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 * $Id: class_tp.txt 4098 2001-06-18 18:41:11Z dholm $

/* NOTE: - Please use these template for your new files, replace parts
           between curly braces {} with the appropriate text.
         - You can find a history at the end of the file. */


 * Harbour Project source code:
 * {one-liner description about the purpose of this source file}
 * Copyright 2000 {list of individual authors and e-mail addresses}
 * www -
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site
 * As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for
 * additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour.
 * The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other
 * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
 * linking the Harbour library code into it.
 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour
 * Project under the name Harbour.  If you copy code from other
 * Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
 * Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
 * not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
 * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
 * this exception notice from them.
 * If you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice
 * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.


 * The following parts are Copyright of the individual authors.
 * www -
 * Copyright 2000 {name} <{e-mail address}>
 *    {function or subsystem name}
 * See doc/license.txt for licensing terms.


 *  $TESTS$
 *  $STATUS$
 *  $FILES$
 *  $END$

/*  $CLASSDOC$     
 *  $METHOD$
 *  $SYNTAX$
 *  $END$           

/*  $CLASSDOC$      
 *  $DATA$
 *  $END$           

 * $Id: cmdline.txt 9243 2008-08-25 21:36:00Z vszakats $

Harbour switch handling spec

This spec goes for CLIPPERCMD, HARBOURCMD, Harbour
compiler and #pragma directives in the source code.

The command line always overrides the envvar.

Note that some switches are not accepted in envvar, 
some others in #pragmas.

First the parser should start to step through
all the tokens in the string separated by 
whitespace. (or just walk through all argv[])

1.) If the token begins with "-", it
    should be treated as a new style switch.

  One or more switch characters can follow
  this. The "-" sign inside the token 
  will turn off the switch.

  If the switch has an argument all the following 
  characters are treated as part of the argument.

  The "/" sign has no special meaning here.

  -wn                   ( W N )
  -w-n                  ( !W N )
  -wi/harbour/include/  ( W I=/harbour/include/ )
  -wi/harbour/include/n ( W I=/harbour/include/n )
  -wes0n                ( W ES=0 N )
  -wen                  ( W [invalid switch: e] N )
  -wesn                 ( W ES=default(0) N )
  -wses                 ( W S ES=default(0) )
  -wess                 ( W ES=default(0) S )
  -                     ( [invalid switch] )
  -w-n-p                ( !W !N P )
  -w-n-p-               ( !W !N !P )

  -w- -w -w-            ( finally: !W )

2.) If the token begins with "/", it 
    should be treated as a compatibility style switch.

  The parser scans the token for the next "/" sign or EOS
  and treats the resulting string as one switch.

  This means that a switch with an argument containing
  "/" sign has some limitations. This may be solved by
  allowing the usage of quote characters. This is mostly
  a problem on systems which use "/" as path separator.

  The "-" sign has no special meaning here, it can't be 
  used to disable a switch.

  /w/n                  ( W N )
  /wo/n                 ( [invalid switch: wo] N )
  /ihello/world/        ( I=hello [invalid switch: world] [invalid switch: /] )
  /i"hello/world/"/w    ( I=hello/world/ W )
  /ihello\world\        ( I=hello\world\ )

3.) If the token begins with anything else it should
    be skipped.

The Harbour switches are always case insensitive.

In the Harbour commandline the two style can be used together:
harbour -wnes2 /gc0/q0 -iC:\hello


- Handlig of the /CREDIT undocumented switch 
  on Harbour command line is unusual, check the current code
  for this.

- The CLIPPER, HARBOUR and Harbour application
  command line parsing is a different beast, 
  see cmdarg.c for a NOTE.

  Just some examples for the various accepted forms:
  //F20 == /F20 == F20 == F:20 == F20X
  F20//TMPPATH:/temp///F:30000000 NOIDLE

  "//" should always be used on the command line.

Viktor Szakats 
 * $Id: codebloc.txt 2175 2000-02-13 11:13:27Z vszel $

The Harbour implementation of codeblocks.
Ryszard Glab 

Compilation of a codeblock.
  During compile time the codeblock is stored in the following form:
- the header
- the stream of pcode bytes

  The header stores information about referenced local variables.
+0: the pcode byte for _PUSHBLOCK
+1: the number of bytes that defines a codeblock
+3: number of codeblock parameters (declared between || in a codeblock)
+5: number of used local variables declared in procedure/function where
    the codeblock is created
+7: the list of procedure/function local variables positions on the eval
    stack of procedure/function. Every local variable used in a codeblock
    occupies 2 bytes in this list. When nested codeblocks are used then this
    list is created for the outermost codeblock only.
+x:  The stream of pcode bytes follows the header.
+y: the pcode byte for _ENDBLOCK

Creation of a codeblock.
  When HB_P_PUSHBLOCK opcode is executed then the HB_ITEM structure is created
and placed on the eval stack. The type of item is IT_BLOCK. The value of this
item is a pointer to HB_CODEBLOCK structure. Additionally this item stores the
base of static variables defined for the current function/procedure - this
is used during a codeblock evaluation when the evaluation is called from a code
from other PRG module. Also the number of expected parameters is stored.

  The HB_CODEBLOCK structure stores a pointer to the pcodes stream that is
executed during a codeblock evaluation. It stores also the pointer to a table
with local variables references. Values of all local variables defined in a
procedure and used in a codeblock are replaced with a reference to a
value stored in a global memory variables pool. This allows the correct access
to detached local variables in a codeblock returned from this function (either
directly in RETURN statement or indirectly by assigning it to a static or
memvar variable. This automatic and unconditional replace is required because
there is no safe method to find if a codeblock will be accessed from an outside
of a function where it is created.

  When nested codeblocks are  used then only the outermost codeblock creates
the table - all inner codeblock uses this table. The first element of this
table contains a reference counter for this table. It allows to share the table
between nested codeblock - the table is deleted if there is no more references
to it. This is caused by the fact that a inner codeblock can be created during
evaluation of outer codeblock when local variables don't exist like in this

PRIVATE foo, bar

  EVAL( foo )
  EVAL( bar )

LOCAL a:='FOO', b:='BAR'

  foo ={ || a + ( bar:=EVAL( {|| b} ) ) }


Evaluation of a codeblock.
  Parameters passed to a codeblock are placed on the eval stack before a
codeblock evaluation. They are accessed just like usual function
parameters.  When a codeblock parameter is referenced then its position on the
eval stack is used.  When a procedure local variable is referenced then the
index into the table of local variables positions (copied from the header) is
used.  The negative value is used as an index to distinguish it from the
reference to a codeblock parameter.

Incompatbility with the Clipper.

1) Detached locals passed by reference
  There is a little difference between the handling of variables passed by
the reference in a codeblock.
The following code explains it (thanks to David G. Holm)

Function Main()
Local nTest
Local bBlock1 := MakeBlock()
Local bBlock2 := {|| DoThing( @nTest ), qout("From Main: ", nTest ) }

   eval( bBlock1 )
   eval( bBlock2 )

Return( NIL )

Function MakeBlock()
Local nTest
Return( {|| DoThing( @nTest ), qout("From MakeBlock: ", nTest ) } )

Function DoThing( n )

   n := 42

Return( NIL )

  In Clipper it produces:
From MakeBlock: NIL
From Main: 42

  In Harbour it produces (it is the correct output, IMHO)
From MakeBlock: 42
From Main: 42

2) Scope of undeclared variables
 Consider the following code:

  cb :=Detach()
  ? EVAL( cb, 10 )


LOCAL b:={|x| x+a}
LOCAL a:=0

  In Clipper the 'a' variable in a codeblock has the *local* scope however in
Harbour the 'a' variable has the *private* scope. As a result, in Clipper
this code will print 10 and in Harbour it will raise 'argument error' in
'+' operation.
  This will be true also when the 'a' variable will be declared as PRIVATE

  cb :=Detach()
  ? EVAL( cb, 10)

The above code also prints 10 in Clipper (even if compiled with -a or -v
 * $Id: codestyl.txt 9252 2008-08-26 11:33:03Z vszakats $

/* Please note the following comments we may use everywhere
   NOTE: Notes 
   TODO: something should be added here
   TOFIX: something needs to be fixed
   OBSOLETE: something could be removed from here
   QUESTION: I had some questions at this point but I could not get an answer
   OPT: something is commented out to improve performance
   As an example: */

Harbour Coding Standards
(based heavily on coding standards placed in PHP)

Code Implementation

[0] Document your code in source files and the manual. [tm]

[1] Functions that are given pointers to resources should not free them

  For instance, function int mail(char *to, char *from) should NOT free
  to and/or from.

  - The function's designated behavior is freeing that resource.  
    E.g. hb_xfree()
  - The function is given a boolean argument, that controls whether or not
    the function may free its arguments (if true - the function must free its
    arguments, if false - it must not)
[2] Functions that are tightly integrated with other functions within the
    same module, and rely on each other non-trivial behavior, should be
    documented as such and declared 'static'.  They should be avoided if

[3] Use definitions and macros whenever possible, so that constants have
    meaningful names and can be easily manipulated.  
    Use TRUE instead of 1 (in boolean context)
    Use FALSE instead of 0 (in boolean context)
    Use NULL instead of 0 (in pointer context)
    Always use 'HB_' prefix for definitions of new datatypes and macros.
    Use either 'PHB_' prefix for datatypes that are pointers.

[4] When writing functions that deal with strings, be sure to remember
    that Harbour holds the length property of each string, and that it
    shouldn't be calculated with strlen().  Write your functions in a such
    a way so that they'll take advantage of the length property, both
    for efficiency and in order for them to be binary-safe.
    Functions that change strings and obtain their new lengths while
    doing so, should return that new length, so it doesn't have to be
    recalculated with strlen() 

[5] NEVER USE strncat().  If you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing,
    check its man page again, and only then, consider using it, and even then,
    try avoiding it.

[6] Use assert(). Not only does good assertion catch bugs, but it also
    helps with code readability.
     - Do not use assert for error handling. Use assert only for the 
       condition that must be always true.
     - Do not use assignments in assert conditions.  If you assign inside an 
       assert condition, you risk an elusive bug that would be very difficult 
       to spot in a debug build, due to the side effect of the assignment.  
       Function calls in assert conditions may also cause this problem, if 
       they modify one of their arguments or global variables.

[7] When commenting out code using a #if statement, do NOT use 0 only. Instead
    use "_0". For example, #if FOO_0, where FOO is your
    cvs user foo.  This allows easier tracking of why code was commented out, 
    especially in bundled libraries.  

[8] Use  hb_xgrab()/hb_xalloc(), hb_xfree(), hb_xrealloc(), hb_xsize() to 
    manage memory allocations. These functions implement an internal 
    "safety-net" mechanism that ensures the deallocation of any unfreed
    memory at the end of an application.  They also provide useful 
    allocation and overflow information while running in debug mode.

Naming Conventions

[1] Function names for user-level functions defined in C code should be 
    enclosed with in the HB_FUNC() macro. They should be in uppercase.
    The name should be prefixed with 'HB_' if this function is an 
    extension to functions set defined in Clipper
    Abbreviations should not be used when they greatly decrease the
    readability of the function name itself.

[2] Variable names must be meaningful. One letter variable names must be
    avoided, except for places where the variable has no real meaning or
    a trivial meaning (e.g. for (i=0; i<100; i++) ...).

[3] Variable names should use so-called Hungarian notation. Use lowercase
    letters however use underscores to separate between words.

[4] Static variables should be prefixed with 's_'

[5] Global variables (variables shared beetwen modules) should be
    prefixed with 'hb_', e.g. hb_vm_bDebug, hb_gc_pStart

Syntax and indentation

[1] Never use C++ style comments (i.e. // comment).  Always use C-style
    comments instead.  Harbour is written in C, and is aimed at compiling
    under any ANSI-C compliant compiler.  Even though many compilers
    accept C++-style comments in C code, you have to ensure that your
    code would compile with other compilers as well.

[2] Don't use K&R-style.  Of course, we can't and don't want to
    force anybody to use a style he or she is not used to, but,
    at the very least, when you write code that goes into the core
    of Harbour or one of its standard modules, please don't use the K&R
    style.  This applies to just about everything, starting with
    indentation and comment styles and up to function declaration

    (see also
[3] Be generous with whitespace and braces.  Always prefer:

    if( foo )


    and to:
    if( foo )

    Keep one empty line between the variable declaration section and
    the statements in a block, as well as between logical statement
    groups in a block.  Maintain at least one empty line between
    two functions, preferably two.

[4] When indenting, use three spaces. It is important to maintain 
    consistency in indenture so that definitions, comments, and 
    control structures line up correctly.


[1] Whenever be possible document yourself functions you developed.
    Usually is hard to understand code wrotted by other person, moreover
    when it involve some obscure algorithm, system's vars or attributes
    or data unavailable for the documentator.
    This is particularly evident for low level functions.

[2] After some time function was wrotted, work become more difficult because
    it's need it to read the code several times (even for the own developer).
    This is evident when variables don't have useful names (and uses only
    Because that, please DO NOT leave functions without documentation.

[3] If function made calls to other non-documented functions, and the 
    original developer are not available anymore, could be so hard and even 
    impossible to document it.

[4] Tracking which functions are documented and which are not, and if they 
    are total or partially documented are a waste of resources in time and 

[5] If you are the developer of the function don't worry by your narrative
    skills, concentrate in what functions do, which arguments it gets, 
    which are its purpose and specially what information function returns.

[6] If you are the developer of the function, and you are using system's 
    functions or vars undocumented, please explain it as much as possible.
    If you use a obscure or strange algorithm (i.e md5 ) please explain what 
    it does and how it works.

[7] Notes, remarks and explainings enclose always between the /* */ pair, 
    please don't use the double bar // because it difficults portability.

[8] Remember... documentation it's a much time consuming work, usually
    takes more time writing the documentation of a function that writing
    the function itself.

 * $Id: c_std.txt 2421 2000-03-28 01:35:23Z vszel $

+++Date last modified: 05-Jul-1997

Standard C functions defined by ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

abort()             abs()               acos()              asctime()
asin()              assert()            atan()              atan2()
atexit()            atof()              atoi()              atol()
bsearch()           calloc()            ceil()              clearerr()
clock()             cos()               cosh()              ctime()
difftime()          div()               exit()              exp()
fabs()              fclose()            feof()              ferror()
fflush()            fgetc()             fgetpos()           fgets()
floor()             fmod()              fopen()             fprintf()
fputc()             fputs()             fread()             free()
freopen()           frexp()             fscanf()            fseek()
fsetpos()           ftell()             fwrite()            getc()
getchar()           getenv()            gets()              gmtime()
isalnum()           isalpha()           iscntrl()           isdigit()
isgraph()           islower()           isprint()           ispunct()
isspace()           isupper()           isxdigit()          labs()
ldexp()             ldiv()              localeconv()        localtime()
log()               log10()             longjmp()           malloc()
mblen()             mbstowcs()          mbtowc()            memchr()
memcmp()            memcpy()            memmove()           memset()
mktime()            modf()              perror()            pow()
printf()            putc()              putchar()           puts()
qsort()             raise()             rand()              realloc()
remove()            rename()            rewind()            scanf()
setbuf()            setjmp()            setlocale()         setvbuf()
signal()            sin()               sinh()              sprintf()
sqrt()              srand()             sscanf()            strcat()
strchr()            strcmp()            strcoll()           strcpy()
strcspn()           strerror()          strftime()          strlen()
strncat()           strncmp()           strncpy()           strpbrk()
strrchr()           strspn()            strstr()            strtod()
strtok()            strtol()            strtoul()           strxfrm()
system()            tan()               tanh()              time()
tmpfile()           tmpnam()            tolower()           toupper()
ungetc()            va_arg()            va_end()            va_start()
vfprintf()          vprintf()           vsprintf()          wcstombs()

Additional C numeric functions defined by NCEG

feclearexcepts()    fegetenv()          fegetexcept()       fegetprec()
fegetround()        feprocentry()       feprocexit()        feraiseexcept()
fesetenv()          fesetexcept()       fesetprec()         fesetround()

Additional C functions defined by Posix.1

access()            alarm()             cfgetispeed()       cfgetospeed()
cfsetispeed()       cfsetospeed()       chdir()             chmod()
chown()             close()             closedir()          creat()
ctermid()           cuserid()           dup()               dup2()
execl()             execle()            execlp()            execv()
execve()            execvp()            _exit()             fcntl()
fdopen()            fileno()            fork()              fpathconf()
fstat()             getcwd()            getegid()           geteuid()
getgid()            getgrgid()          getgrnam()          getgroups()
getlogin()          getpgrp()           getpid()            getppid()
getpwnam()          getpwuid()          getuid()            kill()
link()              lseek()             mkdir()             mkfifo()
open()              opendir()           pause()             pipe()
read()              readdir()           rewinddir()         rmdir()
setgid()            setpgid()           setsid()            setuid()
sigaction()         sigaddset()         sigemptyset()       sigfillset()
sigismember()       siglongjmp()        sigpending()        sigprocmask()
sigsetjmp()         sigsuspend()        sleep()             stat()
sysconf()           tcdrain()           tcflow()            tcflush()
tcgetattr()         tcgetpgrp()         tcsendbreak()       tcsetattr()
tcsetpgrp()         times()             ttyname()           tzset()
umask()             uname()             unlink()            utime()
wait()              waitpid()           write()

Standard functions added by the draft C++ standard

terminate()         unexpected()

Standard C keywords and operators defined by ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

!                   !=                  %                   %=
&                   &&                  &=                  ()
*                   *=                  +                   ++
+=                  ,                   -                   --
-=                  ->                  .                   /
/=                  <                   <<                  <<=
>                   >>                  >>=                 ?:
[]                  ^                   ^=                  |
|=                  ||                  ~                   auto
break               case                char                const
continue            default             do                  double
else                enum                extern              float
for                 goto                if                  int
long                register            return              short
signed              sizeof              static              struct
switch              typedef             union               unsigned
void                volatile            while

Standard C preprocessor instructions defined by ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

#                   ##                  #define             #elif
#else               #endif              #error              #if
#if !defined        #if defined         #ifdef              #ifndef
#include            #line               #pragma             #undef
__DATE__            __FILE__            __LINE__            __STDC__

Standard C trigraph sequences defined by ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

??= means #         ??( means [         ??/ means \         ??) means ]
??' means ^         ??< means {         ??! means |         ??> means }
??- means ~

Standard ANSI C character constant escape sequences

\a                      Alert                   ASCII BEL (Ctrl-G)
\b                      Backspace               ASCII BS  (Ctrl-H)
\f                      Form feed               ASCII FF  (Ctrl-L)
\n                      New line                ASCII NL  (Ctrl-J)
\r                      Carriage return         ASCII CR  (Ctrl-M)
\t                      Horizontal tab          ASCII TAB (Ctrl-I)
\v                      Vertical tab            ASCII VT  (Ctrl-K)
\\                      Literal backslash
\'                      Literal apostrophe
\"                      Literal quotation mark
\?                      Literal Question mark
\<1-3 octal digits>     Char value in octal
\x<1-2 hex digits>      Char value in hex

Standard keywords and operators added by the draft C++ standard

->*                 .*                  ::                  asm
catch               class               delete              delete[]
friend              inline              new                 operator
private             protected           public              template
this                throw               try                 virtual

Standard C macros defined by ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

BUFSIZ              CHAR_BIT            CHAR_MAX            CHAR_MIN
DBL_MAX             DBL_MAX_10_EXP      DBL_MAX_EXP         DBL_MIN
DBL_MIN_10_EXP      DBL_MIN_EXP         EDOM                EOF
FLT_DIG             FLT_EPSILON         FLT_MANT_DIG        FLT_MAX
FLT_RADIX           FLT_ROUNDS          FOPEN_MAX           HUGE_VAL INT_MAX
INT_MIN             _IOFBF              _IOLBF              _IONBF
L_tmpnam            LC_ALL              LC_COLLATE          LC_CTYPE
LC_MONETARY         LC_NUMERIC          LC_TIME             LDBL_DIG
LONG_MAX            LONG_MIN            MB_CUR_MAX          MB_LEN_MAX
NDEBUG              NULL                RAND_MAX            SCHAR_MAX
SCHAR_MIN           SEEK_CUR            SEEK_END            SEEK_SET
SHRT_MAX            SHRT_MIN            SIG_DFL             SIG_ERR
SIG_IGN             SIBGABRT            SIGFPE              SIGILL
SIGINT              SIGSEGV             SIGTERM             TMP_MAX
UCHAR_MAX           UINT_MAX            ULONG_MAX           USHRT_MAX

Additional C numeric macros defined by NCEG

FE_UPWARD           fpclassify()        FP_INFINITE         FP_NANQ
FP_NANS             FP_NORMAL           FP_SUBNORMAL        FP_ZERO
INFINITY            isfinite()          isnan()             isnormal()
NAN                 NANS                __FPCE_IEEE__       __FPCE__

Additional C macros defined in Posix.1

ARG_MAX             B0                  B50                 B75
B110                B134                B150                B200
B300                B600                B1200               B1800
B2400               B4800               B9600               B19200
B38400              BRKINT              CHILD_MAX           CLK_TCK
CLOCAL              CREAD               CS5                 CS6
CS7                 CS8                 CSIZE               CSTOPB
E2BIG               EACCESS             EAGAIN              EBADF
EBUSY               ECHILD              ECHO                ECHOE
ECHOK               ECHONL              EDEADLK             EEXIST
EFAULT              EFBIG               EINTR               EINVAL
EIO                 EISDIR              EMFILE              EMLINK
ENAMETOOLONG        ENFILE              ENODEV              ENOENT
ENOEXEC             ENOLCK              ENOMEM              ENOSPC
ENOTDIR             ENOTEMPTY           ENOTTY              ENXIO
EPERM               EPIPE               EROFS               ESPIPE
ESRCH               EXDEV               FD_CLOEXEC          F_DUPFD
F_GETFD             F_GETFL             F_GETLK             F_OK
F_RDLCK             F_SETFD             F_SETFL             F_SETLK
F_SETLKW            F_UNLCK             F_WRLCK             HUPCL
ICANON              ICRNL               IEXTEN              IGNBRK
IGNCR               IGNPAR              IGNLCR              INPCK
ISIG                ISTRIP              IXOFF               IXON
LDBL_MAX_10_EXP     LDBL_MAX_EXP        LDBL_MIN            LDBL_MIN_10_EXP
LDBL_MIN_EXP        LINK_MAX            L_ctermid           MAX_CANON
MAX_INPUT           NAME_MAX            NCCS                NGROUPS_MAX
NOFLSH              OPEN_MAX            OPOST               O_ACCMODE
O_APPEND            O_CREAT             O_EXCL              O_NOCTTY
O_NONBLOCK          O_RDONLY            O_RDWR              O_TRUNC
O_WRONLY            PARENB              PARMRK              PARODD
PATH_MAX            PIPE_BUF            R_OK                SA_NOCLDSTOP
SIGARLM             SIGCHLD             SIGCONT             SIGHUP
SIGKILL             SIGPIPE             SIGQUIT             SIGSTOP
SIGTSTP             SIGTTIN             SIGTTOU             SIGUSR1
SIGUSR2             SIG_BLOCK           SIG_SETMASK         SIG_UNBLOCK
STREAM_MAX          S_IRGRP             S_IROTH             S_IRUSR
S_IRWXG             S_IRWXO             S_IRWXU             S_ISBLK
S_ISCHR             S_ISDIR             S_ISFIFO            S_ISGID
S_ISREGSUID         S_IWGRP             S_IWOTH             S_IWUSR
S_IXGRP             S_IXOTH             S_IXUSR             TCIFLUSH
TCIOFF              TCIOFLUSH           TCION               TCOFLUSH
TCOFF               TCOON               TCSADRAIN           TCSAFLUSH
TCSANOW             TOSTOP              TZNAME_MAX          VEOF
VEOL                VERASE              VINTR               VKILL
VMIN                VQUIT               VSTART              VSTOP
VSUSP               VTIME               WEXITSTATUS         WIFEXITED
WTERMSIG            WUNTRACED           W_OK                X_OK


Standard C defined data types in ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

clock_t             div_t               FILE                fpos_t
jmp_buf             struct lconv        ldiv_t              ptrdiff_t
sig_atomic_t        size_t              time_t              struct tm
va_list             wchar_t

Additional C data types defined by NCEG

fenv_t              fexcept_t

Additional C data types defined in Posix.1

cc_t                dev_t               DIR                 gid_t
ino_t               mode_t              nlink_t             off_t
pid_t               struct passwd       sigjmp_buf          sigset_t
sigaction           speed_t             ssize_t             struct stat
tcflag_t            struct termios      uid_t               struct utsname

Standard C global variables in ANSI (ISO/IEC 9899:1990)

errno               stderr              stdin               stdout
 * $Id: destruct.txt 7819 2007-10-13 00:12:25Z druzus $


Destructors are special methods executed just before the object
will be destroyed. It means that a programmer _has_to_ pay a special
attention to the destructor's code and _NEVER_ store the reference
to SELF object in external items. The piece of memory where
the instance of class (object) is held, will be freed when
the destructor finishes, so any references to SELF object will
point to uninitialized memory or memory allocated for other
structures. Sooner or later (probably in a next GC pass) these
references will be accessed, causing GPFs or some other unpredictable

Harbour implementation

General destructor activation
Each object item has a reference counter. When it reaches 0 the object
is destroyed and if it has destructor message then this message will be
executed just before freeing the memory. After executing destructor HVM
checks if a programmer didn't store the reference to the object being 
destroyed somewhere, and if he did then RT error is generated.
It's possible to detect such situation by simply checking the reference
counter. Such situation is not dangerous for HVM integrity because the
memory is not freed - instead the object is converted to an empty array.
Though it does not mean that the application is valid. A programmer stored
a reference to SELF object somewhere and when he will try to access it as
an object, some other RT errors will be generated.
For sure such programs  have to be fixed.
It's the not the only one situation when destructors can be executed.
It's possible to create cyclic references between some complex items
so the reference counters will never reach 0 even if the items are not
longer accessible by application. To avoid memory leaks, such items are
destroyed by Garbage Collector in a special way. GC scans all items known
to HVM and marks them as used, then destroys all items which are not marked.
The reference counters in such items are greater then zero and cannot
be directly used to detect bugs in a user code. So GC collects all
unaccessible items and then executes cleanup functions for each of them,
and finally checks if reference counters reached zero before it will
free the memory blocks. If they didn't then RT error is generated for
the first memory block. All items which are still accessible, are not
freed and if GC can recognize a type of an item then it will also try to
convert it to some empty form (f.e. empty array).
The destructors are executed from cleanup functions so they all will be
executed and then, if there is sth wrong, RT error will be generated for
the first memory block which was copied to some external structures.
Please note that the order in which destructors are executed by GC
can be diffrent then some logical order defined by an application. HVM
does not know anything about programmer's ideas so a programmer has to
create a code which will be safe for such situations. HVM only guaranties
that destructors will be executed only once for each object.
This also cannot break HVM integrity for standard object items which are
represented as arrays. But if the problem is inside cleanup function of
a GC POINTER item, which has a structure unknown to HVM, then any further
behavior can be unpredictible if a programmer, who created such pointer
items, doesn't support such situation himslef in his C code. It's a good 
practice to add some type of marker to body of memory allocated by
hb_gcAlloc() to detect bugs in .prg code destructors which may keep
pointers to freed POINTER item (these could be destructors of differ
object items).
In such case GC will not free the block so cleanup function (not object
destructor) will be executed second time when the buggy reference will be
cleared. Such marker can help to make clean-up function safe for such
situation. It's a programmer's implementation decision if such pointer item
should be still valid and work like before or drop its capacities after
first cleanup function execution. Anyhow the code should expect such

In summary, Harbour destructor implementation should be able to detect
bugs in destructor and keep HVM integrity. But we are not able to
guarantiee that nothing wrong will happen with 3-rd party code which
uses POINTER items scanned by GC, which are not safe for .prg code
bugs in destructors and repeated cleanup function execution.

Exiting the application and HVM closing
When HVM exits all items on HVM stack (local variables and parameters)
are cleaned. Then HVM clears all memvar items.
After these two steps HVM executes GC and all items which are not longer
accessible will be freed. Then HVM closes RDD system.
It's the last moment when object destructors can be executed, because
in next steps, the classy subsystem is closed and all static variables
cleared. So for all items which still exist as STATIC variables or in
some other structures, the object destructors will not be executed.
Clearing STATIC variables before closing classy subsystem will not help
because STATIC variables are integral part of this subsystem.

Anomalies and excpetions
In some situations HVM may clear items when exception apear, f.e.
BREAK or QUIT request. In such case executing the exception type
is stored and destructors are executed and finally the exception
restored. But in destructors code new exception can appear. In such
case HVM will give higher priority to QUIT request. If both exception
are BREAK then the one from destructor is taken because it could
overwrite the error object created before destructor.

If class has more then one destructor inherited from other classes
then all destructors are executed in reverted order. First current
class destructor (if any) and then super class destructors.

Defining destructors in CLASS definition code


Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
 * $Id: dirstruc.txt 9378 2008-09-14 10:19:59Z vszakats $

Harbour directory structure

Follow are the various directories that exist under the Harbour tree.
Under each directory exist in this list there is also a special directory
named .svn, which should normally ignored since it is used by the SVN to keep
track of all files (read the FAQ if you don't know what SVN is).

               - Main Harbour directory. Contain all the various
|                         make file and Changelog (=changes history) files.
+---bin                 - Executable and build scripts.
|   |                     Should contain harbour.exe and other executable. (*)
|   |
|   +---b32             -
|   |
|   +---vc              -
+---config              - Configuration Files (.cf) for the GNU Make system.
|   |
|   +---bsd             - Configuration files specific to FreeBSD.
|   |
|   +---darwin          - Configuration files specific to BSD/Darwin.
|   |
|   +---dos             - Configuration files specific to DOS.
|   |
|   +---hpux            - Configuration files specific to HP-UX.
|   |
|   +---linux           - Configutation files specific to GNU/Linux.
|   |
|   +---os2             - Configutation files specific to OS/2.
|   |
|   +---sunos           - Configutation files specific to SunOS.
|   |
|   +---w32             - Configutation files specific to MS Windows.
+---contrib             - Miscellaneous contribution files. Those are not
|   |                     part of the official Harbour project.
|   |
|   +---examples        - Sample files and small applications.
|   |   |
|   |   +---dbu         - Make files (without source) for CA-Cl*pper DBU.
|   |   |
|   |   +---guestbk     - Harbour Guests Book.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hbsqlit2    - Interface for SQLite 2.x library.
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---tests   - Test programs.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hscript     - Harbour Script.
|   |   |
|   |   +---misc        - A few humble demonstration.
|   |   |
|   |   +---pe          - Editor.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hbpp        - Harbour Preprocessor as a standalone module.
|   |   |
|   |   +---rdddbt      - DBFDBT RDD.
|   |
|   |---gtalleg         - GT subsystem based on Allegro with graphic
|   |                     extensions.
|   |    
|   +---gtwvg           - GT subsystem for Windows GUI using GDI functions.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Demo program and sample images.
|   |
|   +---hbapollo        - Wrapper functions for VistaSoftware's Apollo
|   |   |                 database driver.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbbmcdx         - DBFCDX RDD with bitmap filters compatible with
|   |                     CA-Cl*pper 5.3
|   |
|   +---hbbtree         - BTree library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---doc         - HB_BTree C and Harbour API documentation.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - HB_BTree api test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbclip          - Harbour Compatibility Library (HCL) for
|   |                     CA-Cl*pper 5.x
|   |
|   +---hbclipsm        - Miscellaneous contribution files.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbct            - CA-T**ls Compatible Library for Harbour.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbcurl          - libcurl 'easy' API - Harbour interface.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbfbird         - Harbour Low Level api for Firebird and Interbase
|   |   |                 RDBMS.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbfimage        - Wrapper for FreeImage.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test program and sample images.
|   |       |
|   |       +-imgs_out  - Output directory used by the test program.
|   |
|   +---hbgd            - HBGD wrapper for gdLibrary.
|   |   |
|   |   +---doc         - Help and license files.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs and samples.
|   |       |
|   |       +-digits    - Digits images for counter test program.
|   |       |
|   |       +-imgs_in   - Sample images.
|   |       |
|   |       +-imgs_out  - Output directory.
|   |
|   +---hbgf            - Harbour GUI framework.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hbgfgtk     - Implementation for GTK+ environment.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hbgfos2     - Implementation for OS/2 Presentation Manager
|   |   |                 environment.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hbgfwin     - Implementation for Windowns environment.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbgt            - GT library port to Harbour.
|   |   |
|   |   +---doc         - Documents for the GT library.
|   |       |
|   |       +---en      - English documentation.
|   |
|   +---hbmisc          - Miscellaneous contribution.
|   |   |
|   |   +---doc         - Documents for above contribution.
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---en      - English documentation.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbmsql          - Harbour mSQL access classes.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbmysql         - Harbour MySQL access classes.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test program.
|   |   |
|   |   +---utils       - Converts a .dbf file into a MySQL table.
|   |
|   +---hbmzip          - Wrapper functions for minizip library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbnf            - Nanforum library port for Harbour.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test program.
|   |
|   +---hbodbc          - ODBS Access Class Demonstration.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbole           - Windows OLE Automation library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Demonstration program.
|   |
|   +---hbpgsql         - Harbour Low Level API for Postgres RDBMS.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbsqlit3        - Interface for SQLite 3.x library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---sqlite3     - An amalgamation of SQLite core library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbtip           - TIP Class oriented Internet Protocol library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbtpathy        - Telepathy serial communication port for Harbour.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test program.
|   |
|   +---hbvpdf          - PDF library written in PRG.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |       |
|   |       +---files   - Sample files for testing.
|   |
|   +---hbw32           - Collection of Windows specific utility functions.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---hbwhat          - What is a library for ccessing all of Windows API
|   |                     from PRG level.
|   |
|   +---hbziparc        - Compatibility interface with ZipArchive general 
|   |   |                 purpose compression library to work with ZIP files.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |   |
|   |   +---zlib        - Stub to plug Harbour ZLIB without the need to
|   |                     modify ZipArchive sources.
|   |
|   +---rddado          - ADORDD - RDD to automatically manage Microsoft ADO.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---rddads          - RDD for Advantage Database Server.
|   |   |
|   |   +---doc         - Documents for Advantage Database Server RDD.
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---en      - English documentation.
|   |   |
|   |   +---tests       - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---xhb             - xHarbour compatibility libarary. To allow programs
|                         which where written using some xHarcour extensions,
|                         to be complied by Harbour.
+---debian              - Packaging information for Debian GNU/Linux.
+---doc                 - Documentation and white-paper.
|   |
|   +---en              - English documentation.
|   |
|   +---es              - Spanish documentation.
|   |
|   +---man             - Man pages.
+---include             - Include files for both Harbour and C.
+---lib                 - Run-Time libraries binaries for each platform. (*)
|   |
|   +---b32             -
|   |
|   +---vc              -
+---obj                 - Object files. (*)
|   |
|   +---b32             -
|   |
|   +---vc              -
+---source              - All source files reside underneath.
|   |
|   +---codepage        - National codepage collection.
|   |
|   +---common          - Common function and Expression Optimizer.
|   |
|   +---compiler        - Harbour compiler module.
|   |
|   +---debug           - Debugger.
|   |
|   +---hbextern        - Library with all function binding available for
|   |                     .prg code
|   |
|   +---hbpcre          - Harbour implementation of the Perl Compatible
|   |                     Regular Expressions (PCRE) library.
|   |
|   +---hbzlib          - Harbour implementation of the ZLIB data
|   |                     compression library.
|   |
|   +---lang            - National language message support files.
|   |
|   +---macro           - Macro compiler.
|   |
|   +---main            - Harbour compiler main source.
|   |
|   +---pp              - Harbour Preprocessor.
|   |
|   +---rdd             - Replaceable Database Driver (RDD).
|   |   |
|   |   +---dbfcdx      - DBFCDX RDD.
|   |   |
|   |   +---dbffpt      - DBFFPT RDD.
|   |   |
|   |   +---dbfntx      - DBFNTX RDD.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hbsix       - SIX compatible functions.
|   |   |
|   |   +---hsx         - HiPer-SEEK / CFTS compatible library.
|   |   |
|   |   +---nulsys      - NULL RDD.
|   |   |
|   |   +---usrrdd      - USRRDD which allows to create a new RDD at PRG level.
|   |       |
|   |       +---example - Usage examples.
|   |       |
|   |       +---rdds    - A set of simple RDD's all written in PRG.
|   |
|   +---rtl             - Run-Time libraries functions and various General
|   |   |                 Terminal (GT) implementation
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtcgi       - GT subsystem aimed at cgi-bin applications.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtcrs       - GT subsystem based on ncurses.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtdos       - GT subsystem for DOS compilers.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtgui       - Minimal GT for Windows GUI programs.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtos2       - GT subsystem for OS/2 compilers.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtpca       - GT subsystem for ANSI terminals.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtsln       - GT subsystem based on slang.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtstd       - GT subsystem for plain ANSI C stream IO.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gttrm       - GT subsystem for terminal. It does not use
|   |   |                 termcap/terminfo for terminal escape sequences,
|   |   |                 but rather hard coded ones for basic capabilities.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtwin       - GT subsystem for Windows compilers (Console).
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtwvt       - GT subsystem for Windows using GUI windows instead of
|   |   |                 Console.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gtxwc       - GT subsystem for XWindow Console.
|   |   |
|   |   +---gt_tpl      - GT subsystem template.
|   |
|   +---vm              - Harbour Virtual Machine and internal Run-Time
|       |                 library functions.
|       |
|       +---mainstd     - mainstd library for MinGW build.
|       |
|       +---mainwin     - mainwin library for MinGW build.
+---tests               - Test programs.
|   |
|   +---bldtest         - Simple C program to check if Harbour can be compiled
|   |                     on the current machine, system and C compiler.
|   |
|   +---hbpptest        - Regression tests for the preprocessor.
|   |
|   +---multifnc        - Overloading C functions test.
+---utils               - Utilities and tools that are part of Harbour.
    +---hbdoc           - Documentation generation tool.
    +---hbextern        - generator.
    +---hbmake          - Harbour Make utility.
    +---hbrun           - Standalone Harbour Portable Object file runner,
    |                     and a "dot prompt" console for the Harbour language.
    +---hbtest          - Regression tests for the Run-Time library.

(*)      Should exist in a final build or if you build them yourself, in
         normal SVN distribution this directory is empty or does not contain
         all files.

Chen Kedem 
; $Id: funclist.txt 4670 2001-11-29 01:13:44Z dholm $
; The Harbour Project
; funclist.txt - Function Status List
; Syntax:
; ;;
; Where:
;  - R[eady], S[tarted], N[ot Started]
;  - dos[-bcc16]
;              dos[-djgpp]
;              dos[-watcom]
;              w32[-bcc32][+T]
;              w32[-gcc][+T]
;              w32[-icc][+T]
;              w32[-mingw32][+T]
;              w32[-msvc][+T]
;              os2[-gcc][+T]
;              os2[-icc][+T]
;              lin[-gcc][+T]
;              mac[-mpw][+T]
;              Examples: w32-gcc+T, w32, w32-icc
;              (+T means multithreading ready)
; Use ';' for comments
; Please review the following function status
AADD                    ;R;
ABS                     ;R;
ACHOICE                 ;R;
ACLONE                  ;R;
ACOPY                   ;R;
ADEL                    ;R;
ADIR                    ;R;
AEVAL                   ;R;
AFIELDS                 ;R;
AFILL                   ;R;
AINS                    ;R;
ALERT                   ;R;
ALIAS                   ;R;
ALLTRIM                 ;R;
ALTD                    ;S;
ARRAY                   ;R;
ASC                     ;R;
ASCAN                   ;R;
ASIZE                   ;R;
ASORT                   ;R;
AT                      ;R;
ATAIL                   ;R;
BIN2I                   ;R;
BIN2L                   ;R;
BIN2W                   ;R;
BOF                     ;R;
BREAK                   ;R;
BROWSE                  ;S;
CDOW                    ;R;
CHR                     ;R;
CMONTH                  ;R;
COL                     ;R;
COLORSELECT             ;R;
CTOD                    ;R;
CURDIR                  ;R;
DATE                    ;R;
DAY                     ;R;
DBAPPEND                ;R;
DBCLEARINDEX            ;S;
DBCLOSEALL              ;R;
DBCLOSEAREA             ;R;
DBCOMMIT                ;R;
DBCOMMITALL             ;R;
DBCREATE                ;R;
DBCREATEIND             ;S;
DBDELETE                ;R;
DBEDIT                  ;R;
DBEVAL                  ;R;
DBF                     ;R;
DBFILTER                ;R;
DBGOBOTTOM              ;R;
DBGOTO                  ;R;
DBGOTOP                 ;R;
DBRECALL                ;R;
DBREINDEX               ;S;
DBRELATION              ;S;
DBRSELECT               ;S;
DBSEEK                  ;S;
DBSELECTAREA            ;R;
DBSETDRIVER             ;R;
DBSETFILTER             ;R;
DBSETINDEX              ;S;
DBSETORDER              ;S;
DBSKIP                  ;R;
DBSTRUCT                ;R;
DBTABLEEXT              ;R;
DBUNLOCK                ;R;
DBUNLOCKALL             ;R;
DBUSEAREA               ;R;
DELETED                 ;R;
DESCEND                 ;R;
DEVOUT                  ;R;
DEVOUTPICT              ;R;
DEVPOS                  ;R;
DIRECTORY               ;R;
DISKSPACE               ;R;
DISPBEGIN               ;S;
DISPBOX                 ;R;
DISPCOUNT               ;S;
DISPEND                 ;S;
DISPOUT                 ;R;
DISPOUTAT               ;R;
DOSERROR                ;S;
DOW                     ;R;
DTOC                    ;R;
DTOS                    ;R;
EMPTY                   ;R;
EOF                     ;R;
ERRORBLOCK              ;R;
ERRORLEVEL              ;R;
EVAL                    ;R;
EXP                     ;R;
FCLOSE                  ;R;
FCOUNT                  ;R;
FCREATE                 ;R;
FERASE                  ;R;
FERROR                  ;R;
FIELDBLOCK              ;R;
FIELDGET                ;R;
FIELDNAME               ;R;
FIELDPOS                ;R;
FIELDPUT                ;R;
FIELDWBLOCK             ;R;
FILE                    ;S;
FKLABEL                 ;R;
FKMAX                   ;R;
FLOCK                   ;R;
FOPEN                   ;R;
FOUND                   ;R;
FREAD                   ;R;
FREADSTR                ;R;
FRENAME                 ;R;
FSEEK                   ;R;
FWRITE                  ;R;
GETENV                  ;R;
HARDCR                  ;R;
HEADER                  ;R;
I2BIN                   ;R;
IF                      ;R;
INDEXEXT                ;S;
INDEXKEY                ;S;
INDEXORD                ;S;
INKEY                   ;S;
INT                     ;R;
ISALPHA                 ;R;
ISCOLOR                 ;S;
ISDIGIT                 ;R;
ISLOWER                 ;R;
ISPRINTER               ;S;dos
ISUPPER                 ;R;
L2BIN                   ;R;
LASTKEY                 ;S;
LASTREC                 ;R;
LEFT                    ;R;
LEN                     ;R;
LOG                     ;R;
LOWER                   ;R;
LTRIM                   ;R;
LUPDATE                 ;R;
MAX                     ;R;
MAXCOL                  ;R;
MAXROW                  ;R;
MEMOEDIT                ;S;
MEMOLINE                ;R;
MEMOREAD                ;R;
MEMORY                  ;S;
MEMOTRAN                ;R;
MEMOWRIT                ;R;
MEMVARBLOCK             ;R;
MIN                     ;R;
MLCOUNT                 ;R;
MLCTOPOS                ;R;
MLPOS                   ;R;
MOD                     ;R;
MONTH                   ;R;
MPOSTOLC                ;R;
NETERR                  ;R;
NETNAME                 ;R;
NEXTKEY                 ;S;
NOSNOW                  ;R;
OS                      ;S;
OUTERR                  ;R;
OUTSTD                  ;R;
PAD                     ;R;
PCOL                    ;R;
PCOUNT                  ;R;
PROCLINE                ;R;
PROCNAME                ;R;
PROW                    ;R;
QOUT                    ;R;
RAT                     ;R;
RDDLIST                 ;R;
RDDNAME                 ;R;
RDDREGISTER             ;R;
READEXIT                ;R;
READINSERT              ;R;
READKEY                 ;R;
READMODAL               ;R;
READVAR                 ;R;
RECCOUNT                ;R;
RECNO                   ;R;
RECSIZE                 ;R;
REPLICATE               ;R;
RESTSCREEN              ;S;
RIGHT                   ;R;
RLOCK                   ;R;
ROUND                   ;R;
ROW                     ;R;
RTRIM                   ;R;
SAVESCREEN              ;S;
SCROLL                  ;R;
SECONDS                 ;R;
SELECT                  ;R;
SET                     ;R;
SETBLINK                ;S;
SETCANCEL               ;R;
SETCOLOR                ;S;
SETCURSOR               ;S;
SETKEY                  ;R;
SETMODE                 ;S;
SETPOS                  ;R;
SETPOSBS                ;R;
SETPRC                  ;R;
SOUNDEX                 ;R;
SPACE                   ;R;
SQRT                    ;R;
STR                     ;R;
STRTRAN                 ;R;
STRZERO                 ;R;
STUFF                   ;R;
SUBSTR                  ;R;
TIME                    ;R;
TONE                    ;S;
TRANSFORM               ;R;
TYPE                    ;R;
UPDATED                 ;R;
UPPER                   ;R;
USED                    ;R;
VAL                     ;R;
VALTYPE                 ;R;
VERSION                 ;S;
WORD                    ;R;
YEAR                    ;R;
DBRLOCK                 ;R;
DBRLOCKLIST             ;R;
DBRUNLOCK               ;R;
ORDBAGEXT               ;S;
ORDBAGNAME              ;S;
ORDCONDSET              ;S;
ORDCREATE               ;S;
ORDDESTROY              ;S;
ORDFOR                  ;S;
ORDKEY                  ;S;
ORDLISTADD              ;S;
ORDLISTCLEAR            ;S;
ORDLISTREBUI            ;S;
ORDNAME                 ;S;
ORDNUMBER               ;S;
ORDSETFOCUS             ;S;
RDDLIST                 ;R;
RDDNAME                 ;R;
__Accept                ;R;
__AcceptStr             ;R;
__AtPrompt              ;R;
__CopyFile              ;R;
__dbApp                 ;S;
__dbContinue            ;R;
__dbCopy                ;S;
__dbCopyStruct          ;R;
__dbCopyXStruct         ;R;
__dbCreate              ;R;
__dbDelim               ;S;
__dbJoin                ;N;
__dbList                ;R;
__dbLocate              ;R;
__dbPack                ;R;
__dbSDF                 ;S;
__dbSort                ;N;
__dbTotal               ;N;
__dbUpdate              ;R;
__dbZap                 ;R;
__Dir                   ;R;
__Eject                 ;R;
__Keyboard              ;R;
__LabelForm             ;R;
__MClear                ;R;
__MenuTo                ;R;
__MRelease              ;R;
__MRestore              ;R;
__MSave                 ;R;
__MXRelease             ;R;
__Quit                  ;R;
__ReportForm            ;R;
__Run                   ;R;
__SetCentury            ;R;
__SetFormat             ;R;
__SetFunction           ;R;
__TextRestore           ;R;
__TextSave              ;R;
__TypeFile              ;R;
__Wait                  ;R;
__XRestScreen           ;R;
__XSaveScreen           ;R;
GETACTIVE               ;R;
GETAPPLYKEY             ;R;
GETDOSETKEY             ;R;
GETREADER               ;R;
READFORMAT              ;R;
READKILL                ;R;
READUPDATED             ;R;
UPDATED                 ;R;
ErrorNew                ;R;
:Args                   ;R;
:CanDefault             ;R;
:CanRetry               ;R;
:CanSubstitute          ;R;
:Cargo                  ;R;
:Description            ;R;
:FileName               ;R;
:GenCode                ;R;
:Operation              ;R;
:OsCode                 ;R;
:Severity               ;R;
:SubCode                ;R;
:SubSystem              ;R;
:Tries                  ;R;
GetNew                  ;S;
:BadDate                ;S;
:Block                  ;S;
:Buffer                 ;S;
:Cargo                  ;S;
:Changed                ;S;
:Clear                  ;S;
:Col                    ;S;
:ColorSpec              ;S;
:DecPos                 ;S;
:ExitState              ;S;
:HasFocus               ;S;
:Minus                  ;S;
:Name                   ;S;
:Original               ;S;
:Picture                ;S;
:Pos                    ;S;
:PostBlock              ;S;
:PreBlock               ;S;
:Reader                 ;S;
:Rejected               ;S;
:Row                    ;S;
:SubScript              ;S;
:Type                   ;S;
:TypeOut                ;S;
:Assign                 ;S;
:ColorDisp              ;S;
:Display                ;S;
:killFocus              ;S;
:Reset                  ;S;
:SetFocus               ;S;
:Undo                   ;S;
:UnTransform            ;S;
:UpDateBuffer           ;S;
:VarGet                 ;S;
:VarPut                 ;S;
:End                    ;S;
:Home                   ;S;
:Left                   ;S;
:Right                  ;S;
:ToDecPos               ;S;
:WordLeft               ;S;
:WordRight              ;S;
:BackSpace              ;S;
:Delete                 ;S;
:DelEnd                 ;S;
:DelLeft                ;S;
:DelRight               ;S;
:DelWordLeft            ;S;
:DelWordRight           ;S;
:Insert                 ;S;
:OverStrike             ;S;
TBrowseNew              ;S;
TBrowseDB               ;S;
:AutoLite               ;S;
:Cargo                  ;S;
:ColCount               ;S;
:ColorSpec              ;S;
:ColPos                 ;S;
:ColSep                 ;S;
:FootSep                ;S;
:Freeze                 ;S;
:GoBottomBlock          ;S;
:GoTopBlock             ;S;
:HeadSep                ;S;
:HitBottom              ;S;
:HitTop                 ;S;
:LeftVisible            ;S;
:nBottom                ;S;
:nLeft                  ;S;
:nRight                 ;S;
:nTop                   ;S;
:RightVisible           ;S;
:RowCount               ;S;
:RowPos                 ;S;
:SkipBlock              ;S;
:Stable                 ;S;
:Down                   ;S;
:end                    ;S;
:GoBottom               ;S;
:GoTop                  ;S;
:Home                   ;S;
:Left                   ;S;
:PageDown               ;S;
:PageUp                 ;S;
:PanEnd                 ;S;
:PanHome                ;S;
:PanLeft                ;S;
:PanRight               ;S;
:Right                  ;S;
:Up                     ;S;
:AddColumn              ;S;
:ColorRect              ;S;
:ColWidth               ;S;
:Configure              ;S;
:DeHilite               ;S;
:DelColumn              ;S;
:ForceStable            ;S;
:GetColumn              ;S;
:Hilite                 ;S;
:InsColumn              ;S;
:Invalidate             ;S;
:RefreshAll             ;S;
:RefreshCurrent         ;S;
:SetColumn              ;S;
:Stabilize              ;S;
TBColumnNew             ;S;
:Block                  ;S;
:Cargo                  ;S;
:ColorBlock             ;S;
:ColSep                 ;S;
:DefColor               ;S;
:Footing                ;S;
:FootSep                ;S;
:Heading                ;S;
:HeadSep                ;S;
:Picture                ;S;
:Width                  ;S;
_parc                   ;R;
_parclen                ;R;
_parcsiz                ;R;
_pards                  ;R;
_parinfa                ;R;
_parinfo                ;R;
_parl                   ;R;
_parnd                  ;R;
_parni                  ;R;
_parnl                  ;R;
_ret                    ;R;
_retc                   ;R;
_retclen                ;R;
_retds                  ;R;
_retl                   ;R;
_retnd                  ;R;
_retni                  ;R;
_retnl                  ;R;
_storc                  ;R;
_storclen               ;R;
_stords                 ;R;
_storl                  ;R;
_stornd                 ;R;
_storni                 ;R;
_stornl                 ;R;
_evalLaunch             ;R;
_evalNew                ;R;
_evalPutParam           ;R;
_evalRelease            ;R;
_itemArrayGet           ;R;
_itemArrayNew           ;R;
_itemArrayPut           ;R;
_itemCopyC              ;R;
_itemFreeC              ;R;
_itemGetC               ;R;
_itemGetDS              ;R;
_itemGetL               ;R;
_itemGetND              ;R;
_itemGetNL              ;R;
_itemNew                ;R;
_itemParam              ;R;
_itemPutC               ;R;
_itemPutCL              ;R;
_itemPutDS              ;R;
_itemPutL               ;R;
_itemPutND              ;R;
_itemPutNL              ;R;
_itemRelease            ;R;
_itemReturn             ;R;
_itemSize               ;R;
_itemType               ;R;
_xalloc                 ;R;
_xfree                  ;R;
_xgrab                  ;R;
_xvalloc                ;R;
_xvfree                 ;R;
_xvheapalloc            ;R;
_xvheapdestroy          ;R;
_xvheapfree             ;R;
_xvheaplock             ;R;
_xvheapnew              ;R;
_xvheapresize           ;R;
_xvheapunlock           ;R;
_xvlock                 ;R;
_xvlockcount            ;R;
_xvrealloc              ;R;
_xvsize                 ;R;
_xvunlock               ;R;
_xvunwire               ;R;
_xvwire                 ;R;
_errGetDescrip          ;R;
_errGetFileName         ;R;
_errGetFlags            ;R;
_errGetGenCode          ;R;
_errGetOperation        ;R;
_errGetOsCode           ;R;
_errGetSeverity         ;R;
_errGetSubCode          ;R;
_errGetSubSystem        ;R;
_errGetTries            ;R;
_errLaunch              ;R;
_errNew                 ;R;
_errPutDescrip          ;R;
_errPutFileName         ;R;
_errPutFlags            ;R;
_errPutGenCode          ;R;
_errPutOperation        ;R;
_errPutOsCode           ;R;
_errPutSeverity         ;R;
_errPutSubCode          ;R;
_errPutSubSystem        ;R;
_errPutTries            ;R;
_errRelease             ;R;
_fsChDir                ;R;
_fsChDrv                ;R;
_fsClose                ;R;
_fsCommit               ;R;
_fsCreate               ;R;
_fsCurDir               ;S;
_fsCurDrv               ;R;
_fsDelete               ;R;
_fsError                ;R;
_fsExtOpen              ;S;
_fsIsDrv                ;R;
_fsLock                 ;R;
_fsMkDir                ;R;
_fsOpen                 ;R;
_fsRead                 ;R;
_fsRmDir                ;R;
_fsRename               ;R;
_fsSeek                 ;R;
_fsWrite                ;R;
_gtBox                  ;S;
_gtBoxD                 ;S;
_gtBoxS                 ;S;
_gtColorSelect          ;S;
_gtDispBegin            ;S;
_gtDispCount            ;S;
_gtDispEnd              ;S;
_gtGetColorStr          ;S;
_gtGetCursor            ;S;
_gtGetPos               ;S;
_gtIsColor              ;S;
_gtMaxCol               ;S;
_gtMaxRow               ;S;
_gtPostExt              ;S;
_gtPreExt               ;S;
_gtRectSize             ;S;
_gtRepChar              ;S;
_gtRest                 ;S;
_gtSave                 ;S;
_gtScrDim               ;S;
_gtScroll               ;S;
_gtSetBlink             ;S;
_gtSetColorStr          ;S;
_gtSetCursor            ;S;
_gtSetMode              ;S;
_gtSetPos               ;S;
_gtSetSnowFlag          ;S;
_gtWrite                ;S;
_gtWriteAt              ;S;
_gtWriteCon             ;S;
 * $Id: gmake.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $


This file explains the philosophy for the GNU-make based build system
for Harbour, and gives instructions on how to use it.


This build system is based on GNU-make, the idea being that GNU-make
is freely available for every platform you can dream up, and it is
usually more powerful than any native make.

Each directory in the project contains one makefile, called Makefile,
which lists the data (file names, directory names, etc.) that is used
to determine how to bring every target up to date within that
directory. There are no rules in the Makefiles, to keep them
platform-independent. The rules themselves are included from the
"appropriate" configuration file.

For example, the following was the Makefile for an early version
of the VM library:

--  Cut here  ---------------------------------------
# $Id: gmake.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $

ROOT = ../../

        dynsym.c \
        hvm.c \
        initsymb.c \


include $(TOP)$(ROOT)config/
--  Cut here  ---------------------------------------

What this means is:

* The root of the source directory is in ../../; that is where the
  config/ directory lives, with all the real rules to make the
* The only sources in this directory are C sources (three files).
* The library name is "vm". This will be translated to a real file
  name depending on the rules file: "libvm.a" on Unix, "VM.LIB" on
* The final line includes the rules file. In this case, we include a
  set of rules to build a library.

Let's look at another Makefile, this one for the Harbour compiler:

--  Cut here  ---------------------------------------
# $Id: gmake.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $

ROOT = ../../



        genobj32.c \


include $(TOP)$(ROOT)config/
--  Cut here  ---------------------------------------

Notice how we now have other kinds of source files: yacc sources and
lex sources. Also, since this is a Makefile for a stand-alone
executable, we indicate the name for the file containing the "main"
function, which also defines the executable name. The rules included
in this Makefile are those appropriate to build a stand-alone binary.

One final Makefile, this one from the source directory:

# $Id: gmake.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $

--  Cut here  ---------------------------------------
ROOT = ../

        compiler \
        hbpp \
        rtl \
        vm \
        rdd \
        tools \

include $(ROOT)config/
--  Cut here  ---------------------------------------

This Makefile is used to traverse the subdirectories hanging from the
current directory. It simply lists all the subdirectories to be

Now. let's take a look at the rules themselves. They all live in the
config/ directory, with the following structure:

  config/: The generic configuration files.
  config/w32: Configuration files for Windows platforms.

Finally, you will notice one thing: the build system compiles
everything into a subdirectory (for example, w32/gcc for Windows 
files compiled with gcc). This has two advantages:

1. It allows you to compile for multiple platforms/compilers at the
   same time.
2. It creates all temporary, object, binary, intermediate, etc. files
   in the subdirectory; cleaning up is very easy.


To use the system, you need to install GNU-make 3.75 or later on your
system. To check this, type "make -v"; you should see

  GNU Make version 3.75, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.

Then, you must set a couple of environment variables that indicate
your architecture and compiler.

For gcc on Win95/WinNT with the Cygwin library:
  Notes: The CYGWIN environment variable must include "noglob" in order
         to avoid having Harbour or programs created with Harbour expand
         wildcard command line arguments (this is checked at run-time!)
  HB_COMPILER       gcc
  HB_GT_LIB         gtwin
  CYGWIN            noglob
  C_USR             -mwin32
  L_USR             -mwin32

For gcc on Win95/WinNT with the MinGW library:
  HB_COMPILER       mingw
  HB_GT_LIB         gtwin

For MSVC on Win95/WinNT:
  Notes: gnu make is case sensitive!  If your editor converts
         harbour.c to HARBOUR.C when it saves the file, then gnu make
         If you have MAKE_MODE in your dos environment, make sure it is
         not set to unix

         For best results, in your copy of make_gnu.bat, also set:
  HB_COMPILER       msvc
  HB_GT_LIB         gtwin

For GCC on BSD:
  HB_COMPILER       gcc
  HB_GT_LIB         gtstd
    1)  You have to have bison and gmake installed in order to build
        Harbour for BSD. The file doc/howtobsd.txt gives an overview
        of what is required.
    2)  If you have an ncurses library or a slang library, you may
        want to try one of the following two values for HB_GT_LIB:
        In which case you'll also need to export HB_SCREEN_LIB with
        the name of the appropriate screen library, if it doesn't
        match the default value in config/bsd/

For GCC on Linux:
  HB_COMPILER       gcc
  HB_GT_LIB         gtstd
    1)  If you have an ncurses library or a slang library, you may
        want to try one of the following two values for HB_GT_LIB:
        In which case you'll also need to export HB_SCREEN_LIB with
        the name of the appropriate screen library, if it doesn't
        match the default value in config/linux/
    2)  If you want to take advantage of compiler cache programs
        (such as, you may set environment
        variable HB_CCACHE with the value containing the name of program.

For GCC on OS/2 for VIO mode:
  Note: You must point C_INCLUDE_PATH to the EMX include directory and
        you must also point LIBRARY_PATH to the EMX library directory.
  HB_COMPILER       gcc
  HB_GT_LIB         gtos2

For GCC on OS/2 for PM mode:
  Note: Harbour does not get built in PM mode, but  Harbour programs do.
  Note: You must point C_INCLUDE_PATH to the EMX include directory and
        you must also point LIBRARY_PATH to the EMX library directory.
  HB_COMPILER       gcc
  HB_GT_LIB         os2pm

For IBM Visual Age C++ on OS/2 for PM mode:
  Note: Harbour does not get built in PM mode, but Harbour programs do.
  Note: You must create an empty unistd.h in the IBMCPP\INCLUDE directory.
  HB_COMPILER       icc
  HB_GT_LIB         os2pm

For Borland C++ 5.5
  HB_COMPILER       bcc32
  HB_GT_LIB         gtwin

For Borland C++ 3.x
  HB_COMPILER       bcc16
  HB_GT_LIB         gtdos

For DJGPP (GCC port for DOS)
  HB_COMPILER       djgpp
  HB_GT_LIB         gtdos

For Watcom C/C++ 10.x (default Makefile creates DOS4G extender executables)
  HB_COMPILER       watcom
  HB_GT_LIB         gtdos
  Note: It is possible that you will have to increase the space reserved for
        DOS environment variables in order to successfuly run make utility
        (Add for example:
         SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ E=2048 /P
         to your CONFIG.SYS )

If you issue a "make install", it will try to install your doc, header,
executable and library files into directories given by


You can set those as environment variables too. There is no default for
HB_DOC_INSTALL, so if you don't define it, then the doc files will not be

The most used targets are these:

* all: Same as typing "make" without arguments. It will usually try to
  compile and link the obvious target in the directory.

* clean: Clean up everything made by make.

* install: Install stuff into the appropriate directories.

In order to get a clean build after making source changes or after
receiving updated source files, you must use the following two steps:

1) make -r clean
3) make -r

Without the first step, changes to the Harbour compiler and/or various
include files will not be reflected in any object modules created from
Harbour source code.

The -r option isn't strictly necessary, but it does signficantly reduce
the number of rules that make has to evaluate otherwise, which may give
a performance boost on a slow system.

To rebuild only a part of Harbour, go to the appropriate source directory
and then run 'make -r'. For example, to rebuild all of Harbour, but not
the test programs, change to the 'source' directory. To rebuild only the
test programs, change to the 'test' directory.

If you are using a DOS-based operating system, then you can build any
program in tests/working by using the build batch file. For example,
'build scroll' will rebuild the scroll.prg program and then run it. This
can also be used for modules that aren't in the Makefile. You can also
pass parameters to the program. For example, 'build readfile harbour.ini'
will rebuild the readfile.prg program and run it with 'harbour.ini' as a
command line parameter.

 * $Id: gtapi.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $

GT API functions
By Bil Simser (Fri, 14 May 1999)

Using the gt API requires two steps.
The gt API interface is kept in gtapi.c. This houses the gt API and
does not have any platform or compiler specific information. This file
should (read:will) never change except to add new _gt functions. This
file will be used by Harbour or Harbour functions and must be linked
into the RTL.

The second step requires you to link in your platform specific
implementation of the _gt functions. These are functions named with
gtxxxxxx convention and are called by the _gt functions in gtapi.c.
I've provided the following files to implement the console functions:

gtdos.c - DOS implemenation
gtwin.c - Windows 95/NT implementation
gtos2.c - OS/2 implementation
gtxxx.c - Generic template for implementation

If you wish to port the gt functions to another platform, just take the
gtxxx.c and populate it with calls to your OSes functions. Call the file
something appropriate (gtmac.c, gtnext.c or whatever) and add it to
that platforms makefile.

The API supports a dozen or so compilers on three platforms. You only
have to change the gtxxx.c files to implement your platform.

The API needs to be initialized for Windows to setup the Input and Output
handles. These are done in _gtInit() and should always be called. Not sure
how this will be implemented (if at all) into Harbour but it needs to happen
or else you won't see any output under Windows.

There's a test section at the end of gtapi.c. I didn't want to keep

Harbour to build a PRG test and PRGs shouldn't call the _gt functions
directly anyway. Just compile gtapi.c alone with a #define of TEST to see
the output (or build a PRG test if you want).

You must include gtapi.c and one of the platform implementation files
to compile sucessfully!

There are exceptions for various compilers in the platform implementation
files so if you're using a compiler that doesn't support certain routines
or syntax just stick in your changes and surround it with an
#if defined(__XXX__) call.

This is a complete set of gt functions as defined by Clipper. That is
there are no new _gt functions added. But this is not a complete
implementation. I do not know what _gtBegin or _gtEnd will do for
instance. Yes, they buffer the display but what does that really mean
under the covers? Perhaps someone needs to implement a screen buffer
to write to in order to achive this but the issue that immediately comes
to mind is how to initialize the size of this buffer?

The files are attached but I will NOT be checking them into cvs for the
following reasons:

1. There is already a gtapi.c file and under no circumstances will I ever
overwrite someones code. If the author wants to remove his file and check
this in then be my guest.

2. This is my vision of how "I" think the gt API should be implemented.
Perhaps it isn't Antonio's or anyone elses so review it and if you feel
that it deserves being put into Harbour I'll leave that up to you.

The following functions are not implemented in gtapi.c:

The following functions don't work in gtapi.c:

You get garbage on the screen in DOS mode. Two Harbour functions are
included in the gtapi.c file, ROW() and COL() to get started.

You also may notice that I didn't include any NanFor document headers or
even any cvs macros. The jury is still out on that so I'll leave that to the

I release this to anyone who wants it. If you feel you don't like the
implementation and want to pursue a different approach, please do.
By not checking this in I'm not forcing anyone to use it.
If however you do feel it's a good start
(or a better start than what we have)
the please check it in and start writing those other terminal functions
(DEVPOS, etc.)

Best regards,

How to get rid of unwanted console in Windows GUI applications
By Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/

Do not use GTWIN :-)
GTWIN is a driver for users who wants to write CUI applications and
should give them all possible features. GUI libraries do not have to
use GT drivers if they don't need any GT functionality, or if they
don't want to give users support for standard Clipper/Harbour functions
which operate on GT resources.

Harbour application can work without any GT driver. In such case all
functions which operates on GT resources are redirected to meta GT
driver (GTNUL) which is part of RTL library. This driver makes all
operations on memory buffer and only OUTSTD()/OUTERR() output is sent
outside. All GT drivers inherits from GTNUL or from other GTs but in
the inheritance chain the first GT driver is always GTNUL.

Because there is no hard coded bindings between core code and other GT
drivers, then by default only GTNUL will be linked. So if you will want
to use some real GT you will have to add to your code:


Setting the default GT driver is done exactly the same as setting the
default RDD. In RDD it request DBFNTX by default. It is done inside a
module with RDDSYS() symbol, and core code contains:


Something like that is also done by Clipper. If you add to your code
RDDSYS symbol, then the default RDD will not be linked because your
RDDSYS will overload the default one (of course if it will be linked
before the one in core code). So it's enough to write something like:


Both gives the same effect, and default RDD (DBFNTX) will not be linked.
Exactly the same I've done in GT subsystem. HB_GTSYS() makes exactly
the same job as RDDSYS() but for GT. This symbol is requested by core
code and in the module where it is defined it request default build GT
driver or if it's not set then default GT driver for given platform.
For Windows it looks like:


This causes that normal console applications do not have to explicitly
request GT driver and the one set in the module with HB_GTSYS is always
linked. If you do not want to link the GT driver then you have to make
the same as for RDD and add to your code:


In such case your final application will not have any GT driver. If you
want to use GTNUL as base, you should add:


Though IMHO this request should be part of GUI library core code. You
can link with your application more then one GT driver. It's enough
that you add more lines with:


For example, compile this code:

    /*** t.prg ***/
       TONE( 200, 3 )
       TONE( 300, 3 )
       TONE( 500, 3 )
       INKEY( 0 )

and link it as Windows GUI application. Then simply execute:

    t //GTWIN
    t //GTWVT

Most of Windows linkers execute startup initialization code in the
order of linked modules, so the first linked GT driver will be the
default one. But you can control it also from your application, by
requesting HB_GT__DEFAULT symbol (I do not like this name because
it cannot be used with 10 character symbols so I'm ready for any other
positions). For example, if you add to your code:


Then GTNUL will be the default GT driver, and even if you would not
disable GTWIN and link it with your application, GTWIN will not be
activated but GTNUL.

It could be intentional, because if your application is linked with more
GTs, then you can also set the default one when you start your
application using //GT switch, or HB_GT environment variable. So
you can create GUI application which will set the default GT driver to
NUL and will not activate GTWIN, and when you'll want to enable debug
messages, you simply run:

    myprog //GTWIN

and debug messages will use the GTWIN console window. You can think of
other situations when it could be useful to have full functional GT
driver in GUI application. You can even create mixed GUI/CUI code in one

And finally, the TONE() function problem.
Low level TONE code is part of GT driver. In the past, GUI libraries in
Windows were linked the whole GTWIN driver and only TONE were used. It
was possible because someone blocked GTWIN to work with application
linked as Windows GUI programs. Now, GTWIN can be used with any
applications, and I do not want reduce its functionality. So GUI
libraries which needs TONE should have their own GT driver which will
support it. Now, such GT driver can also give much more features for
final users, because it allow to integrate GUI library with standard
Clipper screen functions.

How to create such base GUI GT driver?
See as example GTGUI in source/rtl/gtgui/gtgui.c
It supports only TONE and CLIPBOARD operations.
GUI libraries can use it or create other GT driver inheriting from
this one.
NOTE: source/rtl/gtgui/gtdef.c is a hack which overloads the default
     Harbour build time GT driver and should not be replicated.

gtnul  - base GT driver from which each other inherits.
         it gives screen buffer functionality but does not
         produce any screen output from disp*() commands
         Only outStd()/outErr() are supported.
         It's present on all platforms and i always linked.

gtcgi  - very simple GT driver which does not make any output
         formatting and simply send it as to stdout.
         Supported by all platforms.

gtstd  - it uses stdout output but tries to support full screen output but
         without collor support and cursor shape. It format text to number
         of row and columns if is able to detect these values on given
         Supported by all platforms.

gtpca  - It's PCANSI terminal GT - it works in similar way to ANSI GT
         driver in Clipper though keyboard input is not fully supported.
         Now GTTRM can make all GTPCA job and much more.
         Supported by all platforms.

gtdos  - GT driver for DOS - it uses BIOS and direct hardware screen output
         so it's very similar to Clipper one - in practice due to the same
         environment you will noticed that all small details of Clipper
         GT drivers are replicated here. You can think about it like 100%
         Clipper compatible.
         Supported only by DOS builds.

gtos2  - GT driver for OS2 - It's sth like GTWIN but for other OS.
         Supported only by OS2 builds.

gtwin  - GT driver for MS-Windows console window.
         Supported only by MS-WINDOWS (W95 or higher) builds.

gtcrs  - GT driver for platforms which supports curses or compatible
         (ncurses) library - in practice POSIX systems.
         Supported by POSIX systems (mostly different *nixes)

gtsln  - GT driver for platforms which supports slang library.
         It's like GTCRS but instead of CURSES it uses SLANG.
         Supported by POSIX systems (mostly different *nixes).
         It supports Unicode input/output if compiled with slang
         version which also supports it.

gttrm  - it's like GTCRS and GTSLN but it does not use any external
         terminal library like SLANG or CURSES and it does not use
         any external database to extract terminal capabilities so
         it can be compiled on any POSIX system - I'll add support
         also for DOS/Windows in the future. It should automatically
         detect UTF-8 terminal mode and switch internally to Unicode
         mode if necessary. In theory is less functional then GTCRS
         and GTSLN because I hard coded escape sequences only for few
         terminals but because I added support also for some non
         standard terminal extensions and I'm using very limited set
         of output sequences then it usually works better then GTCRS
         and GTSLN.
         Supported by POSIX systems (mostly different *nixes)

gtwvt  - GT driver for MS-Windows. It creates its own GUI window
         instead of using MS-console window. It allows to change
         font, window size, etc.
         Supported only by MS-WINDOWS (W95 or higher) builds.
         is a pure console implementation of traditional Clipper terminal 
         taking Windows API as its base console IO protocols. Its OI are 
         rendered in a Windows window and hence all of MSDN is available 
         for use with GTWVT.
 To let the memory refreshed, I must remind 
         everybody that it is a superb work of Peter Rees contributed 
         to xHarbour on 22nd December 2003.
GTWVG  - GUI emulation of GTWVT. It implements itself on top of GTWVT. 
         GTWVG ( WVTGUI in xHarbour ) offers functions and classes to 
         present a console application look like a windows one. 
         It renderes GUI elements on top of Clipper elements 
         ( GETS, BROWSERS, BOXES, LINES ) which makes them 
         feel like a Windows element. GTWVG can be used with existing 
         code just adding some more code but without sacrificing or 
         modifying old one. 
         Also all IO commands can be rendered on top of the GUI elements
gtxwc  - GT driver for X-Window. It's like GTWVT but for nixes.
         Additionaly it has set of predefined vector characters
         (box and arrowd drawing characters) which can be used
         instead of the one defined in font. It means that you
         will have all boxes and arrows you know from DOS ans CP437
         even if you chose font which does not have them. Additionally
         it support some simple graphic output. See tests/gfx.prg
         for simple program which demonstrates it.
         Supported by POSIX systems (mostly different *nixes)

gtalleg- GT driver which uses alegro library for input/output.
         It's also GUI driver which support HB_GFX*() drawing.
         Multi platform, works on all platforms for which allegro
         library has been ported: MS-Win, DOS, VESA, X11, FB, SDL, ...

gtgui  - pseudo GT driver which adds to GTNUL Clipboard and Tone
         functionality. If you are using some MS-Windows GUI library
         and you still want to use TONE() function or GTI_CLIPBOARD
         actions then link this GT driver with your application.
         If you do not want to use TONE() or GTI_CLIPBOARD then
         do not link it - it will be only waste of memory.

gtctw  - GT driver which adds CT3 Window functionality to any other
         GT driver from which it inherits. It's activated automatically
         when you execute first W*() function.
         In similar way in Harbour it's possible to add support for
         GTWVW inheriting from GTWVT.

Some of the GT drivers support additional functionality with hb_gtInfo()
See include/ for different actions.

Best regards,
 * $Id: hbmake.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $

Hbmake Readme

Hbmake is an powerful make system for Harbour. It include an Editor mode for
the creation of the make file.

Hbmake support the follow Switchs

-b Use BCC as the C compiler. This options is default under Windows
-g Use GCC as the C compiler. This options is default under OS/2
-gl Use GCC as the C compiler on Linux
-v Use MSVC as the C compiler
-D Define an macro. Multiple macros can be used in an single line
and also Multiple -D is also supported
-p Print all command and defines
-f Force all files to be rebuild
-e Open the editor mode.
-ex Open the editor mode in extended mode
-el Open the editor mode for creating libraries.
-elx Open the editor mode for creating librariesin extented mode.
-i Ignore errors returned by commands
-r Recurse directories for source code
The hbmake dont support old styles .rmk/.lnk Files. hbmake create it own when the editor mode is used with include both compile and link sections on the same file.

Now How to use the editor mode

go to the directory from with the application source that you to
call hbmake .bc -e
this will evoke hbmake editor mode.

then select your OS,C Compiler
If you need an Graphic library such as FWH or C4W, select the appropiate box, if you also use rddads. also check this box.

Select the harbour compiler options that you also what to use, along
the defaut values
Select the files that will be part of your app

then select the main file

then the new make file is create.
then call hbmake .bc

If you have compiler errors use hbmake .bc -f

Linux user need to create the harbour.cfg file in /etc or /usr/local/etc with the follow lines
CFLAGS=-c -I/usr/include/harbour (this line must match your harbour include directory)
 * $Id: hdr_tpl.txt 9191 2008-08-19 13:11:22Z vszakats $

/* NOTE: - Please use these template for your new files, replace parts
           between curly braces {} with the appropriate text.
         - You can find a history at the end of the file. */


 * Harbour Project source code:
 * {one-liner description about the purpose of this source file}
 * Copyright 2001 {list of individual authors and e-mail addresses}
 * www -
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site
 * As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for
 * additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour.
 * The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other
 * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
 * linking the Harbour library code into it.
 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour
 * Project under the name Harbour.  If you copy code from other
 * Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
 * Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
 * not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
 * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
 * this exception notice from them.
 * If you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice
 * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.


 * The following parts are Copyright of the individual authors.
 * www -
 * Copyright 2001 {name} <{e-mail address}>
 *    {function or subsystem name}
 * See doc/license.txt for licensing terms.


/*  $DOC$
 *  $SYNTAX$
 *  $TESTS$
 *  $STATUS$
 *  $FILES$
 *  $END$


/*  $DOC$
 *      IsLeapYr()
 *      Dates
 *      Test if a date falls in a leap year.
 *  $SYNTAX$
 *      IsLeapYr( [] ) --> lIsLeap
 *       is an optional date. If not supplied is defaults to the
 *      value returned from date().
 *      TRUE if  falls in a leap year, FALSE if not.
 *      IsLeapYr() can be used to check if a given year is a leap year.
 *      // Check if it's a leap year.
 *      If IsLeapYr()
 *         ? "One extra day before you get paid this Feb!!"
 *      Else
 *         ? "A normal year"
 *      EndIf
 *  $TESTS$
 *      valtype( IsLeapYr( date() ) ) == "L"
 *      valtype( IsLeapYr( ctod( "" ) ) ) == "L"
 *      valtype( IsLeapYr() ) == "L"
 *      IsLeapYr( SToD( "20000101" ) )
 *      !IsLeapYr( SToD( "19000101" ) )
 *      IsLeapYr( SToD( "19841231" ) )
 *      !IsLeapYr()
 *  $STATUS$
 *      C
 *      IsLeapYr() works exactly like CA-Cl*pper's IsLeapYr(), if your
 *      CA-Cl*pper doesn't have such a function you're probably in a
 *      different universe from the author of this function.
 *      All
 *  $FILES$
 *      Date() IsWeekend() IsHarbourFinished() IsApocalypse()
 *  $END$

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * ChangeLog:
 * V 1.15   Viktor Szakats              Name correction
 * V 1.14   David G. Holm               Second year 2000 chaned to 2001
 * V 1.13   David G. Holm               Year changed to 2001 from 2000.
 *                                      License changed to be compatible with
 *                                      the Guile 1.4 license (the old one
 *                                      was based on an earlier Guile).
 * V 1.12   Viktor Szakats              Year changed to 2000 from 1999.
 * V 1.11   Viktor Szakats              $FILES$ added.
 * V 1.10   Viktor Szakats              $PLATFORMS$ added.
 * V 1.9    Viktor Szakats              Small format changes.
 * V 1.8    Viktor Szakats              licence -> license
 * V 1.7    Viktor Szakats              History separated from the file header
 *                                      template. Slight changes in the format
 *                                      of the header. Removed "(proposal)"
 *                                      from the top of the file. Added partial
 *                                      copyright header template.
 * V 1.6    Viktor Szakats              RCS Id section separated from
 *                                      Licenc text.
 * V 1.5    Viktor Szakats              Small name correction.
 * V 1.4    David G. Holm               Removed "(C)" from Copyright notice
 *                                      Put author's name rather than date
 *                                      next to each version number, because
 *                                      the RCS tracks dates, but only tracks
 *                                      CVS user names, not author names.
 * V 1.3    Viktor Szakats              Description line changed to be a
 *                                      template, too.
 * V 1.2    David G. Holm               Added HRL/HVM license exception for
 *                                      executables. Added GNU web site.
 *                                      Replaced "?" in copyright statement
 *                                      with "(list of individual authors)".
 * V 1.1    Viktor Szakats              Added templates for file and function
 *                                      headers. Committed to CVS.
 * V 1.0    Viktor Szakats              Initial version.
 * $Id: howtobld.txt 9191 2008-08-19 13:11:22Z vszakats $

In the last phase of install process if bash shell is available in the
system then few bash scripts are created to make compiling and linking
with Harbour a little easier. There are compiler and linker wrappers
called "hbcc", "hbcmp", "hblnk" and "hbmk".

"hbcc" is a wrapper to the C compiler only. It sets all flags
and paths necessary to compile .c files which include Harbour header
files. The result of its work is an object file.

Use "hbcmp" exactly as you would use the harbour compiler itself.
The main difference with hbcmp is that it results in an object file,
not a C file that needs compiling down to an object. hbcmp also
ensures that the harbour include directory is seen by the harbour compiler.

"hblnk" simply takes a list of object files and links them together
with the harbour virtual machine and run-time library to produce an
executable. The executable will be given the basename of the first object
file if not directly set by the "-o" command line switch.

"hbmk" tries to produce an executable from your .prg file. It's a simple
equivalent of cl.bat from the CA-Cl*pper distribution.

All these scripts accept command line switches:
-o      # output file name
-static                 # link with static Harbour libs
-fullstatic             # link with all static libs
-shared                 # link with shared libs (default)
-mt                     # link with multi-thread libs
-gt               # link with  GT driver, can be repeated to
                        # link with more GTs. The first one will be
                        #      the default at runtime
-xbgtk                  # link with xbgtk library (xBase GTK+ interface)
-hwgui                  # link with HWGUI library (GTK+ interface)
-l             # link with  library
-L             # additional path to search for libraries
-fmstat                 # link with the memory statistics lib
-nofmstat               # do not link with the memory statistics lib (default)
-[no]strip              # strip (no strip) binaries
-main=       # set the name of main program function/procedure.
                        # if not set then 'MAIN' is used or if it doesn't
                        # exist the name of first public function/procedure
                        # in first linked object module (link)

Link options work only with "hblnk" and "hbmk" and have no effect
in "hbcc" and "hbcmp".
Other options are passed to Harbour/C compiler/linker.

An example compile/link session looks like:
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ cat foo.prg
function main()
? "Hello, World!"
return nil

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ hbcmp foo
Harbour Compiler Alpha build 46.2 (Flex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'foo.prg'...
Lines 5, Functions/Procedures 2
Generating C source output to 'foo.c'... Done.

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ hblnk foo.o

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ strip foo

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ ls -l foo
-rwxrwxr-x    1 druzus   druzus       3824 maj 17 02:46 foo

or using hbmk only:
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ cat foo.prg
function main()
? "Hello, World!"
return nil

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ hbmk foo
Harbour Compiler Alpha build 46.2 (Flex)
Copyright 1999-2006,
Compiling 'foo.prg'...
Lines 5, Functions/Procedures 2
Generating C source output to 'foo.c'... Done.

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ ls -l foo
-rwxrwxr-x    1 druzus   druzus       3824 maj 17 02:46 foo

You will find additional wonderful tools: /usr/bin/hbrun
You can run clipper/xbase compatible source files with it
if you only put in their first line:

For example:
druzus@uran:~/tmp$ cat foo.prg
function main()
? "Hello, World!, This is a script !!! :-)"
return nil

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ chmod +x foo.prg

druzus@uran:~/tmp$ ./foo.prg

Hello, World!, This is a script !!! :-)


I hope you will find this information useful,
Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
 * $Id: howtobsd.txt 5610 2002-08-02 16:36:20Z dholm $


First, you'll need to have the developer tools installed. Then you'll need
to install bison and gmake. If you installed the ports collection, then all
you need to do to install bison and gmake is to run the following commands,
which may require that you run su root first to get the correct permissions.

   cd /usr/ports/devel/bison
   make install
   make clean
   cd /usr/ports/devel/gmake
   make install
   make clean

If you want to use the GTSLN library instead of GTSTD or GTCRS, then you
also need to install libslang. If you installed the ports collection, then
all you need to do to install libslang is to run the following commands,
which may require that you run su first to get the correct permissions.

   cd /usr/ports/devel/libslang
   make install
   make clean

Then read the doc/gmake.txt file for generic GNU make instructions and the
specific Harbour settings needed for BSD. When you want to build Harbour,
be sure to run 'gmake -r' at the command line instead of 'make -r'.

David G. Holm 
 * $Id: howtomak.txt 9188 2008-08-17 15:04:11Z vszakats $


You'll need these:
  - Flex
  - Bison 1.28 or upper (set BISON_SIMPLE envvar to point to bison.simple)
  - A supported (check make_gnu.bat for a list) C compiler
    (with all the envvars set (PATH, LIB, INCLUDE, etc...))
  - GNU-make if you want to use it with some other C compiler than GCC
    (as GCC already comes with GNU-make)
  - Harbour source
  - Around 10-15MB of free disk space for each separate platform/compiler

To build Harbour using GNU-make:
  - Set the required two envvars (check MAKE_GNU.* for them)
  - Run make_gnu.*
To build Harbour using non-GNU make with BCC 4.x, 5.x:
  - make_b32.bat
To build Harbour using non-GNU make with MSVC:
  - make_vc.bat

To build a final executable, see above, but use bin/bld*.* 
instead of make*.*

Viktor Szakats 
 * $Id: howtorel.txt 6676 2006-05-30 09:09:17Z ckedem $

How to create and tag a new release
By Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/

1. Make full update of your local CVS copy with:
    cvs -z3 update -A -P -d -R harbour
   with the above unused empty directories will be removed
   from your repository copy.
   Please check if all your files are unmodified. You can redirect
   stdout output from cvs command to a file to see if all files are
   exactly the same.
2. Update files which contain harbour release number. Now these are:
3. Set proper release date in whatsnew.txt and if necessary update
   release informations. Also add the exact tag name to this file,
   for example "tag: build46".
4. Update ChangeLog file and commit your modifications.
5. Update hbver.h with ChangeLog file ID and your last entry ID.
6. Tag the CVS tree with the new release tag:
    cvs tag -t -F -D  
   for example:
    cvs tag -t -F -D "2006-05-29 16:00" build46
   With the above you can also "re-tag" already set tag so be careful
   and use re-tag repository _only_ if it's really necessary.

With properly tagged CVS any one who wants to create Harbour release
binaries should make:
    cvs -z3 co -r  harbour
for example:
    cvs -z3 co -r "build46" harbour
to be sure that local repository copy is exactly the same as the one
tagged as new release. The first commit after cvs tagging should also
change the version number and ChangeLog IDs in harbour.spec and
include/hbver.h for easier locating possible mistakes when release
binaries are created.

 * $Id: howtosvn.txt 8253 2008-01-31 11:36:57Z rglab $



1.1 Here's how to prepare for uploading to the SVN server
1.2 Here's how to upload your changes to the SVN server
1.3 Here's how to format your ChangeLog entries
1.4 Here's how to use the SVN server in anonymous read-only mode
1.5 Things to do to avoid damaging the SourceForge SVN tree
1.6 How to add SVN ID to new files

1.1 Here's how to prepare for uploading to the SVN server
by Viktor Szakats

 1) Read the Harbour FAQ (, monitor the
    mailing-list (,
    consult with the developers, make contributions. This way your chances
    are high to get a RW access to the repository.
 2) Before uploading anything you'll need Developer (RW) status for the
    Harbour SVN server. To get this please make a request on the list,
    or contact the Harbour Administrators. Note that getting Developer
    status is not an automatic process.
 3) You'll need an SVN client for your platform.
 4) Do a complete checkout to get the fresh source tree.

1.2 Here's how to upload your changes to the SVN server
by Viktor Szakats

 1) Do the changes in the source, and in parallel modify ChangeLog
 2) Go online (if needed)
 4) Resolve all conflicts
 5) Copy the last ChangeLog entry to the clipboard
 6) SVN COMMIT --editor-cmd notepad.exe --username sfuser
    Change notepad.exe to the editor of your choice and platform.
    Change "sfuser" to your username.
 7) New email message, paste the new ChangeLog entry
 8) Copy and paste the ChangeLog entry header to the subject after
 9) The SVN pops up a window with the changed filenames
10) Check if all the changed filenames are referred in the ChangeLog entry,
    if not, make the corrections and start again
11) Paste the ChangeLog entry header to the SVN window, save, exit
12) SVN is now uploading,
    if there are any errors, make the corrections and start again
13) Always check if the upload session ended without errors.
14) Send the email message containing the changes
15) Go offline (if needed)

alternative method:
by Ryszard Glab

 1) Do the changes in the source
 2) Run SVN UPDATE redirecting the output into a file
    (for example: "SVN update -d >.log"
 3) Resolve all conflicts, run SVN update again (see point 2), recompile
    all sources, fix all errors
 4) Run SVN STATUS redirecting the output into a file
    (for example: "svn status >.log"
 5) Copy all names of modifed, added or deleted files (files marked with
    'M', 'A' or 'D' flag) from update log into a ChangeLog
 6) Write necessary comments in the ChangeLog
 7) Save all your changes from ChangeLog into a file
 8) Run SVN UPDATE again
 9) Commit changes running:
    SVN commit -F file_with_saved_ChangeLog_changes --username sfuser
 10) Mail file_with_saved_ChangeLog_changes as an email body (do not
    send it as an attachment) to the harbour list

Important notes:

 1) *Always* add a ChangeLog entry when committing to the SVN.
 2) When adding a new file to the SVN, always use lower case 8.3
    filenames (*), add a SVN ID header to the file, don't use tabs
    in the file, end the file with a newline char.
    Possibly consult other Developers about the new filename and file
    Add the new filename to the related makefiles.
    (*) There are some exceptions: ChangeLog.*, Makefile, COPYING,
        ERRATA and TODO for example.

1.3 Here's how to format your ChangeLog entries
by Viktor Szakats

- Always add new entries to the top of the ChangeLog file.

- Add an entry header using this format:
  YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM UTC[-|+]hhmm Your Full Name 

  For example:
    2000-05-27 23:12 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats 

- Add a entry body which lists all filenames changed, all of
  them with full path spec. Mention the name of the changed function or
  macro. Describe what you've changed, the reasons, and other comments
  and explanations you find useful. If the change needs some related work
  to be done by someone else (documentation, makefile), make a clear note
  about this.
  Group the related changes into logical sections separated by empty lines.


   * dir/filenam1.txt
   + dir/filenam2.txt
   - dir/filenam3.txt
     * Changed, bla-bla
     ! Fixed
     % Optimized
     + Added
     - Removed
     ; Comment

  Note that using these specific marks is preferred although not a

- Leave an empty line between the header and body and one after the body.

1.4 Here's how to use the SVN server in anonymous read-only mode

Please read the following FAQ entry:

1.5 Things to do to avoid damaging the SourceForge SVN tree
by David G. Holm

1) Always do your Harbour development using your local SVN tree. Do not
   do your development outside your local SVN tree and then copy your
   changes into your local SVN tree to commit them, because that leads
   easily to accidentally overwriting changes made by others, because
   you didn't notice that a module that you were also working on was
   changed by someone else. By always doing Harbour development using
   your local SVN tree, changes made by others will be merged with your
   changes and you only need to recompile and retest before committing.

2) Always run 'SVN update' from the 'harbour' directory before you run
   'SVN commit'. Ideally, you should redirect the output from the update
   to a file and look at the results to confirm that you are ready to do
   a commit. Any files marked M, A or D are files that you have modified
   or are adding or deleting. Confirm that you have comments for all of
   them in your ChangeLog entry. If you see many modules marked P or U,
   then you need to recompile and retest before you commit your changes.

   If you see any conflicts reported in the update output, then you need
   to resolve them before committing. SVN is generally good at merging
   changes, so you probably won't see conflicts very often, but if you
   edit the ChangeLog file before you run 'SVN update' and other changes
   have been committed by others, then ChangeLog will have conflicts. To
   resolve those conflicts, simply remove the conflict markers. What I do
   to avoid conflicts to ChangeLog is to record my changes in changes.txt
   and then copy them into ChangeLog between the update and the commit.

1.6 How to add SVN ID to new files
by Maurilio Longo

When a new file is added to SVN tree it has not a SVN ID.
SVN IDs look like this:

 * $Id: howtosvn.txt 8253 2008-01-31 11:36:57Z rglab $

To add one to a file lacking it simply put as first lines:

 * Chr(36) + "Id" + Chr(36)

I can't write it here because SVN server would change it as soon as I
commit this file, but second line should not have Chr(36) but $ signs
and no spaces between dollar sign and Id.

as soon as you commit your file SVN ID string will be expanded
by SVN server to full length.

Note that last dollar sign is mandatory.

Run these commands and commit:
svn propset svn:keywords "Author Date Id Revision" "filename"
svn propset svn:eol-style native "filename"
 * $Id: hrb_faq.txt 9243 2008-08-25 21:36:00Z vszakats $

.hrb FAQ list 1999/05/19:

Current only available in a 32bit Intel version.

HRB structure (also known as Harbour Portable Objects) and
Runner (also known as TugBoat, Stubbing Executables (not yet) )

To create a runner :

        C:..> bld32exe runner

Once the runner is created,
To create a .hrb and run it :

        C:..> hbrun 

If you just want to run a .hrb file :

        C:..> runner 

If you just want to create a .hrb file :

        Use command-line switch -gHRB when invoking Harbour

To see the contents of a .hrb file :

        C:..> clipper readhrb /n/a/w           {I am sorry}
        C:..> blinker @readhrb
        C:..> readhrb   {What do mean consistent}

        If it goes too fast a readhrb.out is created containing the screen

To run a .hrb file within a .prg (only possible if the .prg is compiled as a
.hrb file) :

        HB_Run(  )

HRB structure (also known as Harbour Portable Objects) and
Runner (also known as TugBoat, Stubbing Executables (not yet) )

Version 1.0

The ultimate version will of course feature more, but let's just stick to the
minimal requirements.

The .hrb structure consists :

       Long containing the number of symbols
        Name of symbol
          Scope of symbol
       Link type :
                  0 = NO_LINK (ie DATA symbol)
                  1 = FUNCTION* in .prg itself
                  2 = EXTERN. Link function pointer at run-time.
         Long containing the number of functions
        Name of function
           Length of function
          PCode of function

* Since the module name itself is a symbol during compilation. ProcName()
  was recognized as an internal function.
  During the run-time link the runner therefore checks whether the compiler
  has correctly identified a symbol as contained in .prg itself.
 * $Id: lang_id.txt 2175 2000-02-13 11:13:27Z vszel $

Language codes

RFC ID Name                           ISO Language ID
------ ------------------------------ ---------------
AA     Afar                           AA
AB     Abkhazian                      AB
AF     Afrikaans                      AF
AM     Amharic                        AM
AR     Arabic                         AR
AR-AE  Arabic (U.A.E.)                AR
AR-BH  Arabic (Bahrain)               AR
AR-DZ  Arabic (Algeria)               AR
AR-EG  Arabic (Egypt)                 AR
AR-IQ  Arabic (Iraq)                  AR
AR-JO  Arabic (Jordan)                AR
AR-KW  Arabic (Kuwait)                AR
AR-LB  Arabic (Lebanon)               AR
AR-LY  Arabic (Libya)                 AR
AR-MA  Arabic (Morocco)               AR
AR-OM  Arabic (Oman)                  AR
AR-QA  Arabic (Qatar)                 AR
AR-SA  Arabic (Saudi Arabia)          AR
AR-SY  Arabic (Syria)                 AR
AR-TN  Arabic (Tunisia)               AR
AR-YE  Arabic (Yemen)                 AR
AS     Assamese                       AS
AY     Aymara                         AY
AZ     Azerbaijani                    AZ
BA     Bashkir                        BA
BE     Byelorussian                   BE
BG     Bulgarian                      BG
BH     Bihari                         BH
BI     Bislama                        BI
BN     Bengali, Bangla                BN
BO     Tibetan                        BO
BR     Breton                         BR
CA     Catalan                        CA
CO     Corsican                       CO
CS     Czech                          CS
CY     Welsh                          CY
DA     Danish                         DA
DE     German                         DE
DE-AT  German (Austria)               DE
DE-CH  German (Swiss)                 DE
DE-LI  German (Liechtenstein)         DE
DE-LU  German (Luxembourg)            DE
DZ     Bhutani                        DZ
EL     Greek                          EL
EN     English                        EN
EN-AU  English (Australian)           EN
EN-BZ  English (Belize)               EN
EN-CA  English (Canadian)             EN
EN-GB  English (British)              EN
EN-IE  English (Ireland)              EN
EN-JM  English (Jamaica)              EN
EN-JP  English (Japan)                EN
EN-NZ  English (New Zealand)          EN
EN-TT  English (Trinidad)             EN
EN-US  English (USA)                  EN
EN-ZA  English (South Africa)         EN
EO     Esperanto                      EO
ES     Spanish                        ES
ES-AR  Spanish (Argentina)            ES
ES-BO  Spanish (Bolivia)              ES
ES-CL  Spanish (Chile)                ES
ES-CO  Spanish (Colombia)             ES
ES-CR  Spanish (Costa Rica)           ES
ES-DO  Spanish (Dominican Republic)   ES
ES-EC  Spanish (Ecuador)              ES
ES-GT  Spanish (Guatemala)            ES
ES-HN  Spanish (Honduras)             ES
ES-MX  Spanish (Mexican)              ES
ES-NI  Spanish (Nicaragua)            ES
ES-PA  Spanish (Panama)               ES
ES-PE  Spanish (Peru)                 ES
ES-PR  Spanish (Puerto Rico)          ES
ES-PY  Spanish (Paraguay)             ES
ES-SV  Spanish (El Salvador)          ES
ES-UY  Spanish (Uruguay)              ES
ES-VE  Spanish (Venezuela)            ES
ET     Estonian                       ET
EU     Basque                         EU
FA     Persian                        FA
FI     Finnish                        FI
FJ     Fiji                           FJ
FO     Faeroese                       FO
FR     French                         FR
FR-BE  French (Belgian)               FR
FR-CA  French (Canadian)              FR
FR-CH  French (Swiss)                 FR
FR-LU  French (Luxembourg)            FR
FY     Frisian                        FY
GA     Irish                          GA
GD     Scots Gaelic                   GD
GL     Galician                       GL
GN     Guarani                        GN
GU     Gujarati                       GU
HA     Hausa                          HA
HE     Hebrew                         HE
HI     Hindi                          HI
HR     Croatian                       HR
HU     Hungarian                      HU
HY     Armenian                       HY
IA     Interlingua                    IA
ID     Indonesian                     ID
IE     Interlingue                    IE
IK     Inupiak                        IK
IN     Indonesian (-)                 IN
IS     Icelandic                      IS
IT     Italian                        IT
IT-CH  Italian (Swiss)                IT
IU     Inuktitut                      IU
IW     Hebrew (-)                     IW
JA     Japanese                       JA
JI     Yiddish (-)                    JI
JW     Javanese                       JW
KA     Georgian                       KA
KK     Kazakh                         KK
KL     Greenlandic                    KL
KM     Cambodian                      KM
KN     Kannada                        KN
KO     Korean                         KO
KS     Kashmiri                       KS
KU     Kurdish                        KU
KY     Kirghiz                        KY
LA     Latin                          LA
LN     Lingala                        LN
LO     Laothian                       LO
LT     Lithuanian                     LT
LV     Latvian, Lettish               LV
MG     Malagasy                       MG
MI     Maori                          MI
MK     Macedonian                     MK
ML     Malayalam                      ML
MN     Mongolian                      MN
MO     Moldavian                      MO
MR     Marathi                        MR
MS     Malay                          MS
MT     Maltese                        MT
MY     Burmese                        MY
NA     Nauru                          NA
NE     Nepali                         NE
NL     Dutch                          NL
NL-BE  Dutch (Belgian)                NL
NO     Norwegian                      NO
NO-BOK Norwegian (bokmal)             NO
NO-NYN Norwegian (Nynorsk)            NO
OC     Occitan                        OC
OM     (Afan) Oromo                   OM
OR     Oriya                          OR
PA     Punjabi                        PA
PL     Polish                         PL
PS     Pashto, Pushto                 PS
PT     Portuguese                     PT
PT-BR  Portuguese (Brazilian)         PT
QU     Quechua                        QU
RM     Rhaeto-Romance                 RM
RN     Kirundi                        RN
RO     Romanian                       RO
RO-MO  Romanian (Moldavia)            RO
RU     Russian                        RU
RU-MO  Russian (Moldavia)             RU
RW     Kinyarwanda                    RW
SA     Sanskrit                       SA
SD     Sindhi                         SD
SG     Sangro                         SG
SH     Serbo-Croatian                 SH
SI     Singhalese                     SI
SK     Slovak                         SK
SL     Slovenian                      SL
SM     Samoan                         SM
SN     Shona                          SN
SO     Somali                         SO
SQ     Albanian                       SQ
SR     Serbian                        SR
SS     Siswati                        SS
ST     Sesotho                        ST
SU     Sundanese                      SU
SV     Swedish                        SV
SV-FI  Swedish (Finland)              SV
SW     Swahili                        SW
TA     Tamil                          TA
TE     Tegulu                         TE
TG     Tajik                          TG
TH     Thai                           TH
TI     Tigrinya                       TI
TK     Turkmen                        TK
TL     Tagalog                        TL
TN     Setswana                       TN
TO     Tonga                          TO
TR     Turkish                        TR
TS     Tsonga                         TS
TT     Tatar                          TT
TW     Twi                            TW
UG     Uigur                          UG
UK     Ukrainian                      UK
UR     Urdu                           UR
UZ     Uzbek                          UZ
VI     Vietnamese                     VI
VO     Volapuk                        VO
WO     Wolof                          WO
XH     Xhosa                          XH
YI     Yiddish                        YI
YO     Yoruba                         YO
ZA     Zhuang                         ZA
ZH     Chinese                        ZH
ZH-CN  Chinese (PRC)                  ZH
ZH-HK  Chinese (Hong Kong)            ZH
ZH-SG  Chinese (Singapore)            ZH
ZH-TW  Chinese (Taiwan)               ZH
ZU     Zulu                           ZU

 * $Id: license.txt 8113 2007-12-01 02:42:32Z vszakats $


Note: This license applies to most of the files in the source/compiler

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA (or visit
their web site at


Note: This license applies to most of the files in the include directory,
      source directory, and subdirectories.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site

As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for
additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour.

The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other
files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
linking the Harbour library code into it.

This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.

This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour
Project under the name Harbour.  If you copy code from other
Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
this exception notice from them.

If you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice
whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.


Note: This license only applies to the following files:


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version, with one exception:

The exception is that if you link the Harbour Runtime Library (HRL)
and/or the Harbour Virtual Machine (HVM) with other files to produce
an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable
to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that
executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the HRL
and/or HVM code into it.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA (or visit
their web site at


There is no one single license that applies to the Harbour Project
contrib files. Some files use the Harbour Project Compiler license.
Some files use the Harbour Project Library license. Some files use
the old Harbour Project Library license. Some files may even use other
types of free software or open source  software licenses. Some files
have been donated to the public domain. If you use any of the contrib
files, you need to investigate the license that applies to each file.
 * $Id: linux1st.txt 9182 2008-08-16 11:21:56Z vszakats $

                          Linux primer

Ubuntu/Debian distro

Packages needed to cleanly build Harbour:
(Tested with Ubuntu 7.04 and 8.04)

For GTCRS terminal lib:
sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev

For GTSLN terminal lib:
sudo apt-get install libslang2-dev

For GTXWC terminal lib:
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

For console mouse support in GTTRM, GTSLN and GTCRS:
sudo apt-get install libgpmg1-dev

For contrib/hbodbc lib:
sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev

For contrib/hbcurl lib:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

For contrib/hbfbird lib:
sudo apt-get install libfirebird2.0-dev

For contrib/hbfimage lib:
sudo apt-get install libfreeimage-dev

For contrib/hbgd lib:
sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev
sudo apt-get install libgd-xpm-dev

For contrib/hbmysql lib:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev

For contrib/hbpgsql lib:
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

For contrib/hbgf/hbgfgtk lib:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev

For contrib/rddads lib:
Download and install 'Advantage Client Engine API for Linux' package 
(f.e. aceapi-

For contrib/hbhpdf lib:
Download and './configure', 'make install' libharu 

openSUSE distro

You'll need these packages to compile certain contribs and optional 
Harbour modules:
- xorg-x11-devel
- postgresql-devel
- gtk2-devel
- ncurses-devel
- slang-devel
- unixodbc-devel
- gd-devel
- libmysqlclient-devel

For contrib/rddads lib:
Download and install 'Advantage Client Engine API for Linux' package 
(f.e. aceapi-

For contrib/libharu:
- Download and './configure', 'make install' libharu 
- libpng-devel
- zlib-devel

Notes by Scott Johnson 

Ok, I finally got something to run.  The code I compiled was standard
Clipper 5.2 code pulled directly from a dos/win box and was working
properly there.  

I'm compiling under Debian Sarge which for their own reasons are using
the Alpha Build 44.0.  It was installed with the standard apt-get
harbour.  I did this to pretty much ensure that the install wasn't
tainted by any of my previous attempts at getting this to work.

The first thing I checked was for the  it didn't exist so I did
the cut/paste thing from this list (thank you) and set out on my

First off, set your environment variables.  If you want to set this up
for your shell to do it automagically go for it.  That's beyond what I
want to cover here.

export HB_ARCHITECTURE=linux
export HB_BIN_INSTALL=/usr/bin
export HB_LIB_INSTALL=/usr/lib/harbour
export HB_INC_INSTALL=/usr/include/harbour
export HB_COMPILER=gcc
export HB_GT_LIB=gtcrs

Since we created the from scratch, I dropped it in the /usr/bin
directory where the rest of the harbour binaries exist.

chmod +x

Now I go to where my actual clipper/harbour source code is.

The files I have are inv.prg, csrc.prg, cmenu.prg and citem.prg.  The
dbf files are already created and exist in the same directory, but
that's just me.  I pulled those over with the dos application.

Next, I issued the following command inv csrc cmenu citem

This ran through it's gyrations, made the c source and attempted to link
it.  Hey, this is great although it bombed out with an unresolved
external to dbfdbt.  Ok, so that's a library.  I can do this

I jumped into the file and hunted down the gcc line.  It's quite
a ways down into the file, but you'll need to find the one appropriate
for your system (mind was right after the last check for GT_LIB where it
leaves it as gtstd if you don't set something.

On the gcc line, you'll see a section like "-L$HB_LIB_INSTALL -ldebug"
and so on; add "-ldbfdbt" (without the quotes of course).  I added it
right after -lrdd, but I don't know if that's important or not. Maybe
somebody can correct me there.

After I saved it, I went back and issued the same command as I
did above, and lo!  It just worked.  


As a side note, gtstd is probably not going to be very helpful for you
in linux if you have any SAY/GET's as screen positioning (especially if
you use xterm) won't be handled correctly.  Same with gtpca.  Gtcrs
seemed to work properly in my environment.

I know this is pretty sparse as far as any kind of documentation is
concerned, and I might be doing things I don't need to, and not doing
things that make people cringe.  It's a start though and maybe some
folks can clean it up a bit and add/remove things that are important.
At least this worked on my particular Debian system.   Your mileage may
vary and other distributions will probably have their own setups and
 * $Id: pcode.txt 2248 2000-03-02 11:58:22Z vszel $

The Clipper OBJ and pcode model (GNU|Open|Clipper project)

Let's consider the following Clipper sample Test.prg:

function Main()

   ? "Hello world!"

return nil

Once it gets compiled into a OBJ, what is there inside it?
In fact, what we get is the equivalent to the following C language

SYMBOL symbols[] = { ... };

void MAIN( void )
   BYTE pcode[] = { ... };

   VirtualMachine( pcode, symbols );

Basically, Test.prg source code has been converted into a sequence
of pcode bytes contained in the array pcode[] = { ... }.  All our MAIN()
function does is invoke, at run-time, a Clipper VirtualMachine() that will
process those pcode bytes.

Let's review the Test.prg pcode structure in more detail:

0000 (2A) LINE 0                    2A 00 00
0003 (2A) LINE 3                    2A 03 00
0006 (13)   SYMF [QOUT]             13 02 00
0009 (01)   PUSHC "Hello world!"    01 ...
0018 (27)   DO(1)                   27 01 00
001B (2A) LINE 5                    2A 05 00
001E (7B)   UNDEF                   7B
001F (79)   SAVE_RET                79
0020 (1E)   JMP 0023                1E 00 00
0023 (60) ENDPROC                   60

We could define a hbpcode.h file to better read that pcode:


#define  LINE    0x2A
#define  SYMF    0x13
#define  PUSHC   0x01
#define  DO      0x27
#define  UNDEF   0x7B

So finally it will look like:

BYTE pcode[] = { LINE, 0, 0,
                 LINE, 3, 0,
                 SYMF, 2, 0,
                 PUSHC, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', '0',
                 DO,   1, 0,
                 LINE, 5, 0,
                 JMP, 0, 0,
                 ENDPROC };

And what is SYMBOL symbols[] ?  Clipper creates a symbol table in
the OBJ that later on will be used to create a dynamic symbol table
shared by the entire application. Each of those symbols has the following

   typedef struct
      char * szName;   // Clipper in fact keeps an array here (11 bytes).
      BYTE   bScope;
      LPVOID pVoid;
   } SYMBOL;

#define PUBLIC 0    // the scope of the function!

SYMBOL symbols[] = { { "MAIN",  PUBLIC, MAIN },
                     { "QQOUT", PUBLIC, QQOUT } };

Let's remember that the name of a function (MAIN, QQOUT) is the address of the
function, so our symbol table will be ready to use it to jump and execute any
linked function.

In fact, the pcode SYMF 2, 0 in our sample, will instruct the VirtualMachine()
to use the 2 symbol, which is QQOUT.

Let's read the pcode:

LINE 0, 0   =>  We are located at line 0
LINE 3, 0   =>  We are located at line 3
SYMF 2, 0   =>  We are going to call QQOUT from our symbol table
PUSHC ...   =>  This string is going to be used as a parameter
DO   1, 0   =>  ok, jump to QQOUT and remember we have just supplied 1 parameter
LINE 5, 0   =>  We are back from QQOUT and we are located at line 5
UNDEF       =>  we are going to return this value (NIL)
SAVE_RET    =>  Ok, return it
JMP  0      =>  We don't jump to elsewhere, just continue to next pcode byte
ENDPROC     =>  This is the end. We have completed this function execution

All these instructions will be evaluated from our VirtualMachine() function
(Clipper names it _plankton()). All functions end using ENDPROC, so when
the VirtualMachine() finds ENDPROC it knows it has reached the end of a
function pcode.

Now that we clearly understand this basic model we are ready to start
implementing 'production rules' on our yacc (clipper.y) syntax to generate
the specific output file (test.c) with the above structure (or we could
easily just generate the OBJ file for it).

to be continued...

Antonio Linares

 * $Id: pp.txt 6906 2006-11-13 19:49:57Z druzus $

PP description
By Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/

Hi All,

I collected this text from notes I created when I was analyzing
Clipper PP and then I was updating it in few places. Sorry but
I do not have enough energy to check it and update. It's much
shorter then I planed and it does not contain many important
things I encoded in new PP code. Sorry you will have to look at
new code because now I do not want to think about PP any more.
After last days I hate PP and I'd be very happy if I could forget
about it for at least few days. I spend much more time on it then
I planed and I'm really frustrated with the brain off job I was
making in last days.


1. Clipper's PP is a lexer which divides source code into tokens
   and then operates on these tokens and not on text data. This is the
   main reason why current [x]Harbour PP cannot be Clipper compatible.
   Tokenization is the fundamental condition which implicates a lot of
   Clipper PP behavior and as long as we do not replicate it then we
   will never be able to be Clipper compatible them.
   Even such simple code cannot be well preprocessed and compiler by
   current [x]Harbour PP:
      #define a   -1
      ? 1-a
   and it cannot be fixed with current code without breaking some
   other things, f.e. match markers which depends on number of spaces
   between tokens. So at start we have to forget about updating current PP.
   It will never be Clipper compatible and cannot be because it's not a

2. During dividing input data to tokens and later in finding match patterns
   Clipper PP always try to allocate the biggest possible set of input data
   as a given type even if it can break some possible other method of
   input data serialization. This can be seen in wild match marker <*marker*>
   behavior or optional clause in match pattern, operator tokenization, etc.
   It greatly simplify the code though introduce some limitations,
      #xcommand CMD [FROM] FROM <*x*> => ? #
      #xcommand CMD  ,   => ? #
      #xcommand CMD <*x*> END => ? #
   are accepted by Clipper PP but they cannot match any line.

3. Preprocessor should extract all quoted strings and create separated
   tokens from them. The string tokens contents cannot be modified later
   by any rules. Quoting by [] create string tokens when it's not just
   after keyword, macro or one of closing brackets: ) } ]
   We will have to change it to keep working already existing extensions
   like accessing string characters with [] operator so I suggest to change
   this condition and not create string token when it follows also constant
   value of any type - not only strings. It will be usable for scalar
   classes and overloading [] operator, f.e. someone can create LOGICAL
   class where:
      .T.[1] => ".T.", .T.[2] => "TRUE", .T.[3] => "YES"

   The opening square bracket '[' has to be closed with ']' in the same line.
   Such quoting has very high priority like normal string quoting. f.e:
      ? [ ; // /* ]
   should generate:
      QOUT( " ; // /* " )
   This implicates one important thing: PP has to read whole physical
   line from file, then convert it to tokens and if necessary (';' is the
   last token after preprocessing) read next line(s).
   There is also one exception to the above. When Clipper PP finds '['
   character and previous token is keyword or macro then it always checks
   for closing bracket and if in scanned text it will find odd numbers
   of other text delimiters ('") then ignore the type of previous token
   and always creates strings. This behavior breaks some valid code. F.e.
   Clipper cannot compile code like:
      x := a[ f("]") ] $ "test"
      x := a[ f( "'" ) ] $ "test"
   If it find closing ']' without odd number of other text delimiters
   then it creates differ token then for other opening square brackets '['
   open_array_index which has differ meaning in later preprocessing
   and allow to convert group of tokens inside to string by compiler.
   If something is not recognized by preprocessor as string token or
   open_array_index then it should never become string token. It doesn't
   matter how it will be preprocessed later, f.e.:
      #define O1 [
      #define O2 ]
      ? O1 b O2
   should generate:
      QOUT( [ b ] )
      QOUT( " b " )
      #command A  => ? 
      A [ b ]
   generate also:
      QOUT( [ b ] )
   and in this case Clipper compiler makes conversion to string.
   It means that only at initial line preprocessing preprocessor decides
   what can or cannot be string token. I think that we do not have to
   exactly replicate this behavior and we should allow string conversion
   also when '[' is not marked as open_array_index in final preprocessor
   pass which will create string token from the group of tokens inside '['
   and ']' tokens using the initial stringify condition which checks type
   of token before.
   In fact with new PP such operation will be done by still existing
   lexer after preprocessing and converting the preprocessed token to string
   which is then once again divided into tokens by FLEX or SIMPLEX. It's
   redundant and because neither FLEX nor SIMPLEX are MT safe and both
   have limitations like maximum line size we will not be able to fully
   benefit from the new code (read below about it).

4. # directives tokenization.
   In #define directive strings in result pattern cannot be quoted by [].
   They always will be used as array index or (in #[x]command
   and #[x]translate) as optional expression (when not quoted by '\').
   Characters like [] are not allowed in #define match pattern.
   Quoting by [] in #[x]command and #[x]translate match pattern
   produce optional clause. The left square bracket can be quoted by \ to
   disable this special meaning and in such case Clipper PP
   generates array tokens but they are not marked as open_array_index
   when in the code they are. It causes that in code like
      #command A B\[C] => QOUT("A B[C]")
      A B[C]
   A B[C] is not preprocessed because in #command match pattern '[' is
   not open_array_index and PP cannot find matching tokens.
   Anyhow it's possible to create passing match pattern which will use [].
   It's enough to create matching pattern for the code which have [] not
   translated to string and not bound
   with keyword. As I wrote above it will be possible when '[' is after
   one of the closing brackets: ')', '}' or ']', f.e.:
      #command A }\[C] => QOUT("A }[C]")
      A }[C]
   Will be perfectly translated. For me it seems to be limitation of
   Clipper PP implementation (probably it's a side effect of some internal
   solutions) or a bug. Not something intentionally designed. It's highly
   possible it's a hack to pass to compiler some additional information
   about preprocessed tokens because in Clipper PP seems to be also the
   compiler lexer. I do not think that we should try to keep strict
   compatibility in PP translation and also introduce the array ID tokens
   before preprocessing. Such operation can be done after preprocessing
   but this is differ subject.
   The important conclusion is that #directives should be preprocessed
   in differ way then normal lines. In general # as first line token disable
   using [] as string delimiters.

5. Clipper allow to quote strings using also back apostrophe (`) as
   string begin marker and normal apostrophe as string end marker, f.e:
      ? `Hello World'
   works perfectly.

6. String tokens can be part of match pattern as any other tokens, they
   are not case sensitive during preprocessing so it's important to early
   detect and convert data inside [] to string token.

7. NIL is preprocessed rather as keyword then constant value. At least it
   behaves like a keyword and I cannot find anything what can suggest
   something differ.

8. Numbers are not converted and stored as other tokens in literal
   form. It's important to not change the numbers representation or
   compiler will have problems with calculating declared size and
   decimal places. The number tokens can be in the following form:
   [0-9]*[\.[0-9]+]. Token is ended on first character which does not
   pass the above expression and this is the first character of next
   token. This behavior will interact with Harbour extensions for
   hexadecimal numbers 0x[0-9A-Z] and date constants 0d[0-9] and we
   will have to generate separated tokens for them. For strict compatibility
   we can disable it and create final tokens after preprocessing but I do
   not think we have to be such strictly compatible.

9. Logical value is a single token, .N. is translated to .F. and
   .Y. to .T.

10. Multi character operators are parsed as single token. It's important
   to keep the list of such operators and properly pars them at beginning
   or later we will have problems.

11. Clipper PP allow to use only characters in ASCII range from 32 to 125
   and some control codes with special meaning.
   '\n' is line terminator
   '\t' when not inside quoted string is converted to 4 spaces
   '\r' is always stripped, also from quoted strings
   '\0' stop line processing, like '\n' but the rest of line is ignored
   ^z   (chr(26)) works _exactly_ like '\n'
   All other characters are illegal

12. All characters which are not keyword, string, numbers and know
   operators are used as some pseudo binary operator tokens. We allow to
   use characters with ASCII code greater then 125 then I suggest to define
   for these characters new token called TEXT so they will not be pseudo
   operators and still will could use them.

13. Clipper have special macro token which marks all input data in the
   following form: [&[.[]]]+[&]
   It's a single token which has special meaning in preprocessing and
   we have to replicate it.

14. The expression is a list of keywords, macros and constant values
   separated by one or more of other tokens. If the other token is
   one of binary operators which is marked that need valid expression
   in some internal PP table then PP check if next token is keyword,
   number, string or operator marked as left unary followed by non operator
   token and if it's not then end the expression.
   AFAIK only -, --, ++, & operators are marked as left unary operators
   and +, !, @ don't what can break some expressions.
   Also the above behavior causes that '-' cannot be repeated many times
   as left unary operator (multiple negation) what can break some valid
   expressions too. The following tokens are marked as binary operators
   which needs valid expression as next token: +, -, *, /, %, ^

   The expression can be groped in (), {}, or [] and in such case
   PP looks for corresponding closing bracket but it does not respect
   other type of brackets and not update nested other bracket counters
   only for the currently processed pair. As long as the expression is not
   part of some other preprocessor rule which will change number
   of different brackets then it seems to be safe because at this level
   all strings should be separated tokens and each valid Clipper expression
   correctly closes brackets. User should only be careful with using []
   for strings quoting - see above conversion to strings. '[' works like
   a group operator only if it's not the first token. See below operators
   which cannot much regular match marker.

   The groped expression list is also ended when end of line is reach or ';'
   token. The ',' and closing brackets ), ], } tokens end the expression when
   bracket counter is 0.
   Some operators like :=, +=, -=, /=, *=, %=, ^=, **=, =, ==, and [ if
   is not marked as open_array_index cannot match regular match marker as
   first token, seems that they are marked as needing left side expression.
   Of course closing tokens ',', ';', ')', '}', ']' also cannot match
   regular match marker as first token.
   Tokens are equal only if after preprocessing they have the same type and
   the same value. It means that "!=" is equal to "<>" but not equal with "#"
   There is exception to this rule in restricted match marker and macro token

15. Match markers.

    regular match marker, matches non empty expression, cannot
              match single closing parenthesis and some operators, see above.
    list match marker, matches maximal number of comma separated
                  regular match markers, if the last token in parsed expression
                  is operator which need right valid expression and next token
                  is not such valid expression then it stops checking for
                  farther expressions even if the next token is comma,
                  it accepts empty separated regular expressions but cannot be
                  empty itself. It cannot also much anything starting with
                  closing bracket or some operators, see above, it's the same
                  behavior as in regular much marker.
    restricted match marker, checks if next token(s) is/are
                  exactly the same as one of the word in pattern. Words are
                  comma separated expressions. Word can be empty but as both
                  markers above it cannot match anything starting with closing
                  bracket or some chosen operators (see above). If the last
                  token in one of restricted expression in the marker is '&'
                  then it has special meaning. It will match any macro tokens.
                  But only in such case. If it's not the last token in one
                  of comma separated expressions then it will work like any
                  other ones.

   <*idMarker*> wild match marker, matches all tokens to the end of input
                line, the expression should not be stopped by ; token
                or any other ones. It's the only one marker which will match
                expressions starting with closing brackets and operators which
                need left side expression.
   <(idMarker)> extended expression match marker matches any number of tokens
                which do not have leading spaces until end of token list,
                comma (,) and or (;). Empty expressions are not allowed.
                It cannot match closing bracket: ')' and ']' but can match '}'
                and some operators. It cannot match expressions
                starting with '[' token and if the expressions start with
                '(' token then it drops the rule which check spaces but
                maps the same tokens as regular match marker.

   When the expression is created from tokens and match marker is followed
   by non optional token(s) then the expression is immediately finished when
   the first token following match marker is found and parentheses
   counter is 0. This additional stop condition does not work for wild
   match markers: <*idMarker*> which can be used only as the last part
   of match pattern or the pattern will never much anything. We can add
   here some extension to allow defining stop condition for wild match
   markers in the future. It will not interact with Clipper compatibility
   because rules which have some additional tokens in match pattern after
   wild marker do not work with Clipper PP at all.
   The non optional token which can stop the expression is passed as
   stop condition also to all nested optional match expressions which
   are just before it and this token is used instead of other stop tokens
   which can exist inside nested optional match pattern. This code
   illustrates it. Clipper does not preprocess the TR2.
        #xtranslate TR1 [ D]     => ! [#] !
        #xtranslate TR2 [ D]  C  => ! [#] !
        #xcommand CMD <*x*> => QOUT( # )
        proc main()
        CMD $ TR1 a + b + c + d c
        CMD $ TR2 a + b + c + d c

   There is also a hidden aspects of match markers defined by result
   pattern. Each match marker can have one of four possible states:
      1. ignore matched expression - when it's not part of result pattern
         We do not need any special case to implement this - it will be
         enough to not define result holder for such markers
      2. accept only one matched expression and refuse accepting any other
         - when it's used at least once inside non optional part of result
      3. accept multiple matched expression - when it's used only in optional
         part of result pattern
      4. accept first matched expression and ignore others - in such way
         works repeated markers in #define directive with pseudo function.
         Harbour PP does not allow to repeat the same much marker in #define
         pseudo function generating error so such situation never happens.
         In new PP we can keep current behavior or simply not define result
         holder for repeated markers just like in point 1 above.
   PP tries to allocate as much expressions for each match marker as possible
   and finally checks if point 2 above was not broken and if it does then
   refuse to accept whole rule even if it was possible to find a valid match
   in differ way.

16. Result markers.
    Regular result marker - inserts matched result as is
              without any modifications. The first token inherits
              number of leading spaces from the result pattern.
   # Dumb stringify result marker - converts all matched
               tokens to single string token even if they are comma
               separated expressions. Clear number of leading spaces
               for the first token before creating string. If there
               are no matching tokens then create empty string token.
               Finally copy number of leading spaces from result
               pattern to the new string token and insert it.
   <"idMarker"> Normal stringify result marker - converts each comma
                separated expression in matched result into string tokens
                using the same rules as for dump stringify with the exception
                to macro tokens expressions starting with '&' followed by '('.
                The macro tokens are stringify in differ way. If macro
                does not have any internal '&' characters and has at most
                one '.' as last character then as result non quited keyword
                is generated. Otherwise it generate strings with stripped first
                '&' character.
                If expression starts with '&' token followed by single
                '(' then '&' token is stripped and the rest of tokens copied
                as is.
   <(idMarker)> Smart stringify result marker - converts each comma separated
                expression in matched result into string tokens using the same
                rules as for normal stringify with the exception to expressions
                which start with string or '(' token. In Such case it does not
                make any conversions to string and copy expression as is.
   <{idMarker}> Blockify result marker - converts each comma separated
                expression  in matched result into codeblock token by simple
                adding "{||" prefix and "}" suffix. The expression is not
                modified at all. Leading spaces in first '{' token are
                inherited from result pattern. If the expression starts with
                '{' token followed by '|' then Clipper PP recognize it as
                codeblock and does not add prefix and suffix.
   <.idMarker.> Logify result marker - unlike Clipper documentation says
                it only checks if match pattern passed the test and not
                is not empty and then insert logical token .T. otherwise .F.
                Leading spaces in new token are inherited from result pattern.

   The Dumb stringify result marker format is a little bit differ then all
   others. It needs a special token '#' before '<'. Clipper PP strips all
   '#' tokens which are before result marker token '<' and if the result
   marker was the regular one then it's converted to stringify dump otherwise
   the marker type is unchanged.
   When substitution is done then optional parts are repeated as many times
   as the biggest number of accepted multiple matched expressions in the match
   markers which are in the processed optional part. After each repeating
   tokens are shifted but only if marker accepted more then one value.
   This is the only one condition. The type or state of marker is unimportant.

   The above shows that there is no correlation between type of match
   marker and type of result marker. The type of conversion depends only
   on contents of marked expression(s) and type of result marker.

   Clipper does not support nested optional result patterns. I can add such
   support but I do not know if it's necessary. To keep the base rules used
   by Clipper PP the external optional pattern should be repeated as many
   times as maximum number of repeating in one of its nested optional
   patterns. It can be usable in some seldom cases for someone who knows
   what will happen but IMHO in most cases it will create problems so probably
   refusing such expressions is the best choice.
   In optional clauses you can observe one Clipper bug I do not want to
   replicate. When Clipper PP finds '[' then it will take all other tokens
   until first unquoted ']'. If it finds it then preprocess tokens inside
   as new result pattern but sets flag that other nested clauses are
   forbidden. But when it extracts tokens for new optional result pattern
   then it strips quote characters so when optional pattern is preprocessed
   then all '[' tokens even properly quoted in source code will cause C2073
   error. Clipper also does not respect the context of preprocessed tokens
   when it looks for optional pattern so it will break restricted match
   markers which contains ']' token. For me it's nothing more then to pure
   implementation which should be fixed.

   Some dipper tests shows also other bugs in Clipper PP when matched tokens
   ends with ','.
   In such case the blockify result marker does not create empty codeblock
   for the last token when for all empty expressions before they does.
   The same is with normal and smart stringify result markers but here it's
   also yet another problem when there is more commas at the end. The last
   one is converted to the string token with comma inside "," ;-)
   I do not think we should replicate such behaviors though it seems to
   be quite easy because they look like simple bugs which can appear in
   the most trivial implementation of some conditions.
   In general I think that many of Clipper PP behaviors even the documented
   ones was not intentionally designed. Just simply someone in the past
   created preprocessor and then the same person or probably someone else
   documented - more or less precisely - some side effects and even bugs
   of this implementation as expected behavior.

17. Storing real expression strings for later stringify operation in PP
    output and stringify result patterns.

   * Tabs are replaced by 4 spaces.
   * Only one leading space is left from the lines concatenated with ;
   * Each token should have counter with number of leading spaces
   * When result pattern is created all repeated spaces are replaced by
     a single one.
     In #define pseudo functions there is small difference to the above.
     In result pattern number of spaces before parameter(s) and token before
     is significant and stored with pattern definition. The maximum number of
     spaces between keywords is not 1 but 2.
   * During result markers substitution the original number of leading
     spaces in match marker token should overwrite number of leading
     spaces in first substituted token

18. TEXT [TO [PRINTER | FILE <(fileName)>]] / ENDTEXT
   It enables in Clipper PP special stream output. It work in differ way
   then our implementation. Clipper PP preprocess whole lines. When it
      TEXT ,
   command then he set special mode for next lines so they will not be
   divided to tokens in standard way but whole lines will
   be converted to string toke until special marker (ENDTEXT at the beginning
   of line) will not be found. But if the line with TEXT token has some other
   commands after ; then they are preprocessed in normal way. The new mode
   will effect _ONLY_ the next lines which will be read from file not
   currently preprocessed one. So we are not Clipper compatible here and I
   will change it. The above means that Clipper PP already supports the
   starting function Ryszard implemented in #pragma __text. Just simply
   it's enough to add it TEXT , after ';' token.

19. The optional match patterns can be nested and each nested submatch
   pattern is fully functional match pattern and only operates on the
   same markers as parent pattern. If optional match pattern is followed
   by another ones then they can match expressions which are any
   combination of these patterns which will pass aggressive allocation
   (see point 2 above) with one exception. Clipper PP tries to detect
   optional match patterns which contain only match markers and always
   gives them the lowest priority and if it detect more then one of
   such patterns in the series of not separated optional patterns generate
   an error.
   The optional match patterns are one of the weakest point of current PP.
   Even such simple code:
        #xcommand CMD  [IN [GET] [PUT]] => ? #
        CMD sth IN PUT GET
   Is not well preprocessed.

20. rule have to begin with non empty token or the rule will never be used.
   Generate warning for such rules? or maybe add support for such rules
   to implement some language extensions, f.e. clasfunc{p1,p2,p3}

21. translation algorithm used by Clipper PP

   Initiate token list

      get line stripping comments and dividing line to tokens
   While last token in list is ;

   Do While not empty token list


         If the first token is # then
            parse # directive and remove all line tokens

               For each keyword token check if it match:
                     If token(s) can be substituted then substitute
            While anything substituted

               For each token check if it match:
                     If token(s) can be substituted then substitute
            While anything substituted
            If anything substituted

            Do While 1-st token match some #[x]command pattern

         While anything substituted

         Output processed token until the last one or ; token

         If 1-st token is '#'

         Remove all tokens in the list until the last one or ; token

      While True


   Output EOL

   The above algorithm is differ then the one used by [x]Harbour and this is
   the next reason why we are not Clipper compatible in substitution precedence.
   This code illustrate the problem:

      #define    RULE( p )    ? "define value", p
      #translate RULE(

) => ? "translate value",

#command RULE(

) => ? "command value",

#define DEF( p ) RULE( p ) #translate TRS(

) => RULE(

) #command CMD(

) => RULE(

) proc main() DEF("def") TRS("trs") CMD("cmd") return Compile it by Clipper and [x]Harbour and compare the results. Next important thing is that Clipper preprocess all indirect #directive body. It means that in Clipper is not possible to execute indirect #undef DEFNAME because if DEFNAME is already defined then it will be preprocessed and as result we will have #undef before PP execute this # directive. We can replicate this behavior but personally I do not like it. for me it's a limitation not a feature and I do not want to replicate it. So as I would like to define additional stop condition for line tokens preprocessing: ';' followed by '#'. I do not want to make all ';' the stop condition like in current [x]Harbour PP because the same stop condition has to be used in wild match marker. In Clipper it matches the text to the end if line. In new PP it will match the text to the end of line or next # directive. I think it will give reasonable compatibility level and the body of indirect # directive will not be preprocessed. Please note that programmer still will be able to force preprocessing of indirect # directive body using additional preprocessor rule(s) and even control the preprocessing level f.e.: #define PREPROCESS_DIRECTIVE DO_DIRECTIVE #xcommand HASH_DIRECTIVE [<*x*>] => PREPROCESS_DIRECTIVE #xcommand DO_DIRECTIVE [<*x*>] => \# #define NEWCMD MYCMD #xcommand CREATEDIRECTIVE => HASH_DIRECTIVE xcommand NEWCMD \ => ;; QOUT( "INDIRECT # DIRECTIVE", #\ ) CREATEDIRECTIVE MYCMD Hello The second problem is stop condition in # directive body. When PP finds # as first token then always remove all tokens to the end of line and take them as part of # directive or ignore. It does not respect ';' token as command separator. This also causes pleasure side effects, f.e. it's not possible to insert indirect # directive without breaking commands after it because they will be always used as part of the inserted # directive by PP. Here I strongly prefer to define the following behavior: direct #define, #[x]translate and #[x]command always accept tokens to the end of line ignoring ';'. Just like in Clipper. All other #directive will respect ';' as end of # directive - It will cause that ';' cannot be used in #error and #stdout. If it's a problem then I can define add support for quoting ';' by '\' for this command and be default keep Clipper compatibility for not quoted ';' and end rule for quoted ones or by default use unquoted ';' as end of command and display others. Current Harbour PP always stop #error and #stdout on ; what is not Clipper compatible and so far I haven't seen that people reported it as bug so probably it's not big problem. Indirect #define, #[x]translate and #[x]command will also respect ';' as end of command. If user will need to use multiple commands in result pattern of indirect # directive then it will be enough to define ';' as some other preprocessor rule, .f.e: #define EOC ;; #xcommand CREATECMD => #xcommand NEWCMD => QOUT("1") EOC QOUT("2") CREATECMD NEWCMD This will give programmer full control on preprocessed data when in Clipper the indirect # directive seems to be a hack added later and can be used only in very limited way. F.e. in Class(y) as workaround for Clipper PP behavior #include is used to execute# directive directly from included files. 22. #define exception. I do not understand why Clipper has it. during substitution if substituted token is: '#' 'define' then it replaces all tokens from current position to the end of line. It's quite possible that it's a work around for some side effects with indirect directive in Clipper PP described above. Anyhow it's not complex solution so I will not replicate it. 23. Conditional compilation. a. #if[n]def directive pushes on the conditional statement stack current conditional compilation flag and create new one. If the flag already disabled preprocessing then the new flag have condition which cannot be changed by #else. b. #endif directive pops this value. If conditional statement stack was empty then error is generated: "Error C2069 #endif does not match #endif". c. #else directive reverts the current conditional statement flag if its status allow modifications by #else If conditional statement stack was empty then error is generated: "Error C2070 #else does not match #ifdef" If the conditional compilation flag is set then Clipper PP ignores all parsed tokens except #if, #endif, #else directive. The conditional compilation flag and stack are global for all included files so one can set the new condition and other change or pop it. In Clipper #if[n]def has to be separate statement in a line additional token or line concatenators (;) are not allowed. #endif and #else have to be the first token in the line all tokens after are ignored to the end of line, command separator ';' is also ignored. 24. NOTE is not an instruction keyword but whole like comments and has to be stripped at beginning. It has higher priority then /* */ It does not have its special meaning when is used after ; 25. Suggested extensions: - Higher priority for multi line comments /* */ stripping then in Clipper where line concatenation (;) is interpreted before /* */. Just like now. IMHO we should not replicate exact Clipper behavior here. a. Add #pragma operator directive to define new multi character operators. Such feature will allow to remove from FLEX/SIMPLEX the hack for :: translation to Self and define safely other operators which will be used as single token. Now it's impossible so things like @: matches @ : b. token concatenation with new PP operator/marker or automatic in some chosen cases, f.e. no spaces between two tokens and both tokens are valid keywords c. Something to stop result pattern definition in # directives and begin new command. ; does not interrupt it but it's included to result pattern. The result pattern works like wild match marker: <*resultPattern*> It should work also for #define. Maybe it should be global token to stop all wild markers. We can add special status for ; token. Such token will have to also break loops with #define and #[x]translate processing or we will never be able to make from #undef SOME_DEFINE indirect PP rule used when SOME_DEFINE exists - just simply SOME_DEFINE will be preprocessed earlier to the defined value. Such special status can be added automatically when ; token is followed by # or ; is quoted by \ d. already existing xHarbour extensions: #[x]unTrasnslate, #[x]unCommand but modified to locate match pattern which can cover exactly the same data. #if but working with integer to allow using 64bit ones which are broken due to conversion to double. The semantic for expressions will be similar to C one with the exception to ! (not) operator precedence. I do not think that Clipper/xbase users are familiar with the exact not operator precedence in C which is differ then the one in xbase world. e. modified version of Harbour's #pragma {__text, __stream, __cstream, __endtext} f. other, see in the code. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other things you can see in the new PP code. I was adding comments or using HB_C52_STRICT macro to mark the most important things. In few places I had to break Clipper compatibility to keep FLEX working. Just simply I cannot generate preprocessed line in exactly the same form as Clipper does because FLEX or SIMPLEX will not be able to decode it. best regards, Przemek 2006-11-08 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * $Id: pragma.txt 6629 2006-03-10 11:16:12Z rglab $

This file explains what is and how to use the #pragma directive
with Harbour. Primarily, it gives you control over the compiler's
command-line switches within your source code.

The #pragma is a directive used inside the source code in many compilers
to change the behavior of the compiler at compile time.

Currently the #pragma directive can be used in two ways: the switch mode
and the command mode.

The syntax is:  #pragma [=On/Off] or
                #pragma -CompilerFlag[+|-]

You can use both modes mixed in the same module and upper/lower case
without worry.

To enable or disable a command or a switch you simply do:

  * Command mode                      Switch mode
  * #pragma =On/Off      #pragma /+/-

   Example: #pragma AddDebugInfo=Off  /* Suppress debug info */
            #pragma /B+               /* Add debug info from here */


This is the list of the supported commands and switches:

  * Command                           Switch
  * AUTOMEMVARS         =     /A<+/->
  * DEBUGINFO           =     /B<+/->
  * ENABLEWARNINGS      =     /W<+/->
  * EXITSEVERITY        =     /E
  * FORCEMEMVARS        =     /V<+/->
  * LINEINFO            =     /L<+/->
  * NOSTARTPROC         =     /N<+/->
  * PREPROCESSING       =     /P<+/->
  * WARNINGLEVEL        =     /W
  * SHORTCUTTING        =     /Z<+/->

  The switches have the same behavior as the corresponding compiler ones
  and the commands are synonyms for the switches.

  This command shows pragma activity at compile time when enabled.

  NOTE: You can use the abbreviated command mode by typing only the
        first eight chars.

This directive is not supported in the standalone version of the Harbour


#pragma NoStartProc=Off
/* #pragma /N- */

function Test()
return nil

This is the same as calling Harbour with the -n switch in the command line,
but with the great benefit that if you forgot to pass the switch, it will
be used anyway because it is included inside the source.

Dec 1, 1999
Jose Lalin 

  These pragmas allows to control the processing of PRG source within
the preprocessor. The special handling is done with a text enclosed 
beetwen the '#pragma ' and '#pragma __endtext'

#pragma __text
  #pragma __text '|' [LineOutputCode] '|' [FinallyCode] '|' [StartupCode]
  Every line of text is stringified using '[' and ']' markers and is
  passed to 'LineOutputCode' using C '%s' formating code. The result
  text is passed further to the syntax analyzer. The 'StartupCode' 
  is returned at the very beginning of procesing. The 'FinallyCode' 
  is returned at the end. If 'LineOutputCode' is ommited then all 
  lines are ignored. 
  For example, this pragma is used to implement TEXT/ENDTEXT command
  #command TEXT => #pragma __text|Qout(%s)|QQout()
  #command TEXT TO PRINTER => ;
           #pragma __text|Qout(%s)|__TextRestore()|__TextSave("PRINTER")
  #command TEXT TO FILE  => ;
           #pragma __text|Qout(%s)|__TextRestore()|__TextSave(<"file">)
#pragma __stream
  #pragma __stream '|' [JoinLineCode] '|' [EndingCode] '|' [StartingCode]

  All lines are joined together. The result text is stringified and is 
  appended to 'StartingCode'. Finally the 'EndingCode' is appended.
  The resulting text is returned for further syntax analysis.
  For example:
  #command TEXT TO VAR  => ;
           #pragma __stream|%s||:=
  This is 'example' text with ''""[] embeded
  The above example is preprocessed into:
  v:=[This is 'example' text with ''""[] embeded]
#pragma __cstream
  #pragma __cstream '|' [JoinLineCode] '|' [EndingCode] '|' [StartingCode]

  This is simmilar to '#pragma __stream' with the additional convertion
  of C esc sequences e.g \n \t \r \b
  For example:
  #command TEXT TO VAR  => ;
           #pragma __stream|%s||:=
  This is 'example' text with ''""[] embeded and C \n
  ? v
  The above example is preprocessed into:
  v:=[This is 'example' text with ''""[] embeded and C \nsequence]

  and at runtime the following is printed:
  This is 'example' text with ''""[] embeded and C 
#pragma __endtext
  #pragma __endtext
  This pragma is used to finish the special processing defined with
  #pragma [__text | __stream | __cstream]
  The following command is hardcoded in the preprocessor:
  #xcommand ENDTEXT => #pragma __endtext
  This pragma sets the maximum number of preprocess iterations during
  the source code translation. The dfault value is 1024.
  This is the same as /r= command line switch
  For example:
  #pragma   RECURSELEVEL 2048  

 * $Id: readme.txt 9191 2008-08-19 13:11:22Z vszakats $

                             Welcome to Harbour

Harbour is a free software compiler for the xBase superset language often
referred to as Clipper (the language that is implemented by the compiler
CA-Cl*pper). The goal of the Harbour project is to produce a cross platform
CA-Cl*pper compatible compiler.

The Harbour web site is at . If you
have any problems with this copy of Harbour please visit our web site and
ensure that you are using the latest release.

If you have any questions about Harbour please be sure to read the FAQ
. Also, please be sure to read the
documentation that comes with Harbour, you should find it in the same
directory in which you found this file. 

If you are reading this file as part of a source distribution of harbour you
probably want to start by reading dirstruc.txt because this is your map to
the harbour source directories.
 * $Id: statics.txt 2203 2000-02-17 11:11:52Z lculik $

  I just started implementing Classes and objects creation when I realized
Harbour is not managing static variables yet (Harbour recognizes them but
does not generate the proper pcode for them).

  So I would like to make an introduction to static variables management as
it is a sophisticated system that Harbour is going to implement.

  It is something publically known that Clipper static variables are
located at the bottom of the data segment. This has caused all kinds of
troubles. This is why when I designed Five I did it in a way that could not
cause any trouble in the future.

  In Harbour all static variables (and I mean on all PRGs) are stored in
just one Harbour array (a Clipper language array), this guarantees that we
may have as many static variables as desired without limits (just limited
by the available memory). This aStatics array is not visible from the
application (PRG level).

  Basically what happens when a function is called and that function uses
static variables, is that the stack sets a pointer to that array section
where our statics are, so from that moment on, accessing a static1, static2,
... is accessing some elements on that array:

    static1 = statics[ statics_base_for_this_function + 1 ]


    staticn = statics[ statics_base_for_this_function + n ]

  In order to implement this we just use two new pcode opcodes: _STATICS,
_SFRAME. _STATICS makes the global statics array grow enough to hold our new
defined statics:

   _STATICS  -->  ASize( aStatics, Len( aStatics ) +  )

   _SFRAME --> tell the stack from what location into aStatics are ours.

  _STATICS is just called once for an entire PRG from an init function
named _INITSTATICS (STATICS$ and SINIT in Clipper). That function stores in
a tricky place (its own function pointer in the symbol table!) our statics
base, and later on _SFRAME simply takes it from there and sets it in the
stack. That _INITSTATICS function will perform whatever initialization our
global statics may have defined in that PRG).

  You are going to see the code for all these. I just wanted to provide a
clear idea about how Harbour does its magic :-)

 * $Id: tracing.txt 5582 2002-07-14 16:44:37Z walito $


This file explains how to enable tracing in Harbour.


Harbour implements tracing by adding calls to the following macro in
the C code:

  HB_TRACE(level, ("printf-style parameters", arg1, arg2));

The level specified for the HB_TRACE call affects harbour in two ways:
compilation time and run time.


At compilation time, the macro checks whether the preprocessor
constant HB_TR_LEVEL is set to any of the following values:

  #define HB_TR_ALWAYS     0
  #define HB_TR_FATAL      1
  #define HB_TR_ERROR      2
  #define HB_TR_WARNING    3
  #define HB_TR_INFO       4
  #define HB_TR_DEBUG      5

  #define HB_TR_LEVEL_ALWAYS     0
  #define HB_TR_LEVEL_FATAL      1
  #define HB_TR_LEVEL_ERROR      2
  #define HB_TR_LEVEL_WARNING    3
  #define HB_TR_LEVEL_INFO       4
  #define HB_TR_LEVEL_DEBUG      5

If it is not set to any of these, the macro is set to the value of
HB_TR_DEFAULT, which is currently set (in hbtrace.h) to HB_TR_WARNING.

Whether the user explicitly sets HB_TR_LEVEL or it is set by the
compiler, its effect is as follows: any calls in the code with a level
higher than HB_TR_LEVEL are obliterated from the code; these calls
simply disappear, and there is no effect in the code performance


At run time, the user can set the environment variable HB_TR_LEVEL to
one of


with the following effect: any calls to HB_TRACE that were left by the
compiler and which have a level lower or equal to HB_TR_LEVEL will
print its arguments on stderr.


HB_TR_LEVEL      HB_TR_LEVEL    Description
compilation      run-time
-----------      -----------    ----------------------------------------
HB_TR_INFO       HB_TR_ERROR    All calls with levels HB_DEBUG are
    or                          erased from the code, so they have no
HB_TR_LEVEL_INFO                performance effect; only calls with
                                levels HB_TR_ERROR, HB_TR_FATAL and
                                HB_TR_ALWAYS are printed.

HB_TR_WARNING    HB_TR_INFO     All calls with levels HB_INFO and
    or                          HB_DEBUG are erased from the code, so
HB_TR_LEVEL_WARNING             they have no performance effect; only
                                calls with levels HB_TR_WARNING,
                                HB_TR_ERROR, HB_TR_FATAL and
                                HB_TR_ALWAYS are printed. Notice how
                                setting HB_TR_INFO at run-time has no
                                effect, since the code was compiled with
                                a lower tracing level.

For example, I compile Harbour on WinNT with gcc (MINGW32), so I
usually set the C_USR environment variable like this:


or for other OS (eg: DOS, WIN9x)


and make sure I have all the tracing for the INFO, WARNING, ERROR,
FATAL and ALWAYS levels. If I get too much information, at run-time I
can set an environment variable like this:


or for other OS (eg: DOS, WIN9x)


and get rid of all the tracing for the INFO level. In this case, all
the calls to the tracing function for the INFO level will be done
anyway, so there will be a performance hit.


When Harbour is compiled/run with some level of tracing and then used
to compile a regular Harbour application, the app will output LOTS of
tracing information to stderr.  If you are using a sensible command
shell (such as bash) you can redirect stderr to a file like this:

  my_app 2>trace.txt


The output generated while tracing goes to stderr by default. You can
control this at run-time by setting the environment variable
HB_TR_OUTPUT to the name of a file where you would like the tracing
output to be directed. If there is any problem opening the file for
writing, the output reverts to stderr.

When it happens an error and the controller of errors of harbour cannot
intercept it (eg: GPF), it can happen that part of information of tracing
it is not written. This problem is avoided setting the environment
variable HB_TR_FLUSH to 1 (one). This makes that every time that one
record is sent to write, don't remain in the buffer, but rather it is
writen in the file before continuing with the execution.
This set can produce an important reduction of speed of execution.


Usually, you will not want tracing enabled in the preprocessor and
compiler; otherwise, you will see the trace output while compiling
Harbour itself.  If you REALLY want to enable tracing in the
preprocessor and/or compiler, you must define, in addition to
HB_TR_LEVEL as described above, the following variable, and then
recompile the preprocessor/compiler:


The value is of no importance.


It is also possible to enable and disable tracing at run-time, and to
query and set the trace level. From C code:

* To query the current tracing state, and optionally change the
  current state to a given value (which should be in the range [0,1],
  otherwise the current state remains unchanged):


  Therefore, to just query the current state, you can safely call

    current_state = hb_tracestate(-1);

  To turn tracing completely off:


  To turn tracing back on:


* To query the current tracing level, and optionally change the
  current level to a given value (which should be in the range [0,5],
  otherwise the current level remains unchanged):


  Therefore, to just query the current level, you can safely call

    current_level = hb_tracelevel(-1);

There are wrapper functions callable from Clipper code:

  current_state := HB_TRACESTATE( [new_state] )
  current_level := HB_TRACELEVEL( [new_level] )
 * $Id: transfrm.txt 5581 2002-07-14 16:43:48Z walito $

Addendum Clipper documentation. Original transform docs are too limited :

/* TODO: Make a real document out of this */


The following functions mean something :

@X      DB after negative numbers
@(      Quotes around negative numbers
@)      Quotes around negative numbers without leading spaces
@B      Left justified
@C      CR after positive numbers
@E      Exchange . and , (Not in US/UK manual, does work !)
@Z      Return spaces if value is 0

New addition :
@0      Make a zero padded string out of the number.
@L      Same of previous.

The following templates mean something to numbers :
9       Digit
#       Digit
.       Dot
$       Pad left with $
*       Pad left with *
,       Comma   (Real pathetic. Just like Clipper)

The following bugs have been fixed : (Just like xBase++ did !)
@(   Does not give incorrect results when it should overflow
@D   Ignored. So it should be !

The default string is not properly formatted :
Decimals issue currently being debated. Besides it is a STR problem.


The following functions mean something :

@R      Show remainder

The following templates mean something :

Y       Y/N
#       T/F (Also isn't the NG)
L       T/F


The following functions mean something :
@!      Upper case
@R      Show remainder

The following templates mean something :
!       Upper
# 9     Digit
A N X   Text



The following functions mean something :
@E      Use British date format
        /* QUESTION :
                Clipper appears to reverse the MM and DD parts of the
                date, regardless of SET DATE FORMAT, because if the
                date format is British, using @E displays the date in
                American. Harbour always treats @E as British.

                So is Harbour's behaviour a bug fix or a bug?
 * $Id: vm.txt 2248 2000-03-02 11:58:22Z vszel $

The Harbour virtual machine (VM)

Question :

  If a VM description is desirable, how should it be structured? (I
propose plain text, with two main sections: VM description, Opcodes. The
"Opcodes" section would describe every opcode: mnemonic, code, operands,
description. I think I can maintain this section.)

Answer :

The VM is formed by the main execution loop and several subsystems, each of
which could be theoretically replaced, supposing that you respect the
interface of each subsystem.

The main execution loop is defined in the C function named VirtualMachine(),
which receives two parameters: the pcode instructions to execute and the
local symbol table (a portion of the OBJs (static) symbol table) used by
that pcode: (please review hbpcode.h for the currently implemented pcode

VM( pcode, local symbols )

The VM may invoke the VM (itself) again. This lets the Clipper language
access Clipper functions and methods and external C language functions again
and again. The VM organizes these multiple accesses in an ordered and
fully controlled way, and implements services to access these multiple
execution levels (ProcName(), ProcLine(), debugging, and stack variables

The VM subsystems are continuously used by the main execution loop. Let's
review these VM subsystems:

The startup: Controls the initialization of the different VM subsystems.
It is invoked at the beginning of the application. It also controls the
exiting of the application.

The stack: The VM does not use the stack of the computer directly, it uses
instead its own stack for manipulating values (parameters, returned values,
and symbols) as a hardware stack does.

The static symbol table: Created by the compiler at compile time (and
grouped by the linker on OBJs), this subsystem is responsible for an
immediate access to functions location and it is highly related to the
dynamic symbol table at runtime. It contains many duplicated symbols that
will be optimized by the dynamic symbol table.

The dynamic symbol table: Dynamically generated from the startup subsystem
at the beginning of the application. It organizes in an efficient way the
static symbol table creating an alphabetical index that allows a dicotomic
search of symbols. This subsystem is responsible for quick access to symbols
(functions, variables, fields and workareas aliases).

The static and public variables: Responsible for storing public and static

The memory: Responsible for allocating, reallocating, locking, unlocking and
freeing memory.

The extend system: Defines the interface (_parc(), ..., _retc() ) from low
level (C language) to high level (Clipper language). This subsystem is
responsible for connecting in a proper way C language functions to the
entire application.

Multidimensional arrays: This subsystem allows the creation of arrays, and
the services to manipulate these arrays in all ways. The arrays are
extensively used by the Clipper language and also they are the foundation of
the Objects (Objects are just arrays related to a specific Class).

The Objects engine: Responsible for the creation of Classes and Objects. It
also defines the way to access a specific Class method to be invoked by the
VM and provides all kind of Classes information that may be requested at

The macro subsystem: it implements a reduced compiler that may be used at
runtime to generate pcode to be used by the application. In fact it is a
portion of the harbour yacc specifications.

The workareas subsystem: Responsible for databases management. It defines
the locations where the used workareas will be stored and provides all the
functions to access those workareas. It also implements the interface to the
replaceable database drivers.

Question :

  Will Harbour opcodes mimic the Clipper ones? (will there be a 1:1
relation between them?) If so, are Clipper opcodes described somewhere?


                   Clipper language pcode opcodes
    DEFINE        NAME             VALOR     BYTES
    #define       NOP              0x00      1
    #define       PUSHC            0x01      3 + literal
    #define       PUSHN            0x05      3
    #define       POPF             0x06      3
    #define       POPM             0x07      3
    #define       POPQF            0x08      3
    #define       PUSHA            0x09      3
    #define       PUSHF            0x0A      3
    #define       PUSHM            0x0B      3
    #define       PUSHMR           0x0C      3
    #define       PUSHP            0x0D      3
    #define       PUSHQF           0x0E      3
    #define       PUSHV            0x0F      3
    #define       SFRAME           0x10      3
    #define       SINIT            0x11      3
    #define       SYMBOL           0x12      3
    #define       SYMF             0x13      3
    #define       BEGIN_SEQ        0x19      3
    #define       JDBG             0x1A      3
    #define       JF               0x1B      3
    #define       JFPT             0x1C      3
    #define       JISW             0x1D      3
    #define       JMP              0x1E      3
    #define       JNEI             0x1F      3
    #define       JT               0x20      3
    #define       JTPF             0x21      3
    #define       PUSHBL           0x23      3
    #define       ARRAYATI         0x24      3
    #define       ARRAYPUTI        0x25      3
    #define       CALL             0x26      3
    #define       DO               0x27      3
    #define       FRAME            0x28      3
    #define       FUNC             0x29      3
    #define       LINE             0x2A      3
    #define       MAKEA            0x2B      3
    #define       MAKELA           0x2C      3
    #define       PARAMS           0x2D      3
    #define       POPFL            0x2E      3
    #define       POPL             0x2F      3
    #define       POPS             0x30      3
    #define       PRIVATES         0x31      3
    #define       PUBLICS          0x33      3
    #define       PUSHFL           0x34      3
    #define       PUSHFLR          0x35      3
    #define       PUSHI            0x36      3
    #define       PUSHL            0x37      3
    #define       PUSHLR           0x38      3
    #define       PUSHS            0x39      3
    #define       PUSHSR           0x3A      3
    #define       PUSHW            0x3B      3
    #define       SEND             0x3C      3
    #define       XBLOCK           0x3D      3
    #define       MPOPF            0x4A      5
    #define       MPOPM            0x4B      5
    #define       MPOPQF           0x4C      5
    #define       MPUSHA           0x4D      5
    #define       MPUSHF           0x4E      5
    #define       MPUSHM           0x4F      5
    #define       MPUSHMR          0x50      5
    #define       MPUSHP           0x51      5
    #define       MPUSHQF          0x52      5
    #define       MPUSHV           0x53      5
    #define       MSYMBOL          0x54      5
    #define       MSYMF            0x55      5
    #define       ABS              0x56      1
    #define       AND              0x57      1
    #define       ARRAYAT          0x58      1
    #define       ARRAYPUT         0x59      1
    #define       BREAK            0x5A      1
    #define       DEC              0x5B      1
    #define       DIVIDE           0x5C      1
    #define       DOOP             0x5D      1
    #define       EEQ              0x5E      1
    #define       ENDBLOCK         0x5F      1
    #define       ENDPROC          0x60      1
    #define       END_SEQ          0x61      1
    #define       EQ               0x62      1
    #define       EVENTS           0x63      1
    #define       FALSE            0x64      1
    #define       GE               0x65      1
    #define       GT               0x66      1
    #define       INC              0x67      1
    #define       LE               0x68      1
    #define       LT               0x69      1
    #define       MINUS            0x6A      1
    #define       MULT             0x6B      1
    #define       NE               0x6C      1
    #define       NEGATE           0x6E      1
    #define       NOP2             0x6F      1
    #define       NOT              0x70      1
    #define       NULL             0x71      1
    #define       ONE1             0x72      1
    #define       OR               0x73      1
    #define       PCOUNT           0x74      1
    #define       PLUS             0x75      1
    #define       POP              0x76      1
    #define       PUSHRV           0x77      1
    #define       QSELF            0x78      1
    #define       SAVE_RET         0x79      1
    #define       TRUE             0x7A      1
    #define       UNDEF            0x7B      1
    #define       ZER0             0x7C      1
    #define       ZZBLOCK          0x7D      1
    #define       AXPRIN           0x7E      1
    #define       AXPROUT          0x7F      1
    #define       BOF              0x80      1
    #define       DELETED          0x81      1
    #define       EOF              0x82      1
    #define       FCOUNT           0x83      1
    #define       FIELDNAME        0x84      1
    #define       FLOCK            0x85      1
    #define       FOUND            0x86      1
    #define       FSELECT0         0x87      1
    #define       FSELECT1         0x88      1
    #define       LASTREC          0x89      1
    #define       LOCK             0x8A      1
    #define       RECNO            0x8B      1
    #define       BNAMES           0x8C      1
    #define       LNAMES           0x8D      1
    #define       SNAMES           0x8E      1
    #define       SRCNAME          0x8F      1
    #define       TYPE             0x90      1
    #define       WAVE             0x91      1
    #define       WAVEA            0x92      1
    #define       WAVEF            0x93      1
    #define       WAVEL            0x94      1
    #define       WAVEP            0x95      1
    #define       WAVEPOP          0x96      1
    #define       WAVEPOPF         0x97      1
    #define       WAVEPOPQ         0x98      1
    #define       WAVEQ            0x99      1
    #define       WSYMBOL          0x9A      1
    #define       AADD             0x9B      1
    #define       ASC              0x9C      1
    #define       AT               0x9D      1
    #define       CDOW             0x9E      1
    #define       CHR              0x9F      1
    #define       CMONTH           0xA0      1
    #define       CTOD             0xA1      1
    #define       DATE             0xA2      1
    #define       DAY              0xA3      1
    #define       DOW              0xA4      1
    #define       DTOC             0xA5      1
    #define       DTOS             0xA6      1
    #define       EMPTY            0xA7      1
    #define       QEXP             0xA8      1
    #define       EXPON            0xA9      1
    #define       INSTR            0xAA      1
    #define       INT              0xAB      1
    #define       LEFT             0xAC      1
    #define       LEN              0xAD      1
    #define       LOGQ             0xAE      1
    #define       LOWER            0xAF      1
    #define       LTRIM            0xB0      1
    #define       MAX              0xB1      1
    #define       MIN              0xB2      1
    #define       MODULUS          0xB3      1
    #define       MONTH            0xB4      1
    #define       REPLICATE        0xB5      1
    #define       ROUND            0xB6      1
    #define       SECONDS          0xB7      1
    #define       SPACE            0xB8      1
    #define       QSQRT            0xB9      1
    #define       STR1             0xBA      1
    #define       STR2             0xBB      1
    #define       STR3             0xBC      1
    #define       SUB2             0xBD      1
    #define       SUB3             0xBE      1
    #define       TIME             0xBF      1
    #define       TRIM             0xC0      1
    #define       UPPER            0xC1      1
    #define       VAL              0xC2      1
    #define       VALTYPE          0xC3      1
    #define       WORD             0xC4      1
    #define       YEAR             0xC5      1
    #define       TRANS            0xC6      1
    #define       COL              0xC7      1
    #define       DEVPOS           0xC8      1
    #define       INKEY0           0xC9      1
    #define       INKEY1           0xCA      1
    #define       PCOL             0xCB      1
    #define       PROW             0xCC      1
    #define       ROW              0xCD      1
    #define       SETPOS           0xCE      1
    #define       SETPOSBS         0xCF      1

Harbour will not implement all of them as we want to provide the highest
freedom to programers to extend and modify Harbour as needed. In example:
Clipper language uses opcodes for: Row(), Col(), Upper(), Space(),
Replicate(), InKey(), Year(), Month(), etc... where we may just call a
standard C function, that uses the standard extend system and that may be
easily modified. So Harbour will use much less opcodes than the Clipper
language. This will also help to have a simpler and easier to maintain
compiler and VM.

Question :

  I see that, for example, Harbour has an opcode named "PUSHWORD"(06),
while Valkyre calls it "PUSHW"(3B): Different names, different codes.
Isn't it desirable that Harbour pCode be binary-compatible with Clipper? I
mean, by doing so, Harbour VM could interpret Clipper pCode and

Answer :

Harbour opcodes are defined in hbpcode.h. We are trying to use very easy to
remember mnemonics, so PUSHWORD seems easier than PUSHW. The opcodes values
are meaningless as they are just used by a C language switch sentence (in
fact there is a powerful optimization which is to use the pcode opcodes
themselves as an index to a VM functions pointers array, so VM execution
speed may increase. Clipper uses it).

We are not fully implementing the Clipper language OBJs model (i.e. to
provide identifiers names length higher than 10 chars) so Harbour OBJs will
not be supported by Clipper and viceversa.

sorry for such a long message :-)

 * $Id: whatsnew.txt 9385 2008-09-14 14:01:51Z vszakats $

Version 1.0.1 (2008-09-10)

- Digital Marc C build fixed.
- Debian, RPM packaging fixes.
- Several code quality enhancements, warning fixes.
- Doc quality fixes, formatting.
- Fixed so that build-time PRG_USR always overrides default 
  options in GNU-make.
- Added openSUSE package requirements to doc/linux1st.txt.
- Unnecessary compiler options and lib dependencies cleaned 
  from build processes.
- Fixed Darwin (OS X) builds broken due to a change shortly 
  before 1.0.0.
- Non-critical filename casing related cleanups.
- Non-ASCII chars stripped from several source files for 
  better portability.
- Added RDD regression test code.
- Fixed potential buffer overruns in PP, GTCRS, GTPCA, 
  GTSTD, hbfbird, hbwhat32.
- Eliminated remaining non-safe string manipulation calls:
  strncpy(), strcpy() -> hb_strncpy()
  strncat(), strcat() -> hb_strncat()
- Some contrib name collisions fixed in non-GNU builds.
- gtalleg GT moved to the contrib area to enable it for 
  non-GNU builds and non-*nix builds in general.
  Use HB_INC_ALLEGRO or HB_DIR_ALLEGRO (for non-GNU make only) 
  to specify the location of the headers or the package 
- Harbour compiler now defaults to -gc0 switch (was -gc2) to 
  generate the smallest possible .c output by default.
- Fixed to compile under Cygwin.
- -mno-cygwin option removed from MinGW builds. You may 
  need to readd this to C_USR if you use very old MinGW compilers, 
  like Cygnus MinGW32 2.95.
- Fixed WinCE harbour.dll generation in non-GNU builds.
- Fixed WinCE build warnings in non-GNU builds.
- Synced build options between BCC/MSVC GNU make and 
  non-GNU make.
- Default HB_VISUALC_VER envvar value changed uniformly 
  to 80 for both core and contrib and WinCE build in non-GNU make.
  You may need change your environment if you relied on the default.
- Non-GNU MSVC WinCE builds are now integrated into mainstream 
  non-GNU MSVC make. make_vcce.bat was removed. Please read 
  instructions in make_vc.bat, how to initiate a WinCE build.
- Now Harbour is able to build and run properly in MSVC C mode 
  in AMD64 (64-bit) mode.
- Added experimental Pelles C WinCE GNU-make file. It doesn't 
  yet work properly.
- Post batch file called from core non-GNU make files was 
  renamed, please update your system if you're using them:
  exit_err.bat -> hbmkpost.bat
- Added experimental MSVC WinCE GNU-make file.
- Added Darwin autodetection to non-GNU .sh make files.
- Changed GNU-make name of MinGW WinCE compiler (HB_COMPILER) 
  from 'cemgw' to 'mingwce'. Please update your system, if 
  you've been using this directly (and not via make_* scripts).
- Memory statistics module now turned off by default for optimal 
  performance. It can be turned on by setting HB_FM_STATISTICS 

- Added HB_LEGACY_LEVEL macro to control inclusion of 
  certain deprecated Harbour elements. This macro is 
  enabled by default, and will be disabled (and legacy 
  parts probably removed) in Harbour 1.1. You can disable it 
  now manually by #defining HB_LEGACY_LEVEL_OFF, in order to 
  check what elements needs to be changed, and if they were 
  properly and fully changed in your local code.
- HB_DBG_*() internal functions moved to the internal 
  function namespace __DBG*(). Some of these - potentially 
  used by 3rd party packages - are still accessible under 
  the old name, when HB_LEGACY_LEVEL is #defined.
- Removed old __VM*() macros which were aliased to __DBG*()
- Macro name change __EXPORT__ -> HB_DYNLIB
  This shouldn't normally affect users, but if you happen 
  to use it, please update it.
- Some internal macro names changed as follows:
  OS_DOS_COMPATIBLE                   -> !defined( HB_OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE )
  OS_FILE_MASK                        -> HB_OS_ALLFILE_MASK
  OS_EOL_LEN                          -> HB_OS_EOL_LEN
  HARBOUR_GCC_OS2                     -> HB_OS_OS2_GCC
  HARBOUR_MAIN_STD                    -> HB_MAIN_STD
  HARBOUR_MAIN_WIN                    -> HB_MAIN_WIN
  If you happen to use these, please update your code to use 
  the new names. The more commonly used ones (marked with '*') 
  are still available under the old name, covered with HB_LEGACY_LEVEL.
- hbmake and hbdoc tools reduction in size, several 
  fixes, better multiplaform support and lots of code cleanups, 
  especially in hbmake (still a long way to go though).
- Some names deprecated and replaced with new ones:
  EVALINFO_PTR -> marked as legacy, use PHB_EVALINFO instead.
  All of these are marked with HB_LEGACY_LEVEL.
  Important to note that legacy Clipper compatible C
  sources may continue to use Clipper compatible symbols, 
  regardless of the HB_LEGACY_LEVEL setting. It's advised 
  to change these to Harbour-only C sources in preparation 
  to the next Harbour major version (1.1).
- Marked hb_fileNameConv() as HB_LEGACY_LEVEL. 3rd party 
  and app developers should switch to hb_fsNameConv().
- GTI_*, GFX_* macros marked as HB_LEGACY_LEVEL. Please use 
  HB_GTI_*, HB_GFX_* equivalents.
- Fixed potential buffer overrun in hb_fsTempName().
  This got introduced shortly before 1.0.0.
- Debugger: Strip function name from module name used to initialize
  global and file wide variables. It fixes presenting file wide 
  static variables in debugger.
- Removed hb_hInstance, hb_hPrevInstance, s_iCmdShow, s_WinMainParam 
  old undocumented public variables. 3rd parties should use 
  official hb_winmainArgGet() API to get these values.
  This feature is also HB_LEGACY_LEVEL dependent, therefore it will 
  be finalized in 1.1, until then, old symbols will still work.
- Fixed _FIELD indirectly used as alias to generate the right RTE:
  ? ("_FIELD")->NAME, or:
  M->var := "_FIELD"; ? ("&var")->NAME
- Fixed OS() to detect Vista/Windows 2008. This bug got 
  introduced in 1.0.0rc2.
- Fixed OS() string when run on Windows XP 64-bit Edition.
- Changed HB_COMPILER() to always show 32/64-bit in the 
  returned string.
- Fixed GPFs and leaks when using Harbour compiler -w3 switch.
- Bad workaround added for Pelles C 5.00.1 in AMD64 mode to 
  compile the Harbour 'inet' subsystem. It won't properly 
  work, but it lets build the rest of Harbour (like hbrun.exe).
- PCRE lib upgraded to 7.8 (from 7.7)
- Fixed dbInfo( DBI_POSITIONED ) returned value.
- Fixed internal error in dirty index reading.
- Fixed return value of HB_INETGETSNDBUFSIZE().
- Fixed GPF when user sort code block reduces the size of sorted array.
- Fixed typo in hash cloning code which caused that references
  was copied to cloned array. Thanks to Mindaugas for example.
- Added missing MESSAGE  TO  to

- hbmzip potential GPF fixed in executable type detection.
- General code style fixes in certain contribs.
- Harbour -km switch enabled for contribs.
- hbmysql SQLFETCHR() function updated to allow fetching 
  binary (BLOB) fields.
- hbclipsm GAUGE*() function fixes.
- gtalleg fixed to compile under several non-*nix platforms
  (still needs more work).
- xhb: HB_ARRAYBLOCK() compatibility function added.
- hbnf FT_GETE() function bad leak fixed on Win32 systems, 
  and potential GPF on all systems.
- hbwhat32 removed header. Header with the same 
  name and identical content can be found in xhb contrib.
- hbct VOLUME() buffer overrun fixed.
- hbole GPF fixed. This bug got introduced in 1.0.0rc2.
- hbole, hbw32 64-bit fix for MESSAGEBOX() functions. It now 
  allows for both pointer and numeric types to be passed as 
  a window handle.
- hbwhat32 fixed to not define WinMain() and also not to 
  collide with certain Harbour public symbols.
- hbw32 unnecessary memory allocation hacks removed from 
  OLE support.
- Using ANSI C comments more consistently in contribs.
- hbct / atnum.c changed to workaround a compiler bug in 
  Pelles C 5.00.1 in AMD64 mode.
- hbole modified to generate RTE when OLE object cannot
  be found, to be in sync with hbw32 OLE implementation.  
- hbbtree fixed scope problem in class, causing an RTE.
  Added build batch files for its tests.
- Remaining code (hbwhat32, hbnf) fixed to always use 
  Harbour C API, instead of legacy Clipper C API (*.api,
  clipdefs.h and extend.h).
- hbsqlit2 lib was moved to examples and sqlite2 sources 
  removed. Please use hbsqlit3 instead.
- hbziparch heavy rework/refactor/reduce/fixing effort, 
  what resulted in hbziparc, which implements the same old 
  ZipArchive interface with similar functionality (except 
  progress codeblock callbacks unzip functions and .zip 
  spanning feature), now rewritten in Harbour. If you need 
  to use this API, please change hbziparch to hbziparc and 
  link in hbmzip library, too. In contrary to old 
  implementation, this new one is completely portable and 
  fixes some potential leaks and GPFs. This code could use 
  some more testing, be aware.
- hbbmcdx fixed internal error in dirty index reading.
- hbcurl added support for libcurl 7.19.0 features.
- hbhpdf added support for libharu 2.1.0.
- Fixed so that contrib source files cannot collide with each 
  other when building them using the non-GNU make system.
- Former hbwhat32 lib added to the default contrib list 
  under the name of hbwhat, compilation was fully cleaned 
  and fixed to support Win64 platform. INTERNETREADFILE(), 
  INTERNETWRITEFILE() functions were fixed. renamed 
- hbhpdf fixed HPDF_ADDPAGELABEL().
- hbw32 got a new COM port handling class and API.
- gtwvg got some enhancements and 64-bit compatibility fixes.
  A critical 1.0.0 bug was also fixed, which could cause 
  dialogs to not appear.
- hbfimage fixed to compile with Watcom compilers.

Known build issues
- Windows 64-bit builds may generate a large amount of type 
  conversion warnings. This is currently normal and will be 
  addressed in a future version.
- Contrib hbfimage won't currently compile on Linux systems.
  This will be addressed in a future version.
- Contrib hbsqlit3 will not embed foreign sqlite3 library code 
  for Pelles C 4.5 and Open Watcom 1.7 due to fatal compile problems. 
  For these compilers you will have to supply sqlite3 library 
  yourself. For other compilers, some warnings are expected and 
  normal in this non-Harbour code.
- Using Pelles C 5.00.1 in 64-bit mode, HB_INET*() functions 
  won't work.
- gtalleg, hbwhat contrib may not compile on all platforms/compilers.
- hbcurl won't build when using DMC and libcurl 7.19.0.
  Earlier versions build okay.

Version 1.0.0 (2008-08-10) tag: 1.0.0

- Internal errors are now logged to file.
- Fixed -gc3 for doubly negated integers.
- Changed hb_xrealloc() to be ANSI-C realloc() compatible.
- Cleanup of MSVC C mode static initialization code.
- Changed internal representation for file attributes from USHORT to ULONG.
- Fixed memory leak in -gw mode.
- Portability fixes (Unicode, 64-bit, Pelles C 32/64-bit, WinCE, eVC4, XCC, 
  Linux mouse detection, OpenWatcom).
- Deployment fixes.
- harbour.dll related fixes.
- MinGW bash (msys) build related fixes.
- Darwin universal build and OS X Leopard (10.5) compatibility fixes.

- Fixed __HARBOUR__ macro on .prg level, when compiled with -u switch.
- HB_ARRAYID() moved to xhb.lib, synced with xhb and made 64-bit compatible.
- File handle usage cleanup and 64-bit compatibility.
- Automatic destructors for .hrb modules.
- Added passing non-string parameters to .hrb functions.
- Fixed casting for indexes with key length greater than 196 bytes
  created on tables with record number smaller than 256 in rddcdx.
- New FS API functions: hb_fsSetFileTime(), hb_fsGetFileTime(), hb_fsSetAttr(), 
- New date API function: hb_timeStampEncode().
- Fixed printing under OS/2.
- Implemented DBEDIT() DE_APPEND mode plus some other features and 
  compatibility fixes.
- MD5 calculation fixes.
- Added C level hb_hashAddNew().
- Compile time optimization of EMPTY() function.
- Compress trailing spaces during string item serialization.
- Replicated CA-Cl*pper compile time optimization bugs.
- TCP/IP function (HB_INET*()) fixes.
- Added HB_OSFILEMASK(), HB_DIRSCAN(), HB_FILEMATCH() Harbour level functions.
- Fixed RTE in HBReportForm() class.
- Changed (incompatible):
- hbdot functionality merged into hbrun.
- *nix exception handler added.
- Source filename visible in stack traces.
- ACHOICE() mouse support added.
- Core Harbour level ZLIB compression functions renamed as follows:
- Harbour .hrb API moved to the documented namespace as follows:
  __HRBRUN()    -> HB_HRBRUN()
  __HRBDO()     -> HB_HRBDO()
  __HRBDOFU()   -> (deleted, please use DO())
  (old function names still function)

- Better cross-build support for contribs with external dependencies.
- hbmzip OS/2 support, Unix .zip header fix, using Harbour memory 
  management functions, global and file comment support, HB_ZIPDELETEFILE() 
- hbziparch fixes and better portability.
- hbcurl fixes, now using Harbour memory allocation functions, 
  now older libcurl versions are supported as well, CURL_EASY_GETINFO() 
  fixed for unsupported info types.
- 64-bit compatibility fixes. hbmysql/SQLLISTF() function now 
  uses pointer instead of numeric type.
- Fixed adordd to be _SET_EXACT independent.
- Fixed hbodbc tests to work out of the box.
- hbw32, hbodbc 64-bit fixes.
- Fixed rddads to behave Clipper-like when trying to write
  when on EOF position.
- Added OS version detection functions to hbw32.
- Fixed HB_INC_* envvar usage in *_all.bat files.
- Fixed casting for indexes with key length greater than 196 bytes
  created on tables with record number smaller than 256 in hbbmcdx.
- hbsqlit3 warning fixes and error fixes for some compilers/modes.
- Added DirectoryRecurse() to xhb.lib.

Known build issues
- Harbour with MSVC in 64-bit will only build in C++ mode.
  Use 'set HB_BUILD_MODE=cpp' and 'make_vc.bat'.
- Windows 64-bit builds may generate a large amount of type 
  conversion warnings. This is currently normal and will be 
  addressed in a future version.
- Contrib hbfimage won't currently compile on Linux systems 
  and with Open Watcom compilers. This will be addressed in 
  a future version.
- Contrib hbsqlit3 will not embed foreign sqlite3 library code 
  for Pelles C 4.5 and Open Watcom 1.7 due to fatal compile problems. 
  For these compilers you will have to supply sqlite3 library 
  yourself. For other compilers, some warnings are expected and 
  normal in this non-Harbour code.
- Digital Mars C compiler compiles properly, but linking Harbour 
  executables doesn't currently work. This may be addressed in 
  a future revision.

Version 1.0.0 rc2 (2008-07-01) tag: 1.0.0rc2

- SVN repository cleanup in /tags and /branches
- GNU and non-GNU make system configuration moved closer to each 
- Reviewed and fixed platforms issues and compiler warnings 
  for the contrib area in most part.
- Enhanced contrib 64-bit Windows compatibility.

- __HARBOUR__ macro will now contain value in 0xAABBCC form, where 
  AA, BB and CC are the major, minor and revision numbers in hex.
  This is incompatible, as in previous version .c level __HARBOUR__ 
  did return 0xAABB, while on .prg level it had no value.
- Deprecated hb_itemPutCPtr(). Please use hb_itemPutCLPtr() instead.
- Deprecated hb_errFuncName public var. Please use HB_ERR_FUNCNAME macro instead. 
- Added hb_itemPutCPtr2().
- GTWVT enhancements (mark©, resize with mouse, palette handling, 
  some event callbacks, close button control)
- Changed SetCancel() interpretation in GTWVT.
- hbpp now uses the same engine as the Harbour compiler.
- Added Set( _SET_HBOUTLOG[, ] ), Set( _SET_HBOUTLOGINFO[, ] ) 
  to customize GPF and memory leak logging.
- Added better GPF dumps for Windows.
- Fixed clipboard handling on Windows under certain situations.
- Optimizations and minor fixes.

- Reviewed and fixed bugs and potential security issues in contribs.
- hbziparch updated, bugs fixed and ZipArchive library 
  updated to latest version.
- Added DLL call functionality to hbw32 contrib.
- Added HB_FREADLINE(), HB_CRYPT(), HB_DECRYPT() to xhb contrib.
- Added hbtip contrib tests.
- GTWVG contrib enhancements.
- Added SQL_SPRINTF() to hbmisc contrib.
- Enhanced STRFORMAT() in hbmisc contrib.
- Enabled hbgf contrib for all (Linux, OS/2, Windows) platforms.
- Due to fixing 64-bit portability problems, some functions became 
  incompatible, because numeric addresses have been converted to 
  pointer types:
  - hbwhat32: wndproc/dlgproc parameters in related functions.
- Removed function CEIL() from hbmisc. Please use CEILING() from hbct 
- Optimizations and minor fixes.

Version 1.0.0 rc1 (2008-06-04) tag: 1.0.0rc1

- The SourceForge repository was moved from CVS to SVN
- added docs/howtosvn.txt
- changed to extract list of files from local SVN copy using
  SVN commands
- improved CYGWIN compatibility
- new alternative make system for BCC, MSVC and GCC (maybe others in the
  future) which uses common dependences list. The old GNU make system is
  still functional and working
- added support for pure C MSVC builds (not C++)
- added rules to generate DEB packages - by Luis Mayoral taken from Debian
  distribution updated for current code
- added new man pages and updated the old ones taken from Debian
- fully removed flex and bison dependences in normal builds. Only developers
  who want to change the grammar files needs bison
- removed all HB_COMPAT_XHB definitions from source code - now all covered
  extensions should be supported by and/or xhb library
- removed 3-rd party header files from SVN, f.e.: ace.h

- eliminated errno access for platforms which do not have it.
- added support for PocketPC WINCE with MSVC, POCC, CeGCC and MinGWCE.
- added support for cross WinCE builds
- extended hb* scripts for cross builds: hbw* - Win32, hbce* - WinCE
- added support for creating RPMs with Harbour cross build for Win32 and
- added support for MS-Windows UNICDE builds.
- added support for shared libraries (.sl) in HPUX builds
- added large file support (64-bit) in HPUX builds
- disabled in default BSD* builds DOS/Windows DENY_* flags emulation
  implemented by BSD locks - tests on FreeBSD 6.2 and MacOSX shows
  that it badly interacts with POSIX locks and it's possible to create

The compiler
- added direct support to compiler for ENDSW[ICTH], ENDDO, ENDC[ASE], ENDI[F],
  Now they are not translated by preprocessor to END what allows better typos
  detection in .prg code because each statement can use its own unique close
- forbidden using EXIT and LOOP inside ALWAYS code in BEGIN/END sequence
- forbidden using ALWAYS statement if RECOVER code has EXIT or LOOP
- removed some restrictions on reserved words like using IF, IIF, _FIELD
  as field name
- added support for (@var):
- fixed many syntax expressions which where accepted by grammar definition
  but not supported by compiler, f.e. @func(p)
- added support for HB_ENUM*([@]) functions - disabled
  by default can be enabled by HB_USE_ENUM_FUNCTIONS macro
- added support for DYNAMIC functions - references resolved at runtime.

- fixed LOOP used inside SWITCH/CASE.../END[SWITCH] statements
- fixed using EXIT/LOOP inside WITH OBJECT / END[WITH] statement
- fixed optimization of empty BEGIN/END sequence when recover has
  EXIT or LOOP statement
- fixed using EXIT/LOOP inside extended codeblocks when loop is
  external to codeblock definition
- fixed using RETURN inside extended codeblocks when they are defined
  inside BEGIN SEQUENCE statement
- many other fixes for problems which can appears in nested extended
  codeblock definitions
- fixed problems with line numbering in extended code blocks
- fixed compiler -w3 warning when class has different name than class
- optimizations in generated PCODE and extended compile time optimizations
- added support for --version compiler switch for platforms which
  use '-' as option separator
- added new compiler switches:
   -q2 - disable _ALL_ stdout/stderr messages
   -kM - turn off macrotext substitution
   -ks - changed to pass base value by reference what allow full []
    operator overloading
- added new compiler switches for automatic filename, pathname and path
  separators translations (-fn*, -fd*, -fs*, -fp*) used for file open
  during compilation
- added support for dynamically set during compilation ChangeLog entry,
  ChangeLog ID, SVN revision and compilation flags.
  Update Harbour logo message to show the exact revision number and
- removed non-working compiler frontends: .NET CLI and JAVA.
- added support for i18n into compiler (-j[] switch)
  gettext compatible .pot files are generated

- added support for logical constants .T., .F., .Y., .N. in
  #IF ... / #ELIF ... PP directives
- added support for changing all -k? switches by #pragma, f.e.;
         #pragma -ks+
         #pragma -kM-
         #pragma -kx1
         #pragma -kJ0
- added to PP predefined defines: HB_VER_LENTRY, HB_VER_CHLID, HB_VER_SVNID
  with ChangeLog entry, ChangeLog ID and SVN revision
- added to PP support for:
      #pragma __[c]streaminclude "fileName"|

The runtime modules
- renamed core libraries
- cleaned code and guards all extensions to pure CL5[23] with HB_EXTENSION
- turned off HB_EXTENSION for the default builds.

- added C functions to access SET values (hb_setGet*()) which should be used
  instead of direct accessing HB_SET structure
- added hb_fsFileExists() and hb_fsDirExists()
- added hb_arraySet*() functions - they should help 3-rd party developers
  to eliminate using C stack level HB_ITEM and reduce usage of potentially
  danger function like hb_arrayGetItemPtr()
- added hb_itemParamStore[Forward]() functions
- added hb_dateMilliSeconds()

- FOR EACH detached enumerators now does not change on next iterations
- added support for scalar classes with operator overloading
- added full support for passing object items by reference even if they
  are not real variables but SETGET methods
- added support for setting string characters by assigning FOR EACH
  iterator, f.e.: FOR EACH c IN (@cVar)
                     c := Upper( c )
- added full support for FOR EACH overloading
- extended PROCFILE() function - now it can accept  |  |
   as first parameter, f.e.: PROCFILE( @someFunc() ) or
  PROCFILE( "PUBLICFUNC" ) or PROCFILE( nStackLevel ). For non character
  parameters it fully works also for static functions even if source code
  have many static functions with the same name
- added support for detecting not cleanly overloaded by linker .prg
- cleaned PCODE module unload procedure.
- added support for executing all inherited multiple object destructors.

- many fixes and extensions in debugger code mostly by Phil Krylov borrowed
  from xHarbour
- added to debugger support for inspecting objects which use hidden
  methods and members with the same names in different classes in
  inheritance tree - now context is dynamically changed

- added functions for translation to/from UTF8 mode and operations
  on UTF8 strings
- added functions for bit manipulations: HB_BIT*() and for conversions
  to/from hexadecimal format
- added set of functions with hb_ prefix supported extended parameters,
  HB_AT(), ...
- new TBROWSE class which is now very highly compatible with Clipper
  It should resolve 99.9% problems with BROWSE reported in the past.
- TBCOLUMN class is now fully Clipper compatible
- many fixes and cleanups in TGET class
- many fixes to GETSYS functionality, especially 5.3 compatible features.
- many fixes and cleanups in CL53 classes like TOPBAR, POPUP, MENUSYS,
  and related functions.
- Made C5.3 UI classes fully working and compatible.
- ERROR class rewritten in C so now it's possible to create new error
  objects also with active exceptions
- added missing support for _SET_FILECASE, _SET_DIRCASE switches in some
- added _SET_TRIMFILENAME - when enabled low level hb_fs*() functions strip
  trailing and leading spaces from file names to emulate DOS like behavior
- added support for _SET_DEFEXTENSIONS to native all RDDs
- many fixes in transform() function and fixed 64-bit integer transformation.
  Now transform() passes our all compatibility tests
- added undocumented Clipper error functions
- added functions to manage .ini files: HB_INI*()
- extended HB_KEYPUT to support strings and arrays.
- converted HIDDEN methods and members in RTL objects to PROTECTED for
  easier class extension in user code
- added many undocumented Clipper's C and .prg functions.
- added hbzlib and Harbour level compression functions.
- PCRE library updated to version 7.7.

- removed some restrictions on reserved words like using IF, IIF, _FIELD
  as field name

- added support for full compiler code integration with compiled programs
  WARNING: Please remember that compiler in Harbour is covered by pure GPL
  license and final programs should respect it so use compiler library
  only with programs which respects GPL.

- Added new GT driver GTTRM. It's terminal GT which can be used in different
  *nixes. Unlike GTCRS or GTSLN it does not use any external libraries
  like [n]curses or slang or databases with terminal description (termcap/
  terminfo). It has hard coded support only for few terminals (Linux,ANSI,
  XTERM) but because uses only very limited set of escape sequences then
  on most currently used terminals it works better then curses or slang
  based programs. GTTRM automatically detects ISO/UTF8 terminal mode at
  startup and chose valid output what should also help *nix users - it
  resolves problems with some box drawing characters and others which
  are not accessible in ISO mode. It also respects /etc/harbour/hb-charmap.def
  like GTCRS.
  As long as user code does not execute and full screen commands then
  it works like GTSTD so can be used also for simple stream programs.
- added new GT driver GTWVG. It's works like GTWVT but has additional
  support for GUI elements
- changed GTI_* defines to HB_GTI_*
- added optional hb_gtInfo() switch HB_GTI_COMPATBUFFER which can force
  using DOS compatible video buffers in all GTs. Anyhow please remember
  that it may cause that some extended information stored by GT driver
  in video buffer will be lost.
- added HB_GTI_ADDKEYMAP and HB_GTI_DELKEYMAP to define/remove new
  escape key sequences in terminal based GTs. It's supported by
- fixed color string decoding to be fully Clipper compatible
- OUTSTD()/OUTERR() respects automatic CP translation when they
  are not redirected to GT screen
- added common for all GTs CLIPBOARD support. If possible low level GT
  drivers uses system clipboard otherwise they emulate it for Harbour
  application only

- added new lang and codepage modules: SK, BG, BE, HR, UA, LT, SV, etc.
- updated codepage code for better handling accented and multibyte

- added support for memo file packing in PACK operation
- added new DBF fields like: AUTOINC (+), ROWVERSION (^), TIME (T),
  DAYTIME (@/T), MODTIME (=), binary integers with fixed decimal places, etc.
- removed limit for maximum size of relation string expression
- fixed registering workareas with numbers from 65280 to 65534.
- added SIX3 compatible library - now Harbour supports all SIX3 functions
  and extensions like triggers. The HiPer-SEEK and CFTS (HS_*() and CFS*()
  functions) was added before in hsx library. Now only bitmap filters
  (m6_*() functions) are not supported in SVN Harbour version.

- renamed contrib libraries
- TIP library borrowed from xHarbour and adopted to Harbour
- added HBCURL - libcurl interface library. (rooted from the 
  xHarbour version, but heavily fixed and further developed.)
- added HBSQLIT3 - SQLite 3.x Harbour callable library.
- fixes in MySQL and PGSQL library
- cleanup and many fixes in NF library
- cleanup code of CT3 library with many modifications and fixes
- most of in/out CT3 functions rewritten to use GT API so now they can work
  on all platforms and with all GTs
- added support for contrib libraries and new make system
- many contrib libraries borrowed from xHarbour code
- added xHarbour compatibility library: xhb. It emulates many of xHarbour
  behavior which cannot be covered by PP rules like extended operators,
  strings like arrays, one byte string in math operations, HB_ENUMINDEX(),
  HB_QWith(), HB_QSelf(), accessing hash item using OOP interface,
  accessing/assigning string characters using [] operators (many of the
  above fully works only in Harbour but not in native xHarbour code :-))
  and many extensions like HBLOG, HBXML, HBCSTRUCT, HASH, INET*(), etc.
- added HBTPATHY - Telepath(y) compatible comm. library.
- added HBWHAT32 - Windows API interface.
- added HBFBIRD - Firebird db access interface.
- added file which hides many differences between Harbour
  and xHarbour compilers using PP directives.
- added hbmzip library - it's wrapper to MINIZIP library which
  allows for compress and decompress streams, character variables, 
  .gz and .zip files
- fixes and extensions in ADORDD
- added automatic ACE version detection during building ADSRDD
- added many new Ads*() functions wrappers and cleaned code for
  possible GPFs when wrong parameters were passed to some functions
- added HBHPDF - interface for Haru Free PDF Library.
- added HBVPDF - Viktor K's PDF Library + Pritpal Bedi's OOP extension.
- enhanced and fixed HBW32 library - OLE and printing

- added HBDOT utility program. It's a "Dot Prompt" Console for the
  Harbour Language
         Syntax:  hbdot [ []]
   It should look and work in similar way to pp/xBaseScript
   by Ron Pinkas but unlike xBaseScript is does not have preprocessor
   or simulated runtime environment but simply uses Harbour pp and
   compiler libraries to preprocess and compile commands. It means
   that it supports all language constructions also statements, f.e.:
         "for i:=1 to 10; ? i; next"
   Additionally it can also compile and execute .prg files given as
   first parameter just like hbrun.
- added many new tests to hbtest
- renamed ppgen to hbppgen.

Version 1.1.1 Devel Build (2007-06-14) tag: build48

- added support for writable string enumerators (s:="abc";for each c in @s;...)
- cleaned the syntax and strange unsupported but accepted by [macro]compiler
        ALWAYS / END
- new debugger code with low level C interface borrowed from xHarbour
- added hash tables
- speed improvement
- added regular expressions
- added internet sockets
- added checksum functions
- added support for execution .prg scripts in hbrun
- added HB_COMPAT_XHB macro which allows to enable many xHarbour extensions
- added to default PP tables defines from
- added #ytranslate, #ycommand, #yuntranslate, #yuncommand
- fixes in BROWSE, GET and some other .prg classes
- fixed UFT8/UNICODE translations for control characters in GTSLN and GTXWC
- cleaned many memory leaks in Compiler
- added separated compiler library which can be linked with VM and RTL
- cleaned some possible bad side effects in cross references
- many other fixes, improvements and extensions - see ChangeLog for details

Version 0.47 Alpha Build 47 (2007-01-09) tag: build47

The compiler
- Added support for variable number of parameters functions.
- reimplemented xbase++ multi-value macro support.
- Added support for WITH OBJECT.
- Changed HB_INLINE() syntax.
- Added support for macro compiled messages.
- Added support for passing array items and object variables by reference.
- Preprocessor, compiler and macrocompiler code are fully MT safe.
- New lexer which translate preprocessor tokens to grammar parser
  terminal symbols - FLEX is not longer used by Harbour.
- Added prebuild grammar parser source code to CVS - BISON is no
  longer needed to build Harbour from source code - only developers
  which want to change Harbour grammar rules need BISON.
- Cleaned grammar rules with many small fixes
- Added PCODE version information to compiled files - it's checked at
  runtime by HVM to detect problems when files with old unsupported
  PCODE are linked with current HVM.
- Fixes in memvar core code (memory leaks, GPF, Clipper compatibility, etc.)
- Added POINTER items which inspected by GC.
- Added SYMBOL items with support for :exec() and :name() messages.
- Changed function references to use SYMBOL item instead of POINTER item.
- Added support for loading and unloading dynamic libraries with PCODE
  and HRB files.
- Many new different optimizations.
- New written from scratch preprocessor code.
- Added file with standard preprocessor definitions.

The runtime modules
- Modifications to make HVM code reentrant safe.
- Class code extensively changed with many extensions like nonvirtual
  methods and members, scopes, friend classes and functions,
  destructors, etc.
- Added support for PROCFILE()
- Profiler code disabled in default build.
- Added GTGUI.
- Added support for: REQUEST HB_GT__DEFAULT

- New USRRDD library. It allows to create new RDD from scratch
  or by inheriting from any other RDDs (except USRRDDs) and
  overloading any of their methods at PRG level.
- Added missing undocumented Clipper RDD functions.

- New non GNU make files with common dependencies list.
- Many speed improvements and fixes.

Version 0.46 Alpha Build 46 (2006-05-29) tag: build46

The compiler
- Added support for DATE type constants in the format 0dYYYYMMDD
  (FLEX version only).
- Added support for SWITCH command (see tests/switch.prg)
  (FLEX version only).
- Added support for FOR EACH loop (see tests/foreach.prg)
  (FLEX version only).
- Added new compiler switch -gc3 to generate real C code output
  (instead of PCODE array called by a C wrapper).
- Added new command line switch -r=
- Added -undef: compiler switch (borrowed from xHarbour).
- Added support for @filelst[.clp] - partially borrowed from xHarbour.
  It's not exactly the same as in Clipper because Clipper creates one
  final file when [x]Harbour series of files.
- Emit warning and error messages to stderr instead of stdout on *nix
- Added warnings in cases of duplicated loop variables.
- Fixed compilation of included files in cases when the file ends
  with ';' (with no LF or CR).
- Fixed bug in divide by 0 substitution.
- Fixed bug in ASC() optimization (when character code > 127)
- Fixed path delimiters in included file names.
- Removed strong typing in the compiler. Reactivate it by compiling
- Fixed to release the memory if macro compiled code contains a
  variable or a function reference.
- Rewritten jump optimization.
- Added optimization for: IF .T.
                          IF .F.
                          WHILE .T.
                          WHILE .F.
- Added dead code eliminator. It works only when Jump Optimization is
  not disabled. As a result, we have smaller and faster PCODE.
- Do not strip redundant line information when compiled for debug (-b).
- Fixed many more memory leaks in the compiler. Now, the Harbour code
  compiles itself with no memory leaks.
- Added optimalization of '+=' '-=' '*=' '/=' operators using new
- Added more optimization for localvar+=integer using
  HB_P_LOCALNEARADDINT pcode (borrowed from xHarbour).
- Enabled FM statistic by default when compiled without
- Added new errors (memory corruption and memory overflow) for
  compiler level FM statistic.
- Fixed double value presented in verbose genc mode for
- Fixed stripping non identifier characters from symbol table name.
- Added escaping of '?' character in generated strings to avoid
  possible conflicts with trigraph sequences which are part of ANSI C
- Force .0 at the end of double numbers to avoid possible range
  conflicts in generated .c files.
- Upper the default .prg function name created from .prg file name
  when compiled without -n switch.
- Fixed registering of startup procedure name.
- Changed code generated for double values to avoid limitation in some
  C compilers like MSC and possible differ conversion inside C RTL
  than the one which uses Harbour RTL.
- Fixed to release memory allocated with the preprocessor.
- Fixed bug in processing the list of optional repeatable code.
- Fixed handling of optional clauses in command/translate.
- Fixed <-x-> match marker.
- Fixed compilation of \[ and \] in command/translate.
- Fixed to preserve spaces the same way (almost) as Clipper.
- Fixed translation of nested command/translate.
- Fixed translation of TEXT/ENDTEXT to be more Clipper compatible.
- Added new hidden preprocessor directive
- Modified TEXT/ENDTEXT to use '#pragma __text'.
- Added #pragma __stream and #pragma __cstream (see doc/pragma.txt)

The runtime modules
- Separated internal and external API. Now the definitions for
  internal HVM structures and functions are excluded by default they
  could be enabled if user include hbvmopt.h before other header
  files. Such operation should be done ONLY by core code! If 3rd party
  developers use something like that then it's for their own risk and
  such code may stop to work with next Harbour versions. Without
  hbvmopt.h the internal structures like HB_ITEM, HB_DYNS, ... are
  mapped to 'void' so there is no way to access their members so we
  can modify them in the future without afford for 3-rd party code.
- Remove default API and stack macros. Now API/stack macros can be
  enabled by including hb_vmopt.h file. This file should be included
  ONLY by core code because binary object/libraries generated after
  can work only with EXACTLY the same HVM compiled the same C
  alignment switches. 3-rd party code should include hbvmpub.h only.
- Added support to passing function references as HB_IT_SYMBOL.
- hb_itemType() return "S" for HB_IT_SYMBOL.
- Message symbols are not function symbols, cleaned the HB_FS_MESSAGE
  usage and fix the problem with registering static function in global
  symbol table.
- Added HB_TYPE to as HB_ITEM type marker (UINT32 currently).
- Cleaned some ~HB_IT_BYREF which has no effect in current VM.
- Added new functions: hb_extIsObject(), hb_codeblockId(),
  hb_idleSleep(), hb_fsGetOsHandle(), hb_dynsymFindSymbol(),
  hb_dynsymGetSymbol(), hb_dynsymSymbol(), hb_dynsymName(),
  hb_dynsymMemvarHandle(), hb_dynsymAreaHandle(),
- Changed definition of HB_SYMB structure.
- Cleaned some HB_EXTERN_C declaration.
- Changed hb_arrayClone() declaration to:
  PHB_ITEM hb_arrayClone( PHB_ITEM pArray )
- Changed hb_arrayFromParams() declaration to:
  PHB_ITEM hb_arrayFromParams( int iLevel )
  The previous version needed a pointer to stack relocatable area so
  any stack resizing could cause GPF.
- Allow hb_param() to return parameters accessed by HB_IT_BYREF.
- Cleaned the code which created HB_ITEMs on C stack.
- Changed main VM loop to eliminate one comparision done on each loop.
  and the main loop can be exited only from one place. It gives some
  small but noticeable speed improvement.
- Possible problem fixed in __CLSADDMSG() where message parameter was
  required to be uppercase when overloading operators .NOT. .AND. .OR.
- Fixed GPF when unshareing string item buffer with embedded 0 by
  using hb_itemUnShare().
- Make HB_SET_TYPEAHEAD Clipper compatible.
- Set DOSERROR() to oError:OSCODE when RT error is generated.
- Fixed some small incompatibilities with Clipper in number to string
- Added HB_STR_DATE_BASE for conversion to string, Clipper
  compatibility though we are not 100% Clipper compatible in STOD()
  because we will have to reduce functionality (supported date range)
  to reach it. In Clipper STOD(DTOS()) is not revertible, it is
  revertible in [x]Harbour for the whole supported in string
  conversion range: 0000/01/01 : 9999/01/01.
- Fixed possible GPF in CTOD when badly formated date is given.
- Optimized hb_dateEncode().
- Fixed RT error number in hb_vmAddInt() for negative values to be
  Clipper compatible.
- Optimized __CLSADDMSG() to call hb_parc() only once instead of 25
  times for most cases.
- Synced file IO with xHarbour, it fixed some problems, added some
  missing functionality and long (64-bit) file support for Windows.
- hb_DiskSpace() changed to not give a runtime error in case of any
  error, but set the FError() value instead.
- Added C -> OS file error translations - not perfect but better than
  the used hacks (borrowed from xHarbour).
- Use hb_fileNameConv() instead of hb_filecase(), hb_fileNameConv()
  is the only one function to make file name conversions dependent on
  some SETs.
- HB_MATHERRMODE() input validation logic moved to the lower level
  function. This is a step to make this a simple Set().
- Added STRPEEK and STRPOKE FS functions covered by HB_COMPAT_FLAGSHIP
- Added hb_fsSetDevMode() Unix branch added.
- hb_secondsCPU() move inside FlagShip guard instead of HB_EXTENSION.
- Fixed invalid handle error in Windows when file() fails (borrowed
  from xHarbour).
- SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() is called if HB_INCLUDE_WINEXCHANDLER
  define is used.
- UnhandledExceptionFilter renamed as hb_UnhandledExceptionFilter, and
  WINBASEAPI removed.
- Added new functions HBDLLENTRY1() and HBDLLENTRY2(). These function
  allow to call a Harbour (self contained) DLL and provide it one or
  two Harbour items as parameters.
- Fixed GPF in HB_LIBDO called with wrong parameter.
- Fixed optimization of 'EVAL' in macro compiler.
- New GTAPI.
- Multi GT support with an option to link many GT drivers in a
  single binary and switch between GTs at application startup based
  on its environment.
- Added GTI_* defintions for hb_gtInfo() function. This function
  works in similar way to dbInfo() in RDD.
- New driver GTCRS based on xHarbour and Flagship curses code.
- New driver GTWVT for Win32 using GUI window instead of console.
- New driver GTXWC for XWindow Console.
- New driver GTALLEG for Allegro cross platform graphic libraries.
- Respect pure REQUEST HB_GT_NUL as user GT choice if only GTNUL
  is linked.
- Fixed displaying of boxes under the xterm, use @ TO instead of @ BOX.
- Cleaned startup initialization code for lang and codepages.
  at least one lang module defined at startup.
- Codepage: Updated UNICODE values for characters in range 1-31 to
  keep DOS compatibility.
- Codepage: Renamed files (cdp*.c -> cd*.c).
- Codepage: Added UTF8 related functions: hb_cdpUTF8StringLength(),
  hb_cdpStringInUTF8Length(), hb_cdpUTF8ToStrn().
- Moved EN lang definitions to core lang code so we always have
- HU sorting order fixed to be more compatible with Clipper.
- Added BG language support.

- DBT, FPT, SMT memos are fully support and automatically detected in
  USE command. For newly created tables the memo type can be set with
  rddInfo(RDDI_MEMOTYPE, [,])
  It's possible to use any combinations of memo and index files.
- Added RDDINFO() to set global RDD parameters. See for
  possible actions.
- Rewritten DBFNTX, now it supports in practice all CDX features with
  multi tags and many others. With RDDINFO() some important new
  features in DBFNTX can be enabled like increased maximum NTX file
  size up to 4TB, support structural/autoopen indexes, bounding record
  number with index key (like in CDX format what resaolves the
  performance problem with indexes which have a lot of non unique
  keys, etc.)
- User setable locking DBF mode.
- Added SIXCDX which is modified version of DBFCDX without trailing
  spaces compresion for SIX3 compatibility.
- Added ordKeyRelPos([nNewPos])->nOldPos which works with all RDDs
  and returns relative (from 0.0 to 1.0) position in index file but
  much faster than ordKeyPos()/ordKeyCount() combination. It works
  like AdsGetRelKeyPos()/AdsSetRelKeyPos() and the results for CDX are
  the same. For NTX ADS implementation is broken, just simply Extended
  System uses the same algorithm as for CDX what is wrong.
- Fixed ordKeyPos() for records out of scope.
- Implemented RDD level transforms (COPY TO/APPEND FROM).
- Long file support for all native RDDs. Now the maximum file size
  is reduced only by its structure if OS/file system supports 64-bit
  file IO, f.e. for DBF it's 2^32 records. For memos it's:
  2^32 * MemoBlockSize, etc.
- Synhronize RDD code with xHarbour.
- New HSX RDD.
- Fixed possible GPF when "/an/existing/path/" was used as file name.
- Enable 'Y' (currency) fields, translated to HB_IT_DOUBLE.
- Fixed some wrong behavior in SORT parameters setting in __dbArrange()
- Removed hack with COPY TO when lastrec() == 1.
- Fixed GPF in DBF2TEXT when work are is not in use.
- __dbDelim() generate 2001 RT error when work area is not in USED()
  before export file is created.
- Added DBI_SCOPEDRELATION action. It alow to test if given relation
  on current work area sets scope on child index.
- Set Operation in error object to field name in field{put,get}
- Added support for NULL value set in memo fields by ACCESS.
- Added all Clipper 5.3 BLOB*() functions support.
- Added new RDD DBFBLOB compatible with Clipper 5.3 DBFBLOB. It
  operates on memo files only (.dbv) without tables (.dbf).
- Do not report error when empty structure table is passed to
- Added support for NIL value in SIX3 FPT files.
- Changed definition of SUPERTABLE for optional dynamic overloading.
- Added default SYSNAME method.
- Fixed possible memory leak when APPEND failed in TRANSREC method.

- ADS: Added ADSCDX, ADSNTX and ADT RDDs. ADS RDD should not be longer
  used, it's only for backward compatibility.
- ADS: Call AdsFlushFileBuffers() only when _SET_HARDCOMMIT is set.
- ADS: Added possibility to save memo fields > 64K.
- ADS: Added support for relations in ADS* RDDs which are not
  supported directly by ADS or are for other non ADS* tables.
- ADS: Synced base RDD with xHarbour.
- Added conversion from tiny int MySQL type into numeric DBF.
- Added MYSQL_DECIMAL_TYPE for MySQL versions 5.0 and above.
- libct: Added CT3 like Window System, it's a GT driver which inherits
  from the existing one and adds CTW functionality.
- libct: Updated for GTAPI modifications.
- libnf: Use hb_fs*() API functions instead of calling DOS interrupts.
  Now NF dir functions works on all platforms.

- HbExtern: Heavily modified to produce more accurate output.

- Fixed for popper compilation with GNU C++ and OpenWatcom on Linux.
- Added support for cross compilation (Windows binaries at Linux) with
  MinGW (borrowed from xHarbour).
- Added functions for machine independent double and long long
- Enable HB_COMPAT_FLAGSHIP by default.
- Include ADSRDD by default in RPMs.
- Updated for new RPM which does not accept some old tags.
- Some modification in xhb* scripts building, adding passing
  predefined compiler and linker switches.
- Support for detecting startup function in C++ mode.
- Added support -go[0-3] and other -g* switches to xhb*

Version 0.45 Alpha Build 45 (2005-05-25) tag: build45

The compiler
- Fixed problem with dates.
- Some Out of bound buffer access fixed.
- Support for Clipper undocumented  match marker. Notice that this
  fixes support for: SET FILTER TO ¯o / SET FILTER TO ¯o. .AND. expr
- Support for static functions used in macro compiled expressions
- Added new .prg #defines: __PLATFORM__, __ARCH{16|32|64}BIT__,
- Several internal changes in the way Harbour handle numbers.
  Better Clipper compatibility in operations with numbers.
- Fixed accessing to uninitialized memory
- Fixed memvars and detached locals handling related to reallocation of
  memvar's buffer and detaching of locals in a loop
- Changed algorithm for recycling of unused memvar values
- Improved memory handling.
- Removed hack for GCC and old Bison versions
- Modified creation of symbols table:
  Symbol of function name never share a symbol of variable
  Symbol for INIT/EXIT procedure has now '$' suffix - this means that
  such procedures cannot be called from user code (Clipper compatible)
- Harbour now Run on 64-bits !
- Some small optimizations in harbour/source/vm/itemapi.c

The runtime modules
- Enabled creation of classes from C level using functions:
  hb_clsCreate(), hb_clsAdd() and hb_clsAssociate().
- Implementation of several Classes as in Class(y) lib:
  ScalarObject, Character, Array, Block, Date, Logical,Nil, Numeric
- GetNew() no longer evaluates passed set/get codeblock
- A new function 'hb_dynsymScope' was added to check if the passed symbol
  has requested scope
- Added many functions to the extend system: hb_parnll, hb_stornll,
  hb_retnll, hbretnlllen, hb_itemPutNLL, hb_itemPutNLLLen, hb_itemGetNLL
  which operates on LONGLONG
  Added hb_parnint, hb_stornint, hb_retnint, hb_retnintlen, hb_itemPutNInt,
  hb_itemPutNIntLen, hb_itemGetNInt which operates on HB_LONG
- Cleaned all endian dependend code found - now Harbour can be compiled
  on LITLE and BIG endian machines - for some other like PDP ENDIAN it's
  enough to define proper macros in hbdefs.h
- Added macros for to get/put values in chosen byte order:
         HB_GET_LE_[U]INT{16,24,32,64}( pPtr )
         HB_GET_BE_[U]INT{16,24,32,64}( pPtr )
         HB_PUT_LE_[U]INT{16,24,32,64}( pPtr, nVal )
         HB_PUT_BE_[U]INT{16,24,32,64}( pPtr, nVal )
- Added macro HB_CAST_BYTE_NUMBERS_OFF which disables casting in
  HB_{GET|PUT}_{LE|BE}_* macros - it's necessary for some platforms like
- Many macros added for easier manipulation of different APIs and platforms.
- Clean the code (no more warning messages under Linux and GCC and DOS
  OpenWatcom) - some of them were real bugs
- Replaced code which made pointer casting without respecting machine
  alignment with proper macros and fixed some problems with byte alignment
- Added function hb_stackIncrease() and modifications for new stack macros
- Improved Clipper compatibility in AFILL()
- Replace of malloc()/free() that still remains by hb_xgrab()/hb_xfree()
- Added new functions: HB_IDLESLEEP() and hb_idleSleep()
- Add the missing Greek language and codepage files.
- Added Spanish Modern codepage
- Synced HB CDP API with xHarbour - added basic Unicode support
- Added functions hb_fsLockLarge() and hb_fsSeekLarge() which uses 64-bit
  offsets in filesys.c for files larger than 2Gb

- Fixed a bug, causing random GPFs while seeking in NTX.
- Added some sets for RDD synchronization with xHarbour
- Improved indexing speed of DBFs with very big number of records (more
  than 1 million records).

- New functions has been added to ODBC: sqlSetStmtOption() and sqlColumns()
- Changes in contrib MySQL module: sqlUseRes() added, sqlListTbl() is
  modified, and other changes in tmysql.prg, tsqlbrw.prg

- Updated build process for Debian Linux distribution (.deb) packages.
  Now hb* scripts and shared libs are created by standard make install
- Added support for Solaris (SunOS) and Darwin (Mac OS X).
- Added support for Hewlett Packard Unix (HP_UX) and ALPHA DEC.
- Many adds and fix in compilation scripts on all platforms.
- Fixed some error messages
- Some speed improvements
- Many errors fixed

Version 0.44 Alpha Build 44 (2004-07-19) tag: build44

The compiler
- Fixed support for late/early evaluation of macro exressions in a codeblock
  (Flex version). Harbour(flex) is now full Clipper compatible here.
- Fixed support for stringify match markers <""> and <()> in Flex version.
- New compiler flag -ks was added to enable support for
  strings as array of bytes. (Notice that support for strings
  as array of bytes is disabled by default both in the Harbour compiler
  and in harbour's runtime modules)
- Added a new compiler switch -kJ to disable jump optimalization and
  NOOP pcode removal (optimalization is enabled by default).
- When xbase mode is not used (-kc or -kch) then compiler doesn't
  generate the pcode for these xbase extended features.
- Added support for DO  WITH @variable
- Fixed optimalization of literal strings that contain macro operator.
- Enabled support for break[].
- Fixed optimalization of far jumps (this fixes generation of pcode
  for abnormally large (DO CASE/IF/ELSEIF statements)
- Added support to OpenWatcom DOS/Win32.
- Fixed compilation of &(exp) in normal stringify
  markers (this fixes INDEX ON bug).
- Added missing support for @¯o and @M->memvar (aAdded a new
- Fixed generation of pcode for &(macro)->() syntax.
- Fixed #define parsing of pseudofunctions in cases where
  passed argument has the same name as declared parameter.
- Fixed parsing of nested #defines in command/translate
- Macro - Added HB_SM_ARRSTR support.
- Clipper preproceses '**' into '^' - harbour too
- Added HB_COUNTER and HB_PTRDIFF types - first for reference counters and
  second for any pointer differences and pointer to integer conversions.
- HB_EXPORT is added to ITEM API, FILE API and some other function
  definitions to make it possible to call them when they are in the dll.
- Removed all pointer/long castings (except runner.c).
- Fixed optimalization of AT,ASC,LEN,CHR functions
- Added posibility to specify the output PPO filename with -p flag
  e.g.  -pppo/myfile.ppo
- harbour.l modified to compile correctly with flex version 2.5.31.
- Fixed to compile FOR var[index]

The runtime modules
- Enhanced Debugger.
- Added missing code to use HB_IT_POINTER just like other value's type.
  For example:
      p = GET_SOME_POINTER()
      ? VALTYPE(p)   //prints: 'P'
      ? p   //prints: 0x12345678
- The support for runtime definition of keycodes mapping was added
  (translation from terminal key sequences into INKEY() codes) and are example files with keycode mapping
  HB_GT_KEYMAP() function was added (ncurses GT only)
- Added possibility to load a character mapping using HB_GT_CHARMAP()
  (ncurses GT only)
- Improved recognition of xterm compatible terminals (ncurses GT only)
- New internal command line arguments were added to control
  application at runtime:
            this flag controls compatibility issues of the virtual
            Available switches:
            c - Clipper compatibility
            h - Harbour extensions (enabled by default)
            s - enable support for strings as array of bytes (disabled
                by default)
            For example:
            myapp //FLAGS:ch
            will disable support for strings as array of bytes

            this flag allows change the keycode of application cancel
            request (usually Alt-C) - using normal INKEY() keycodes
            or extended keycodes (CANCELEX)
            For example:
            myapp //CANCEL:304
            will change Alt-c into Alt-b for cancelling (Alt-c is used
            to insert polish diactric letter)
- Fixed to release PUBLIC variables correctly
- Fixed bug in Directory( "C:\*.*" ) that returned 0 when hidden files
  were present.
- Alert() Fixed bug with messages longer than 60 bytes.
- TGet:display() fixed to always evaluate the get block before
  displaying like in C52.
- TBColumn - Added PreBlock and PostBlock instance variables for
  Clipper 5.3x compatibility.
- Fixed TYPE() function to return correct value when an  assigment to
  undeclared variable is checked (Clipper creates the memvar variable).
- TGet - Fixed to correctly display buffer when negative value
  and '0' was pressed in the position next to decimal point.
- TGet - Fixed support for '9999.' picture.
- TRANSFORM(1.23,"999.") correctly returns "  1." now instead of empty string.
- Fixed to correctly check for infinity on Unix STR(LOG(-1)) no longer
  core dumps.
- Fixed infinite support for WatcomC.
- Fixed to release memory in cases where invalid syntax was macro compiled.
- Added DATA CapRow and DATA CapCol values to TGET class
  (for Clipper 5.3x compatibility).
- Fixed to correctly return the procedure name where the codeblock was created.
- Greek and Serbian language codepage files added.
- fixed to use 'mkstemp' on Unix (no more GCC linker warnings)
- Fixed file find API to be compatible with CA-Cl*pper on the lower level.
- Fixes in TBColumn class

- Latest RDD changes synced with xHarbour.
- Fixed dbCreate() bug that closed an open dbf with same name as newly
  created dbf in a different folder.
- FIELDPUT() Fixed to accept and ignore field NIL values
  without runtime error. C52 compatible.
- Added scopped relations. Now OrdSetRelation() works with DBFCDX like
  it does with Clipper 5.3b.
- Changes to ADSCOPYTABLE.
- Fixed rddMoveRecords() so that copied records, which are
  deleted, maintain their deleted status.

- HBVer - A utility to automatically update include/hbver.h.
- BLDTEST : simple C program to check if Harbour can be compiled on
  used machine / system / C compiler.
- Some updates for the Spanish documents.

Version 0.43 Alpha Build 43 (2003-10-01) tag: build43 (tag date: 2003-09-26)

- RDD DBFCDX is highly improved, it is very close to be stable now.
- New national codepages has been added.
- .NET support has been started.
- OLE support library has been added to contributions section.
- Many bug fixes and enhancements in all subsystems.

Version 0.42 Alpha Build 42 (2003-04-08) tag: build42

- Further speed improvements
- Codepage subsystem added
- strings as (C-alike) bytes arrays management
- Classes "[]" operator overloading support
- Classes ":=" operator overloading support for locals and statics variables
- Extend system Clipper more complete compatibility
  and EPOCH and their Set() function equivalents are now automatically
  synchronized with the server instead of using the preprocessor
- Added support for some ADS version 6 features
- Many bug fixes and enhancements

Version 0.41 Alpha Build 41 (2002-12-31) tag: build41

** was not officially released **

Version 0.40 Alpha Build 40 (2002-06-16) tag: build40

- Great speed improvements
- ADS RDD: added support of extended data types, fixed seeking and
  scoping on date type indexes
- HbMake enhanced : Now support MuniGUI. Internationalization
  (Portuguese/English/Spanish) + HbMake with Windows user interface
- AltD() debugger invoke function fixed behavior
- DBFNTX functionality is significantly extended over standard Clipper's.
  Few bugs fixed, internal algorithms improved, what gives much better
  performance and index quality. Now DBFNTX is fully ready to Beta 1.0 stage
- DBFCDX more ready
- New enhancements and bug fixes in the debugger
- Many bug fixes and enhancements

Version 0.39 Alpha Build 39 (2002-04-08) tag: build39

- Delphi integration started
- Dbfntx basic functionality is ready
- Added new possibilities in hrb handling
- __dbSdf() is ready
- Enhacements to hbmake,hbzlib
- Great speed improvement
- New enhancements and bug fixes in the debugger
- Many bug fixes and enhancements
- Strings sharing and statics strings implementation (thanks to Ron Pinkas)
- RTL strings management functions optimization thanks to new function
  hb_retclen_buffer() and optimized use for hb_retc( NULL )
- Optimized objects messages sending (thanks to Ron Pinkas)
- Harbour persistence (Class HBPersistent) optimized and impresively
  more faster

Version 0.38 Alpha Build 38 (2001-12-15) tag: build38

- Added new function __VMVARSLEN() --> nStatics
  It returns the total amount of used statics variables
- include/hbapi.h Enhanced HB_IS_OBJECT( PHB_ITEM )
- __ClsAddMsg() case HB_OO_MSG_ONERROR modifed to use hb_parnl( 3 )
- __ClsAddMsg() call, for ON ERROR clause, modified suplied parameters
- ::Super(::oneVar) is now correctly interpreted
- Freezed Scooping because it was not anymore working after the
  previous fix. Waiting after Alpha build 38 to fix and re-enable it
- HGF (Harbour GUI multiplatform Framework) started
- Class HBPersistent added to RTL to provide Harbour objects persistence
- New PROPERTY | PERSISTENT clause added as a DATA feature
- New function __ClsGetProperties() added. Syntax:
  __ClsGetProperties(  ) --> 
- Harbour Profiler foundation functions added
- New apollo.lib for SIXNSX database connection via sde60.dll
- RDD Scope handling was changed to handle non-character
  scopes correctly. Numeric scopes now work in RDDADS, but
  scopes are not yet supported in DBFCDX.
- HB_FM_STATISTICS can be turned off by defining
  HB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF in your make or bat files.
  Rebuilding Harbour this way yields a faster program,
  but it loses the ability to report on memory usage and leaks
- adssetServerType now returns any error numbers
- Added AdsRefreshRecord, AdsIsTableLocked, AdsIsRecordLocked
- Dave Pearson's bitflags.c, which I ported to Harbour.
  Has functions to use a Harbour string for storing On/Off bit flags
- Added HB_TRACESTRING() which lets prg code trace a string into same
  trace file/window as C traces
- Added __TRACEPRGCALLS(  ) --> 
  Turns on | off tracing of PRG-level function and method calls.
  Dumps symbol name just before it's called. This is very useful when
  debugging GPFs as it will trace all PRG-level calls up until the crash.
  Uses HB_TRACE so traces are in line with any C-level traces
- Martin and Walter added a bunch of functions to libct
- David added the Path stuff so file() and other functions can work right
- Platform support for FreeBSD 4.4, which requires installation
  of the gmake (GNU make) port (instead of using FreeBSD's make)
- Hbzlib enhacements
- Some debugger fixes - it is now really usable.
- Hbmake enhacements
- On Win32 platforms, Harbour now supports the ability to create and
  use .dll files. These .dll files can be used as pcode storage,
  Harbour Runtime storage, or both, and if both, can be made callable
  from other languages that use .dll's as fully functional standalone
- Extended run-time preprocessing possibilities

Version 0.37 Alpha Build 37 (2001-06-26) tag: build37

- Fixed and improved NTX support
- Improved and fixed OOP
- More enhanced DOT prompt with scripting engine
- Enhanced HBMake utility
- New HBZLib library for ZIP support in Harbour
- Added support for HB_TR_FLUSH environment variable
- New Harbour License based on the license used for Guile 1.4
- New HB_INKEY_EXTENDED keyboard input mode
- More complete ADS support
- Extended run-time preprocessing possibilities (TPreprocessor class)
- Debugger fixes. It is really usable now.
- Access OLEDB & COM objects with the TOleAuto() class

Version 0.36 Alpha Build 36 (2001-02-22)

- NTX read and write support
- Support for Inline C code
- Dot prompt and limited Harbour Interpreter
- More support and fixes for ADS databases
- Improved and fixed stack handling
- Improved OOP
- Better Class(y) and TopClass compatibility
- MemoEdit() for 95% complete
- More improved and enhanced TBrowse class
- Lots of improvements on the Harbour Debugger
- New hbMake utility

Version 0.35 Alpha Build 35 (2000-08-15)

- Added HB_IDLE*() idle state handling functions.
- Watcom C++ fixes.
- New language modules: IT, DE, PL
- Slang support enhanced
- MemoEdit()/TEditor enhancements
- .ntx support started (creation now works)
- HBDOC .chm output
- Garbage collector added
- Compiler -u, -m support, support for automatically compiled files for
  DO, SET FORMAT TO, etc., memory usage optimizations
- Fixes: Line numbering, PP, macro compiler, RTL (Extend API, Item API,
  HBTEST (for Xbase++ and Linux), Documentation, Class engine
- HBZLIB enhancements
- MySQL database access contribution started
- ADS RDD encryption/decryption functions added
- New GTCGI driver
- Improved command line parsing
- Alternate Lexer (SimpLex), utilizes less memory, smaller Harbour.exe
  as well as smaller compiled applications (due to smaller macro compiler)

Version 0.34 Alpha Build 34 (2000-06-02)

- OO engine enhanced (multiple inheritance, scoping, forwarding and delegating)
- Linux/Unix ncurses screen output and xterm mouse input support
- MEMOEDIT support started
- CONTRIBs better separated from core Harbour (TOOLS moved there)
- Simplified and enhanced base for multiplatform coding
- Language API (link/compile time language module selection)
- Several small optimizations, enhancements and fixes (compiler, macro, GT,
  inkey, make and build systems, more strict compiler warnings)
- Compiler pcode size optimizations (new compact pcode versions added and
  other tricks)
- Far jump pcode support
- Double number size support in pcode
- Pcode finalized in the compiler, instead of the output generation modules
- OS/2 support improved (DISKSPACE(), MEMORY(), locks, etc...)
- Linux/Unix support for file locks and commit
- DBFCDX index creation support (started)
- Strong Typing support
- OBJ generation support for BCC5x + Blinker5
- Several new CONTRIBs (Nanfor LIB, ZLIB, MSQL, CA-Tools LIB, GT LIB)
- Clipper 5.3 compatible MENUITEM, POPUP, TOPBAR classes
- HBDOC further enhanced
- RSX32 and RSXNT compiler support
- SETKEY functions, ASORT(), SAVESCREEN/RESTSCREEN rewritten in C
- Extensions (XPP, C53, Harbour) are easier to switch of and better separated
  from Harbour
- Some fixes for 10 chars support
- New most compact and fast -gc0 (C language) output method added
- -gf switch renamed to -go
- Compiler /BUILD switch added
- Crew list added to /CREDIT compiler switch
- CURDIR(), CURDRIVE() fixed
- Updated national language modules
- More documented functions
- Documented all db* related functions
- New Item and Extend API functions
- New tests
- HBTEST made compatible with Xbase++
- DBU sources can be compiled with Harbour without changes
- Added more ADS RDD functions

Version 0.33 Alpha Build 33 (2000-04-07)

- Final cleanups on global macro and symbol names
  (date*(), console*(), HB_FUNC())
- DISKSPACE() enhancements
- Microsoft C++ 8.x compiler support started
- 10 character symbol support finalized
- VAL() made fully compatible
- PP bug fixes
- More functions documented
- Fixed to compile with Borland C++ in C++ mode
- Handling of double/long number widths and decimals made completely CA-Cl*pper
- Some new CA-Tools compatible functions added
- MEMO type support
- OS/2 DispBegin()/DispEnd() support
- #pragma fixes and enhancements. (better XPP compatibility)
- Source files split to several smaller files
- GT API selection is now at link time instead of compile time
- Make and build files further cleaned up, enhanced, optimized, synchronized
- Compiler and platform detection enhanced, some hacks removed,
  multiplatform cleanups and fixes.
- Warning levels upped, warnings fixed, code quality raised
- Version numbering standardized
- Multiple source file support in Harbour command line
- HBCLIP and RUNJAVA contribution dirs added
- HBDOC Enhacements: New subtags for better output: , for paragraph
   for bold,  for italic,  for bold italic font
   for color  for fixed text
for tables to insert the content of another file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.32 Alpha Build 32 (2000-03-07) - New Borland make files - Many make and build processes fixes, enhancements, warning fixes - Borland, MSVC and GNU-make processes don't collide anymore - PP now supports code in header files - Docs separated from the source - Docs enhanced - Compiler and macro fixes - FRM and LBL support - TBrowse fixes - HBDOC improvments - Some mouse support added - New C include file names - Many other small fixes and changes - PP __DATE__ and __TIME__ support - __TYPEFILE() added ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.31a Alpha Build 31a (2000-02-02) tag: build31a - Bugs fixed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.31 Alpha Build 31 (2000-01-27) tag: build31 - Added macro support - Many changes, fixes, and enhancements to compiler internals - Many changes, fixes, and enhancements to RDD system - Many changes, fixes, and enhancements to the GT API system - Improved SETCURSOR() and SET( _SET_CURSOR ) - Added FIELDBLOCK() and FIELDWBLOCK() - The Harbour '-w' command line option can set the maximal level of reported warnings. The following levels are supported currently: '-w0' - no warnings '-w' or '-w1' - Clipper compatible warnings '-w2' - some useful warnings missed in Clipper '-w3' - warnings generated for Harbour language extensions - The 'libs' directory is now named 'lib' - The 'runner' program is now named 'hbrun' - Some include files now have an 'hb' prefix in the name - db_brows significantly enhanced - Regression testing enhanced and expanded, replacing several standalone test modules. Now in tests/regress directory - Added FSETDEVMOD() - Added READINSERT() - Added MEMOLINE() - Added undocumented DISPOUTAT() - Added DEFPATH() and __DEFPATH() - Enhanced VERSION() to optionally include the compiler version used to create Harbour - Enhanced OS() to include more Windows version details - Added __INPUT(), __WAIT(), and SETTYPEAHEAD() - Added several undocumented __BOX*() functions - Added HB_VALTOSTR() - Improved Windows INKEY() support - Added missing Clipper 5.3 SETs: _SET_VIDEOMODE _SET_MBLOCKSIZE _SET_MFILEEXT _SET_STRICTREAD _SET_OPTIMIZE _SET_AUTOPEN _SET_AUTORDER - Added undocumented GETE() - Compatibility functions added: __CLASSNEW() __CLASSINSTANCE() __CLASSADD() __CLASSNAME() __CLASSSEL() __CLEAR() __ATCLEAR() - Added ANNOUNCE CLIPPER520 and ANNOUNCE CLIPPER530 - Added PROCFILE() - Added national message related functions: ISAFFIRM(), ISNEGATIVE(), NATIONMSG(), _NATSORTVER(), _NATMSGVER() - Added Harbour compiler tracing (i.e., debug output) - Many changes, fixes, and enhancements to documentation - Program added to extract documentation from source code and create NG, HLP, OS2, IPF and TROFF output files - Compile time expression optimizer - Some preprocessor fixes - Added ADS RDD - Added TYPE() function - MlCount() and MlPos() functions - Get system completely finished - Added HARBOURCMD/CLIPPERCMD environment variables - Added support for #pragma directives - Enhanced Getenv() function - Added //BUILD app command line option ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.30 Alpha Build 30 (1999-09-30) - RDD support - Support for MEM files - The debugger - Support for BEGIN/END/RECOVER/BREAK statements - The preprocessor supports changed order of keywords in xcommand/xtranslate - Error handler supports retry/substitute operations - Support for aliased expressions - Support for FIELD variables - Support for canceling the application by pressing Alt-C - Enhanced ITEM API - Support for internal command line options '//' - Severe speed improvement - Better Directory() compatibility - Redirected output works now - Even more Preprocessor compatibility - Set HARBOUR= in environment to override Set CLIPPER= settings - Rudimentary Unix keyboard support added - Tone support added - SET KEY support was added - Extensive regression test suite added (RTL_TEST) - Array handling fixed and made Clipper compatible - Ragged array declaration and initialization support added - FileSys API extensions, more C5.3 compatible functions added - Compiler command line compatibility enhanced - Internal errors made uniform - Source code cleanup and formatting - Many new functions, samples and bug fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.29 Alpha Build 29 (1999-07-27) - Support for these compilers: C++ Builder DJGPP for Dos/Windows MacIntosh BC 3.1, 4.0, 4.5, 5.2 GCC OS/2 GCC Win32 MS VC GCC Linux / Unix IBM C Watcom C/C++ 10 - New INI file support - Enhanced support for MEMVAR's - Added support for PUBLIC, PRIVATE and PARAMETERS - Added support for empty arguments in functions. - Added colors support - Added support for concatenation operator "-" - Added support to generate runtime errors in functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.28 Alpha Build 28 (1999-07-18) - Added support for MS Visual C++ - First support for Apple Macintosh - Almost complete preprocessor - Error handling improved - Extend Library complete - First version of OOPS syntax added - MEMVAR support started - Pre processor available as a run-time function - Rich Text Format Class added - Many Terminal functions created - Many national modules added - Many new functions - Many bug fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.27a Alpha Build 27a (1999-06-19) - Corrected build numbers in Harbour.exe - Corrected a little bug in HScript.prg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.27 Alpha Build 27 (1999-06-18) - Added new directory with GNU MAKE files for GCC on Linux - Added support for Watcom C/C++ compiler - Harbour compiles fine on Linux now - Optional Strong Typed Variables - New DosShell function for DOS, OS/2 & Windows - First release of hScript added. Internet Scripting Samples! - Integrated preprocessor into compiler - Check on non used variables in codeblocks - Extended syntax for AllTrim and RTrim - Many resolved bugs - Many new functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.26 Alpha Build 26 (1999-06-12) - Check for non used declared variable - Better support for different platforms and compilers. - New Inifiles class - Support for IBM C++ compiler for OS/2 - includes runner.exe now So NO NEED for any external software to run Harbour PRG's! - Many resolved Bugs - Many new functions - New National language message files - New TestBank. It compiles ALL Harbour samples - : := can now be used inside expressions (codeblocks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.25 Alpha Build 25 (1999-06-05) - Almost complete Clipper syntax - Better makefiles - gtApi included - Preprocessor included - Files* functions working - Many fixes, enhancements and new functions - HTML and CGI examples included - Inheritance - Even more test PRG's! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.24 Alpha Build 24 (1999-06-03) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.23 Alpha Build 23 (1999-05-19) - Harbour.exe for DOS/Windows is included now - The Windows libs are also included (hbw.bat to build Windows .exe's) - .hrb files! These files can be run with the runner.exe (Source included) - No need for a C compiler anymore to run Harbour source! - New MAKE and BUILD files for IBM C++ 3.0 for OS/2 - Many fixes, Many enhancements (See ChangeLog in the Harbour directory) - Added support for '-i' option (#include file search path) - Even more test PRG's ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.21-2 Alpha Build 21-2 (1999-05-13) - 32 bits OBJ's generation - More Clipper language compatibility - New object oriented features ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.20-2 Alpha Build 20-2 (1999-05-01) - It is not required to name Main() as the starting function. You may use any function name there - Logical AND shortcutting - New compiler /z to suppress shortcutting (see tests\working\and_or.prg) - Memory unreleased blocks improved - Many latest diffs implemented ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.18 Alpha Build 18 (1999-04-23) - Statics support - Classes creation: just a very very brief - Most important changes are related to the Harbour object oriented capabilities - Dynamic symbol table implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.17 Alpha Build 17 (1999-04-20) - Multidimensional arrays support!!! - Spitted files - We have started the runtime library implementation (source\rtl) - The harbour.lib gets built from the make file - Dates support - Dynamic stack is properly working - Much improved extend system - More tests for dates, strings - Dates support including adding and subtracting! - Variables by reference support - Labeled C pcode output - Many diffs implemented ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.16 Alpha Build 16 (1999-04-17) - New project directories structure - Added support for command line parameters - Compiler /o options changed to /g - /gc added (default option) - Changes on types.h - Extend system functions enhanced - Do case support - _POWER support on hvm - _MODULUS support on hvm - Latest proposed diffs implemented ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.15 Alpha Build 15 (1999-04-14) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.14 Alpha Build 14 (1999-04-13) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.13 Alpha Build 13 (1999-04-10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.12 Alpha Build 12 (1999-08-08) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.11 Alpha Build 11 (1999-04-07) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.10 Alpha Build 10 (1999-04-03) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenClipper #9 Alpha build 9 (1999-04-01) - PARAMETERS support - BEGIN SEQUENCE support - #include support (it opens the include files and parse them) - #define support for both identifiers and expressions (though expressions are not translated yet) - #ifdef and #ifndef support - while loops without statements support - Bison 1.24 is used now instead of byacc as byacc were returning a 'Out of space' error (parser execution is faster now!) - We are linking using huge memory model now cause DGROUP was already over 64Kb ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenClipper #8 Alpha build 8 (1999-03-29) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenClipper #7 Alpha build 7 (1999-03-26) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenClipper #6 Alpha build 6 (1999-03-25) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * $Id: windll.txt 9411 2008-09-16 03:18:31Z vszakats $

Windows 32-bit DLLs with Harbour code

Programs created with Clipper or Harbour are traditionally a
monolithic EXE containing all executable code.  This includes
the Virtual Machine (VM) and the RunTime Library (RTL) as well as
your own code.  Running under Windows with Harbour, you
can now also create and use Windows DLLs that contain PRG code.

Harbour supports Windows DLLs in 3 ways.

  1) Self-contained DLLs containing functions from any platform.
     (These are not what we call a "harbour.dll", although they may
     be named that. The DLL entry points are different.)
     These have the VM/RTL inside them and can be used by any other
     Windows program. You can create a .lib for static linking,
     or use GetProcAddress as in any standard Windows DLL.
     Calling Harbour/Prg functions directly is limited to
     those that take no parameters unless you include C functions
     in the DLL that take parameters and then call the PRG-level

     To do static linking, do this to create the .lib:
        implib harbour.lib harbour.dll
     For the Borland C platform, use that library and import32.lib
     and cw32.lib from Borland, and you are ready to go.

     See contrib\delphi\hbdll for an example of a Delphi program that can
     use all of Harbour's functionality by accessing a self-contained DLL.
     bld_sdll.bat is used there to create the DLL.

  2) PCode EXEs using a Harbour.dll

     A Harbour.dll is designed to be called from a Harbour app.
     A pcode EXE is a small Harbour executable that does not contain the
     VM/RTL. To execute its functions, it must load and access a
     If you want dynamic linking, then use this to execute a Harbour
     dynamically loaded pcode DLL function or procedure:
        HB_DllDo(  [,] ) --> []

     This lets you have all your common code in a DLL, and have lots
     of small EXEs that use it.  Realize however that, even though this
     may be a nice way to manage your code, each EXE may
     load its own image of the Harbour.dll into memory at runtime.
     In terms of Windows memory, there may not be a benefit to using pcode
     EXEs over monolithic EXEs. But it may be a worthwhile maintenance
     benefit to have lots of replaceable small exes.

  3) PCode DLLs used from traditional EXEs
     A pcode DLL does not contain the VM/RTL.
     It is a library of Harbour-compiled PRG code that uses the VM/RTL
     of the EXE that calls it.  This has the benefit of having
     replaceable modules in DLLs that don't necessarily require updating
     your EXE.

The following is clipped from a msg by Antonio Linares to the Harbour
developer list explaining some of the details:

Please notice that there are three different Windows DLL entry points:
   + source/vm/
   * maindll.c     Windows self-contained DLL entry point
   * maindllh.c    Windows Harbour DLL entry point  (harbour.dll)
   * maindllp.c    Windows pcode DLL entry point and VM/RTL routing functions

   >    * maindll.c     Windows self-contained DLL entry point
   To produce Harbour code, as DLLs, that may be used
   from other programming languages applications (as VB,
   Delphi, C++, etc...)

   >    * maindllh.c    Windows Harbour DLL entry point  (harbour.dll)
   To produce Harbour.dll, to be just used from small pcode Harbour EXEs

   >    * maindllp.c    Windows pcode DLL entry point and VM/RTL routing
   To produce small pcode DLLs, to be used just from Harbour EXE apps.
   maindllp.c is the entry point for the Harbour pcode DLLs. pcode DLLs
   are quite small DLLs, that just contain pcode and/or C (using extend
   api) functions.

   mainwin.c is the entry point for Windows EXEs, not for DLLs.

   You may use maindll.c, maindllh.c or maindllp.c based on
   your needs.

   If you are looking to build a Harbour.dll, then you must use

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