gtpca.c | |||
Type | Function | Source | Line |
STATIC VOID | sig_handler( int iSigNo )
static void sig_handler( int iSigNo ) { switch( iSigNo ) { #ifdef SIGCHLD case SIGCHLD: { int e = errno, stat; pid_t pid; do pid = waitpid( -1, &stat, WNOHANG ); while( pid > 0 ); errno = e; break; } #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH case SIGWINCH: /* s_WinSizeChangeFlag = TRUE; */ break; #endif #ifdef SIGINT case SIGINT: /* s_InetrruptFlag = TRUE; */ break; #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT case SIGQUIT: /* s_BreakFlag = TRUE; */ break; #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP case SIGTSTP: /* s_DebugFlag = TRUE; */ break; #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU case SIGTTOU: s_fRestTTY = FALSE; break; #endif } } | gtpca.c | 129 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_termFlush( void )
static void hb_gt_pca_termFlush( void ) { if( s_iOutBufIndex > 0 ) { hb_fsWriteLarge( s_hFilenoStdout, s_sOutBuf, s_iOutBufIndex ); s_iOutBufIndex = 0; } } | gtpca.c | 176 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_termOut( const BYTE * pStr, int iLen )
static void hb_gt_pca_termOut( const BYTE * pStr, int iLen ) { if( s_iOutBufSize ) { int i; while( iLen > 0 ) { if( s_iOutBufSize == s_iOutBufIndex ) hb_gt_pca_termFlush(); i = s_iOutBufSize - s_iOutBufIndex; if( i > iLen ) i = iLen; memcpy( s_sOutBuf + s_iOutBufIndex, pStr, i ); pStr += i; s_iOutBufIndex += i; iLen -= i; } } } | gtpca.c | 185 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAutoMargin( int iAM )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAutoMargin( int iAM ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAutoMargin(%d)", iAM)); if( iAM != s_iAM ) { /* * disabled until I'll find good PC-ANSI terminal documentation with * detail Auto Margin and Auto Line Wrapping description, [druzus] */ #if 0 if( iAM != 0 ) hb_gt_pca_termOut( ( BYTE * ) "\x1B[=7h", 5 ); else hb_gt_pca_termOut( ( BYTE * ) "\x1B[=7l", 5 ); #endif s_iAM = iAM; } } | gtpca.c | 205 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiGetCurPos( int * iRow, int * iCol )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiGetCurPos( int * iRow, int * iCol ) { static BOOL s_fIsAnswer = TRUE; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_AnsiGetCurPos(%p, %p)", iRow, iCol)); if( s_fIsAnswer && s_bStdinConsole && s_bStdoutConsole ) { hb_gt_pca_termOut( ( BYTE * ) "\x1B[6n", 4 ); hb_gt_pca_termFlush(); #if defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE ) || defined( __DJGPP__ ) { char rdbuf[ 64 ]; int i, n, y, x; struct timeval tv; fd_set rdfds; FD_ZERO( &rdfds ); FD_SET( s_hFilenoStdin, &rdfds ); tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; *iRow = *iCol = -1; n = 0; s_fIsAnswer = FALSE; while( select( s_hFilenoStdin + 1, &rdfds, NULL, NULL, &tv ) > 0 ) { i = read( s_hFilenoStdin, rdbuf + n, sizeof( rdbuf ) - 1 - n ); if( i <= 0 ) break; n += i; if( n >= 6 ) { rdbuf[ n ] = '\0'; if( sscanf( rdbuf, "\033[%d;%dR", &y, &x ) == 2 ) { *iRow = y; *iCol = x; s_fIsAnswer = TRUE; break; } } } if( !s_fIsAnswer ) *iRow = *iCol = -1; } #else { USHORT ch, value = 0, index = 0; do { ch = ( USHORT ) getc( stdin ); if( isdigit( ch ) ) { value = ( value * 10 ) + ( ch - '0' ); } else if( ch == ';' ) { *iRow = value - 1; value = 0; } } while( ch != 'R' && index < 10 ); *iCol = value - 1; s_fIsAnswer = ch == 'R' && *iCol != -1 && *iRow != -1; } #endif } } | gtpca.c | 225 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorPos( int iRow, int iCol )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorPos( int iRow, int iCol ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorPos(%d, %d)", iRow, iCol)); if( s_iRow != iRow || s_iCol != iCol ) { char buff[16]; snprintf( buff, sizeof( buff ), "\x1B[%d;%dH", iRow + 1, iCol + 1 ); hb_gt_pca_termOut( ( BYTE * ) buff, strlen( buff ) ); s_iRow = iRow; s_iCol = iCol; } } | gtpca.c | 297 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorStyle( int iStyle )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorStyle( int iStyle ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorStyle(%d)", iStyle)); if( s_iCursorStyle != iStyle ) { hb_gt_pca_termOut( ( BYTE * ) ( iStyle == SC_NONE ? "\x1B[?25l" : "\x1B[?25h" ), 6 ); s_iCursorStyle = iStyle; } } | gtpca.c | 311 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAttributes( int iAttr )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAttributes( int iAttr ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAttributes(%d)", iAttr)); if( s_iCurrentSGR != iAttr ) { int i, bg, fg, bold, blink; BYTE buff[16]; i = 2; buff[ 0 ] = 0x1b; buff[ 1 ] = '['; bg = s_AnsiColors[ ( iAttr >> 4 ) & 0x07 ]; fg = s_AnsiColors[ iAttr & 0x07 ]; bold = iAttr & 0x08 ? 1 : 0; blink = iAttr & 0x80 ? 1 : 0; if( s_iCurrentSGR == -1 ) { buff[ i++ ] = '0'; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; if( bold ) { buff[ i++ ] = '1'; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; } if( blink ) { buff[ i++ ] = '5'; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; } buff[ i++ ] = '3'; buff[ i++ ] = '0' + ( BYTE ) fg; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; buff[ i++ ] = '4'; buff[ i++ ] = '0' + ( BYTE ) bg; buff[ i++ ] = 'm'; s_iBold = bold; s_iBlink = blink; s_iFgColor = fg; s_iBgColor = bg; } else { if( s_iBold != bold ) { if( !bold ) buff[ i++ ] = '2'; buff[ i++ ] = '1'; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; s_iBold = bold; } if( s_iBlink != blink ) { if( !blink ) buff[ i++ ] = '2'; buff[ i++ ] = '5'; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; s_iBlink = blink; } if( s_iFgColor != fg ) { buff[ i++ ] = '3'; buff[ i++ ] = '0' + ( BYTE ) fg; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; s_iFgColor = fg; } if( s_iBgColor != bg ) { buff[ i++ ] = '4'; buff[ i++ ] = '0' + ( BYTE ) bg; buff[ i++ ] = ';'; s_iBgColor = bg; } buff[ i - 1 ] = 'm'; } s_iCurrentSGR = iAttr; if( i > 2 ) { hb_gt_pca_termOut( buff, i ); } } } | gtpca.c | 323 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiInit( void )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiInit( void ) { s_iCurrentSGR = s_iRow = s_iCol = s_iCursorStyle = s_iAM = -1; } | gtpca.c | 408 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_AnsiPutStr( int iRow, int iCol, BYTE bAttr, BYTE *pStr, int iLen )
static void hb_gt_pca_AnsiPutStr( int iRow, int iCol, BYTE bAttr, BYTE *pStr, int iLen ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_AnsiPutStr(%d,%d,%hu,%p,%d)", iRow, iCol, bAttr, pStr, iLen)); hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAttributes( bAttr ); hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorPos( iRow, iCol ); hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAutoMargin( 0 ); hb_gt_pca_termOut( pStr, iLen ); s_iCol += iLen; } | gtpca.c | 413 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_setKeyTrans( char * pSrcChars, char * pDstChars )
static void hb_gt_pca_setKeyTrans( char * pSrcChars, char * pDstChars ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 256; ++i ) s_keyTransTbl[ i ] = ( BYTE ) i; if( pSrcChars && pDstChars ) { BYTE c; for( i = 0; i < 256 && ( c = ( BYTE ) pSrcChars[ i ] ) != 0; ++i ) s_keyTransTbl[ c ] = ( BYTE ) pDstChars[ i ]; } } | gtpca.c | 424 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_Init( PHB_GT pGT, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdin, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdout, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStderr )
static void hb_gt_pca_Init( PHB_GT pGT, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdin, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStdout, HB_FHANDLE hFilenoStderr ) { int iRows = 25, iCols = 80; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_Init(%p,%p,%p,%p)", pGT, hFilenoStdin, hFilenoStdout, hFilenoStderr)); s_hFilenoStdin = hFilenoStdin; s_hFilenoStdout = hFilenoStdout; s_hFilenoStderr = hFilenoStderr; s_bStdinConsole = hb_fsIsDevice( s_hFilenoStdin ); s_bStdoutConsole = hb_fsIsDevice( s_hFilenoStdout ); s_bStderrConsole = hb_fsIsDevice( s_hFilenoStderr ); s_cdpTerm = s_cdpHost = NULL; s_fDispTrans = FALSE; hb_gt_pca_setKeyTrans( NULL, NULL ); s_szCrLf = (BYTE *) hb_conNewLine(); s_ulCrLf = strlen( (char *) s_szCrLf ); hb_fsSetDevMode( s_hFilenoStdout, FD_BINARY ); HB_GTSUPER_INIT( pGT, hFilenoStdin, hFilenoStdout, hFilenoStderr ); /* SA_NOCLDSTOP in #if is a hack to detect POSIX compatible environment */ #if ( defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE ) || defined( __DJGPP__ ) ) && \ defined( SA_NOCLDSTOP ) s_fRestTTY = FALSE; if( s_bStdinConsole ) { #if defined( SIGTTOU ) struct sigaction act, old; /* if( s_saved_TIO.c_lflag & TOSTOP ) != 0 */ sigaction( SIGTTOU, NULL, &old ); memcpy( &act, &old, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); act.sa_handler = sig_handler; /* do not use SA_RESTART - new Linux kernels will repeat the operation */ #if defined( SA_ONESHOT ) act.sa_flags = SA_ONESHOT; #elif defined( SA_RESETHAND ) act.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; #else act.sa_flags = 0; #endif sigaction( SIGTTOU, &act, 0 ); #endif s_fRestTTY = TRUE; tcgetattr( hFilenoStdin, &s_saved_TIO ); memcpy( &s_curr_TIO, &s_saved_TIO, sizeof( struct termios ) ); /* atexit( restore_input_mode ); */ s_curr_TIO.c_lflag &= ~( ICANON | ECHO ); s_curr_TIO.c_iflag &= ~ICRNL; s_curr_TIO.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 0; s_curr_TIO.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0; tcsetattr( hFilenoStdin, TCSAFLUSH, &s_curr_TIO ); #if defined( SIGTTOU ) act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigaction( SIGTTOU, &old, NULL ); #endif } #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ if( s_bStdoutConsole ) { struct winsize win; if ( ioctl( hFilenoStdout, TIOCGWINSZ, ( char * ) &win ) != -1 ) { iRows = win.ws_row; iCols = win.ws_col; } } #endif #endif if( s_iOutBufSize == 0 ) { s_iOutBufIndex = 0; s_iOutBufSize = 16384; s_sOutBuf = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( s_iOutBufSize ); } HB_GTSELF_RESIZE( pGT, iRows, iCols ); HB_GTSELF_SETFLAG( pGT, HB_GTI_STDOUTCON, s_bStdoutConsole ); HB_GTSELF_SETFLAG( pGT, HB_GTI_STDERRCON, s_bStderrConsole ); hb_gt_pca_AnsiInit(); hb_gt_pca_AnsiGetCurPos( &s_iRow, &s_iCol ); } | gtpca.c | 439 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_Exit( PHB_GT pGT )
static void hb_gt_pca_Exit( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_Exit(%p)", pGT)); HB_GTSELF_REFRESH( pGT ); /* set default color */ hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAttributes( 0x07 ); hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorStyle( SC_NORMAL ); hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAutoMargin( 1 ); hb_gt_pca_termFlush(); HB_GTSUPER_EXIT( pGT ); #if defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE ) || defined( __DJGPP__ ) if( s_fRestTTY ) tcsetattr( s_hFilenoStdin, TCSANOW, &s_saved_TIO ); #endif if( s_iLineBufSize > 0 ) { hb_xfree( s_sLineBuf ); s_iLineBufSize = 0; } if( s_iOutBufSize > 0 ) { hb_xfree( s_sOutBuf ); s_iOutBufSize = s_iOutBufIndex = 0; } s_bStdinConsole = s_bStdoutConsole = s_bStderrConsole = FALSE; } | gtpca.c | 534 |
STATIC INT | hb_gt_pca_ReadKey( PHB_GT pGT, int iEventMask )
static int hb_gt_pca_ReadKey( PHB_GT pGT, int iEventMask ) { int ch = 0; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_ReadKey(%p,%d)", pGT, iEventMask)); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iEventMask ); #if defined( HB_OS_OS2_GCC ) /* Read from the keyboard with no echo, no wait, and no SIGSEV on Ctrl-C */ ch = _read_kbd( 0, 0, 0 ); if( ch == 0 ) { /* It's a function key lead-in, so read the function key scan code */ ch = _read_kbd( 0, 0, 0 ); if( ch != -1 ) ch += 256; /* If it's really a scan code, offset it */ } /* _read_kbd() returns -1 for no key, the switch statement will handle this. */ ch = hb_gt_dos_keyCodeTranslate( ch ); if( ch > 0 && ch <= 255 ) ch = s_keyTransTbl[ ch ]; #elif defined( _MSC_VER ) && !defined( HB_WINCE ) if( s_bStdinConsole ) { if( _kbhit() ) { ch = _getch(); if( ( ch == 0 || ch == 224 ) && _kbhit() ) { /* It was a function key lead-in code, so read the actual function key and then offset it by 256 */ ch = _getch() + 256; } ch = hb_gt_dos_keyCodeTranslate( ch ); if( ch > 0 && ch <= 255 ) ch = s_keyTransTbl[ ch ]; } } else if( !_eof( s_hFilenoStdin ) ) { BYTE bChar; if( _read( s_hFilenoStdin, &bChar, 1 ) == 1 ) ch = s_keyTransTbl[ bChar ]; } #elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE ) || defined( __DJGPP__ ) { BYTE bChar; if( hb_fsRead( s_hFilenoStdin, &bChar, 1 ) == 1 ) ch = s_keyTransTbl[ bChar ]; } #elif defined( HB_WIN32_IO ) if( !s_bStdinConsole || WaitForSingleObject( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( s_hFilenoStdin ), 0 ) == 0x0000 ) { BYTE bChar; if( hb_fsRead( s_hFilenoStdin, &bChar, 1 ) == 1 ) ch = s_keyTransTbl[ bChar ]; } #else { int TODO; /* TODO: */ } #endif return ch; } | gtpca.c | 564 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_Tone( PHB_GT pGT, double dFrequency, double dDuration )
static void hb_gt_pca_Tone( PHB_GT pGT, double dFrequency, double dDuration ) { static double dLastSeconds = 0; double dCurrentSeconds; HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_pca_Tone(%p, %lf, %lf)", pGT, dFrequency, dDuration)); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); /* Output an ASCII BEL character to cause a sound */ /* but throttle to max once per second, in case of sound */ /* effects prgs calling lots of short tone sequences in */ /* succession leading to BEL hell on the terminal */ dCurrentSeconds = hb_dateSeconds(); if( dCurrentSeconds < dLastSeconds || dCurrentSeconds - dLastSeconds > 0.5 ) { hb_gt_pca_termOut( s_szBell, 1 ); dLastSeconds = dCurrentSeconds; hb_gt_pca_termFlush(); } HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( dFrequency ); /* convert Clipper (DOS) timer tick units to seconds ( x / 18.2 ) */ hb_idleSleep( dDuration / 18.2 ); } | gtpca.c | 635 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_Bell( PHB_GT pGT )
static void hb_gt_pca_Bell( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Bell(%p)", pGT ) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); hb_gt_pca_termOut( s_szBell, 1 ); hb_gt_pca_termFlush(); } | gtpca.c | 663 |
STATIC CONST CHAR * | hb_gt_pca_Version( PHB_GT pGT, int iType )
static const char * hb_gt_pca_Version( PHB_GT pGT, int iType ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Version(%p,%d)", pGT, iType ) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); if( iType == 0 ) return HB_GT_DRVNAME( HB_GT_NAME ); return "Harbour Terminal: PC ANSI"; } | gtpca.c | 673 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_pca_Suspend( PHB_GT pGT )
static BOOL hb_gt_pca_Suspend( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Suspend(%p)", pGT ) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); #if defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE ) || defined( __DJGPP__ ) if( s_fRestTTY ) { tcsetattr( s_hFilenoStdin, TCSANOW, &s_saved_TIO ); } #endif /* Enable line wrap when cursor set after last column */ hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetAutoMargin( 1 ); return TRUE; } | gtpca.c | 685 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_pca_Resume( PHB_GT pGT )
static BOOL hb_gt_pca_Resume( PHB_GT pGT ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Resume(%p)", pGT ) ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pGT ); #if defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE ) || defined( __DJGPP__ ) if( s_fRestTTY ) { tcsetattr( s_hFilenoStdin, TCSANOW, &s_curr_TIO ); } #endif hb_gt_pca_AnsiInit(); return TRUE; } | gtpca.c | 701 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_pca_SetDispCP( PHB_GT pGT, char *pszTermCDP, char *pszHostCDP, BOOL fBox )
static BOOL hb_gt_pca_SetDispCP( PHB_GT pGT, char *pszTermCDP, char *pszHostCDP, BOOL fBox ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_SetDispCP(%p,%s,%s,%d)", pGT, pszTermCDP, pszHostCDP, (int) fBox ) ); HB_GTSUPER_SETDISPCP( pGT, pszTermCDP, pszHostCDP, fBox ); #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if( !pszHostCDP ) pszHostCDP = hb_cdpID(); if( !pszTermCDP ) pszTermCDP = pszHostCDP; if( pszTermCDP && pszHostCDP ) { s_cdpTerm = hb_cdpFind( pszTermCDP ); s_cdpHost = hb_cdpFind( pszHostCDP ); s_fDispTrans = s_cdpTerm && s_cdpHost && s_cdpTerm != s_cdpHost; return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } | gtpca.c | 717 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_pca_SetKeyCP( PHB_GT pGT, char *pszTermCDP, char *pszHostCDP )
static BOOL hb_gt_pca_SetKeyCP( PHB_GT pGT, char *pszTermCDP, char *pszHostCDP ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_SetKeyCP(%p,%s,%s)", pGT, pszTermCDP, pszHostCDP ) ); HB_GTSUPER_SETKEYCP( pGT, pszTermCDP, pszHostCDP ); #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if( !pszHostCDP ) pszHostCDP = hb_cdpID(); if( !pszTermCDP ) pszTermCDP = pszHostCDP; if( pszTermCDP && pszHostCDP ) { PHB_CODEPAGE cdpTerm = hb_cdpFind( pszTermCDP ), cdpHost = hb_cdpFind( pszHostCDP ); if( cdpTerm && cdpHost && cdpTerm != cdpHost && cdpTerm->nChars && cdpTerm->nChars == cdpHost->nChars ) { char *pszHostLetters = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( cdpHost->nChars * 2 + 1 ); char *pszTermLetters = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( cdpTerm->nChars * 2 + 1 ); hb_strncpy( pszHostLetters, cdpHost->CharsUpper, cdpHost->nChars * 2 ); hb_strncat( pszHostLetters, cdpHost->CharsLower, cdpHost->nChars * 2 ); hb_strncpy( pszTermLetters, cdpTerm->CharsUpper, cdpTerm->nChars * 2 ); hb_strncat( pszTermLetters, cdpTerm->CharsLower, cdpTerm->nChars * 2 ); hb_gt_pca_setKeyTrans( pszTermLetters, pszHostLetters ); hb_xfree( pszHostLetters ); hb_xfree( pszTermLetters ); } else hb_gt_pca_setKeyTrans( NULL, NULL ); return TRUE; } #endif return TRUE; } | gtpca.c | 741 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_Redraw( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol, int iSize )
static void hb_gt_pca_Redraw( PHB_GT pGT, int iRow, int iCol, int iSize ) { BYTE bColor, bAttr; USHORT usChar; int iLen = 0, iColor = 0; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Redraw(%p,%d,%d,%d)", pGT, iRow, iCol, iSize ) ); while( iSize-- ) { if( !HB_GTSELF_GETSCRCHAR( pGT, iRow, iCol + iLen, &bColor, &bAttr, &usChar ) ) break; if( iLen == 0 ) iColor = bColor; else if( iColor != bColor ) { #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if( s_fDispTrans ) hb_cdpnTranslate( ( char * ) s_sLineBuf, s_cdpHost, s_cdpTerm, iLen ); #endif hb_gt_pca_AnsiPutStr( iRow, iCol, ( BYTE ) iColor, s_sLineBuf, iLen ); iCol += iLen; iLen = 0; iColor = bColor; } if( usChar < 32 || usChar == 127 ) usChar = '.'; s_sLineBuf[ iLen++ ] = ( BYTE ) usChar; } if( iLen ) { #ifndef HB_CDP_SUPPORT_OFF if( s_fDispTrans ) hb_cdpnTranslate( ( char * ) s_sLineBuf, s_cdpHost, s_cdpTerm, iLen ); #endif hb_gt_pca_AnsiPutStr( iRow, iCol, ( BYTE ) iColor, s_sLineBuf, iLen ); } } | gtpca.c | 783 |
STATIC VOID | hb_gt_pca_Refresh( PHB_GT pGT )
static void hb_gt_pca_Refresh( PHB_GT pGT ) { int iWidth, iHeight, iRow, iCol, iStyle; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Refresh(%p)", pGT ) ); HB_GTSELF_GETSIZE( pGT, &iHeight, &iWidth ); if( s_iLineBufSize == 0 ) { s_sLineBuf = ( BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( iWidth ); s_iLineBufSize = iWidth; } else if( s_iLineBufSize != iWidth ) { s_sLineBuf = ( BYTE * ) hb_xrealloc( s_sLineBuf, iWidth ); s_iLineBufSize = iWidth; } HB_GTSUPER_REFRESH( pGT ); HB_GTSELF_GETSCRCURSOR( pGT, &iRow, &iCol, &iStyle ); if( iStyle != SC_NONE ) { if( iRow >= 0 && iCol >= 0 && iRow < iHeight && iCol < iWidth ) hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorPos( iRow, iCol ); else iStyle = SC_NONE; } hb_gt_pca_AnsiSetCursorStyle( iStyle ); hb_gt_pca_termFlush(); } | gtpca.c | 823 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_pca_Info( PHB_GT pGT, int iType, PHB_GT_INFO pInfo )
static BOOL hb_gt_pca_Info( PHB_GT pGT, int iType, PHB_GT_INFO pInfo ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_gt_pca_Info(%p,%d,%p)", pGT, iType, pInfo ) ); switch ( iType ) { case HB_GTI_FULLSCREEN: case HB_GTI_KBDSUPPORT: pInfo->pResult = hb_itemPutL( pInfo->pResult, TRUE ); break; default: return HB_GTSUPER_INFO( pGT, iType, pInfo ); } return TRUE; } | gtpca.c | 856 |
STATIC BOOL | hb_gt_FuncInit( PHB_GT_FUNCS pFuncTable )
static BOOL hb_gt_FuncInit( PHB_GT_FUNCS pFuncTable ) { HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_gt_FuncInit(%p)", pFuncTable)); pFuncTable->Init = hb_gt_pca_Init; pFuncTable->Exit = hb_gt_pca_Exit; pFuncTable->Redraw = hb_gt_pca_Redraw; pFuncTable->Refresh = hb_gt_pca_Refresh; pFuncTable->Version = hb_gt_pca_Version; pFuncTable->Suspend = hb_gt_pca_Suspend; pFuncTable->Resume = hb_gt_pca_Resume; pFuncTable->SetDispCP = hb_gt_pca_SetDispCP; pFuncTable->SetKeyCP = hb_gt_pca_SetKeyCP; pFuncTable->Tone = hb_gt_pca_Tone; pFuncTable->Bell = hb_gt_pca_Bell; pFuncTable->Info = hb_gt_pca_Info; pFuncTable->ReadKey = hb_gt_pca_ReadKey; return TRUE; } /* ********************************************************************** */ static const HB_GT_INIT gtInit = { HB_GT_DRVNAME( HB_GT_NAME ), hb_gt_FuncInit, HB_GTSUPER, HB_GTID_PTR }; HB_GT_ANNOUNCE( HB_GT_NAME ) HB_CALL_ON_STARTUP_BEGIN( _hb_startup_gt_Init_ ) hb_gtRegister( >Init ); HB_CALL_ON_STARTUP_END( _hb_startup_gt_Init_ ) #if defined( HB_PRAGMA_STARTUP ) #pragma startup _hb_startup_gt_Init_ #elif defined( HB_MSC_STARTUP ) #if defined( HB_OS_WIN_64 ) #pragma section( HB_MSC_START_SEGMENT, long, read ) #endif #pragma data_seg( HB_MSC_START_SEGMENT ) static HB_$INITSYM hb_vm_auto__hb_startup_gt_Init_ = _hb_startup_gt_Init_; | gtpca.c | 875 |
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