() but it also means second table scan if all records filtered are out of filter so I do not want to do that. I will prefer explicit add SELF_GOEOF() method */ uiError = SELF_GOTO( (AREAP) pArea, 0 ); } else { uiError = SELF_GOTOP( (AREAP) pArea ); pArea->fBof = TRUE; } } else { uiError = SUCCESS; } return uiError; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7024 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxSkipRaw( CDXAREAP pArea, LONG lToSkip )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxSkipRaw( CDXAREAP pArea, LONG lToSkip ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; ERRCODE retval; BOOL fOut = FALSE, fForward; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxSkipRaw(%p, %ld)", pArea, lToSkip)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( ! pTag || lToSkip == 0 ) return SUPER_SKIPRAW( ( AREAP ) pArea, lToSkip ); if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); fForward = ( lToSkip > 0 ); hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); if ( ! hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ) ) { if ( fForward ) { if ( pTag->TagEOF || !hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) fOut = TRUE; else if ( pTag->UsrAscend && hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) lToSkip--; } else if ( pArea->fPositioned ) { if ( pTag->TagEOF || !hb_cdxTopScope( pTag ) ) fOut = TRUE; else if ( !pTag->UsrAscend && hb_cdxBottomScope( pTag ) ) lToSkip++; } } if ( fForward ) { if ( !fOut ) { while ( lToSkip-- > 0 ) { hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); if ( pTag->TagEOF ) { fOut = TRUE; break; } } } retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ( pTag->TagEOF || fOut ) ? 0 : pTag->CurKey->rec ); } else /* if ( lToSkip < 0 ) */ { if ( fOut ) hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); else { while ( lToSkip++ < 0 ) { hb_cdxTagSkipPrev( pTag ); if ( pTag->TagBOF ) { fOut = TRUE; break; } } } retval = SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); pArea->fBof = fOut; } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); /* Update Bof and Eof flags */ /* if( fForward ) pArea->fBof = FALSE; else pArea->fEof = FALSE; */ return retval; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7115 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxAppend( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL bUnLockAll )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxAppend( CDXAREAP pArea, BOOL bUnLockAll ) { if ( SUPER_APPEND( (AREAP) pArea, bUnLockAll ) == SUCCESS ) { if ( pArea->dbfi.fFilter && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { ULONG ulRecCount, bytes; SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecCount ); bytes = ( (ulRecCount + 1) >> 5 ) + 1; if ( ( (ulRecCount) >> 5 ) + 1 < bytes ) { ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap = (ULONG *) hb_xrealloc( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, bytes << 2 ); ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size = ulRecCount; } pArea->dbfi.fFilter = FALSE; if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, ulRecCount ) ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, ulRecCount ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( (CDXAREAP) pArea ); if ( pTag && CURKEY_LOGCNT(pTag) ) /* Con índice activo */ CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, (pTag)->logKeyCount + 1 ) } else BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, ulRecCount ); pArea->dbfi.fFilter = TRUE; } return SUCCESS; } else return FAILURE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7203 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxDeleteRec( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxDeleteRec( CDXAREAP pArea ) { if ( SUPER_DELETE( (AREAP) pArea ) == SUCCESS ) { if ( pArea->dbfi.fFilter && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { pArea->dbfi.fFilter = FALSE; if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { if ( ! BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( (CDXAREAP) pArea ); if ( pTag && CURKEY_LOGCNT(pTag) ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, (pTag)->logKeyCount + 1 ) } } else { if ( BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( (CDXAREAP) pArea ); if ( pTag && CURKEY_LOGCNT(pTag) ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, (pTag)->logKeyCount - 1 ) } } pArea->dbfi.fFilter = TRUE; } return SUCCESS; } else return FAILURE; } /* ( DBENTRYP_BP ) hb_cdxDeleted : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_SP ) hb_cdxFieldCount : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VF ) hb_cdxFieldDisplay : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 7239 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxFlush( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxFlush( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex; ERRCODE uiError; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxFlush(%p)", pArea)); if( SELF_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; uiError = SUPER_FLUSH( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if ( hb_setGetHardCommit() ) { pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndex ) { if ( pIndex->pFile && pIndex->fFlush ) { hb_fileCommit( pIndex->pFile ); pIndex->fFlush = FALSE; } pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } } return uiError; } /* ( DBENTRYP_PP ) hb_cdxGetRec : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 7284 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxGoCold( CDXAREAP pArea ) { BOOL fRecordChanged = pArea->fRecordChanged; BOOL fAppend = pArea->fAppend; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxGoCold(%p)", pArea)); if ( SUPER_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( ( fRecordChanged || pArea->fCdxAppend ) && pArea->lpIndexes ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = pArea->lpIndexes->TagList; LPCDXKEY pKey = NULL; BOOL fAdd, fDel, fLck = FALSE; LPDBRELINFO lpdbPendingRel; if ( pArea->fShared ) { if ( fAppend ) { if ( pArea->fCdxAppend ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxGoCold: multiple appending without GOCOLD." ); pArea->fCdxAppend = TRUE; return SUCCESS; } else { fAppend = pArea->fCdxAppend; pArea->fCdxAppend = FALSE; } } /* The pending relation may move the record pointer so we should disable them for KEY/FOR evaluation */ lpdbPendingRel = pArea->lpdbPendingRel; pArea->lpdbPendingRel = NULL; /* TODO: * There is possible race condition here but not very dangerous. * To avoid it we should Lock all index file before SUPER_GOCOLD * but it makes other problem if two stations open the database index * files in a different order then they can block each other. * Without changes in locking scheme we can do only one thing which * is enough if there is only one index file: lock first index only * before SUPER_GOCOLD * Druzus, 05 Oct 2003 10:27:52 CEST */ while ( pTag ) { if ( !pTag->Custom ) { pKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( pKey, pTag ); if ( pTag->pForItem != NULL ) fAdd = hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pTag->pForItem, TRUE ); else fAdd = TRUE; if ( fAppend ) fDel = FALSE; else { if ( hb_cdxValCompare( pTag, pKey->val, pKey->len, pTag->HotKey->val, pTag->HotKey->len, TRUE ) == 0 ) { fDel = !fAdd && pTag->HotFor; fAdd = fAdd && !pTag->HotFor; } else { fDel = pTag->HotFor; } } if ( fDel || fAdd ) { if ( !fLck ) { hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); fLck = TRUE; } if ( fDel ) hb_cdxTagKeyDel( pTag, pTag->HotKey ); if ( fAdd ) hb_cdxTagKeyAdd( pTag, pKey ); } } if ( pTag->pNext ) pTag = pTag->pNext; else { if ( fLck ) { hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); fLck = FALSE; } if ( pTag->pIndex->pNext ) pTag = pTag->pIndex->pNext->TagList; else pTag = NULL; } } if ( pKey ) hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); /* Restore disabled pending relation */ pArea->lpdbPendingRel = lpdbPendingRel; } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7321 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxGoHot( CDXAREAP pArea ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxGoHot(%p)", pArea)); if ( pArea->fRecordChanged ) hb_cdxErrInternal( "hb_cdxGoHot: multiple marking buffer as hot." ); if ( SUPER_GOHOT( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( pArea->lpIndexes && !pArea->fCdxAppend ) { LPCDXTAG pTag = pArea->lpIndexes->TagList; while ( pTag ) { if ( !pTag->Custom ) { pTag->HotKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( pTag->HotKey, pTag ); pTag->HotFor = pTag->pForItem == NULL || hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pTag->pForItem, TRUE ); } if ( pTag->pNext ) pTag = pTag->pNext; else { if ( pTag->pIndex->pNext ) pTag = pTag->pIndex->pNext->TagList; else pTag = NULL; } } } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7439 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxPutRec( CDXAREAP pArea, BYTE * pBuffer )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxPutRec( CDXAREAP pArea, BYTE * pBuffer ) { if ( SUPER_PUTREC( (AREAP) pArea, pBuffer ) == SUCCESS ) { if ( pArea->dbfi.fFilter && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { pArea->dbfi.fFilter = FALSE; if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { if ( ! BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( pTag ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, pTag->logKeyCount + 1 ) } } else { if ( BM_GetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ); pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( pTag ) CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, pTag->logKeyCount - 1 ) } } pArea->dbfi.fFilter = TRUE; } return SUCCESS; } else return FAILURE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7479 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxRecall( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxRecall( CDXAREAP pArea ) { if ( SUPER_RECALL( (AREAP) pArea ) == SUCCESS ) { if ( pArea->dbfi.fFilter && pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { pArea->dbfi.fFilter = FALSE; if ( hb_cdxCheckRecordFilter( pArea, pArea->ulRecNo ) ) BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ); else BM_ClrBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size, pArea->ulRecNo ); pArea->dbfi.fFilter = TRUE; } return SUCCESS; } else return FAILURE; } /* ( DBENTRYP_ULP ) hb_cdxRecCount : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_ISI ) hb_cdxRecInfo : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_ULP ) hb_cdxRecNo : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_I ) hb_cdxRecId : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 7517 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxClose( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxClose( CDXAREAP pArea ) { ERRCODE errCode; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxClose(%p)", pArea)); if ( SELF_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; errCode = SUPER_CLOSE( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( errCode == SUCCESS ) { if ( pArea->pSort ) { hb_cdxSortFree( pArea->pSort ); pArea->pSort = NULL; } hb_cdxOrdListClear( pArea, TRUE, NULL ); if ( pArea->bCdxSortTab ) { hb_xfree( pArea->bCdxSortTab ); pArea->bCdxSortTab = NULL; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGTIME printf( "\r\ncdxTimeIntBld=%f, cdxTimeExtBld=%f, cdxTimeBld=%f\r\n" "cdxTimeGetKey=%f, cdxTimeFreeKey=%f\r\n" "cdxTimeExtBlc=%f, cdxTimeIntBlc=%f\r\n" "cdxTimeIdxBld=%f\r\n" "cdxTimeTotal=%f\r\n", (double) cdxTimeIntBld / 1000000, (double) cdxTimeExtBld / 1000000, (double) ( cdxTimeIntBld + cdxTimeExtBld ) / 1000000, (double) cdxTimeGetKey / 1000000, (double) cdxTimeFreeKey / 1000000, (double) cdxTimeIntBlc / 1000000, (double) cdxTimeExtBlc / 1000000, (double) cdxTimeIdxBld / 1000000, (double) ( cdxTimeIntBld + cdxTimeExtBld + cdxTimeIdxBld + cdxTimeGetKey + cdxTimeFreeKey + cdxTimeExtBlc + cdxTimeIntBlc ) / 1000000 ); fflush(stdout); cdxTimeIntBld = cdxTimeExtBld = 0; #endif #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGUPDT printf( "\r\n#reads=%ld, #writes=%ld, stacksize=%d\r\n", cdxReadNO, cdxWriteNO, cdxStackSize ); fflush(stdout); cdxReadNO = cdxWriteNO = 0; #endif } return errCode; } /* ( DBENTRYP_VP ) hb_cdxCreate : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 7545 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOpen( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBOPENINFO pOpenInfo ) { ERRCODE errCode = SUCCESS; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOpen(%p, %p)", pArea, pOpenInfo)); if ( !pArea->bLockType ) { PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL ); if( SELF_INFO( ( AREAP ) pArea, DBI_LOCKSCHEME, pItem ) != SUCCESS ) { hb_itemRelease( pItem ); return FAILURE; } pArea->bLockType = hb_itemGetNI( pItem ); hb_itemRelease( pItem ); if( pArea->bLockType == 0 ) { pArea->bLockType = DB_DBFLOCK_VFP; } } if ( SUPER_OPEN( ( AREAP ) pArea, pOpenInfo ) == FAILURE ) { return FAILURE; } /* open (production) structural index */ if( CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ? pArea->fHasTags : hb_setGetAutOpen() ) { char szFileName[ _POSIX_PATH_MAX + 1 ]; pArea->fHasTags = FALSE; hb_cdxCreateFName( pArea, NULL, NULL, szFileName, NULL ); if ( hb_spFile( ( BYTE * ) szFileName, NULL ) || CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ) { DBORDERINFO pOrderInfo; pOrderInfo.itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, 0 ); pOrderInfo.atomBagName = hb_itemPutC( NULL, szFileName ); pOrderInfo.itmNewVal = NULL; pOrderInfo.itmOrder = NULL; errCode = SELF_ORDLSTADD( ( AREAP ) pArea, &pOrderInfo ); if( errCode == SUCCESS ) { pOrderInfo.itmOrder = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, hb_setGetAutOrder() ); errCode = SELF_ORDLSTFOCUS( ( AREAP ) pArea, &pOrderInfo ); hb_itemRelease( pOrderInfo.itmOrder ); if( errCode == SUCCESS ) errCode = SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } hb_itemRelease( pOrderInfo.atomBagName ); hb_itemRelease( pOrderInfo.itmResult ); } } else { pArea->fHasTags = FALSE; } return errCode; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7605 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxStructSize( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT * uiSize )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxStructSize( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT * uiSize ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxStrucSize(%p, %p)", pArea, uiSize)); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pArea ); * uiSize = sizeof( CDXAREA ); return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7674 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxPack( CDXAREAP pArea ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxPack(%p)", pArea )); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( SUPER_PACK( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == SUCCESS ) { return SELF_ORDLSTREBUILD( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else return FAILURE; } /* ( DBENTRYP_LSP ) hb_cdxPackRec : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VS ) hb_cdxSort : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 7691 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxZap ( CDXAREAP pArea ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("nb_cdxZap(%p)", pArea )); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( SUPER_ZAP( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == SUCCESS ) { return SELF_ORDLSTREBUILD( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else return FAILURE; } /* ( DBENTRYP_VR ) hb_cdxChildEnd : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VR ) hb_cdxChildStart : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VR ) hb_cdxChildSync : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_V ) hb_cdxSyncChildren : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_V ) hb_cdxClearRel : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_V ) hb_cdxForceRel : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_SVP ) hb_cdxRelArea : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VR ) hb_cdxRelEval : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 7712 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderListAdd( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBORDERINFO pOrderInfo ) { USHORT uiFlags; PHB_FILE pFile; char szBaseName[ CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN + 1 ]; char szFileName[ _POSIX_PATH_MAX + 1 ]; LPCDXINDEX pIndex, * pIndexPtr; BOOL fProd, bRetry; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrderListAdd(%p, %p)", pArea, pOrderInfo)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( hb_itemGetCLen( pOrderInfo->atomBagName ) == 0 ) return FAILURE; hb_cdxCreateFName( pArea, hb_itemGetCPtr( pOrderInfo->atomBagName ), &fProd, szFileName, szBaseName ); /* if ( ! szBaseName[0] ) return FAILURE; */ pIndex = hb_cdxFindBag( pArea, szFileName ); if ( pIndex ) { /* index already open, do nothing */ if ( ! pArea->uiTag ) { pArea->uiTag = hb_cdxGetTagNumber( pArea, pIndex->TagList ); SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } return SUCCESS; } uiFlags = ( pArea->fReadonly ? FO_READ : FO_READWRITE ) | ( pArea->fShared ? FO_DENYNONE : FO_EXCLUSIVE ); do { pFile = hb_fileExtOpen( ( BYTE * ) szFileName, NULL, uiFlags | FXO_DEFAULTS | FXO_SHARELOCK | FXO_COPYNAME, NULL, NULL ); if( !pFile ) bRetry = ( hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_OPEN, EDBF_OPEN_INDEX, szFileName, hb_fsError(), EF_CANRETRY | EF_CANDEFAULT ) == E_RETRY ); else { if( hb_fileSize( pFile ) <= ( HB_FOFFSET ) sizeof( CDXTAGHEADER ) ) { hb_fileClose( pFile ); pFile = NULL; hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_CORRUPTION, EDBF_CORRUPT, szFileName, hb_fsError(), EF_CANDEFAULT ); } bRetry = FALSE; } } while( bRetry ); if( !pFile ) { return FAILURE; } pIndex = hb_cdxIndexNew( pArea ); pIndex->pFile = pFile; pIndex->fShared = pArea->fShared; pIndex->fReadonly = pArea->fReadonly; pIndex->szFileName = hb_strdup( szFileName ); pIndexPtr = &pArea->lpIndexes; while ( *pIndexPtr != NULL ) pIndexPtr = &( *pIndexPtr )->pNext; *pIndexPtr = pIndex; if ( ! hb_cdxIndexLoad( pIndex, szBaseName ) ) { /* index file is corrupted */ *pIndexPtr = NULL; hb_cdxIndexFree( pIndex ); hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_CORRUPTION, EDBF_CORRUPT, szFileName, hb_fsError(), EF_CANDEFAULT ); return FAILURE; } if( fProd ) pArea->fHasTags = TRUE; /* bmdbfcdx specific: If there was no controlling order, set this one. * This is the behaviour of Clipper's bmdbfcdx, although * Clipper doc says a different rule */ if ( ! pArea->uiTag ) { pArea->uiTag = hb_cdxGetTagNumber( pArea, pIndex->TagList ); SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7739 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxOrderListClear( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderListClear( CDXAREAP pArea ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrderListClear(%p)", pArea)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; hb_cdxOrdListClear( pArea, !( CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ? pArea->fHasTags : hb_setGetAutOpen() ), NULL ); pArea->uiTag = 0; return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7842 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxOrderListFocus( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBORDERINFO pOrderInfo )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderListFocus( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBORDERINFO pOrderInfo ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrderListFocus(%p, %p)", pArea, pOrderInfo)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( ! pArea->lpIndexes ) return SUCCESS; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); if ( pTag ) pOrderInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pOrderInfo->itmResult, pTag->szName ); if ( pOrderInfo->itmOrder ) { hb_cdxFindTag( pArea, pOrderInfo->itmOrder, pOrderInfo->atomBagName, &(pArea->uiTag) ); /* TODO: RTerror if not found? */ } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7863 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxOrderListRebuild( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderListRebuild( CDXAREAP pArea ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex, * pIndexPtr; USHORT uiPrevTag; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxPack(%p)", pArea )); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( pArea->fShared ) { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_SHARED, EDBF_SHARED, pArea->szDataFileName, 0, 0 ); return FAILURE; } if ( pArea->fReadonly ) { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_READONLY, EDBF_READONLY, pArea->szDataFileName, 0, 0 ); return FAILURE; } if ( ! pArea->lpIndexes ) return SUCCESS; uiPrevTag = pArea->uiTag; pArea->uiTag = 0; pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; pArea->lpIndexes = NULL; pIndexPtr = &pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndex ) { (*pIndexPtr) = pIndex; pIndex = pIndex->pNext; (*pIndexPtr)->pNext = NULL; hb_cdxIndexReindex( *pIndexPtr ); pIndexPtr = &(*pIndexPtr)->pNext; } pArea->uiTag = uiPrevTag; /* Clear pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo */ SELF_ORDSETCOND( ( AREAP ) pArea, NULL ); return SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7889 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderCreate( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBORDERCREATEINFO pOrderInfo ) { ULONG ulRecNo; BOOL fNewFile, fOpenedIndex, fProd, fAscend = TRUE, fCustom = FALSE, fTemporary = FALSE, fExclusive = FALSE; PHB_ITEM pKeyExp, pForExp = NULL, pResult; char szCpndTagName[ CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN + 1 ], szTagName[ CDX_MAXTAGNAMELEN + 1 ]; char szFileName[ _POSIX_PATH_MAX + 1 ], szTempFile[ _POSIX_PATH_MAX + 1 ]; char *szFor = NULL; LPCDXINDEX pIndex; LPCDXTAG pTag; USHORT uiLen; BYTE bType; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrderCreate(%p, %p)", pArea, pOrderInfo)); if( SELF_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( hb_strlentrim( hb_itemGetCPtr( pOrderInfo->abExpr ) ) + ( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo && pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->abFor ? hb_strlentrim( ( const char * ) pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->abFor ) : 0 ) > CDX_HEADEREXPLEN - 2 ) { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_DATAWIDTH, EDBF_KEYLENGTH, NULL, 0, 0 ); return FAILURE; } if( SELF_COMPILE( (AREAP) pArea, ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pOrderInfo->abExpr ) ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; pKeyExp = pArea->valResult; pArea->valResult = NULL; /* If we have a codeblock for the expression, use it */ if( pOrderInfo->itmCobExpr ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); pKeyExp = hb_itemNew( pOrderInfo->itmCobExpr ); } /* Get a blank record before testing expression */ ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); if( SELF_EVALBLOCK( ( AREAP ) pArea, pKeyExp ) == FAILURE ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); return FAILURE; } pResult = pArea->valResult; pArea->valResult = NULL; bType = hb_cdxItemType( pResult ); switch ( bType ) { case 'N': case 'D': uiLen = 8; break; case 'L': uiLen = 1; break; case 'C': uiLen = ( USHORT ) hb_itemGetCLen( pResult ); break; default: bType = 'U'; uiLen = 0; } hb_itemRelease( pResult ); /* Make sure KEY has proper type and iLen lower than 240 */ if ( bType == 'C' && uiLen > CDX_MAXKEY ) { if( hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_DATAWIDTH, EDBF_INVALIDKEY, NULL, 0, EF_CANDEFAULT ) == E_DEFAULT ) uiLen = CDX_MAXKEY; else { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); return FAILURE; } } /* Make sure KEY has proper type and iLen is not 0 */ else if ( bType == 'U' || uiLen == 0 ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, bType == 'U' ? EG_DATATYPE : EG_DATAWIDTH, EDBF_INVALIDKEY, NULL, 0, 0 ); return FAILURE; } if( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo ) { fAscend = !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fDescending; fCustom = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fCustom; fTemporary = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fTemporary; fExclusive = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fExclusive; /* Check conditional expression */ szFor = ( char * ) pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->abFor; if( szFor ) { if( SELF_COMPILE( (AREAP) pArea, ( BYTE * ) szFor ) == FAILURE ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); return FAILURE; } pForExp = pArea->valResult; pArea->valResult = NULL; } /* If we have a codeblock for the conditional expression, use it */ if( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmCobFor ) { if( pForExp ) hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pForExp ); pForExp = hb_itemNew( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmCobFor ); } } /* Test conditional expression */ if ( pForExp ) { BOOL fOK; if ( SELF_EVALBLOCK( ( AREAP ) pArea, pForExp ) == FAILURE ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pForExp ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); return FAILURE; } fOK = hb_itemType( pArea->valResult ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL; hb_itemRelease( pArea->valResult ); pArea->valResult = NULL; if ( ! fOK ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pForExp ); SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_DATATYPE, EDBF_INVALIDFOR, NULL, 0, 0 ); return FAILURE; } } SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); /* * abBagName -> cBag, atomBagName -> cTag * The following scheme implemented: * 1. abBagName == NULL -> add the Tag to the structural index * 2. atomBagName == NULL -> overwrite any index file of abBagName * 3. add the Tag to index file */ hb_cdxCreateFName( pArea, ( char * ) pOrderInfo->abBagName, &fProd, szFileName, szCpndTagName ); if ( pOrderInfo->atomBagName && pOrderInfo->atomBagName[0] ) { hb_strncpyUpperTrim( szTagName, ( char * ) pOrderInfo->atomBagName, sizeof( szTagName ) - 1 ); fNewFile = FALSE; } else { hb_strncpy( szTagName, szCpndTagName, sizeof( szTagName ) - 1 ); fNewFile = TRUE; } if ( !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo || ( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fAll && !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fAdditive ) ) hb_cdxOrdListClear( pArea, !( CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ? pArea->fHasTags : hb_setGetAutOpen() ), NULL ); pIndex = hb_cdxFindBag( pArea, szFileName ); if ( fNewFile && pIndex != NULL ) { LPCDXINDEX * pIndexPtr = &pArea->lpIndexes; while ( *pIndexPtr ) { if ( pIndex == *pIndexPtr ) { *pIndexPtr = pIndex->pNext; break; } pIndexPtr = &(*pIndexPtr)->pNext; } hb_cdxIndexFree( pIndex ); pIndex = NULL; } fOpenedIndex = ( pIndex != NULL ); if ( !fOpenedIndex ) { PHB_FILE pFile; BOOL bRetry, fShared = pArea->fShared && !fTemporary && !fExclusive; do { if( fTemporary ) { pFile = hb_fileCreateTemp( NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL, ( BYTE * ) szTempFile ); fNewFile = TRUE; } else { pFile = hb_fileExtOpen( ( BYTE * ) szFileName, NULL, FO_READWRITE | ( fShared ? FO_DENYNONE : FO_EXCLUSIVE ) | ( fNewFile ? FXO_TRUNCATE : FXO_APPEND ) | FXO_DEFAULTS | FXO_SHARELOCK | FXO_COPYNAME, NULL, NULL ); } if( !pFile ) bRetry = ( hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_CREATE, EDBF_CREATE, szFileName, hb_fsError(), EF_CANRETRY | EF_CANDEFAULT ) == E_RETRY ); else { bRetry = FALSE; if( !fNewFile ) fNewFile = ( hb_fileSize( pFile ) == 0 ); } } while( bRetry ); if( pFile ) { pIndex = hb_cdxIndexNew( pArea ); pIndex->pFile = pFile; pIndex->fShared = fShared; pIndex->fReadonly = FALSE; pIndex->szFileName = hb_strdup( szFileName ); pIndex->fDelete = fTemporary; if( fTemporary ) pIndex->szRealName = hb_strdup( szTempFile ); if ( !fNewFile ) { /* index file is corrupted? */ if ( ! hb_cdxIndexLoad( pIndex, szCpndTagName ) ) { /* TODO: What should be default? */ /* hb_cdxIndexFree( pIndex ); hb_fileClose( pFile ); pFile = NULL; hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, EG_CORRUPTION, EDBF_CORRUPT, szFileName, hb_fsError(), EF_CANDEFAULT ); */ hb_cdxIndexFreeTags( pIndex ); fNewFile = TRUE; } } } if( !pFile ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pKeyExp ); if ( pForExp != NULL ) hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pForExp ); return FAILURE; } } hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pIndex ); if ( !fNewFile ) { /* Delete new tag if exist */ hb_cdxIndexDelTag( pIndex, szTagName ); fNewFile = ( pIndex->TagList == NULL ); } if ( fNewFile ) { hb_fileTruncAt( pIndex->pFile, 0 ); pIndex->fChanged = TRUE; hb_cdxIndexDropAvailPage( pIndex ); if ( pIndex->pCompound != NULL ) hb_cdxTagFree( pIndex->pCompound ); pIndex->nextAvail = pIndex->freePage = 0; hb_cdxIndexCreateStruct( pIndex, szCpndTagName ); } pTag = hb_cdxIndexAddTag( pIndex, szTagName, hb_itemGetCPtr( pOrderInfo->abExpr ), pKeyExp, bType, uiLen, szFor, pForExp, fAscend , pOrderInfo->fUnique, fCustom, FALSE ); if ( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo && ( !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fAll && !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fAdditive ) ) { hb_cdxOrdListClear( pArea, !( CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ? pArea->fHasTags : hb_setGetAutOpen() ), NULL ); } hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pIndex ); /* Update DBF header */ if( !pArea->fHasTags && !fOpenedIndex && !pIndex->fDelete && fProd ) { pArea->fHasTags = TRUE; if ( !pArea->fReadonly && ( pArea->dbfHeader.bHasTags & 0x01 ) == 0 && ( hb_setGetAutOpen() || CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ) ) SELF_WRITEDBHEADER( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else { fProd = FALSE; } if( !fOpenedIndex ) { if ( fProd || pArea->lpIndexes == NULL ) { pIndex->pNext = pArea->lpIndexes; pArea->lpIndexes = pIndex; } else { LPCDXINDEX pIndexTmp = pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndexTmp->pNext ) pIndexTmp = pIndexTmp->pNext; pIndexTmp->pNext = pIndex; } } pArea->uiTag = hb_cdxGetTagNumber( pArea, pTag ); /* Clear pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo */ SELF_ORDSETCOND( ( AREAP ) pArea, NULL ); return SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 7938 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxOrderDestroy( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBORDERINFO pOrderInfo )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderDestroy( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBORDERINFO pOrderInfo ) { LPCDXINDEX pIndex, pIndexTmp; LPCDXTAG pTag; USHORT uiTag; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrderDestroy(%p, %p)", pArea, pOrderInfo)); if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if ( ! pArea->lpIndexes ) return SUCCESS; if ( pOrderInfo->itmOrder ) { pTag = hb_cdxFindTag( pArea, pOrderInfo->itmOrder, pOrderInfo->atomBagName, &uiTag ); if ( pTag ) { pIndex = pTag->pIndex; if ( /* !pIndex->fShared && */ !pIndex->fReadonly ) { hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pIndex ); hb_cdxIndexDelTag( pIndex, pTag->szName ); hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pIndex ); if ( !pIndex->TagList ) { if ( pArea->lpIndexes == pIndex ) { pArea->lpIndexes = pIndex->pNext; if ( pArea->fHasTags ) { pArea->fHasTags = FALSE; if ( !pArea->fReadonly && ( pArea->dbfHeader.bHasTags & 0x01 ) != 0 && ( hb_setGetAutOpen() || CDXAREA_DATA( pArea )->fStrictStruct ) ) SELF_WRITEDBHEADER( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } } else { pIndexTmp = pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndexTmp->pNext && ( pIndexTmp->pNext != pIndex ) ) { pIndexTmp = pIndexTmp->pNext; } if ( pIndexTmp->pNext == pIndex ) { pIndexTmp->pNext = pIndex->pNext; } } pIndex->fDelete = TRUE; hb_cdxIndexFree( pIndex ); } if( uiTag < pArea->uiTag ) pArea->uiTag--; else if( uiTag == pArea->uiTag ) pArea->uiTag = 0; } else { /* TODO: allow this operation for shared mode? */ hb_errInternal( 1023, "hb_cdxOrderDestroy: exclusive required.", NULL, NULL ); } } } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 8275 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxOrderInfo( CDXAREAP pArea, USHORT uiIndex, LPDBORDERINFO pInfo ) { LPCDXTAG pTag; USHORT uiTag = 0; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxOrderInfo(%p, %hu, %p)", pArea, uiIndex, pInfo)); switch( uiIndex ) { case DBOI_STRICTREAD: if( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return SELF_RDDINFO( SELF_RDDNODE( pArea ), RDDI_STRICTREAD, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); case DBOI_OPTIMIZE: if( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return SELF_RDDINFO( SELF_RDDNODE( pArea ), RDDI_OPTIMIZE, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); case DBOI_AUTOOPEN: if( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return SELF_RDDINFO( SELF_RDDNODE( pArea ), RDDI_AUTOOPEN, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); case DBOI_AUTOORDER: if( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return SELF_RDDINFO( SELF_RDDNODE( pArea ), RDDI_AUTOORDER, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); case DBOI_AUTOSHARE: if( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return SELF_RDDINFO( SELF_RDDNODE( pArea ), RDDI_AUTOSHARE, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); case DBOI_BAGEXT: if( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); return SELF_RDDINFO( SELF_RDDNODE( pArea ), RDDI_ORDBAGEXT, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); case DBOI_EVALSTEP: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo ? pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lStep : 0 ); return SUCCESS; case DBOI_KEYSINCLUDED: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, pArea->pSort ? pArea->pSort->ulTotKeys : 0 ); return SUCCESS; case DBOI_I_TAGNAME: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pArea->pSort ? pArea->pSort->pTag->szName : NULL ); return SUCCESS; case DBOI_I_BAGNAME: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pArea->pSort ? pArea->pSort->pTag->pIndex->szFileName : NULL ); return SUCCESS; case DBOI_ISREINDEX: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pArea->pSort ? pArea->pSort->fReindex : FALSE ); return SUCCESS; case DBOI_LOCKOFFSET: case DBOI_HPLOCKING: { HB_FOFFSET ulPos, ulPool; hb_dbfLockIdxGetData( pArea->bLockType, &ulPos, &ulPool ); if ( uiIndex == DBOI_LOCKOFFSET ) pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->itmResult, ulPos ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, ulPool > 0 ); return SUCCESS; } case DBOI_ORDERCOUNT: { LPCDXINDEX pIndex; char *pszBag = hb_itemGetCLen( pInfo->atomBagName ) > 0 ? hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->atomBagName ) : NULL; pIndex = pszBag ? hb_cdxFindBag( pArea, pszBag ) : pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndex ) { pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { ++uiTag; pTag = pTag->pNext; } pIndex = pszBag ? NULL : pIndex->pNext; } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, uiTag ); return SUCCESS; } case DBOI_BAGCOUNT: { LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes; while ( pIndex ) { ++uiTag; pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, uiTag ); return SUCCESS; } case DBOI_BAGNUMBER: { LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes, pIndexSeek; if( hb_itemGetCLen( pInfo->atomBagName ) > 0 ) pIndexSeek = hb_cdxFindBag( pArea, hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->atomBagName ) ); else { pTag = hb_cdxGetTagByNumber( pArea, pArea->uiTag ); pIndexSeek = pTag ? pTag->pIndex : NULL; } if( pIndexSeek ) { do { ++uiTag; if( pIndex == pIndexSeek ) break; pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } while ( pIndex ); } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, pIndex ? uiTag : 0 ); return SUCCESS; } case DBOI_BAGORDER: { LPCDXINDEX pIndex = pArea->lpIndexes, pIndexSeek; if( hb_itemGetCLen( pInfo->atomBagName ) > 0 ) pIndexSeek = hb_cdxFindBag( pArea, hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->atomBagName ) ); else { pTag = hb_cdxGetTagByNumber( pArea, pArea->uiTag ); pIndexSeek = pTag ? pTag->pIndex : NULL; } if( pIndexSeek ) { ++uiTag; do { if( pIndex == pIndexSeek ) break; pTag = pIndex->TagList; while ( pTag ) { ++uiTag; pTag = pTag->pNext; } pIndex = pIndex->pNext; } while ( pIndex ); } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, pIndex ? uiTag : 0 ); return SUCCESS; } } if( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; if( pInfo->itmOrder ) { pTag = hb_cdxFindTag( pArea, pInfo->itmOrder, pInfo->atomBagName, &uiTag ); } else { uiTag = pArea->uiTag; pTag = hb_cdxGetTagByNumber( pArea, uiTag ); } switch( uiIndex ) { case DBOI_CONDITION: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pTag ? pTag->ForExpr : NULL ); if ( pTag && pInfo->itmNewVal && HB_IS_STRING( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) { if ( pTag->ForExpr != NULL ) { hb_xfree( pTag->ForExpr ); pTag->ForExpr = NULL; } if ( pTag->pForItem != NULL ) { hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pTag->pForItem ); pTag->pForItem = NULL; } if ( hb_itemGetCLen( pInfo->itmNewVal ) > 0 ) { char * pForExpr = hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->itmNewVal ); if ( SELF_COMPILE( ( AREAP ) pArea, ( BYTE *) pForExpr ) == SUCCESS ) { PHB_ITEM pForItem = pArea->valResult; pArea->valResult = NULL; if ( SELF_EVALBLOCK( ( AREAP ) pArea, pForItem ) == SUCCESS ) { if ( hb_itemType( pArea->valResult ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL ) { pTag->pForItem = pForItem; pForItem = NULL; } hb_itemRelease( pArea->valResult ); pArea->valResult = NULL; } if ( pForItem ) hb_vmDestroyBlockOrMacro( pForItem ); } } } break; case DBOI_EXPRESSION: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pTag ? pTag->KeyExpr : NULL ); break; case DBOI_POSITION: if ( pInfo->itmNewVal && HB_IS_NUMERIC( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIKeyGoto( pArea, pTag, hb_itemGetNL( pInfo->itmNewVal ), TRUE ) == SUCCESS ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIKeyNo( pArea, pTag, TRUE ) ); break; /* TODO: is this ok? DBOI_RECNO == DBOI_KEYNORAW ? No, it isn't. */ /* case DBOI_RECNO: */ case DBOI_KEYNORAW: if ( pInfo->itmNewVal && HB_IS_NUMERIC( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIKeyGoto( pArea, pTag, hb_itemGetNL( pInfo->itmNewVal ), FALSE ) == SUCCESS ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIKeyNo( pArea, pTag, FALSE ) ); break; case DBOI_KEYCOUNT: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIKeyCount( pArea, pTag, TRUE ) ); break; case DBOI_KEYCOUNTRAW: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIKeyCount( pArea, pTag, FALSE ) ); break; case DBOI_RELKEYPOS: if ( pInfo->itmNewVal && HB_IS_NUMERIC( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) hb_cdxDBOISetRelKeyPos( pArea, pTag, hb_itemGetND( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutND( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIGetRelKeyPos( pArea, pTag ) ); break; case DBOI_FINDREC: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIFindRec( pArea, pTag, hb_itemGetNL( pInfo->itmNewVal ), FALSE ) ); break; case DBOI_FINDRECCONT: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIFindRec( pArea, pTag, hb_itemGetNL( pInfo->itmNewVal ), TRUE ) ); break; case DBOI_SKIPUNIQUE: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipUnique( pArea, pTag, hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->itmNewVal ) >= 0 ) == SUCCESS ); break; case DBOI_SKIPEVAL: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipEval( pArea, pTag, TRUE, pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); break; case DBOI_SKIPEVALBACK: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipEval( pArea, pTag, FALSE, pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); break; case DBOI_SKIPWILD: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipWild( pArea, pTag, TRUE, pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); break; case DBOI_SKIPWILDBACK: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipWild( pArea, pTag, FALSE, pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); break; case DBOI_SKIPREGEX: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipRegEx( pArea, pTag, TRUE, pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); break; case DBOI_SKIPREGEXBACK: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOISkipRegEx( pArea, pTag, FALSE, pInfo->itmNewVal ) ); break; case DBOI_SCOPEEVAL: if ( pTag && pInfo->itmNewVal && hb_arrayLen( pInfo->itmNewVal ) == DBRMI_SIZE && hb_arrayGetPtr( pInfo->itmNewVal, DBRMI_FUNCTION ) != NULL ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxDBOIScopeEval( pTag, ( HB_EVALSCOPE_FUNC ) hb_arrayGetPtr( pInfo->itmNewVal, DBRMI_FUNCTION ), hb_arrayGetPtr( pInfo->itmNewVal, DBRMI_PARAM ), hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pInfo->itmNewVal, DBRMI_LOVAL ), hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pInfo->itmNewVal, DBRMI_HIVAL ) ) ); } else { /* TODO: RT error */ ; } break; case DBOI_NAME: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pTag ? pTag->szName : NULL ); break; case DBOI_NUMBER: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, uiTag ); break; case DBOI_BAGNAME: if ( pTag ) { PHB_FNAME pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( pTag->pIndex->szFileName ); pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pFileName->szName ); hb_xfree( pFileName ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, NULL ); break; case DBOI_FULLPATH: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, pTag ? pTag->pIndex->szFileName : NULL ); break; case DBOI_FILEHANDLE: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->itmResult, ( HB_NHANDLE ) ( pTag ? hb_fileHandle( pTag->pIndex->pFile ) : FS_ERROR ) ); break; case DBOI_ISCOND: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && pTag->ForExpr != NULL ); break; case DBOI_ISDESC: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && !pTag->UsrAscend ); if ( pTag && pInfo->itmNewVal && HB_IS_LOGICAL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) { pTag->UsrAscend = ! hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ); pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS ); } break; case DBOI_UNIQUE: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, ( pTag ? pTag->UniqueKey || pTag->UsrUnique : FALSE ) ); if ( pTag && pInfo->itmNewVal && HB_IS_LOGICAL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) && !pTag->UniqueKey ) { pTag->UsrUnique = hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ); pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_LOGPOS | CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT | CDX_CURKEY_LOGCNT ); } break; case DBOI_KEYTYPE: if ( pTag ) { char szType[2]; szType[0] = (char) pTag->uiType; szType[1] = 0; pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, szType ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->itmResult, NULL ); break; case DBOI_KEYSIZE: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, pTag ? pTag->uiLen : 0 ); break; case DBOI_KEYDEC: /* there is no fixed number of decimal places for numeric keys in CDX format */ pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, 0 ); break; case DBOI_KEYVAL: hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if ( pTag && pArea->fPositioned ) { if ( pTag->CurKey->rec != pArea->ulRecNo ) { hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ); hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == pArea->ulRecNo ) pInfo->itmResult = hb_cdxKeyGetItem( pTag->CurKey, pInfo->itmResult, pTag, TRUE ); } break; case DBOI_SCOPETOP: if ( pTag ) { if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_cdxTagGetScope( pTag, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); if ( pInfo->itmNewVal ) hb_cdxTagSetScope( pTag, 0, pInfo->itmNewVal ); } else if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); break; case DBOI_SCOPEBOTTOM: if ( pTag ) { if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_cdxTagGetScope( pTag, 1, pInfo->itmResult ); if ( pInfo->itmNewVal ) hb_cdxTagSetScope( pTag, 1, pInfo->itmNewVal ); } else if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); break; case DBOI_SCOPESET: if ( pTag ) { if ( pInfo->itmNewVal ) { hb_cdxTagSetScope( pTag, 0, pInfo->itmNewVal ); hb_cdxTagSetScope( pTag, 1, pInfo->itmNewVal ); } } if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); break; case DBOI_SCOPETOPCLEAR: if ( pTag ) { if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_cdxTagGetScope( pTag, 0, pInfo->itmResult ); hb_cdxTagClearScope( pTag, 0 ); } else if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); break; case DBOI_SCOPEBOTTOMCLEAR: if ( pTag ) { if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_cdxTagGetScope( pTag, 1, pInfo->itmResult ); hb_cdxTagClearScope( pTag, 1 ); } else if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); break; case DBOI_SCOPECLEAR: if ( pTag ) { hb_cdxTagClearScope( pTag, 0 ); hb_cdxTagClearScope( pTag, 1 ); } if ( pInfo->itmResult ) hb_itemClear( pInfo->itmResult ); break; case DBOI_CUSTOM: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->itmNewVal ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL ) { if( hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ) ) { if( !pTag->Template ) { BOOL fNewVal = hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ); if( pTag->Custom ? ! fNewVal : fNewVal ) { pTag->Custom = fNewVal; pTag->Partial = TRUE; pTag->ChgOnly = FALSE; pTag->TagChanged = TRUE; /* This is a hacks to emulate both SIX3 and COMIX behavior * which should be cleaned. I intentionally not used * HB_SIXCDX macro here [druzus] */ if( pTag->Custom ) pTag->Template = pTag->MultiKey = TRUE; } } hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); } } /* Warning: it's not CL53 compatible. CL53 returns previous * CUSTOM flag value not current one. [druzus] */ pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && pTag->Custom ); break; case DBOI_PARTIAL: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && pTag->Partial ); break; case DBOI_CHGONLY: /* TODO: set */ pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && pTag->ChgOnly ); break; case DBOI_TEMPLATE: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->itmNewVal ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL && hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) { if( hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ) ) { if( pTag->Custom && !pTag->Template ) pTag->Template = TRUE; hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); } } hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag->Template ); break; case DBOI_MULTIKEY: if( hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) { if( hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ) ) { if( pTag->Custom && !pTag->MultiKey ) pTag->MultiKey = TRUE; hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); } } hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag->MultiKey ); break; case DBOI_KEYADD: if ( !pTag ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); } else { if ( pTag->Custom ) { if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( !pArea->fPositioned || ( pTag->pForItem && !hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pTag->pForItem, TRUE ) ) ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); } else { LPCDXKEY pKey; hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); if ( pInfo->itmNewVal && !HB_IS_NIL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) && pTag->Template ) pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( NULL, pInfo->itmNewVal, pArea->ulRecNo, pTag, TRUE, TRUE ); else pKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( NULL, pTag ); pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxTagKeyAdd( pTag, pKey ) ); hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); } } else { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, 0, EDBF_NOTCUSTOM, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } break; case DBOI_KEYDELETE: if ( !pTag ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); } else { if ( pTag->Custom ) { if( pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_FORCEREL( ( AREAP ) pArea ); if( !pArea->fPositioned || ( pTag->pForItem && !hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pTag->pForItem, TRUE ) ) ) { pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); } else { LPCDXKEY pKey; hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); if ( pInfo->itmNewVal && !HB_IS_NIL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) && pTag->Template ) pKey = hb_cdxKeyPutItem( NULL, pInfo->itmNewVal, pArea->ulRecNo, pTag, TRUE, TRUE ); else { if ( pTag->CurKey->rec != pArea->ulRecNo ) hb_cdxCurKeyRefresh( pArea, pTag ); if ( pTag->CurKey->rec == pArea->ulRecNo ) pKey = hb_cdxKeyCopy( NULL, pTag->CurKey ); else pKey = hb_cdxKeyEval( NULL, pTag ); } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, hb_cdxTagKeyDel( pTag, pKey ) ); hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxKeyFree( pKey ); } } else { hb_cdxErrorRT( pArea, 0, EDBF_NOTCUSTOM, NULL, 0, 0 ); } } break; case DBOI_READLOCK: if( pTag ) { if( hb_itemType( pInfo->itmNewVal ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL ) { if( hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); else hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag->pIndex->lockRead > 0 ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); break; case DBOI_WRITELOCK: if( pTag ) { if( hb_itemType( pInfo->itmNewVal ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL ) { if( hb_itemGetL( pInfo->itmNewVal ) ) hb_cdxIndexLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); else hb_cdxIndexUnLockWrite( pTag->pIndex ); } pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag->pIndex->lockWrite > 0 ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); break; case DBOI_UPDATECOUNTER: if( pTag ) { /* refresh update counter */ if( hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ) ) hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->itmResult, pTag->pIndex->ulVersion ); } else pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, 0 ); break; case DBOI_SHARED: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && pTag->pIndex->fShared ); break; case DBOI_ISREADONLY: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag && pTag->pIndex->fReadonly ); break; case DBOI_ISMULTITAG: case DBOI_ISSORTRECNO: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, pTag != NULL ); break; case DBOI_LARGEFILE: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->itmResult, FALSE ); break; case DBOI_INDEXTYPE: pInfo->itmResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->itmResult, pTag ? DBOI_TYPE_COMPOUND : DBOI_TYPE_UNDEF ); break; default: return SUPER_ORDINFO( ( AREAP ) pArea, uiIndex, pInfo ); } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 8345 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxClearFilter( CDXAREAP pArea )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxClearFilter( CDXAREAP pArea ) { hb_cdxClearLogPosInfo( pArea ); /* Limpiamos filtro tipo array */ if ( pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo ) { hb_xfree( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap ); hb_xfree( pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo ); pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo = NULL; } return SUPER_CLEARFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9098 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxCountScope( CDXAREAP pArea, void * pPtr, LONG * plRec )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxCountScope( CDXAREAP pArea, void * pPtr, LONG * plRec ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxCountScope(%p, %p, %p)", pArea, pPtr, plRec)); if ( pPtr == NULL ) { LPBM_FILTER pMap = (LPBM_FILTER) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo; if( pArea->dbfi.fFilter && pMap && !BM_GetBit( pMap->rmap, pMap->Size, ( ULONG ) *plRec ) ) { *plRec = 0; } return SUCCESS; } return SUPER_COUNTSCOPE( ( AREAP ) pArea, pPtr, plRec ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9115 |
static ERRCODE hb_cdxSetFilter( CDXAREAP pArea, LPDBFILTERINFO pFilterInfo ) { ULONG ulRecCount = 0, ulLogKeyCount = 0; LPCDXTAG pTag; PHB_ITEM pResult; HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( ulLogKeyCount ); hb_cdxClearLogPosInfo( pArea ); if ( SUPER_SETFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, pFilterInfo ) != SUCCESS ) return FAILURE; pArea->dbfi.fOptimized = hb_setGetOptimize(); if ( pArea->dbfi.fOptimized ) { pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo = hb_xgrab( sizeof( BM_FILTER ) ); memset( pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo, 0, sizeof( BM_FILTER ) ); pArea->dbfi.fFilter = FALSE; pTag = hb_cdxGetActiveTag( pArea ); SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecCount ); ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->Size = ulRecCount; ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap = (ULONG *) hb_xgrab( sizeof(ULONG) * (((ulRecCount+1) >> 5) + 1 ) ); memset( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, 0, sizeof(ULONG) * (((ulRecCount+1) >> 5) + 1 ) ); if ( pTag ) /* with active index */ { if ( FAST_GOCOLD( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) return FAILURE; hb_cdxIndexLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); hb_cdxTagRefreshScope( pTag ); hb_cdxTagGoTop( pTag ); ulLogKeyCount = 0; while ( !pTag->TagEOF ) { if( pArea->ulRecNo != pTag->CurKey->rec || pArea->lpdbPendingRel ) SELF_GOTO( (AREAP) pArea, pTag->CurKey->rec ); pResult = hb_vmEvalBlock( pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); if ( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pResult ) && hb_itemGetL( pResult ) ) { BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ulRecCount, pTag->CurKey->rec ); ulLogKeyCount++; } hb_cdxTagSkipNext( pTag ); } hb_cdxIndexUnLockRead( pTag->pIndex ); pTag->curKeyState &= ~( CDX_CURKEY_RAWPOS | CDX_CURKEY_RAWCNT ); CURKEY_SETLOGCNT( pTag, ulLogKeyCount ); } else { SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); while ( ! pArea->fEof ) { pResult = hb_vmEvalBlock( pArea->dbfi.itmCobExpr ); if ( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pResult ) && hb_itemGetL( pResult ) ) BM_SetBit( ( ( LPBM_FILTER ) pArea->dbfi.lpvCargo)->rmap, ulRecCount, (pArea)->ulRecNo ); SELF_SKIP( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); } } pArea->dbfi.fFilter = TRUE; } return SUCCESS; } /* ( DBENTRYP_VLO ) hb_cdxSetLocate : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VOS ) hb_cdxSetScope : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VPL ) hb_cdxSkipScope : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_B ) hb_cdxLocate : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_P ) hb_cdxCompile : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_I ) hb_cdxError : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_I ) hb_cdxEvalBlock : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VSP ) hb_cdxRawLock : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VL ) hb_cdxLock : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_UL ) hb_cdxUnLock : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_V ) hb_cdxCloseMemFile : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VP ) hb_cdxCreateMemFile : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_SVPB ) hb_cdxGetValueFile : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_VP ) hb_cdxOpenMemFile : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_SVPB ) hb_cdxPutValueFile : NULL */ /* ( DBENTRYP_V ) hb_cdxReadDBHeader : NULL */ | bmdbfcdx.c | 9136 |
STATIC ERRCODE | hb_cdxRddInfo( LPRDDNODE pRDD, USHORT uiIndex, ULONG ulConnect, PHB_ITEM pItem )
static ERRCODE hb_cdxRddInfo( LPRDDNODE pRDD, USHORT uiIndex, ULONG ulConnect, PHB_ITEM pItem ) { LPDBFDATA pData; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_cdxRddInfo(%p, %hu, %lu, %p)", pRDD, uiIndex, ulConnect, pItem)); pData = ( LPDBFDATA ) pRDD->lpvCargo; switch( uiIndex ) { case RDDI_ORDBAGEXT: case RDDI_ORDEREXT: case RDDI_ORDSTRUCTEXT: { char * szNew = hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ); if( szNew[0] == '.' && szNew[1] ) szNew = hb_strdup( szNew ); else szNew = NULL; hb_itemPutC( pItem, pData->szIndexExt[ 0 ] ? pData->szIndexExt : CDX_INDEXEXT ); if( szNew ) { hb_strncpy( pData->szIndexExt, szNew, sizeof( pData->szIndexExt ) - 1 ); hb_xfree( szNew ); } break; } case RDDI_MULTIKEY: case RDDI_MULTITAG: case RDDI_SORTRECNO: case RDDI_STRUCTORD: hb_itemPutL( pItem, TRUE ); break; case RDDI_STRICTSTRUCT: { BOOL fStrictStruct = pData->fStrictStruct; if( hb_itemType( pItem ) == HB_IT_LOGICAL ) pData->fStrictStruct = hb_itemGetL( pItem ); hb_itemPutL( pItem, fStrictStruct ); break; } default: return SUPER_RDDINFO( pRDD, uiIndex, ulConnect, pItem ); } return SUCCESS; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9230 |
STATIC INT | hb_cdxQuickSortCompare( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE * pKey1, BYTE * pKey2 )
static int hb_cdxQuickSortCompare( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE * pKey1, BYTE * pKey2 ) { int i, iLen = pSort->keyLen; i = hb_cdxValCompare( pSort->pTag, pKey1, iLen, pKey2, iLen, TRUE ); if ( i == 0 ) { i = ( HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pKey1 + iLen ) < HB_GET_LE_UINT32( pKey2 + iLen ) ) ? -1 : 1; } return i; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9292 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxQSort( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE * pSrc, BYTE * pBuf, LONG lKeys )
static BOOL hb_cdxQSort( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE * pSrc, BYTE * pBuf, LONG lKeys ) { if ( lKeys > 1 ) { int iLen = pSort->keyLen + 4; LONG l1, l2; BYTE * pPtr1, * pPtr2, *pDst; BOOL f1, f2; l1 = lKeys >> 1; l2 = lKeys - l1; pPtr1 = &pSrc[ 0 ]; pPtr2 = &pSrc[ l1 * iLen ]; f1 = hb_cdxQSort( pSort, pPtr1, &pBuf[ 0 ], l1 ); f2 = hb_cdxQSort( pSort, pPtr2, &pBuf[ l1 * iLen ], l2 ); if ( f1 ) { pDst = pBuf; } else { pDst = pSrc; pPtr1 = &pBuf[ 0 ]; } if ( !f2 ) { pPtr2 = &pBuf[ l1 * iLen ]; } while ( l1 > 0 && l2 > 0 ) { if ( hb_cdxQuickSortCompare( pSort, pPtr1, pPtr2 ) <= 0 ) { memcpy( pDst, pPtr1, iLen ); pPtr1 += iLen; l1--; } else { memcpy( pDst, pPtr2, iLen ); pPtr2 += iLen; l2--; } pDst += iLen; } if ( l1 > 0 ) { memcpy( pDst, pPtr1, iLen * l1 ); } else if ( l2 > 0 && f1 == f2 ) { memcpy( pDst, pPtr2, iLen * l2 ); } return !f1; } return TRUE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9306 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSortSortPage( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort )
static void hb_cdxSortSortPage( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort ) { ULONG ulSize = pSort->ulKeys * ( pSort->keyLen + 4 ); #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGTIME cdxTimeIdxBld -= hb_cdxGetTime(); #endif if ( !hb_cdxQSort( pSort, pSort->pKeyPool, &pSort->pKeyPool[ ulSize ], pSort->ulKeys ) ) { memcpy( pSort->pKeyPool, &pSort->pKeyPool[ ulSize ], ulSize ); } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGTIME cdxTimeIdxBld += hb_cdxGetTime(); #endif } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9364 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSortAddNodeKey( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, int iLevel, BYTE *pKeyVal, ULONG ulRec, ULONG ulPage )
static void hb_cdxSortAddNodeKey( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, int iLevel, BYTE *pKeyVal, ULONG ulRec, ULONG ulPage ) { LPCDXPAGE pPage; BOOL fNew; int iLen = pSort->keyLen, iDup = 0, iTrl = 0, iTmp, iPos; BYTE *pTmp; pPage = pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]; if ( iLevel == 0 ) { while ( iTrl < iLen && pKeyVal[ iLen - iTrl - 1 ] == pSort->bTrl ) { iTrl++; } if ( pPage != NULL && pPage->iKeys > 0 ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL int iMax = iLen - iTrl; #else int iMax = iLen - HB_MAX( iTrl, pSort->iLastTrl ); #endif while ( pKeyVal[ iDup ] == pSort->pLastKey[ iDup ] && iDup < iMax ) { iDup++; } } #ifndef HB_CDX_PACKTRAIL pSort->iLastTrl = iTrl; #endif } if( pPage == NULL ) { fNew = TRUE; } else { if ( iLevel == 0 ) { fNew = ( pPage->iFree - ( iLen - iDup - iTrl ) - pPage->ReqByte ) < 0; } else { fNew = ( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->iKeys >= pSort->pTag->MaxKeys ); } } if( fNew ) { pPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pSort->pTag, NULL, 0 ); pPage->PageType = ( iLevel == 0 ) ? CDX_NODE_LEAF : CDX_NODE_BRANCH; if ( iLevel == 0 ) { hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( pPage ); iDup = 0; while ( pSort->ulMaxRec > pPage->RNMask ) { pPage->ReqByte++; pPage->RNBits += 8; pPage->RNMask = ( pPage->RNMask << 8 ) | 0xFF; } } if ( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ] != NULL ) { pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->Right = pPage->Page; pPage->Left = pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->Page; if ( iLevel == 0 ) { #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrlRaw( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ] ); #endif hb_cdxSortAddNodeKey( pSort, iLevel + 1, pSort->pLastKey, pSort->ulLastRec, pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->Page ); } else { iPos = ( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->iKeys - 1 ) * ( iLen + 8 ); pTmp = &pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos ]; hb_cdxSortAddNodeKey( pSort, iLevel + 1, pTmp, HB_GET_BE_UINT32( &pTmp[ iLen ] ), pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->Page ); } hb_cdxPageFree( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ], TRUE ); } pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ] = pPage; } if ( iLevel == 0 ) { iPos = pPage->iKeys * pPage->ReqByte; hb_cdxSetLeafRecord( &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ iPos ], ulRec, iDup, iTrl, pPage->ReqByte, pPage->DCBits, pPage->TCBits ); iTmp = iLen - iDup - iTrl; if ( iTmp > 0 ) { memcpy( &pPage->node.extNode.keyPool[ pPage->iFree + iPos - iTmp ], &pKeyVal[ iDup ], iTmp ); } pPage->iFree -= iTmp + pPage->ReqByte; pPage->iKeys++; #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT hb_cdxPageCheckDupTrlRaw( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ] ); #endif } else { pPage = pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]; iPos = pPage->iKeys * ( iLen + 8 ); pTmp = &pPage->node.intNode.keyPool[ iPos ]; memcpy( pTmp, pKeyVal, iLen ); HB_PUT_BE_UINT32( &pTmp[ iLen ], ulRec ); HB_PUT_BE_UINT32( &pTmp[ iLen + 4 ], ulPage ); pPage->iKeys++; } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9379 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSortWritePage( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort )
static void hb_cdxSortWritePage( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort ) { ULONG ulSize = pSort->ulKeys * ( pSort->keyLen + 4 ); hb_cdxSortSortPage( pSort ); if ( pSort->hTempFile == FS_ERROR ) { BYTE szName[ _POSIX_PATH_MAX + 1 ]; pSort->hTempFile = hb_fsCreateTemp( NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL, szName ); if ( pSort->hTempFile == FS_ERROR ) { hb_errInternal( 9301, "hb_cdxSortWritePage: Can't create temporary file.", NULL, NULL ); } pSort->szTempFileName = hb_strdup( ( char * ) szName ); } pSort->pSwapPage[ pSort->ulCurPage ].ulKeys = pSort->ulKeys; pSort->pSwapPage[ pSort->ulCurPage ].nOffset = hb_fsSeekLarge( pSort->hTempFile, 0, FS_END ); if ( hb_fsWriteLarge( pSort->hTempFile, pSort->pKeyPool, ulSize ) != ulSize ) { hb_errInternal( 9302, "hb_cdxSortWritePage: Write error in temporary file.", NULL, NULL ); } pSort->ulKeys = 0; pSort->ulCurPage++; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9491 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSortGetPageKey( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, ULONG ulPage, BYTE ** pKeyVal, ULONG *pulRec )
static void hb_cdxSortGetPageKey( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, ULONG ulPage, BYTE ** pKeyVal, ULONG *pulRec ) { int iLen = pSort->keyLen; if ( pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeyBuf == 0 ) { ULONG ulKeys = HB_MIN( pSort->ulPgKeys, pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeys ); ULONG ulSize = ulKeys * ( iLen + 4 ); if ( hb_fsSeekLarge( pSort->hTempFile, pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].nOffset, SEEK_SET ) != pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].nOffset || hb_fsReadLarge( pSort->hTempFile, pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].pKeyPool, ulSize ) != ulSize ) { hb_errInternal( 9303, "hb_cdxSortGetPageKey: Read error from temporary file.", NULL, NULL ); } pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].nOffset += ulSize; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeyBuf = ulKeys; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulCurKey = 0; } *pKeyVal = &pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].pKeyPool[ pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulCurKey * ( iLen + 4 ) ]; *pulRec = HB_GET_LE_UINT32( *pKeyVal + iLen ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9517 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSortOrderPages( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort )
static void hb_cdxSortOrderPages( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort ) { int iLen = pSort->keyLen, i; LONG l, r, m; ULONG n, ulPage, ulRec; BYTE *pKey = NULL, *pTmp; pSort->ulFirst = 0; pSort->pSortedPages = ( ULONG * ) hb_xgrab( pSort->ulPages * sizeof( ULONG ) ); pSort->pSortedPages[ 0 ] = 0; if ( pSort->ulTotKeys > 0 ) { for ( n = 0; n < pSort->ulPages; n++ ) { hb_cdxSortGetPageKey( pSort, n, &pKey, &ulRec ); l = 0; r = n - 1; while ( l <= r ) { m = ( l + r ) >> 1; ulPage = pSort->pSortedPages[ m ]; pTmp = &pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].pKeyPool[ pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulCurKey * ( iLen + 4 ) ]; i = hb_cdxValCompare( pSort->pTag, pKey, iLen, pTmp, iLen, TRUE ); if ( i == 0 ) i = ( ulRec < HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pTmp[ iLen ] ) ) ? -1 : 1; if ( i > 0 ) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } for ( r = n; r > l; r-- ) pSort->pSortedPages[ r ] = pSort->pSortedPages[ r - 1 ]; pSort->pSortedPages[ l ] = n; } } } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9541 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxSortKeyGet( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE ** pKeyVal, ULONG *pulRec )
static BOOL hb_cdxSortKeyGet( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE ** pKeyVal, ULONG *pulRec ) { int iLen = pSort->keyLen, i; LONG l, r, m; ULONG ulPage; ulPage = pSort->pSortedPages[ pSort->ulFirst ]; /* check if first page has some keys yet */ if ( pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeys > 0 ) { BYTE *pKey, *pTmp; ULONG ulRec; /* * last key was taken from this page - we have to resort it. * This is done intentionally here to be sure that the key * value return by this function will not be overwritten by * next keys in page read from temporary file in function * hb_cdxSortGetPageKey() - please do not move this part down * even it seems to be correct */ hb_cdxSortGetPageKey( pSort, ulPage, &pKey, &ulRec ); l = pSort->ulFirst + 1; r = pSort->ulPages - 1; while ( l <= r ) { m = ( l + r ) >> 1; ulPage = pSort->pSortedPages[ m ]; pTmp = &pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].pKeyPool[ pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulCurKey * ( iLen + 4 ) ]; i = hb_cdxValCompare( pSort->pTag, pKey, iLen, pTmp, iLen, TRUE ); if ( i == 0 ) i = ( ulRec < HB_GET_LE_UINT32( &pTmp[ iLen ] ) ) ? -1 : 1; if ( i > 0 ) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } if ( l > ( LONG ) pSort->ulFirst + 1 ) { ulPage = pSort->pSortedPages[ pSort->ulFirst ]; for ( r = pSort->ulFirst + 1; r < l; r++ ) pSort->pSortedPages[ r - 1 ] = pSort->pSortedPages[ r ]; pSort->pSortedPages[ l - 1 ] = ulPage; } } else { pSort->ulFirst++; } if ( pSort->ulFirst < pSort->ulPages ) { ulPage = pSort->pSortedPages[ pSort->ulFirst ]; hb_cdxSortGetPageKey( pSort, ulPage, pKeyVal, pulRec ); pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulCurKey++; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeys--; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeyBuf--; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9579 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_cdxSortKeyGet( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE ** pKeyVal, ULONG *pulRec )
static BOOL hb_cdxSortKeyGet( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, BYTE ** pKeyVal, ULONG *pulRec ) { int i, iLen = pSort->keyLen; ULONG ulPage, ulKeyPage = 0, ulRec = 0, ulRecTmp; BYTE *pKey = NULL, *pTmp; for ( ulPage = 0; ulPage < pSort->ulPages; ulPage++ ) { if ( pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeys > 0 ) { hb_cdxSortGetPageKey( pSort, ulPage, &pTmp, &ulRecTmp ); if ( ! pKey ) { i = 1; } else { i = hb_cdxValCompare( pSort->pTag, pKey, iLen, pTmp, iLen, TRUE ); if ( i == 0 ) { i = ( ulRec < ulRecTmp ) ? -1 : 1; } } if ( i > 0 ) { pKey = pTmp; ulRec = ulRecTmp; ulKeyPage = ulPage; } } } if ( pKey ) { pSort->pSwapPage[ ulKeyPage ].ulCurKey++; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulKeyPage ].ulKeys--; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulKeyPage ].ulKeyBuf--; *pulRec = ulRec; *pKeyVal = pKey; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9645 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxSortKeyAdd( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, ULONG ulRec, BYTE * pKeyVal, int iKeyLen )
static void hb_cdxSortKeyAdd( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort, ULONG ulRec, BYTE * pKeyVal, int iKeyLen ) { int iLen = pSort->keyLen; BYTE *pDst; if ( pSort->ulKeys >= pSort->ulPgKeys ) { hb_cdxSortWritePage( pSort ); } pDst = &pSort->pKeyPool[ pSort->ulKeys * ( iLen + 4 ) ]; if ( iLen > iKeyLen ) { memcpy( pDst, pKeyVal, iKeyLen ); memset( &pDst[ iKeyLen ], pSort->bTrl, iLen - iKeyLen ); } else { memcpy( pDst, pKeyVal, iLen ); } HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( &pDst[ iLen ], ulRec ); pSort->ulKeys++; pSort->ulTotKeys++; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9690 |
static LPCDXSORTINFO hb_cdxSortNew( LPCDXTAG pTag, ULONG ulRecCount ) { LPCDXSORTINFO pSort; BYTE * pBuf; int iLen = pTag->uiLen; ULONG ulSize, ulMax, ulMin; if ( ulRecCount == 0 ) ulRecCount = 1; pSort = ( LPCDXSORTINFO ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXSORTINFO ) ); memset( pSort, 0, sizeof( CDXSORTINFO ) ); ulMax = ulMin = ( ULONG ) ceil( sqrt( ( double ) ulRecCount ) ); ulSize = ( 1L << 20 ) / ( iLen + 4 ); while ( ulMax < ulSize ) ulMax <<= 1; if ( ulMax > ulRecCount ) ulMax = ulRecCount; do { ulSize = ulMax * ( iLen + 4 ); pBuf = ( BYTE * ) hb_xalloc( ulSize << 2 ); if ( pBuf ) { hb_xfree( pBuf ); pBuf = ( BYTE * ) hb_xalloc( ulSize << 1 ); } else { ulMax >>= 1; } } while ( ! pBuf && ulMax >= ulMin ); if ( ! pBuf ) { /* call hb_xgrab() to force out of memory error, * though in multi process environment this call may return * with success when other process free some memory * (also the size of buf is reduced to absolute minimum). * Sorry but I'm to lazy to implement indexing with smaller * memory though it's possible - just simply I can even create * index on-line by key adding like in normal update process. * The memory necessary to index file is now ~ * ~ (keySize+4+sizeof(CDXSWAPPAGE)) * sqrt(ulRecCount) * 2 * so the maximum is for DBF with 2^32 records and keySize 240 ~ * ~ 2^17 * 268 ~=~ 35 Mb * this is not a problem for current computers and I do not see * any way to use DBFs with four billions records and indexes with * such long (240 bytes) keys on the old ones - they will be simply * to slow. IMHO it's also better to signal out of memory here and * force some system upgrades then run process which will have to * take many hours, Druzus. */ ulMax = ulMin; pBuf = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( ( ulMax << 1 ) * ( iLen + 4 ) ); } pSort->pTag = pTag; pSort->hTempFile = FS_ERROR; pSort->keyLen = iLen; pSort->bTrl = pTag->bTrail; pSort->fUnique = pTag->UniqueKey; pSort->ulMaxKey = ulMax << 1; pSort->ulPgKeys = ulMax; pSort->ulMaxRec = ulRecCount; pSort->pKeyPool = pBuf; pSort->ulPages = ( ulRecCount + pSort->ulPgKeys - 1 ) / pSort->ulPgKeys; pSort->pSwapPage = ( LPCDXSWAPPAGE ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( CDXSWAPPAGE ) * pSort->ulPages ); memset( pSort->pSwapPage, 0, sizeof( CDXSWAPPAGE ) * pSort->ulPages ); return pSort; } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9715 |
static void hb_cdxSortFree( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort ) { if ( pSort->hTempFile != FS_ERROR ) { hb_fsClose( pSort->hTempFile ); } if ( pSort->szTempFileName ) { hb_fsDelete( (BYTE *) ( pSort->szTempFileName ) ); hb_xfree( pSort->szTempFileName ); } if ( pSort->pKeyPool ) { hb_xfree( pSort->pKeyPool ); } if ( pSort->pSwapPage ) { hb_xfree( pSort->pSwapPage ); } if ( pSort->pRecBuff ) { hb_xfree( pSort->pRecBuff ); } if ( pSort->pSortedPages ) { hb_xfree( pSort->pSortedPages ); } hb_xfree( pSort ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9790 |
static void hb_cdxSortOut( LPCDXSORTINFO pSort ) { BOOL fUnique = pSort->fUnique, fNext; ULONG ulPage, ulRec, ulKey; BYTE * pKeyVal; int iLen = pSort->keyLen, iLevel; pSort->ulPages = pSort->ulCurPage + 1; pSort->ulPgKeys = pSort->ulMaxKey / pSort->ulPages; /* printf( "\r\npSort->ulMaxKey=%ld, pSort->ulPages=%ld, pSort->ulPgKeys=%ld, size=%ld\r\n", pSort->ulMaxKey, pSort->ulPages, pSort->ulPgKeys, pSort->ulMaxKey * ( pSort->keyLen + 4 ) ); fflush(stdout); */ if ( pSort->ulPages > 1 ) { BYTE * pBuf = pSort->pKeyPool; hb_cdxSortWritePage( pSort ); for ( ulPage = 0; ulPage < pSort->ulPages; ulPage++ ) { pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulKeyBuf = 0; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].ulCurKey = 0; pSort->pSwapPage[ ulPage ].pKeyPool = pBuf; pBuf += pSort->ulPgKeys * ( pSort->keyLen + 4 ); } } else { hb_cdxSortSortPage( pSort ); pSort->pSwapPage[ 0 ].ulKeys = pSort->ulKeys; pSort->pSwapPage[ 0 ].ulKeyBuf = pSort->ulKeys; pSort->pSwapPage[ 0 ].ulCurKey = 0; pSort->pSwapPage[ 0 ].pKeyPool = pSort->pKeyPool; } #ifdef HB_CDX_NEW_SORT hb_cdxSortOrderPages( pSort ); #endif for ( ulKey = 0; ulKey < pSort->ulTotKeys; ulKey++ ) { if ( ! hb_cdxSortKeyGet( pSort, &pKeyVal, &ulRec ) ) { hb_errInternal( 9304, "hb_cdxSortOut: memory structure corrupted.", NULL, NULL ); } if ( fUnique ) { if ( ulKey != 0 && hb_cdxValCompare( pSort->pTag, pSort->pLastKey, iLen, pKeyVal, iLen, TRUE ) == 0 ) { continue; } } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE_EXT if ( ulKey != 0 ) { int i = hb_cdxValCompare( pSort->pTag, pSort->pLastKey, iLen, pKeyVal, iLen, TRUE ); if ( i == 0 ) { i = ( pSort->ulLastRec < ulRec ) ? -1 : 1; } if ( i > 0 ) { printf("\r\nulKey=%ld, pKeyVal=[%s][%ld], pKeyLast=[%s][%ld]\r\n", ulKey, pKeyVal, ulRec, pSort->pLastKey, pSort->ulLastRec); fflush(stdout); hb_errInternal( 9305, "hb_cdxSortOut: sorting fails.", NULL, NULL ); } } #endif hb_cdxSortAddNodeKey( pSort, 0, pKeyVal, ulRec, 0 ); memcpy( pSort->pLastKey, pKeyVal, iLen ); pSort->ulLastRec = ulRec; } #ifdef HB_CDX_DBGCODE if ( hb_cdxSortKeyGet( pSort, &pKeyVal, &ulRec ) ) { hb_errInternal( 9306, "hb_cdxSortOut: memory structure corrupted(2).", NULL, NULL ); } #endif if ( pSort->NodeList[ 0 ] == NULL ) { pSort->NodeList[ 0 ] = hb_cdxPageNew( pSort->pTag, NULL, 0 ); pSort->NodeList[ 0 ]->PageType = CDX_NODE_LEAF; hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( pSort->NodeList[ 0 ] ); } iLevel = 0; fNext = TRUE; do { if ( iLevel + 1 == CDX_STACKSIZE || pSort->NodeList[ iLevel + 1 ] == NULL ) { pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->PageType |= CDX_NODE_ROOT; pSort->pTag->RootBlock = pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->Page; fNext = FALSE; } else { hb_cdxSortAddNodeKey( pSort, iLevel + 1, pSort->pLastKey, pSort->ulLastRec, pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ]->Page ); } hb_cdxPageFree( pSort->NodeList[ iLevel ], TRUE ); iLevel++; } while ( fNext ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9820 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagEmptyIndex( LPCDXTAG pTag )
static void hb_cdxTagEmptyIndex( LPCDXTAG pTag ) { pTag->RootPage = hb_cdxPageNew( pTag, NULL, 0 ); pTag->RootBlock = pTag->RootPage->Page; pTag->RootPage->PageType = CDX_NODE_ROOT | CDX_NODE_LEAF; hb_cdxPageLeafInitSpace( pTag->RootPage ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 9927 |
STATIC VOID | hb_cdxTagDoIndex( LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fReindex )
static void hb_cdxTagDoIndex( LPCDXTAG pTag, BOOL fReindex ) { LPCDXAREA pArea = pTag->pIndex->pArea; LPCDXSORTINFO pSort; PHB_ITEM pForItem, pWhileItem = NULL, pEvalItem = NULL, pItem = NULL; ULONG ulRecCount, ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; LONG lStep = 0; #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF PHB_CODEPAGE cdpTmp = hb_cdpSelect( pArea->cdPage ); #endif if ( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo ) { pEvalItem = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmCobEval; pWhileItem = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmCobWhile; lStep = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lStep; } if( pTag->Custom || ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) ) { ulRecCount = 0; } else if( SELF_RECCOUNT( ( AREAP ) pArea, &ulRecCount ) != SUCCESS ) { return; } pArea->pSort = pSort = hb_cdxSortNew( pTag, ulRecCount ); pSort->fReindex = fReindex; #if defined( HB_SIXCDX ) if ( ( pTag->OptFlags & CDX_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) == 0 && pEvalItem ) { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); if ( !hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pEvalItem, FALSE ) ) { hb_cdxSortFree( pSort ); pArea->pSort = NULL; SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); return; } } #endif if( ulRecCount == 0 ) { hb_cdxTagEmptyIndex( pTag ); } else { USHORT uiSaveTag = pArea->uiTag; ULONG ulStartRec = 0, ulNextCount = 0; BOOL fDirectRead, fUseFilter = FALSE; BYTE * pSaveRecBuff = pArea->pRecord, cTemp[8]; int iRecBuff = 0, iRecBufSize = USHRT_MAX / pArea->uiRecordLen, iRec; pForItem = pTag->pForItem; if ( pTag->nField ) pItem = hb_itemNew( NULL ); if ( !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo || pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fAll ) { pArea->uiTag = 0; } else { if( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmRecID ) ulStartRec = hb_itemGetNL( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmRecID ); if ( ulStartRec ) { ulNextCount = 1; } else if ( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fRest || pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lNextCount > 0 ) { if( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmStartRecID ) ulStartRec = hb_itemGetNL( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->itmStartRecID ); if( !ulStartRec ) ulStartRec = ulRecNo; if( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lNextCount > 0 ) ulNextCount = pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lNextCount; } else if( pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fUseFilter ) { fUseFilter = TRUE; } else if ( !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fUseCurrent ) { pArea->uiTag = 0; } } fDirectRead = !hb_setGetStrictRead() && /* !pArea->lpdbRelations && */ ( !pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo || pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->fAll || ( pArea->uiTag == 0 && !fUseFilter ) ); if ( fDirectRead ) pSort->pRecBuff = (BYTE *) hb_xgrab( pArea->uiRecordLen * iRecBufSize ); if ( ulStartRec == 0 && pArea->uiTag == 0 ) ulStartRec = 1; if ( ulStartRec == 0 ) { SELF_GOTOP( ( AREAP ) pArea ); } else { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulStartRec ); if ( fUseFilter ) SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ); } ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; while ( !pArea->fEof ) { if ( fDirectRead ) { if ( ulRecNo > ulRecCount ) break; if ( iRecBuff == 0 || iRecBuff >= iRecBufSize ) { if ( ulRecCount - ulRecNo >= ( ULONG ) iRecBufSize ) iRec = iRecBufSize; else iRec = ulRecCount - ulRecNo + 1; if( ulNextCount > 0 && ulNextCount < ( ULONG ) iRec ) iRec = ( int ) ulNextCount; hb_fileReadAt( pArea->pDataFile, pSort->pRecBuff, pArea->uiRecordLen * iRec, ( HB_FOFFSET ) pArea->uiHeaderLen + ( HB_FOFFSET ) ( ulRecNo - 1 ) * ( HB_FOFFSET ) pArea->uiRecordLen ); iRecBuff = 0; } pArea->pRecord = pSort->pRecBuff + iRecBuff * pArea->uiRecordLen; pArea->ulRecNo = ulRecNo; if( SELF_GETREC( ( AREAP ) pArea, NULL ) == FAILURE ) break; pArea->fValidBuffer = pArea->fPositioned = TRUE; pArea->fDeleted = pArea->pRecord[ 0 ] == '*'; /* Force relational movement in child WorkAreas */ if( pArea->lpdbRelations ) if( SELF_SYNCCHILDREN( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == FAILURE ) break; iRecBuff++; } #if !defined( HB_SIXCDX ) if ( pEvalItem ) { if ( lStep >= pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lStep ) { lStep = 0; if ( !hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pEvalItem, FALSE ) ) break; } ++lStep; } #endif if ( pWhileItem && !hb_cdxEvalCond( NULL, pWhileItem, FALSE ) ) break; if ( ulRecNo <= ulRecCount && ( pForItem == NULL || hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pForItem, FALSE ) ) ) { double d; if ( pTag->nField ) SELF_GETVALUE( ( AREAP ) pArea, pTag->nField, pItem ); else pItem = hb_vmEvalBlockOrMacro( pTag->pKeyItem ); switch( hb_itemType( pItem ) ) { case HB_IT_STRING: case HB_IT_STRING | HB_IT_MEMO: hb_cdxSortKeyAdd( pSort, pArea->ulRecNo, ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ), hb_itemGetCLen( pItem ) ); break; case HB_IT_INTEGER: case HB_IT_LONG: case HB_IT_DOUBLE: d = hb_itemGetND( pItem ); HB_DBL2ORD( &d, &cTemp[0] ); hb_cdxSortKeyAdd( pSort, pArea->ulRecNo, cTemp, 8 ); break; case HB_IT_DATE: d = (double) hb_itemGetDL( pItem ); HB_DBL2ORD( &d, &cTemp[0] ); hb_cdxSortKeyAdd( pSort, pArea->ulRecNo, cTemp, 8 ); break; case HB_IT_LOGICAL: cTemp[0] = (BYTE) (hb_itemGetL( pItem ) ? 'T' : 'F'); hb_cdxSortKeyAdd( pSort, pArea->ulRecNo, cTemp, 1 ); break; default: if ( hb_vmRequestQuery() ) { pEvalItem = NULL; ulNextCount = 1; } else { printf( "hb_cdxTagDoIndex: hb_itemType( pItem ) = %i", hb_itemType( pItem ) ); } break; } } if( ulNextCount > 0 ) { if( --ulNextCount == 0 ) break; } #if defined( HB_SIXCDX ) if ( pEvalItem ) { if ( lStep >= pArea->lpdbOrdCondInfo->lStep ) { lStep = 0; if ( !hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pEvalItem, FALSE ) ) break; } ++lStep; } #endif if( fDirectRead ) ulRecNo++; else { if( SELF_SKIPRAW( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ) == FAILURE ) break; if( fUseFilter && SELF_SKIPFILTER( ( AREAP ) pArea, 1 ) == FAILURE ) break; ulRecNo = pArea->ulRecNo; } } hb_cdxSortOut( pSort ); if ( pTag->nField ) hb_itemRelease( pItem ); if ( fDirectRead ) { pArea->pRecord = pSaveRecBuff; SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, ulRecNo ); } pArea->uiTag = uiSaveTag; #if !defined( HB_SIXCDX ) if ( pEvalItem && lStep ) { /* pArea->fEof = TRUE; */ hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pEvalItem, FALSE ); } #endif } #if defined( HB_SIXCDX ) if ( pEvalItem ) { SELF_GOTO( ( AREAP ) pArea, 0 ); pArea->fBof = FALSE; hb_cdxEvalCond( pArea, pEvalItem, FALSE ); } #endif hb_cdxSortFree( pSort ); pArea->pSort = NULL; #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF hb_cdpSelect( cdpTmp ); #endif } #define __PRG_SOURCE__ __FILE__ #ifdef HB_PCODE_VER #undef HB_PRG_PCODE_VER #define HB_PRG_PCODE_VER HB_PCODE_VER #endif HB_FUNC_EXTERN( _DBF ); #if defined( HB_SIXCDX ) HB_FUNC( BMSIXCDX ) {;} | bmdbfcdx.c | 9935 |
HB_FUNC( BMSIXCDX_GETFUNCTABLE ) { RDDFUNCS * pTable; USHORT * uiCount, uiRddId; uiCount = ( USHORT * ) hb_parptr( 1 ); pTable = ( RDDFUNCS * ) hb_parptr( 2 ); uiRddId = hb_parni( 4 ); HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("BMSIXCDX_GETFUNCTABLE(%p, %p)", uiCount, pTable)); if ( pTable ) { ERRCODE errCode; if ( uiCount ) * uiCount = RDDFUNCSCOUNT; errCode = hb_rddInherit( pTable, &cdxTable, &cdxSuper, "DBFFPT" ); if ( errCode != SUCCESS ) errCode = hb_rddInherit( pTable, &cdxTable, &cdxSuper, "DBFDBT" ); if ( errCode != SUCCESS ) errCode = hb_rddInherit( pTable, &cdxTable, &cdxSuper, "DBF" ); hb_retni( errCode ); if ( errCode == SUCCESS ) { /* * we successfully register our RDD so now we can initialize it * You may think that this place is RDD init statement, Druzus */ s_uiRddId = uiRddId; } } else hb_retni( FAILURE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 10228 |
STATIC VOID | hb_bmdbfcdxRddInit( void * cargo )
static void hb_bmdbfcdxRddInit( void * cargo ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( cargo ); if( hb_rddRegister( "DBF", RDT_FULL ) <= 1 ) { hb_rddRegister( "DBFFPT", RDT_FULL ); if( hb_rddRegister( "BMSIXCDX", RDT_FULL ) <= 1 ) { return; } } hb_errInternal( HB_EI_RDDINVALID, NULL, NULL, NULL ); /* not executed, only to force DBF RDD linking */ HB_FUNC_EXEC( _DBF ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 10264 |
HB_INIT_SYMBOLS_BEGIN( | bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols )
HB_FUNC( BMDBFCDX_GETFUNCTABLE ) { RDDFUNCS * pTable; USHORT * uiCount, uiRddId; uiCount = ( USHORT * ) hb_parptr( 1 ); pTable = ( RDDFUNCS * ) hb_parptr( 2 ); uiRddId = hb_parni( 4 ); HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("BMDBFCDX_GETFUNCTABLE(%p, %p)", uiCount, pTable)); if ( pTable ) { ERRCODE errCode; if ( uiCount ) * uiCount = RDDFUNCSCOUNT; errCode = hb_rddInherit( pTable, &cdxTable, &cdxSuper, "DBFFPT" ); if ( errCode != SUCCESS ) errCode = hb_rddInherit( pTable, &cdxTable, &cdxSuper, "DBFDBT" ); if ( errCode != SUCCESS ) errCode = hb_rddInherit( pTable, &cdxTable, &cdxSuper, "DBF" ); if ( errCode == SUCCESS ) { /* * we successfully register our RDD so now we can initialize it * You may think that this place is RDD init statement, Druzus */ s_uiRddId = uiRddId; } hb_retni( errCode ); } else hb_retni( FAILURE ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 10292 |
STATIC VOID | hb_bmdbfcdxRddInit( void * cargo )
static void hb_bmdbfcdxRddInit( void * cargo ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( cargo ); if( hb_rddRegister( "DBF", RDT_FULL ) <= 1 ) { hb_rddRegister( "DBFFPT", RDT_FULL ); if( hb_rddRegister( "BMDBFCDX", RDT_FULL ) <= 1 ) { return; } } hb_errInternal( HB_EI_RDDINVALID, NULL, NULL, NULL ); /* not executed, only to force DBF RDD linking */ HB_FUNC_EXEC( _DBF ); } | bmdbfcdx.c | 10328 |
HB_INIT_SYMBOLS_BEGIN( | bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols )
HB_INIT_SYMBOLS_BEGIN( bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols ) { "BMDBFCDX", {HB_FS_PUBLIC|HB_FS_LOCAL}, {HB_FUNCNAME( BMDBFCDX )}, NULL }, { "BMDBFCDX_GETFUNCTABLE", {HB_FS_PUBLIC|HB_FS_LOCAL}, {HB_FUNCNAME( BMDBFCDX_GETFUNCTABLE )}, NULL } HB_INIT_SYMBOLS_END( bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols ) #endif HB_CALL_ON_STARTUP_BEGIN( _hb_bmdbfcdx_rdd_init_ ) hb_vmAtInit( hb_bmdbfcdxRddInit, NULL ); HB_CALL_ON_STARTUP_END( _hb_bmdbfcdx_rdd_init_ ) #if defined( HB_PRAGMA_STARTUP ) #pragma startup bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols #pragma startup _hb_bmdbfcdx_rdd_init_ #elif defined( HB_MSC_STARTUP ) #if defined( HB_OS_WIN_64 ) #pragma section( HB_MSC_START_SEGMENT, long, read ) #endif #pragma data_seg( HB_MSC_START_SEGMENT ) static HB_$INITSYM hb_vm_auto_bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols = bmdbfcdx1__InitSymbols; static HB_$INITSYM hb_vm_auto_bmdbfcdx_rdd_init = _hb_bmdbfcdx_rdd_init_; | bmdbfcdx.c | 10347 |
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