gtwvg.c | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
STATIC PHB_GTWVT | hb_gt_wvt_Find( HWND hWnd )
static PHB_GTWVT hb_gt_wvt_Find( HWND hWnd ) { int iCount = s_wvtCount, iPos = 0; while( iCount && iPos < WVT_MAX_WINDOWS ) { if( s_wvtWindows[iPos] ) { if( s_wvtWindows[iPos]->hWnd == hWnd ) return s_wvtWindows[iPos]; --iCount; } ++iPos; } return NULL; } | gtwvg.c | 133 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_Alloc( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_Alloc( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { if( s_wvtCount < WVT_MAX_WINDOWS ) { int iPos = 0; do { if( s_wvtWindows[iPos] == NULL ) { ++s_wvtCount; s_wvtWindows[iPos] = pWVT; pWVT->iHandle = iPos; return TRUE; } ++iPos; } while( iPos < WVT_MAX_WINDOWS ); } return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 150 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_Free( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_Free( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { int iIndex; --s_wvtCount; s_wvtWindows[pWVT->iHandle] = NULL; if( pWVT->pszSelectCopy ) hb_xfree( pWVT->pszSelectCopy ); // Detach PRG callback pWVT->pSymWVT_PAINT = NULL; pWVT->pSymWVT_SETFOCUS = NULL; pWVT->pSymWVT_KILLFOCUS = NULL; pWVT->pSymWVT_MOUSE = NULL; pWVT->pSymWVT_TIMER = NULL; pWVT->pSymWVT_KEY = NULL; for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGML_MAX; iIndex++ ) { if ( pWVT->pFunc[ iIndex ] != NULL && pWVT->iType[ iIndex ] == 2 ) { hb_itemRelease( ( PHB_ITEM ) pWVT->pFunc[ iIndex ] ); pWVT->pFunc[ iIndex ] = NULL; } if ( pWVT->pcbFunc[ iIndex ] != NULL ) { hb_itemRelease( ( PHB_ITEM ) pWVT->pcbFunc[ iIndex ] ); pWVT->pcbFunc[ iIndex ] = NULL; } } if( pWVT->hWnd ) { DestroyWindow( pWVT->hWnd ); pWVT->hWnd = NULL; } hb_xfree( pWVT ); } | gtwvg.c | 171 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_FreeAll( void )
static void hb_gt_wvt_FreeAll( void ) { if( s_wvtCount > 0 ) { int iPos; for ( iPos = 1; iPos < WVT_MAX_WINDOWS; iPos++ ) { if( s_wvtWindows[ iPos ] != NULL ) { hb_gt_wvt_Free( s_wvtWindows[ iPos ] ); HB_GTSUPER_EXIT( s_wvtWindows[ iPos ]->pGT ); } } } } | gtwvg.c | 211 |
STATIC PHB_GTWVT | hb_gt_wvt_New( PHB_GT pGT )
static PHB_GTWVT hb_gt_wvt_New( PHB_GT pGT ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; OSVERSIONINFO osvi; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFO ); GetVersionEx( &osvi ); pWVT = ( PHB_GTWVT ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( HB_GTWVT ) ); memset( pWVT, 0, sizeof( HB_GTWVT ) ); pWVT->pGT = pGT; if( !hb_gt_wvt_Alloc( pWVT ) ) { hb_xfree( pWVT ); return NULL; } pWVT->ROWS = WVT_DEFAULT_ROWS; pWVT->COLS = WVT_DEFAULT_COLS; pWVT->COLORS[ 0] = BLACK; pWVT->COLORS[ 1] = BLUE; pWVT->COLORS[ 2] = GREEN; pWVT->COLORS[ 3] = CYAN; pWVT->COLORS[ 4] = RED; pWVT->COLORS[ 5] = MAGENTA; pWVT->COLORS[ 6] = BROWN; pWVT->COLORS[ 7] = WHITE; pWVT->COLORS[ 8] = LIGHT_GRAY; pWVT->COLORS[ 9] = BRIGHT_BLUE; pWVT->COLORS[10] = BRIGHT_GREEN; pWVT->COLORS[11] = BRIGHT_CYAN; pWVT->COLORS[12] = BRIGHT_RED; pWVT->COLORS[13] = BRIGHT_MAGENTA; pWVT->COLORS[14] = YELLOW; pWVT->COLORS[15] = BRIGHT_WHITE; /* THEESE are the default font parameters, if not changed by user */ pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x = WVT_DEFAULT_FONT_WIDTH; pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y = WVT_DEFAULT_FONT_HEIGHT; pWVT->fontWidth = WVT_DEFAULT_FONT_WIDTH; pWVT->fontHeight = WVT_DEFAULT_FONT_HEIGHT; pWVT->fontWeight = FW_NORMAL; pWVT->fontQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; hb_strncpy( pWVT->fontFace, WVT_DEFAULT_FONT_NAME, sizeof( pWVT->fontFace ) - 1 ); pWVT->CaretExist = FALSE; pWVT->CaretHidden = FALSE; pWVT->CaretSize = HB_MAX( ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y >> 2 ) - 1, 1 ); pWVT->MousePos.x = 0; pWVT->MousePos.y = 0; pWVT->MouseMove = TRUE; pWVT->hWnd = NULL; pWVT->keyPointerIn = 0; pWVT->keyPointerOut = 0; pWVT->keyLast = 0; pWVT->CentreWindow = TRUE; /* Default is to always display window in centre of screen */ pWVT->CodePage = OEM_CHARSET; /* GetACP(); - set code page to default system */ pWVT->Win9X = ( osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS ); pWVT->AltF4Close = FALSE; pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR = FALSE; pWVT->bMaximized = FALSE; pWVT->bBeingMarked = FALSE; pWVT->bBeginMarked = FALSE; pWVT->pszSelectCopy = hb_strdup( "Mark and Copy" ); pWVT->bSelectCopy = TRUE; pWVT->bResizable = TRUE; pWVT->bClosable = TRUE; /* GUI Related members initialized */ hb_wvt_gtCreateObjects( pWVT ); return pWVT; } | gtwvg.c | 228 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int nEvent )
static int hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int nEvent ) { int nResult = 0; /* Unhandled */ if( pWVT->pGT->pNotifierBlock ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { PHB_ITEM pEvent = hb_itemPutNI( NULL, nEvent ); nResult = hb_itemGetNI( hb_vmEvalBlockV( ( PHB_ITEM ) pWVT->pGT->pNotifierBlock, 1, pEvent ) ); hb_itemRelease( pEvent ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } return nResult; } | gtwvg.c | 309 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowSize( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iRow, int iCol )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowSize( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iRow, int iCol ) { if( HB_GTSUPER_RESIZE( pWVT->pGT, iRow, iCol ) ) { pWVT->ROWS = ( USHORT ) iRow; pWVT->COLS = ( USHORT ) iCol; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 330 |
STATIC HFONT | hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( char * pszFace, int iHeight, int iWidth, int iWeight, int iQuality, int iCodePage )
static HFONT hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( char * pszFace, int iHeight, int iWidth, int iWeight, int iQuality, int iCodePage ) { HFONT hFont; if( iHeight > 0 ) { LOGFONT logfont; logfont.lfEscapement = 0; logfont.lfOrientation = 0; logfont.lfWeight = iWeight; logfont.lfItalic = 0; logfont.lfUnderline = 0; logfont.lfStrikeOut = 0; logfont.lfCharSet = ( BYTE ) iCodePage; /* OEM_CHARSET; */ logfont.lfOutPrecision = 0; logfont.lfClipPrecision = 0; logfont.lfQuality = ( BYTE ) iQuality; /* DEFAULT_QUALITY, DRAFT_QUALITY or PROOF_QUALITY */ logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH+FF_MODERN; /* all mapping depends on fixed width fonts! */ logfont.lfHeight = iHeight; logfont.lfWidth = iWidth < 0 ? -iWidth : iWidth; HB_TCHAR_CPTO( logfont.lfFaceName, pszFace, sizeof( logfont.lfFaceName ) - 1 ); hFont = CreateFontIndirect( &logfont ); } else { /* hFont = ( HFONT ) GetStockObject( SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT ); */ hFont = ( HFONT ) GetStockObject( OEM_FIXED_FONT ); } return hFont; } | gtwvg.c | 342 |
STATIC POINT | hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRow( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, USHORT col, USHORT row )
static POINT hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRow( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, USHORT col, USHORT row ) { POINT xy; xy.x = col * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; xy.y = row * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; return xy; } | gtwvg.c | 379 |
STATIC RECT | hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRowRect( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, RECT colrow )
static RECT hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRowRect( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, RECT colrow ) { RECT xy; xy.left = colrow.left * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; = * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; xy.right = ( colrow.right + 1 ) * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; xy.bottom = ( colrow.bottom + 1 ) * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; return xy; } | gtwvg.c | 389 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { int iRow, iCol, iStyle, iCaretSize; HB_GTSELF_GETSCRCURSOR( pWVT->pGT, &iRow, &iCol, &iStyle ); if( iRow < 0 || iCol < 0 || iRow >= pWVT->ROWS || iCol >= pWVT->COLS ) { iCaretSize = 0; } else switch( iStyle ) { case SC_INSERT: iCaretSize = pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y >> 1; break; case SC_SPECIAL1: iCaretSize = pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; break; case SC_SPECIAL2: iCaretSize = - ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y >> 1 ); break; case SC_NORMAL: iCaretSize = HB_MAX( ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y >> 2 ) - 1, 1 ); break; default: iCaretSize = 0; break; } if( iCaretSize == 0 ) { if( pWVT->CaretExist && !pWVT->CaretHidden ) { HideCaret( pWVT->hWnd ); pWVT->CaretHidden = TRUE; } } else { if( iCaretSize != pWVT->CaretSize || !pWVT->CaretExist ) { pWVT->CaretSize = iCaretSize; pWVT->CaretExist = CreateCaret( pWVT->hWnd, ( HBITMAP ) NULL, pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x, pWVT->CaretSize < 0 ? - pWVT->CaretSize : pWVT->CaretSize ); } if( pWVT->CaretExist ) { POINT xy; xy = hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRow( pWVT, ( SHORT ) iCol, ( SHORT ) iRow ); SetCaretPos( xy.x, pWVT->CaretSize < 0 ? xy.y : xy.y + pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y - pWVT->CaretSize ); ShowCaret( pWVT->hWnd ); pWVT->CaretHidden = FALSE; } } } | gtwvg.c | 401 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_KillCaret( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_KillCaret( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { if( pWVT->CaretExist ) { DestroyCaret(); pWVT->CaretExist = FALSE; } } | gtwvg.c | 458 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { HDC hdc; HFONT hFont, hOldFont; USHORT height, width; RECT wi, ci; TEXTMETRIC tm; RECT rcWorkArea; int n; /* * set the font and get it's size to determine the size of the client area * for the required number of rows and columns */ hdc = GetDC( pWVT->hWnd ); hFont = hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( pWVT->fontFace, pWVT->fontHeight, pWVT->fontWidth, pWVT->fontWeight, pWVT->fontQuality, pWVT->CodePage ); if( pWVT->hFont ) DeleteObject( pWVT->hFont ); pWVT->hFont = hFont; hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hdc, hFont ); GetTextMetrics( hdc, &tm ); SetTextCharacterExtra( hdc, 0 ); /* do not add extra char spacing even if bold */ SelectObject( hdc, hOldFont ); ReleaseDC( pWVT->hWnd, hdc ); /* * we will need to use the font size to handle the transformations from * row column space in the future, so we keep it around in a static! */ pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x = pWVT->fontWidth < 0 ? -pWVT->fontWidth : tm.tmAveCharWidth; /* For fixed FONT should == tm.tmMaxCharWidth */ pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y = tm.tmHeight; /* but seems to be a problem on Win9X so */ /* assume proportional fonts always for Win9X */ #if defined(HB_WINCE) pWVT->FixedFont = FALSE; #else pWVT->FixedFont = !pWVT->Win9X && pWVT->fontWidth >= 0 && ( tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH ) == 0 && ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x == tm.tmMaxCharWidth ); #endif for( n = 0; n < pWVT->COLS; n++ ) /* pWVT->FixedSize[] is used by ExtTextOut() to emulate */ { /* fixed font when a proportional font is used */ pWVT->FixedSize[ n ] = pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; } /* resize the window to get the specified number of rows and columns */ GetWindowRect( pWVT->hWnd, &wi ); GetClientRect( pWVT->hWnd, &ci ); height = ( USHORT ) ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y * pWVT->ROWS ); width = ( USHORT ) ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x * pWVT->COLS ); width += ( USHORT ) ( wi.right - wi.left - ci.right ); height += ( USHORT ) ( wi.bottom - - ci.bottom ); /* * Centre the window within the CLIENT area on the screen * but only if pWVT->CentreWindow == TRUE */ if( pWVT->CentreWindow && SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA,0, &rcWorkArea, 0 ) ) { wi.left = rcWorkArea.left + ( ( rcWorkArea.right - rcWorkArea.left - width ) / 2 ); = + ( ( rcWorkArea.bottom - - height ) / 2 ); } SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, wi.left,, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { hb_wvt_gtInitGui( pWVT ); } } | gtwvg.c | 467 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_FitSize( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_FitSize( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { RECT wi; RECT ci; int maxWidth; int maxHeight; int borderWidth; int borderHeight; int left; int top; GetClientRect( pWVT->hWnd, &ci ); GetWindowRect( pWVT->hWnd, &wi ); borderWidth = ( wi.right - wi.left - ( ci.right - ci.left ) ); borderHeight = ( wi.bottom - - ( ci.bottom - ) ); if( pWVT->bMaximized ) { SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &wi, 0 ); maxHeight = wi.bottom - - borderHeight; maxWidth = wi.right - wi.left - borderWidth; left = 0; top = 0; } else { maxHeight = ci.bottom -; maxWidth = ci.right - ci.left; left = wi.left; top =; } { HFONT hOldFont; HFONT hFont; int fontHeight; int fontWidth; int n; fontHeight = maxHeight / pWVT->ROWS; fontWidth = maxWidth / pWVT->COLS; hFont = hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( pWVT->fontFace, fontHeight, fontWidth, pWVT->fontWeight, pWVT->fontQuality, pWVT->CodePage ); if( hFont ) { HDC hdc; LONG width; LONG height; TEXTMETRIC tm; hdc = GetDC( pWVT->hWnd ); hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hdc, hFont ); SetTextCharacterExtra( hdc, 0 ); GetTextMetrics( hdc, &tm ); SelectObject( hdc, hOldFont ); ReleaseDC( pWVT->hWnd, hdc ); width = tm.tmAveCharWidth * pWVT->COLS; height = tm.tmHeight * pWVT->ROWS; if( width <= maxWidth && height <= maxHeight && tm.tmAveCharWidth >= 3 && tm.tmHeight >= 4 ) { if( pWVT->hFont ) DeleteObject( pWVT->hFont ); pWVT->hFont = hFont; pWVT->fontHeight = tm.tmHeight; pWVT->fontWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth; pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x = tm.tmAveCharWidth; pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y = tm.tmHeight; #if defined(HB_WINCE) pWVT->FixedFont = FALSE; #else pWVT->FixedFont = !pWVT->Win9X && pWVT->fontWidth >= 0 && ( tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH ) == 0 && ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x == tm.tmMaxCharWidth ); #endif for( n = 0; n < pWVT->COLS; n++ ) pWVT->FixedSize[ n ] = pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; width = ( ( USHORT ) ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x * pWVT->COLS ) ) + borderWidth; height = ( ( USHORT ) ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y * pWVT->ROWS ) ) + borderHeight; if( pWVT->bMaximized ) { left = ( ( wi.right - width ) / 2 ); top = ( ( wi.bottom - height ) / 2 ); left = ( left < 0 ? 0 : left ); top = ( top < 0 ? 0 : top ); } hb_gt_wvt_KillCaret( pWVT ); hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( pWVT ); SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, left, top, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER ); HB_GTSELF_EXPOSEAREA( pWVT->pGT, 0, 0, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); } else { width = ( ( USHORT ) ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x * pWVT->COLS ) ) + borderWidth; height = ( ( USHORT ) ( pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y * pWVT->ROWS ) ) + borderHeight; SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE ); HB_GTSELF_EXPOSEAREA( pWVT->pGT, 0, 0, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); } } } } | gtwvg.c | 543 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowTitle( HWND hWnd, const char * title )
static void hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowTitle( HWND hWnd, const char * title ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( title ); SetWindowText( hWnd, text ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } | gtwvg.c | 662 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_GetWindowTitle( HWND hWnd, char ** title )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_GetWindowTitle( HWND hWnd, char ** title ) { TCHAR buffer[WVT_MAX_TITLE_SIZE]; int iResult; iResult = GetWindowText( hWnd, buffer, WVT_MAX_TITLE_SIZE ); if( iResult > 0 ) { *title = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( iResult + 1 ); HB_TCHAR_GETFROM( *title, buffer, iResult ); ( *title )[ iResult ] = '\0'; return TRUE; } *title = NULL; return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 669 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_InitWindow( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iRow, int iCol )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_InitWindow( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iRow, int iCol ) { BOOL fRet = hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowSize( pWVT, iRow, iCol ); hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( pWVT ); return fRet; } | gtwvg.c | 687 |
static POINT hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXY( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, USHORT x, USHORT y ) { POINT colrow; colrow.x = x / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; colrow.y = y / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; return colrow; } | gtwvg.c | 696 |
STATIC RECT | hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXYRect( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, RECT xy )
static RECT hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXYRect( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, RECT xy ) { RECT colrow; colrow.left = xy.left / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; = / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; colrow.right = xy.right / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x - ( xy.right % pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x ? 0 : 1 ); /* Adjust for when rectangle */ colrow.bottom = xy.bottom / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y - ( xy.bottom % pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y ? 0 : 1 ); /* EXACTLY overlaps characters */ return colrow; } | gtwvg.c | 710 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iKey )
static void hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iKey ) { int iPos = pWVT->keyPointerIn; if( iKey == K_MOUSEMOVE || iKey == K_NCMOUSEMOVE ) { /* Clipper strips repeated mouse movemnt - let's do the same */ if( pWVT->keyLast == iKey && pWVT->keyPointerIn != pWVT->keyPointerOut ) return; } /* * When the buffer is full new event overwrite the last one * in the buffer - it's Clipper behavior, [druzus] */ pWVT->Keys[ iPos ] = pWVT->keyLast = iKey; if( ++iPos >= WVT_CHAR_QUEUE_SIZE ) iPos = 0; if( iPos != pWVT->keyPointerOut ) pWVT->keyPointerIn = iPos; if( pWVT->pSymWVT_KEY ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_KEY ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushInteger( iKey ); hb_vmDo( 1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } } | gtwvg.c | 724 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_GetCharFromInputQueue( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int * iKey )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_GetCharFromInputQueue( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int * iKey ) { if( pWVT->keyPointerOut != pWVT->keyPointerIn ) { *iKey = pWVT->Keys[ pWVT->keyPointerOut ]; if( ++pWVT->keyPointerOut >= WVT_CHAR_QUEUE_SIZE ) { pWVT->keyPointerOut = 0; } return TRUE; } *iKey = 0; return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 761 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int key, int shiftkey, int altkey, int controlkey )
static void hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int key, int shiftkey, int altkey, int controlkey ) { int nVirtKey = GetKeyState( VK_MENU ); if( nVirtKey & 0x8000 ) /* alt + key */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, altkey ); } else { nVirtKey = GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ); if( nVirtKey & 0x8000 ) /* control + key */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, controlkey ); } else { nVirtKey = GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ); if( nVirtKey & 0x8000 ) /* shift + key */ hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, shiftkey ); else /* just key */ hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, key ); } } } | gtwvg.c | 777 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_key_ansi_to_oem( int c )
static int hb_gt_wvt_key_ansi_to_oem( int c ) { BYTE pszAnsi[ 2 ]; BYTE pszOem[ 2 ]; pszAnsi[ 0 ] = ( BYTE ) c; pszAnsi[ 1 ] = 0; CharToOemBuffA( ( LPCSTR ) pszAnsi, ( LPSTR ) pszOem, 1 ); return * pszOem; } | gtwvg.c | 803 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_SetMousePos( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iRow, int iCol )
static void hb_gt_wvt_SetMousePos( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int iRow, int iCol ) { pWVT->MousePos.y = ( SHORT ) iRow; pWVT->MousePos.x = ( SHORT ) iCol; } | gtwvg.c | 815 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_MouseEvent( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
static void hb_gt_wvt_MouseEvent( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static RECT s_rectOld = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static RECT s_rectNew = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; POINT xy, colrow; SHORT keyCode = 0; SHORT keyState; HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( wParam ); if( ! pWVT->bBeginMarked && ! pWVT->MouseMove && ( message == WM_MOUSEMOVE || message == WM_NCMOUSEMOVE ) ) return; xy.x = LOWORD( lParam ); xy.y = HIWORD( lParam ); colrow = hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXY( pWVT, ( USHORT ) xy.x, ( USHORT ) xy.y ); hb_gt_wvt_SetMousePos( pWVT, colrow.y, colrow.x ); switch( message ) { case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: keyCode = K_LDBLCLK; break; case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: keyCode = K_RDBLCLK; break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { if( pWVT->bBeginMarked ) { pWVT->bBeingMarked = TRUE; s_rectNew.left = xy.x; = xy.y; s_rectNew.right = xy.x; s_rectNew.bottom = xy.y; s_rectOld.left = 0; = 0; s_rectOld.right = 0; s_rectOld.bottom = 0; return; } else { keyCode = K_LBUTTONDOWN; break; } } case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: keyCode = K_RBUTTONDOWN; break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: keyCode = K_RBUTTONUP; break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { if( pWVT->bBeingMarked ) { pWVT->bBeginMarked = FALSE; pWVT->bBeingMarked = FALSE; RedrawWindow( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW ); { ULONG ulSize; int irow, icol, j, top, left, bottom, right; char * sBuffer; RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; RECT colrowRC = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; rect.left = HB_MIN( s_rectNew.left, s_rectNew.right ); = HB_MIN( , s_rectNew.bottom ); rect.right = HB_MAX( s_rectNew.left, s_rectNew.right ); rect.bottom = HB_MAX( , s_rectNew.bottom ); colrowRC = hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXYRect( pWVT, rect ); left = colrowRC.left; top =; right = colrowRC.right; bottom = colrowRC.bottom; ulSize = ( ( bottom - top + 1 ) * ( right - left + 1 + 2 ) ); sBuffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ulSize + 1 ); for( j = 0, irow = top; irow <= bottom; irow++ ) { for( icol = left; icol <= right; icol++ ) { BYTE bColor, bAttr; USHORT usChar; if( !HB_GTSELF_GETSCRCHAR( pWVT->pGT, irow, icol, &bColor, &bAttr, &usChar ) ) break; sBuffer[ j++ ] = ( char ) usChar; } sBuffer[ j++ ] = '\r'; sBuffer[ j++ ] = '\n'; } sBuffer[ j ] = '\0'; if( j > 0 ) { hb_gt_w32_setClipboard( pWVT->CodePage == OEM_CHARSET ? CF_OEMTEXT : CF_TEXT, sBuffer, j ); } hb_xfree( sBuffer ); } return; } else { keyCode = K_LBUTTONUP; break; } } case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: keyCode = K_MBUTTONDOWN; break; case WM_MBUTTONUP: keyCode = K_MBUTTONUP; break; case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: keyCode = K_MDBLCLK; break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { if( pWVT->bBeingMarked ) { RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; RECT colrowRC = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; s_rectNew.right = xy.x; s_rectNew.bottom = xy.y; rect.left = HB_MIN( s_rectNew.left, s_rectNew.right ); = HB_MIN( , s_rectNew.bottom ); rect.right = HB_MAX( s_rectNew.left, s_rectNew.right ); rect.bottom = HB_MAX( , s_rectNew.bottom ); colrowRC = hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXYRect( pWVT, rect ); rect = hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRowRect( pWVT, colrowRC ); if( rect.left != s_rectOld.left || != || rect.right != s_rectOld.right || rect.bottom != s_rectOld.bottom ) { #if !defined(HB_WINCE) /* WinCE does not support InvertRgn */ /* Concept forwarded by Andy Wos - thanks. */ HRGN rgn1 = CreateRectRgn( s_rectOld.left,, s_rectOld.right, s_rectOld.bottom ); HRGN rgn2 = CreateRectRgn( rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom ); HRGN rgn3 = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if( CombineRgn( rgn3, rgn1, rgn2, RGN_XOR ) != 0 ) { HDC hdc = GetDC( pWVT->hWnd ); InvertRgn( hdc, rgn3 ); ReleaseDC( pWVT->hWnd, hdc ); } DeleteObject( rgn1 ); DeleteObject( rgn2 ); DeleteObject( rgn3 ); #endif s_rectOld.left = rect.left; =; s_rectOld.right = rect.right; s_rectOld.bottom = rect.bottom; } return; } else { keyState = ( SHORT ) wParam; switch( keyState ) { case MK_LBUTTON: keyCode = K_MMLEFTDOWN; break; case MK_RBUTTON: keyCode = K_MMRIGHTDOWN; break; case MK_MBUTTON: keyCode = K_MMMIDDLEDOWN; break; default: keyCode = K_MOUSEMOVE; } break; } } case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: keyState = HIWORD( wParam ); keyCode = keyState > 0 ? K_MWFORWARD : K_MWBACKWARD; break; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: keyCode = K_NCMOUSEMOVE; break; } if( keyCode != 0 ) hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, keyCode ); } | gtwvg.c | 821 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_KeyEvent( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_KeyEvent( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( message ) { case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: { BOOL bAlt = GetKeyState( VK_MENU ) & 0x8000; pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR = FALSE; switch( wParam ) { case VK_LEFT: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_LEFT , K_SH_LEFT , K_ALT_LEFT , K_CTRL_LEFT ); break; case VK_RIGHT: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_RIGHT, K_SH_RIGHT, K_ALT_RIGHT, K_CTRL_RIGHT ); break; case VK_UP: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_UP , K_SH_UP , K_ALT_UP , K_CTRL_UP ); break; case VK_DOWN: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_DOWN , K_SH_DOWN , K_ALT_DOWN , K_CTRL_DOWN ); break; case VK_HOME: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_HOME , K_SH_HOME , K_ALT_HOME , K_CTRL_HOME ); break; case VK_END: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_END , K_SH_END , K_ALT_END , K_CTRL_END ); break; case VK_DELETE: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_DEL , K_SH_DEL , K_ALT_DEL , K_CTRL_DEL ); break; case VK_INSERT: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_INS , K_SH_INS , K_ALT_INS , K_CTRL_INS ); break; case VK_PRIOR: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_PGUP , K_SH_PGUP , K_ALT_PGUP , K_CTRL_PGUP ); break; case VK_NEXT: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_PGDN , K_SH_PGDN , K_ALT_PGDN , K_CTRL_PGDN ); break; case VK_F1: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F1 , K_SH_F1, K_ALT_F1 , K_CTRL_F1 ); break; case VK_F2: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F2 , K_SH_F2, K_ALT_F2 , K_CTRL_F2 ); break; case VK_F3: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F3 , K_SH_F3, K_ALT_F3 , K_CTRL_F3 ); break; case VK_F4: if( pWVT->AltF4Close && bAlt ) return DefWindowProc( pWVT->hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) != 0; hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F4 , K_SH_F4, K_ALT_F4 , K_CTRL_F4 ); break; case VK_F5: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F5 , K_SH_F5, K_ALT_F5 , K_CTRL_F5 ); break; case VK_F6: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F6 , K_SH_F6, K_ALT_F6 , K_CTRL_F6 ); break; case VK_F7: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F7 , K_SH_F7, K_ALT_F7 , K_CTRL_F7 ); break; case VK_F8: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F8 , K_SH_F8, K_ALT_F8 , K_CTRL_F8 ); break; case VK_F9: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F9 , K_SH_F9, K_ALT_F9 , K_CTRL_F9 ); break; case VK_F10: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F10 , K_SH_F10,K_ALT_F10 , K_CTRL_F10 ); break; case VK_F11: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F11 , K_SH_F11,K_ALT_F11 , K_CTRL_F11 ); break; case VK_F12: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_F12 , K_SH_F12,K_ALT_F12 , K_CTRL_F12 ); break; default: { BOOL bCtrl = GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x8000; BOOL bShift = GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x8000; int iScanCode = HIWORD( lParam ) & 0xFF; if( bCtrl && iScanCode == 76 ) /* CTRL_VK_NUMPAD5 */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, KP_CTRL_5 ); } else if( bCtrl && wParam == VK_TAB ) /* K_CTRL_TAB */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, bShift ? K_CTRL_SH_TAB : K_CTRL_TAB ); } else if( iScanCode == 70 ) /* Ctrl_Break key OR Scroll Lock Key */ { if( bCtrl ) /* Not scroll lock */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, HB_BREAK_FLAG ); /* Pretend Alt+C pressed */ pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR = TRUE; } else { DefWindowProc( pWVT->hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ); /* Let windows handle ScrollLock */ } } else if( bCtrl && iScanCode == 53 && bShift ) { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, K_CTRL_QUESTION ); } else if( ( bAlt || bCtrl ) && ( wParam == VK_MULTIPLY || wParam == VK_ADD || wParam == VK_SUBTRACT || wParam == VK_DIVIDE ) ) { if( bAlt ) pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR = TRUE; switch( wParam ) { case VK_MULTIPLY: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, '*','*', KP_ALT_ASTERISK, KP_CTRL_ASTERISK ); break; case VK_ADD: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, '+','+', KP_ALT_PLUS, KP_CTRL_PLUS ); break; case VK_SUBTRACT: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, '-','-', KP_ALT_MINUS, KP_CTRL_MINUS ); break; case VK_DIVIDE: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, '/','/', KP_ALT_SLASH, KP_CTRL_SLASH ); break; } } else if( pWVT->EnableShortCuts ) { return DefWindowProc( pWVT->hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) != 0; } } } break; } case WM_CHAR: { BOOL bCtrl = GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x8000; int iScanCode = HIWORD( lParam ) & 0xFF; int c = ( int ) wParam; if( !pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR ) { if( bCtrl && iScanCode == 28 ) /* K_CTRL_RETURN */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, K_CTRL_RETURN ); } else if( bCtrl && ( c >= 1 && c <= 26 ) ) /* K_CTRL_A - Z */ { hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, K_Ctrl[c - 1] ); } else { switch( c ) { /* handle special characters */ case VK_BACK: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_BS, K_SH_BS, K_ALT_BS, K_CTRL_BS ); break; case VK_TAB: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_TAB, K_SH_TAB, K_ALT_TAB, K_CTRL_TAB ); break; case VK_RETURN: hb_gt_wvt_TranslateKey( pWVT, K_RETURN, K_SH_RETURN, K_ALT_RETURN, K_CTRL_RETURN ); break; case VK_ESCAPE: hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, K_ESC ); break; default: #if defined(UNICODE) if( pWVT->inCDP ) c = hb_cdpGetChar( pWVT->inCDP, FALSE, ( USHORT ) c ); else #endif if( pWVT->CodePage == OEM_CHARSET ) c = hb_gt_wvt_key_ansi_to_oem( c ); hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, c ); break; } } } pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR = FALSE; /* As Suggested by Peter */ break; } case WM_SYSCHAR: { if( !pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR ) { int c, iScanCode = HIWORD( lParam ) & 0xFF; switch( iScanCode ) { case 2: c = K_ALT_1; break; case 3: c = K_ALT_2; break; case 4: c = K_ALT_3; break; case 5: c = K_ALT_4; break; case 6: c = K_ALT_5; break; case 7: c = K_ALT_6; break; case 8: c = K_ALT_7; break; case 9: c = K_ALT_8; break; case 10: c = K_ALT_9; break; case 11: c = K_ALT_0; break; case 13: c = K_ALT_EQUALS; break; case 14: c = K_ALT_BS; break; case 16: c = K_ALT_Q; break; case 17: c = K_ALT_W; break; case 18: c = K_ALT_E; break; case 19: c = K_ALT_R; break; case 20: c = K_ALT_T; break; case 21: c = K_ALT_Y; break; case 22: c = K_ALT_U; break; case 23: c = K_ALT_I; break; case 24: c = K_ALT_O; break; case 25: c = K_ALT_P; break; case 30: c = K_ALT_A; break; case 31: c = K_ALT_S; break; case 32: c = K_ALT_D; break; case 33: c = K_ALT_F; break; case 34: c = K_ALT_G; break; case 35: c = K_ALT_H; break; case 36: c = K_ALT_J; break; case 37: c = K_ALT_K; break; case 38: c = K_ALT_L; break; case 44: c = K_ALT_Z; break; case 45: c = K_ALT_X; break; case 46: c = K_ALT_C; break; case 47: c = K_ALT_V; break; case 48: c = K_ALT_B; break; case 49: c = K_ALT_N; break; case 50: c = K_ALT_M; break; default: c = ( int ) wParam; break; } hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, c ); } pWVT->IgnoreWM_SYSCHAR = FALSE; } } return 0; } | gtwvg.c | 1043 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_TextOut( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, HDC hdc, USHORT col, USHORT row, BYTE attr, LPCTSTR lpString, USHORT cbString )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_TextOut( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, HDC hdc, USHORT col, USHORT row, BYTE attr, LPCTSTR lpString, USHORT cbString ) { POINT xy; RECT rClip; /* set foreground color */ SetTextColor( hdc, pWVT->COLORS[ attr & 0x0F ] ); /* set background color */ SetBkColor( hdc, pWVT->COLORS[ ( attr >> 4 ) & 0x0F ] ); SetTextAlign( hdc, TA_LEFT ); xy = hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRow( pWVT, col, row ); SetRect( &rClip, xy.x, xy.y, xy.x + cbString * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x, xy.y + pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y ); return ExtTextOut( hdc, xy.x, xy.y, ETO_CLIPPED|ETO_OPAQUE, &rClip, lpString, cbString, pWVT->FixedFont ? NULL : pWVT->FixedSize ); } | gtwvg.c | 1371 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_PaintText( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, RECT updateRect )
static void hb_gt_wvt_PaintText( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, RECT updateRect ) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; RECT rcRect; int iRow, iCol, startCol, len; BYTE bColor, bAttr, bOldColor = 0; USHORT usChar; TCHAR text[ WVT_MAX_ROWS ]; if( pWVT->bGui && pWVT->bKillFocus ) { hb_wvt_gtRestGuiState( pWVT, &updateRect ); ValidateRect( pWVT->hWnd, &updateRect ); return; } if( pWVT->bGui && pWVT->bSetFocus ) { pWVT->bSetFocus = FALSE; hb_wvt_gtRestGuiState( pWVT, &updateRect ); ValidateRect( pWVT->hWnd, &updateRect ); return; } hdc = BeginPaint( pWVT->hWnd, &ps ); SelectObject( hdc, pWVT->hFont ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { SelectObject( pWVT->hGuiDC, pWVT->hFont ); } rcRect = hb_gt_wvt_GetColRowFromXYRect( pWVT, updateRect ); /* Required, GUI Paint mechanism is based on it */ pWVT->rowStart = ; pWVT->rowStop = rcRect.bottom ; pWVT->colStart = rcRect.left ; pWVT->colStop = rcRect.right ; for( iRow =; iRow <= rcRect.bottom; ++iRow ) { iCol = startCol = rcRect.left; len = 0; while( iCol <= rcRect.right ) { if( !HB_GTSELF_GETSCRCHAR( pWVT->pGT, iRow, iCol, &bColor, &bAttr, &usChar ) ) break; #if defined(UNICODE) usChar = hb_cdpGetU16( pWVT->hostCDP, TRUE, ( BYTE ) usChar ); #endif if( len == 0 ) { bOldColor = bColor; } else if( bColor != bOldColor ) { hb_gt_wvt_TextOut( pWVT, hdc, ( USHORT ) startCol, ( USHORT ) iRow, bOldColor, text, ( USHORT ) len ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { hb_gt_wvt_TextOut( pWVT, pWVT->hGuiDC, ( USHORT ) startCol, ( USHORT ) iRow, bOldColor, text, ( USHORT ) len ); } bOldColor = bColor; startCol = iCol; len = 0; } text[ len++ ] = ( TCHAR ) usChar; iCol++; } if( len > 0 ) { hb_gt_wvt_TextOut( pWVT, hdc, ( USHORT ) startCol, ( USHORT ) iRow, bOldColor, text, ( USHORT ) len ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { hb_gt_wvt_TextOut( pWVT, pWVT->hGuiDC, ( USHORT ) startCol, ( USHORT ) iRow, bOldColor, text, ( USHORT ) len ); } } } EndPaint( pWVT->hWnd, &ps ); if( pWVT->bPaint ) { if( pWVT->pSymWVT_PAINT ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_PAINT ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmDo( 0 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } } else { pWVT->bPaint = TRUE; } } | gtwvg.c | 1394 |
STATIC LRESULT CALLBACK | hb_gt_wvt_WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
static LRESULT CALLBACK hb_gt_wvt_WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT = hb_gt_wvt_Find( hWnd ); if( pWVT ) switch( message ) { case HB_MSG_NOTIFYICON: if( lParam == WM_RBUTTONUP ) { NOTIFYICONDATA tnid ; tnid.cbSize = sizeof( NOTIFYICONDATA ) ; tnid.hWnd = hWnd; tnid.uID = HB_ID_NOTIFYICON; tnid.uCallbackMessage = HB_MSG_NOTIFYICON; tnid.hIcon = NULL; Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_DELETE, &tnid ); ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_RESTORE ); } return 0; case WM_CREATE: return hb_gt_wvt_InitWindow( pWVT, WVT_DEFAULT_ROWS, WVT_DEFAULT_COLS ); case WM_COMMAND: hb_wvt_gtHandleMenuSelection( pWVT, ( int ) LOWORD( wParam ) ); return 0; case WM_PAINT: { RECT updateRect; if( GetUpdateRect( hWnd, &updateRect, FALSE ) ) hb_gt_wvt_PaintText( pWVT, updateRect ); return 0; } case WM_MY_UPDATE_CARET: hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( pWVT ); return 0; /* case WM_ACTIVATE: if( LOWORD( wParam ) == WA_INACTIVE ) { hb_gt_wvt_KillCaret(); if( pWVT->bGui ) { pWVT->bKillFocus = TRUE; } if( pWVT->pSymWVT_KILLFOCUS ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_KILLFOCUS ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hWnd ); hb_vmDo( 1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( pWVT, HB_GTE_KILLFOCUS ); } else { hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( pWVT ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { pWVT->bSetFocus = TRUE; pWVT->bKillFocus = FALSE; } if( pWVT->bGetFocus ) { if( pWVT->pSymWVT_SETFOCUS ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_SETFOCUS ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hWnd ); hb_vmDo( 1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } } else { pWVT->bGetFocus = TRUE; } hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( pWVT, HB_GTE_SETFOCUS ); } return 0; */ case WM_SETFOCUS: hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( pWVT ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { pWVT->bSetFocus = TRUE; pWVT->bKillFocus = FALSE; } if( pWVT->bGetFocus ) { if( pWVT->pSymWVT_SETFOCUS ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_SETFOCUS ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hWnd ); hb_vmDo( 1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } } else { pWVT->bGetFocus = TRUE; } return 0; case WM_KILLFOCUS: hb_gt_wvt_KillCaret( pWVT ); if( pWVT->bGui ) { pWVT->bKillFocus = TRUE; } if( pWVT->pSymWVT_KILLFOCUS ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_KILLFOCUS ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hWnd ); hb_vmDo( 1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_CHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: return hb_gt_wvt_KeyEvent( pWVT, message, wParam, lParam ); case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: hb_gt_wvt_MouseEvent( pWVT, message, wParam, lParam ); return 0; case WM_QUERYENDSESSION: /* Closing down computer */ hb_vmRequestQuit(); return 0; case WM_CLOSE: /* Clicked 'X' on system menu */ if( hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( pWVT, HB_GTE_CLOSE ) == 0 ) { if( hb_setGetCancel() ) hb_vmRequestCancel(); } return 0; case WM_QUIT: case WM_DESTROY: return 0; case WM_ENTERIDLE: /* FSG - 12/05/2004 - Signal than i'm on idle */ hb_idleState(); return 0; case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: if( pWVT->bMaximized ) { pWVT->bMaximized = FALSE; /* Enable "maximize" button */ #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200 || defined(HB_WINCE)) || defined(__DMC__)) && !defined(HB_ARCH_64BIT) SetWindowLong( pWVT->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX|WS_THICKFRAME ); #else SetWindowLongPtr( pWVT->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX|WS_THICKFRAME ); #endif SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_DEFERERASE ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_NORMAL ); } pWVT->bResizing = TRUE; return 0; case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: pWVT->bResizing = FALSE; hb_wvt_gtSaveGuiState( pWVT ); hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( pWVT, HB_GTE_RESIZED ); return 0; case WM_SIZE: if( pWVT->bResizing ) hb_gt_wvt_FitSize( pWVT ); return 0; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch( wParam ) { case SC_MAXIMIZE: { pWVT->bMaximized = TRUE; hb_gt_wvt_FitSize( pWVT ); hb_wvt_gtSaveGuiState( pWVT ); /* Disable "maximize" button */ #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200 || defined(HB_WINCE)) || defined(__DMC__)) && !defined(HB_ARCH_64BIT) SetWindowLong( pWVT->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_THICKFRAME ); #else SetWindowLongPtr( pWVT->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_THICKFRAME ); #endif SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_DEFERERASE ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_NORMAL ); hb_gt_wvt_FireEvent( pWVT, HB_GTE_RESIZED ); return 0; } case SYS_EV_MARK: { pWVT->bBeginMarked = TRUE; return 0; } } break; case WM_TIMER: if( pWVT->pSymWVT_TIMER ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( pWVT->pSymWVT_TIMER ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( wParam ); hb_vmDo( 1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } return 0; } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ); } | gtwvg.c | 1494 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_IsDialogMessage( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, LPMSG lpMsg )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_IsDialogMessage( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, LPMSG lpMsg ) /* Proprietory to GTWVG */ { int iIndex; for( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGML_MAX; iIndex++ ) { if( pWVT->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] != 0 ) { if( IsDialogMessage( pWVT->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ], lpMsg ) ) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 1758 |
STATIC DWORD | hb_gt_wvt_ProcessMessages( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static DWORD hb_gt_wvt_ProcessMessages( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { MSG msg; while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { if( ! hb_gt_wvt_IsDialogMessage( pWVT, &msg ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } } return ( DWORD ) msg.wParam; } | gtwvg.c | 1774 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_ValidWindowSize( HWND hWnd, int rows, int cols, HFONT hFont, int iWidth )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_ValidWindowSize( HWND hWnd, int rows, int cols, HFONT hFont, int iWidth ) { HDC hdc; HFONT hOldFont; USHORT width, height, maxWidth, maxHeight; TEXTMETRIC tm; RECT rcWorkArea; SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcWorkArea, 0 ); maxWidth = (USHORT) ( rcWorkArea.right - rcWorkArea.left ); maxHeight = (USHORT) ( rcWorkArea.bottom - ); hdc = GetDC( hWnd ); hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hdc, hFont ); GetTextMetrics( hdc, &tm ); SelectObject( hdc, hOldFont ); /* Put old font back */ ReleaseDC( hWnd, hdc ); width = (USHORT) ( iWidth < 0 ? -iWidth : tm.tmAveCharWidth * cols ); /* Total pixel width this setting would take */ height = (USHORT) ( tm.tmHeight * rows ); /* Total pixel height this setting would take */ return ( width <= maxWidth ) && ( height <= maxHeight ); } | gtwvg.c | 1790 |
STATIC HWND | hb_gt_wvt_CreateWindow( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow )
static HWND hb_gt_wvt_CreateWindow( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow ) { HWND hWnd; WNDCLASS wndclass; HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hPrevInstance ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( szCmdLine ); InitCommonControls(); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = hb_gt_wvt_WndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = hInstance; wndclass.hIcon = NULL; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wndclass.hbrBackground = NULL; wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; wndclass.lpszClassName = s_szClassName; if( ! RegisterClass( &wndclass ) ) { hb_errInternal( 10001, "Failed to register WVT window class", NULL, NULL ); } hWnd = CreateWindow( s_szClassName, /* classname */ TEXT( "Harbour WVG" ), /* window name */ WS_THICKFRAME|WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION| WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, /* style */ 0, /* x */ 0, /* y */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* width */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* height */ NULL, /* window parent */ NULL, /* menu */ hInstance, /* instance */ NULL ); /* lpParam */ if( hWnd == NULL ) { hb_errInternal( 10001, "Failed to create WVT window", NULL, NULL ); } /* * If you wish to show window the way you want, put somewhere in your application * ANNOUNCE HB_NOSTARTUPWINDOW * If so compiled, then you need to issue Wvt_ShowWindow( SW_RESTORE ) * at the point you desire in your code. */ if( hb_dynsymFind( "HB_NOSTARTUPWINDOW" ) != NULL ) { iCmdShow = SW_HIDE; } ShowWindow( hWnd, iCmdShow ); UpdateWindow( hWnd ); return hWnd; } /* ********************************************************************** */ | gtwvg.c | 1815 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_Init( PHB_GT pGT, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdin, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdout, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStderr )
static void hb_gt_wvt_Init( PHB_GT pGT, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdin, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdout, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStderr ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_Init(%p,%p,%p,%p)", pGT, hFilenoStdin, hFilenoStdout, hFilenoStderr ) ); if( ! hb_winmainArgGet( &s_hInstance, &s_hPrevInstance, &s_iCmdShow ) ) { hb_errInternal( 10001, "It's not a GUI program", NULL, NULL ); } pWVT = hb_gt_wvt_New( pGT ); if( !pWVT ) { hb_errInternal( 10001, "Maximum number of WVT windows reached, cannot create another one", NULL, NULL ); } HB_GTLOCAL( pGT ) = ( void * ) pWVT; pWVT->hWnd = hb_gt_wvt_CreateWindow( ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, ( HINSTANCE ) s_hPrevInstance, "", s_iCmdShow ); if( !pWVT->hWnd ) return; #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF pWVT->hostCDP = hb_vmCDP(); pWVT->inCDP = hb_vmCDP(); #endif /* Set default window title */ { PHB_FNAME pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( hb_cmdargARGV()[0] ); hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowTitle( pWVT->hWnd, pFileName->szName ); hb_xfree( pFileName ); } /* Create "Mark" prompt in SysMenu to allow console type copy operation */ { HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu( pWVT->hWnd, FALSE ); LPTSTR buffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( pWVT->pszSelectCopy ); AppendMenu( hSysMenu, MF_STRING, SYS_EV_MARK, buffer ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( buffer ); } pWVT->hdc = GetDC( pWVT->hWnd ); pWVT->hCompDC = CreateCompatibleDC( pWVT->hdc ); hb_wvt_gtInitGui( pWVT ); if( b_MouseEnable ) { hb_wvt_gtCreateToolTipWindow( pWVT ); } /* SUPER GT initialization */ HB_GTSUPER_INIT( pGT, hFilenoStdin, hFilenoStdout, hFilenoStderr ); HB_GTSUPER_RESIZE( pGT, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); HB_GTSUPER_EXPOSEAREA( pGT, 0, 0, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); } | gtwvg.c | 1884 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_Exit( PHB_GT pGT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_Exit( PHB_GT pGT ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_Exit(%p)", pGT)); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); HB_GTSUPER_EXIT( pGT ); hb_gt_wvt_FreeAll(); if( pWVT ) { if( pWVT->hWnd ) { hb_wvt_gtExitGui( pWVT ); } UnregisterClass( s_szClassName, ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance ); hb_gt_wvt_Free( pWVT ); } } | gtwvg.c | 1946 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_SetMode( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_SetMode( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol ) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_SetMode(%p,%d,%d)", pGT, iRow, iCol ) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); if( iRow <= WVT_MAX_ROWS && iCol <= WVT_MAX_COLS ) { if( pWVT->hWnd ) /* Is the window already open */ { HFONT hFont = hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( pWVT->fontFace, pWVT->fontHeight, pWVT->fontWidth, pWVT->fontWeight, pWVT->fontQuality, pWVT->CodePage ); if( hFont ) { /* * make sure that the mode selected along with the current * font settings will fit in the window */ if( hb_gt_wvt_ValidWindowSize( pWVT->hWnd, iRow, iCol, hFont, pWVT->fontWidth ) ) { fResult = hb_gt_wvt_InitWindow( pWVT, iRow, iCol ); } DeleteObject( hFont ); } } else { hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowSize( pWVT, iRow, iCol ); } } return fResult; } | gtwvg.c | 1970 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_PutChar( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol, BYTE bColor, BYTE bAttr, USHORT usChar )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_PutChar( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol, BYTE bColor, BYTE bAttr, USHORT usChar ) { if( HB_GTSUPER_PUTCHAR( pGT, iRow, iCol, bColor, bAttr, usChar ) ) { HB_GTSELF_TOUCHCELL( pGT, iRow, iCol ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 2012 |
STATIC CONST CHAR * | hb_gt_wvt_Version( PHB_GT pGT, int iType )
static const char * hb_gt_wvt_Version( PHB_GT pGT, int iType ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_Version(%p,%d)", pGT, iType ) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); if( iType == 0 ) return HB_GT_DRVNAME( HB_GT_NAME ); return "Harbour Terminal: Win32 buffered Graphical WVG"; } | gtwvg.c | 2025 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_ReadKey( PHB_GT pGT, int iEventMask )
static int hb_gt_wvt_ReadKey( PHB_GT pGT, int iEventMask ) { int c = 0; BOOL fKey; PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_ReadKey(%p,%d)", pGT, iEventMask ) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iEventMask ); /* we ignore the eventmask! */ hb_gt_wvt_ProcessMessages( pWVT ); fKey = hb_gt_wvt_GetCharFromInputQueue( pWVT, &c ); return fKey ? c : 0; } | gtwvg.c | 2039 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_Tone( PHB_GT pGT, double dFrequency, double dDuration )
static void hb_gt_wvt_Tone( PHB_GT pGT, double dFrequency, double dDuration ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_Tone(%p,%lf,%lf)", pGT, dFrequency, dDuration)); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); hb_gt_w32_tone( dFrequency, dDuration ); } | gtwvg.c | 2058 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_mouse_IsPresent( PHB_GT pGT )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_mouse_IsPresent( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_mouse_IsPresent(%p)", pGT)); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); return TRUE; } | gtwvg.c | 2071 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_mouse_GetPos( PHB_GT pGT, int * piRow, int * piCol )
static void hb_gt_wvt_mouse_GetPos( PHB_GT pGT, int * piRow, int * piCol ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_mouse_GetPos(%p,%p,%p)", pGT, piRow, piCol)); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); *piRow = pWVT->MousePos.y; *piCol = pWVT->MousePos.x; } | gtwvg.c | 2080 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_mouse_ButtonState( PHB_GT pGT, int iButton )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_mouse_ButtonState( PHB_GT pGT, int iButton ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_mouse_ButtonState(%p,%i)", pGT, iButton) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); switch( iButton ) { case 0: return ( GetKeyState( VK_LBUTTON ) & 0x8000 ) != 0; case 1: return ( GetKeyState( VK_RBUTTON ) & 0x8000 ) != 0; case 2: return ( GetKeyState( VK_MBUTTON ) & 0x8000 ) != 0; } return FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 2094 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_mouse_CountButton( PHB_GT pGT )
static int hb_gt_wvt_mouse_CountButton( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_mouse_CountButton(%p)", pGT) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); return GetSystemMetrics( SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS ); } | gtwvg.c | 2112 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_Info( PHB_GT pGT, int iType, PHB_GT_INFO pInfo )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_Info( PHB_GT pGT, int iType, PHB_GT_INFO pInfo ) { int iVal; PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_Info(%p,%d,%p)", pGT, iType, pInfo ) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); switch( iType ) { case HB_GTI_FULLSCREEN: case HB_GTI_KBDSUPPORT: case HB_GTI_ISGRAPHIC: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, TRUE ); break; case HB_GTI_ISUNICODE: #if defined(UNICODE) pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, TRUE ); #else pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, FALSE ); #endif break; case HB_GTI_INPUTFD: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->pResult, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ) ); break; case HB_GTI_OUTPUTFD: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->pResult, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ) ); break; case HB_GTI_ERRORFD: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->pResult, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE ) ); break; case HB_GTI_SETFONT: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, FALSE ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_ARRAY ) { HFONT hFont = hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( hb_arrayGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal, 1 ), hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 2 ), hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 3 ), hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 4 ), hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 5 ), pWVT->CodePage ); if( hFont ) { if( hb_gt_wvt_ValidWindowSize( pWVT->hWnd, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS, hFont, hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 3 ) ) ) { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, TRUE ); hb_strncpy( pWVT->fontFace, hb_arrayGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal, 1 ), sizeof( pWVT->fontFace ) - 1 ); pWVT->fontHeight = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 2 ); pWVT->fontWidth = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 3 ); pWVT->fontWeight = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 4 ); pWVT->fontQuality = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal, 5 ); if( pWVT->hWnd ) { hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( pWVT ); hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( pWVT ); HB_GTSELF_REFRESH( pGT ); } } DeleteObject( hFont ); } } break; case HB_GTI_FONTSIZE: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y ); iVal = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( iVal > 0 ) { HFONT hFont = hb_gt_wvt_GetFont( pWVT->fontFace, iVal, pWVT->fontWidth, pWVT->fontWeight, pWVT->fontQuality, pWVT->CodePage ); if( hFont ) { pWVT->fontHeight = iVal; if( pWVT->hWnd ) { hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( pWVT ); hb_gt_wvt_UpdateCaret( pWVT ); HB_GTSELF_REFRESH( pGT ); } DeleteObject( hFont ); } } break; case HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->fontWidth ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) pWVT->fontWidth = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); break; case HB_GTI_FONTNAME: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->fontFace ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_STRING ) { hb_strncpy( pWVT->fontFace, hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal ), sizeof( pWVT->fontFace ) - 1 ); } break; case HB_GTI_FONTWEIGHT: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->fontWeight ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) pWVT->fontWeight = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); break; /* switch( pWVT->fontWeight ) { case FW_THIN: case FW_EXTRALIGHT: case FW_LIGHT: iVal = HB_GTI_FONTW_THIN; break; case FW_DONTCARE: case FW_NORMAL: case FW_MEDIUM: iVal = HB_GTI_FONTW_NORMAL; break; case FW_SEMIBOLD: case FW_BOLD: case FW_EXTRABOLD: case FW_HEAVY: iVal = HB_GTI_FONTW_BOLD; break; default: iVal = 0; break; } pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, iVal ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) { // store font status for next operation on fontsize // switch( hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ) ) { case HB_GTI_FONTW_THIN: pWVT->fontWeight = FW_LIGHT; break; case HB_GTI_FONTW_NORMAL: pWVT->fontWeight = FW_NORMAL; break; case HB_GTI_FONTW_BOLD: pWVT->fontWeight = FW_BOLD; break; } } break; */ case HB_GTI_FONTQUALITY: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->fontQuality ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) pWVT->fontQuality = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); break; /* switch( pWVT->fontQuality ) { case ANTIALIASED_QUALITY: iVal = HB_GTI_FONTQ_HIGH; break; case DEFAULT_QUALITY: case DRAFT_QUALITY: iVal = HB_GTI_FONTQ_NORMAL; break; case NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY: case PROOF_QUALITY: iVal = HB_GTI_FONTQ_DRAFT; break; default: iVal = 0; break; } pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, iVal ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) { switch( hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ) ) { case HB_GTI_FONTQ_HIGH: pWVT->fontQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; break; case HB_GTI_FONTQ_NORMAL: pWVT->fontQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; break; case HB_GTI_FONTQ_DRAFT: pWVT->fontQuality = DRAFT_QUALITY; break; } } break; */ case HB_GTI_SCREENHEIGHT: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y * pWVT->ROWS ); iVal = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( iVal > 0 ) { HB_GTSELF_SETMODE( pGT, (USHORT) ( iVal / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y ), pWVT->COLS ); } break; case HB_GTI_SCREENWIDTH: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x * pWVT->COLS ); iVal = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( iVal > 0 ) { HB_GTSELF_SETMODE( pGT, pWVT->ROWS, (USHORT) ( iVal / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x ) ); } break; case HB_GTI_DESKTOPWIDTH: { RECT rDesk; HWND hDesk; hDesk = GetDesktopWindow(); GetWindowRect( hDesk, &rDesk ); pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, rDesk.right - rDesk.left ); break; } case HB_GTI_DESKTOPHEIGHT: { RECT rDesk; HWND hDesk = GetDesktopWindow(); GetWindowRect( hDesk, &rDesk ); pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, rDesk.bottom - ); break; } case HB_GTI_DESKTOPCOLS: { RECT rDesk; HWND hDesk; hDesk = GetDesktopWindow(); GetClientRect( hDesk, &rDesk ); pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, ( rDesk.right - rDesk.left ) / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x ); break; } case HB_GTI_DESKTOPROWS: { RECT rDesk; HWND hDesk; hDesk = GetDesktopWindow(); GetClientRect( hDesk, &rDesk ); pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, ( rDesk.bottom - ) / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y ); break; } case HB_GTI_WINTITLE: { char * szTitle = NULL; if( hb_gt_wvt_GetWindowTitle( pWVT->hWnd, &szTitle ) ) pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutCPtr( pInfo->pResult, szTitle, strlen( szTitle ) ); else pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->pResult, NULL ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_STRING ) hb_gt_wvt_SetWindowTitle( pWVT->hWnd, hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); break; } case HB_GTI_CODEPAGE: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->CodePage ); iVal = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( iVal > 0 && iVal != pWVT->CodePage ) { pWVT->CodePage = iVal; hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( pWVT ); } break; case HB_GTI_ICONFILE: { HICON hIcon = 0; if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_STRING ) { LPTSTR lpImage = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); hIcon = ( HICON ) LoadImage( ( HINSTANCE ) NULL, lpImage, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpImage ); if( hIcon ) { SendMessage( pWVT->hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM ) hIcon ); SendMessage( pWVT->hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG , ( LPARAM ) hIcon ); } } pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->pResult, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hIcon ); break; } case HB_GTI_ICONRES: { HICON hIcon = 0; if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_STRING ) { LPTSTR lpIcon = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); hIcon = LoadIcon( ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, lpIcon ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpIcon ); } else if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) { hIcon = LoadIcon( ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( ( HB_LONG ) hb_itemGetNInt( pInfo->pNewVal ) ) ); } if( hIcon ) { SendMessage( pWVT->hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM ) hIcon ); SendMessage( pWVT->hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG , ( LPARAM ) hIcon ); } pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->pResult, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hIcon ); break; } case HB_GTI_VIEWMAXWIDTH: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->COLS ); break; case HB_GTI_VIEWMAXHEIGHT: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->ROWS ); break; case HB_GTI_KBDSHIFTS: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, hb_gt_w32_getKbdState() ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) hb_gt_w32_setKbdState( hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); break; case HB_GTI_CLIPBOARDDATA: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_STRING ) { hb_gt_w32_setClipboard( pWVT->CodePage == OEM_CHARSET ? CF_OEMTEXT : CF_TEXT, hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal ), hb_itemGetCLen( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); } else { char * szClipboardData; ULONG ulLen; if( hb_gt_w32_getClipboard( pWVT->CodePage == OEM_CHARSET ? CF_OEMTEXT : CF_TEXT, &szClipboardData, &ulLen ) ) { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutCPtr( pInfo->pResult, szClipboardData, ulLen ); } else { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->pResult, NULL ); } } break; case HB_GTI_CURSORBLINKRATE: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNI( pInfo->pResult, GetCaretBlinkTime() ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) SetCaretBlinkTime( hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); break; case HB_GTI_SCREENSIZE: { int iX, iY; if( !pInfo->pResult ) { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); } hb_arrayNew( pInfo->pResult, 2 ); hb_arraySetNI( pInfo->pResult, 2, pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y * pWVT->ROWS ); hb_arraySetNI( pInfo->pResult, 1, pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x * pWVT->COLS ); iY = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal,2 ); iX = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal,1 ); if( iY > 0 ) { BOOL bOldCentre = pWVT->CentreWindow; pWVT->CentreWindow = pWVT->bMaximized ? TRUE : FALSE; HB_GTSELF_SETMODE( pGT, (USHORT) ( iY / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y ), (USHORT) ( iX / pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x ) ); pWVT->CentreWindow = bOldCentre; } break; } case HB_GTI_RESIZABLE: { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->bResizable ); if( pInfo->pNewVal ) { BOOL bNewValue = hb_itemGetL( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( bNewValue != pWVT->bResizable ) { #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200 || defined(HB_WINCE)) || defined(__DMC__)) && !defined(HB_ARCH_64BIT) LONG style; #else LONG_PTR style; #endif pWVT->bResizable = bNewValue; if( pWVT->bResizable ) style = WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX|WS_THICKFRAME; else style = WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_BORDER; #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200 || defined(HB_WINCE)) || defined(__DMC__)) && !defined(HB_ARCH_64BIT) SetWindowLong( pWVT->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, style ); #else SetWindowLongPtr( pWVT->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, style ); #endif SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_DEFERERASE ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_NORMAL ); } } break; } case HB_GTI_SELECTCOPY: { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->bSelectCopy ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_STRING ) { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutC( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->pszSelectCopy ); if( hb_itemGetCLen( pInfo->pNewVal ) ) { HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu( pWVT->hWnd, FALSE ); LPTSTR buffer; if( pWVT->pszSelectCopy ) hb_xfree( pWVT->pszSelectCopy ); pWVT->pszSelectCopy = hb_strdup( hb_itemGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal ) ); pWVT->bSelectCopy = TRUE; buffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( pWVT->pszSelectCopy ); ModifyMenu( hSysMenu, SYS_EV_MARK, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, SYS_EV_MARK, buffer ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( buffer ); } } else if( pInfo->pNewVal ) { BOOL bNewValue = hb_itemGetL( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( bNewValue != pWVT->bSelectCopy ) { HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu( pWVT->hWnd, FALSE ); EnableMenuItem( hSysMenu, SYS_EV_MARK, MF_BYCOMMAND | ( bNewValue ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED ) ); pWVT->bSelectCopy = bNewValue; } } break; } case HB_GTI_CLOSABLE: { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->bClosable ); if( pInfo->pNewVal ) { BOOL bNewValue = hb_itemGetL( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( bNewValue != pWVT->bClosable ) { HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu( pWVT->hWnd, FALSE ); EnableMenuItem( hSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | ( bNewValue ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED ) ); pWVT->bClosable = bNewValue; } } break; } case HB_GTI_PALETTE: { if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) { int iIndex = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); if( iIndex > 0 && iIndex <= 16 ) { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNL( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->COLORS[ iIndex - 1 ] ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) pWVT->COLORS[ iIndex - 1 ] = hb_itemGetNL( pInfo->pNewVal2 ); } } else { int i; if( !pInfo->pResult ) { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemNew( NULL ); } hb_arrayNew( pInfo->pResult, 16 ); for( i = 1; i <= 16; i++ ) hb_arraySetNL( pInfo->pResult, i, pWVT->COLORS[ i - 1 ] ); if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal ) & HB_IT_ARRAY ) { if( hb_arrayLen( pInfo->pNewVal ) == 16 ) { for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) pWVT->COLORS[ i ] = hb_arrayGetNL( pInfo->pNewVal, i + 1 ); } } } break; } case HB_GTI_SPEC: { int iMessage = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal ); switch( iMessage ) { case HB_GTS_WINDOWHANDLE: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutNInt( pInfo->pResult, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) pWVT->hWnd ); break; case HB_GTS_CENTERWINDOW: { pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, pWVT->CentreWindow ); if( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) { pWVT->CentreWindow = hb_arrayGetL( pInfo->pNewVal2, 1 ); if( hb_arrayGetL( pInfo->pNewVal2, 2 ) ) { hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( pWVT ); } } break; } case HB_GTS_PROCESSMESSAGES: hb_gt_wvt_ProcessMessages( pWVT ); break; case HB_GTS_KEYBOARD: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) ); break; case HB_GTS_RESETWINDOW: hb_gt_wvt_ResetWindowSize( pWVT ); break; case HB_GTS_SETTIMER: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_ARRAY ) SetTimer( pWVT->hWnd, hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2, 1 ), hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2, 2 ), NULL ); break; case HB_GTS_KILLTIMER: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) KillTimer( pWVT->hWnd, hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) ); break; case HB_GTS_SETPOSITION: { if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_ARRAY ) { RECT rect = { 0,0,0,0 }; GetWindowRect( pWVT->hWnd, &rect ); hb_retl( SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, NULL, hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2, 1 ), hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2, 2 ), rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ) ); } break; } case HB_GTS_SHOWWINDOW: if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) ); break; case HB_GTS_UPDATEWINDOW: UpdateWindow( pWVT->hWnd ); break; case HB_GTS_SYSTRAYICON: { if( hb_itemType( pInfo->pNewVal2 ) & HB_IT_ARRAY ) { int mode = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2, 1 ); int iIconType = hb_arrayGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2, 2 ); HICON hIcon = 0; NOTIFYICONDATA tnid ; if( iIconType == 0 ) { LPTSTR lpImage = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_arrayGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal2, 3 ) ); hIcon = ( HICON ) LoadImage( ( HINSTANCE ) NULL, lpImage, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpImage ); } else if( iIconType == 1 ) { LPTSTR lpIcon = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_arrayGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal2, 3 ) ); hIcon = LoadIcon( ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, lpIcon ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpIcon ); } else if( iIconType == 2 ) { hIcon = LoadIcon( ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( ( HB_LONG ) hb_arrayGetNInt( pInfo->pNewVal2, 3 ) ) ); } tnid.cbSize = sizeof( NOTIFYICONDATA ) ; tnid.hWnd = pWVT->hWnd; tnid.uID = HB_ID_NOTIFYICON; tnid.uFlags = NIF_MESSAGE + NIF_ICON + NIF_TIP; tnid.uCallbackMessage = HB_MSG_NOTIFYICON; tnid.hIcon = hIcon ; HB_TCHAR_CPTO( tnid.szTip, hb_arrayGetCPtr( pInfo->pNewVal2, 4 ), sizeof( tnid.szTip ) - 1 ); Shell_NotifyIcon( mode, &tnid ) ; if( hIcon ) DestroyIcon( hIcon ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_HIDE ); } break; } case HB_GTS_WNDSTATE: { int iSpec = hb_itemGetNI( pInfo->pNewVal2 ); switch( iSpec ) { case WNDS_SETONTOP: { RECT rect = { 0,0,0,0 }; GetWindowRect( pWVT->hWnd, &rect ); hb_retl( SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, rect.left,, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOACTIVATE ) ); break; } case WNDS_SETASNORMAL: { RECT rect = { 0,0,0,0 }; GetWindowRect( pWVT->hWnd, &rect ); hb_retl( SetWindowPos( pWVT->hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, rect.left,, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOACTIVATE ) ); break; } case WNDS_MINIMIZED: ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE ); break; case WNDS_MAXIMIZED: if( pWVT->bResizable ) ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE ); else ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_RESTORE ); break; case WNDS_HIDDEN: ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_HIDE ); break; case WNDS_NORMAL: ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); break; } break; } } break; } default: return HB_GTSUPER_INFO( pGT, iType, pInfo ); } return TRUE; } /* ********************************************************************** */ /* ********** Graphics API ********** */ /* * NOTE: * gfxPrimitive() parameters may have different meanings * ie: - Desired color is 'iBottom' for PUTPIXEL and 'iRight' for CIRCLE * - Red is iTop, Green iLeft and Blue is iBottom for MAKECOLOR * */ #define SetGFXContext(c) \ do { \ COLORREF color = RGB( (c) >> 16, ( (c) & 0xFF00 ) >> 8, (c) & 0xFF ); \ hdc = GetDC( pWVT->hWnd ); \ hPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, color ); \ hOldPen = ( HPEN ) SelectObject( hdc, hPen ); \ hBrush = ( HBRUSH ) CreateSolidBrush( color ); \ hOldBrush = ( HBRUSH ) SelectObject( hdc, hBrush ); \ } while( 0 ) #define ClearGFXContext() \ do { \ SelectObject( hdc, hOldPen ); \ SelectObject( hdc, hOldBrush ); \ DeleteObject( hBrush ); \ DeleteObject( hPen ); \ ReleaseDC( pWVT->hWnd, hdc ); \ } while( 0 ) | gtwvg.c | 2123 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_gfx_Primitive( PHB_GT pGT, int iType, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight, int iColor )
static int hb_gt_wvt_gfx_Primitive( PHB_GT pGT, int iType, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight, int iColor ) { HDC hdc; HPEN hPen, hOldPen; HBRUSH hBrush, hOldBrush; int iRet = 0; PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_gfx_Primitive(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)", pGT, iType, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight, iColor ) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); if( pWVT->hWnd ) { switch( iType ) { case HB_GFX_ACQUIRESCREEN: case HB_GFX_RELEASESCREEN: iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_MAKECOLOR: iRet = (iTop << 16) | (iLeft << 8) | ( iBottom ); break; case HB_GFX_PUTPIXEL: SetGFXContext( iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iTop ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_LINE: SetGFXContext( iColor ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_RECT: { RECT r; r.left = iLeft; = iTop; r.right = iRight; r.bottom = iBottom; SetGFXContext( iColor ); FrameRect( hdc, &r, hBrush ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; } case HB_GFX_FILLEDRECT: SetGFXContext( iColor ); Rectangle( hdc, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_CIRCLE: SetGFXContext( iRight ); Arc( hdc, iLeft - iBottom / 2, iTop - iBottom / 2, iLeft + iBottom / 2, iTop + iBottom / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_FILLEDCIRCLE: SetGFXContext( iRight ); Ellipse( hdc, iLeft - iBottom / 2, iTop - iBottom / 2, iLeft + iBottom / 2, iTop + iBottom / 2 ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_ELLIPSE: SetGFXContext( iColor ); Arc( hdc, iLeft - iRight / 2, iTop - iBottom / 2, iLeft + iRight / 2, iTop + iBottom / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_FILLEDELLIPSE: SetGFXContext( iColor ); Ellipse( hdc, iLeft - iRight / 2, iTop - iBottom / 2, iLeft + iRight / 2, iTop + iBottom / 2 ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; case HB_GFX_FLOODFILL: SetGFXContext( iBottom ); FloodFill( hdc, iLeft, iTop, iColor ); ClearGFXContext(); iRet = 1; break; } } return iRet; } | gtwvg.c | 2847 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_Redraw( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol, int iSize )
static void hb_gt_wvt_Redraw( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol, int iSize ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_wvt_Redraw(%p,%d,%d,%d)", pGT, iRow, iCol, iSize ) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); if( pWVT->hWnd ) { RECT rect; = rect.bottom = ( SHORT ) iRow; rect.left = ( SHORT ) iCol; rect.right = ( SHORT ) ( iCol + iSize - 1 ); rect = hb_gt_wvt_GetXYFromColRowRect( pWVT, rect ); InvalidateRect( pWVT->hWnd, &rect, FALSE ); } } | gtwvg.c | 2983 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_Refresh( PHB_GT pGT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_Refresh( PHB_GT pGT ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_Refresh(%p)", pGT) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); HB_GTSUPER_REFRESH( pGT ); if( pWVT->hWnd ) { SendMessage( pWVT->hWnd, WM_MY_UPDATE_CARET, 0, 0 ); hb_gt_wvt_ProcessMessages( pWVT ); } } /* ********************************************************************** */ | gtwvg.c | 3009 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Create( PHB_GT pGT, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static int hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Create( PHB_GT pGT, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Create(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d)", pGT,iTop,iLeft,iBottom,iRight) ); pWVT = hb_gt_wvt_New( pGT ); if( !pWVT ) { hb_errInternal( 10001, "Cannot allocate new window", NULL, NULL ); } HB_GTLOCAL( pGT ) = ( void * ) pWVT; // pGT->iLocalGTHandle = pWVT->iHandle; pWVT->ROWS = iBottom - iTop + 1; pWVT->COLS = iRight - iLeft + 1; pWVT->hWnd = CreateWindow( s_szClassName, /* classname */ TEXT( "Harbour WVT" ), /* window name */ WS_THICKFRAME|WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, /* style */ 0, /* x */ 0, /* y */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* width */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* height */ NULL, /* window parent */ NULL, /* menu */ ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, /* instance */ NULL ); /* lpParam */ if( !pWVT->hWnd ) { hb_errInternal( 10001, "Failed to create WVT window", NULL, NULL ); } #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF pWVT->hostCDP = hb_vmCDP(); pWVT->inCDP = hb_vmCDP(); #endif hb_gt_wvt_SetMode( pGT, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); /* SUPER GT initialization */ HB_GTSELF_RESIZE( pGT, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); HB_GTSELF_EXPOSEAREA( pGT, 0, 0, pWVT->ROWS, pWVT->COLS ); ShowWindow( pWVT->hWnd, SW_NORMAL ); UpdateWindow( pWVT->hWnd ); return pWVT->iHandle; } | gtwvg.c | 3032 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Destroy( PHB_GT pGT )
static void hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Destroy( PHB_GT pGT ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Destroy(%p)", pGT) ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); if ( pWVT->hWnd ) { DestroyWindow( pWVT->hWnd ); pWVT->hWnd = NULL; } hb_gt_wvt_Free( pWVT ); HB_GTSUPER_EXIT( pGT ); } | gtwvg.c | 3085 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Select( PHB_GT pGT )
static int hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Select( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Select(%p)", pGT) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); return 0; } | gtwvg.c | 3102 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Current( PHB_GT pGT )
static int hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Current( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Current(%p)", pGT) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); return 0; } | gtwvg.c | 3111 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_SetDispCP( PHB_GT pGT, char * pszTermCDP, char * pszHostCDP, BOOL fBox )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_SetDispCP( PHB_GT pGT, char * pszTermCDP, char * pszHostCDP, BOOL fBox ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_GTSUPER_SETDISPCP( pGT, pszTermCDP, pszHostCDP, fBox ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF /* * We are displaying text in U16 so pszTermCDP is unimportant. * We only have to know what is the internal application codepage * to make proper translation */ if( !pszHostCDP || !*pszHostCDP ) pszHostCDP = hb_cdpID(); if( pszHostCDP && *pszHostCDP ) { PHB_CODEPAGE cdpHost = hb_cdpFind( pszHostCDP ); if( cdpHost ) pWVT->hostCDP = cdpHost; } #endif return TRUE; } | gtwvg.c | 3124 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_wvt_SetKeyCP( PHB_GT pGT, char * pszTermCDP, char * pszHostCDP )
static BOOL hb_gt_wvt_SetKeyCP( PHB_GT pGT, char * pszTermCDP, char * pszHostCDP ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT; HB_GTSUPER_SETKEYCP( pGT, pszTermCDP, pszHostCDP ); pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF /* * We are receiving WM_CHAR events in U16 so pszTermCDP is unimportant. * We only have to know what is the internal application codepage * to make proper translation */ if( !pszHostCDP || !*pszHostCDP ) pszHostCDP = hb_cdpID(); if( pszHostCDP && *pszHostCDP ) { PHB_CODEPAGE cdpHost = hb_cdpFind( pszHostCDP ); if( cdpHost ) pWVT->inCDP = cdpHost; } #endif return TRUE; } | gtwvg.c | 3152 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_FuncInit( PHB_GT_FUNCS pFuncTable )
static BOOL hb_gt_FuncInit( PHB_GT_FUNCS pFuncTable ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_FuncInit(%p)", pFuncTable)); pFuncTable->Init = hb_gt_wvt_Init; pFuncTable->Exit = hb_gt_wvt_Exit; pFuncTable->SetMode = hb_gt_wvt_SetMode; pFuncTable->Redraw = hb_gt_wvt_Redraw; pFuncTable->Refresh = hb_gt_wvt_Refresh; pFuncTable->Version = hb_gt_wvt_Version; pFuncTable->Tone = hb_gt_wvt_Tone; pFuncTable->Info = hb_gt_wvt_Info; pFuncTable->SetDispCP = hb_gt_wvt_SetDispCP; pFuncTable->SetKeyCP = hb_gt_wvt_SetKeyCP; pFuncTable->PutChar = hb_gt_wvt_PutChar; pFuncTable->ReadKey = hb_gt_wvt_ReadKey; pFuncTable->MouseIsPresent = hb_gt_wvt_mouse_IsPresent; pFuncTable->MouseGetPos = hb_gt_wvt_mouse_GetPos; pFuncTable->MouseButtonState = hb_gt_wvt_mouse_ButtonState; pFuncTable->MouseCountButton = hb_gt_wvt_mouse_CountButton; pFuncTable->GfxPrimitive = hb_gt_wvt_gfx_Primitive; /* MULTI WINDOW GT */ /* pFuncTable->WndCreate = hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Create; pFuncTable->WndDestroy = hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Destroy; pFuncTable->WndSelect = hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Select; pFuncTable->WndCurrent = hb_gt_wvt_wnd_Current; */ /* MULTI WINDOW GT */ return TRUE; } /* ********************************************************************** */ static const HB_GT_INIT gtInit = { HB_GT_DRVNAME( HB_GT_NAME ), hb_gt_FuncInit, HB_GTSUPER, HB_GTID_PTR }; HB_GT_ANNOUNCE( HB_GT_NAME ) HB_CALL_ON_STARTUP_BEGIN( _hb_startup_gt_Init_ ) hb_gtRegister( >Init ); HB_CALL_ON_STARTUP_END( _hb_startup_gt_Init_ ) #if defined( HB_PRAGMA_STARTUP ) #pragma startup _hb_startup_gt_Init_ #elif defined( HB_MSC_STARTUP ) #if defined( HB_OS_WIN_64 ) #pragma section( HB_MSC_START_SEGMENT, long, read ) #endif #pragma data_seg( HB_MSC_START_SEGMENT ) static HB_$INITSYM hb_vm_auto__hb_startup_gt_Init_ = _hb_startup_gt_Init_; | gtwvg.c | 3183 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtCreateObjects( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_wvt_gtCreateObjects( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { LOGBRUSH lb; HINSTANCE h; int iIndex; pWVT->bResizing = FALSE; pWVT->penWhite = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, ( COLORREF ) RGB( 255,255,255 ) ); pWVT->penBlack = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, ( COLORREF ) RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) ); pWVT->penWhiteDim = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, ( COLORREF ) RGB( 205,205,205 ) ); pWVT->penDarkGray = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, ( COLORREF ) RGB( 150,150,150 ) ); pWVT->penGray = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, ( COLORREF ) pWVT->COLORS[ 7 ] ); pWVT->penNull = CreatePen( PS_NULL , 0, ( COLORREF ) pWVT->COLORS[ 7 ] ); pWVT->currentPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, ( COLORREF ) RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) ); lb.lbStyle = BS_NULL; lb.lbColor = RGB( 198,198,198 ); lb.lbHatch = 0; pWVT->currentBrush = CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); lb.lbStyle = BS_HATCHED; lb.lbColor = RGB( 210,210,210 ); lb.lbHatch = HS_DIAGCROSS; // HS_BDIAGONAL; pWVT->diagonalBrush = CreateHatchBrush( HS_DIAGCROSS, RGB( 210,210,210 ) ); //CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; lb.lbColor = 0; // NULL; // RGB( 0,0,0 ); lb.lbHatch = 0; pWVT->solidBrush = CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 0,0,0 ) ); //CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; lb.lbColor = pWVT->COLORS[ 7 ]; lb.lbHatch = 0; pWVT->wvtWhiteBrush = CreateSolidBrush( pWVT->COLORS[ 7 ] ); //CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); /* GUI members of global structure */ pWVT->LastMenuEvent = 0; pWVT->MenuKeyEvent = 1024; pWVT->InvalidateWindow = TRUE; pWVT->EnableShortCuts = FALSE; pWVT->pSymWVT_PAINT = hb_dynsymFind( "WVT_PAINT" ); pWVT->pSymWVT_SETFOCUS = hb_dynsymFind( "WVT_SETFOCUS" ); pWVT->pSymWVT_KILLFOCUS = hb_dynsymFind( "WVT_KILLFOCUS" ); pWVT->pSymWVT_MOUSE = hb_dynsymFind( "WVT_MOUSE" ); pWVT->pSymWVT_TIMER = hb_dynsymFind( "WVT_TIMER" ); pWVT->pSymWVT_KEY = hb_dynsymFind( "WVT_KEY" ); pWVT->rowStart = 0; pWVT->rowStop = 0; pWVT->colStart = 0; pWVT->colStop = 0; pWVT->bToolTipActive = FALSE; h = LoadLibraryEx( TEXT( "msimg32.dll" ), NULL, 0 ); if( h ) { /* workaround for wrong declarations in some old C compilers */ #if defined( UNICODE ) && defined( GetProcAddress ) pWVT->pfnGF = ( wvtGradientFill ) GetProcAddressW( h, TEXT( "GradientFill" ) ); #else pWVT->pfnGF = ( wvtGradientFill ) GetProcAddress( h, "GradientFill" ); #endif if( pWVT->pfnGF ) { pWVT->hMSImg32 = h; } } for( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGML_MAX; iIndex++ ) { pWVT->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] = NULL; pWVT->pFunc[ iIndex ] = NULL; pWVT->iType[ iIndex ] = 0; } for( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGMD_MAX; iIndex++ ) { pWVT->hDlgModal[ iIndex ] = NULL; pWVT->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] = NULL; pWVT->iTypeModal[ iIndex ] = 0; } pWVT->bGui = FALSE; pWVT->bPaint = FALSE; pWVT->bGetFocus = FALSE; pWVT->bSetFocus = FALSE; pWVT->bKillFocus = FALSE; } | gtwvg.c | 3252 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtExitGui( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_wvt_gtExitGui( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < WVT_DLGML_MAX; i++ ) { if( pWVT->hDlgModeless[ i ] ) { SendMessage( pWVT->hDlgModeless[ i ], WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); pWVT->hDlgModeless[ i ] = NULL; } } DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->penWhite ); DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->penWhiteDim ); DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->penBlack ); DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->penDarkGray ); DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->penGray ); DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->penNull ); DeleteObject( ( HPEN ) pWVT->currentPen ); DeleteObject( ( HBRUSH ) pWVT->currentBrush ); DeleteObject( ( HBRUSH ) pWVT->diagonalBrush ); DeleteObject( ( HBRUSH ) pWVT->solidBrush ); DeleteObject( ( HBRUSH ) pWVT->wvtWhiteBrush ); if( pWVT->hdc ) { ReleaseDC( pWVT->hWnd, pWVT->hdc ); pWVT->hdc = NULL; } if( pWVT->hFont ) { DeleteObject( pWVT->hFont ); } if( pWVT->hWndTT ) { DestroyWindow( pWVT->hWndTT ); } if( pWVT->hCompDC ) { DeleteDC( pWVT->hCompDC ); pWVT->hCompDC = NULL; } if( pWVT->hGuiDC ) { DeleteDC( pWVT->hGuiDC ); pWVT->hGuiDC = NULL; } if( pWVT->hGuiBmp ) { DeleteObject( pWVT->hGuiBmp ); pWVT->hGuiBmp = NULL; } for( i = 0; i < WVT_PICTURES_MAX; i++ ) { if( pWVT->iPicture[ i ] ) { pWVT->iPicture[ i ]->lpVtbl->Release( pWVT->iPicture[ i ] ); pWVT->iPicture[ i ] = NULL; } } for( i = 0; i < WVT_FONTS_MAX; i++ ) { if( pWVT->hUserFonts[ i ] ) { DeleteObject( pWVT->hUserFonts[ i ] ); pWVT->hUserFonts[ i ] = NULL; } } for( i = 0; i < WVT_PENS_MAX; i++ ) { if( pWVT->hUserPens[ i ] ) { DeleteObject( pWVT->hUserPens[ i ] ); pWVT->hUserPens[ i ] = NULL; } } if( pWVT->hMSImg32 ) { FreeLibrary( pWVT->hMSImg32 ); pWVT->hMSImg32 = NULL; } } | gtwvg.c | 3343 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtInitGui( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_wvt_gtInitGui( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { pWVT->iGuiWidth = pWVT->COLS * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.x; pWVT->iGuiHeight = pWVT->ROWS * pWVT->PTEXTSIZE.y; if( pWVT->hGuiDC ) { DeleteDC( pWVT->hGuiDC ); } pWVT->hGuiDC = CreateCompatibleDC( pWVT->hdc ); if( pWVT->hGuiBmp ) { DeleteObject( pWVT->hGuiBmp ); } pWVT->hGuiBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap( pWVT->hdc, pWVT->iGuiWidth, pWVT->iGuiHeight ); SelectObject( pWVT->hGuiDC, pWVT->hGuiBmp ); SetTextCharacterExtra( pWVT->hGuiDC,0 ); SelectObject( pWVT->hGuiDC, pWVT->hFont ); } | gtwvg.c | 3428 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtRestGuiState( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, LPRECT rect )
static void hb_wvt_gtRestGuiState( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, LPRECT rect ) { if( pWVT->bGui ) BitBlt( pWVT->hdc, rect->left, rect->top, rect->right - rect->left, rect->bottom - rect->top, pWVT->hGuiDC, rect->left, rect->top, SRCCOPY ); } | gtwvg.c | 3450 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtSaveGuiState( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_wvt_gtSaveGuiState( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { if( pWVT->bGui ) { RECT rc = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; GetClientRect( pWVT->hWnd, &rc ); pWVT->iGuiWidth = rc.right - rc.left; pWVT->iGuiHeight = rc.bottom -; if( pWVT->hGuiBmp ) { DeleteObject( pWVT->hGuiBmp ); } pWVT->hGuiBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap( pWVT->hdc, pWVT->iGuiWidth, pWVT->iGuiHeight ); SelectObject( pWVT->hGuiDC, pWVT->hGuiBmp ); SetTextCharacterExtra( pWVT->hGuiDC,0 ); SelectObject( pWVT->hGuiDC, pWVT->hFont ); } } | gtwvg.c | 3458 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtHandleMenuSelection( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int menuIndex )
static void hb_wvt_gtHandleMenuSelection( PHB_GTWVT pWVT, int menuIndex ) { pWVT->LastMenuEvent = menuIndex; hb_gt_wvt_AddCharToInputQueue( pWVT, pWVT->MenuKeyEvent ); } | gtwvg.c | 3479 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_gtCreateToolTipWindow( PHB_GTWVT pWVT )
static void hb_wvt_gtCreateToolTipWindow( PHB_GTWVT pWVT ) { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; HWND hwndTT; TOOLINFO ti; /* Load the tooltip class from the DLL. */ icex.dwSize = sizeof( icex ); icex.dwICC = ICC_BAR_CLASSES; if( !InitCommonControlsEx( &icex ) ) { return; } /* Create the tooltip control. */ hwndTT = CreateWindow( TOOLTIPS_CLASS, TEXT( "" ), WS_POPUP | TTS_ALWAYSTIP , CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, ( HMENU ) NULL, ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance, NULL ); SetWindowPos( hwndTT, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); /* Prepare TOOLINFO structure for use as tracking tooltip. */ ti.cbSize = sizeof( TOOLINFO ); ti.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS; ti.hwnd = pWVT->hWnd; ti.uId = 100000; ti.hinst = ( HINSTANCE ) s_hInstance; ti.lpszText = TEXT( "" ); ti.rect.left = = ti.rect.bottom = ti.rect.right = 0; /* Add the tool to the control, displaying an error if needed. */ if( SendMessage( hwndTT, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, ( LPARAM ) &ti ) ) pWVT->hWndTT = hwndTT; } | gtwvg.c | 3485 |
PHB_GTWVT | hb_wvt_gtGetWVT( void )
PHB_GTWVT hb_wvt_gtGetWVT( void ) { PHB_GTWVT pWVT = NULL; PHB_GT pGT = hb_gt_Base(); if( pGT ) { pWVT = HB_GTWVT_GET( pGT ); hb_gt_BaseFree( pGT ); } return pWVT; } | gtwvg.c | 3541 |
wvgcore.c | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CORE ) { // Retained for legacy code. } | wvgcore.c | 95 |
HB_EXPORT VOID | hb_wvt_GetStringAttrib( USHORT top, USHORT left, USHORT bottom, USHORT right, BYTE * sBuffer, BYTE * sAttrib )
HB_EXPORT void hb_wvt_GetStringAttrib( USHORT top, USHORT left, USHORT bottom, USHORT right, BYTE * sBuffer, BYTE * sAttrib ) { USHORT irow, icol, j; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_wvt_GetStringAttrib( %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu, %p, %p )", top, left, bottom, right, sBuffer, sAttrib ) ); for( j = 0, irow = top; irow <= bottom; irow++ ) { for( icol = left; icol <= right; icol++ ) { BYTE bColor, bAttr; USHORT usChar; if( !hb_gtGetScrChar( irow, icol, &bColor, &bAttr, &usChar ) ) break; sBuffer[ j ] = ( BYTE ) usChar; sAttrib[ j ] = bColor; j++; } } } | wvgcore.c | 102 |
HB_EXPORT VOID | hb_wvt_PutStringAttrib( USHORT top, USHORT left, USHORT bottom, USHORT right, BYTE * sBuffer, BYTE * sAttrib )
HB_EXPORT void hb_wvt_PutStringAttrib( USHORT top, USHORT left, USHORT bottom, USHORT right, BYTE * sBuffer, BYTE * sAttrib ) { USHORT irow, icol, j; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_wvt_PutStringAttrib( %hu, %hu, %hu, %hu, %p, %p )", top, left, bottom, right, sBuffer, sAttrib ) ); hb_gtBeginWrite(); for( j = 0, irow = top; irow <= bottom; irow++ ) { for( icol = left; icol <= right; icol++ ) { if( !hb_gtPutScrChar( irow, icol, sAttrib[ j ], 0, sBuffer[ j ] ) ) break; j++; } } hb_gtEndWrite(); } | wvgcore.c | 127 |
HB_EXPORT IPICTURE * | hb_wvt_gtLoadPictureFromResource( LPCSTR cResource, LPCSTR cSection )
HB_EXPORT IPicture * hb_wvt_gtLoadPictureFromResource( LPCSTR cResource, LPCSTR cSection ) { HRSRC res = 0; LPVOID iPicture = NULL; LPTSTR resource = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( ( LPSTR ) cResource ); LPTSTR section = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( ( LPSTR ) cSection ); HANDLE hInstance; if( hb_winmainArgGet( &hInstance, NULL, NULL ) ) res = FindResource( ( HINSTANCE ) hInstance, resource, section ); if( res ) { IStream *iStream = NULL; HGLOBAL mem = LoadResource( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), res ); void *data = LockResource( mem ); size_t nFileSize = SizeofResource( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), res ); HGLOBAL hGlobal = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, nFileSize ); LPVOID pvData = GlobalLock( hGlobal ); memcpy( pvData, data, nFileSize ); GlobalUnlock( hGlobal ); CreateStreamOnHGlobal( hGlobal, TRUE, &iStream ); OleLoadPicture( iStream, nFileSize, TRUE, HB_ID_REF( REFIID, IID_IPicture ), &iPicture ); FreeResource( mem ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( resource ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( section ); return ( IPicture * ) iPicture; } | wvgcore.c | 146 |
HB_EXPORT IPICTURE * | hb_wvt_gtLoadPicture( char * cImage )
HB_EXPORT IPicture * hb_wvt_gtLoadPicture( char * cImage ) { IStream *iStream; LPVOID iPicture = NULL; HGLOBAL hGlobal; HANDLE hFile; DWORD nFileSize; DWORD nReadByte; LPTSTR image = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( cImage ); hFile = CreateFile( image, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { nFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if( nFileSize != INVALID_FILE_SIZE ) { hGlobal = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, nFileSize ); if( hGlobal ) { if( ReadFile( hFile, hGlobal, nFileSize, &nReadByte, NULL ) ) { CreateStreamOnHGlobal( hGlobal, TRUE, &iStream ); OleLoadPicture( iStream, nFileSize, TRUE, HB_ID_REF( REFIID, IID_IPicture ), &iPicture ); } GlobalFree( hGlobal ); } } CloseHandle( hFile ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( image ); return ( IPicture * ) iPicture; } | wvgcore.c | 189 |
BOOL HB_EXPORT | hb_wvt_gtRenderPicture( int x1, int y1, int wd, int ht, IPicture * iPicture )
BOOL HB_EXPORT hb_wvt_gtRenderPicture( int x1, int y1, int wd, int ht, IPicture * iPicture ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); LONG lWidth, lHeight; int x, y, xe, ye; int c = x1; int r = y1; int dc = wd; int dr = ht; int tor = 0; int toc = 0; HRGN hrgn1; POINT lpp; BOOL bResult = FALSE; if( iPicture ) { iPicture->lpVtbl->get_Width( iPicture,&lWidth ); iPicture->lpVtbl->get_Height( iPicture,&lHeight ); if( dc == 0 ) { dc = ( int ) ( ( float ) dr * lWidth / lHeight ); } if( dr == 0 ) { dr = ( int ) ( ( float ) dc * lHeight / lWidth ); } if( tor == 0 ) { tor = dr; } if( toc == 0 ) { toc = dc; } x = c; y = r; xe = c + toc - 1; ye = r + tor - 1; GetViewportOrgEx( _s->hdc, &lpp ); hrgn1 = CreateRectRgn( c+lpp.x, r+lpp.y, xe+lpp.x, ye+lpp.y ); SelectClipRgn( _s->hdc, hrgn1 ); while( x < xe ) { while( y < ye ) { iPicture->lpVtbl->Render( iPicture, _s->hdc, x, y, dc, dr, 0, lHeight, lWidth, -lHeight, NULL ); y += dr; } y = r; x += dc; } SelectClipRgn( _s->hdc, NULL ); DeleteObject( hrgn1 ); if( _s->bGui ) { x = c; y = r; xe = c + toc - 1; ye = r + tor - 1; GetViewportOrgEx( _s->hGuiDC, &lpp ); hrgn1 = CreateRectRgn( c+lpp.x, r+lpp.y, xe+lpp.x, ye+lpp.y ); SelectClipRgn( _s->hGuiDC, hrgn1 ); while( x < xe ) { while( y < ye ) { iPicture->lpVtbl->Render( iPicture, _s->hGuiDC, x, y, dc, dr, 0, lHeight, lWidth, -lHeight, NULL ); y += dr; } y = r; x += dc; } SelectClipRgn( _s->hGuiDC, NULL ); DeleteObject( hrgn1 ); } bResult = TRUE; } return bResult; } | wvgcore.c | 228 |
BOOL HB_EXPORT | hb_wvt_gtDestroyPicture( IPicture * iPicture )
BOOL HB_EXPORT hb_wvt_gtDestroyPicture( IPicture * iPicture ) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; if( iPicture ) { iPicture->lpVtbl->Release( iPicture ); bResult = TRUE; } return bResult; } | wvgcore.c | 324 |
POINT HB_EXPORT | hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( USHORT col, USHORT row )
POINT HB_EXPORT hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( USHORT col, USHORT row ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy; xy.x = col * _s->PTEXTSIZE.x; xy.y = row * _s->PTEXTSIZE.y; return xy; } | wvgcore.c | 339 |
HB_EXPORT BOOL CALLBACK | hb_wvt_gtDlgProcMLess( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
HB_EXPORT BOOL CALLBACK hb_wvt_gtDlgProcMLess( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iIndex, iType; long int lReturn = 0; PHB_ITEM pFunc = NULL; iType = 0; for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGML_MAX; iIndex++ ) { if ( ( _s->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] != NULL ) && ( _s->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] == hDlg ) ) { if ( _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] != NULL ) { pFunc = _s->pFunc[ iIndex ]; iType = _s->iType[ iIndex ]; } break; } } if ( pFunc ) { switch ( iType ) { case 1: /* Function Name */ if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( ( PHB_DYNS ) pFunc ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hDlg ); hb_vmPushNumInt( message ); hb_vmPushNumInt( wParam ); hb_vmPushNumInt( lParam ); hb_vmDo( 4 ); lReturn = hb_parnl( -1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } break; case 2: /* Block */ /* eval the codeblock */ if ( HB_IS_BLOCK( pFunc ) ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushEvalSym(); hb_vmPush( _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] ); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hDlg ); hb_vmPushNumInt( message ); hb_vmPushNumInt( wParam ); hb_vmPushNumInt( lParam ); hb_vmSend( 4 ); lReturn = hb_parnl( -1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } else { /* TODO: internal error: missing codeblock */ } break; } } switch( message ) { case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDOK: DestroyWindow( hDlg ); lReturn = 1; break; case IDCANCEL: DestroyWindow( hDlg ); lReturn = 0; break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow( hDlg ); lReturn = 0; break; case WM_NCDESTROY: if ( _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] != NULL && _s->iType[ iIndex ] == 2 ) { hb_itemRelease( ( PHB_ITEM ) _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] ); } _s->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] = NULL; _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] = NULL; _s->iType[ iIndex ] = 0; lReturn = 0; break; } return lReturn; } | wvgcore.c | 357 |
HB_EXPORT BOOL CALLBACK | hb_wvt_gtDlgProcModal( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
HB_EXPORT BOOL CALLBACK hb_wvt_gtDlgProcModal( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iIndex, iType; long int lReturn = 0; PHB_ITEM pFunc = NULL; int iFirst = ( int ) lParam; if ( iFirst > 0 && iFirst <= WVT_DLGMD_MAX ) { _s->hDlgModal[ iFirst-1 ] = hDlg ; SendMessage( hDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0 ); return lReturn; } iType = 0; for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGMD_MAX; iIndex++ ) { if ( ( _s->hDlgModal[ iIndex ] != NULL ) && ( _s->hDlgModal[ iIndex ] == hDlg ) ) { if ( _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] != NULL ) { pFunc = _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ]; iType = _s->iTypeModal[ iIndex ]; } break; } } if ( pFunc ) { switch ( iType ) { case 1: /* Function Name */ if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushDynSym( ( PHB_DYNS ) pFunc ); hb_vmPushNil(); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hDlg ); hb_vmPushNumInt( message ); hb_vmPushNumInt( wParam ); hb_vmPushNumInt( lParam ); hb_vmDo( 4 ); lReturn = hb_parnl( -1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } break; case 2: /* Block */ /* eval the codeblock */ if ( HB_IS_BLOCK( pFunc ) ) { if( hb_vmRequestReenter() ) { hb_vmPushEvalSym(); hb_vmPush( pFunc ); hb_vmPushNumInt( ( HB_LONG ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hDlg ); hb_vmPushNumInt( message ); hb_vmPushNumInt( wParam ); hb_vmPushNumInt( lParam ); hb_vmSend( 4 ); lReturn = hb_parnl( -1 ); hb_vmRequestRestore(); } } else { /* TODO: internal error: missing codeblock */ } break; } } switch( message ) { case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDOK: EndDialog( hDlg, IDOK ); lReturn = 0; break; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog( hDlg, IDCANCEL ); lReturn = 0; break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog( hDlg, IDCANCEL ); lReturn = 0; break; case WM_NCDESTROY: if ( _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] != NULL && _s->iTypeModal[ iIndex ] == 2 ) { hb_itemRelease( ( PHB_ITEM ) _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] ); } _s->hDlgModal[ iIndex ] = NULL; _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] = NULL; _s->iTypeModal[ iIndex ] = 0; lReturn = 0; break; } return lReturn; } | wvgcore.c | 463 |
HB_EXPORT BOOL | hb_wvt_DrawImage( HDC hdc, int x1, int y1, int wd, int ht, char * image )
HB_EXPORT BOOL hb_wvt_DrawImage( HDC hdc, int x1, int y1, int wd, int ht, char * image ) { HGLOBAL hGlobal; HANDLE hFile; DWORD nFileSize; DWORD nReadByte; LONG lWidth,lHeight; int x,y,xe,ye; int c = x1 ; int r = y1 ; int dc = wd ; int dr = ht ; int tor = 0 ; int toc = 0 ; HRGN hrgn1; POINT lpp = { 0,0 }; BOOL bResult = FALSE; LPTSTR lpImage = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( image ); hFile = CreateFile( lpImage, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpImage ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { nFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if ( nFileSize != INVALID_FILE_SIZE ) { hGlobal = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, nFileSize ); if ( hGlobal ) { if ( ReadFile( hFile, hGlobal, nFileSize, &nReadByte, NULL ) ) { IStream *iStream; IPicture *iPicture; IPicture ** iPictureRef = &iPicture; CreateStreamOnHGlobal( hGlobal, TRUE, &iStream ); OleLoadPicture( iStream, nFileSize, TRUE, HB_ID_REF( REFIID, IID_IPicture ), ( LPVOID * ) iPictureRef ); if ( iPicture ) { iPicture->lpVtbl->get_Width( iPicture,&lWidth ); iPicture->lpVtbl->get_Height( iPicture,&lHeight ); if ( dc == 0 ) { dc = ( int ) ( ( float ) dr * lWidth / lHeight ); } if ( dr == 0 ) { dr = ( int ) ( ( float ) dc * lHeight / lWidth ); } if ( tor == 0 ) { tor = dr; } if ( toc == 0 ) { toc = dc; } x = c; y = r; xe = c + toc - 1; ye = r + tor - 1; GetViewportOrgEx( hdc, &lpp ); hrgn1 = CreateRectRgn( c+lpp.x, r+lpp.y, xe+lpp.x, ye+lpp.y ); SelectClipRgn( hdc, hrgn1 ); while ( x < xe ) { while ( y < ye ) { iPicture->lpVtbl->Render( iPicture, hdc, x, y, dc, dr, 0, lHeight, lWidth, -lHeight, NULL ); y += dr; } y = r; x += dc; } SelectClipRgn( hdc, NULL ); DeleteObject( hrgn1 ); iPicture->lpVtbl->Release( iPicture ); bResult = TRUE ; } } GlobalFree( hGlobal ); } } CloseHandle( hFile ); } return( bResult ); } | wvgcore.c | 577 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhiteDim ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left Inner LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-1, iTop-1, NULL ); // Top Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight+1, iTop-1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-1, iTop-1, NULL ); // Left Outer LineTo( hdc, iLeft-1, iBottom+1 ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penDarkGray ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iBottom, NULL ); // Right Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penBlack ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-1, iBottom+1, NULL ); // Bottom Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight+1+1, iBottom+1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight+1, iTop-1, NULL ); // Right Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight+1, iBottom+1 ); } | wvgcore.c | 679 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhiteDim ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight+1, iTop-1, NULL ); // Right Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1, iBottom + 1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iBottom + 1, NULL ); // Bottom Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 2, iBottom + 1 ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penBlack ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left Inner LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penDarkGray ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iTop - 1, NULL ); // Left Outer LineTo( hdc, iLeft - 1 , iBottom + 1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iTop - 1, NULL ); // Top Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1, iTop - 1 ); } | wvgcore.c | 710 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawOutline( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawOutline( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom + 1); } | wvgcore.c | 741 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawBoxGet( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawBoxGet( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penBlack ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-1 , iTop-1, NULL ); // Top Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight-1, iTop-1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-1 , iTop-1, NULL ); // Left Inner LineTo( hdc, iLeft-1 , iBottom-1 ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penDarkGray ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-2, iTop-2, NULL ); // Top Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight , iTop-2 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft-2, iTop-2, NULL ); // Left Outer LineTo( hdc, iLeft-2, iBottom ); } | wvgcore.c | 758 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroup( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroup( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penDarkGray ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iTop - 1, NULL ); // Left Outer LineTo( hdc, iLeft - 1, iBottom + 1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iTop - 1, NULL ); // Top Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1, iTop - 1 ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight + 1, iTop, NULL ); // Right Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1, iBottom + 1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft -1, iBottom + 1, NULL ); // Bottom Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1 + 1, iBottom + 1); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left Inner LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); } | wvgcore.c | 777 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroupRaised( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroupRaised( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iTop - 1, NULL ); // Left Outer LineTo( hdc, iLeft - 1, iBottom + 1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft - 1, iTop - 1, NULL ); // Top Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1, iTop - 1 ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penDarkGray ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight + 1, iTop, NULL ); // Right Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1, iBottom + 1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft -1, iBottom + 1, NULL ); // Bottom Outer LineTo( hdc, iRight + 1 + 1, iBottom + 1); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left Inner LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top Inner LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); } | wvgcore.c | 813 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonFlat( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonFlat( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penGray ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom + 1); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); } | wvgcore.c | 848 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonUp( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonUp( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penBlack ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom+1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); } | wvgcore.c | 869 |
STATIC VOID | hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonDown( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight )
static void hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonDown( HDC hdc, int iTop, int iLeft, int iBottom, int iRight ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom+1 ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom LineTo( hdc, iRight, iBottom ); SelectObject( hdc, _s->penBlack ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left LineTo( hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top LineTo( hdc, iRight, iTop ); } | wvgcore.c | 892 |
STATIC COLORREF | hb_wvt_BgColorParam( int iParam )
static COLORREF hb_wvt_BgColorParam( int iParam ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); COLORREF color; if( ISNUM( iParam ) ) color = ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( iParam ); else { int iColor = ISCHAR( iParam ) ? hb_gtColorToN( hb_parc( iParam ) ) : - 1; if( iColor == -1 ) iColor = hb_gtGetCurrColor(); color = _s->COLORS[ ( ( iColor >> 4 ) & 0x0f ) ]; } return color; } | wvgcore.c | 913 |
STATIC COLORREF | hb_wvt_FgColorParam( int iParam )
static COLORREF hb_wvt_FgColorParam( int iParam ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); COLORREF color; if( ISNUM( iParam ) ) color = ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( iParam ); else { int iColor = ISCHAR( iParam ) ? hb_gtColorToN( hb_parc( iParam ) ) : - 1; if( iColor == -1 ) iColor = hb_gtGetCurrColor(); color = _s->COLORS[ ( ( iColor >> 4 ) & 0x0f ) ]; } return color; } | wvgcore.c | 932 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETPEN ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iPenWidth, iPenStyle; COLORREF crColor; HPEN hPen; if ( ISNIL( 1 ) ) { hb_retl( FALSE ); } iPenStyle = hb_parni( 1 ) ; iPenWidth = ISNIL( 2 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 2 ); crColor = ISNIL( 3 ) ? RGB( 0,0,0 ) : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 3 ); hPen = CreatePen( iPenStyle, iPenWidth, crColor ); if ( hPen ) { if ( _s->currentPen ) { DeleteObject( _s->currentPen ); } _s->currentPen = hPen; hb_retl( TRUE ); } else { hb_retl( FALSE ); } } | wvgcore.c | 951 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETBRUSH ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); HBRUSH hBrush; LOGBRUSH lb = { 0,0,0 }; if ( ISNIL( 1 ) ) { hb_retl( FALSE ); } lb.lbStyle = hb_parnl( 1 ); lb.lbColor = ISNIL( 2 ) ? RGB( 0,0,0 ) : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 2 ) ; lb.lbHatch = ISNIL( 3 ) ? 0 : hb_parnl( 3 ); hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); if ( hBrush ) { if ( _s->currentBrush ) { DeleteObject( _s->currentBrush ); } _s->currentBrush = hBrush; hb_retl( TRUE ); } else { hb_retl( FALSE ); } } | wvgcore.c | 990 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWBOXGET ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; POINT yz = { 0,0 }; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); yz = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) ( hb_parni( 2 ) + hb_parni( 3 ) ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) + 1 ); hb_wvt_DrawBoxGet( _s->hdc, xy.y, xy.x, yz.y, yz.x ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxGet( _s->hGuiDC, xy.y, xy.x, yz.y, yz.x ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1028 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWBOXRAISED ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hdc, iTop-1, iLeft-1, iBottom+1, iRight+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hGuiDC, iTop-1, iLeft-1, iBottom+1, iRight+1 ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1049 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWBOXRECESSED ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( _s->hdc, iTop-1, iLeft-1, iBottom+1, iRight+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( _s->hGuiDC, iTop-1, iLeft-1, iBottom+1, iRight+1 ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1069 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWBOXGROUP ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroup( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroup( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1089 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWBOXGROUPRAISED ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroupRaised( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxGroupRaised( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1109 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWIMAGE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); iTop = xy.y + hb_parni( 6,1 ); iLeft = xy.x + hb_parni( 6,2 ) ; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y - 1 + hb_parni( 6,3 ); iRight = xy.x - 1 + hb_parni( 6,4 ); if ( ISNUM( 5 ) ) { hb_wvt_gtRenderPicture( iLeft, iTop, ( iRight - iLeft ) + 1, ( iBottom - iTop ) + 1, _s->iPicture[ hb_parni( 5 )-1 ] ); } else { hb_wvt_DrawImage( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, ( iRight - iLeft ) + 1, ( iBottom - iTop ) + 1, hb_parcx( 5 ) ) ; if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawImage( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, iTop, ( iRight - iLeft ) + 1, ( iBottom - iTop ) + 1, hb_parcx( 5 ) ) ; } } hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1129 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWLABEL ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; HFONT hFont, hOldFont, hOldFontGui; LOGFONT logfont;// = { 0 }; logfont.lfEscapement = ( ISNIL( 5 ) ? 0 : ( hb_parni( 5 ) * 10 ) ); logfont.lfOrientation = 0; logfont.lfWeight = ( ISNIL( 11 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 11 ) ); logfont.lfItalic = ( ISNIL( 14 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 14 ) ); logfont.lfUnderline = ( ISNIL( 15 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 15 ) ); logfont.lfStrikeOut = ( ISNIL( 16 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 16 ) ); logfont.lfCharSet = ( ISNIL( 13 ) ? ( BYTE ) _s->CodePage : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 13 ) ); logfont.lfOutPrecision = 0; logfont.lfClipPrecision = 0; logfont.lfQuality = ( ISNIL( 12 ) ? DEFAULT_QUALITY : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 12 ) ); logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE; logfont.lfHeight = ( ISNIL( 9 ) ? _s->fontHeight : hb_parni( 9 ) ); logfont.lfWidth = ( ISNIL( 10 ) ? (_s->fontWidth < 0 ? -_s->fontWidth : _s->fontWidth ) : hb_parni( 10 ) ); //strcpy( logfont.lfFaceName, ( ISNIL( 8 ) ? _s->fontFace : hb_parcx( 8 ) ) ); HB_TCHAR_CPTO( logfont.lfFaceName, ( ISNIL( 8 ) ? _s->fontFace : hb_parcx( 8 ) ), sizeof( logfont.lfFaceName )-1 ); hFont = CreateFontIndirect( &logfont ); if ( hFont ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 3 ) ); COLORREF fgClr = hb_wvt_FgColorParam( 6 ), bgClr = hb_wvt_BgColorParam( 7 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); xy.x += hb_parni( 17,2 ); xy.y += hb_parni( 17,1 ); SetBkColor( _s->hdc, bgClr ); SetTextColor( _s->hdc, fgClr ); SetTextAlign( _s->hdc, ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? TA_LEFT : hb_parni( 4 ) ) ); hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( _s->hdc, hFont ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, hb_parcx( 3 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 3 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, hOldFont ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SetBkColor( _s->hGuiDC, bgClr ); SetTextColor( _s->hGuiDC, fgClr ); SetTextAlign( _s->hGuiDC, ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? TA_LEFT : hb_parni( 4 ) ) ); hOldFontGui = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hFont ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, hb_parcx( 3 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 3 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hOldFontGui ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); DeleteObject( hFont ); hb_retl( TRUE ); } hb_retl( FALSE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1164 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWOUTLINE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); HPEN hPen, hOldPen, hOldPenGUI; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y - 1 + hb_parni( 8,1 ); iLeft = xy.x - 1 + hb_parni( 8,2 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y + hb_parni( 8,3 ); iRight = xy.x + hb_parni( 8,4 ); hOldPenGUI = hOldPen = 0; if ( ISNUM( 5 ) ) { hPen = CreatePen( hb_parni( 5 ), 0, ( ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 7 ) ) ); if ( hPen ) { hOldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); } } else { hPen = 0; SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penBlack ); } hb_wvt_DrawOutline( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { if ( hPen ) { hOldPenGUI = (HPEN) SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); } else { hOldPenGUI = (HPEN) SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penBlack ); hb_wvt_DrawOutline( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } if ( hPen ) { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hOldPen ); if ( hOldPenGUI ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hOldPenGUI ); } DeleteObject( hPen ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1235 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWLINE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 11,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 11,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 11,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 11,4 ); int iOrient, iFormat, iAlign, iStyle, iThick; int x, y, iOffset; COLORREF cr; HPEN hPen, hOldPen, hOldPenGUI; // Resolve Parameters iOrient = ISNIL( 5 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 5 ); iFormat = ISNIL( 6 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 6 ); iAlign = ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 7 ); iStyle = ISNIL( 8 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 8 ); iThick = ISNIL( 9 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 9 ); cr = ISNIL(10 ) ? 0 : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 10 ); x = iLeft ; y = iTop ; switch ( iAlign ) { case 0: // Center if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { iOffset = ( ( iBottom - iTop ) / 2 ) ; y = iTop + iOffset ; } else { iOffset = ( ( iRight - iLeft ) / 2 ) ; x = iLeft + iOffset ; } break; case 1: // Top break; case 2: // bottom if ( iFormat == 0 || iFormat == 1 ) // Raised/Recessd { y = iBottom - 1; } else { y = iBottom; } break; case 3: // Left break; case 4: // Right if ( iFormat == 0 || iFormat == 1 ) // Raised/Recessd { x = iRight - 1; } else { x = iRight; } break; } hPen = CreatePen( iStyle, iThick, cr ); hOldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); hOldPenGUI = _s->bGui ? (HPEN) SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ) : 0; switch ( iFormat ) { case 0: // Raised { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y+1 ); } } else // Vertical { SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x+1, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, iBottom ); } } } break; case 1: // Recessed { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y+1 ); } } else // Vertical { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x+1, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, iBottom ); } } } break; case 2: // Plain { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); } } else // Vertical { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); } } } break; } SelectObject( _s->hdc, hOldPen ); if ( hOldPenGUI ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hOldPenGUI ); } DeleteObject( hPen ); hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1295 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWELLIPSE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentPen ); hb_retl( Ellipse( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_retl( Ellipse( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom ) ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1496 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWRECTANGLE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentPen ); hb_retl( Rectangle( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_retl( Rectangle( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom ) ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1520 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWROUNDRECT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); int iHt, iWd; iHt = ISNIL( 6 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 6 ); iWd = ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 7 ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentPen ); hb_retl( RoundRect( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom, iWd, iHt ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_retl( RoundRect( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom, iWd, iHt ) ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1543 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWFOCUSRECT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; rc.left = iLeft; = iTop; rc.right = iRight; rc.bottom = iBottom; hb_retl( DrawFocusRect( _s->hdc, &rc ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_retl( DrawFocusRect( _s->hGuiDC, &rc ) ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1570 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWCOLORRECT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; HBRUSH hBrush; hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 6 ) ); if ( hBrush ) { rc.left = iLeft; = iTop; rc.right = iRight; rc.bottom = iBottom; hb_retl( FillRect( _s->hdc, &rc, hBrush ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_retl( FillRect( _s->hGuiDC, &rc, hBrush ) ); } DeleteObject( hBrush ); } } | wvgcore.c | 1596 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWGRIDHORZ ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iAtRow = hb_parni( 1 ); int iRows = hb_parni( 4 ); int i, y; int iLeft, iRight; iLeft = ( hb_parni( 2 ) * _s->PTEXTSIZE.x ); iLeft += hb_parni( 5,2 ); iRight = ( ( ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) * _s->PTEXTSIZE.x ) - 1 ); iRight += hb_parni( 5,4 ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentPen ); for ( i = 0; i < iRows; i++ ) { y = ( ( iAtRow ) * _s->PTEXTSIZE.y ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); iAtRow++; } if ( _s->bGui ) { iAtRow = hb_parni( 1 ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->currentPen ); for ( i = 0; i < iRows; i++ ) { y = ( ( iAtRow ) * _s->PTEXTSIZE.y ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); iAtRow++; } } hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1630 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWGRIDVERT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop, iBottom, x, i, iCharHeight, iCharWidth; int iTabs = hb_parni( 4 ); if ( ! iTabs ) { hb_retl( FALSE ); } iCharWidth = _s->PTEXTSIZE.x; iCharHeight = _s->PTEXTSIZE.y; iTop = ( hb_parni( 1 ) * iCharHeight ); iTop += hb_parni( 5,1 ); iBottom = ( ( hb_parni( 2 ) + 1 ) * iCharHeight ) - 1; iBottom += hb_parni( 5,3 ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->currentPen ); for ( i = 1; i <= iTabs; i++ ) { x = ( hb_parni( 3,i ) * iCharWidth ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, iTop, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); } if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->currentPen ); for ( i = 1; i <= iTabs; i++ ) { x = ( hb_parni( 3,i ) * iCharWidth ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, iTop, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); } } hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1680 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWBUTTON ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); SIZE sz = { 0,0 }; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight; int iAlign; int iTextHeight /*, iTextWidth */ ; int iImageWidth, iImageHeight; LOGBRUSH lb = { 0,0,0 }; HBRUSH hBrush; IPicture *iPicture; BOOL bText = ISCHAR( 5 ); BOOL bImage = !( ISNIL( 6 ) ); int iFormat = ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 7 ); COLORREF textColor = ISNIL( 8 ) ? _s->COLORS[ 0 ] : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 8 ) ; COLORREF bkColor = ISNIL( 9 ) ? _s->COLORS[ 7 ] : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 9 ) ; // int iImageAt = ISNIL( 10 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 10 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y + hb_parni( 11,1 ); iLeft = xy.x + hb_parni( 11,2 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y-1 + hb_parni( 11,3 ); iRight = xy.x-1 + hb_parni( 11,4 ); lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; lb.lbColor = bkColor; lb.lbHatch = 0; hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); rc.left = iLeft ; = iTop ; rc.right = iRight + 1; rc.bottom = iBottom + 1; FillRect( _s->hdc, &rc, hBrush ); if ( _s->bGui ) { FillRect( _s->hGuiDC, &rc, hBrush ); } DeleteObject( hBrush ); switch ( iFormat ) { case 1: hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( _s->hdc, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-1, iRight-1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( _s->hGuiDC, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-1, iRight-1 ); } break; case 2: break; case 3: hb_wvt_DrawOutline( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawOutline( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } break; case 4: break; default: hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hdc, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-1, iRight-1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hGuiDC, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-1, iRight-1 ); } break; } if ( bText ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 5 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) ); //GetTextExtentPoint32( _s->hdc, hb_parcx( 5 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 5 ) ), &sz ); GetTextExtentPoint32( _s->hdc, text, lstrlen( text ), &sz ); // iTextWidth =; iTextHeight =; xy.x = iLeft + ( ( iRight - iLeft + 1 ) / 2 ) ; if ( bImage ) { xy.y = ( iBottom - 2 - iTextHeight ); } else { xy.y = iTop + ( ( iBottom - iTop + 1 - iTextHeight ) / 2 ) ; } if ( iFormat == 1 ) { xy.x = xy.x + 2; xy.y = xy.y + 2; } iAlign = TA_CENTER + TA_TOP ; SetTextAlign( _s->hdc, iAlign ); SetBkMode( _s->hdc, TRANSPARENT ); SetTextColor( _s->hdc, textColor ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, hb_parcx( 5 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 5 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) ); SetTextAlign( _s->hGuiDC, iAlign ); SetBkMode( _s->hGuiDC, TRANSPARENT ); SetTextColor( _s->hGuiDC, textColor ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, hb_parcx( 5 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 5 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } else { iTextHeight = -1; } if ( bImage ) { iImageWidth = ( iRight - iLeft + 1 - 8 ); iImageHeight = ( iBottom - iTop + 1 - 8 - iTextHeight ); if ( ISNUM( 6 ) ) { iPicture = _s->iPicture[ hb_parni( 6 ) - 1 ]; hb_wvt_gtRenderPicture( iLeft+4, iTop+4, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, iPicture ); } else { hb_wvt_DrawImage( _s->hdc, iLeft+4, iTop+4, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, hb_parcx( 6 ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawImage( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft+4, iTop+4, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, hb_parcx( 6 ) ); } } } hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1730 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWSTATUSBAR ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iPanels = hb_parni( 1 ); int i, iNext; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; iNext = 0; for ( i = 0; i < iPanels; i++ ) { xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2, iNext+2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2, iNext+1 ) ); iTop = xy.y; iLeft = xy.x + 1; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2, iNext+4 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2, iNext+3 )+1 ); iBottom = xy.y - 1; iRight = xy.x - 2; SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop, NULL ); // Right LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iBottom ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft, iBottom, NULL ); // Bottom LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penDarkGray ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Left LineTo( _s->hdc, iLeft, iBottom ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, NULL ); // Top LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop ); iNext = iNext + 4; } xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2, 4 * iPanels ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2, ( 4 * iPanels ) - 1 )+1 ); iTop = xy.y - 2; iLeft = xy.x - 2; iBottom = iTop; iRight = iLeft; SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penBlack ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft-4, iBottom, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop-4 ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft-7, iBottom, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop-7 ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft-10, iBottom, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop-10 ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft-5, iBottom, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop-5 ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft-8, iBottom, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop-8 ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, iLeft-11, iBottom, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, iTop-11 ); } | wvgcore.c | 1888 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWPICTURE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight; int iSlot = hb_parni( 5 ) - 1; if ( iSlot < WVT_PICTURES_MAX ) { if ( _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] ) { xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y + hb_parni( 6,1 ); iLeft = xy.x + hb_parni( 6,2 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y-1 + hb_parni( 6,3 ); iRight = xy.x-1 + hb_parni( 6,4 ); hb_retl( hb_wvt_gtRenderPicture( iLeft, iTop, iRight - iLeft + 1, iBottom - iTop + 1, _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] ) ); } } } | wvgcore.c | 1957 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWLABELEX ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iSlot = hb_parni( 7 ) - 1; if ( _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ] ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 3 ) ); COLORREF fgClr = hb_wvt_FgColorParam( 5 ), bgClr = hb_wvt_BgColorParam( 6 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; xy.x += hb_parni( 8,2 ); xy.y += hb_parni( 8,1 ); SetBkColor( _s->hdc, bgClr ); SetTextColor( _s->hdc, fgClr ); SetTextAlign( _s->hdc, ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? TA_LEFT : hb_parni( 4 ) ) ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ] ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, hb_parcx( 3 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 3 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SetBkColor( _s->hGuiDC, bgClr ); SetTextColor( _s->hGuiDC, fgClr ); SetTextAlign( _s->hGuiDC, ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? TA_LEFT : hb_parni( 4 ) ) ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ] ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, hb_parcx( 3 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 3 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, xy.x, xy.y, 0, NULL, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); hb_retl( TRUE ); } hb_retl( FALSE ); } | wvgcore.c | 1987 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWLINEEX ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight, iOffset ; int iOrient, iFormat, iAlign ; int x, y; HPEN hPen; int iSlot = hb_parni( 8 ) - 1; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y + hb_parni( 9,1 ); iLeft = xy.x + hb_parni( 9,2 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y-1 + hb_parni( 9,4 ); iRight = xy.x-1 + hb_parni( 9,4 ); // Resolve Parameters iOrient = ISNIL( 5 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 5 ); iFormat = ISNIL( 6 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 6 ); iAlign = ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 7 ); x = iLeft ; y = iTop ; switch ( iAlign ) { case 0: // Center { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { iOffset = ( ( iBottom - iTop ) / 2 ) ; y = iTop + iOffset ; } else { iOffset = ( ( iRight - iLeft ) / 2 ) ; x = iLeft + iOffset ; } } break; case 1: // Top break; case 2: // bottom { if ( iFormat == 0 || iFormat == 1 ) // Raised/Recessd { y = iBottom - 1; } else { y = iBottom; } } break; case 3: // Left break; case 4: // Right { if ( iFormat == 0 || iFormat == 1 ) // Raised/Recessd { x = iRight - 1; } else { x = iRight; } } break; } hPen = _s->hUserPens[ iSlot ]; switch ( iFormat ) { case 0: // Raised { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y+1 ); } } else // Vertical { SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x+1, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, iBottom ); } } } break; case 1: // Recessed { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y+1, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y+1 ); } } else // Vertical { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x+1, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penWhite ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x+1, iBottom ); } } } break; case 2: // Plain { if ( iOrient == 0 ) // Horizontal { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, iRight, y ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, iRight, y ); } } else // Vertical { SelectObject( _s->hdc, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hdc, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hdc, x, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, hPen ); MoveToEx( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( _s->hGuiDC, x, iBottom ); } } } break; } hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 2032 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWOUTLINEEX ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight; int iSlot = hb_parni( 5 ) - 1; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y - 1 + hb_parni( 6,1 ); iLeft = xy.x - 1 + hb_parni( 6,2 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y + hb_parni( 6,3 ); iRight = xy.x + hb_parni( 6,4 ); if ( _s->hUserPens[ iSlot ] ) { SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->hUserPens[ iSlot ] ); } else { SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penBlack ); } hb_wvt_DrawOutline( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawOutline( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } | wvgcore.c | 2232 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWLABELOBJ ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; RECT rect = { 0,0,0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight, x, y; int iAlignHorz, iAlignVert, iAlignH, iAlignV; UINT uiOptions; SIZE sz = { 0,0 }; LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 5 ) ); COLORREF fgClr = hb_wvt_FgColorParam( 8 ), bgClr = hb_wvt_BgColorParam( 9 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y + hb_parni( 11,1 ); iLeft = xy.x + hb_parni( 11,2 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y - 1 + hb_parni( 11,3 ); iRight = xy.x - 1 + hb_parni( 11,4 ); iAlignHorz = hb_parni( 6 ); /* default is 0 */ iAlignVert = hb_parni( 7 ); /* default is 0 */ SetTextColor( _s->hdc, fgClr ); SetBkColor( _s->hdc, bgClr ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, ( HFONT ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 10 ) ); //GetTextExtentPoint32( _s->hdc, hb_parcx( 5 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 5 ) ), &sz ); GetTextExtentPoint32( _s->hdc, text, lstrlen( text ), &sz ); x = iLeft; y = iTop; switch ( iAlignHorz ) { case 0: iAlignH = TA_LEFT; break; case 1: iAlignH = TA_RIGHT; x = iRight; break; case 2: iAlignH = TA_CENTER; x = iLeft + ( ( iRight - iLeft + 1 ) / 2 ); break; default: iAlignH = 0; } iAlignV = TA_TOP; switch ( iAlignVert ) { case 1: y = iBottom -; break; case 2: y = iTop + ( ( iBottom - iTop + 1 - ) / 2 ); break; } SetTextAlign( _s->hdc, iAlignH | iAlignV ); = iTop; rect.left = iLeft; rect.bottom = iBottom; rect.right = iRight; uiOptions = ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE ; // Ground is Ready, Draw Text // //ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, x, y, uiOptions, &rect, hb_parcx( 5 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 5 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hdc, x, y, uiOptions, &rect, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SetTextColor( _s->hGuiDC, fgClr ); SetBkColor( _s->hGuiDC, bgClr ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, ( HFONT ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 10 ) ); SetTextAlign( _s->hGuiDC, iAlignH | iAlignV ); //ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, uiOptions, &rect, hb_parcx( 5 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 5 ) ), NULL ); ExtTextOut( _s->hGuiDC, x, y, uiOptions, &rect, text, lstrlen( text ), NULL ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 2267 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWTOOLBUTTONSTATE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); switch ( hb_parni( 6 ) ) { case 0: // Flat { hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonFlat( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonFlat( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } break; case 1: // Raised { hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonUp( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonUp( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } break; case 2: // Recessed { hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonDown( _s->hdc, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawToolButtonDown( _s->hGuiDC, iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight ); } } break; } hb_retl( TRUE ); } | wvgcore.c | 2365 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWSCROLLBUTTON ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); POINT * Point; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iHeight, iOff; BOOL bDepressed = ISNIL( 7 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 7 ) ; Point = ( POINT * ) hb_xgrab( 3 * sizeof( POINT ) ); iOff = 6; iHeight = iBottom - iTop + 1; if ( bDepressed ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( _s->hdc, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-2, iRight-2 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( _s->hGuiDC, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-2, iRight-2 ); } } else { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hdc, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-2, iRight-2 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hGuiDC, iTop+1, iLeft+1, iBottom-2, iRight-2 ); } } switch ( hb_parni( 6 ) ) { case 1: // Top { xy.y = iTop + iOff - 1; xy.x = iLeft + ( ( iRight - iLeft + 1 ) / 2 ); Point[ 0 ] = xy ; xy.y = iBottom - iOff - 1; xy.x = iLeft + iOff - 1; Point[ 1 ] = xy; xy.x = iRight - iOff + 1; Point[ 2 ] = xy; } break; case 2: // Left { xy.y = iTop + ( ( iBottom - iTop + 1 ) / 2 ); xy.x = iLeft + iOff; Point[ 0 ] = xy ; xy.x = iRight - iOff - 1; xy.y = iTop + iOff - 1; Point[ 1 ] = xy; xy.y = iBottom - iOff + 1; Point[ 2 ] = xy; } break; case 3: // Bottom { xy.x = iLeft + ( ( iRight - iLeft + 1 ) / 2 ); xy.y = iBottom - iOff; Point[ 0 ] = xy ; xy.x = iLeft + iOff - 1; xy.y = iBottom - iHeight + iOff + 1; Point[ 1 ] = xy; xy.x = iRight - iOff + 1; Point[ 2 ] = xy; } break; case 4: // Right { xy.x = iRight - iOff - 1; xy.y = iTop + ( ( iBottom - iTop + 1 ) / 2 ); Point[ 0 ] = xy ; xy.x = iLeft + iOff + 1; xy.y = iTop + iOff - 1; Point[ 1 ] = xy; xy.y = iBottom - iOff + 1; Point[ 2 ] = xy; } break; } SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->solidBrush ); Polygon( _s->hdc, Point, 3 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->solidBrush ); Polygon( _s->hGuiDC, Point, 3 ); } hb_xfree( Point ); } | wvgcore.c | 2413 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWSCROLLTHUMBVERT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); int iTabTop, iTabLft, iTabBtm, iTabRgt; // Background // SetBkMode( _s->hdc, OPAQUE ); SetBkColor( _s->hdc, RGB( 230,230,230 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->diagonalBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penNull ); Rectangle( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iRight+1, iBottom+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SetBkMode( _s->hGuiDC, OPAQUE ); SetBkColor( _s->hGuiDC, RGB( 230,230,230 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->diagonalBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penNull ); Rectangle( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, iTop, iRight+1, iBottom+1 ); } // Thumb // iTabTop = _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 6 ); iTabLft = iLeft; iTabBtm = iTabTop + _s->PTEXTSIZE.y - 1; iTabRgt = iRight; SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->wvtWhiteBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penGray ); Rectangle( _s->hdc, iTabLft, iTabTop, iTabRgt+1, iTabBtm ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->wvtWhiteBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penGray ); Rectangle( _s->hGuiDC, iTabLft, iTabTop, iTabRgt+1, iTabBtm ); } hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hdc, iTabTop+1, iTabLft+1, iTabBtm-2, iTabRgt-2 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hGuiDC, iTabTop+1, iTabLft+1, iTabBtm-2, iTabRgt-2 ); } } | wvgcore.c | 2519 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWSCROLLTHUMBHORZ ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); int iThumbLeft, iThumbRight; iThumbLeft = _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 6 ); iThumbRight = iThumbLeft + ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * 2 ) - 1; // Background // SetBkMode( _s->hdc, OPAQUE ); SetBkColor( _s->hdc, RGB( 230,230,230 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->diagonalBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penNull ); Rectangle( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iRight+1, iBottom+1 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SetBkMode( _s->hGuiDC, OPAQUE ); SetBkColor( _s->hGuiDC, RGB( 230,230,230 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->diagonalBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penNull ); Rectangle( _s->hGuiDC, iLeft, iTop, iRight+1, iBottom+1 ); } // Thumb // SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->wvtWhiteBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, _s->penGray ); Rectangle( _s->hdc, iThumbLeft, iTop, iThumbRight, iBottom ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->wvtWhiteBrush ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, _s->penGray ); Rectangle( _s->hGuiDC, iThumbLeft, iTop, iThumbRight, iBottom ); } hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hdc, iTop+1, iThumbLeft+1, iBottom-2, iThumbRight-2 ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawBoxRaised( _s->hGuiDC, iTop+1, iThumbLeft+1, iBottom-2, iThumbRight-2 ); } } | wvgcore.c | 2573 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWSHADEDRECT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); BOOL bGF = FALSE; if ( _s->hMSImg32 ) { TRIVERTEX vert[ 2 ] ; GRADIENT_RECT gRect = { 0,0 }; int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); int iMode = ISNIL( 6 ) ? GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H : hb_parni( 6 ) ; vert[ 0 ].x = iLeft; vert[ 0 ].y = iTop; vert[ 0 ].Red = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 7,1 ); vert[ 0 ].Green = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 7,2 ); vert[ 0 ].Blue = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 7,3 ); vert[ 0 ].Alpha = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 7,4 ); vert[ 1 ].x = iRight; vert[ 1 ].y = iBottom; vert[ 1 ].Red = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 8,1 ); vert[ 1 ].Green = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 8,2 ); vert[ 1 ].Blue = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 8,3 ); vert[ 1 ].Alpha = ( COLOR16 ) hb_parni( 8,4 ); gRect.UpperLeft = 0; gRect.LowerRight= 1; bGF = ( BOOL ) _s->pfnGF( _s->hdc, vert, 2, &gRect, 1, iMode ); if ( _s->bGui ) { bGF = ( BOOL ) _s->pfnGF( _s->hGuiDC, vert, 2, &gRect, 1, iMode ); } } hb_retl( bGF ); } | wvgcore.c | 2625 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWTEXTBOX ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); int iAlignHorz = hb_parni( 7 ); /* default to 0 */ int iAlignH = 0; RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 6 ) ); COLORREF fgClr = hb_wvt_FgColorParam( 9 ), bgClr = hb_wvt_BgColorParam( 10 ); switch ( iAlignHorz ) { case 0: iAlignH = DT_LEFT; break; case 1: iAlignH = DT_RIGHT; break; case 2: iAlignH = DT_CENTER; break; } = iTop; rc.left = iLeft; rc.bottom = iBottom; rc.right = iRight; SetTextAlign( _s->hdc, TA_TOP | TA_LEFT | TA_NOUPDATECP ); SetTextColor( _s->hdc, fgClr ); SetBkColor( _s->hdc, bgClr ); SetBkMode( _s->hdc, ISNIL( 11 ) ? OPAQUE : hb_parni( 11 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hdc, ( HFONT ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 12 ) ); //DrawText( _s->hdc, hb_parcx( 6 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 6 ) ), &rc, iAlignH | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP ); DrawText( _s->hdc, text, lstrlen( text ), &rc, iAlignH | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP ); if ( _s->bGui ) { SetTextAlign( _s->hGuiDC, TA_TOP | TA_LEFT | TA_NOUPDATECP ); SetTextColor( _s->hGuiDC, fgClr ); SetBkColor( _s->hGuiDC, bgClr ); SetBkMode( _s->hGuiDC, ISNIL( 11 ) ? OPAQUE : hb_parni( 11 ) ); SelectObject( _s->hGuiDC, ( HFONT ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 12 ) ); //DrawText( _s->hGuiDC, hb_parcx( 6 ), strlen( hb_parcx( 6 ) ), &rc, iAlignH | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP ); DrawText( _s->hGuiDC, text, lstrlen( text ), &rc, iAlignH | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP ); } HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } | wvgcore.c | 2675 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWPROGRESSBAR ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTop = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * hb_parni( 1 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,1 ); int iLeft = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * hb_parni( 2 ) ) + hb_parni( 5,2 ); int iBottom = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * ( hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,3 ); int iRight = ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * ( hb_parni( 4 ) + 1 ) ) - 1 + hb_parni( 5,4 ); int iPercent, iBarUpto, iDirection; BOOL bVertical, bImage; COLORREF crBarColor; HBRUSH hBrush; LOGBRUSH lb = { 0,0,0 }; RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; iPercent = hb_parni( 6 ); bImage = ISNIL( 9 ) ? FALSE : TRUE ; bVertical = ISNIL( 10 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 10 ) ; iDirection = ISNIL( 11 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 11 ); if ( bVertical ) { if ( iDirection == 0 ) { iBarUpto = iTop + ( ( iBottom - iTop ) * iPercent / 100 ); = iTop; rc.left = iLeft; rc.bottom = iBarUpto; rc.right = iRight; } else { iBarUpto = iBottom - ( ( iBottom - iTop ) * iPercent / 100 ); = iBarUpto; rc.left = iLeft; rc.bottom = iBottom; rc.right = iRight; } } else { if ( iDirection == 0 ) { iBarUpto = iLeft + ( ( iRight - iLeft ) * iPercent / 100 ); = iTop; rc.left = iLeft; rc.bottom = iBottom; rc.right = iBarUpto; } else { iBarUpto = iRight - ( ( iRight - iLeft ) * iPercent / 100 ); = iTop; rc.left = iBarUpto; rc.bottom = iBottom; rc.right = iRight; } } if ( bImage ) { hb_wvt_DrawImage( _s->hdc, rc.left,, rc.right-rc.left+1,, hb_parc( 9 ) ); if ( _s->bGui ) { hb_wvt_DrawImage( _s->hGuiDC, rc.left,, rc.right-rc.left+1,, hb_parc( 9 ) ); } } else { crBarColor = ISNIL( 8 ) ? _s->COLORS[ 0 ] : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 8 ); lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; lb.lbColor = crBarColor; lb.lbHatch = 0; hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ); rc.bottom++; rc.right++; FillRect( _s->hdc, &rc, hBrush ); if ( _s->bGui ) { FillRect( _s->hGuiDC, &rc, hBrush ); } DeleteObject( hBrush ); } } | wvgcore.c | 2740 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CREATEFONT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); LOGFONT logfont;// = { 0,0,0 }; logfont.lfEscapement = ( ISNIL( 10 ) ? 0 : ( hb_parni( 10 ) * 10 ) ); logfont.lfOrientation = 0; logfont.lfWeight = ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 4 ) ); logfont.lfItalic = ( ISNIL( 5 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 5 ) ); logfont.lfUnderline = ( ISNIL( 6 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 6 ) ); logfont.lfStrikeOut = ( ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 7 ) ); logfont.lfCharSet = ( ISNIL( 8 ) ? ( BYTE ) _s->CodePage : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 8 ) ); logfont.lfOutPrecision = 0; logfont.lfClipPrecision = 0; logfont.lfQuality = ( ISNIL( 9 ) ? DEFAULT_QUALITY : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 9 ) ); logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE; logfont.lfHeight = ( ISNIL( 2 ) ? _s->fontHeight : hb_parni( 2 ) ); logfont.lfWidth = ( ISNIL( 3 ) ? ( _s->fontWidth < 0 ? -_s->fontWidth : _s->fontWidth ) : hb_parni( 3 ) ); //strcpy( logfont.lfFaceName, ( ISNIL( 1 ) ? _s->fontFace : hb_parcx( 1 ) ) ); HB_TCHAR_CPTO( logfont.lfFaceName, ( ISNIL( 1 ) ? _s->fontFace : hb_parcx( 1 ) ), sizeof( logfont.lfFaceName )-1 ); hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) CreateFontIndirect( &logfont ) ); } | wvgcore.c | 2834 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LOADPICTURE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); IPicture * iPicture = hb_wvt_gtLoadPicture( hb_parcx( 2 ) ); BOOL bResult = FALSE; int iSlot = hb_parni( 1 ) - 1 ; if ( iPicture ) { if ( _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] ) { hb_wvt_gtDestroyPicture( _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] ); } _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] = iPicture; bResult = TRUE; } hb_retl( bResult ); } | wvgcore.c | 2865 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LOADPICTUREFROMRESOURCE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); IPicture * iPicture = hb_wvt_gtLoadPictureFromResource( hb_parcx( 2 ),hb_parcx( 3 ) ); BOOL bResult = FALSE; int iSlot = hb_parni( 1 ) - 1 ; if ( iPicture ) { if ( _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] ) { hb_wvt_gtDestroyPicture( _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] ); } _s->iPicture[ iSlot ] = iPicture; bResult = TRUE; } hb_retl( bResult ); } | wvgcore.c | 2892 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LOADFONT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); LOGFONT logfont;// = { 0 }; int iSlot = hb_parni( 1 ) - 1; HFONT hFont; logfont.lfEscapement = ( ISNIL( 11 ) ? 0 : ( hb_parni( 11 ) * 10 ) ); logfont.lfOrientation = 0; logfont.lfWeight = ( ISNIL( 5 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 5 ) ); logfont.lfItalic = ( ISNIL( 6 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 6 ) ); logfont.lfUnderline = ( ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 7 ) ); logfont.lfStrikeOut = ( ISNIL( 8 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 8 ) ); logfont.lfCharSet = ( ISNIL( 9 ) ? ( BYTE ) _s->CodePage : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 9 ) ); logfont.lfOutPrecision = 0; logfont.lfClipPrecision = 0; logfont.lfQuality = ( ISNIL( 10 ) ? DEFAULT_QUALITY : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 10 ) ); logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE; logfont.lfHeight = ( ISNIL( 3 ) ? _s->fontHeight : hb_parni( 3 ) ); logfont.lfWidth = ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? ( _s->fontWidth < 0 ? -_s->fontWidth : _s->fontWidth ) : hb_parni( 4 ) ); //strcpy( logfont.lfFaceName, ( ISNIL( 2 ) ? _s->fontFace : hb_parcx( 2 ) ) ); HB_TCHAR_CPTO( logfont.lfFaceName, ( ISNIL( 2 ) ? _s->fontFace : hb_parcx( 2 ) ), sizeof( logfont.lfFaceName )-1 ); hFont = CreateFontIndirect( &logfont ); if ( hFont ) { if ( _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ] ) { DeleteObject( _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ] ); } _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ] = hFont; } } | wvgcore.c | 2913 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LOADPEN ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iPenWidth, iPenStyle; COLORREF crColor; HPEN hPen; int iSlot = hb_parni( 1 ) - 1; iPenStyle = ISNIL( 2 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 2 ) ; iPenWidth = ISNIL( 3 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 3 ); crColor = ISNIL( 4 ) ? RGB( 0,0,0 ) : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 4 ); hPen = CreatePen( iPenStyle, iPenWidth, crColor ); if ( hPen ) { if ( _s->hUserPens[ iSlot ] ) { DeleteObject( _s->hUserPens[ iSlot ] ); } _s->hUserPens[ iSlot ] = hPen; hb_retl( TRUE ); } else { hb_retl( FALSE ); } } | wvgcore.c | 2954 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SAVESCREEN ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); HBITMAP hBmp, oldBmp; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight, iWidth, iHeight; PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 3 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y; iLeft = xy.x; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y-1; iRight = xy.x-1; iWidth = iRight - iLeft + 1; iHeight = iBottom - iTop + 1; hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap( _s->hdc, iWidth, iHeight ) ; oldBmp = (HBITMAP) SelectObject( _s->hCompDC, hBmp ); BitBlt( _s->hCompDC, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight, _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( _s->hCompDC, oldBmp ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 1, iWidth ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 2, iHeight ); hb_arraySetNInt( info, 3, ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hBmp ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgcore.c | 2989 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_RESTSCREEN ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight, iWidth, iHeight; HBITMAP hBmp; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bDoNotDestroyBMP = ISNIL( 6 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 6 ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) );; iTop = xy.y; iLeft = xy.x; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 ) + 1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 ) + 1 ); iBottom = xy.y-1; iRight = xy.x-1; iWidth = iRight - iLeft + 1 ; iHeight = iBottom - iTop + 1 ; hBmp = (HBITMAP) SelectObject( _s->hCompDC, ( HBITMAP ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 5,3 ) ); if ( hBmp ) { if ( ( iWidth == hb_parni( 5,1 ) ) && ( iHeight == hb_parni( 5,2 ) ) ) { if ( BitBlt( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, _s->hCompDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ) ) { bResult = TRUE; } } else { if ( StretchBlt( _s->hdc, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, _s->hCompDC, 0, 0, hb_parni( 5,1 ), hb_parni( 5,2 ), SRCCOPY ) ) { bResult = TRUE; } } } SelectObject( _s->hCompDC, hBmp ); if ( ! bDoNotDestroyBMP ) { DeleteObject( ( HBITMAP ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 5,3 ) ); } hb_retl( bResult ); } | wvgcore.c | 3025 |
wvgutils.c | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
HB_EXTERN_END STATIC HANDLE | wvg_hInstance( void )
static HANDLE wvg_hInstance( void ) { HANDLE hInstance; hb_winmainArgGet( &hInstance, NULL, NULL ); return hInstance; } | wvgutils.c | 104 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_UTILS ) { // Retained for legacy code. } | wvgutils.c | 123 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CHOOSEFONT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); CHOOSEFONT cf;// = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; LOGFONT lf;// = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; LONG PointSize = 0; if ( ! ISNIL( 2 ) ) { PointSize = -MulDiv( ( LONG ) hb_parnl( 2 ), GetDeviceCaps( _s->hdc, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 ) ; } lf.lfHeight = PointSize; lf.lfWidth = ISNIL( 3 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 3 ); lf.lfWeight = ISNIL( 4 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 4 ); lf.lfItalic = ISNIL( 6 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 6 ); lf.lfUnderline = ISNIL( 7 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 7 ); lf.lfStrikeOut = ISNIL( 8 ) ? 0 : ( BYTE ) hb_parl( 8 ); lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfQuality = ISNIL( 5 ) ? DEFAULT_QUALITY : ( BYTE ) hb_parni( 5 ); lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE; if ( ISCHAR( 1 ) ) { HB_TCHAR_CPTO( lf.lfFaceName, hb_parc( 1 ), sizeof( lf.lfFaceName ) - 1 ); } cf.lStructSize = sizeof( CHOOSEFONT ); cf.hwndOwner = _s->hWnd; cf.hDC = ( HDC ) NULL; cf.lpLogFont = &lf; cf.iPointSize = 0; cf.Flags = CF_SCREENFONTS | CF_EFFECTS | CF_SHOWHELP | CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT ; cf.rgbColors = RGB( 0,0,0 ); cf.lCustData = 0L; cf.lpfnHook = ( LPCFHOOKPROC ) NULL; cf.lpTemplateName = ( LPTSTR ) NULL; cf.hInstance = ( HINSTANCE ) NULL; cf.lpszStyle = ( LPTSTR ) NULL; cf.nFontType = SCREEN_FONTTYPE; cf.nSizeMin = 0; cf.nSizeMax = 0; if ( ChooseFont( &cf ) ) { char * szFaceName = HB_TCHAR_CONVFROM( lf.lfFaceName ); PointSize = -MulDiv( lf.lfHeight, 72, GetDeviceCaps( _s->hdc, LOGPIXELSY ) ) ; hb_reta( 8 ); hb_storc( szFaceName , -1, 1 ); hb_stornl( ( LONG ) PointSize, -1, 2 ); hb_storni( lf.lfWidth , -1, 3 ); hb_storni( lf.lfWeight , -1, 4 ); hb_storni( lf.lfQuality , -1, 5 ); hb_storl( lf.lfItalic , -1, 6 ); hb_storl( lf.lfUnderline , -1, 7 ); hb_storl( lf.lfStrikeOut , -1, 8 ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( szFaceName ); } else { hb_reta( 8 ); hb_storc( "" , -1, 1 ); hb_stornl( ( LONG ) 0, -1, 2 ); hb_storni( 0 , -1, 3 ); hb_storni( 0 , -1, 4 ); hb_storni( 0 , -1, 5 ); hb_storl( 0 , -1, 6 ); hb_storl( 0 , -1, 7 ); hb_storl( 0 , -1, 8 ); } return ; } | wvgutils.c | 128 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CHOOSECOLOR ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); CHOOSECOLOR cc ; COLORREF crCustClr[ 16 ] ; int i ; for( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ) { crCustClr[ i ] = ( ISARRAY( 2 ) ? ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 2, i+1 ) : GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ) ; } cc.lStructSize = sizeof( CHOOSECOLOR ) ; cc.hwndOwner = _s->hWnd ; cc.rgbResult = ISNIL( 1 ) ? 0 : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 1 ) ; cc.lpCustColors = crCustClr ; cc.Flags = ( WORD ) ( ISNIL( 3 ) ? CC_ANYCOLOR | CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN : hb_parnl( 3 ) ); if ( ChooseColor( &cc ) ) { hb_retnl( cc.rgbResult ) ; } else { hb_retnl( -1 ); } } | wvgutils.c | 211 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_MESSAGEBOX ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); LPTSTR title = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); LPTSTR msg = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 2 ) ); hb_retni( MessageBox( _s->hWnd, title, msg, ISNIL( 3 ) ? MB_OK : hb_parni( 3 ) ) ) ; HB_TCHAR_FREE( title ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( msg ); } | wvgutils.c | 244 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPACTIVE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); BOOL bActive = _s->bToolTipActive; if ( ! ISNIL( 1 ) ) { _s->bToolTipActive = hb_parl( 1 ); } hb_retl( bActive ); } | wvgutils.c | 267 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIP ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); TOOLINFO ti; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; int iTop, iLeft, iBottom, iRight; if ( ! _s->bToolTipActive ) { return; } memset( &ti, 0, sizeof( ti ) ); ti.cbSize = sizeof( TOOLINFO ); ti.hwnd = _s->hWnd; ti.uId = 100000; if ( SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETTOOLINFO, 0, ( LPARAM ) &ti ) ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parcx( 5 ) ); xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); iTop = xy.y; iLeft = xy.x; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 )+1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 )+1 ); iBottom = xy.y - 1; iRight = xy.x - 1; ti.lpszText = text; ti.rect.left = iLeft; = iTop; ti.rect.right = iRight; ti.rect.bottom = iBottom; SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_SETTOOLINFO, 0, ( LPARAM ) &ti ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } } | wvgutils.c | 281 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPTEXT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); TOOLINFO ti; ti.cbSize = sizeof( TOOLINFO ); ti.hwnd = _s->hWnd; ti.uId = 100000; if ( SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETTOOLINFO, 0, ( LPARAM ) &ti ) ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parcx( 1 ) ); ti.lpszText = text; SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM ) &ti ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } } | wvgutils.c | 330 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPMARGIN ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; rc.left = hb_parni( 2 ); = hb_parni( 1 ); rc.right = hb_parni( 4 ); rc.bottom = hb_parni( 3 ); SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_SETMARGIN, 0, ( LPARAM ) &rc ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 351 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPWIDTH ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iTipWidth = ( int ) SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 0 ); if ( ISNUM( 1 ) ) { SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, ( LPARAM ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ); } hb_retni( iTipWidth ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 369 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPBKCOLOR ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); COLORREF cr = ( COLORREF ) SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR, 0, 0 ); if ( ISNUM( 1 ) ) { SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR, ( WPARAM ) ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 1 ), 0 ); } hb_retnl( ( COLORREF ) cr ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 387 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPTEXTCOLOR ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); COLORREF cr = ( COLORREF ) SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0 ); if ( ISNUM( 1 ) ) { SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR, ( WPARAM ) ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 1 ), 0 ); } hb_retnl( ( COLORREF ) cr ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 404 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETTOOLTIPTITLE ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iIcon; if ( ! ISNIL( 2 ) ) { iIcon = ISNIL( 1 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 1 ); if ( iIcon > 3 ) { iIcon = 0 ; } SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_SETTITLE, ( WPARAM ) iIcon, ( LPARAM ) hb_parc( 2 ) ); } #endif } | wvgutils.c | 423 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETTOOLTIPWIDTH ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); hb_retni( ( int ) SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 0 ) ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 445 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETTOOLTIPBKCOLOR ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); hb_retnl( ( COLORREF ) SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR, 0, 0 ) ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 456 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETTOOLTIPTEXTCOLOR ) { #if !defined( __WINCE__ ) PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); hb_retnl( ( COLORREF ) SendMessage( _s->hWndTT, TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0 ) ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 467 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETGUI ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); BOOL bGui = _s->bGui; if ( ISLOG( 1 ) ) { _s->bGui = hb_parl( 1 ); } hb_retl( bGui ); } | wvgutils.c | 480 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETMOUSEPOS ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); if ( ClientToScreen( _s->hWnd, &xy ) ) { hb_retl( SetCursorPos( xy.x, xy.y + ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y / 2 ) ) ); } else { hb_retl( FALSE ); } } | wvgutils.c | 496 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETPAINTRECT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 1, _s->rowStart ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 2, _s->colStart ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 3, _s->rowStop ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 4, _s->colStop ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 516 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETPOINTER ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iCursor = hb_parni( 1 ); HCURSOR hCursor; switch ( iCursor ) { case 1: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); break; case 2: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_IBEAM ); break; case 3: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_WAIT ); break; case 4: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_CROSS ); break; case 5: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_UPARROW ); break; case 6: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZE ); break; case 7: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ICON ); break; case 8: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZENWSE ); break; case 9: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZENESW ); break; case 10: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZEWE ); break; case 11: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZENS ); break; case 12: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_SIZEALL ); break; case 13: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_NO ); break; case 14: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_HAND ); break; case 15: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_APPSTARTING ); break; case 16: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_HELP ); break; default: hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); break; } #if !defined(HB_ARCH_64BIT) && ( defined( __WATCOMC__ ) || defined(__DMC__) || \ ( defined(_MSC_VER) && ( _MSC_VER <= 1200 || defined(HB_WINCE) ) ) ) SetClassLong( _s->hWnd, GCLP_HCURSOR, ( DWORD ) hCursor ); #else SetClassLongPtr( _s->hWnd, GCLP_HCURSOR, ( LONG_PTR ) hCursor ); #endif } | wvgutils.c | 532 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETMOUSEMOVE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); BOOL bMouseMove = _s->MouseMove; if( ISLOG( 1 ) ) _s->MouseMove = hb_parl( 1 ); hb_retl( bMouseMove ); } | wvgutils.c | 620 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETXYFROMROWCOL ) { PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 2 ); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 1, xy.x ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 2, xy.y ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 634 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETFONTINFO ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 7 ); hb_arraySetC( info, 1, _s->fontFace ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 2, _s->fontHeight ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 3, _s->fontWidth ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 4, _s->fontWeight ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 5, _s->fontQuality ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 6, _s->PTEXTSIZE.y ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 7, _s->PTEXTSIZE.x ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 649 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETMENU ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); RECT wi = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; RECT ci = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; RECT rc = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; USHORT height, width; SetMenu( _s->hWnd, ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ) ; GetWindowRect( _s->hWnd, &wi ); GetClientRect( _s->hWnd, &ci ); height = ( USHORT ) ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.y * _s->ROWS ); width = ( USHORT ) ( _s->PTEXTSIZE.x * _s->COLS ); width += ( USHORT ) ( wi.right - wi.left - ci.right ); height += ( USHORT ) ( wi.bottom - - ci.bottom ); if( _s->CentreWindow && SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rc, 0 ) ) { wi.left = rc.left + ( ( rc.right - rc.left - width ) / 2 ); = + ( ( rc.bottom - - height ) / 2 ); } SetWindowPos( _s->hWnd, NULL, wi.left,, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER ); } | wvgutils.c | 676 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETPOPUPMENU ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); HMENU hPopup = _s->hPopup ; _s->hPopup = ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ); if ( hPopup ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hPopup ); } } | wvgutils.c | 706 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CREATEMENU ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) CreateMenu() ); } | wvgutils.c | 721 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CREATEPOPUPMENU ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) CreatePopupMenu() ); } | wvgutils.c | 728 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_APPENDMENU ) { char ucBuf[ 256 ]; int i,iLen ; LPCTSTR lpszCaption; if ( ISCHAR( 4 ) ) { iLen = hb_parclen( 4 ); if ( iLen > 0 && iLen < 256 ) // Translate '~' to '&' { //lpszCaption = hb_parc( 4 ) ; lpszCaption = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 4 ) ); for ( i = 0; i < iLen; i++ ) { ucBuf[ i ] = ( *lpszCaption == '~' ) ? '&' : ( char ) *lpszCaption; lpszCaption++; } ucBuf[ iLen ]= '\0'; //lpszCaption = ucBuf ; lpszCaption = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( ucBuf ); } else { //lpszCaption = hb_parc( 4 ) ; lpszCaption = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 4 ) ); } } else { lpszCaption = ( LPCTSTR ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 4 ) ; // It is a SEPARATOR or Submenu } hb_retl( AppendMenu( ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( UINT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 3 ), ( LPCTSTR ) lpszCaption ) ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 735 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DELETEMENU ) { hb_retl( DeleteMenu( ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( UINT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( UINT ) hb_parni( 3 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 773 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DESTROYMENU ) { hb_retl( DestroyMenu( ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 780 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_ENABLEMENUITEM ) { hb_retni( EnableMenuItem( ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( UINT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( UINT ) hb_parni( 3 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 787 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETLASTMENUEVENT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); hb_retni( _s->LastMenuEvent ); } | wvgutils.c | 794 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETLASTMENUEVENT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iEvent = _s->LastMenuEvent; if ( ISNUM( 1 ) ) _s->LastMenuEvent = hb_parni( 1 ); hb_retni( iEvent ); } | wvgutils.c | 803 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_SETMENUKEYEVENT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); int iOldEvent = _s->MenuKeyEvent; if( ISNUM( 1 ) ) _s->MenuKeyEvent = hb_parni( 1 ); hb_retni( iOldEvent ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 816 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DRAWMENUBAR ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); DrawMenuBar( _s->hWnd ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 830 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_ENABLESHORTCUTS ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); BOOL bWas = _s->EnableShortCuts; if( ISLOG( 1 ) ) _s->EnableShortCuts = hb_parl( 1 ); hb_retl( bWas ); } | wvgutils.c | 839 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_INVALIDATERECT ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; POINT xy = { 0,0 }; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); = xy.y; rc.left = xy.x; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 4 )+1, ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 3 )+1 ); rc.bottom = xy.y - 1; rc.right = xy.x - 1; InvalidateRect( _s->hWnd, &rc, TRUE ); } | wvgutils.c | 853 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_ISLBUTTONPRESSED ) { hb_retl( GetKeyState( VK_LBUTTON ) & 0x8000 ); } | wvgutils.c | 872 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CLIENTTOSCREEN ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 2 ); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; xy = hb_wvt_gtGetXYFromColRow( ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( USHORT ) hb_parni( 1 ) ); ClientToScreen( _s->hWnd, &xy ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 1, xy.x ); hb_arraySetNL( info, 2, xy.y ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 879 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETCURSORPOS ) { POINT xy = { 0,0 }; PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 2 ); GetCursorPos( &xy ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 1, xy.x ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 2, xy.y ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 898 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_TRACKPOPUPMENU ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; GetCursorPos( &xy ); hb_retnl( TrackPopupMenu( ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) , TPM_CENTERALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD , xy.x , xy.y , 0 , _s->hWnd , NULL ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 913 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETMENU ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetMenu( _s->hWnd ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 932 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CREATEDIALOGDYNAMIC ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); PHB_ITEM pFirst = hb_param( 3,HB_IT_ANY ); PHB_ITEM pFunc = NULL ; PHB_DYNS pExecSym; HWND hDlg = 0; int iType = 0; int iIndex; int iResource = hb_parni( 4 ); /* check if we still have room for a new dialog */ for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGML_MAX; iIndex++ ) { if ( _s->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] == NULL ) { break; } } if ( iIndex >= WVT_DLGML_MAX ) { /* no more room */ hb_retnint( 0 ); return; } if ( HB_IS_BLOCK( pFirst ) ) { /* pFunc is pointing to stored code block (later) */ pFunc = hb_itemNew( pFirst ); iType = 2; } else if( hb_itemType( pFirst ) == HB_IT_STRING ) { #ifdef __XHARBOUR__ hb_dynsymLock(); #endif pExecSym = hb_dynsymFindName( hb_itemGetCPtr( pFirst ) ); #ifdef __XHARBOUR__ hb_dynsymUnlock(); #endif if ( pExecSym ) { pFunc = ( PHB_ITEM ) pExecSym; } iType = 1; } { if ( ISNUM( 3 ) ) { LPTSTR lpTemplate = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); hDlg = CreateDialogIndirect( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), ( LPDLGTEMPLATE ) lpTemplate, hb_parl( 2 ) ? _s->hWnd : NULL, ( DLGPROC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 3 ) ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpTemplate ); } else { switch ( iResource ) { case 0: { LPTSTR lpTemplate = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); hDlg = CreateDialog( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), lpTemplate, hb_parl( 2 ) ? _s->hWnd : NULL, ( DLGPROC ) hb_wvt_gtDlgProcMLess ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpTemplate ); } break; case 1: { hDlg = CreateDialog( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( ( WORD ) hb_parni( 1 ) ), hb_parl( 2 ) ? _s->hWnd : NULL, ( DLGPROC ) hb_wvt_gtDlgProcMLess ); } break; case 2: { /* hb_parc( 1 ) is already unicode compliant, so no conversion */ hDlg = CreateDialogIndirect( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), ( LPDLGTEMPLATE ) hb_parc( 1 ), hb_parl( 2 ) ? _s->hWnd : NULL, ( DLGPROC ) hb_wvt_gtDlgProcMLess ); } break; } } if ( hDlg ) { _s->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] = hDlg; if ( pFunc ) { /* if codeblock, store the codeblock and lock it there */ if (HB_IS_BLOCK( pFirst )) { _s->pcbFunc[ iIndex ] = pFunc; } _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] = pFunc; _s->iType[ iIndex ] = iType; } else { _s->pFunc[ iIndex ] = NULL; _s->iType[ iIndex ] = 0; } SendMessage( hDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0 ); } else { /* if codeblock item created earlier, release it */ if (iType==2 && pFunc) { hb_itemRelease( pFunc ); } _s->hDlgModeless[ iIndex ] = NULL; } } hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hDlg ); } | wvgutils.c | 949 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CREATEDIALOGMODAL ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); PHB_ITEM pFirst = hb_param( 3,HB_IT_ANY ); PHB_ITEM pFunc = NULL ; PHB_DYNS pExecSym; int iIndex; int iResource = hb_parni( 4 ); HB_PTRDIFF iResult = 0; HWND hParent = ISNIL( 5 ) ? _s->hWnd : ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 5 ); /* check if we still have room for a new dialog */ for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < WVT_DLGMD_MAX; iIndex++ ) { if ( _s->hDlgModal[ iIndex ] == NULL ) { break; } } if ( iIndex >= WVT_DLGMD_MAX ) { /* no more room */ hb_retnint( 0 ); return; } if ( HB_IS_BLOCK( pFirst ) ) { /* pFunc is pointing to stored code block (later) */ _s->pcbFuncModal[ iIndex ] = hb_itemNew( pFirst ); pFunc = _s->pcbFuncModal[ iIndex ]; _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] = pFunc; _s->iTypeModal[ iIndex ] = 2; } else if( hb_itemType( pFirst ) == HB_IT_STRING ) { #ifdef __XHARBOUR__ hb_dynsymLock(); #endif pExecSym = hb_dynsymFindName( hb_itemGetCPtr( pFirst ) ); #ifdef __XHARBOUR__ hb_dynsymUnlock(); #endif if ( pExecSym ) { pFunc = ( PHB_ITEM ) pExecSym; } _s->pFuncModal[ iIndex ] = pFunc; _s->iTypeModal[ iIndex ] = 1; } switch ( iResource ) { case 0: { LPTSTR lpTemplate = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); iResult = DialogBoxParam( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), lpTemplate, hParent, ( DLGPROC ) hb_wvt_gtDlgProcModal, ( LPARAM ) ( DWORD ) iIndex+1 ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpTemplate ); } break; case 1: { iResult = DialogBoxParam( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( ( WORD ) hb_parni( 1 ) ), hParent, ( DLGPROC ) hb_wvt_gtDlgProcModal, ( LPARAM ) ( DWORD ) iIndex+1 ); } break; case 2: { /* hb_parc( 1 ) is already unicode compliant, so no conversion */ iResult = DialogBoxIndirectParam( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), ( LPDLGTEMPLATE ) hb_parc( 1 ), hParent, ( DLGPROC ) hb_wvt_gtDlgProcModal, ( LPARAM ) ( DWORD ) iIndex+1 ); } break; } hb_retnint( iResult ); } | wvgutils.c | 1083 |
HB_FUNC( WVT__MAKEDLGTEMPLATE ) { WORD *p, *pdlgtemplate ; WORD nItems = ( WORD ) hb_parni( 1, 4 ) ; int i, nchar ; DWORD lStyle ; // Parameters: 12 arrays // 1 for DLG template // 11 for item properties // 64k allow to build up to 255 items on the dialog // pdlgtemplate = p = ( PWORD ) LocalAlloc( LPTR, 65534 ) ; //--------------- lStyle = hb_parnl(1,3) ; // start to fill in the dlgtemplate information. addressing by WORDs *p++ = 1 ; // version *p++ = 0xFFFF ; // signature *p++ = LOWORD ( hb_parnl(1,1) ) ; // Help Id *p++ = HIWORD ( hb_parnl(1,1) ) ; *p++ = LOWORD ( hb_parnl(1,2) ) ; // ext. style *p++ = HIWORD ( hb_parnl(1,2) ) ; *p++ = LOWORD (lStyle) ; *p++ = HIWORD (lStyle) ; *p++ = (WORD) nItems ; // NumberOfItems *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,5) ; // x *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,6) ; // y *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,7) ; // cx *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,8) ; // cy *p++ = (short) 0 ; // Menu (ignored for now.) *p++ = (short) 0x00 ; // Class also ignored if ( hb_parinfa( 1,11 ) == HB_IT_STRING ) { nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar( p, (LPSTR) hb_parc( 1,11 ) ) ; p += nchar ; } else { *p++ =0 ; } // add in the wPointSize and szFontName here iff the DS_SETFONT bit on if ( ( lStyle & DS_SETFONT ) ) { *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,12) ; *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,13) ; *p++ = (short) hb_parni(1,14) ; nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar( p, (LPSTR) hb_parc( 1,15 ) ) ; p += nchar ; } ; //--------------- // Now, for the items for ( i = 1 ; i <= nItems ; i++ ) { // make sure each item starts on a DWORD boundary p = lpwAlign (p) ; *p++ = LOWORD ( hb_parnl(2,i) ) ; // help id *p++ = HIWORD ( hb_parnl(2,i) ) ; *p++ = LOWORD ( hb_parnl(3,i) ) ; // ext. style *p++ = HIWORD ( hb_parnl(3,i) ) ; *p++ = LOWORD ( hb_parnl(4,i) ) ; // style *p++ = HIWORD ( hb_parnl(4,i) ) ; *p++ = (short) hb_parni(5,i) ; // x *p++ = (short) hb_parni(6,i) ; // y *p++ = (short) hb_parni(7,i) ; // cx *p++ = (short) hb_parni(8,i) ; // cy *p++ = LOWORD ( hb_parnl(9,i) ) ; // id *p++ = HIWORD ( hb_parnl(9,i) ) ; // id // 0; if ( hb_parinfa( 10,i ) == HB_IT_STRING ) { nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar( p, (LPSTR) hb_parc( 10,i ) ) ; // class p += nchar ; } else { *p++ = 0xFFFF ; *p++ = (WORD) hb_parni(10,i) ; } if ( hb_parinfa( 11,i ) == HB_IT_STRING ) { nchar = nCopyAnsiToWideChar( p, (LPSTR) hb_parc( 11,i ) ) ; // text p += nchar ; } else { *p++ = 0xFFFF ; *p++ = (WORD) hb_parni(11,i) ; } *p++ = 0x00 ; // extras ( in array 12 ) }; p = lpwAlign( p ); hb_retclen( ( LPSTR ) pdlgtemplate, ( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) p - ( HB_PTRDIFF ) pdlgtemplate ) ) ; LocalFree( LocalHandle( pdlgtemplate ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1179 |
HB_EXPORT LPWORD lpwAlign( LPWORD lpIn ) { HB_PTRDIFF ul = ( HB_PTRDIFF ) lpIn; ul += 3; ul >>=2; ul <<=2; return ( LPWORD ) ul; } | wvgutils.c | 1296 |
HB_EXPORT INT | nCopyAnsiToWideChar( LPWORD lpWCStr, LPSTR lpAnsiIn )
HB_EXPORT int nCopyAnsiToWideChar( LPWORD lpWCStr, LPSTR lpAnsiIn ) { int nChar = 0; do { *lpWCStr++ = ( WORD ) *lpAnsiIn; nChar++; } while ( *lpAnsiIn++ ); return nChar; } | wvgutils.c | 1313 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LBADDSTRING ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 3 ) ); SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, ( LPARAM )( LPSTR ) text ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } | wvgutils.c | 1329 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LBGETCOUNT ) { hb_retnl( ( long ) SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1338 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LBDELETESTRING ) { SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), LB_DELETESTRING, hb_parni( 3 ), 0 ); } | wvgutils.c | 1345 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_LBSETCURSEL ) { SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), LB_SETCURSEL, hb_parni( 3 ), 0 ); } | wvgutils.c | 1352 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CBADDSTRING ) { LPTSTR text = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 3 ) ); SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, ( LPARAM )( LPSTR ) text ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( text ); } | wvgutils.c | 1359 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_CBSETCURSEL ) { SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), CB_SETCURSEL, hb_parni( 3 ), 0 ); } | wvgutils.c | 1368 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_DLGSETICON ) { HICON hIcon; if ( ISNUM( 2 ) ) { hIcon = LoadIcon( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( hb_parni( 2 ) ) ); } else { LPTSTR icon = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 2 ) ); hIcon = ( HICON ) LoadImage( ( HINSTANCE ) NULL, icon, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( icon ); } if ( hIcon ) { SendMessage( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM ) hIcon ); // Set Title Bar ICON SendMessage( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, ( LPARAM ) hIcon ); // Set Task List Icon } if ( hIcon ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hIcon ); } } | wvgutils.c | 1373 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SENDMESSAGE ) { LPTSTR cText = NULL; if( ISBYREF( 4 ) ) { cText = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 4 ) ); } hb_retnl( ( ULONG ) SendMessage( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( UINT ) hb_parni( 2 ), ( ISNIL( 3 ) ? 0 : ( WPARAM ) hb_parnint( 3 ) ), ( ISNIL( 4 ) ? 0 : ( cText ? ( LPARAM ) ( LPSTR ) cText : ( ISCHAR( 4 ) ? ( LPARAM )( LPSTR ) hb_parc( 4 ) : ( LPARAM ) hb_parnint( 4 ) ) ) ) ) ); if( cText ) { char * szText = HB_TCHAR_CONVFROM( cText ); hb_storc( szText, 4 ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( szText ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( cText ); } } | wvgutils.c | 1414 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SENDDLGITEMMESSAGE ) { PHB_ITEM pText = hb_param( 5, HB_IT_STRING ); char *cText = NULL; int iLen = 0; if( pText ) { iLen = hb_itemGetCLen( pText ); cText = (char*) hb_xgrab( iLen+1 ); hb_xmemcpy( cText, hb_itemGetCPtr( pText ), iLen+1 ); } hb_retnl( (LONG) SendDlgItemMessage( (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) , (int) hb_parni( 2 ) , (UINT) hb_parni( 3 ) , (ISNIL(4) ? 0 : (WPARAM) hb_parnint( 4 )) , (cText ? (LPARAM) cText : (LPARAM) hb_parnint( 5 )) ) ); if( cText ) { if( ISBYREF( 5 ) ) { hb_storclen( cText, iLen, 5 ) ; } hb_xfree( cText ); } } | wvgutils.c | 1442 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETTIMER ) { hb_retl( SetTimer( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), hb_parni( 3 ), NULL ) != 0 ); } | wvgutils.c | 1472 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETFOCUS ) { SetFocus( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1483 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETTEXTCOLOR ) { hb_retnl( ( ULONG ) SetTextColor( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1490 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETBKCOLOR ) { hb_retnl( ( ULONG ) SetBkColor( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1497 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETBKMODE ) { hb_retni( ( int ) SetBkMode( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1504 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETSTOCKOBJECT ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetStockObject( hb_parni( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1511 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_DELETEOBJECT ) { hb_retl( DeleteObject( ( HGDIOBJ ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1518 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SELECTOBJECT ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) SelectObject( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( HGDIOBJ ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1525 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_LOWORD ) { hb_retnl( LOWORD( hb_parnl( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1532 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_HIWORD ) { hb_retnl( HIWORD( hb_parnl( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1539 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_MULDIV ) { hb_retni( MulDiv( hb_parni( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), hb_parni( 3 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1546 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETDIALOGBASEUNITS ) { hb_retnl( ( LONG ) GetDialogBaseUnits() ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 1553 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETMENU ) { SetMenu( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 2 ) ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 1560 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETDLGITEMTEXT ) { LPTSTR lpBuffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 3 ) ); SetDlgItemText( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), lpBuffer ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpBuffer ); } | wvgutils.c | 1567 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETDLGITEMTEXT ) { USHORT iLen = ( USHORT ) SendMessage( GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ), WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ) + 1 ; LPTSTR cText = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( iLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); char * szText; UINT iResult; iResult = GetDlgItemText( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), // handle of dialog box hb_parni( 2 ), // identifier of control cText, // address of buffer for text iLen // maximum size of string ); cText[ iResult ] = '\0'; szText = HB_TCHAR_CONVFROM( cText ); hb_retc( szText ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( szText ); hb_xfree( cText ); } | wvgutils.c | 1576 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_CHECKDLGBUTTON ) { hb_retl( CheckDlgButton( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), ( UINT )( ISNUM( 3 ) ? hb_parni( 3 ) : hb_parl( 3 ) ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1598 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_ISDLGBUTTONCHECKED ) { hb_retni( IsDlgButtonChecked( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ) ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 1606 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_CHECKRADIOBUTTON ) { hb_retl( CheckRadioButton( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), // handle of dialog box hb_parni( 2 ), // identifier of first radio button in group hb_parni( 3 ), // identifier of last radio button in group hb_parni( 4 ) // identifier of radio button to select ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1613 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETDLGITEM ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetDlgItem( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1624 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_MESSAGEBOX ) { LPTSTR lpBuffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 2 ) ); LPTSTR lpBuffer2 = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 3 ) ); hb_retni( MessageBox( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), lpBuffer, lpBuffer2, ISNIL( 4 ) ? MB_OK : hb_parni( 4 ) ) ) ; HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpBuffer ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpBuffer2 ); } | wvgutils.c | 1631 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_INVALIDATERECT ) { InvalidateRect( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), NULL, TRUE ); } | wvgutils.c | 1644 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_LOADICON ) { HICON hIcon; if ( ISNUM( 1 ) ) { hIcon = LoadIcon( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( hb_parni( 1 ) ) ); } else { LPTSTR lpBuffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); hIcon = ( HICON ) LoadImage( ( HINSTANCE ) NULL, lpBuffer, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpBuffer ); } hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hIcon ); } | wvgutils.c | 1649 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_LOADIMAGE ) { HBITMAP hImage = 0; LPTSTR lpBuffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); int iSource = hb_parni( 2 ); switch ( iSource ) { case 0: hImage = LoadBitmap( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( hb_parni( 1 ) ) ); break; case 1: hImage = LoadBitmap( ( HINSTANCE ) wvg_hInstance(), lpBuffer ); break; case 2: hImage = ( HBITMAP ) LoadImage( ( HINSTANCE ) NULL, lpBuffer, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ); break; } HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpBuffer ); hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hImage ); } | wvgutils.c | 1671 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETCLIENTRECT ) { RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 ); GetClientRect( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), &rc ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 1, rc.left ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 2, ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 3, rc.right ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 4, rc.bottom ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 1705 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_DRAWIMAGE ) { hb_retl( hb_wvt_DrawImage( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), hb_parni( 3 ), hb_parni( 4 ), hb_parni( 5 ), hb_parc( 6 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1720 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETDC ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) GetDC( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1732 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_RELEASEDC ) { hb_retl( ReleaseDC( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1739 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_RECTANGLE ) { Rectangle( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), hb_parni( 3 ), hb_parni( 4 ), hb_parni( 5 ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1746 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_CREATEBRUSH ) { LOGBRUSH lb = { 0,0,0 }; lb.lbStyle = hb_parni( 1 ); lb.lbColor = ISNIL( 2 ) ? RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 2 ) ; lb.lbHatch = ISNIL( 3 ) ? 0 : hb_parni( 3 ); hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) CreateBrushIndirect( &lb ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1753 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_DRAWTEXT ) { RECT rc = { 0,0,0,0 }; LPTSTR lpBuffer = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 2 ) ); rc.left = hb_parni( 3,1 ); = hb_parni( 3,2 ); rc.right = hb_parni( 3,3 ); rc.bottom = hb_parni( 3,4 ); hb_retl( DrawText( ( HDC ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), lpBuffer, lstrlen( lpBuffer ), &rc, hb_parni( 4 ) ) ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpBuffer ); } | wvgutils.c | 1764 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_GETWINDOWRECT ) { RECT rc; PHB_ITEM info = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 ); GetWindowRect( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), &rc ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 1, rc.left ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 2, ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 3, rc.right ); hb_arraySetNI( info, 4, rc.bottom ); hb_itemReturnRelease( info ); } | wvgutils.c | 1784 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_MOVEWINDOW ) { MoveWindow( (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parnl( 2 ), hb_parnl( 3 ), hb_parnl( 4 ), hb_parnl( 5 ), hb_parl( 6 ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1801 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETPARENT ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) SetParent( (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 2 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1808 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SETWINDOWLONG ) { hb_retnl( SetWindowLong( ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), hb_parni( 2 ), hb_parnl( 3 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1815 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_ISWINDOW ) { hb_retl( IsWindow( (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 1822 |
HB_FUNC( WVT_GETFONTHANDLE ) { PHB_GTWVT _s = hb_wvt_gtGetWVT(); HFONT hFont = 0; int iSlot = hb_parni( 1 ) - 1; if ( iSlot >= 0 && iSlot < WVT_PICTURES_MAX ) hFont = _s->hUserFonts[ iSlot ]; hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hFont ); } | wvgutils.c | 1829 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_CLIENTTOSCREEN ) { POINT Point ; PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( 2 , HB_IT_ARRAY ); if ( wvt_Array2Point( pArray ,&Point ) ) { if ( ClientToScreen( (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), &Point ) ) { wvt_Point2ArrayEx( &Point, pArray ); hb_retl( TRUE ) ; } else { hb_retl( FALSE ) ; } } else { hb_retl( FALSE ) ; } } | wvgutils.c | 1844 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_SCREENTOCLIENT ) { POINT Point ; PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( 2 , HB_IT_ARRAY ); if ( wvt_Array2Point( pArray, &Point ) ) { if( ScreenToClient( (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ), &Point ) > 0 ) { wvt_Point2ArrayEx( &Point, pArray ); hb_retl( TRUE ) ; } else { hb_retl( FALSE ) ; } } else { hb_retl( FALSE ) ; } } | wvgutils.c | 1869 |
BOOL | wvt_Array2Rect(PHB_ITEM aRect, RECT *rc )
BOOL wvt_Array2Rect(PHB_ITEM aRect, RECT *rc ) { if (HB_IS_ARRAY(aRect) && hb_arrayLen(aRect) == 4) { rc->left = hb_arrayGetNL(aRect,1); rc->top = hb_arrayGetNL(aRect,2); rc->right = hb_arrayGetNL(aRect,3); rc->bottom = hb_arrayGetNL(aRect,4); return TRUE ; } return FALSE; } | wvgutils.c | 1902 |
PHB_ITEM | wvt_Rect2Array( RECT *rc )
PHB_ITEM wvt_Rect2Array( RECT *rc ) { PHB_ITEM aRect = hb_itemArrayNew( 4 ); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 1, rc->left ); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 2, rc->top ); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 3, rc->right ); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 4, rc->bottom ); return aRect; } | wvgutils.c | 1916 |
BOOL | wvt_Array2Point(PHB_ITEM aPoint, POINT *pt )
BOOL wvt_Array2Point(PHB_ITEM aPoint, POINT *pt ) { if (HB_IS_ARRAY(aPoint) && hb_arrayLen(aPoint) == 2) { pt->x = hb_arrayGetNL(aPoint,1); pt->y = hb_arrayGetNL(aPoint,2); return TRUE ; } return FALSE; } | wvgutils.c | 1930 |
PHB_ITEM | wvt_Point2Array( POINT *pt )
PHB_ITEM wvt_Point2Array( POINT *pt ) { PHB_ITEM aPoint = hb_itemArrayNew(2); hb_arraySetNL(aPoint, 1, pt->x ); hb_arraySetNL(aPoint, 2, pt->y ); return aPoint; } | wvgutils.c | 1942 |
BOOL | wvt_Array2Size(PHB_ITEM aSize, SIZE *siz )
BOOL wvt_Array2Size(PHB_ITEM aSize, SIZE *siz ) { if (HB_IS_ARRAY(aSize) && hb_arrayLen(aSize) == 2) { siz->cx = hb_arrayGetNL(aSize,1); siz->cy = hb_arrayGetNL(aSize,2); return TRUE ; } return FALSE; } | wvgutils.c | 1954 |
PHB_ITEM | wvt_Size2Array( SIZE *siz )
PHB_ITEM wvt_Size2Array( SIZE *siz ) { PHB_ITEM aSize = hb_itemArrayNew(2); hb_arraySetNL(aSize, 1, siz->cx); hb_arraySetNL(aSize, 2, siz->cy); return aSize; } | wvgutils.c | 1966 |
VOID | wvt_Rect2ArrayEx( RECT *rc ,PHB_ITEM aRect )
void wvt_Rect2ArrayEx( RECT *rc ,PHB_ITEM aRect ) { hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 1, rc->left); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 2, rc->top); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 3, rc->right); hb_arraySetNL(aRect, 4, rc->bottom); } | wvgutils.c | 1978 |
VOID | wvt_Point2ArrayEx( POINT *pt, PHB_ITEM aPoint)
void wvt_Point2ArrayEx( POINT *pt, PHB_ITEM aPoint) { hb_arraySetNL(aPoint, 1, pt->x); hb_arraySetNL(aPoint, 2, pt->y); } | wvgutils.c | 1988 |
VOID | wvt_Size2ArrayEx( SIZE *siz, PHB_ITEM aSize )
void wvt_Size2ArrayEx( SIZE *siz, PHB_ITEM aSize ) { hb_arraySetNL(aSize, 1, siz->cx); hb_arraySetNL(aSize, 2, siz->cy); } | wvgutils.c | 1996 |
HB_FUNC( WVT__GETOPENFILENAME ) { OPENFILENAME ofn; LPTSTR lpFileName, lpstrTitle, lpstrFilter, lpstrInitialDir, lpstrDefExt; int size = hb_parclen( 2 ); size += size ? 1 : 1024; lpFileName = ( LPTSTR ) hb_xgrab( size * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); HB_TCHAR_CPTO( lpFileName, hb_parcx( 2 ), size - 1 ); lpstrTitle = HB_PARTSTR( 3 ); lpstrFilter = HB_PARTSTR( 4 ); lpstrInitialDir = HB_PARTSTR( 6 ); lpstrDefExt = HB_PARTSTR( 7 ); ZeroMemory( &ofn, sizeof( ofn ) ); ofn.hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL ) ; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof( ofn ); ofn.hwndOwner = ISNIL(1) ? GetActiveWindow() : (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ) ; ofn.lpstrTitle = lpstrTitle; ofn.lpstrFilter = lpstrFilter; ofn.Flags = ISNIL(5) ? OFN_SHOWHELP|OFN_NOCHANGEDIR : hb_parnl( 5 ) ; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = lpstrInitialDir; ofn.lpstrDefExt = lpstrDefExt; ofn.nFilterIndex = ISNIL(8) ? 0 : (int) hb_parni( 8 ); ofn.lpstrFile = lpFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = size; if( GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { char * szFileName = HB_TCHAR_CONVFROM( lpFileName ); hb_stornl( ofn.nFilterIndex, 8 ); hb_storclen( szFileName, size, 2 ) ; hb_retc( szFileName ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( szFileName ); } else { hb_retc( NULL ); } hb_xfree( lpFileName ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrTitle ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrFilter ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrInitialDir ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrDefExt ); } | wvgutils.c | 2007 |
HB_FUNC( WVT__GETSAVEFILENAME ) { OPENFILENAME ofn; LPTSTR lpstrTitle, lpstrFilter, lpstrInitialDir, lpstrDefExt; TCHAR lpFileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; HB_TCHAR_CPTO( lpFileName, hb_parcx( 2 ), MAX_PATH ); lpstrTitle = HB_PARTSTR( 3 ); lpstrFilter = HB_PARTSTR( 4 ); lpstrInitialDir = HB_PARTSTR( 6 ); lpstrDefExt = HB_PARTSTR( 7 ); ZeroMemory( &ofn, sizeof( ofn ) ); ofn.hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof( ofn ); ofn.hwndOwner = ISNIL (1) ? GetActiveWindow() : (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ); ofn.lpstrTitle = lpstrTitle; ofn.lpstrFilter = lpstrFilter; ofn.Flags = (ISNIL (5) ? OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_NOCHANGEDIR : hb_parnl( 5 ) ); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = lpstrInitialDir; ofn.lpstrDefExt = lpstrDefExt; ofn.nFilterIndex = hb_parni(8); ofn.lpstrFile = lpFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; if( GetSaveFileName( &ofn ) ) { char * szFileName = HB_TCHAR_CONVFROM( lpFileName ); hb_stornl( ofn.nFilterIndex, 8 ); hb_retc( szFileName ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( szFileName ); } else { hb_retc( NULL ); } HB_PARTFREE( lpstrTitle ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrFilter ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrInitialDir ); HB_PARTFREE( lpstrDefExt ); } | wvgutils.c | 2056 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_AND ) { hb_retnl( hb_parnl(1) & hb_parnl(2) ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 2101 |
HB_FUNC | WIN_OR(void)
HB_FUNC( WIN_OR ) { hb_retnl( hb_parnl(1) | hb_parnl(2) ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 2108 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_NOT ) { hb_retnl( ~( hb_parnl(1) ) ) ; } | wvgutils.c | 2115 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_TRACKPOPUPMENU ) { HMENU hMenu = ( HMENU ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 1 ); UINT uFlags = ISNIL( 2 ) ? TPM_CENTERALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD : hb_parnl( 2 ); HWND hWnd = ISNIL( 3 ) ? GetActiveWindow() : ( HWND ) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 3 ); POINT xy = { 0,0 }; GetCursorPos( &xy ); hb_retnl( TrackPopupMenu( hMenu, uFlags, xy.x, xy.y, 0, hWnd, NULL ) ); } | wvgutils.c | 2122 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_CHOOSECOLOR ) { CHOOSECOLOR cc ; COLORREF crCustClr[ 16 ] ; int i ; for( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ) { crCustClr[ i ] = ( ISARRAY( 2 ) ? ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 2, i+1 ) : GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ) ; } cc.lStructSize = sizeof( CHOOSECOLOR ) ; cc.hwndOwner = ISNIL( 4 ) ? NULL : (HWND) ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hb_parnint( 4 ); cc.rgbResult = ISNIL( 1 ) ? 0 : ( COLORREF ) hb_parnl( 1 ) ; cc.lpCustColors = crCustClr ; cc.Flags = ( WORD ) ( ISNIL( 3 ) ? CC_ANYCOLOR | CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN : hb_parnl( 3 ) ); if ( ChooseColor( &cc ) ) { hb_retnl( cc.rgbResult ) ; } else { hb_retnl( -1 ); } } | wvgutils.c | 2137 |
HB_FUNC( WIN_FINDWINDOW ) { HWND hwnd; LPTSTR lpStr; lpStr = HB_TCHAR_CONVTO( hb_parc( 1 ) ); hwnd = FindWindow( NULL, lpStr ); HB_TCHAR_FREE( lpStr ); if ( hwnd ) { hb_retnint( ( HB_PTRDIFF ) hwnd ); } else { hb_retnint( -1 ); } } | wvgutils.c | 2166 |
wvgclass.prg | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
CLASS | wvtDialog
CLASS wvtDialog // To hold previous settings // DATA nOldRows DATA nOldCols DATA aOldFont DATA cOldTitle DATA cOldColor DATA nOldCursor DATA aPalette DATA cScreen DATA aWvtScreen DATA aOldPnt DATA oldTooltipActive DATA oldTooltipWidth DATA oldTooltipBkColor DATA oldTooltipTextColor DATA oldMenuHandle DATA oldMenuBlock DATA lGui // Dialog Parameters // DATA nRows DATA nCols DATA cFont DATA nFontHeight DATA nFontWidth DATA nFontBold DATA nFontQuality DATA cTitle DATA cColor // Objects handelling // DATA aObjects INIT {} DATA oCurObj DATA oLastObj DATA oObjOver DATA oLastOver DATA nCurObj INIT 1 DATA nLastObj INIT 0 DATA nObjOver INIT 0 DATA nLastOver INIT -1 DATA nUseObj DATA oMenu DATA aDialogKeys INIT {} DATA cDialogID INIT '' // Tooltip Management // DATA nTooltipWidth DATA nTooltipBkColor DATA nTooltipTextColor // Miscellaneous // DATA ClassName INIT 'WVTDIALOG' DATA cPaintBlockID DATA nPaintID INIT 1 DATA nObjID INIT 5000 DATA nKey DATA hFonts INIT {} DATA lEventHandled DATA lTabStops INIT .f. ACCESS nObjects INLINE len( ::aObjects ) DATA bOnCreate METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Destroy() | wvgclass.prg | 109 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | AddObject( oObject )
METHOD AddObject( oObject ) INLINE aadd( ::aObjects, oObject ) METHOD Execute() METHOD MouseOver() METHOD CreateObjects() | wvgclass.prg | 183 |
METHOD MaxRow() INLINE ::nRows - 1 | wvgclass.prg | 187 |
METHOD MaxCol() INLINE ::nCols - 1 METHOD Eval() METHOD Update() | wvgclass.prg | 188 |
METHOD OnTimer() INLINE aeval( ::aObjects, {|o| o:OnTimer() } ) METHOD Event() METHOD Inkey() METHOD ActivateMenu() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 191 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | New( nRows, nCols, cTitle, cFont, nFontHeight, nFontWidth,nFontBold,nFontQuality ) CLASS wvtDialog
METHOD New( nRows, nCols, cTitle, cFont, nFontHeight, nFontWidth,nFontBold,nFontQuality ) CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL fnt_:= Wvt_GetFontInfo() DEFAULT nRows TO 25 DEFAULT nCols TO 80 DEFAULT cTitle TO Wvt_GetTitle() DEFAULT cFont TO fnt_[ 1 ] DEFAULT nFontHeight TO fnt_[ 2 ] DEFAULT nFontWidth TO fnt_[ 3 ] DEFAULT nFontBold TO fnt_[ 4 ] DEFAULT nFontQuality TO fnt_[ 5 ] if empty( cFont ) cFont := fnt_[ 1 ] endif if empty( nFontHeight ) nFontHeight := fnt_[ 2 ] endif if empty( nFontWidth ) nFontWidth := fnt_[ 3 ] endif ::nOldRows := MaxRow()+1 ::nOldCols := MaxCol()+1 ::aOldFont := Wvt_GetFontInfo() ::cOldTitle := Wvt_GetTitle() ::cOldColor := SetColor() ::nOldCursor := SetCursor() ::aPalette := Wvt_GetPalette() ::oldMenuHandle := Wvt_GetMenu() ::oldMenuBlock := SetKey( Wvt_SetMenuKeyEvent() ) ::oldTooltipWidth := Wvt_GetTooltipWidth() ::oldTooltipBkColor := Wvt_GetTooltipBkColor() ::oldTooltipTextColor := Wvt_GetTooltipTextColor() ::nRows := nRows ::nCols := nCols ::cTitle := cTitle ::cFont := cFont ::nFontHeight := nFontHeight ::nFontWidth := nFontWidth ::nFontBold := nFontBold ::nFontQuality := nFontQuality ::cPaintBlockID := strzero( Hb_Random( 99999998 ),8 ) ::nObjOver := 0 ::nKey := 0 ::cColor := 'N/W' ::nUseObj := 0 ::lGui := Wvt_SetGui( .f. ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 200 |
METHOD Create() CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL aPalette, n, i, j // , cScr, cQry ::oldToolTipActive := Wvt_SetToolTipActive( .t. ) if ::nTooltipWidth <> nil Wvt_setTooltipWidth( ::nTooltipWidth ) endif if ::nTooltipBkColor <> nil Wvt_SetTooltipBkColor( ::nTooltipBkColor ) endif if ::nTooltipTextColor <> nil Wvt_SetTooltipTextColor( ::nTooltipTextColor ) endif aPalette := Wvt_GetPalette() aPalette[ 9 ] := RGB( 175,175,175 ) Wvt_SetPalette( aPalette ) ::cScreen := SaveScreen( 0, 0, maxrow(), maxcol() ) ::aWvtScreen := Wvt_SaveScreen( 0, 0, maxrow(), maxcol() ) ::aOldPnt := WvtSetPaint( {} ) SetMode( ::nRows, ::nCols ) do while .t. if Wvt_SetFont( ::cFont, ::nFontHeight, ::nFontWidth, ::nFontBold, ::nFontQuality ) exit endif ::nFontHeight-- enddo //Wvt_SetFont( ::cFont, ::nFontHeight, ::nFontWidth, ::nFontBold, ::nFontQuality ) SetMode( ::nRows, ::nCols ) Wvt_SetTitle( ::cTitle ) SetColor( ::cColor ) CLS ::Eval( ::bOnCreate ) // Actually Create the Objects ::CreateObjects() if len( ::aObjects ) > 0 ::oCurObj := ::aObjects[ 1 ] endif for i := 1 to len( ::aObjects ) if !empty( ::aObjects[ i ]:aPaint ) for j := 1 to len( ::aObjects[ i ]:aPaint ) SetPaint( ::cPaintBlockID, ::nPaintID++, ; ::aObjects[ i ]:aPaint[ j,1 ], ::aObjects[ i ]:aPaint[ j,2 ] ) next endif next WvtSetPaint( GetPaint( ::cPaintBlockID ) ) if ( n := ascan( ::aObjects, {|o| o:lTabStop } ) ) > 0 ::lTabStops := .t. endif ::Update() if HB_ISOBJECT( ::oMenu ) Wvt_SetMenu( ::oMenu:hMenu ) Wvt_DrawMenuBar() SetKey( Wvt_SetMenuKeyEvent(), {|| ::ActivateMenu( ::oMenu ) } ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 257 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | Destroy() CLASS wvtDialog
METHOD Destroy() CLASS wvtDialog if HB_ISOBJECT( ::oMenu ) ::oMenu:Destroy() endif aeval( ::aObjects, {|o| o:destroy() } ) Wvt_SetTooltip( 0,0,0,0,'' ) Wvt_SetTooltipActive( ::oldToolTipActive ) Wvt_setTooltipWidth( ::oldTooltipWidth ) Wvt_SetTooltipBkColor( ::oldTooltipBkColor ) Wvt_SetTooltipTextColor( ::oldTooltipTextColor ) // Here set mode is before setting the font // SetMode( ::nOldRows, ::nOldCols ) Wvt_SetFont( ::aOldFont[ 1 ], ::aOldFont[ 2 ], ::aOldFont[ 3 ], ::aOldFont[ 4 ], ::aOldFont[ 5 ] ) Wvt_SetTitle( ::cOldTitle ) Wvt_SetPalette( ::aPalette ) Wvt_SetPointer( WVT_IDC_ARROW ) Wvt_SetMousePos( MRow(), MCol() ) SetColor( ::cOldColor ) SetCursor( ::nOldCursor ) if ::oldMenuHandle <> nil .and. ::oldMenuHandle <> 0 Wvt_SetMenu( ::oldMenuHandle ) endif SetKey( Wvt_SetMenuKeyEvent(), ::oldMenuBlock ) RestScreen( 0, 0, maxrow(), maxcol(), ::cScreen ) Wvt_RestScreen( 0, 0 ,maxrow(), maxcol(), ::aWvtScreen ) PurgePaint( ::cPaintBlockID ) WvtSetPaint( ::aOldPnt ) Wvt_SetGui( ::lGui ) RETURN nil | wvgclass.prg | 328 |
METHOD Event() CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL nKey if ( nKey := inkey( 0.1, INKEY_ALL ) ) == 0 if Wvt_IsLButtonPressed() nKey := K_LBUTTONPRESSED endif endif RETURN ( nKey ) | wvgclass.prg | 369 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | Execute() CLASS wvtDialog
METHOD Execute() CLASS wvtDialog if ::nObjects == 0 do while .t. if inkey( 0.1 ) == K_ESC exit endif enddo else do while ( ::Inkey() <> K_ESC ) enddo endif RETURN ::nKey | wvgclass.prg | 384 |
METHOD Inkey() CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL n, oObj, nID, i ::lEventHandled := .f. ::nUseObj := 0 ::nKey := ::Event() ::OnTimer() if ::nKey <> 0 if ::nKey == K_ESC .or. ::nKey == K_CTRL_ENTER return K_ESC endif do case case ::nKey == K_TAB if ::lTabStops do while .t. ::nCurObj++ if ::nCurObj > ::nObjects ::nCurObj := 1 endif if ::aObjects[ ::nCurObj ]:lTabStop exit endif enddo endif ::lEventHandled := .t. case ::nKey == K_SH_TAB if ::lTabStops do while .t. ::nCurObj-- if ::nCurObj < 1 ::nCurObj := ::nObjects endif if ::aObjects[ ::nCurObj ]:lTabStop exit endif enddo endif ::lEventHandled := .t. case ::nKey == K_MOUSEMOVE .or. ::nKey == K_MMLEFTDOWN ::MouseOver() if ::nObjOver == 0 Wvt_SetPointer( WVT_IDC_ARROW ) elseif ::oObjOver:nPointer <> nil .and. ::oObjOver:lActive Wvt_SetPointer( ::oObjOver:nPointer ) else Wvt_SetPointer( WVT_IDC_ARROW ) endif ::lEventHandled := .t. endcase if ::nKey == K_LBUTTONDOWN .or. ; ::nKey == K_LBUTTONUP .or. ; ::nKey == K_LDBLCLK .or. ; ::nKey == K_MMLEFTDOWN .or. ; ::nKey == K_LBUTTONPRESSED .or. ; ::nKey == K_RBUTTONDOWN ::MouseOver() if ::nObjOver > 0 if ::aObjects[ ::nObjOver ]:nType == DLG_OBJ_BUTTON .or. ; ::aObjects[ ::nObjOver ]:nType == DLG_OBJ_TOOLBAR .or. ; ::aObjects[ ::nObjOver ]:nType == DLG_OBJ_PUSHBUTTON .or. ; ::aObjects[ ::nObjOver ]:nType == DLG_OBJ_SCROLLBAR oObj := ::aObjects[ ::nObjOver ] if oObj:oParent:ClassName == 'WVTBROWSE' nID := oObj:oParent:nID if ( n := ascan( ::aObjects, {|o| o:nID == nID } ) ) > 0 ::nCurObj := n endif endif else ::nCurObj := ::nObjOver endif ::nUseObj := ::nObjOver else ::lEventHandled := .t. endif endif if ::nLastOver <> ::nObjOver if ::nLastOver > 0 ::aObjects[ ::nLastOver ]:HoverOff() endif ::nLastOver := ::nObjOver if ::nObjOver > 0 ::oObjOver:HoverOn() endif if ::nObjOver == 0 Wvt_SetTooltip( 0,0,0,0,'' ) elseif ::oObjOver:lActive ::oObjOver:SetTooltip() else Wvt_SetTooltip( 0,0,0,0,'' ) endif endif if ::nCurObj <> ::nLastObj if ::nLastObj == 0 ::aObjects[ ::nCurObj ]:Hilite() else ::aObjects[ ::nLastObj ]:DeHilite() ::aObjects[ ::nCurObj ]:Hilite() endif ::nLastObj := ::nCurObj ::oCurObj := ::aObjects[ ::nCurObj ] ::oLastObj := ::aObjects[ ::nCurObj ] if ::oCurObj:nType == DLG_OBJ_BROWSE Select( ::oCurObj:cAlias ) endif ::Eval( ::oCurObj:bOnFocus, ::oCurObj ) endif if ::nKey == K_LBUTTONDOWN if ::nUseObj > 0 if !( ::lEventHandled := ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:LeftDown() ) ::lEventHandled := ::Eval( ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:bOnLeftDown ) endif endif endif if ::nKey == K_LBUTTONUP if ::nUseObj > 0 if !( ::lEventHandled := ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:LeftUp() ) ::lEventHandled := ::Eval( ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:bOnLeftUp ) endif endif endif if ::nKey == K_MMLEFTDOWN if ::nUseObj > 0 if !( ::lEventHandled := ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:MMLeftDown() ) ::lEventHandled := ::Eval( ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:bOnMMLeftDown ) endif endif endif if ::nKey == K_LBUTTONPRESSED if ::nUseObj > 0 if !( ::lEventHandled := ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:LeftPressed() ) ::lEventHandled := ::Eval( ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:bOnLeftPressed ) endif endif endif if ::nKey == K_LDBLCLK if ::nUseObj > 0 ::lEventHandled := ::Eval( ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:bOnSelect ) endif endif if ::nKey == K_RBUTTONDOWN .and. ::nUseObj > 0 ::lEventHandled := ::aObjects[ ::nUseObj ]:ShowPopup() endif if !( ::lEventHandled ) if ::nCurObj > 0 if !empty( ::aDialogKeys ) if ( n := ascan( ::aDialogKeys, {|e_| e_[ 1 ] == ::nKey } ) ) > 0 Eval( ::aDialogKeys[ n, 2 ], self, ::oCurObj ) endif endif ::lEventHandled := ::oCurObj:HandleEvent( ::nKey ) if ( ::lEventHandled ) if ::oCurObj:nChildren > 0 for i := 1 to ::oCurObj:nChildren //if ( ::nKey IN ::oCurObj:aChildren[ i, OBJ_CHILD_EVENTS ] ) if ascan( ::oCurObj:aChildren[ i, OBJ_CHILD_EVENTS ],::nKey ) > 0 ::oCurObj:NotifyChild( i, ::nKey, ::oCurObj ) endif next endif endif endif endif if !( ::lEventHandled ) if ISBLOCK( SetKey( ::nKey ) ) Eval( SetKey( ::nKey ) ) endif endif endif RETURN ( ::nKey ) | wvgclass.prg | 401 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | MouseOver() CLASS wvtDialog
METHOD MouseOver() CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL mRow := MRow() LOCAL mCol := MCol() LOCAL nObj nObj := ascan( ::aObjects, ; {|o| o:nType <> DLG_OBJ_STATIC .and. ; o:nType <> DLG_OBJ_TOOLBAR .and. ; mRow >= o:nTop .and. mRow <= o:nBottom .and. ; mCol >= o:nLeft .and. mCol <= o:nRight } ) ::nObjOver := nObj ::oObjOver := iif( nObj > 0, ::aObjects[ nObj ], nil ) if nObj > 0 ::aObjects[ nObj ]:nmRow := mRow ::aObjects[ nObj ]:nmCol := mCol endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 619 |
METHOD Update() CLASS wvtDialog Wvt_InvalidateRect( 0, 0, ::maxrow(), ::maxcol() ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 642 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | CreateObjects() CLASS wvtDialog
METHOD CreateObjects() CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL i, nObjs nObjs := len( ::aObjects ) for i := 1 to nObjs switch ::aObjects[ i ]:nType case DLG_OBJ_BROWSE ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_STATUSBAR ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_LABEL ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_TOOLBAR ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_BUTTON ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_PUSHBUTTON ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_IMAGE ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_STATIC ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit /* case DLG_OBJ_SCROLLBAR ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit */ case DLG_OBJ_GETS ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_BANNER ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_TEXTBOX ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit case DLG_OBJ_PROGRESSBAR ::aObjects[ i ]:Create() exit end next RETURN self | wvgclass.prg | 650 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | Eval( bBlock, p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 ) CLASS wvtDialog
METHOD Eval( bBlock, p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 ) CLASS wvtDialog LOCAL lRet if ( lRet := ISBLOCK( bBlock ) ) eval( bBlock, p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 ) endif RETURN lRet | wvgclass.prg | 706 |
WVTDIALOG:METHOD | ActivateMenu() CLASS WvtDialog
METHOD ActivateMenu() CLASS WvtDialog LOCAL nMenu:= Wvt_GetLastMenuEvent() LOCAL aMenuItem IF !EMPTY( nMenu ) IF HB_ISOBJECT( ::oMenu ) IF !EMPTY( aMenuItem := ::oMenu:FindMenuItemById( nMenu ) ) IF HB_ISBLOCK( aMenuItem[ WVT_MENU_ACTION ] ) EVAL( aMenuItem[ WVT_MENU_ACTION ] ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 717 |
CLASS | WvtObject
CLASS WvtObject DATA oParent DATA nType DATA nId DATA nTop DATA nLeft DATA nBottom DATA nRight DATA aPxlTLBR INIT {} DATA aObjects INIT {} DATA aParent INIT {} DATA aChildren INIT {} DATA aPaint INIT {} DATA bPaint DATA ClassName INIT '' DATA nObjID INIT 900000 DATA nPointer DATA cargo DATA xSettings DATA cText DATA cToolTip DATA lActive INIT .t. DATA lAnimate INIT .f. DATA lTabStop INIT .t. DATA hFont DATA aPopup INIT {} DATA hPopup INIT nil DATA nPopupItemID INIT 700000 DATA nMRow INIT 0 DATA nMCol INIT 0 DATA cColorHilite INIT 'W+/B*' DATA cColorDehilite INIT 'W/N*' DATA nTextColor DATA nBackColor DATA nBackMode INIT 0 // OPAQUE 1-TRANSPARENT DATA nTextColorHoverOn DATA nTextColorHoverOff DATA nBackColorHoverOn DATA nBackColorHoverOff DATA cFont DATA nFontHeight DATA nFontWidth DATA nFontWeight DATA nFontQuality DATA nCharSet DATA lItalic DATA lUnderline DATA lStrikeOut DATA nAlignHorz DATA nAlignVert DATA nAngle ACCESS ToolTip INLINE iif( ::cTooltip == nil, '', ::cTooltip ) ASSIGN ToolTip( cTip ) INLINE ::cToolTip := cTip DATA bHandleEvent DATA bOnCreate DATA bOnSelect DATA bOnFocus DATA bOnRefresh DATA bOnLeftUp DATA bOnLeftDown DATA bOnMMLeftDown DATA bOnLeftPressed DATA bTooltip DATA bSaveSettings DATA bRestSettings DATA bOnHilite DATA bOnDeHilite ACCESS nChildren INLINE len( ::aChildren ) DATA nIndexOrder METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Destroy() | wvgclass.prg | 745 |
METHOD PaintBlock() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 832 |
METHOD Hilite() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 833 |
METHOD DeHilite() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 834 |
METHOD HandleEvent() INLINE .f. | wvgclass.prg | 835 |
METHOD LeftDown() INLINE .f. | wvgclass.prg | 837 |
METHOD LeftUp() INLINE .f. | wvgclass.prg | 838 |
METHOD MMLeftDown INLINE .f. | wvgclass.prg | 839 |
METHOD LeftPressed INLINE .f. | wvgclass.prg | 840 |
METHOD HoverOn() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 842 |
METHOD HoverOff() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 843 |
METHOD OnTimer() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 845 |
METHOD SaveSettings() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 847 |
METHOD RestSettings() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 848 |
METHOD SetToolTip() INLINE ; Wvt_SetToolTip( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::Tooltip ) | wvgclass.prg | 850 |
METHOD Refresh() INLINE ; Wvt_InvalidateRect( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nTop, ::nLeft ) | wvgclass.prg | 853 |
METHOD Eval( bBlock ) INLINE ; iif( ISBLOCK( bBlock ), Eval( bBlock, self ), nil ) METHOD CreatePopup() METHOD ShowPopup() | wvgclass.prg | 856 |
METHOD Activate() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 861 |
METHOD DeActivate() INLINE nil | wvgclass.prg | 862 |
WVTOBJECT:METHOD | AddChild( aChild )
METHOD AddChild( aChild ) INLINE aadd( ::aChildren, aChild ) | wvgclass.prg | 864 |
WVTOBJECT:METHOD | AddParent( aParent )
METHOD AddParent( aParent ) INLINE aadd( ::aParent, aParent ) | wvgclass.prg | 865 |
METHOD NotifyChild( /*nChild*/ ) INLINE nil ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 867 |
WVTOBJECT:METHOD | New( oParent, nType, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtObject
METHOD New( oParent, nType, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtObject DEFAULT nID TO ++::nObjID ::oParent := oParent ::nType := nType ::nId := nID ::nTop := nTop ::nLeft := nLeft ::nBottom := nBottom ::nRight := nRight switch nType case DLG_OBJ_BROWSE ::ClassName := 'WVTBROWSE' exit case DLG_OBJ_STATIC ::ClassName := 'WVTSTATIC' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_GETS ::ClassName := 'WVTGETS' exit case DLG_OBJ_IMAGE ::ClassName := 'WVTIMAGE' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_PUSHBUTTON ::ClassName := 'WVTPUSHBUTTON' exit case DLG_OBJ_BUTTON ::ClassName := 'WVTBUTTON' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_TOOLBAR ::ClassName := 'WVTTOOLBAR' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_LABEL ::ClassName := 'WVTLABEL' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_SCROLLBAR ::ClassName := 'WVTSCROLLBAR' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_STATUSBAR ::ClassName := 'WVTSTATUSBAR' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_BANNER ::ClassName := 'WVTBANNER' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_TEXTBOX ::ClassName := 'WVTTEXTBOX' ::lTabStop := .f. exit case DLG_OBJ_PROGRESSBAR ::ClassName := 'WVTPROGRESSBAR' ::lTabStop := .f. exit end RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 873 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtObject ::Eval( ::bOnCreate ) ::CreatePopup() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 955 |
METHOD Destroy() CLASS WvtObject if ::hFont <> nil Win_DeleteObject( ::hFont ) ::hFont := nil endif if ::hPopup <> nil Wvt_DestroyMenu( ::hPopup ) ::hPopup := nil endif RETURN Nil | wvgclass.prg | 964 |
WVTOBJECT:METHOD | CreatePopup() CLASS WvtObject
METHOD CreatePopup() CLASS WvtObject LOCAL i, nID if !empty( ::aPopup ) .and. ::hPopup == nil ::hPopup := Wvt_CreatePopupMenu() for i := 1 to len( ::aPopup ) aSize( ::aPopup[ i ],3 ) nID := ::nPopupItemID++ ::aPopup[ i,3 ] := nID Wvt_AppendMenu( ::hPopup, MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING, nID, ::aPopup[ i,1 ] ) next endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 980 |
METHOD ShowPopup() CLASS WvtObject LOCAL lRet := .f., nRet, n, aPos if ::hPopup <> nil aPos := Wvt_GetCursorPos() nRet := Wvt_TrackPopupMenu( ::hPopup, TPM_CENTERALIGN +TPM_RETURNCMD, ; aPos[ 1 ], aPos[ 2 ], 0, Wvt_GetWindowHandle() ) if nRet > 0 if ( n := ascan( ::aPopup, {|e_| e_[ 3 ] == nRet } ) ) > 0 lRet := .t. if ISBLOCK( ::aPopup[ n,2 ] ) Eval( ::aPopup[ n,2 ] ) endif endif endif endif RETURN lRet | wvgclass.prg | 1000 |
CLASS | WvtBrowse FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtBrowse FROM WvtObject DATA cAlias DATA oBrw DATA lHSBar INIT .t. DATA lVSBar INIT .t. DATA oHBar DATA oVBar DATA bTotalRecords DATA bCurrentRecord DATA bTotalColumns DATA bCurrentColumn ACCESS cDesc INLINE iif( ::cText == nil, '', ::cText ) ASSIGN cDesc( cText ) INLINE ::cText := cText METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD PaintBlock() METHOD Hilite() METHOD DeHilite() METHOD HandleEvent() METHOD Refresh() METHOD SetVBar() METHOD SetHBar() METHOD SetTooltip() METHOD SaveSettings() METHOD RestSettings() METHOD NotifyChild() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1031 |
WVTBROWSE:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtBrowse
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtBrowse ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_BROWSE, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1065 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtBrowse Select( ::cAlias ) ::nTop := ::oBrw:nTop-2 ::nLeft := ::oBrw:nLeft-2 ::nBottom := iif( ::lHSBar, ::oBrw:nBottom, ::oBrw:nBottom+1 ) ::nRight := iif( ::lVSBar, ::oBrw:nRight , ::oBrw:nRight+2 ) ::PaintBlock( 1 ) ::PaintBlock( 2 ) ::PaintBlock( 3 ) ::PaintBlock( 4 ) ::Super:Create() DEFAULT ::bTotalRecords TO {|| ( ::cAlias )->( OrdKeyCount() ) } DEFAULT ::bCurrentRecord TO {|| ( ::cAlias )->( OrdKeyNo() ) } ::SetVBar() DEFAULT ::bTotalColumns TO {|| ::oBrw:ColCount } DEFAULT ::bCurrentColumn TO {|| ::oBrw:ColPos } ::SetHBar() ::oBrw:ForceStable() ::DeHilite() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1073 |
METHOD SetVBar() CLASS WvtBrowse if ::lVSBar ::oVBar := WvtScrollBar():New( self, 999991, ; ::oBrw:nTop, ::oBrw:nRight+1, ::oBrw:nBottom, ::oBrw:nRight+2 ) ::oVBar:nBarType := WVT_SCROLLBAR_VERT ::oVBar:bTotal := ::bTotalRecords ::oVBar:bCurrent := ::bCurrentRecord ::oVBar:aPxlBtnTop := { -2,2,0,0 } ::oVBar:aPxlBtnBtm := { 0,2,2,0 } ::oVBar:aPxlScroll := { 0,2,0,0 } ::oVBar:Create() aadd( ::aPaint, { ::oVBar:bBtnLeftTop, ; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::oVBar:nBtn1Top, ::oVBar:nBtn1Left, ; ::oVBar:nBtn1Bottom, ::oVBar:nBtn1Right } } ) aadd( ::aPaint, { ::oVBar:bBtnRightBottom, ; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::oVBar:nBtn2Top, ::oVBar:nBtn2Left, ; ::oVBar:nBtn2Bottom, ::oVBar:nBtn2Right } } ) aadd( ::aPaint, { ::oVBar:bBtnScroll, ; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::oVBar:nSTop, ::oVBar:nSLeft, ; ::oVBar:nSBottom, ::oVBar:nSRight } } ) ::oParent:AddObject( ::oVBar ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1104 |
METHOD SetHBar() CLASS WvtBrowse if ::lHSBar ::oHBar := WvtScrollBar():New( self, 999990, ; ::oBrw:nBottom+1, ::oBrw:nLeft, ::oBrw:nBottom+1, ::oBrw:nRight ) ::oHBar:nBarType := 2 ::oHBar:bTotal := ::bTotalColumns ::oHBar:bCurrent := ::bCurrentColumn ::oHBar:aPxlBtnLft := { 2,-2,0,0 } ::oHBar:aPxlBtnRgt := { 2, 0,0,2 } ::oHBar:aPxlScroll := { 2, 0,0,0 } ::oHBar:Create() aadd( ::aPaint, { ::oHBar:bBtnLeftTop, ; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::oHBar:nBtn1Top, ::oHBar:nBtn1Left, ; ::oHBar:nBtn1Bottom, ::oHBar:nBtn1Right } } ) aadd( ::aPaint, { ::oHBar:bBtnRightBottom, ; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::oHBar:nBtn2Top, ::oHBar:nBtn2Left, ; ::oHBar:nBtn2Bottom, ::oHBar:nBtn2Right } } ) aadd( ::aPaint, { ::oHBar:bBtnScroll, ; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::oHBar:nSTop, ::oHBar:nSLeft, ; ::oHBar:nSBottom, ::oHBar:nSRight } } ) ::oParent:AddObject( ::oHBar ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1136 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtBrowse LOCAL nWorkArea := Select() if ISBLOCK( ::bOnRefresh ) eval( ::bOnRefresh, self ) else Select( ::cAlias ) ::oBrw:RefreshAll() ::oBrw:ForceStable() Select( nWorkArea ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1166 |
WVTBROWSE:METHOD | HandleEvent( nKey ) CLASS WvtBrowse
METHOD HandleEvent( nKey ) CLASS WvtBrowse Local lRet := .f. if valtype( ::bHandleEvent ) == 'B' lRet := eval( ::bHandleEvent, self, ::oParent:cPaintBlockID, ::oBrw, nKey ) endif RETURN lRet | wvgclass.prg | 1184 |
WVTBROWSE:METHOD | NotifyChild( nIndex, nKey, oCurObj ) CLASS WvtBrowse
METHOD NotifyChild( nIndex, nKey, oCurObj ) CLASS WvtBrowse Local xData, i if nIndex > 0 .and. nIndex <= len( ::aChildren ) if valtype( ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_DATABLOCK ] ) == 'B' xData := eval( ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_DATABLOCK ] ) endif eval( ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_REFRESHBLOCK ], ; ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ],; ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ]:oParent:cPaintBlockID, ; ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ]:oBrw, ; nKey, ; xData ) if ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ]:nChildren > 0 // Pretend if focus is current on this object // Eval( ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ]:bOnFocus, ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ] ) for i := 1 to ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ]:nChildren ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ]:NotifyChild( i, nKey, ::aChildren[ nIndex, OBJ_CHILD_OBJ ] ) next // Restore previous environments Eval( oCurObj:bOnFocus, oCurObj ) endif endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1195 |
METHOD Hilite() CLASS WvtBrowse LOCAL b := ::oBrw DispOutAt( b:nTop-2, b:nLeft-2, pad( ' '+::cDesc, b:nRight-b:nLeft+5 ), ::cColorHilite ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1228 |
METHOD DeHilite() CLASS WvtBrowse LOCAL b := ::oBrw DispOutAt( b:nTop-2, b:nLeft-2, pad( ' '+::cDesc, b:nRight-b:nLeft+5 ), ::cColorDeHilite ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1237 |
METHOD SetTooltip() CLASS WvtBrowse LOCAL cTip, nArea if ISBLOCK( ::bTooltip ) ::SaveSettings() nArea := Select( ::cAlias ) Select( ::cAlias ) cTip := Eval( ::bTooltip ) Select( nArea ) ::RestSettings() endif if cTip <> nil ::Tooltip := cTip endif Wvt_SetTooltip( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::Tooltip ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1246 |
METHOD SaveSettings CLASS WvtBrowse if ISBLOCK( ::bSaveSettings ) ::xSettings := Eval( ::bSaveSettings, self ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1272 |
WVTBROWSE:METHOD | RestSettings() CLASS WvtBrowse
METHOD RestSettings() CLASS WvtBrowse if ::xSettings <> nil .and. ISBLOCK( ::bRestSettings ) Eval( ::bRestSettings, self ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1282 |
WVTBROWSE:METHOD | PaintBlock( nPaintObj ) CLASS WvtBrowse
METHOD PaintBlock( nPaintObj ) CLASS WvtBrowse LOCAL bBlock, b := ::oBrw switch nPaintObj case 1 bBlock := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxRaised( b:nTop-2,b:nLeft-2,b:nBottom+1,b:nRight+2 ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { bBlock, { WVT_BLOCK_BOX, b:nTop-3,b:nLeft-3,b:nBottom+2,b:nRight+3 } } ) exit case 2 bBlock := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( b:nTop,b:nLeft,b:nBottom,b:nRight ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { bBlock, { WVT_BLOCK_BOX, b:nTop-1,b:nLeft-1,b:nBottom+1,b:nRight+1 } } ) exit case 3 bBlock := {|| Wvt_DrawGridHorz( b:nTop+3, b:nLeft, b:nRight, b:nBottom - b:nTop - 2 ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { bBlock, { WVT_BLOCK_GRID_H, b:nTop+4, b:nLeft+1, b:nBottom-1, b:nRight-1 } } ) exit case 4 bBlock := {|| Wvt_DrawGridVert( b:nTop, b:nBottom, b:aColumnsSep, len( b:aColumnsSep ) ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { bBlock, { WVT_BLOCK_GRID_V, b:nTop+1, b:nLeft+1, b:nBottom-1, b:nRight-1, b } } ) exit end RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1292 |
CLASS | WvtStatusBar FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtStatusBar FROM WvtObject DATA aPanels DATA cColor METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD SetPanels() METHOD SetText() METHOD SetIcon() METHOD Refresh() METHOD Update( nPanel, cText ) METHOD PaintBlock() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1331 |
WVTSTATUSBAR:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtStatusBar
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtStatusBar DEFAULT nTop TO oParent:MaxRow() DEFAULT nLeft TO 0 DEFAULT nBottom TO oParent:MaxRow() DEFAULT nRight TO oParent:MaxCol() ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_STATUSBAR, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) ::cColor := 'N/W' RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1349 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtStatusBar ::Refresh() ::PaintBlock( DLG_OBJ_STATUSBAR, self ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1364 |
METHOD PaintBlock() CLASS WvtStatusBar LOCAL a_:= {}, nPanels aeval( ::aPanels, {|o| aadd( a_,o:nTop ) , aadd( a_,o:nLeft ), ; aadd( a_,o:nBottom ), aadd( a_,o:nRight ) } ) a_[ len( a_ ) ]++ nPanels := len( ::aPanels ) ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawStatusBar( nPanels, a_ ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_STATUSBAR, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1375 |
WVTSTATUSBAR:METHOD | SetPanels( aPanels ) CLASS WvtStatusBar
METHOD SetPanels( aPanels ) CLASS WvtStatusBar LOCAL i, oPanel, nID LOCAL nLastCol := ::oParent:MaxCol() nID := 200000 ::aPanels := {} oPanel := WvtPanel():New( ::oParent, ++nID, ::nTop, 0 ) aadd( ::aPanels, oPanel ) if aPanels <> nil for i := 1 to len( aPanels ) if ::oParent:MaxCol() > aPanels[ i ] oPanel := WvtPanel():New( ::oParent, ++nID, ::nTop, aPanels[ i ] ) aadd( ::aPanels, oPanel ) endif next endif atail( ::aPanels ):nRight := nLastCol for i := len( ::aPanels ) - 1 TO 1 STEP -1 oPanel := ::aPanels[ i ] oPanel:nRight := ::aPanels[ i+1 ]:nLeft oPanel:cColor := ::cColor next RETURN self | wvgclass.prg | 1392 |
WVTSTATUSBAR:METHOD | Update( nPanel, cText, cColor )
METHOD Update( nPanel, cText, cColor ) LOCAL oPanel if nPanel > 0 .and. nPanel <= len( ::aPanels ) oPanel := ::aPanels[ nPanel ] oPanel:Text := cText oPanel:cColor := iif( cColor == nil, 'N/W', cColor ) oPanel:Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1425 |
WVTSTATUSBAR:METHOD | SetText( nPanel, cText, cColor ) CLASS WvtStatusBar
METHOD SetText( nPanel, cText, cColor ) CLASS WvtStatusBar LOCAL oPanel DEFAULT cColor TO ::cColor if nPanel > 0 .and. nPanel <= len( ::aPanels ) oPanel := ::aPanels[ nPanel ] oPanel:Text := cText oPanel:cColor := cColor endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1439 |
WVTSTATUSBAR:METHOD | SetIcon( nPanel, cIconFile ) CLASS WvtStatusBar
METHOD SetIcon( nPanel, cIconFile ) CLASS WvtStatusBar if nPanel > 0 .and. nPanel <= len( ::aPanels ) ::aPanels[ nPanel ]:cIconFile := cIconFile endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1454 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtStatusBar LOCAL i for i := 1 to len( ::aPanels ) ::aPanels[ i ]:Refresh() next RETURN nil | wvgclass.prg | 1464 |
CLASS | WvtPanel FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtPanel FROM WvtObject DATA cColor DATA cTxt DATA cIconFile ACCESS Text INLINE ::cTxt ASSIGN Text( cText ) INLINE ::cTxt := pad( cText, ::nRight - ::nLeft-2 ) METHOD New() METHOD Refresh() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1483 |
WVTPANEL:METHOD | New( oParent, nId, nTop, nLeft ) CLASS WvtPanel
METHOD New( oParent, nId, nTop, nLeft ) CLASS WvtPanel ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_PANEL, nId, nTop, nLeft, nTop ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1499 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtPanel if ::Text <> nil DispOutAt( ::nTop, ::nLeft+1, ::Text, ::cColor ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1507 |
CLASS | WvtLabel FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtLabel FROM WvtObject ACCESS Text INLINE iif( ::cText == nil, '', ::cText ) ASSIGN Text( cTxt ) INLINE ::cText := iif( cTxt == nil, '', cTxt ) METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Configure() METHOD Refresh() METHOD HoverOn() METHOD HoverOff() METHOD SetText() METHOD SetTextColor() METHOD SetBackColor() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1525 |
WVTLABEL:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtLabel
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtLabel ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_LABEL, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1544 |
WVTLABEL:METHOD | Create( lConfg ) CLASS WvtLabel
METHOD Create( lConfg ) CLASS WvtLabel DEFAULT lConfg TO .f. DEFAULT ::nBottom TO ::nTop DEFAULT ::nRight TO ::nLeft + len( ::Text ) DEFAULT ::nTextColor TO RGB( 0,0,0 ) ::nTextColorHoverOff := ::nTextColor ::nBackColorHoverOff := ::nBackColor ::hFont := Wvt_CreateFont( ::cFont, ::nFontHeight, ::nFontWidth, ::nFontWeight, ::lItalic,; ::lUnderline, ::lStrikeout, ::nCharSet, ::nFontQuality, ::nAngle ) if ::hFont <> 0 if !( lConfg ) ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawLabelObj( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight,; ::Text, ::nAlignHorz, ::nAlignVert, ::nTextColor, ::nBackColor, ::hFont ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint, { WVT_BLOCK_LABEL, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) endif endif ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1552 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtLabel Eval( ::bPaint ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1579 |
WVTLABEL:METHOD | SetText( cTxt ) CLASS WvtLabel
METHOD SetText( cTxt ) CLASS WvtLabel if valtype( cTxt ) == 'C' ::Text := cTxt ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1587 |
METHOD SetTextColor( nRGB ) CLASS WvtLabel if valtype( nRGB ) == 'N' ::nTextColor := nRGB ::nTextColorHoverOff := nRGB ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1598 |
METHOD SetBackColor( nRGB ) CLASS WvtLabel if valtype( nRGB ) == 'N' ::nBackColor := nRGB ::nBackColorHoverOff := nRGB ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1610 |
WVTLABEL:METHOD | Configure() CLASS WvtLabel
METHOD Configure() CLASS WvtLabel ::nTextColorHoverOff := ::nTextColor ::nBackColorHoverOff := ::nBackColor if ::hFont <> 0 Win_DeleteObject( ::hFont ) endif ::hFont := Wvt_CreateFont( ::cFont, ::nFontHeight, ::nFontWidth, ::nFontWeight, ::lItalic,; ::lUnderline, ::lStrikeout, ::nCharSet, ::nFontQuality, ::nAngle ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1622 |
METHOD HoverOn() CLASS WvtLabel LOCAL lOn := .f. if ::nTextColorHoverOn <> nil lOn := .t. ::nTextColor := ::nTextColorHoverOn endif if ::nBackColorHoverOn <> nil lOn := .t. ::nBackColor := ::nBackColorHoverOn endif if lOn ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1638 |
METHOD HoverOff() CLASS WvtLabel LOCAL lOn := .f. if ::nTextColorHoverOn <> nil lOn := .t. ::nTextColor := ::nTextColorHoverOff endif if ::nBackColorHoverOn <> nil lOn := .t. ::nBackColor := ::nBackColorHoverOff endif if lOn ::Refresh() endif Return Self | wvgclass.prg | 1658 |
CLASS | WvtToolBar FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtToolBar FROM WvtObject DATA nPaintID DATA aObjects INIT {} DATA lHidden INIT .f. DATA nCurButton INIT 0 DATA lActive DATA lFloating DATA wScreen DATA cScreen DATA nBtnLeft INIT 0 DATA nRGBSep INIT RGB( 150,150,150 ) ACCESS nButtons INLINE len( ::aButtons ) METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Refresh() METHOD AddButton() METHOD PaintToolBar() METHOD HoverOn() METHOD HoverOff() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1686 |
WVTTOOLBAR:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtToolBar
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtToolBar nTop := 0 nLeft := 0 DEFAULT nBottom TO 1 nRight := oParent:MaxCol() ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_TOOLBAR, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) ::lActive := .t. ::lFloating := .F. ::nPaintID := ::oParent:nPaintID++ RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1713 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtToolBar if ::lFloating ::lActive := .f. ::lHidden := .t. endif aeval( ::aObjects, {|o| o:lActive := ::lActive } ) ::bPaint := {|| ::PaintToolBar() } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_TOOLBAR, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1730 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtToolBar if ::lFloating DispBox( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ' ', 'n/w' ) else Wvt_InvalidateRect( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nTop, ::nLeft ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1749 |
METHOD PaintToolBar() CLASS WvtToolBar if ( ::lActive ) Wvt_DrawLine( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, 0, 1, 2, , , ::nRGBSep ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1761 |
WVTTOOLBAR:METHOD | AddButton( cFileImage, bBlock, cTooltip ) CLASS WvtToolBar
METHOD AddButton( cFileImage, bBlock, cTooltip ) CLASS WvtToolBar LOCAL oObj, nCol nCol := ( ::nBottom-::nTop+1 ) * 2 oObj := WvtToolButton():New( self ) oObj:lActive := ::lActive oObj:nTop := ::nTop oObj:nLeft := ::nBtnLeft + 1 oObj:nBottom := ::nBottom if valtype( cFileImage ) == 'C' oObj:nBtnType := TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE oObj:nRight := oObj:nLeft + nCol - 1 oObj:cFileImage := cFileImage oObj:bOnLeftUp := bBlock oObj:Tooltip := cTooltip else oObj:nBtnType := TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_SEPARATOR oObj:nRight := oObj:nLeft endif aadd( ::aObjects, oObj ) ::nBtnLeft := oObj:nRight + 1 ::nCurButton++ ::oParent:AddObject( oObj ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1771 |
METHOD HoverOn() if ::lFloating .and. ::lHidden ::lHidden := .f. ::lActive := .t. // ::cScreen := SaveScreen( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight ) // ::wScreen := Wvt_SaveScreen( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight ) aeval( ::aObjects, {|o| o:lActive := ::lActive } ) ::Refresh() endif RETURN self | wvgclass.prg | 1805 |
METHOD HoverOff() if ::lFloating .and. !( ::lHidden ) ::lHidden := .t. ::lActive := .f. aeval( ::aObjects, {|o| o:lActive := ::lActive } ) // RestScreen( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::cScreen ) // Wvt_RestScreen( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::wScreen, .f. ) ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1822 |
CLASS | WvtToolButton FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtToolButton FROM WvtObject DATA cFileImage DATA nCurState INIT 0 DATA nBtnType INIT TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE DATA aPxlOffSet INIT { 0, -1, -3, 1 } METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Refresh() METHOD LeftDown() METHOD LeftUp() METHOD HoverOn() METHOD HoverOff() METHOD PaintButton() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1845 |
METHOD New( oParent ) CLASS WvtToolButton ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_BUTTON ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1865 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtToolButton ::bPaint := {|| ::PaintButton() } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight }} ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1873 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtToolButton if ::lActive Eval( ::bPaint ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1885 |
METHOD PaintButton() CLASS WvtToolButton if ::lActive if ::nBtnType == TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE Wvt_DrawImage( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::cFileImage, {4,4,-6,-4} ) else Wvt_DrawLine( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, 1, 1, , , , ::oParent:nRGBSep ) endif endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1895 |
METHOD LeftDown() CLASS WvtToolButton LOCAL lRet := .f. if ::lActive .and. ::nBtnType == TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet, 2 ) lRet := .t. endif RETURN lRet | wvgclass.prg | 1909 |
METHOD LeftUp() CLASS WvtToolButton LOCAL lRet := .f. if ::lActive .and. ::nBtnType == TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet, 1 ) Eval( ::bOnLeftUp ) lRet := .t. endif RETURN lRet | wvgclass.prg | 1921 |
METHOD HoverOn() CLASS WvtToolButton ::oParent:HoverOn() if ::lActive .and. ::nBtnType == TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet, 1 ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1934 |
METHOD HoverOff() CLASS WvtToolButton ::oParent:HoverOff() if ::lActive .and. ::nBtnType == TLB_BUTTON_TYPE_IMAGE Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight,::aPxlOffSet, 0 ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1946 |
CLASS | WvtImage FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtImage FROM WvtObject DATA cImageFile ACCESS cImage INLINE ::cImageFile ASSIGN cImage( cImg ) INLINE ::cImageFile := cImg METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD SetImage() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 1966 |
WVTIMAGE:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtImage
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtImage ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_IMAGE, nId, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1981 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtImage ::bPaint := {|| iif( file( ::cImage ), ; Wvt_DrawImage( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::cImage ),'' ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_IMAGE, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 1989 |
WVTIMAGE:METHOD | SetImage( cImage ) CLASS WvtImage
METHOD SetImage( cImage ) CLASS WvtImage if cImage <> nil .and. file( cImage ) ::cImageFile := cImage ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2003 |
CLASS | WvtStatic FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtStatic FROM WvtObject DATA nStatic DATA nOrient DATA nFormat DATA nAlign DATA nStyle DATA nThick DATA nColor DATA nfTop DATA nfLeft DATA nfBottom DATA nfRight DATA nHorzVert INIT 0 DATA aRGBb DATA aRGBe DATA aPxlOffSet INIT {} METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Refresh() METHOD HoverOn() METHOD HoverOff() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 2022 |
WVTSTATIC:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtStatic
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtStatic ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_STATIC, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2053 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtStatic LOCAL lInside := .f. switch ::nStatic case WVT_STATIC_LINE lInside := .t. ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawLine( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ; ::nOrient, ::nFormat, ::nAlign, ::nStyle, ::nThick, ::nColor ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_BOXRAISED ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxRaised( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_BOXRECESSED ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxRecessed( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_BOXGROUP ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxGroup( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_BOXGROUPRAISED ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxGroupRaised( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_OUTLINE ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawOutline( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_RECTANGLE lInside := .t. ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawRectangle( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_ROUNDRECT lInside := .t. ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawRoundRect( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_FOCUSRECT lInside := .t. ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawFocusRect( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_ELLIPSE lInside := .t. ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawEllipse( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlOffSet ) } exit case WVT_STATIC_SHADEDRECT lInside := .t. ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawShadedRect( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ; ::aPxlOffSet, ::nHorzVert, ::aRGBb, ::aRGBe ) } exit end if lInside ::nfTop := ::nTop ::nfLeft := ::nLeft ::nfBottom := ::nBottom ::nfRight := ::nRight else ::nfTop := ::nTop - 1 ::nfLeft := ::nLeft - 1 ::nfBottom := ::nBottom + 1 ::nfRight := ::nRight + 1 endif aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_STATIC, ::nfTop, ::nfLeft, ::nfBottom, ::nfRight }} ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2061 |
METHOD HoverOn() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2141 |
METHOD HoverOff() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2147 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtStatic Eval( ::bPaint ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2153 |
CLASS | WvtPushButton FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtPushButton FROM WvtObject DATA cCaption DATA cFileImage ACCESS block INLINE ::bOnLeftUp ASSIGN block( bBlock ) INLINE ::bOnLeftUp := bBlock METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD LeftDown() METHOD LeftUp() METHOD PaintButton() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 2169 |
WVTPUSHBUTTON:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtPushButton
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtPushButton ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_PUSHBUTTON, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2187 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtPushButton ::bPaint := {|| ::PaintButton() } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_BUTTON, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2195 |
METHOD PaintButton() CLASS WvtPushButton if ::cCaption == nil Wvt_DrawImage( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::cFileImage, { 4, 4,-4, -4 } ) else Wvt_DrawButton( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::cCaption, , 4 ) endif Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, {0,0,0,0}, 1 ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2208 |
METHOD LeftDown() CLASS WvtPushButton Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight,{0,0,0,0} , 2 ) RETURN .t. | wvgclass.prg | 2221 |
METHOD LeftUp() CLASS WvtPushButton Wvt_DrawToolButtonState( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, {0,0,0,0}, 1 ) ::Eval( ::bOnLeftUp ) RETURN .t. | wvgclass.prg | 2229 |
CLASS | WvtGets FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtGets FROM WvtObject DATA aGetList INIT {} DATA nLastGet INIT 1 DATA nCurGet INIT 1 DATA GetList INIT {} DATA cDesc INIT '' METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD KillFocus() METHOD SetFocus() METHOD HandleEvent() METHOD AddGets() METHOD PaintBlock() METHOD Read() METHOD Hilite() METHOD DeHilite() METHOD GetData() METHOD SetData() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 2246 |
WVTGETS:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtGets
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtGets ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_GETS, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2271 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtGets LOCAL i, GetList LOCAL nCurRow := row() LOCAL nCurCol := Col() for i := 1 to len( ::aGetList ) GetList := {} DEFAULT ::aGetList[ i,7 ] TO 'N/W*,N/W*,,,N/GR*' DEFAULT ::aGetList[ i,5 ] TO {|| .T. } DEFAULT ::aGetList[ i,6 ] TO {|| .T. } @ ::aGetList[ i,1 ], ::aGetList[ i,2 ] GET ::aGetList[ i,3 ] PICTURE ::aGetList[ i,4 ] COLOR ::aGetList[ i,7 ] aadd( ::GetList, GetList[ 1 ] ) ::GetList[ i ]:Display() ::PaintBlock( i ) next SetPos( nCurRow, nCurCol ) ::Super:Create() ::Dehilite() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2279 |
WVTGETS:METHOD | PaintBlock( nIndex ) CLASS WvtGets
METHOD PaintBlock( nIndex ) CLASS WvtGets LOCAL nLen, bPaint nLen := len( Transform( ::aGetList[ nIndex,3 ], ::aGetList[ nIndex,4 ] ) ) bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawBoxGet( ::aGetList[ nIndex,1 ], ::aGetList[ nIndex,2 ], nLen ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { bPaint,; { WVT_BLOCK_GETS, ::aGetList[ nIndex,1 ]-1, ::aGetList[ nIndex,2 ]-1, ; ::aGetList[ nIndex,1 ]-1, ::aGetList[ nIndex,2 ]+nLen } } ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2307 |
METHOD SetFocus() CLASS WvtGets RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2322 |
METHOD KillFocus() CLASS WvtGets RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2328 |
WVTGETS:METHOD | AddGets( nRow, nCol, xVar, cPic, cColor, bValid, bWhen ) CLASS WvtGets
METHOD AddGets( nRow, nCol, xVar, cPic, cColor, bValid, bWhen ) CLASS WvtGets aadd( ::aGetList, { nRow, nCol, xVar, cPic, bValid, bWhen, cColor } ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2334 |
WVTGETS:METHOD | HandleEvent( nKey ) CLASS WvtGets
METHOD HandleEvent( nKey ) CLASS WvtGets Local lRet := .f. do case case nKey == K_LDBLCLK ::Read() lRet := .t. endcase RETURN lRet | wvgclass.prg | 2342 |
METHOD Read() CLASS WvtGets ReadModal( ::GetList, ::nCurGet ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2355 |
METHOD GetData() CLASS WvtGets LOCAL aData RETURN aData | wvgclass.prg | 2363 |
METHOD SetData( /*aData*/ ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2370 |
METHOD Hilite() CLASS WvtGets DispOutAt( ::nTop, ::nLeft, pad( ' '+::cDesc, ::nRight-::nLeft+1 ), ::cColorHilite ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2376 |
METHOD DeHilite() CLASS WvtGets DispOutAt( ::nTop, ::nLeft, pad( ' '+::cDesc, ::nRight-::nLeft+1 ), ::cColorDeHilite ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2384 |
CLASS | WvtScrollBar FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtScrollBar FROM WvtObject DATA nBarType INIT WVT_SCROLLBAR_VERT DATA nTotal INIT 100 DATA nCurrent INIT 1 DATA nThumbPos INIT 0 DATA nBlockNo INIT 1 DATA nSTop DATA nSLeft DATA nSBottom DATA nSRight DATA nBtn1Top DATA nBtn1Left DATA nBtn1Bottom DATA nBtn1Right DATA nBtn2Top DATA nBtn2Left DATA nBtn2Bottom DATA nBtn2Right DATA bBtnLeftTop DATA bBtnLeftTopDep DATA bBtnRightBottom DATA bBtnRightBottomDep DATA bBtnScroll DATA bTotal DATA bCurrent DATA lHidden INIT .t. DATA aPxlBtnTop INIT {0,0,0,0} DATA aPxlBtnLft INIT {0,0,0,0} DATA aPxlBtnBtm INIT {0,0,0,0} DATA aPxlBtnRgt INIT {0,0,0,0} DATA aPxlScroll INIT {0,0,0,0} DATA lLeftDown INIT .f. DATA lOnThumb INIT .f. DATA lAnchored INIT .f. DATA lOnLeftDown INIT .f. DATA nScrollUnits INIT 0 METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Configure() METHOD Refresh() METHOD HandleEvent() METHOD SetPos() METHOD GetPos() METHOD ThumbPos() METHOD SetTooltip() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 2400 |
WVTSCROLLBAR:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtScrollBar
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtScrollBar ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_SCROLLBAR, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2463 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtScrollBar if ::nTop == nil .or. ::nLeft == nil return nil endif if ::nBarType == WVT_SCROLLBAR_VERT DEFAULT ::nBottom TO ::nTop + 5 DEFAULT ::nRight TO ::nLeft + 1 ::nRight := ::nLeft + 1 ::nBottom := max( 7, ::nBottom ) ::nBtn1Top := ::nTop ::nBtn1Left := ::nLeft ::nBtn1Bottom := ::nTop ::nBtn1Right := ::nRight ::nBtn2Top := ::nBottom ::nBtn2Left := ::nLeft ::nBtn2Bottom := ::nBottom ::nBtn2Right := ::nRight ::nSTop := ::nTop + 1 ::nSLeft := ::nLeft ::nSBottom := ::nBottom - 1 ::nSRight := ::nRight ::nScrollUnits := ::nSBottom - ::nSTop + 1 ::nTotal := Eval( ::bTotal ) ::nCurrent := Eval( ::bCurrent ) ::ThumbPos() ::bBtnLeftTop := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn1Top,::nBtn1Left,::nBtn1Bottom,::nBtn1Right,::aPxlBtnTop,1 ) } ::bBtnRightBottom := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn2Top,::nBtn2Left,::nBtn2Bottom,::nBtn2Right,::aPxlBtnBtm,3 ) } ::bBtnScroll := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollThumbVert( ::nSTop ,::nSLeft ,::nSBottom,::nSRight,::aPxlScroll,; ::nThumbPos ) } ::bBtnLeftTopDep := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn1Top,::nBtn1Left,::nBtn1Bottom,::nBtn1Right,::aPxlBtnTop,1,.t. ) } ::bBtnRightBottomDep := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn2Top,::nBtn2Left,::nBtn2Bottom,::nBtn2Right,::aPxlBtnBtm,3,.t. ) } else DEFAULT ::nBottom TO ::nTop DEFAULT ::nRight TO ::nLeft + 11 ::nBottom := ::nTop ::nRight := max( 11, ::nRight ) ::nBtn1Top := ::nTop ::nBtn1Left := ::nLeft ::nBtn1Bottom := ::nBottom ::nBtn1Right := ::nLeft + 1 ::nBtn2Top := ::nTop ::nBtn2Left := ::nRight - 1 ::nBtn2Bottom := ::nBottom ::nBtn2Right := ::nRight ::nSTop := ::nTop ::nSLeft := ::nLeft + 2 ::nSBottom := ::nBottom ::nSRight := ::nRight - 2 ::nScrollUnits := ::nSRight - ::nSLeft + 1 ::nTotal := Eval( ::bTotal ) ::nCurrent := Eval( ::bCurrent ) ::ThumbPos() ::bBtnLeftTop := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn1Top,::nBtn1Left,::nBtn1Bottom,::nBtn1Right,::aPxlBtnLft,2 ) } ::bBtnRightBottom := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn2Top,::nBtn2Left,::nBtn2Bottom,::nBtn2Right,::aPxlBtnRgt,4 ) } ::bBtnScroll := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollThumbHorz( ::nSTop,::nSLeft,::nSBottom,::nSRight,; ::aPxlScroll,::nThumbPos ) } ::bBtnLeftTopDep := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn1Top,::nBtn1Left,::nBtn1Bottom,::nBtn1Right,::aPxlBtnLft,2,.t. ) } ::bBtnRightBottomDep := ; {|| Wvt_DrawScrollButton( ::nBtn2Top,::nBtn2Left,::nBtn2Bottom,::nBtn2Right,::aPxlBtnRgt,4,.t. ) } endif ::bOnLeftUp := {|| ::HandleEvent( K_LBUTTONUP ) } ::bOnLeftDown := {|| ::HandleEvent( K_LBUTTONDOWN ) } ::bOnMMLeftDown := {|| ::HandleEvent( K_MMLEFTDOWN ) } ::bOnLeftPressed := {|| ::HandleEvent( K_LBUTTONPRESSED ) } Eval( ::bBtnLeftTop ) Eval( ::bBtnRightBottom ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2471 |
WVTSCROLLBAR:METHOD | Configure( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtScrollBar
METHOD Configure( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtScrollBar ::nTop := nTop ::nLeft := nLeft ::nBottom := nBottom ::nRight := nRight ::Create() ::Refresh() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2574 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtScrollBar Eval( ::bBtnScroll ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2588 |
WVTSCROLLBAR:METHOD | SetPos( nTotal, nCurrent ) CLASS WvtScrollBar
METHOD SetPos( nTotal, nCurrent ) CLASS WvtScrollBar DEFAULT nTotal TO Eval( ::bTotal ) DEFAULT nCurrent TO Eval( ::bCurrent ) ::nTotal := nTotal ::nCurrent := nCurrent ::ThumbPos() ::Refresh() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2596 |
METHOD ThumbPos() CLASS WvtScrollBar LOCAL nNewPos := ::nThumbPos LOCAL nRecPerUnit, nCurUnit if ::nBarType == WVT_SCROLLBAR_VERT nRecPerUnit := ::nTotal / ::nScrollUnits nCurUnit := int( ::nCurrent / nRecPerUnit ) if ::nCurrent == 1 nCurUnit := 0 elseif ::nCurrent == ::nTotal nCurUnit := ::nScrollUnits endif nNewPos := ::nSTop + nCurUnit if nNewPos < ::nSTop nNewPos := ::nSTop elseif nNewPos > ::nSBottom nNewPos := ::nSBottom endif else if ::nTotal < ::nScrollUnits nCurUnit := ::nCurrent * int( ::nScrollUnits / ::nTotal ) else nRecPerUnit := ::nTotal / ::nScrollUnits nCurUnit := int( ::nCurrent / nRecPerUnit ) endif if ::nCurrent == 1 nCurUnit := 0 elseif ::nCurrent == ::nTotal nCurUnit := ::nScrollUnits endif nNewPos := ::nSLeft + nCurUnit if nNewPos < ::nSLeft nNewPos := ::nSLeft elseif nNewPos > ::nSRight - 1 nNewPos := ::nSRight-1 endif endif ::nThumbPos := nNewPos RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2611 |
METHOD GetPos() CLASS WvtScrollBar RETURN ::nCurrent | wvgclass.prg | 2662 |
METHOD SetTooltip() CLASS WvtScrollBar ::Tooltip := ltrim( str( ::nCurrent,12,0 ) ) + ' / ' + ; ltrim( str( ::nTotal ,12,0 ) ) Wvt_SetToolTip( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::Tooltip ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2668 |
WVTSCROLLBAR:METHOD | HandleEvent( nKey ) CLASS WvtScrollBar
METHOD HandleEvent( nKey ) CLASS WvtScrollBar LOCAL nmRow, nmCol, nOff LOCAL lHit := .F. LOCAL mKeys_:={ K_LBUTTONDOWN, K_LBUTTONUP, K_MMLEFTDOWN, K_LBUTTONPRESSED } if ascan( mKeys_, nKey ) == 0 return .f. endif nmRow := MRow() nmCol := MCol() do case case ::nBarType == WVT_SCROLLBAR_VERT lHit := .t. do case case ::lAnchored .and. nKey == K_MMLEFTDOWN if nmRow <> ::nThumbPos nOff := ::nThumbPos - nmRow if nOff > 0 ::nThumbPos := max( ::nTop+1, nmRow ) else ::nThumbPos := min( ::nBottom-1, nmRow ) endif ::nCurrent := ( ::nTotal * ( ::nThumbPos - ::nTop ) / ::nScrollUnits ) if ::nCurrent > ::nTotal ::nCurrent := ::nTotal endif if ::nCurrent < 1 ::nCurrent := 1 endif ::SetPos( ::nTotal, ::nCurrent ) ::SetTooltip() Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBTHUMBTRACKVERT ) else lHit := .f. endif case ::lAnchored .and. nKey == K_LBUTTONUP ::lAnchored := .f. otherwise lHit := .f. if nmCol >= ::nLeft .and. nmCol <= ::nRight lHit := .t. do case case nmRow == ::nThumbPos .and. nKey == K_LBUTTONDOWN ::lAnchored := .t. case nKey == K_LBUTTONUP if ( lHit := ::lOnLeftDown ) do case case nmRow == ::nTop Eval( ::bBtnLeftTop ) case nmRow == ::nBottom Eval( ::bBtnRightBottom ) case nmRow < ::nThumbPos .and. nmRow > ::nTop case nmRow > ::nThumbPos .and. nmRow < ::nBottom otherwise lHit := .f. endcase if lHit ::lOnLeftDown := .f. endif endif case nKey == K_LBUTTONPRESSED if ( lHit := ::lOnLeftDown ) do case case nmRow == ::nTop Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINEUP ) case nmRow == ::nBottom Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINEDOWN ) case nmRow < ::nThumbPos .and. nmRow > ::nTop Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGEUP ) case nmRow > ::nThumbPos .and. nmRow < ::nBottom Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGEDOWN ) otherwise lHit := .f. endcase endif case nKey == K_LBUTTONDOWN do case case nmRow == ::nTop Eval( ::bBtnLeftTopDep ) Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINEUP ) case nmRow == ::nBottom Eval( ::bBtnRightBottomDep ) Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINEDOWN ) case nmRow < ::nThumbPos .and. nmRow > ::nTop Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGEUP ) case nmRow > ::nThumbPos .and. nmRow < ::nBottom Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGEDOWN ) otherwise lHit := .f. endcase if lHit ::lOnLeftDown := .t. endif endcase endif endcase case ::nBarType == WVT_SCROLLBAR_HORZ do case case ::lAnchored .and. nKey == K_MMLEFTDOWN if ( lHit := ( nmCol < ::nThumbPos .or. nmCol > ::nThumbPos+1 ) ) nOff := ::nThumbPos - nmCol if nOff > 0 ::nThumbPos := max( ::nLeft+2, nmCol ) else ::nThumbPos := min( ::nRight-2, nmCol ) endif ::nCurrent := ( ::nTotal * ( ::nThumbPos - ::nLeft+1 ) / ::nScrollUnits ) if ::nCurrent > ::nTotal ::nCurrent := ::nTotal endif if ::nCurrent < 1 ::nCurrent := 1 endif ::SetPos( ::nTotal, ::nCurrent ) Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBTHUMBTRACKHORZ ) endif case ::lAnchored .and. nKey == K_LBUTTONUP ::lAnchored := .f. lHit := .t. otherwise if ( lHit := nmRow == ::nTop .and. nmCol >= ::nLeft .and. nmCol <= ::nRight ) do case case nKey == K_LBUTTONDOWN .and. nmCol >= ::nThumbPos .and. nmCol <= ::nThumbPos+1 ::lAnchored := .t. case nKey == K_LBUTTONUP if ( lHit := ::lOnLeftDown ) do case case nmCol >= ::nLeft .and. nmCol <= ::nLeft+1 Eval( ::bBtnLeftTop ) case nmCol >= ::nRight-1 .and. nmCol <= ::nRight Eval( ::bBtnRightBottom ) case nmCol < ::nThumbPos case nmCol > ::nThumbPos+1 otherwise lHit := .f. endcase if lHit ::lOnLeftDown := .f. endif endif case nKey == K_LBUTTONPRESSED if ( lHit := ::lOnLeftDown ) do case case nmCol == ::nLeft .or. nmCol == ::nLeft+1 Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINELEFT ) case nmCol == ::nRight .or. nmCol == ::nRight-1 Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINERIGHT ) case nmCol < ::nThumbPos Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGELEFT ) case nmCol > ::nThumbPos+1 Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGERIGHT ) otherwise lHit := .f. endcase endif case nKey == K_LBUTTONDOWN do case case nmCol == ::nLeft .or. nmCol == ::nLeft+1 Eval( ::bBtnLeftTopDep ) Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINELEFT ) case nmCol == ::nRight .or. nmCol == ::nRight-1 Eval( ::bBtnRightBottomDep ) Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBLINERIGHT ) case nmCol < ::nThumbPos Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGELEFT ) case nmCol > ::nThumbPos+1 Wvt_Keyboard( K_SBPAGERIGHT ) otherwise lHit := .f. endcase if lHit ::lOnLeftDown := .t. endif endcase endif endcase endcase RETURN lHit | wvgclass.prg | 2679 |
CLASS | WvtBanner FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtBanner FROM WvtObject DATA nTimeDelay INIT 0.5 // One-half Second DATA nDirection INIT 0 // LEFT 1-RIGHT DATA nCharToSkip INIT 1 DATA cText INIT '' DATA cDispText INIT '' DATA nTextLen INIT 0 DATA nTextIndex INIT 0 DATA oLabel DATA nAlignVert INIT 2 // Center DATA nCurSeconds INIT 0 DATA nCurAlign METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Configure() METHOD Refresh() METHOD HoverOn() METHOD HoverOff() METHOD OnTimer() METHOD SetText() METHOD Destroy() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 2897 |
WVTBANNER:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtBanner
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtBanner ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_BANNER, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2928 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtBanner ::cDispText := ::cText ::oLabel := WvtLabel():New( ::oParent, , ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight ) ::oLabel:Text := ::cDispText ::oLabel:cFont := ::cFont ::oLabel:nFontHeight := ::nFontHeight ::oLabel:nFontWidth := ::nFontWidth ::oLabel:nFontWeight := ::nFontWeight ::oLabel:nFontQuality := ::nFontQuality ::oLabel:lItalic := ::lItalic ::oLabel:lStrikeout := ::lStrikeout ::oLabel:lUnderline := ::lUnderline ::oLabel:nAlignVert := ::nAlignVert ::oLabel:nAlignHorz := iif( ::nDirection == 0, 0, 1 ) ::oLabel:nTextColor := ::nTextColor ::oLabel:nBackColor := ::nBackColor ::oLabel:nTextColorHoverOn := ::nTextColorHoverOn ::oLabel:nBackColorHoverOn := ::nBackColorHoverOn ::oLabel:Create() ::nCurSeconds := Seconds() ::nTextLen := len( ::cText ) ::nTextIndex := iif( ::nDirection == 0, 1, ::nTextLen ) ::nCurAlign := ::nDirection ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2936 |
METHOD Destroy() CLASS WvtBanner Win_DeleteObject( ::oLabel:hFont ) RETURN nil | wvgclass.prg | 2970 |
WVTBANNER:METHOD | Configure() CLASS WvtBanner
METHOD Configure() CLASS WvtBanner RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2978 |
METHOD OnTimer() CLASS WvtBanner ::Refresh() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2984 |
WVTBANNER:METHOD | SetText( cText ) CLASS WvtBanner
METHOD SetText( cText ) CLASS WvtBanner if cText <> nil ::cText := cText ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 2992 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtBanner LOCAL nNewTime if abs( ( nNewTime := Seconds() ) - ::nCurSeconds ) >= ::nTimeDelay ::nCurSeconds := nNewTime if ::nDirection == 0 ::nTextIndex++ if ::nTextIndex > ::nTextLen ::nTextIndex := 1 ::nCurAlign := iif( ::nCurAlign == 0, 1, 0 ) endif if ::nCurAlign == 0 // Left ::cDispText := substr( ::cText,::nTextIndex ) else // Right ::cDispText := substr( ::cText, 1, ::nTextIndex ) endif else ::nTextIndex-- if ::nTextIndex < 0 ::nTextIndex := ::nTextLen ::nCurAlign := iif( ::nCurAlign == 0, 1, 0 ) endif if ::nCurAlign == 0 // Left ::cDispText := substr( ::cText,::nTextIndex ) else // Right ::cDispText := substr( ::cText, 1, ::nTextIndex ) endif endif ::oLabel:nAlignHorz := ::nCurAlign ::oLabel:SetText( ::cDispText ) ::oLabel:Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3003 |
METHOD HoverOn() CLASS WvtBanner ::oLabel:HoverOn() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3044 |
METHOD HoverOff() CLASS WvtBanner ::oLabel:HoverOff() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3052 |
CLASS | WvtTextBox FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtTextBox FROM WvtObject DATA cText INIT '' METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Configure() METHOD Refresh() METHOD SetText() METHOD HoverOn() METHOD HoverOff() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 3068 |
WVTTEXTBOX:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtTextBox
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtTextBox ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_TEXTBOX, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3084 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtTextBox ::nTextColorHoverOff := ::nTextColor ::hFont := Wvt_CreateFont( ::cFont, ::nFontHeight, ::nFontWidth, ; ::nFontWeight, ::lItalic, ::lUnderline, ::lStrikeout, ; ::nCharSet, ::nFontQuality, 0 ) if ::hFont <> 0 ::bPaint := {|| Wvt_DrawTextBox( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ; ::aPxlTLBR, ::cText, ::nAlignHorz, ::nAlignVert, ; ::nTextColor, ::nBackColor, ::nBackMode, ::hFont ) } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint, { WVT_BLOCK_LABEL, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) endif ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3092 |
METHOD Refresh() CLASS WvtTextBox Eval( ::bPaint ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3114 |
METHOD Configure() CLASS WvtTextBox RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3122 |
METHOD SetText( cText ) CLASS WvtTextBox if cText <> nil ::cText := cText ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3128 |
METHOD HoverOn( /*cText*/ ) CLASS WvtTextBox if ::nTextColorHoverOn <> nil ::nTextColor := ::nTextColorHoverOn ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3139 |
METHOD HoverOff( /*cText*/ ) CLASS WvtTextBox if ::nTextColorHoverOn <> nil ::nTextColor := ::nTextColorHoverOff ::Refresh() endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3150 |
CLASS | WvtProgressBar FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtProgressBar FROM WvtObject DATA cImage DATA nDirection INIT 0 // 0-Left-Right,Top-Bottom 1-Right-Left,Bottom-Top DATA nStyle INIT 0 DATA lVertical INIT .f. DATA lActive INIT .f. DATA nBarColor INIT RGB( 0,0,128 ) DATA nCurrent INIT 0 DATA nTotal INIT 1 DATA nPercent INIT 0 DATA cBackColor INIT 'W/W' DATA cScreen METHOD New() METHOD Create() METHOD Display() METHOD Activate() METHOD DeActivate() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 3169 |
WVTPROGRESSBAR:METHOD | New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtProgressBar
METHOD New( oParent, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS WvtProgressBar ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_PROGRESSBAR, nID, nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3195 |
METHOD Create() CLASS WvtProgressBar DEFAULT ::nTop TO 0 DEFAULT ::nLeft TO 0 DEFAULT ::nBottom TO iif( ::lVertical, ::nTop + 9, ::nTop ) DEFAULT ::nRight TO iif( ::lVertical, ::nLeft + 1, ::nLeft + 19 ) DEFAULT ::nTextColor TO RGB( 255,255,255 ) DEFAULT ::nBackColor TO RGB( 198,198,198 ) ::bPaint := {|| ::Display() } aadd( ::aPaint, { ::bPaint, { WVT_BLOCK_LABEL, ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight } } ) ::Super:Create() RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3203 |
WVTPROGRESSBAR:METHOD | Display( nCurrent, nTotal ) CLASS WvtProgressBar
METHOD Display( nCurrent, nTotal ) CLASS WvtProgressBar if !( ::lActive ) return Self endif DEFAULT nCurrent TO ::nCurrent DEFAULT nTotal TO ::nTotal ::nCurrent := nCurrent ::nTotal := nTotal if ::nCurrent > ::nTotal ::nCurrent := ::nTotal endif ::nPercent := int( ::nCurrent / ::nTotal * 100 ) Wvt_DrawProgressBar( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::aPxlTLBR, ::nPercent, ; ::nBackColor, ::nBarColor, ::cImage, ::lVertical, ::nDirection ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3221 |
METHOD Activate() CLASS WvtProgressBar ::cScreen := SaveScreen( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight ) DispBox( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ' ', ::cBackColor ) ::lActive := .t. RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3245 |
METHOD DeActivate() CLASS WvtProgressBar ::lActive := .f. ::nCurrent := 0 ::nTotal := 1 RestScreen( ::nTop, ::nLeft, ::nBottom, ::nRight, ::cScreen ) ::cScreen := nil RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3255 |
CLASS | wvtMenu
CLASS wvtMenu METHOD Create( cCaption ) METHOD AddItem( cCaption, bAction ) METHOD DelAllItems() METHOD DelItem( nItem ) METHOD EnableItem( nItemNum ) METHOD DisableItem( nItemNum ) METHOD NumItems() METHOD Destroy() METHOD GetItem( nItemNum ) METHOD FindMenuItemById( nId ) METHOD DrawMenuBar() CLASSVAR MenuItemId INIT 1 VAR aItems VAR hMenu VAR Caption VAR IdNumber ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 3276 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | Create( cCaption ) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD Create( cCaption ) CLASS wvtMenu ::aItems := {} IF EMPTY( ::hMenu:= Wvt_CreateMenu() ) //Throw( ErrorNew( "wvtMenu", 1000, "wvtMenu:Init()", "Create Menu Error", { cCaption, cCaption },"wvt.prg" ) ) ENDIF ::Caption:= IIF( cCaption == NIL, "", cCaption ) RETURN(Self) | wvgclass.prg | 3301 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | Destroy() CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD Destroy() CLASS wvtMenu IF !EMPTY( ::hMenu ) ::DelAllItems() IF !Wvt_DestroyMenu( ::hMenu ) //Throw( ErrorNew( "wvtMenu", 1000, "wvtMenu:Destroy()", "Destroy menu FAILED", {},"wvt.prg" ) ) ENDIF ::hMenu:= 0 ENDIF RETURN( .T. ) | wvgclass.prg | 3313 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | AddItem(cCaption, bAction) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD AddItem(cCaption, bAction) CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL lResult:= .F., aItem IF !EMPTY( ::hMenu ) .AND. ( !EMPTY( cCaption ) .OR. !EMPTY( bAction ) ) IF HB_ISOBJECT( bAction ) cCaption:= IIF(!EMPTY(cCaption),cCaption,bAction:Caption) aItem:= {MF_POPUP,bAction:hMenu,cCaption,bAction} // bAction is a wvtMenu object reference ELSEIF HB_ISBLOCK(bAction) aItem:= {MF_STRING,::MenuItemId++,cCaption,bAction} // bAction is a code block to execute ELSEIF left( cCaption, 1 )=="-" aItem:= {MF_SEPARATOR,0,0,NIL} ELSE //Throw( ErrorNew( "wvtMenu", 3101, "wvtMenu:AddItem()", "Argument Error", { cCaption, bAction },"wvt.prg" ) ) ENDIF IF !Wvt_AppendMenu(::hMenu, aItem[WVT_MENU_TYPE],aItem[WVT_MENU_IDENTIFIER],aItem[WVT_MENU_CAPTION]) //Throw( ErrorNew( "wvtMenu", 1000, "wvtMenu:AddItem()", "Add menu item", { cCaption, bAction },"wvt.prg" ) ) ENDIF AADD(::aItems, aItem) lResult:= .T. ENDIF RETURN( lResult ) | wvgclass.prg | 3328 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | DelAllItems() CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD DelAllItems() CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL lResult:= .T., nItems nItems := ::NumItems() DO WHILE nItems>0 .AND. lResult lResult := ::DelItem( nItems ) nItems-- ENDDO RETURN ( lResult ) | wvgclass.prg | 3355 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | DelItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD DelItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL lResult:= .F. IF nItemNum > 0 .AND. nItemNum <= ::NumItems() IF ::aItems[ nItemNum,WVT_MENU_TYPE ]== MF_POPUP ::aItems[ nItemNum,WVT_MENU_MENUOBJ ]:Destroy() ENDIF IF ( lResult:= Wvt_DeleteMenu(::hMenu, nItemNum-1,MF_BYPOSITION)) // Remember ZERO base ADEL( ::aItems, nItemNum ) ASIZE( ::aItems, LEN( ::aItems ) - 1 ) ELSE //Throw( ErrorNew( "wvtMenu", 1000, "wvtMenu:DelItem()", "Delete menu item FAILED", { nItemNum },"wvt.prg" ) ) ENDIF ENDIF RETURN(lResult) | wvgclass.prg | 3368 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | EnableItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD EnableItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL nPrevious:= -1 IF !EMPTY( ::hMenu ) && !EMPTY( nItemNum ) nPrevious:= Wvt_EnableMenuItem( ::hMenu, nItemNum-1, MF_BYPOSITION + MF_ENABLED ) ENDIF RETURN ( nPrevious ) | wvgclass.prg | 3388 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | DisableItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD DisableItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL nPrevious:= -1 IF !EMPTY( ::hMenu ) && !EMPTY( nItemNum ) nPrevious:= Wvt_EnableMenuItem( ::hMenu, nItemNum-1, MF_BYPOSITION + MF_GRAYED ) ENDIF RETURN ( nPrevious ) | wvgclass.prg | 3399 |
METHOD NumItems() CLASS wvtMenu RETURN ( LEN( ::aItems ) ) | wvgclass.prg | 3410 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | GetItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD GetItem( nItemNum ) CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL nItems := ::NumItems(), aResult:= NIL IF nItemNum > 0 .AND. nItemNum <= nItems aResult:= ::aItems[ nItemNum ] ENDIF RETURN ( aResult ) | wvgclass.prg | 3416 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | FindMenuItemById( nId ) CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD FindMenuItemById( nId ) CLASS wvtMenu LOCAL x, aResult:= {} IF !EMPTY( nId ) x:= ::NumItems() DO WHILE x > 0 .AND. EMPTY( aResult ) IF ::aItems[ x,WVT_MENU_TYPE ] == MF_POPUP aResult:= ::aItems[ x,WVT_MENU_MENUOBJ ]:FindMenuItemById( nId ) ELSEIF ::aItems[ x,WVT_MENU_IDENTIFIER ] == nId aResult := ::aItems[ x ] ENDIF x-- ENDDO ENDIF RETURN ( aResult ) | wvgclass.prg | 3427 |
WVTMENU:METHOD | DrawMenuBar() CLASS wvtMenu
METHOD DrawMenuBar() CLASS wvtMenu Wvt_DrawMenuBar() RETURN ( NIL ) | wvgclass.prg | 3446 |
CLASS | WvtConsole FROM WvtObject
CLASS WvtConsole FROM WvtObject METHOD New() METHOD Say() METHOD Box() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 3462 |
WVTCONSOLE:METHOD | New( oParent ) CLASS WvtConsole
METHOD New( oParent ) CLASS WvtConsole ::Super:New( oParent, DLG_OBJ_CONSOLE, , -1, -1, -1, -1 ) RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3472 |
WVTCONSOLE:METHOD | Say( nRow, nCol, xExp, cColor ) CLASS WvtConsole
METHOD Say( nRow, nCol, xExp, cColor ) CLASS WvtConsole LOCAL nCRow, nCCol, nCursor if nRow >=0 .and. nCol >= 0 .and. xExp <> nil nCursor := SetCursor( SC_NONE ) nCRow := Row() nCCol := Col() DispOutAt( nRow, nCol, xExp, cColor ) SetPos( nCRow, nCCol ) SetCursor( nCursor ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3480 |
WVTCONSOLE:METHOD | Box( nRow, nCol, n2Row, n2Col, cBoxChars, cColor ) CLASS WvtConsole
METHOD Box( nRow, nCol, n2Row, n2Col, cBoxChars, cColor ) CLASS WvtConsole LOCAL nCRow, nCCol, nCursor if nRow >=0 .and. nCol >= 0 nCursor := SetCursor( SC_NONE ) nCRow := Row() nCCol := Col() DispBox( nRow, nCol, n2Row, n2Col, cBoxChars, cColor ) SetPos( nCRow, nCCol ) SetCursor( nCursor ) endif RETURN Self | wvgclass.prg | 3496 |
CLASS TBrowseWVG FROM TBrowse DATA aColumnsSep INIT {} METHOD SetVisible() ENDCLASS | wvgclass.prg | 3539 |
METHOD SetVisible() CLASS TBrowseWVG Local lFirst, aCol, nColPos ::Super:SetVisible() ::aColumnsSep := {} lFirst := .T. FOR EACH aCol IN ::aColData IF aCol[ _TBCI_COLPOS ] != NIL IF lFirst lFirst := .F. ELSE nColPos := aCol[ _TBCI_COLPOS ] IF aCol[ _TBCI_SEPWIDTH ] > 0 nColPos += Int( aCol[ _TBCI_SEPWIDTH ]/2 ) ENDIF aadd( ::aColumnsSep, nColPos ) ENDIF ENDIF NEXT Return Self | wvgclass.prg | 3549 |
wvgpaint.prg | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
FUNCTION | WvtPaintObjects()
function WvtPaintObjects() LOCAL i, lExe, nLeft, nRight, b, tlbr_, aBlocks, nBlocks aBlocks := WvtSetPaint() if ( nBlocks := len( aBlocks ) ) > 0 tlbr_:= Wvt_GetPaintRect() for i := 1 to nBlocks lExe := .t. if aBlocks[ i,3 ] <> nil .and. !empty( aBlocks[ i,3 ] ) // Check parameters against tlbr_ depending upon the // type of object and attributes contained in aAttr // do case case aBlocks[ i,3,1 ] == WVT_BLOCK_GRID_V b := aBlocks[ i,3,6 ] if len( b:aColumnsSep ) == 0 lExe := .f. else nLeft := b:aColumnsSep[ 1 ] nRight := b:aColumnsSep[ len( b:aColumnsSep ) ] if !( tlbr_[ 1 ] <= aBlocks[ i,3,4 ] .and. ; // top < bottom tlbr_[ 3 ] >= aBlocks[ i,3,2 ] .and. ; // bootm > top tlbr_[ 2 ] <= nRight + 1 .and. ; // left < right tlbr_[ 4 ] >= nLeft - 2 ) // right > left lExe := .f. endif endif case aBlocks[ i,3,1 ] == WVT_BLOCK_GETS if !( tlbr_[ 1 ] <= aBlocks[ i,3,4 ] .and. ; // top < bott tlbr_[ 3 ] >= aBlocks[ i,3,2 ] .and. ; // bootm > top tlbr_[ 2 ] <= aBlocks[ i,3,5 ] .and. ; // left < righ tlbr_[ 4 ] >= aBlocks[ i,3,3 ] ) // right > left lExe := .f. endif otherwise // If refreshing rectangle's top is less than objects' bottom // and left is less than objects' right // if !( tlbr_[ 1 ] <= aBlocks[ i,3,4 ] .and. ; // top <= bottom tlbr_[ 3 ] >= aBlocks[ i,3,2 ] .and. ; // bootm >= top tlbr_[ 2 ] <= aBlocks[ i,3,5 ] .and. ; // left < right tlbr_[ 4 ] >= aBlocks[ i,3,3 ] ) // right > left lExe := .f. endif endcase endif if lExe eval( aBlocks[ i,2 ] ) endif next endif return ( 0 ) | wvgpaint.prg | 83 |
FUNCTION | WvtSetPaint( a_ )
function WvtSetPaint( a_ ) local o static s := {} o := s if a_ <> nil s := a_ endif return o | wvgpaint.prg | 145 |
FUNCTION | SetPaint( cID, nAction, xData, aAttr )
function SetPaint( cID, nAction, xData, aAttr ) local n, n1, oldData if xData <> nil if ( n := ascan( paint_, { |e_| e_[ 1 ] == cID } ) ) > 0 if ( n1 := ascan( paint_[ n,2 ], {|e_| e_[ 1 ] == nAction } ) ) > 0 oldData := paint_[ n,2,n1,2 ] paint_[ n,2,n1,2 ] := xData paint_[ n,2,n1,3 ] := aAttr else aadd( paint_[ n,2 ], { nAction,xData,aAttr } ) endif else aadd( paint_, { cID, {} } ) n := len( paint_ ) aadd( paint_[ n,2 ], { nAction, xData, aAttr } ) endif endif return oldData | wvgpaint.prg | 159 |
FUNCTION | GetPaint( cID )
function GetPaint( cID ) local n if ( n := ascan( paint_, { |e_| e_[ 1 ] == cID } ) ) > 0 return paint_[ n,2 ] endif return {} | wvgpaint.prg | 182 |
FUNCTION | DelPaint( cID, nAction )
function DelPaint( cID, nAction ) local xData, n1, n if ( n := ascan( paint_, { |e_| e_[ 1 ] == cID } ) ) > 0 if ( n1 := ascan( paint_[ n,2 ], {|e_| e_[ 1 ] == nAction } ) ) > 0 xData := paint_[ n,2,n1,2 ] paint_[ n,2,n1,2 ] := {|| .t. } endif endif return xData | wvgpaint.prg | 193 |
FUNCTION | PurgePaint( cID,lDummy )
function PurgePaint( cID,lDummy ) local n, aPaint DEFAULT lDummy TO .f. if ( n := ascan( paint_, { |e_| e_[ 1 ] == cID } ) ) > 0 aPaint := paint_[ n ] ADel( paint_, n ) aSize( paint_, len( paint_ ) - 1 ) endif if lDummy WvtSetPaint( {} ) endif return ( aPaint ) | wvgpaint.prg | 207 |
FUNCTION | InsertPaint( cID, aPaint, lSet )
function InsertPaint( cID, aPaint, lSet ) local n DEFAULT lSet TO .f. if ( n := ascan( paint_, { |e_| e_[ 1 ] == cID } ) ) > 0 paint_[ n ] := aPaint else aadd( paint_, aPaint ) endif if lSet WvtSetPaint( aPaint ) endif return nil | wvgpaint.prg | 226 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_MakeDlgTemplate( nTop, nLeft, nRows, nCols, aOffSet, cTitle, nStyle, cFaceName, nPointSize, nWeight, lItalic, nHelpId, nExStyle )
FUNCTION Wvt_MakeDlgTemplate( nTop, nLeft, nRows, nCols, aOffSet, cTitle, nStyle, ; cFaceName, nPointSize, nWeight, lItalic, nHelpId, nExStyle ) LOCAL aDlg := { {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} } LOCAL aXY, nX, nY, nW, nH, nXM, nYM LOCAL nBaseUnits, nBaseUnitsX, nBaseUnitsY LOCAL aFont aFont := Wvt_GetFontInfo() DEFAULT aOffSet TO {} aSize( aOffSet,4 ) DEFAULT aOffSet[ 1 ] TO 0 DEFAULT aOffSet[ 2 ] TO 0 DEFAULT aOffSet[ 3 ] TO 0 DEFAULT aOffSet[ 4 ] TO 0 nBaseUnits := Win_GetDialogBaseUnits() nBaseUnitsX := Win_LoWord( nBaseUnits ) nBaseUnitsY := Win_HiWord( nBaseUnits ) nW := aFont[ 7 ] * nCols + aOffSet[ 4 ] nH := aFont[ 6 ] * nRows + aOffSet[ 3 ] // Position it exactly where user has requested // aXY := Wvt_ClientToScreen( nTop,nLeft ) nX := aXY[ 1 ] + aOffSet[ 2 ] nY := aXY[ 2 ] + aOffSet[ 1 ] // MSDN says DlgBaseUnits and Screen Coordinates has multiplier of 4,8 for x & Y. // But in my practice, the values below are 99% accurate. // I have tested it on many fonts but on 1280/800 resolution. // Please feel free to experiment if you find thses values inappropriate. // nXM := 5.25 nYM := 10.25 nX := ( nX * nXM / nBaseUnitsX ) nY := ( nY * nYM / nBaseUnitsY ) nW := ( nW * nXM / nBaseUnitsX ) nH := ( nH * nYM / nBaseUnitsY ) If !ISNUMBER( nStyle ) nStyle := + WS_CAPTION + WS_SYSMENU ; + WS_GROUP + WS_TABSTOP + DS_SETFONT ; + WS_THICKFRAME + WS_VISIBLE + WS_POPUP ; + DS_3DLOOK EndIf aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , iif( Empty( nHelpId ), 0, nHelpId ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , iif( Empty( nExStyle ), 0, nExStyle ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , nStyle ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , 0 ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , nX ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , nY ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , nW ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , nH ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , 0 ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , 0 ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ] , iif( ValType( cTitle ) == "C", cTitle, "" ) ) //IF ( nStyle & DS_SETFONT ) == DS_SETFONT if hb_bitAnd( nStyle, DS_SETFONT ) == DS_SETFONT aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ], iif( ValType( nPointSize ) == "N", nPointSize, 8 ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ], iif( ValType( nWeight ) == "N", nWeight , 400 ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ], iif( ValType( lItalic ) == "L", lItalic , .F. ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 1 ], iif( ValType( cFaceName ) == "C", cFaceName , "MS Sans Serif" ) ) EndIf Return( aDlg ) | wvgpaint.prg | 255 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_AddDlgItem( aDlg, nTop, nLeft, nRows, nCols, aOffSet, cnId, cnDlgClass, nStyle, cText, nHelpId, nExStyle )
Function Wvt_AddDlgItem( aDlg, nTop, nLeft, nRows, nCols, aOffSet,; cnId, cnDlgClass, nStyle, cText, nHelpId, nExStyle ) LOCAL aXY, nX, nY, nW, nH, nXM, nYM LOCAL nBaseUnits, nBaseUnitsX, nBaseUnitsY LOCAL nBottom, nRight nBottom := nTop + nRows - 1 nRight := nLeft + nCols - 1 DEFAULT aOffSet TO {} aSize( aOffSet,4 ) DEFAULT aOffSet[ 1 ] TO 0 DEFAULT aOffSet[ 2 ] TO 0 DEFAULT aOffSet[ 3 ] TO 0 DEFAULT aOffSet[ 4 ] TO 0 nBaseUnits := Win_GetDialogBaseUnits() nBaseUnitsX := Win_LoWord( nBaseUnits ) nBaseUnitsY := Win_HiWord( nBaseUnits ) aXY := Wvt_GetXYFromRowCol( nTop, nLeft ) nX := aXY[ 1 ] + aOffSet[ 2 ] nY := aXY[ 2 ] + aOffSet[ 1 ] aXY := Wvt_GetXYFromRowCol( nBottom+1, nRight+1 ) nW := aXY[ 1 ] + aOffSet[ 4 ] - nX nH := aXY[ 2 ] + aOffSet[ 3 ] - nY nXM := 5.25 nYM := 10.25 nX := ( nX * nXM / nBaseUnitsX ) nY := ( nY * nYM / nBaseUnitsY ) nW := ( nW * nXM / nBaseUnitsX ) nH := ( nH * nYM / nBaseUnitsY ) aDlg[ 1,4 ]++ // item count aAdd( aDlg[ 2 ] , iif( ValType( nHelpId ) == "N", nHelpId , 0 ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 3 ] , iif( ValType( nExStyle ) == "N", nExStyle, 0 ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 4 ] , iif( ValType( nStyle ) == "N", nStyle , WS_CHILD + WS_VISIBLE ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 5 ] , nX ) aAdd( aDlg[ 6 ] , nY ) aAdd( aDlg[ 7 ] , nW ) aAdd( aDlg[ 8 ] , nH ) aAdd( aDlg[ 9 ] , cnId ) aAdd( aDlg[ 10 ] , cnDlgClass ) aAdd( aDlg[ 11 ] , iif( ISCHARACTER( cText ), cText, iif( ISNUMBER( cText ), cText, "" ) ) ) aAdd( aDlg[ 12 ] , 0 ) Return aDlg | wvgpaint.prg | 331 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_CreateDialog( acnDlg, lOnTop, cbDlgProc, ncIcon, nTimerTicks, hMenu )
Function Wvt_CreateDialog( acnDlg, lOnTop, cbDlgProc, ncIcon, nTimerTicks, hMenu ) LOCAL hDlg, cType, xTemplate, nDlgMode if valtype( cbDlgProc ) == 'C' cbDlgProc := upper( cbDlgProc ) endif hDlg := 0 cType := Valtype( acnDlg ) nDlgMode := iif( cType == 'C', 0, iif( cType == 'N', 1, 2 ) ) if cType == 'A' xTemplate := Wvt__MakeDlgTemplate( acnDlg[ 1 ] , acnDlg[ 2 ] , acnDlg[ 3 ] , acnDlg[ 4 ] , ; acnDlg[ 5 ] , acnDlg[ 6 ] , acnDlg[ 7 ] , acnDlg[ 8 ] , ; acnDlg[ 9 ] , acnDlg[ 10 ] , acnDlg[ 11 ] , acnDlg[ 12 ] ) else xTemplate := acnDlg endif hDlg := Wvt_CreateDialogDynamic( xTemplate, lOnTop, cbDlgProc, nDlgMode ) if hDlg <> 0 if ncIcon <> nil Wvt_DlgSetIcon( hDlg, ncIcon ) endif if valtype( nTimerTicks ) == 'N' Win_SetTimer( hDlg, 1001, nTimerTicks ) endif if hMenu <> nil Win_SetMenu( hDlg, hMenu ) endif endif Return hDlg | wvgpaint.prg | 387 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_DialogBox( acnDlg, cbDlgProc, hWndParent )
Function Wvt_DialogBox( acnDlg, cbDlgProc, hWndParent ) LOCAL nResult, cType, xTemplate, nDlgMode if valtype( cbDlgProc ) == 'C' cbDlgProc := upper( cbDlgProc ) endif cType := Valtype( acnDlg ) nDlgMode := iif( cType == 'C', 0, iif( cType == 'N', 1, 2 ) ) if cType == 'A' xTemplate := Wvt__MakeDlgTemplate( acnDlg[ 1 ] , acnDlg[ 2 ] , acnDlg[ 3 ] , acnDlg[ 4 ] , ; acnDlg[ 5 ] , acnDlg[ 6 ] , acnDlg[ 7 ] , acnDlg[ 8 ] , ; acnDlg[ 9 ] , acnDlg[ 10 ] , acnDlg[ 11 ] , acnDlg[ 12 ] ) else xTemplate := acnDlg endif nResult := Wvt_CreateDialogModal( xTemplate, .f., cbDlgProc, nDlgMode, hWndParent ) Return nResult | wvgpaint.prg | 430 |
FUNCTION | WVT_GetOpenFileName( hWnd, cPath, cTitle, aFilter, nFlags, cIniDir, cDefExt, nIndex )
FUNCTION WVT_GetOpenFileName( hWnd, cPath, cTitle, aFilter, nFlags, cIniDir, cDefExt, nIndex ) local aFiles, cRet, cFile, n, x, c := '' IF aFilter == nil aFilter := {} END IF ValType( aFilter ) == "A" FOR n := 1 TO LEN( aFilter ) c += aFilter[n][1] + chr(0) + aFilter[n][2] + chr(0) NEXT ENDIF if WIN_AND( nFlags,OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT ) > 0 cFile := space( 32000 ) ELSE cFile := padr( trim( cPath ), 255, chr( 0 ) ) END cRet := WVT__GetOpenFileName( hWnd, @cFile, cTitle, c, nFlags, cIniDir, cDefExt, @nIndex ) if WIN_AND( nFlags,OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT ) > 0 n := AT( CHR(0)+ CHR(0), cFile ) cFile := LEFT( cFile,n ) aFiles := {} IF n == 0 // no double chr(0) user must have pressed cancel RETURN( aFiles ) END x := AT( CHR( 0 ),cFile ) // fist null cPath := LEFT( cFile,x ) cFile := STRTRAN( cFile,cPath ) IF !EMPTY( cFile ) // user selected more than 1 file c := '' FOR n := 1 TO LEN( cFile ) IF SUBSTR( cFile,n,1 ) == CHR( 0 ) AADD( aFiles,STRTRAN( cPath, CHR( 0 ) ) +'\'+ c ) c:='' LOOP END c += SUBSTR( cFile,n,1 ) NEXT ELSE /* cFile:=cPath x:=RAT('\',cFile) cPath:=LEFT(cFile,x-1) */ aFiles := { STRTRAN( cPath, CHR( 0 ) ) } //STRTRAN(STRTRAN(cFile,cPath),'\')} END Return( aFiles ) else //cRet := left( cRet, at( chr( 0 ), cRet ) -1 ) end Return ( cRet ) | wvgpaint.prg | 472 |
FUNCTION | WVT_GetSaveFileName( hWnd, cFile, cTitle, aFilter, nFlags, cIniDir, cDefExt, nIndex )
FUNCTION WVT_GetSaveFileName( hWnd, cFile, cTitle, aFilter, nFlags, cIniDir, cDefExt, nIndex ) local n,c:='' IF aFilter == nil aFilter := {} END FOR n := 1 TO LEN( aFilter ) c += aFilter[ n ][ 1 ]+chr( 0 )+aFilter[ n ][ 2 ]+chr( 0 ) NEXT cFile := WVT__GetSaveFileName( hWnd, cFile, cTitle, c, nFlags, cIniDir, cDefExt, @nIndex ) Return ( cFile ) | wvgpaint.prg | 544 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetTitle( cTitle )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetTitle( cTitle ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_WINTITLE, cTitle ) | wvgpaint.prg | 573 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetTitle()
FUNCTION Wvt_GetTitle() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_WINTITLE ) | wvgpaint.prg | 579 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetIcon( ncIconRes, cIconName )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetIcon( ncIconRes, cIconName ) if valtype( ncIconRes ) == 'N' Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_ICONRES, ncIconRes ) elseif valtype( cIconName ) == 'C' Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_ICONRES, cIconName ) elseif valtype( ncIconRes ) == 'C' Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_ICONFILE, ncIconRes ) endif RETURN NIL | wvgpaint.prg | 585 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetFont( cFontName, nSize, nWidth, nWeight, nQuality )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetFont( cFontName, nSize, nWidth, nWeight, nQuality ) DEFAULT cFontName TO Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTNAME ) DEFAULT nWidth TO Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH ) DEFAULT nWeight TO Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWEIGHT ) DEFAULT nQuality TO Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTQUALITY ) DEFAULT nSize TO Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTSIZE ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SETFONT, { cFontName, nSize, nWidth, nWeight, nQuality } ) | wvgpaint.prg | 602 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetCodePage( nCodePage )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetCodePage( nCodePage ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_CODEPAGE, nCodePage ) | wvgpaint.prg | 614 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetPalette()
FUNCTION Wvt_GetPalette() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_PALETTE ) | wvgpaint.prg | 620 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetPalette( aRGB )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetPalette( aRGB ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_PALETTE, aRGB ) | wvgpaint.prg | 626 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetRGBColor( nIndex )
FUNCTION Wvt_GetRGBColor( nIndex ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_PALETTE, nIndex ) | wvgpaint.prg | 632 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetAltF4Close( lSetClose )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetAltF4Close( lSetClose ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_CLOSABLE, lSetClose ) | wvgpaint.prg | 638 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetScreenWidth()
FUNCTION Wvt_GetScreenWidth() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_DESKTOPWIDTH ) | wvgpaint.prg | 644 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetScreenHeight()
FUNCTION Wvt_GetScreenHeight() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_DESKTOPHEIGHT ) | wvgpaint.prg | 650 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetWindowHandle()
FUNCTION Wvt_GetWindowHandle() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WINDOWHANDLE ) | wvgpaint.prg | 656 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_CenterWindow( lCenter, lRePaint )
FUNCTION Wvt_CenterWindow( lCenter, lRePaint ) DEFAULT lCenter TO .t. DEFAULT lRePaint TO .f. RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_CENTERWINDOW, { lCenter, lRePaint } ) | wvgpaint.prg | 662 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_WindowCentre( lCenter, lRePaint )
FUNCTION Wvt_WindowCentre( lCenter, lRePaint ) DEFAULT lCenter TO .t. DEFAULT lRePaint TO .f. RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_CENTERWINDOW, { lCenter, lRePaint } ) | wvgpaint.prg | 671 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_ProcessMessages()
FUNCTION Wvt_ProcessMessages() Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_PROCESSMESSAGES ) RETURN .t. | wvgpaint.prg | 680 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_KeyBoard( nKey )
FUNCTION Wvt_KeyBoard( nKey ) Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_KEYBOARD, nKey ) RETURN NIL | wvgpaint.prg | 688 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_GetClipboard()
FUNCTION Wvt_GetClipboard() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_CLIPBOARDDATA ) | wvgpaint.prg | 696 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetClipboard( cText )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetClipboard( cText ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_CLIPBOARDDATA, cText ) | wvgpaint.prg | 702 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_PasteFromClipboard()
FUNCTION Wvt_PasteFromClipboard() Local cText, nLen, i cText := Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_CLIPBOARDDATA ) if ( nLen := Len( cText ) ) > 0 for i := 1 to nLen Wvt_KeyBoard( asc( substr( cText, i, 1 ) ) ) next endif RETURN NIL | wvgpaint.prg | 708 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_ResetWindow()
FUNCTION Wvt_ResetWindow() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_RESETWINDOW ) | wvgpaint.prg | 722 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetTimer( nTimerID, nMiliSeconds )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetTimer( nTimerID, nMiliSeconds ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_SETTIMER, { nTimerID, nMiliSeconds } ) | wvgpaint.prg | 728 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_KillTimer( nTimerID )
FUNCTION Wvt_KillTimer( nTimerID ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_KILLTIMER, nTimerID ) | wvgpaint.prg | 734 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetOnTop()
FUNCTION Wvt_SetOnTop() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, WNDS_SETONTOP ) | wvgpaint.prg | 740 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetAsNormal()
FUNCTION Wvt_SetAsNormal() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, WNDS_SETASNORMAL ) | wvgpaint.prg | 746 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_Minimize()
FUNCTION Wvt_Minimize() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, WNDS_MINIMIZED ) | wvgpaint.prg | 752 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_Maximize()
FUNCTION Wvt_Maximize() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, WNDS_MAXIMIZED ) | wvgpaint.prg | 758 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_Hide()
FUNCTION Wvt_Hide() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, WNDS_HIDDEN ) | wvgpaint.prg | 764 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_Show()
FUNCTION Wvt_Show() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, WNDS_NORMAL ) | wvgpaint.prg | 770 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_SetWindowPos( nX, nY )
FUNCTION Wvt_SetWindowPos( nX, nY ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_SETPOSITION, { nX, nY } ) | wvgpaint.prg | 776 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_ShowWindow( nState )
FUNCTION Wvt_ShowWindow( nState ) RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_SHOWWINDOW, nState ) | wvgpaint.prg | 782 |
FUNCTION | Wvt_Update()
FUNCTION Wvt_Update() RETURN Hb_GtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_UPDATEWINDOW ) | wvgpaint.prg | 788 |
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